Bed rest for stroke, how many days does it last?

Caring for bedridden patients at home

Even before the patient arrives, the following items should be prepared:

  • vessel;
  • diapers for adults;
  • absorbent diapers;
  • anti-decubitus circles, mattresses;
  • a pole near the bed or reins near the back;
  • soft carpet near the bed;
  • chair, etc.

Every day, 2 times a day, the patient is washed, teeth are brushed, mucous membranes are washed, and ears are cleaned 1-2 times a week.

To prevent bedsores from forming, the bed is straightened, leaving no folds. The body is allowed to be lubricated with a special product prepared from 200 ml of vodka, 1 tbsp. shampoo, 1 liter of water. Every 2–3 hours the patient is turned on his side.

If chewing and swallowing functions are lost, food is pureed and fed through cocktail sticks. Canned children's food is used as an alternative food.

Do not force feed - this causes vomiting. If the appetite is poor, give your favorite dishes (as part of the prescribed diet). Portions are small, meals are 6 times a day. Before eating, the patient's body is given a semi-sitting position.

A common occurrence is urinary incontinence or retention. In the latter case, there is a need for catheterization. For incontinence, when it is impossible to regulate the process with medication or other methods, sanitary pads and diapers are used.

Methods of caring for stroke patients

Medicine does not stand still, as do rehabilitation methods. Rehabilitation measures are based on drug therapy. The main function of treatment is to normalize blood flow and prevent blood clots. These drugs include medications aimed at reducing blood clotting, lowering blood pressure and improving brain circulation. Neuroprotectors are used to protect healthy cells. However, drug treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor.

If the patient has constant tone in individual muscles, then Botox therapy is used. To relieve spasms, Botox or muscle relaxants are injected into tense muscles.

Description of exercise sets

Constant physical activity is necessary for the patient. Depending on its condition, complexes have been developed that help the muscles not to lose elasticity and tone in any position.

In this state, assistants help the patient move his legs, arms, and turn in bed. Necessary:

  1. Regularly change the position of the body, turning the patient on his side and fixing it for a while.
  2. Breathing exercises.
  3. Fix your eyes on objects when your head position changes.
  4. Bend and extend the limbs - first in large joints, then in small ones.
  5. Mental movements - imagine how the exercises are done and which muscles work.
  6. Rotate your feet and hands.

In the future, the patient himself must do these exercises:

  • squeeze hands and feet, rotate;
  • move your fingers and toes;
  • bend your knees;
  • raise the pelvis;
  • turn on one side;
  • press your chin to your chest.

Exercises are performed 10-20 times until tired. You can start with a minimal amount and increase the number of movements regularly.

You can perform the same movements while sitting. Additionally useful are activities with small objects - transferring beads, buttons, matches from one box to another, holding objects in one hand and transferring them to the other hand.

  1. Sitting without support with your legs off the bed.
  2. Rotate your head.
  3. Lifting your feet off the floor and fixing the position.
  4. Raising your arms up to the sides.
  5. Pulling your legs to your chest.

The independent transition to a sitting position must be performed several times during the day.

It is necessary to carry out all exercises while standing next to reliable support. This could be a bed with a high back or a machine. The chair is not suitable for this. The first exercise is simply holding the body in an upright position with support.

In the future, you need to learn to do all the movements that were performed lying down and sitting, while maintaining balance:

  • rotate your head;
  • raise arms and legs;
  • swing limbs;
  • rotate the body;
  • squats;
  • take short walks around the room, then around the apartment.

As a result, the patient should go for walks along the street, accompanied by a healthy companion.

Daily regime

Proper distribution of time and strict adherence to the regime are one of the stabilizing factors that have a positive impact on the rehabilitator’s acceptance of his new position. The sequence of actions is established as early as possible and does not change unless absolutely necessary. The chaotic nature of events should be excluded from the patient’s life, because it causes pressure surges, which is very harmful at this stage. The time for each procedure or action should be determined and strictly adhered to.

The more severe the patient’s condition, the more predictable his day should be. An approximate daily routine for a bedridden patient is given in the table.

ProcedureAmount of timeNote
rest, night sleep
climb10 – 15 minsimultaneous ventilation of the room
morning toilet30-40 min
breakfast30 min
rest30 – 60 minventilation
restorative procedures60 – 80 minalternating massage/gymnastics and speech therapy/fine motor skills
rest30 – 60 min
dinner30 – 40 min
afternoon nap/rest60 – 120 minventilation
restorative procedures60 – 80 minalternation
afternoon tea20 – 30 min
rest60 min
evening dress30 – 40 min
communication/TV60 – 80 min
dinner30 – 40 min

How to recognize a stroke and provide first aid

In order not to miss precious time during an attack, you need to know the main signs of a stroke:

  • loss of consciousness or state of “stupefaction”;
  • drowsiness or sudden agitation;
  • rapid heartbeat and dizziness;
  • increased sweating, nausea, and in some cases vomiting;
  • possible disturbance of orientation in space;
  • visual disturbances, loss of sensitivity, articulation disorders.

