What to do if you have a headache and drowsiness?

The current pace of life is very fast, and in order to keep up with the times, you have to be on time everywhere. Some people live so actively that sooner or later it results in serious health problems. And only then does a person understand that stress, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep can cause a constant headache, weakness, and an irresistible desire to sleep all day. Or maybe the problem is not overwork at all, but more dangerous pathologies that need to be urgently treated?


One of the most common diseases that is accompanied by pain in the head is migraine. In this case, the pain is pulsating in nature and is localized mainly in the temple area. It often occurs immediately after waking up and can last from several hours to several days.

Associated symptoms manifest themselves in the form of an increased reaction to light, loud sounds, and smells. During an attack, fatigue and drowsiness occur. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

Thanks to research, it has been found that the female gender is more susceptible to pathology. But there is no consensus among experts regarding the reasons for this. The disease in some cases has a genetic component. Its appearance is also influenced by hormonal levels, as well as external stimuli, in particular stress, changes in weather conditions, and other factors.

Why do I constantly have a headache and want to sleep? What could it be?

The current pace of life is very fast, and in order to keep up with the times, you have to be on time everywhere. Some people live so actively that sooner or later it results in serious health problems.

And only then does a person understand that stress, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep can cause a constant headache, weakness, and an irresistible desire to sleep all day.

Or maybe the problem is not overwork at all, but more dangerous pathologies that need to be urgently treated?

Poor circulation in the brain

At first, a person does not notice suspicious symptoms, but as the disorder progresses, problems begin. The main symptom here is the frequent occurrence of pain in the head area. If you do not pay attention to your health, you may face serious consequences in the future (stroke).

Over time, the vessels of the brain lose their elasticity, atherosclerotic plaques form in them, the lumen narrows, and as a result, blood circulation is impaired. The main organ of the nervous system does not receive enough oxygen, and other, no less dangerous manifestations arise. This:

  • Dizziness.
  • Absent-mindedness.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Convulsive syndrome.

The patient sleeps poorly; when falling asleep, he constantly has a headache.

Inflammatory processes in the brain

If the inflammation touches the meninges, then meningitis develops, and when the pathogenic process affects the structures of the brain itself, encephalitis. Meningitis and encephalitis cause the victim a constant desire to sleep. The first dangerous symptoms of the disease are detected already on the first day. In addition to pain in the head and attacks of nausea:

  • Indomitable vomiting that does not bring relief.
  • Photophobia.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fever.

How to avoid headaches and drowsiness

In order for the headache to recede and drowsiness to never appear again, you need to constantly adhere to a few simple rules. They are:

  1. People who have headaches all the time should study their body's needs and find out how much time it needs for proper rest. If you know exactly the hours for sleep, then you should observe them both on weekdays and on weekends.
  2. You need to adhere to a certain sleep schedule: fall asleep and wake up at the same hours.
  3. It is recommended to create a daily routine that includes time for rest.
  4. Be in the fresh air more often, walk, do gymnastics. If you constantly do everything correctly, the headache will quickly go away.
  5. Do not overwork the body with excessive physical and emotional stress.
  6. Every day, a person who has a headache and drowsiness should drink at least 2 liters of fluid.
  7. Nutrition should be correct: avoid spicy, fatty, fried foods. Limit consumption of foods rich in light carbohydrates. Include more vegetables, fruits and berries in your diet.
  8. Completely give up alcohol and smoking. It is worth remembering that headaches and weakness often occur against the background of bad habits.

Another important point is drinking coffee. Due to the fact that this drink can greatly overstimulate the nervous system, all people who have a headache, weakness and drowsiness should stop drinking it.

It is better to give preference to green tea, which has a sedative effect and has a positive effect on the functioning of all internal organs.

If you follow all the above advice constantly, then headaches, insomnia, weakness or drowsiness caused by pathological factors will never bother you again, and questions as to why there is a constant desire to sleep will not arise.

The most important thing is not to ignore alarming symptoms and promptly contact your doctor, who will order an examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, if necessary.

What are the signs of such a condition?

