Headache with flu - What to do, how to treat?

The flu has many symptoms, including nausea and headaches. One study found that this complaint occurs in almost 90% of cases. Sometimes a headache with the flu manifests itself along with sensitivity to smells and sounds, and sometimes it is felt at the level of malaise and discomfort. If it remains the only symptom or persists after other signs of the disease have passed, it is most likely not the flu that is to blame. Migraines and tension headaches are getting worse amid the fight against the virus.

Causes of headache after flu

Headache with influenza is a consequence of intoxication of the body. Viruses produce toxins during their life processes. These substances enter the blood and lymph from the site of the disease and quickly spread throughout the body. When they enter the brain, toxins provoke the appearance of pain impulses and distort the transmission of information. Because of all this, the head begins to hurt severely in the back of the head or the temples are squeezed in a vice.

Headache also appears with the flu due to complications. Often a viral disease is accompanied by inflammation of the ENT organs and swelling of the mucous membranes. Particularly severe discomfort occurs when the maxillary sinuses are affected. Then the head hurts when sneezing, coughing, or even the slightest turn of the head.

Head pain is caused by disruptions in the outflow of venous blood and lymph during the flu. Liquids become thick, move more slowly through the vessels and often cause swelling. All this causes pain in the back of the head and around the eyes during a viral illness.

Flu negatively affects intracranial pressure. Its growth is one of the reasons for headache pain. The natural circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted, pressure increases, and the mechanisms of transmission of nerve impulses are disrupted. And my head starts to pound.

If the flu is not promptly treated and the illness is not dealt with correctly, then sinusitis will affect the periosteum and bones of the skull of the facial region. Therefore, you need to get sick with the flu correctly and spare no time for recovery.

( Video : “Colds, flu, stuffy nose, headache! How to cure at home!”)

Post-viral asthenia

From the first hours of the flu, a person is plagued by weakness (asthenia). Muscle pain, aching bones, lack of strength for usual actions (walk a couple of public transport stops) lead to apathy. These are natural manifestations of intoxication. To fight the virus, the immune system and the body use all energy reserves, a lot of oxygen and glucose. Therefore, rations to muscles and internal organs are temporarily reduced.

Also, during the period of post-viral asthenia, headaches become more frequent, accompanied by specific symptoms:

  • temples are compressed;
  • high sensitivity of the eyes to light, when looking at a lamp or lamps, tears begin to flow and the head hurts;
  • monotonous headache at any time of the day. The sensations are so painful that they can wake a person even in the middle of the night;
  • If the flu is accompanied by a runny nose, then due to swelling of the mucous membrane there is a feeling of pressure in the area of ​​the nose, forehead, and eyes.

Treatments for headaches due to influenza

Symptomatic treatment

For influenza, retroviral drugs are necessarily prescribed. Rinza, Rinzasip, Fervex and others. They contain an effective cocktail of paracetamol (an antipyretic), vitamin C, caffeine and other medicinal ingredients.

With severe weakness and headache, a person experiences glucose deficiency during the flu. Unexpectedly, you can alleviate the condition with Coca-Cola or Pepsi. High-calorie drinks contain a lot of light carbohydrates, which quickly enter the bloodstream and replenish energy reserves. They also contain caffeine, a substance with a tonic effect. And the presence of carbon dioxide helps to quickly quench the thirst from which flu sufferers suffer.

Bed rest

You need to get over the flu. That is, the patient lives on bed rest, and does not take handfuls of pills and go to work. Otherwise, the likelihood of complications and chronic headaches will become more frequent. Therefore, if the flu is suspected, the patient refuses physical activity, training, work, and nervous tension. Watching TV, working at the computer, and clicking gadgets are temporarily prohibited. Just sleep and rest.


Doctors recommend ventilating a room or hospital ward every 2 hours for 15 minutes. This allows oxygen to enter the room, carbon dioxide is removed, and the concentration of viruses released by the patient through sneezing or coughing is reduced. For a quick recovery, a temperature of 18–20 °C and air humidity of 50–60% are indicated.

Drinking regime

When intoxicated during the flu, not only the head, but also the kidneys suffer. To make it easier for your organs to work more efficiently, remove toxins through sweat or urine, keep an eye on your water balance. The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids with a high content of ascorbic acid. Berry and fruit drinks, rosehip decoction or dried fruit compote, mineral water with raspberry jam and a slice of lemon are good options.

Traditional methods of treating headaches due to influenza

If you completely stop taking pills, menthol oil can help you overcome flu headaches. It is rubbed on the back of the head, behind the ears, in the forehead and temples. Therapy is done 3 times a day. Often with the flu, the headache is most severe in the evening and immediately after sleep. Therefore, at this time, a menthol massage is mandatory.

Lemon is a universal medicine against flu and headaches. Ingestion dilutes the blood, activates the immune system, and lowers blood pressure. Rubbing the temples with lemon peel or essential oil of the plant removes the feeling of squeezing and heaviness. Lavender essential oil, extracts of rosemary, marjoram, and rose have the same effect when applied externally.

