Headache on top of skull weakness dizziness

The headache can cover the entire head, and sometimes concentrate only in a separate part of it. Painful sensations can be aching, pressing, bursting, stabbing, pulsating, periodic and constant. The most unpleasant and debilitating pain is in the parietal part of the head, that is, from above. Most headaches (pain) affect this area.

The top of the head is marked with a dot on a man

  • Why does the top of my head hurt?
  • When to see a doctor
  • Most common reasons
  • If the skin on the crown of your head hurts

Why might the top of your head hurt?

The parietal part of the head can hurt due to many reasons. Sometimes this symptom is present as an independent phenomenon or is accompanied by a number of other signs. Even if there are no other symptoms besides headache, you should not ignore this condition; still seek medical help. Information will be provided by the nature of the pain, its duration, etc.

Does the top of your head hurt? Causes:

  1. An acute condition when attacks of pain occur suddenly and are not regular. They occur due to injuries, infections, or stress; this condition causes a stroke or rupture of an aneurysm.
  2. The chronic condition is characterized by regular headaches, which sometimes do not go away even after taking medication. This happens due to a tumor in the brain, constant stress, frequent lack of sleep or due to osteochondrosis.
  3. If pain occurs in periods, for example once every few days or weeks, and is easily relieved with analgesics, then this may indicate VSD, blood pressure disorders, neuralgia, or female menopause.
  4. Relapsing syndrome. It manifests itself in hypertension, cluster pain, VSD or a tumor process.

An experienced doctor will be able to guess the cause of vertex pain based on clinical manifestations, but additional research will be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

How my head hurts

When visiting a doctor, a person will be asked about the nature and location of the headache. The more accurately it can be described, the easier it will be for a doctor to make a diagnosis or prescribe clarifying tests. This affects those methods that will help get rid of pain. There are two types of pain that have to be dealt with – primary and secondary. The first is considered as an independent disease, for example, migraine, tension pain. The second of them is a symptom of another disease. An accurate description of the sensations will help determine what causes the headache.

For migraine

  1. Throbbing pain with this disease usually occurs after sleep. It is described on various occasions as moderate or unbearable.
  2. Localized on one side: in the forehead, right or left temple, crown.
  3. Duration - from a couple of hours to several days. There is a feeling of nausea and vomiting.
  4. Painful sensations are provoked by noise and bright light.

Under pressure

  1. Throbbing pain occurs during emotional overload and weather changes.
  2. Accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and surges in blood pressure.
  3. Neurotic disorders may occur.


  1. With increased pressure, a bursting headache is felt in the back (occipital region), which intensifies when bending over.
  2. Accompanied by fever, noise in the head, dizziness, and spots before the eyes.
  3. While moving, a person staggers, he feels pain in the heart and nausea.


  1. The pulsating nature of pain due to low pressure is rare. More often it is oppressive and dull.
  2. A characteristic feature of dystonia is that it does not reach pronounced pain severity.
  3. Mental activity, prolonged sleep (daytime), and physical activity provoke pain.
  4. No clear localization is observed. Unpleasant sensations may appear in the parietal, frontal or occipital zone. Accompanied by nausea, yawning or vomiting.

Traumatic brain injuries

Post-traumatic pain in the head can bother a person for the next two months. This condition may be associated with a concussion. The pain in this case is dull and pulling. Sometimes it pulsates.

Additional symptoms of cephalalgia are:

  • nausea and weak appetite;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • weakness and craving for sleep;
  • change of mood.

Ways to get rid of pain:

  • bed rest and examination by a doctor;
  • analgesics and nootropics;
  • sedatives.

Diagnosis of symptoms and diseases

If throbbing pain in the head persists for a long time and is in no way related to fatigue or nervous tension, then you should definitely undergo diagnostics in order to establish the cause of the symptom. Usually, modern instrumental methods are used for diagnosis, but before this, the doctor will definitely have a conversation with the patient about the presence of chronic diseases, previous operations and psychological trauma, lifestyle, living conditions, etc.

Based on the analysis of the information received, the following types of hardware diagnostics can be assigned:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging
    . It allows you to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the brain and detect tumors, cysts, and aneurysms.
  • CT scan
    . It is carried out to detect blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques. It is usually needed in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Ultrasound
    . This study allows you to analyze the condition of the vessels of the neck and head.
  • Electroencephalography
    . Gives an idea of ​​the bioelectrical activity of the brain.


This disease can be divided into different types:

  1. Vasomator migraine - pain occurs in the parietal region or on one side, for example, the left upper part of the head hurts. The cause is vascular changes in the brain.
  2. Neuralgic migraine - pain in the temples and upper part of the head. Causes include weather changes, stress, overexertion and lack of sleep. Sometimes a person complains of nausea, decreased vision and poor coordination of movements.
  3. Migraine with aura is accompanied by a number of symptoms, which is why this condition is called a syndrome. A person experiences dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, decreased vision, etc.