In addition to the fact that you want to sleep and often have a headache, there is a feeling of weakness, malaise, and exhaustion. The head becomes dizzy, memory is lost, and the person cannot concentrate quickly.

Even after a long and seemingly complete rest, the symptoms do not go away and you do not feel a surge of strength. Sometimes attacks of vomiting occur, the pain squeezes the temples and pulsates.

The condition is similar to the development of inflammatory processes in the brain, which occurs with meningitis or encephalitis. The factors are pathological and serious. The help of doctors is urgently needed.

With hypersomnia, you constantly want to sleep. The duration of sleep increases without any obvious reason. A person’s emotional and mental resources begin to deplete.

Lethargy and fatigue are present with anemia (oxygen depletion, decreased hemoglobin in the blood).

A person wants to sleep due to blockage of blood vessels. The brain does not receive blood and oxygen in the required volume. You often feel dizzy, hearing and vision are reduced, and coordination of movements is impaired.

A person cannot wake up and is apathetic with vascular atherosclerosis. The condition is dangerous and can lead to a chronic course and the development of a stroke.

There is weakness and malaise, the mouth constantly dries out and you feel thirsty when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal. You need to see a gastroenterologist, these are symptoms of diabetes.

Makes you sleepy, constantly causes headaches and increases blood pressure in hypertensive patients. It is worth seeking help from a therapist.

Several other reasons

There are additional reasons that can lead to the feeling of wanting to sleep even during the day. They are:

  1. Adverse weather conditions. When there is a sudden change in weather conditions, people often have headaches and general weakness. Why is this happening? The fact is that when the temperature changes, the atmospheric pressure may increase. This phenomenon provokes a decrease in the patient’s blood pressure, a lack of oxygen, and a slow heartbeat. All these symptoms result in general weakness, so the person wants to sleep. Experts advise drinking a little coffee to increase blood pressure. If it has grown, then you can knock it down with sweets or tea.
  2. Bad place to live. An area with increased radiation, a new building with new furniture, painted surfaces - all these reasons can lead to an allergic reaction, increased irritation and pathologies of the central nervous system. In addition, the person often exhibits weakness.
  3. Lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements are common causes of general discomfort. A person often wants to sleep, feels tired, has headaches, and weakness.

Sharp strong spasms

If a person has a sharp headache, nausea, but no other symptoms, then he needs to rest.

This is the result of overwork or stress. You need to drink strong tea or coffee and lie down.

If the pain is severe and prevents you from relaxing, then taking medications such as aspirin or citramone will help. To fall asleep faster, you can take herbal sleeping pills. You can apply a compress to your head and ventilate the room.

The doctor will prescribe a tomography and a set of tests that will determine the cause of the severe discomfort. Only a responsible approach to your health will help you avoid many serious diseases and their consequences.

For prevention, you need to breathe a lot of fresh air, sleep well, eat right, try to avoid anxiety, and observe hygiene rules before eating.

Blisters in a child - what to do

Source: https://neuro-orto.ru/bolezni/ynsult/bolit-golova-i-hochetsya-spat.html


Neoplasms in the brain area are another cause of pain symptoms in the head. In addition, general weakness and drowsiness are constantly present. As the size of the tumor increases, the intensity of pain increases. With this pathology, pain occurs most often at night. In the morning it subsides or disappears completely. The pain is pulsating. As a rule, it tends to intensify when moving.

In the initial stage, the pathology can develop almost asymptomatically. Therefore, at the slightest appearance of pain in the head area, you should seek medical advice. The earlier this disease is detected, the greater the chances of recovery.


During pregnancy, many women experience very severe headaches. Painful sensations can be triggered by various factors. There are many reasons:

  • Changes in hormonal levels have a negative impact on the functioning and general condition of the nervous system, so in the first trimester of pregnancy, headaches will bother a woman almost every day.
  • A decrease in blood pressure occurs against the background of an increase in the amount of progesterone. This hormone relaxes muscle cells and the walls of blood vessels, so the latter expand, which lowers blood pressure. Brain structures face a lack of oxygen, which causes headaches.
  • Increased blood pressure. Usually observed in the third trimester, when the volume of circulating blood increases significantly. If a woman is prone to arterial hypertension, then prevention of this disease should begin in the first trimester.
  • Preeclampsia. In this case, there is a violation of blood circulation in the central nervous system, which causes severe headaches, the appearance of “floaters” before the eyes, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. The pathology is quite serious, so high-quality medical care is required.
  • Significant weight gain during pregnancy. Obesity will necessarily increase blood pressure, which will invariably lead to the development of headaches of varying severity.
  • Hunger. If the body lacks glucose and other nutrients during pregnancy, this can also cause headaches in a woman.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. If a woman had certain problems with the spine and cervical region in particular before pregnancy, then she should take all necessary measures to prevent the development of osteochondrosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Development of new diseases. Headache accompanies many common diseases: sinusitis, encephalitis, meningitis, eye and kidney diseases.

During pregnancy, women are extremely sensitive to stress, so even minor conflicts can trigger the development of quite severe and prolonged headaches. It is also not recommended for pregnant women to sit at the computer for long periods of time. Physical and mental overstrain and heavy eye strain (from a computer, TV, tablet, phone, etc.) should not be allowed.

The body of pregnant women reacts extremely negatively to weather changes (especially with a significant decrease or increase in atmospheric pressure). Such fluctuations usually provoke the development of headaches.

The use of various painkillers is prohibited for pregnant women, so they are recommended to rest and drink sweet tea based on herbs (chamomile, lemon balm, rose hips, etc.). If the intensity of headaches increases, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor (if this is not possible, then taking one tablet of No-Shpa or its equivalent is allowed).

Meningitis and encephalitis

The most dangerous diseases that are accompanied by pain in the head are encephalitis and meningitis. Certain accompanying symptoms arise, in particular, fever, drowsiness, and with meningitis - neck stiffness.

Both pathologies are associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the brain. With encephalitis, the substance of the brain itself is affected. Meningitis is characterized by the most dangerous disorders of an inflammatory nature, occurring precisely in the membranes of the brain. Immediate hospitalization is required in both cases.

Diagnostic methods for headaches

Before starting treatment, if symptoms do not go away within a few days, you need to undergo a diagnosis. To begin with, contact a neurologist or therapist. Your doctor may order blood and urine tests.

The standard examination method is an X-ray of the brain - computed tomography. An MRI is also performed, which provides slightly different information about the condition of the head. Additionally, an ultrasound may be prescribed.

If these methods do not provide complete information, clarifying examinations may be prescribed: brain encephalography, biopsy to detect tumors.

Pathological causes

In addition to disorders that occur directly in the head area and cause headaches combined with drowsiness, there are a number of other reasons. Pain in the head, accompanied by increased drowsiness, can develop due to pathological processes occurring in any other area of ​​the body. Some of them are not particularly dangerous. But there are diseases that require mandatory medical intervention and, accordingly, adequate treatment.

Why does pathology develop?

The main causes of hypertension include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • passive lifestyle (lack of moderate physical activity provokes a decrease in vascular tone);
  • being in a stressful situation;
  • abuse of tobacco products (the penetration of tobacco into the body provokes the formation of blood clots and disruption of blood vessels);
  • consumption of large amounts of salt and animal fats;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals (especially potassium, which removes excess salt, and magnesium, which is an implacable fighter against blood clots).


Increased fatigue, lethargy, in addition, drowsiness and headache are signs inherent in a group of dangerous clinical and hematological syndromes called anemia, which are expressed in a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. For anemia, as the pathology is also called, one of the signs is changes, deviations in the qualitative structure of red blood cells, and a decrease in their number. As a result, so-called oxygen starvation occurs, which is the cause of the above and even more severe symptoms.


A feeling of weakness, fatigue, as well as drowsiness and headache are symptoms inherent in another disease - diabetes. In addition, you may experience almost constant thirst, dry mouth, and dizziness. Such changes are usually a consequence of increased blood glucose levels.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a certain series of studies. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should seek advice from an endocrinologist. The sooner the disease is detected, the more positive the prognosis.


The term hypersomnia refers to the presence of excessive sleep duration. The need to increase the period of sleep can arise both at night and during the day, manifesting itself occasionally as an irresistible desire to sleep during the day.