You should know how to confirm a possible stroke, even without being a doctor. To do this, you need to carry out a number of tests:

  • Ask the person suspected of having a stroke to raise their hands, palms up. If it's really a punch, one arm will go up correctly and the other will swing out to the side or stay down.
  • Invite the person to raise both arms up at the same time. During an attack, your arms will rise at different speeds and to different heights.
  • Let the patient stick out his tongue. In the event of a stroke, it will be bent or twisted to the side.
  • Ask them to say a phrase. During a stroke, a person will speak as if drunk, and articulation may be impaired.
  • Ask the patient to smile and show his teeth. An asymmetrical, crooked smile is a sign of a stroke.

If you see any of the above signs, immediately call an ambulance or take the person to the doctor. The correct sequence of actions and quick reaction in the event of a stroke will help reduce the sad consequences of the attack and increase the chances of the most positive outcome. How should you behave in such a situation?

  • Try to remain calm and do everything so that the patient does not get nervous; do not rush around and wring your hands: this will not bring any results.
  • If you can, measure the pressure, check the patient’s pulse, his breathing.
  • Identify the signs of a stroke: facial asymmetry, curved tongue, speech problems, lack of coordination.
  • Call an ambulance.
  • Lay the patient on his back or side, slightly raising his head and torso, or horizontally. If signs of nausea occur, turn your head to the side.
  • Provide first aid if necessary; if there is no breathing, the heartbeat is weak, the pupils are dilated, perform simple resuscitation measures (artificial respiration, chest compressions).
  • Open the windows, unbutton your shirt, unbutton your belt - let nothing interfere with the access of oxygen.
  • Observe what happens to the patient, what changes in his condition.

According to statistics, if you bring a patient with signs of a stroke in the first three hours after their appearance to a medical institution, where he will receive proper care, then:

  • in 50–60% of cases, patients with severe forms of stroke survive;
  • in 75–90% of cases, patients who have suffered a mild form of it recover completely;
  • in 60–70% of cases, the abilities of brain cells are completely restored.

Time is the most valuable resource in a stroke situation

To prevent serious brain damage, it is important to act quickly and not panic. If help is provided to the patient in a timely manner, then there is every chance of his recovery and normal life in the future.

Symptoms of a stroke

Stroke most often occurs early in the morning or late at night. The following signs indicate a stroke:

► sudden numbness or weakness of the muscles of the face, arms or legs, up to paralysis. Most often it affects only the left or right side of the body. The smile is skewed, the protruding tongue is curved or tilts to the side; ► Impaired speech and pronunciation of words. When trying to pronounce even a simple sentence, diction is disrupted and phrases become confused; ► decreased vision, most often only in one eye, and visible pulsation of the carotid artery on the affected side, strabismus, double vision; ► sudden loss of coordination of movements, unsteadiness of gait; ► sudden sharp and unexplained headache; ► nausea, vomiting, dizziness; ► loss of orientation in time and space.

General rules of maintenance and care

Recovery after a stroke can take quite a long time.
It is very important to support the psycho-emotional state of the patient and convince him that a return to normal life is quite possible, and that life does not end after a stroke.

In the hospital

Nursing care is the responsibility of nurses. The nursing care plan includes all doctor’s prescriptions; in addition, they must promptly perform hygiene procedures, feed and water the patient, and monitor changes in his well-being.

Preventive measures for pressure sores, pulmonary congestion and thromboembolic disorders should begin in the hospital. You should also begin recovery procedures as early as possible.

Attention! Prolonged bed rest can cause disturbances in the body's natural bowel movements. Therefore, nurses should give the patient cleansing enemas, and if urination is impaired, install a urinary catheter.

At home

When caring for and treating a patient after a stroke at home, relatives should:

  1. place the patient correctly - it is best to purchase a special bed;
  2. feed the patient correctly - dietary nutrition is recommended;
  3. give all necessary medications at strictly prescribed times;
  4. control stool;
  5. change bed linen regularly;
  6. perform daily hygiene procedures;
  7. prevent bedsores;
  8. monitor blood pressure;
  9. deal with possible complications;
  10. restore speech and memory;
  11. Help the patient do physical exercises.

Treatment after a stroke at home

Once the brain stroke victim is removed from the hospital, it is important to continue the prescribed medication. The patient must receive medications to improve blood circulation in the brain

For this, medications such as Encephabol, Actovegin (in tablets and injections), Vinpocetine, and Mexidol are prescribed. With the help of drug therapy, the brain is enriched with glucose and oxygen. In order to restore all functions, a set of measures is needed, a program aimed at the rapid rehabilitation of the patient, including diet, massage, gymnastics, and speech therapy classes.


Nutrition after a stroke in the first two weeks is carried out using a teaspoon. Bring food to a semi-liquid consistency and wipe. When the patient's swallowing is restored, you can feed him more solid food. Eliminate foods that increase cholesterol: baked goods, baked goods, everything fatty. When creating your menu, try to use the following products:

  • Half of the grains should be whole grains (wheat, rice, oats, corn, buckwheat).
  • Vegetables: beans, peas, dark green and orange foods.
  • Fruits daily, fresh, dried, defrosted.
  • Dairy products (low fat).
  • Proteins are lean poultry, not daily, sometimes replaced with fish and legumes.
  • Fats, nuts, fish. Do not cook with margarine, lard, give butter in minimal quantities. Vegetable oils are preferred.