If the upper part of the spinal column is affected, then blood circulation is disrupted, first in the cervical region, and then in the brain. Due to this, a radicular pathology occurs - neuralgia, when the upper part of the head hurts severely. The pain can radiate to the temples, back of the head, cheekbones, shoulders and even to the shoulder blades. As accompanying symptoms, the following signs of cervical osteochondrosis appear:

  1. Loss of sensation in the upper limbs and occiput.
  2. Frequent dizziness.
  3. Double vision.
  4. Weakness of muscle tone in the cervical spine.
  5. The head and upper part of the skull may hurt.

Treatment is expected to be comprehensive. First of all, the manifestations of osteochondrosis, including headaches, are eliminated.

Headache on top of skull weakness dizziness

If a person is bothered by headaches and dizziness, then he can easily attribute the causes of the disorder to overwork, stress, or lack of sleep. As soon as these factors are eliminated, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear without a trace.

But when attacks recur periodically and begin to interfere with everyday life, you should consult a doctor and get examined.

After passing the appropriate diagnostics, the specialist will be able to prescribe therapy for the patient and give recommendations.

Causes of illness

Severe, unbearable headaches and dizziness can develop for various reasons, both harmless and serious.

The category of harmless factors that do not lead to disruption of the body’s functioning includes:

  • Sudden standing up, turning, bending . Patients with a weakened cardiovascular system often face a similar problem.
  • Stress . During times of intense excitement and anxiety, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released into the blood, causing a constriction of the blood vessels in the brain. As a result, the supply of oxygen to the main organ of the nervous system is significantly reduced, which it reports with a pain signal. The insidiousness of severe stress lies in the fact that after a nervous overstrain, when the patient is at rest, pain and dizziness return again and again.
  • Irrational, poor nutrition . Fans of fasting and strict diets should take into account that the lack of carbohydrates in the diet affects the glucose level in the blood plasma, which leads to hypoglycemia, which causes malaise.
  • Strong odors . The cause of dizziness and a migraine attack can be the rich smell of perfume, varnish, or paint.
  • Bad habits are one of the most common causes of severe throbbing headaches and dizziness. People especially often complain of feeling unwell after smoking strong cigarettes. In this case, the victim has a very severe pain in the forehead, temples, and back of the head, weakness, and nausea appear.
  • Lack of sex life . This delicate problem can trigger attacks of cephalalgia, sometimes very intense.

Pathological causes

If a patient experiences frequent headaches and dizziness, the reasons may lie in various pathologies occurring in the body. The most common diseases that cause malaise include:

  • Oncopathology.
  • Migraine.
  • Vascular pathologies.
  • Infectious pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  • Head and neck injuries.

When experiencing constant headaches, it is necessary to find their true causes and, if possible, eliminate them.

Brain tumor

The development of the pathological process is often facilitated by serious injuries to the skull and previous infectious diseases. The symptoms of cancer pathologies often depend on where exactly the tumor is located.

Common features include:

  • Pain syndrome in the head area.
  • Morning weakness, nausea.
  • Convulsive seizures.
  • Heartbeat disturbance.
  • Dizziness.

Vascular pathologies

The most common diseases associated with vascular disorders include stroke and atherosclerosis. The development of stroke is associated with brain injuries, surges in blood pressure, blood diseases, infectious lesions of the brain, osteochondrosis of the neck, alcohol abuse, and obesity.

When a stroke occurs:

  • Headache.
  • Hemiparesis.
  • Sudden increase in blood pressure.
  • Oculomotor disorders.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Speech deterioration.
  • State of stupor, drowsiness.

Often an attack of hemorrhage is accompanied by fever, paralysis, cuts in the limbs, sweating, and vertigo.

With atherosclerosis, the lumens of the cerebral vessels narrow due to their clogging with lipid substances (cholesterol plaques). The pathological condition is accompanied by:

  • Speech impairment.
  • Deterioration of coordination.
  • Headaches
  • Severe dizziness.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Decreased intellectual abilities.

One of the complications of this disease is stroke.

Infectious lesions of the central nervous system

Meningitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the spinal cord and brain. The disease develops due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nervous system. In addition to signs of systemic intoxication (vomiting, nausea, lethargy), the victim has:

  • Light and noise sensitivity.
  • Sustained increase in muscle tone in the back of the head.
  • The appearance of a specific posture: the patient lies with his knees drawn up to his stomach, his arms are bent, and his head is tilted back. In this case, the spinal column is curved.

Arachnoiditis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the meninges, provoked by:

  • Meningitis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Head injuries.

The disease occurs in an acute form and is often accompanied by increased intracranial pressure. In this case, its pronounced symptoms are:

  • Attacks of cephalalgia.
  • Head spinning.
  • Signs of strabismus.
  • Nausea.