Hypersomnia in practically healthy people can be caused by various factors and is of a psychophysiological nature. These are, in particular, stress, constant lack of sleep, physical fatigue, and increased emotional stress.

Among the pathological forms, drug-induced, post-traumatic, and idiopathic hypersomnia stand out. There are also neurotic disorders, narcolepsy, and various sleep characteristics.

A very common form is idiopathic hypersomnia. It affects mainly young people, usually between 15 and 30 years old. In such cases, waking up in the morning is difficult. During this period, increased aggressiveness or apathy may occur. During the daytime, against the background of intense wakefulness, increased drowsiness appears. The pathology very quickly develops into a chronic form.

The first symptoms of narcolepsy also appear during adolescence. They can appear all at once or develop gradually. The main symptom is attacks of irresistible, uncontrollable drowsiness during the daytime. Narcolepsy is also characterized by attacks of cataplexy, insomnia, hallucinations when falling asleep or waking up, and other symptoms. Only a medical specialist can establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

What is excessive sleepiness

The normal amount of sleep for an adult is 7-9 hours every day. A person's need for sleep changes as they age. Babies sleep constantly - 12-18 hours a day, and this is the norm. Gradually, sleep duration decreases until it reaches adult levels. On the other hand, older people also often have an increased need for sleep.

It is also important that a person belongs to the type of representatives of the animal kingdom for whom night sleep and daytime wakefulness are normal. If a person cannot spend the time necessary for proper rest every night in sleep, then such a syndrome is called insomnia or insomnia. This situation leads to many unpleasant consequences for the body.

This syndrome can be called differently: hypersomnia, somnolence, or, more commonly, drowsiness. It has many reasons, and finding the right one in each specific case is very difficult.

First, let's define the concept of drowsiness more precisely. This is the name of the condition when a person is overcome by yawning, heaviness presses on the eyes, his blood pressure and heart rate decrease, consciousness becomes less acute, and actions become less confident. The secretion of the salivary and lacrimal glands also decreases. At the same time, a person becomes terribly sleepy, he has a desire to sleep right here and now.

Apnea syndrome

One of the phenomena and features of sleep is stopping breathing for a short time during sleep. It manifests itself in the form of a sharp awakening from a feeling of critical lack of oxygen. Symptoms are complemented by insomnia at night and, conversely, increased sleepiness during the day. Constant headaches also bother me. The main place of their localization is the temporal region. This pathology is called apnea. Researchers claim that this phenomenon is more typical for older people. Thus, the body tries to make up for lost rest. A somnologist will help you figure out the factors that provoke the onset of the disease.

Blood pressure problems

Symptoms, manifested in the form of headaches and increased drowsiness, are characteristic of high or, conversely, low blood pressure. Pain syndrome in such cases occurs mainly in the frontal part. Associated symptoms are expressed in the form of nausea, sometimes vomiting, general weakness, memory loss, absent-mindedness, numbness of the limbs, and others. The appearance of symptoms of this order should serve as a reason for a visit to the doctor, further examination and appropriate treatment.

General recommendations

In order to accurately establish the cause of increased drowsiness along with pain in the head, you should undergo an appropriate examination. If it turns out that the symptoms are caused by a serious illness, in particular meningitis, brain tumors, a significant increase or decrease in blood pressure, or other dangerous diseases, then you should immediately resort to appropriate treatment.

  • Sometimes simply adjusting your daily routine helps improve your condition. To do this, it should be taken into account that during the day you should not only work, but also fully rest. Regular walks in the fresh air are advisable. In some cases, even simple ventilation of the room helps.
  • Getting enough sleep at night is important in preventing drowsiness and headaches. Its average duration, according to medical experts, should be at least 8 hours. It is recommended to stick to the same time when going to bed and waking up in the morning. Studies have shown that the body gets used to the established sleep and wakefulness patterns and, accordingly, drowsiness does not occur at other times. If you still plan to take a nap during the day, it is recommended to choose a time for this before 16.00. Sleeping later in the day can negatively affect the quality of night sleep, resulting in daytime sleepiness and headaches.
  • It is not recommended to abuse alcohol before going to bed, since in this state the body will not be able to fully rest and recover in order to function normally during the day.
  • Headache and drowsiness can be caused by an inappropriate diet. Sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements can make a difference. You can add teas and herbal decoctions that have a sedative effect, mixed with honey, into your diet, which will help improve the quality of night sleep and, in turn, reduce daytime sleepiness. And the use of vitamin complexes (Vitamins B, E, C) will help prevent headaches.