It begins to be done for ischemic stroke on days 2-4, and for hemorrhagic stroke at 6-8. The first procedures last from 5 to 10 minutes, gradually extending to half an hour. The course includes 20-30 daily sessions. After a break of one and a half to two months, the massage is resumed. If it is not possible to invite a massage therapist, you need to perform the procedure yourself, take lessons from a professional, or download a suitable technique and consult a doctor.

Exercises after a stroke at home

After 1-2 weeks, when the patient feels better, you can begin to do physical exercises. During rehabilitation after a stroke at home, passive physical exercise is available and easily performed; all actions are carried out with the patient by the person caring for him. The following exercises are useful:

  • Breathing exercises. The ward needs to be taught to slowly inhale and exhale through slightly parted lips, while saying “w-w-w.” You can inflate the balloon.
  • Actions with a rolling pin. Roll the patient's feet and palms over its surface.
  • Passive charging. Bend and straighten alternately the arms and legs of the patient lying on his back.


When the patient manages to move the paralyzed limb for the first time, sensitivity begins to recover, it is time to accustom the patient to physical activity, first in bed, sitting, then standing, and then you can move on to slow walks. During rehabilitation after a stroke, gymnastics should take 2-3 hours daily, not in a row, in small complexes: the first week 40 minutes twice, from the second - three times a day.

Daily walking is necessary when the patient is able to stand up. You can walk around the apartment with ski poles as a load on your arms. The beneficial effect of yoga on the rehabilitation of the patient is noted; asanas eliminate disorders of the nervous system. Vision recovery after a stroke is also accelerated with the help of special concentration and focusing exercises.

Speech restoration

The more damage to the brain during a stroke, the slower speech is restored. Successful speech rehabilitation occurs during the first year, then the process slows down. After a stroke, pronunciation defects remain that you have to adapt to. The patient needs classes in a speech therapy program, constant verbal communication with loved ones, learning tongue twisters, reading texts aloud.

Find out several ways to improve your memory.

Speech restoration

The ability to speak and make coherent sounds returns very slowly. It is often noted that even regular exercise over a long period of time does not bring any effect. Many begin to doubt and ask how to restore speech after a stroke.

Researchers say that it often returns suddenly, but this is facilitated by constant training.

Speech disorders can be treated with special exercises:

  • grin;
  • stretch your lips with a tube;
  • move your tongue out of your open mouth;
  • lick lips in a circle;
  • bite either the lower or the upper lip;
  • smile from the corners of your mouth.

The basic principles of speech restoration are the same as when teaching young children. Patients must constantly listen to words and coherent texts.

In the first stages, a person is asked to repeat sounds, then syllables and simple words. A little later, short poems, nursery rhymes, and sentences are included. Even in this state, rhyme can be perceived much easier than a monotonous monologue. Singing plays a big role in regaining speech.

Home rehabilitation

Care for patients after an ischemic stroke and care after a hemorrhagic stroke are the same, but the effects of cerebral hemorrhages take longer to resolve. How can I help my relative recover faster at home?

Therapeutic exercises after a stroke help:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • restore the sensitivity of nerve receptors;
  • strengthen weakened muscles.

In addition, exercise therapy is a good prevention of pneumonia during stroke. With physical effort, breathing becomes deeper and ventilation of the lungs improves.

You don’t need to limit yourself to just sessions with a doctor, which are held several times a week. When caring for a person, you should do 2-3 therapeutic exercises several times a day.

How to get up

The disease gradually recedes and the person first begins to sit independently, and then tries to get to his feet.

How to help you start walking faster? Here you need to be careful and the first steps should be taken with the help of support tools:

Which support agent to choose depends on the condition of the vestibular apparatus and the degree of restoration of leg mobility.

Speech problems

What help can be given to help restore speech?

  • repeating the lesson that was conducted by the speech therapist;
  • learning children's speech therapy rhymes;
  • often talking to a person.

Restoring the ability to speak normally improves the psychological state, and the treatment prognosis becomes more favorable.

General principles of rehabilitation

The treatment and rehabilitation program for patients after a stroke includes a variety of measures to normalize the condition and maintain a decent standard of living.

Rehabilitation methods after stroke are aimed at:

  • Proper care to prevent the formation of bedsores and the development of secondary diseases.
  • Providing a healthy diet with sufficient vitamins and nutrients.
  • Restoration of motor functions.
  • Psycho-emotional rehabilitation.
  • Normalization of the cognitive sphere.
  • Speech restoration.

Recovery stages

Directly in the residual process there are four stages. The purpose of the first is to support the most important functions of the body and preserve life. It often corresponds to the acute period.

At the second stage of recovery after a stroke, patients, if necessary and possible, are taught self-care skills.

On the third stage, conditions are created for restoring the ability to move, sit, talk, and think.