Encephalitis is also referred to as an infectious disease that affects brain tissue. The patient notes:

  • Severe signs of general intoxication (the patient has pain, dizziness, nausea, weakness).
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Visual impairment.
  • High temperature.
  • Hallucinations.

Head injuries

Such disorders include bruises, concussions, and compression of brain tissue. They are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Temporary amnesia.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Cephalgia.
  • Severe dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Ear noise.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Heart rhythm and breathing disturbances.

The stronger the injury, the brighter and more dangerous its symptoms.

Vegetative pathologies

These disorders include migraine. Attacks of severe pain in the head are accompanied by:

  • Nausea.
  • Lethargy.
  • Vomiting.
  • Nervousness.
  • Light and noise sensitivity.

Source: https://novosibmemorial.ru/golova-bolit-sverhu-cherepa-slabost-golovokruzhenie/


Often the culprits of headaches are benign or malignant tumors located in the brain. These circumstances cannot be eliminated with pills or improvised means of treatment; serious therapy will be required under the supervision of the attending physician.

The pain in the presence of a tumor will be constant and intense. Painkillers do not help in this case. The pain is worse in the morning or after physical activity.

Among other things, other symptoms are present:

  1. Nausea, often turning into vomiting.
  2. Decreased vision or hearing.
  3. Poor motor coordination.
  4. Memory loss.
  5. Mood swings.
  6. Drowsiness and lethargy.

Symptoms that may accompany a headache on the top of the head

Often, headaches are accompanied by additional symptoms that may indicate a specific disease. Some of them can pose a significant health threat, so you should seek medical help immediately. Additional symptoms of headache may include:

  1. Sudden vision loss.
  2. Irregularity of blood pressure.
  3. The headache does not stop even after taking painkillers.
  4. Increased body temperature due to headaches.
  5. Dry throat and nausea accompanying pain in the upper part of the head.

Localization and characteristics of pain

The painful sensation can spread throughout the head or have a specific localization, be sharp, dull, aching, pulsating or tightening like a hoop, last constantly or periodically.

It is the location of the pain and its nature that can suggest the cause when making a diagnosis.

Pain in the back of the head and neck

Head pain in the back of the head, extending to the neck, is most often associated with vascular disorders. They have a pulsating, bursting character, spreading to the temples and forehead. This condition is often accompanied by dizziness, congestion and tinnitus, and decreased vision.

With neuralgia, the pain begins with an attack, which intensifies when moving the neck or coughing. Constant pain that does not subside even at rest may indicate deformation of the cervical vertebrae. At the same time, movement of the neck and head is difficult.

Pain in the temples: on the right or left side

Psychogenic temporal pain has a pressing nature and, in the presence of a positive emotional background, goes away without the use of analgesics. Acute - at the initial stage of a cold, infectious lesions.

Sudden throbbing pain on one side of the face appears in case of migraine, pinching of one of the arteries in the cervical sector of the spine. Brief, unilateral pain is typical with trigeminal neuralgia.

Pain in the vertex area

Crown pain is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the upper part of the head with pulsation in the temples and tinnitus.

Aching, spasmodic pain can last for several hours and even months in the case of migraine. Acute pain in the crown is manifested by an infectious disease, cervical osteochondrosis, dull pain - psycho-emotional overstrain, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Pain in the forehead and eyes

Frequently recurring runny nose, sinusitis and sinusitis contribute to the development of congestion in the cranial cavity, which is indicated by dull pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose.

With an allergy, such a symptom is sudden, starting from the forehead and moving to the eyes. Intense and constant pain is localized in the frontal area and the bridge of the nose due to visual impairment or wearing inappropriate glasses.

Pain in the back of the head with dizziness

Occipital pain accompanied by dizziness indicates improper functioning of the posterior neck muscles. Prolonged stay in a position with a lowered head entails a decrease in the volume of these muscles, as this causes them to lengthen and lose tone.

Dizziness together with pain in the back of the head may indicate cervical osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, or concussion. Feeling dizzy when pressure increases, along with bursting pain in the back of the head and throbbing, general weakness, and increased heart rate.

Examination methods

You should consult a specialist if you constantly have a headache in the upper part of your head. Even the most qualified doctor will not be able to determine the cause of the pain on his own, so the patient is sent for examination.

Fortunately, nowadays, thanks to innovations in the field of medicine, identifying the cause of this condition is not particularly difficult. The most informative method is MRI. Using this device, the doctor can examine the brain of a sick person in detail and determine the pathological condition.

But if there is a circulatory disorder, a CT scan will have to be performed. The vascular condition is determined by the MRA method (magnetic resonance angiography).

To detect the presence of infection, it is necessary to take a blood test. If, in addition to the pain in the upper part of the head, your vision has also decreased, you will need to consult an ophthalmologist. He will examine the fundus of the eye and determine possible abnormalities.