If the symptoms are not eliminated, then the necessary recommendations for overcoming them can be obtained from the attending physician after undergoing an appropriate examination.

How to get rid of drowsiness

When it comes to drowsiness, identifying the causes is not always easy. As is clear from the above, the causes of drowsiness can be varied - from an uncomfortable bed on which a person spends the night, to serious, life-threatening pathological conditions. Consequently, it is very difficult to find a universal recipe that would help a person cope with the problem.

The first thing that is recommended to do is to start with changing your lifestyle. Analyze whether you sleep well enough, whether you devote enough time to rest and relaxation, whether you should take a break, take a vacation or change your occupation?

Primary attention should be paid to night sleep, because the reasons for constant drowsiness may lie in its lack. The fullness of a night's sleep largely depends on the biorhythms developed over centuries, dictating to the body that it is necessary to go to bed after sunset, and to get up with its first rays.

But, unfortunately, many people have learned to successfully ignore the instincts inherent in nature, and go to bed at a completely inappropriate time for this - well after midnight. This is facilitated by both the huge busyness of the modern city dweller and the availability of various entertainment activities (for example, television programs) in the evening.

It is worth remembering that this is a bad habit that you should get rid of. The earlier a person goes to bed, the longer and deeper his sleep will be and, therefore, the less likely he will feel tired and sleep-deprived during the daytime. In some cases, taking sleeping pills or sedatives is recommended, but they should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Next, you need to analyze your psychological state - are there any serious problems and conflicts in your life? If they exist, then you should solve them or consult a psychologist.

In addition, there is a great way to increase your resistance to blues and stress - this is sports and physical exercise, walking and hardening. If you have a sedentary job, then you should take breaks to stretch or take a walk or do a set of physical exercises. Even daily morning exercises can increase your vitality so much that the constant desire to sleep during the day will go away on its own. Contrast showers, dousing with cold water, swimming in the pool are all great ways to always feel invigorated.

You must not forget to ventilate the room where you constantly sleep or work, since stuffy and hot air, as well as a lack of oxygen in it, contributes to loss of strength and lethargy.

You should also review your diet to include natural sources of vitamins and minerals, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as foods that stimulate the production of endorphins, such as chocolate. Natural drinks such as green tea also have an excellent refreshing effect.

What vitamins can you take if you have increased doubtfulness? First of all, these are vitamin B1, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is especially common during the winter months.

However, what should you do if you have tried all the ways to overcome your sleepiness and failed? Perhaps the issue is a metabolic disorder and a lack of neurotransmitters in the brain - serotonin, norepinephrine and endorphins, or a lack of production of thyroid or adrenal hormones, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, or hidden infections.

Which specialist is best to contact if you suffer from severe drowsiness? As a rule, such problems are solved by a neurologist or neuropathologist. There are also doctors who specialize in sleep disorders - somnologists. In most cases, a specialist doctor will be able to figure out why you want to sleep during the day.

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the disease. For attacks of headache, treatment is medication, with the prescription of NSAIDs from the group: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, ASA, Diclofenac, Faenazone, tolfenamic acid.

For nausea and vomiting, it is possible to prescribe antiemetics: metoclopramide, domperidone. For pain and attacks, take triptans that can relieve pain. It should be taken shortly before the onset of pain syndromes.

Treatment of migraine involves taking Naratriptan, Eletriptan, Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan.

Of course, all remedies have contraindications. It should be taken only in consultation with your doctor. It is worth understanding that taking a tablet of algin or paracetamol can only dull the headache for a while, but if an internal disease develops, this will not help. Treatment is strictly determined by the doctor based on diagnosis and the results of examinations.

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