The main direction at the fourth stage of rehabilitation for stroke is related to the restoration of fine motor skills, speech, thinking, and professional skills.

Recovery time

The timing of recovery after a stroke and the normalization of functions are influenced by the severity, extent of the lesion, the age of the patient, and the type of stroke.

It takes up to two months to partially restore minimal visual impairment, mobility of arms and legs, and coordination after an ischemic stroke.

Patients and their relatives are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to achieve full recovery after a stroke. In the case of a mild lesion, the answer will be in the affirmative; it will take up to three months. Probably, the basis of this process is a return to the pre-stroke state due to restoration of functions and incomplete cell damage.

The recovery period after a stroke, characterized by severe, persistent disorders, is 6 months. Usually only self-care skills return.

For reference. Very rarely, complete recovery is possible; in this case, the rehabilitation process takes about a year. Recovery processes occur due to the fact that some cells take on the functions of the affected ones.

In very severe forms, patients can sit after two years. Full recovery is impossible because the affected area is too large. The surviving cells cannot take on compensatory functions.

It usually takes much longer for speech and sensation to return than for normal movements.

In general, it is believed that rehabilitation after an ischemic stroke is easier than after a hemorrhagic one.

Principles of rehabilitation

Usually, after discharge, doctors give advice on how to recover from a stroke. Here are some basic principles.

For reference. Normalization of lost functions can only be achieved with regular exercise. Classes must begin as early as possible. Let it be at first only attempts to roll your eyes or clench your fists.

As the symptoms of a stroke disappear, classes cannot be stopped.


Another consequence of a stroke is anosognosia, characterized by a lack of critical assessment of health status and denial of an existing defect. The patient can claim that he does not have paralysis, his vision, hearing and speech are normal, and his mental sphere is absolutely healthy. For example, a paralyzed patient can tell the doctor how he moved, lifted, and controlled his injured arm.

In most cases, anosognosia is a consequence of damage to the right parietal lobe of the brain. This phenomenon is considered in psychology as “denial,” that is, a person’s desire to avoid accepting truthful information about himself that is incompatible with existing ideas about his own body and spiritual world.

Denial is a deterrent that allows you to unconsciously reduce disturbing experiences. The development scheme of anosognosia can be presented as follows: distorted perception of real factors - the need to eliminate psycho-emotional stress - the inclusion of psychological defense mechanisms. This protective behavior helps the patient feel included in social activities.

However, anosognosia acts as a significant obstacle to treatment, becoming a kind of “counterweight”. The psychologist has to make considerable efforts to rid the patient of illusions and return him to reality.

Home care rules for the rapid recovery of older people after a stroke

In the first days after a stroke, you should contact a specialist in physical therapy so that he can teach relatives how to carry out the necessary exercises with an elderly patient at home. In this case, the rehabilitation process will go faster and more efficiently.

Practice proves that the best results in the recovery of older people after a stroke are obtained by a combination of active treatment with physical activity started as early as possible. If a person survives, it means that he has opportunities for rehabilitation.

WHO has published a program that outlines the principles and steps for returning affected people after a stroke to an active life and restoring their life-saving skills. The document also describes all the necessary exercises that can be done at home.

Recovery of older people after a stroke is possible only with the help of loved ones or special personnel. It is impossible to go through the rehabilitation process on your own; it is a very difficult task.

Elderly people during rehabilitation after a stroke need not only moral support, but also practical assistance. Restoring the ability to move occurs as follows: a relative takes the patient’s immobile limb and begins to perform simple movements with it - stretching, straightening or bending, turning, simulating grasping, etc. Doing such movements at home is not difficult. It takes time for the brain to remember how certain muscles work. Time will pass, and the patient will begin to slowly move the limb, before this he will have to be frequently corrected and asked to repeat the exercises. The restoration of active movements that the patient can perform independently will mean the end of rehabilitation measures.

Gross motor skills return most quickly. The ability to make precise movements with the hand and fine facial expressions after a stroke will return at the very end of the last recovery period.

The exercises must include verbal and visual components; this is necessary for proper treatment. During classes, you need to describe and show sick elderly people everything that happens. This promotes the formation of new neural connections.

The exercises are performed in front of a large mirror so that the person can see himself in full height. Some time should pass between saying what will happen now and the actual action. The assistant says: “Now we will raise our hand,” waits for some time until the elderly patient understands the meaning of what was said, and only then raises his hand. The patient sees all these actions in the mirror. Such activities also help restore memory.

Treatment at home shows very good results, because so much love and care is invested in it from loved ones. We must remember that perseverance will be the main assistant.

Of course, when conducting recovery classes, you always need to realistically assess the capabilities of an elderly person who has suffered a stroke. In this case, a doctor will always help, who will tell you how to act.

It is important for relatives to follow one more rule: do not exclude an elderly patient from the life of the family, do not let him become obsessed with the disease.