Principles of treatment

If the head and upper part of the skull hurt, treatment will be prescribed only after a complete examination of the patient. This must be done, especially if the pain bothers you frequently or regularly.

It is not prohibited to take painkillers on your own, but if the headache is a one-time headache, with repeated discomfort in the head, the pills can even be harmful. If the problem is minor, you can use the “Star” balm. It will temporarily relieve headaches.

When purchasing any medicine at a pharmacy, first read the instructions for it. This is especially true for children. Remember that many medications may be contraindicated for young children.

Headache and dizziness: what to do, causes, symptoms

If a person is bothered by headaches and dizziness, then he can easily attribute the causes of the disorder to overwork, stress, or lack of sleep. As soon as these factors are eliminated, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear without a trace.

But when attacks recur periodically and begin to interfere with everyday life, you should consult a doctor and get examined.

After passing the appropriate diagnostics, the specialist will be able to prescribe therapy for the patient and give recommendations.

Traditional methods

For sudden attacks of cephalalgia and dizziness, folk recipes will help:

  • St. John's wort decoction. A tablespoon of the plant is infused in boiling water, cooled, filtered and sipped three times a day.
  • For dizziness and painful nausea, eating a slice of lemon sprinkled with sugar will help.
  • Valerian infusion helps with migraines and stress.

How to treat headaches?

This treatment is provided for headaches not associated with serious pathologies:

  1. Analgesics. They will help to get rid of pain for a while, but will not eradicate the cause. It is also worth remembering that the pills can be addictive, and each time the pain will intensify, and you will need even more medicine.
  2. For moderate pain, you should not take pills; just take a walk in the fresh air and apply an alternating compress - hot and cold. Usually these measures help if your head hurts from overwork or nervous tension. You should not smoke or drink alcohol at this time, they will only worsen the situation.
  3. Acupuncture or acupressure can also help with occasional headaches. It is advisable to contact a specialist who knows which points to influence.
  4. Head massage helps with minor pain and migraines. The person relaxes and the discomfort goes away.
  5. Music therapy. It is better to include classical or ethnic music. But not all types of headaches can tolerate extraneous noise; for example, if you have a migraine, it is better to abandon this idea.
  6. Introduction of the drug "Botox". If you administer this remedy intramuscularly, it will create a lasting result that will eliminate tension and spasms in the head.

All these methods can be effective if the pain occurs as a result of stress, tension, overwork, etc.

Causes of pressing sensations in the head

According to statistics, every person experiences a pressing pain in the head at least once in their life.
It can have different localization and degree of intensity, and is often accompanied by additional symptoms. The reasons why the head is compressed can also be different. The sign is not always pathological in nature, but must be assessed by a specialist. In most cases, it can be eliminated by adjusting your daily routine or switching to a healthier lifestyle. Conservative therapy has a good effect on a number of diseases.

Ignoring a symptom can lead to the development of emergency conditions.

Types of pressing headaches

Based on the pressure in the head, where the symptom is concentrated and what manifestations it is accompanied by, an experienced doctor is able to make a preliminary diagnosis. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by various pathological and physiological processes, so specific therapy is required in each case.

When experiencing a pressing headache, it is better not to take independent action, but to consult a specialist. In some cases, inadequate therapy will worsen the condition and increase the risk of complications.


In this case, a compressive headache becomes the result of pinched nerve endings. It usually appears in the back of the head and spreads to the crown. It can be unilateral or symmetrical.

It is often accompanied by numbness in certain areas of the face or fingers. It is often mild or moderate in severity, but can be intense. Sometimes accompanied by characteristic painful lumbago in the neck, temples, and jaws.


The result of a spasm of the wall, expansion, narrowing or blocking of the lumen of the blood channel. Depending on the type of cerebral vascular damage, the patient’s head bursts or presses from the inside.

This may be accompanied by painful pulsation in certain areas of the skull or over the entire area. The squeezing sensation is accompanied by dizziness, restlessness, irritability, or weakness.


The brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which protects the organ from negative external influences. Liquid is constantly formed, circulates in a confined space and is absorbed into the blood.

As a result of damage to internal organs, infectious diseases, traumatic brain injuries and a number of other issues, these processes can be disrupted, which leads to an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid.

Due to increased intracranial pressure, a person experiences a pressing, bursting pain that does not respond to taking antispasmodics and analgesics. Often it is encircling, like a hoop that covers the entire skull.


In this case, the patient’s head is compressed against the background of fever and deterioration in general health. The phenomenon is the result of poisoning the body with toxins or other harmful substances.

Cephalgia is constant, obsessive, persistent, without specific localization. She responds poorly to taking medications and using improvised means to relieve symptoms. You can completely get rid of it only by eliminating the cause of the disease.


The most common type of cephalalgia, which occurs as a result of prolonged tension in the neck muscles due to stress, after physical and mental stress, is a tension headache.