( Video : “Treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and colds: simple tips. Should you take antibiotics or flu tablets”)

Will alleviate the condition and speed up recovery:

  1. Elderberry tea . Brew half a teaspoon of fruits or flowers with boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and then drink throughout the day.
  2. lumbago can even relieve migraine attacks, and not just an ordinary headache. Brew 2 tsp of the plant with a liter of water. Leave it in a thermos for a day, and then drink it throughout the day.
  3. Red clover is not only a beautiful flower, but also a magical remedy for restoring cerebral circulation. A huge amount of flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamins saturate the nervous tissue with oxygen, remove swelling and activate the functioning of synapses. If you have a headache during the flu, then drink a course of clover tea. In a liter thermos, brew 1 tbsp. l flowers, leave for a day, and then drink during the day. This therapy further improves memory, concentration and slows down age-related degenerative changes.

Treating ailments with improvised remedies at home

If a severe pain attack takes you by surprise, and there is no way to get help from a doctor, the following measures will help:

  • Short sleep, head slightly raised;
  • Rest in a relaxed position with pieces of ice wrapped in a scarf applied to your temples;
  • Compress on the head, especially in the temple area, using the pulp of a lemon, grated;
  • Light neck massage to relax the muscles;
  • Warm sweet tea with lemon;
  • Inhalation of essential oils of mint, lavender, lemon, basil, clove, sage, eucalyptus; you can drop a few drops on your forehead and temples;
  • Warm (not hot) bath with an extract of soothing herbs or essential oils;
  • Foot baths with a temperature of 40 degrees for 15 minutes.

Following a healthy lifestyle helps you get rid of tension pain forever without the help of medications:

  1. Sound sleep of at least 7 hours with the window open. It is advisable to take an evening walk before going to bed.
  2. Daily contrast shower strengthens blood vessels, making them more resistant to stress.
  3. Maintaining water balance. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, not counting soups and drinks.
  4. Proper balanced and vitamin-rich nutrition.
  5. Drinking large portions of alcohol and smoking leads to vascular spasms.
  6. Avoid physical and mental overload and stress.
  7. While working at the computer, take breaks every hour; Exercises for the eyes and muscles of the cervical region are useful.
  8. Regular moderate physical activity and an active lifestyle.

Flu headache medications

Complex anti-flu drugs already contain antispasmodics and analgesics. Therefore, they are good for relieving headaches. You shouldn’t take too much painkillers when you have the flu. Otherwise, addiction, side effects and negative consequences of self-medication will occur.

High-quality therapy for flu and headaches during this period includes:

  • retroviral drugs;
  • complexes with vitamin C;
  • drinking plenty of fluids.

Non-traditional treatment methods have also proven themselves well:

  • massage . They work on the collar area, the back of the head, rub the crown, temples and frontal part;
  • airing the room . In addition to frequently opening the window, it would be a good idea to install an air humidifier in the patient’s room. This will make it easier for the mucous membranes to work, and the risk of inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • medicinal baths with essential oils of lemon and grapefruit. They are very effective as they relieve spasms and quickly remove toxins from the blood through the skin. Only at high temperatures a hot bath is prohibited.

Any antiviral therapy includes taking Amantadine, rimantadine. To activate the immune system and increase the amount of interferon, taking Immunal and Kipferon is indicated. Analgin and Ibuprofen will overcome fever and general weakness. But it is better to avoid classic Aspirin for headaches during the flu. Reye's syndrome (bleeding with increased tissue permeability) may occur in edematous mucosa.

If the flu lasts more than a week, the symptoms of the disease do not go away, and there is no improvement, then consult a doctor again. With advanced disease, the risk of meningitis or diseases of the nervous system increases several times.

Duration of pain

The duration of poor health depends on the severity of the disease. If it is a mild cold, then the pain disappears after the end of the acute period (fever, runny nose). The condition improves within 3-4 days.

In case of complications, health improves after treatment of the infectious-inflammatory process. With sinusitis, relief occurs within 5-7 days.

Sometimes the pain does not go away for several days even after recovery. During illness, the body weakens, and the immunological reaction aimed at fighting infection is strong.

Restoring the body after suffering from influenza and prevention

Headaches are difficult to avoid during the flu, but to prevent headaches immediately after illness, try:

  • to sleep a lot. The classic 8 hours will not be enough. The body requires recovery after intoxication and fever. Therefore, go to bed no later than 22.00;
  • it's okay to rest . Walking in nature, swimming in the pool, and light cycling are recommended during this period. But it is better to avoid the Internet, watching movies and reading books during the recovery period. These exercises are combined with tension in the eyes, neck muscles and collar area. Therefore, those recovering may experience dizziness, pressure in the temples and tingling in the back of the head;
  • take immunomodulatory drugs . Use special dietary supplements or herbal teas from chaga, ginseng root, Echinacea purpurea, Schisandra chinensis, and calendula. Systematic intake of immunomodulators will not only protect against flu, colds and improve blood circulation.
  • To restore the water-salt balance for headaches during or after the flu, it is recommended to add homemade pickles (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled apples), seaweed, and high-quality soy sauce . All of these products have a beneficial effect on the enzymes of the digestive system, help quickly remove toxins through the intestines and protect against dehydration.

Bottom line

A comprehensive approach to prevention won't make you fall into bed with the flu, which means you won't have to suffer from headaches. Remember, if you have the flu, it is important to consult a doctor promptly.

If you think you have already had the flu, but still have signs of a post-flu headache, you should seek professional help from a doctor. Don’t delay contacting us; sign up for a consultation at the first symptoms of the disease. This will allow you to make a correct diagnosis and save you from terrible complications. Take care of yourself!

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