Relatives are also advised not to take manifestations of anger and aggression on the part of the patient to heart, and to learn not to react to such emotional outbursts. In this case, you need to try to put yourself in the place of a person whose life seems to have hit a wall with acceleration. The consequences of a stroke are manifested, among other things, in emotional disorders, and this is facilitated not only by severe organic brain damage, but also by the new social status of an elderly person: he falls out of his usual environment, is deprived of work, pleasure, and communication. Not everyone can survive this.

The behavior of relatives and their reaction to what is happening determines how the atmosphere in the family will develop in the future and how the recovery of the elderly patient will proceed. If you don’t let negativity sprout in your soul, then you can overcome any difficulties. If you follow the lead of scandals and reproaches, the little that could still be saved will be destroyed.

What can and cannot be done for a patient?

After an acute cerebrovascular accident, your lifestyle will not be the same - this must be understood and accepted.

Some things will have to be excluded from everyday life, others, on the contrary, will have to be added. So, we will tell you further how to live after an illness – what you can and cannot do after it.


According to statistics, 30% of people who have suffered a stroke return to work within a year if the recovery is quick and the consequences of the disease are minor. This is possible, but on condition that the medical labor examination gives permission for this.

The survey establishes:

  • how much mental abilities have been lost;
  • mental and emotional state;
  • degree of damage to the visual and speech apparatus;
  • strength or weakness of muscle tone;
  • communication criteria and behavior control;
  • ability to coordinate movements.

If the consequences of the stroke are not critical and the body has been restored to a greater extent, then the person receives a work permit. If the patient’s condition does not meet all the requirements, but the main functions are in order, then he is also allowed to work, but under different conditions.

The person is offered:

  • half-holiday;
  • individual work schedule;
  • home work.

In addition, there are other requirements for patient employment:

  1. Comfortable temperature conditions.
  2. Possibility of movement.
  3. No stress, overwork and overexertion.
  4. Remoteness from toxic and harmful substances.

If work does not cause stress and negative emotions that undermine the cardiovascular system, then it helps the body recover.


Is it possible to drive a car or even work as a driver after an illness? After a stroke, most patients:

  • memory deteriorates;
  • brain activity decreases;
  • the reaction speed is dulled;
  • dizziness occurs.

Therefore, it is impossible to answer positively the question of whether it is possible to drive a car without a thorough examination by a neurologist and an additional driving test.

It is irresponsible to drive without a doctor's approval and risk your own and others' lives. Driving a car, especially in a busy city, is always stressful and exciting. Any situation can provoke a surge in pressure or an attack, during which it is easy to lose control.

Now you know whether stroke survivors can drive.

Take a steam bath and go to the sauna

The bath is beneficial for the body:

  • relaxes and relieves nervous stress;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • removes harmful compounds;
  • rejuvenates cells;
  • improves mood.

Impaired cerebral circulation leaves consequences:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • unstable brain activity;
  • blood flow disturbance.

High temperatures and extreme humidity can trigger a second stroke in a person who has had a stroke. Therefore, doctors strongly advise to refrain from bath procedures.

If life loses color without a bath, then it makes sense to be additionally examined by a neurologist. Perhaps he will not see anything wrong with rare and short-term visits to the bathhouse. But you can’t categorically take a steam bath.


Smoking after a stroke is strictly prohibited. Even for healthy people, this habit does not bring anything good; for those who have suffered a violation, it is deadly.

  1. Toxic substances from cigarettes affect the vascular walls and atherosclerotic plaques are easily born on them.
  2. The susceptibility of arteries to spasm increases.
  3. The ability of platelets to stick together increases, which creates all the conditions for thrombosis.

Now you know whether you can smoke after an illness.

Is it possible to play sports?

Sports activities after a stroke are determined by the attending physician. High-intensity programs and weightlifting are contraindicated for those who have suffered from the disease. At the same time, sport is necessary to restore the body:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • the body is saturated with oxygen;
  • muscles become toned and the risk of atrophy is eliminated;
  • “pleasure hormones” are produced.

Lack of physical activity is one of the factors that causes stroke. After an illness, you should definitely exercise as recommended by your doctor.

It could be:

  1. swimming;
  2. walking and Nordic walking;
  3. a ride on the bicycle;
  4. water aerobics.

Give birth to

Pregnancy is a complete restructuring of the body and a serious burden. After a stroke, the risk of complications increases, and planning a child in this situation cannot be spontaneous. But if the recovery goes as it should, then after a course of rehabilitation, with a proper conclusion about the state of health from doctors, pregnancy can be planned.

To dye hair

A ban on hair coloring after a stroke can only be for individual reasons.
If the health condition is stable and the attending physician allows it, then the procedure is possible. But the paint should be natural based, with a minimum content of chemical components. The best way to dye your hair is:

  • henna;
  • basmoy;
  • chamomile;
  • tea;
  • onion peel;
  • decoction of walnut shells.

Go to the sea and sunbathe

Sun and sea are the key to good health and longevity. It’s not for nothing that there are so many health resorts and sanatoriums on the sea coasts. The sun and sea water have a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. relieve inflammation and heal wounds;
  2. enrich the body with vitamin D;
  3. calm down;
  4. improve mood and relieve depression;
  5. normalize blood circulation;
  6. tone;
  7. strengthen muscles.