In this case, the head feels like it is in a vice, sensations are concentrated along the entire circumference of the skull, accompanied by weakness, irritability, and decreased performance. You can even find the most painful places on your head by feeling the skin. The symptom goes away on its own after rest, relaxation therapy, massage.

Why can pressing, squeezing pain occur?

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is not enough to assess the nature of the pain; one must also take into account the presence of additional alarming signs. You should not try to figure out on your own why this type of cephalgia occurred.

You should contact a therapist who will conduct an initial survey and examination, prescribe treatment or refer you to a doctor of a narrow specialization. If the pressure on the head is only occasional and the symptom does not cause much concern, there is no reason to panic. It is enough to adjust your lifestyle and daily routine.

The systematic occurrence of the problem may be due to circulatory disorders, which requires immediate medical intervention.

Hormonal imbalance

Compression in the head can be accompanied by physiological conditions such as PMS, menstruation, menopause.

At the same time, the woman feels as if her head has been tightened; even touching the skin can be painful. Also, the symptom can occur when the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted, in particular the parathyroid and thyroid glands.


Women of reproductive age especially often suffer from this disease. A painful attack occurs on its own or in response to irritants. It can develop without warning or after an aura (a set of specific symptoms).

The pressing sensation during migraine is often accompanied by pulsation or bloating. It usually originates in the frontal part, radiates to the eyes, temples and back of the head from the problematic side, and gradually spreads to the entire hemisphere. The attack lasts from several hours to 3 days. It is often accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting, which brings relief.

Traumatic brain injuries

Head injuries rarely occur without pain. The symptom occurs immediately after the blow or some time after it.

In some cases, there is a lot of pressure on the head from above, in others, patients feel as if their skull is splitting due to the pressure coming from inside.

The condition is usually accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, fainting, problems with perception or speech, nausea and vomiting. Even minor cephalgia that appears after a head injury is an indication to see a doctor.

If you miss the development of cerebral edema, rupture of a vessel or the formation of a hematoma, this can lead to death.

Hypertonic disease

With high blood pressure, patients feel not so much squeezing as bloating in the head. It does not allow you to rest or even close your eyes. The sensation occurs in the back of the head and can spread throughout the entire skull. At the peak of pain, pulsation occurs.

The patient's face turns red, his pulse and breathing quicken. Any external irritants intensify symptoms. After a while, they are accompanied by nausea and dizziness. A person who has high blood pressure should monitor any changes in their condition.

Hypertension significantly increases the risk of developing stroke and cardiovascular pathologies.

Tension headache

A persistent and pronounced feeling of fullness in the head is often classified as an occupational disease. Tension headaches are typical for people engaged in mental work and those who are forced to remain in a position for a long time in which the neck muscles are tense.

This leads to impaired blood circulation in the collar area, hypoxia of the brain, and its poisoning with toxins due to a failure of the outflow of venous blood. Soreness often occurs in the forehead or back of the head and gradually spreads along the entire perimeter of the skull.

As a result, the patient feels as if he has a tight headdress or hoop on his head.


Another common cause of non-pathological cephalgia, which is characterized by pressing sensations. Anxiety leads to increased muscle tone and disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues of the neck and skull. The result is a tightening pain.

It can occur in different areas of the head. Local manifestations gradually merge into more massive zones, but the severity of the symptom does not increase.

This hoop-squeezing cephalalgia can be relieved by using relaxation techniques and taking sedatives.


Due to a sedentary lifestyle, refusal of physical activity and a number of pathological reasons, the structure of the cartilage in the cervical spine changes. This leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the canal through which large blood vessels and nerves pass.

The brain begins to experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, and the veins cannot cope with the removal of blood saturated with toxins. As a result, a person feels compression of the head, which occurs in the back of the head and radiates to the crown. This is accompanied by stiffness in the movements of the upper shoulder girdle and a crunch in the neck when turning the head.

Weather changes with changes in atmospheric pressure

Dizziness, nausea, headache, weakness and general deterioration in health are typical for weather-sensitive people. The more abruptly the atmospheric pressure changes, the more pronounced their symptoms are. Sometimes the intensity of the manifestations is such that a person cannot do his usual activities.

The symptoms are poorly responsive to medications. They often develop suddenly and go away on their own within a few hours or days.

Human lifestyle

Alcohol abuse, smoking and refusal to get a good night's rest are factors that lead to a decrease in the functionality of cerebral vessels.

Additionally, toxins that the body does not have time to neutralize and remove have a negative effect on the organ.

Pressing pain in the head is complemented by dizziness, muscle weakness, apathy and loss of appetite, nausea and fatigue, and sleep problems.

Ignoring the signs and refusing to adjust your lifestyle can lead to the development of organic problems and chronic diseases.


After the diagnosis of the disease has been made and the causes of cephalgia have been established, appropriate therapy is carried out. The list of treatment measures is established by the doctor. Even the use of traditional medicine is best coordinated with a specialist, so as not to aggravate the situation or neutralize the effect of the drugs.