However, after a stroke, a trip to the sea must be approved by a doctor. He will also give all the necessary recommendations and rules of conduct in the sun and in the water.

Pull a tooth out

If the situation is urgent and tooth extraction is necessary, then it is removed after all the necessary examinations are completed.
Severe toothache and the development of inflammation can cause even more damage to the body after a stroke than timely removal. If the operation can be postponed for some time without harm to the patient, then it is done later, when there is no risk to health.

What should you drink?

The best drink for a person is water. It can be used by healthy people, sick people, and those undergoing rehabilitation. Is it possible to drink coffee or drink alcohol? After a stroke, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  1. coffee;
  2. tea;
  3. alcohol;
  4. some juices that cause fermentation.

Coffee and black tea stimulate the heart and are contraindicated during the recovery period. Later, when the threat of relapse has passed, you can occasionally indulge in these drinks, but in weak quantities, diluted with water or milk.

Moderate consumption of alcohol is not a cause of stroke, but for those who have at least once suffered a cerebrovascular accident, alcohol is completely contraindicated.

Fly on a plane

You can fly on an airplane after a stroke only if absolutely necessary, with the permission of a doctor and provided that:

  • the person has no fear of flying;
  • The patient’s blood pressure is normal and does not “jump”;
  • the rehabilitation course was completed without complications;
  • antihypertensive drugs are taken.

Watch TV

Avoiding TV after a stroke is not necessary. It is enough to simply limit viewing time, and also exclude from the program programs and films that cause strong excitement and negative emotions.

Have sex

After a cerebrovascular accident, you should not give up sexual activity - not only will it not harm, but it will also help rehabilitation. Read more about whether sex is possible after a stroke and whether it is dangerous here.

Advantages of private boarding houses that provide comprehensive care for bedridden patients after a stroke

Today, a bedridden patient can be treated in special boarding houses for the elderly. Such institutions provide rehabilitation after a stroke. This is an excellent opportunity to provide the patient with proper care, especially when the person cannot move or speak.

Still, it is difficult to equip an ordinary apartment with everything a bedridden patient needs, especially if we are talking about an old building where there is not even an elevator. The nursing home that cares for such people has special beds, conveniently organized space, ramps, etc.

Private boarding houses provide:

  • convenience in registration, collection of documents and placement;
  • transfer using the necessary vehicles and equipment;
  • adequate nutrition necessary for a person who has suffered a stroke;
  • medical services of qualified specialists;
  • constant care and hygiene;
  • leisure according to interests.

In a special institution, each bedridden patient has an individual rehabilitation program, which depends on the severity of the stroke and the degree of damage to the body. Such a program includes the following elements:

  • Activities aimed at improving brain function. This organ is the first to suffer after a stroke, losing its functionality. To eliminate problems, specialists select a course of special medications.
  • Physical training. Caring for a bedridden patient after a stroke involves, first of all, restoration of the musculoskeletal system. All exercises are selected individually and depend on the patient’s well-being. A medical worker monitors the performance of gymnastics, monitors the main health indicators, and measures pulse and blood pressure.
  • Exercises to restore speech. A bedridden patient has great difficulty with articulation, and sometimes cannot pronounce words at all. During rehabilitation, doctors conduct motor skills and rhetoric exercises with the patient.
  • Restoring self-care skills. Patients learn to take care of themselves again. A nurse is always with bedridden patients.

  • Psychotherapeutic support. Of course, it is impossible to maintain a positive attitude when you have lost the ability not only to do your usual activities, but even to move and speak. Care for such people includes support from a psychotherapist. These specialists help get out of depression and set the patient up to work on themselves.
  • Medication support. Health care workers ensure that medications are taken in full, according to the schedule and in compliance with all necessary rules and regulations.

In addition, when implementing a rehabilitation program, boarding house staff can evaluate the patient’s progress and make changes to it. This makes it possible to improve the dynamics of recovery of all indicators of the patient’s health.

As a result of a stroke, a person's life is turned upside down. The body stops listening, performing the most primitive actions causes enormous difficulties, and sometimes becomes simply impossible. The patient loses faith in himself, in life, and becomes depressed. This also becomes a blow for loved ones. Someone quits their job and becomes a nurse, someone starts working twice as hard to hire a medical worker and provide full care to the patient. We don’t even need to talk about the fact that the loss of a loved one’s legal capacity is, in principle, a tragedy.

But it is important to remember that competent care for a bedridden patient after a stroke, hard work to overcome the consequences of the disease, work on one’s psychological state, and faith in the success of rehabilitation can work wonders. Properly organized events will definitely bear fruit

Yes, it also happens that a person will never be able to restore all body functions 100 percent. However, it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition and return him to the joys of life. It is important not to lose fortitude, be patient and work in the right direction.

General recommendations

If a person has recently recovered from a stroke, then it is necessary not to rush to make any decisions on their own.
The disease makes a significant impact on his daily life.

All restrictions and prohibitions must be agreed with your doctor.

Taking into account the general condition of a person, you can gradually move on to consuming previously unauthorized products, go on vacation, try driving a car, and so on. If you comply with the basic requirements, then all this will become possible.

So, the general rules are as follows:

  1. compliance with all doctor's recommendations. We are talking about diet, activity and rest, and physical exercise. Statistics show that a properly designed rehabilitation program helps a person quickly return to a full life;
  2. sport. Some people mistakenly believe that after discharge it is necessary to quickly restore their former physical shape. However, the load should be determined exclusively by a physiotherapist.

    Important! Graduality is important in rehabilitation. Excessive stress can only worsen a person’s condition.

  3. nutrition. The diet should consist of healthy and nutritious foods. It is not recommended to eat fatty, sour, salty and fried foods. Eating ice cream is also prohibited. Here the restrictions are individual. A nutritionist will help you create a daily menu;
  4. bad habits. They should be abandoned altogether. A strict ban applies to those who smoke cigarettes. In general, this habit negatively affects life expectancy after an attack.

What absolutely should not be done after a stroke:

  1. Drinking alcohol;
  2. Smoking;
  3. Steam in the bathhouse and sauna;
  4. Heavy physical activity.

These prohibitions must be observed unquestioningly in the first year after a brain accident.

Is it allowed to give birth?

This question is purely individual. If the stroke was suffered a long time ago, and the woman has fully recovered, then she can give birth naturally without any contraindications. If there are a number of contraindications, doctors often call for termination of pregnancy.

If a stroke affects the expectant mother already at the time of pregnancy, then it is important to stabilize her condition as soon as possible. The main treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating general symptoms and preventing the development of dangerous consequences.

Important! Doctors should not allow intrauterine hypoxia to develop, since the chances of an unfavorable outcome increase the lack of oxygen.

If during pregnancy it was not possible to eliminate the cause of the stroke, then childbirth is carried out under regional anesthesia. In later stages, the disease serves as an indication for cesarean section.

To establish the effect of the disease on the fetus, it is necessary to take into account the effect of previously administered drugs and the instrumental research methods used. Often, strokes in pregnant women increase the risk of fetal death in the womb.


It is better to avoid drinking coffee during the recovery period after an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
The danger lies precisely in the caffeine contained in the drink.

This substance provokes an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate.

In the case of the acute phase, while taking medications and physical procedures, coffee should be abandoned. However, over time, an invigorating drink can be included in the diet . Doctors give several recommendations on this matter:

  1. If the rehabilitation period is completed, then you can drink no more than one cup of coffee per day. It is important that the drink is not strong . It should be mixed with milk or cream to neutralize the effects of caffeine.
  2. Lately, decaffeinated coffee has become popular. However, this substance is still present there. There is no need to try to compensate them for the lack of a fragrant and hot drink.
  3. You should not drink strong coffee, even if you suffered from the disease several years ago. Relapse can often occur.

Is it prohibited to drink alcohol?

During the recovery period, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in large doses. Studies have shown that 10 mg of ethanol per day reduces the risk of a recurrent attack.

Important! It is recommended to drink only high-quality alcoholic beverages, but in limited quantities.

After a stroke, you are allowed to drink red wine. After its consumption, high-density lipoproteins appear in the blood. If a person does not know how to stop in time, then it is recommended to limit himself to one glass.

Useful video on the topic:

Sauna and bath

In the first year after a stroke, going to the bathhouse and sauna is strictly prohibited. Doctors make this decision for a number of reasons:

  • unstable brain function , for which the bathhouse acts as an irritant;
  • dysfunction of blood flow ;
  • general weakness of the whole body.

Important! If the patient ignores the doctor’s recommendations and regularly steams, then serious and sometimes fatal consequences are possible.

When positive dynamics are recorded, then visiting the bathhouse may even bring benefits:

  1. the mood rises;
  2. blood vessels relax;
  3. has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system;
  4. the functioning of the circulatory system improves;
  5. nerve cells are nourished.

Useful video on the topic:

Is it allowed to watch TV

The patient can watch his favorite TV programs, but the viewing time should still be limited so as not to overload the body.
People who have vision problems should watch TV no more than 1 hour a day.

In general, such pastime is not prohibited, but is even encouraged, because a person feels a connection with the outside world, this is an element of a former healthy life. The only thing that should be excluded is programs with elements of scenes of violence and negative emotions.

Is it allowed to dye hair

This prohibition varies from person to person, so you should consult your doctor. It all depends on the general condition of the patient and the medications he is taking.

Naturally, it is better to refrain from chemical dyeing, even if the woman has not previously suffered from an allergy to it. It is recommended to use only natural products:

  1. chamomile;
  2. henna;
  3. black tea infusions;
  4. walnut shells.


Poor blood circulation in the brain requires long-term treatment. Nicotine addiction increases the risk of relapse tenfold. By the way, passive smoking is also considered dangerous.

Important! A repeated stroke reduces the patient’s likelihood of returning to a full life, and often ends in death.

Answering this question, all doctors agree that smoking after a stroke is prohibited, regardless of whether it was ischemic or hemorrhagic.