Methods for eliminating the symptom depend on the factors that provoke it:

  • for migraines, the doctor selects the optimal painkillers - triptans, ergotamines, analgesics, NSAIDs;
  • in case of hypertension, it is necessary to reduce blood pressure to normal levels - antihypertensive drugs, diuretics and herbs are used;
  • headaches due to tension and stress are treated with massage, taking sedatives, physical therapy and, if necessary, antispasmodics;
  • for hormonal problems, therapy is coordinated with an endocrinologist;
  • one-time manifestations of cephalgia are relieved by taking NSAIDs, antispasmodics or analgesics;
  • for osteochondrosis, massage and exercise therapy methods are used. Drug therapy is carried out aimed at relieving pain and restoring the structure of cartilage tissue.

Even if it seems that the cause of the headache is obvious, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis under the supervision of a specialist. It will confirm or refute suspicions, eliminate the risks of complications and the transition of an acute disease to a chronic one, and will identify concomitant diseases.

Preventing pressing headaches

Regular medical examinations and timely treatment of diseases will prevent you from encountering regular or prolonged attacks of pressing cephalalgia. Elderly people and people leading a sedentary lifestyle should pay special attention to their condition.

Effective prevention of pressing headaches:

  • daily ventilation of working and living spaces;
  • long walks in parks, which allow you to saturate the body with oxygen;
  • introducing an age-appropriate level of intensity into the physical exercise regime - it is better to spend time in the fresh air rather than in the gym;
  • performing self-massage of the head and collar area when stiffness appears in the neck;
  • a full night's sleep of 8-9 hours, refusal of daytime rest;
  • prevention of stress, taking natural sedatives if necessary;
  • quitting smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy foods that increase blood cholesterol levels.

The listed rules of prevention must be followed constantly, and not just when the first alarming symptoms appear. Additionally, it is worth strengthening the immune system by hardening the body and seasonally taking vitamin complexes. You should check your blood cholesterol levels at least twice a year, and measure your blood pressure at least once a week.

A situation where there is pressure on the head knocks you out of your usual rhythm, even in the absence of additional symptoms. A one-time occurrence of a problem indicates that you need to pay attention to your usual lifestyle and eliminate potentially dangerous factors. The systematic occurrence of a symptom is a signal about the presence of serious problems in the body and the need for specialized therapy.

Source: https://insultinform.ru/bolezni/golovnye-boli/prichiny-sdavlivaniya-golovy

Drug therapy

To know which medications help with pain in the crown, you should familiarize yourself with this list:

  1. "Citramon", "Askofen" are indicated if a decrease in pressure is observed.
  2. "Farmadipine", "Captopril" - these drugs are indicated for high blood pressure.
  3. Vitamin and mineral complexes are indicated for migraines.
  4. "Sedalgin" is prescribed for cluster pain.
  5. “Spazmalgon”, “Ibuprofen”, “Nurofen” are painkillers that are recommended to be taken for paroxysmal pain in the head. After this, the patient should lie down.
  6. Walking in the fresh air is recommended for neuroses, depression or after stress. Such people are often prescribed antidepressants, psychotherapy courses and a relaxing massage.

It is recommended to take all medications after consulting a doctor.

If the skin on the crown of your head hurts

Sometimes a condition arises in which painful sensations are concentrated on the skin of the crown and appear at the moment of touching the hair. This feeling occurs in the following situations:

  • allergies to hair care products;
  • tight hairstyle or too heavy hair;
  • fungal disease of the scalp;
  • psoriasis of the scalp;
  • spasm of blood vessels surrounding and feeding the hair follicles.

These are the main reasons why the scalp on the top of your head hurts, and you can take the following steps to relieve or stop the pain:

  1. Stop using products that cause allergies, apply a soothing bread mask to the scalp or rinse with chamomile infusion.
  2. Change your hairstyle - instead of a high tight bun or ponytail, try fashionable French braids, and be sure to let your hair down at night.
  3. Consult a trichologist for fungal treatment.
  4. Take maximum care from factors that provoke the occurrence of psoriasis - reduce psycho-emotional stress, stick to a diet.
  5. Do not overheat or overcool the scalp.

A headache in the top of the head can occur from overexertion, or can be a harbinger of serious illnesses. Prolonged or recurring pain is a serious reason to seek advice from a specialist.

Traditional therapy for headache relief

The following folk recipes have proven themselves:

  1. Application of cabbage leaf. This method has been tested for years. The sheet is applied to the top of the head and left there for 30 minutes.
  2. Place your feet in a basin of hot water; for greater effectiveness, wrap your head with a cloth soaked in cold water.
  3. If the upper part of your head hurts, prepare soothing teas based on herbs such as mint, valerian, and marjoram.
  4. Aromatherapy will be useful for migraines; the aromas of herbs such as sage, mint, marjoram or lavender can temporarily relieve headaches.
  5. Try wearing amber beads or a bracelet, they help with headaches.
  6. Oddly enough, by applying a mask of fresh cucumber to your face, you will also help yourself get rid of headaches.
  7. Applying a cold compress to the head reduces soreness.