Where to go for rehabilitation

After suffering an attack, many people are faced with the question of where is the best place to undergo rehabilitation after a stroke? There are several options: at home, in a sanatorium or rehabilitation center. The conditions, quality, efficiency and amount of time spent will differ. It is also worth relying on the degree of brain damage and the complexity of the consequences. In some cases, it is impossible to do without the equipment of a rehabilitation center or resort complex for recovery.

Rehabilitation centers

When choosing rehabilitation centers, you need to understand that here the patient will undergo treatment similar to what is offered in private hospitals. The territory has modern equipment, simulators, qualified specialists, modernized diagnostic centers and laboratories, modern wards and nurses. This place is especially suitable for severe patients with paralysis, numbness of the limbs, cerebral edema, loss of speech and vision. But after that they still recommend going to sanatoriums for general health improvement and boosting immunity.


The sanatorium offers not only health improvement and treatment, but also complete relaxation, because most centers are located near the sea, in the forest or in the fresh air. There are also doctors, simulators and manipulation rooms here, but full-fledged diagnostics and tests are not available here. Therefore, patients must come with their cards, according to which treatment is developed. In addition, patients can count on massage therapists, outdoor pools, fitness instructors, spa rooms, reflexology and mud wraps. But this place is most suitable for people with moderate to mild severity of consequences after a stroke.

Before choosing a particular method and place of rehabilitation, do not forget to consult your doctor. Do not delay the moment and go to sanatoriums or centers immediately after discharge from the hospital, otherwise the recovery time will take even longer, and the risk of developing a second attack doubles.

Be patient and remember that recovery takes a lot of time and effort. And using recommendations and preventive measures, you can forever forget about the consequences of a stroke, living a happy life.

Estimated terms of rehabilitation

The process of restoring lost functions after a stroke is long and difficult, and largely depends on the desire and mood of the patient himself. Full rehabilitation, according to statistics, is possible in 70% of cases, in the rest only partial recovery is possible. Most often, after a stroke, the patient needs to restore cognitive, motor functions and speech.

In case of hemorrhagic stroke, the rehabilitation period is largely determined by the severity of the attack and can take from 2 months to several years, while 95% of patients remain with minor or serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system. For ischemic stroke, rehabilitation is divided into several stages and compiled according to an individual program in accordance with age, concomitant pathology, symptoms, indications and contraindications.

Stage 1 begins in the acute period of stroke and lasts 1 month. At this time, the rehabilitation clinic of the Yusupov Hospital begins to perform passive exercises, massage and positional treatment. Stage 2 - early recovery, performed for 2-6 months, stage 3 - late recovery occurs for 6-12 months. During these periods, the formation of the post-stroke cyst ends, rehabilitation measures are aimed at restoring the range and strength of movements in the limbs and returning lost motor functions. At this time, the recovery rate is maximum, all exercises give maximum results. Stage 4 – the period of residuality, occurs a year after the occurrence of a stroke, the body at this time is the least susceptible to rehabilitation measures, the rate of functional recovery is minimal.

Forecast for life

The consequences of a stroke can be very diverse, so this should be discussed on an individual basis. It is believed that the most dangerous are the first 35 days after an attack. If an elderly patient manages to survive, then there is a chance of partial or complete restoration of brain function.

The probability of death is:

  • in the first month – 35%;
  • during the first year - about 50%.

When a person had to suffer their first stroke in old age, then, according to statistics, a second attack occurs in 5-25% of patients within three years, in a third of patients - within five years.

Prognosis after 60 years

The disease is very dangerous for people 60-70 years old, since it is almost impossible to restore the body after it.
In addition, the likelihood of death is high.

First of all, the problem lies in concomitant diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Nerve cells cannot recover, as a result, the person becomes disabled or dies as a result of the acute phase of the disease. For this reason, this category of patients should often visit the doctor.

Provocateurs of stroke at this age can be:

  1. stress;
  2. increased blood pressure;
  3. chaotic operation of blood vessels;
  4. atherosclerosis;
  5. elevated cholesterol levels.

At the same time, there is always a chance of recovery with correctly provided first aid and correctly chosen therapy.

Forecast after 80-90 years

For this age, there are practically no positive prognoses, because the immune system is already very weakened, and the general condition is complicated by concomitant ailments. The chance of recovery is also reduced due to the patient’s lack of financial resources for treatment, since expensive drugs are required (this happens quite often).

Very often a patient at this age falls into a coma. He does not breathe on his own, his blood pressure drops, and he develops a fever. All this turns fatal.

About the disease

As a result of a stroke, the blood supply to a certain area in the brain is disrupted.
Accordingly, he does not receive enough nutrients.

Cells located near the site of the lesion are damaged or even die.

Along with all this, those body functions for which one or another part of the brain is responsible also suffer.

There are two types of stroke:

  • ischemic. This is the most common form of the disease. As a result, blockage of blood vessels occurs, affecting the normal blood supply. As a result, nerve cells do not receive oxygen;
  • hemorrhagic. It occurs due to the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. Blood begins to accumulate en masse in nearby tissues.
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