Headache on top of the skull weakness dizziness – Fight against dizziness

Painful sensations often accompany us in life, but we do not always find and eliminate the cause of its occurrence and, accordingly, the disease. Perhaps one of the most common is headache, which has a medical name - cephalalgia.

It differs in some ways. Quite often there is a headache on top of the skull. These and other characteristic features may indicate the presence of certain diseases or determine what consequences to expect.

If you have a recurring headache, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Associated symptoms

To establish the correct diagnosis and treatment, one symptom is not enough. If the upper part of the head hurts especially badly, there are many reasons.

Therefore, the most important responsibility of the patient is to provide the doctor with detailed accompanying symptoms. First of all, you need to determine in which area the head spasm is localized and how it reacts to pressure.

It should be noted that this is not always easy to do, especially if painful spasms do not go away for a long time.

Then you need to determine what sensations accompany it: the appearance of a burning sensation, tightness in the chest, increased heart rate, nausea. Is it caused by certain situations, for example, stress, active movements, etc. All of the above will play a big role in establishing the cause of the health problems that have arisen.


First of all, the patient is treated by a general practitioner who begins the diagnosis. It includes several methods.

  1. Taking an anamnesis is a mandatory and very important step in making a diagnosis. We need all the signs of past illnesses, and even the patient’s lifestyle.
  2. Functional diagnostic methods : MRI (helps determine the most accurate picture of pain) and CT (detects foci of circulatory disorders), magnetic resonance angiography (assesses the condition of blood vessels).
  3. Laboratory tests : mainly blood tests, including for the presence of infections.
  4. Consultation with doctors of a narrow specialization (surgeon, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, etc.) is possible

Possible causes and diseases

Pain in the head, which is localized from above, has many causes. Additional signs will help your doctor determine what is causing the painful spasms.

Stress and overexertion

Fatigue and excessive physical exertion provoke cases when the head hurts severely from the top to the center. Moreover, this symptom will not necessarily appear after a marathon or gym.

It can also be caused by simple muscle fatigue, which appears from sitting in an uncomfortable position. This also applies to stress and anxiety.

The painful condition may be accompanied by chest discomfort or a burning sensation, increased heart rate and tachycardia.

The best way to get rid of this is long sleep and proper rest, quiet walks, yoga or some breathing techniques, massage of the neck and head area. It would also be useful to use drugs with a sedative effect.

Previous brain or skull injuries

This is a fairly common consequence of head injuries. Their peculiarity is that painful spasms can continue for a long time, and also do not appear immediately, but 2 weeks after the event. Increased pain occurs when moving the body: sneezing, coughing, etc.

This usually indicates a hidden pathology or the consequences of previous injuries. If the following painful symptoms are present: impaired visual acuity, decreased memory, nausea, increased body temperature, deterioration in general health, changes in blood pressure, you should immediately consult a specialist.

To reduce discomfort, analgesics, nootropics, and sedatives are prescribed.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Problems with the cervical spine lead to poor circulation in certain parts of the brain or neuralgia. This can cause severe pain attacks in the patient, which are pulsating or acute in nature, radiating to the shoulder, back of the head, and under the shoulder blade.

You may also be concerned about dizziness, numbness of the hands or parts of the skull, etc. For prevention, it is necessary to engage in some sports, preferably yoga, and also conduct massage courses on the cervical-collar area.

The following medications are used for relief: nootropics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Hypertension or hypotension

High blood pressure is very dangerous, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Often this disease is accompanied by pain in the crown area, but its nature can be different, for example, pressing, aching and pulsating contractions.

Among other things, dizziness, shortness of breath, decreased visual acuity, insomnia, blocked ears, etc. occur. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to cerebral hemorrhage.

The main emphasis is on reducing blood pressure by taking antihypertensive drugs, drugs with analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

Some people are equally concerned about low blood pressure. In this case, the patient almost always experiences nausea, weakness, low pulse, his head feels as if he is being squeezed by a hoop, and a painful pulsation appears at one point. Most often, coffee is consumed to increase blood pressure and Citramon is used.

Neoplasms and tumors

A special feature of this diagnosis will always be severe pain that does not end for a long time and is difficult to get rid of.

In this case, the patient is accompanied by prolonged nausea, memory loss, impaired visual function and hearing, loss of usual coordination, drowsiness, and sudden mood swings. The sensations intensify in the morning and when moving.

The doctor prescribes different medication treatments in each specific case, and mass-produced medications are not suitable here.


The disease is characterized by damage to peripheral nerves. This causes a painful contraction, which can be detected in various parts of the head: on the side, in the middle of the skull, in the forehead, and so on, depending on the damaged areas of the nerve.

The sensation intensifies with movement, sneezing or coughing, and is accompanied by a burning sensation in the head. In such a situation, it is not enough to take only painkillers; complex treatment is necessary, which consists of the use of ultrasound and electromagnetic equipment in therapy.

In some situations, the use of a laser or the intervention of a surgeon is required.

Provoking factors and prevention

Headaches are not always a sign of any disease, even if there is pressure on the head from above. Often, incorrect behavior and lifestyle become the basis for painful spasms, causing surges in blood pressure or migraine attacks. Among these reasons are the following:

  • excessive consumption of alcohol or nicotine;
  • unbalanced or unhealthy diet - fatty, sweet, fried foods, carbonated drinks, etc.;
  • overheating, prolonged exposure to the sun or in an unventilated, stuffy room;
  • lack of adequate sleep;
  • physical or mental fatigue, or, conversely, lack of movement;
  • colds (nasal congestion, viruses).

Getting rid of negative factors will significantly improve your overall well-being, and in some cases, completely get rid of headaches and pain. In accordance with this, effective methods for preventing the disease can be identified:

  • good sleep, about 7–8 hours is enough;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • if necessary, take multivitamin preparations, especially B vitamins (in large quantities it can be found in nuts, eggs, broccoli, spinach);
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • drinking enough water: 2–2.5 liters per day;
  • daily active physical movement and sports, massage;
  • minimize the number of stressful situations;
  • organization of working time and space, which will prevent muscle fatigue or incorrect posture at work;
  • The use of painkillers should be limited in time; one course is sufficient.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment for painful headaches is also very popular. The effect of some has not been proven by science, but is successfully used at home.

  1. A chopped cabbage leaf with the juice released has long been used as a means of relieving pain and relieving swelling. It is applied to the affected area and held for at least 30 minutes.
  2. To relieve pain, you can immerse your feet in a container of hot water , while at the same time wrap your head in a cool, damp towel .
  3. A cold compress on the head is considered very effective.
  4. To prepare drinks that generally have a mild sedative effect, mint, chamomile, valerian or marjoram .
  5. Some people also benefit from aromatherapy using mint, lavender and sage scents.
  6. Sports activities based on relaxing movement, for example, yoga, massage, breathing exercises , etc.
  7. amber , usually in the form of beads or bracelets, has an unconfirmed effect by science


Thus, you can relieve a headache on your own, but only if the headache is of an irregular, short-term nature. In other cases, a mandatory visit to a specialist and a full examination is required to help determine the cause and presence of the disease.

Sources used: cefalea.ru

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Why does the top of my head hurt?

Source: https://statusdm.ru/slabost-golovokruzhenie/golova-bolit-sverhu-cherepa-slabost-golovokruzhenie


To prevent pain in the upper part of the head, the following preventive measures are necessary:

  1. No need to sit in one place, be active, exercise and walk.
  2. Reduce your consumption of coffee and alcohol, they contribute to increased blood pressure; the healthiest and safest drink is regular drinking water.
  3. Pain will not bother you if a person includes foods rich in vitamin B2 in his diet. It is found in nuts, spinach, eggs and broccoli.
  4. Food must be balanced; if some foods are missing, then there will be a shortage of necessary microelements. It is also necessary to avoid foods that are too fatty, fried, spicy and salty. The diet should always include fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and dairy products.
  5. Lack of sleep can cause headaches, so you need to get enough sleep, which is an average of 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Before going to bed, ventilate the room; fresh air helps you fall asleep faster.
  6. Don't allow stress in your life, don't get overtired. Remember about proper rest, which perfectly prepares you for the upcoming work. Often, pain in the top of the head occurs due to overexertion; after proper rest, it usually goes away.
  7. You should give up bad habits.

When the upper part of the head hurts, interest in life disappears. I would like to do everything possible and impossible to eliminate the discomfort. Early diagnosis will help begin timely therapy, so do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Treatment and prevention

If during the diagnostic process serious diseases were discovered, in which throbbing pain in the head is only a symptom, then comprehensive treatment is required, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the pain. Various types of massage or acupuncture can be used for this. If pain is associated with psycho-emotional disorders, then hypnosis can be used as a therapeutic measure.

If a tumor is discovered during diagnosis, surgical treatment is indicated. Using modern medical technologies and equipment, in most cases, the prognosis is positive. If there are small tumors, a cyber knife and laser are used. In difficult cases, surgery is combined with radiation or chemotherapy.

To prevent throbbing headaches, you should normalize your daily routine. It is necessary to avoid overwork, nervous tension, and stressful situations. Walking in the park before bedtime is useful for prevention. You need to sleep in a well-ventilated area on a comfortable sleeping place. It is also important to monitor the quality of food. The diet should be complete, rich in fruits and vegetables. Quick snacks and fast food consumption should be avoided.

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