What to do if you have a headache during orgasm

Treatment of orgasmic headaches in Samara

The elimination of the disease is carried out by a neurologist-cephalgologist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Tarasova Svetlana Vitalievna.

Treatment of headaches that occur during sex is carried out according to the protocol. The patient is taught proper breathing and is advised to avoid postures that lead to straining and holding the breath. Adequate drug therapy is prescribed. Psychological support is provided due to the frequent anxiety syndrome in these patients. Physiotherapy in the form of brain micropolarization, MDM therapy, Cefaly therapy, and oxygen therapy are effective.

How to treat such headaches

Headaches after orgasm or even during sexual intercourse occur quite rarely. Some people experience these headaches once a year or even less often. However, if an orgasmic headache occurs regularly, then it is imperative to seek treatment from a doctor.

As a rule, after prescribing and studying all examinations and tests, the doctor prescribes certain medications, in combination with massage and relaxing procedures.

Also, in addition to the above, you can perform the following precautions yourself:

  • Relax more often or take relaxing baths (as headaches can occur due to high stress).
  • During sexual intercourse, tune in to a positive mood (think about a good ending).
  • Choose the most comfortable positions during sexual intercourse that do not cause tension in the body’s muscles (do not try extreme positions that require maximum body tension).
  • Women choose suitable oral contraceptives by taking hormone tests (such a test can be done in any clinic).
  • Have regular sexual activity (sometimes headaches occur from an unusual and unexpected release of adrenaline into the blood and increased pressure).
  • Periodically do acupressure massage of the head and cervical vertebrae (this massage prevents the appearance of headaches in general).

Our specialists

  • Tarasova Svetlana Vitalievna

    Expert No. 1 in the treatment of headaches and migraines. Head of the Center for the Treatment of Pain and Multiple Sclerosis.

    Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Physiotherapist. Doctor of Medical Sciences.
    Experience: 23 years.

  • Derevianko Leonid Sergeevich

    Head of the Center for Diagnostics and Treatment of Sleep Disorders.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Vertebrologist. Somnologist. Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 23 years.

  • Bezgina Elena Vladimirovna

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 24 years.

  • Palagin Maxim Anatolievich

    The doctor is a neurologist. Somnologist. Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 6 years.

  • Felbush Anton Alexandrovich

    Head of the Center for Extrapyramidal Diseases.

    The doctor is a neurologist. Parkinsonologist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 10 years.

  • Mizonov Sergey Vladimirovich

    The doctor is a neurologist. Chiropractor. Osteopath. Physiotherapist. Experience: 8 years.

  • Drozdova Lyubov Vladimirovna

    The doctor is a neurologist. Vertebroneurologist. Ozone therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 17 years.

  • Zhuravleva Nadezhda Vladimirovna

    Head of the center for diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia gravis.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Physiotherapist. Experience: 16 years.

Causes of the disease

Under no circumstances should such a condition be ignored. If you have a headache during orgasm, this is a serious illness that requires mandatory diagnosis.

There is a possibility that this condition is influenced by other pathologies of the body. It is possible that they are asymptomatic, and sexual intercourse and an excited state provoke the appearance of symptoms.

A similar phenomenon can happen only once, especially if the past day was tense and emotional. Excessive exercise and fatigue can also affect the situation.

Young people, especially those who have had sex for the first time, may encounter this problem. In this case, the main thing is to calm down and accept your condition. Most likely this won't happen next time.

It is necessary to treat immediately if a person has not previously experienced such discomfort during sex, but for some time now it has taken on a constant pace.

It is impossible to guess at what moment the attack will occur. To avoid this and enjoy the moment with your other half, you need to identify the root causes.

Factors influencing the occurrence of headaches:

  • High pressure. Sex and orgasm cause blood pressure to rise. If it is slightly enlarged, then you may not even notice it. When a person’s blood pressure exceeds 200/100 mmHg. Art., then the symptoms resemble a hypertensive crisis. The person experiences severe malaise and pain in the head.
  • Muscle tension. During sex, all muscles are tense, and adrenaline and norepinephrine are released in the body.

These substances cause irregular heartbeats, rapid breathing and muscle tension. This condition can cause headaches after sex.

These are the 2 main reasons, but there are other factors that can affect the state of the body during sex. Causes:

  1. Improper metabolism.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  5. Pain during or after sexual intercourse can be caused by taking medications. In this case, it is most likely a side effect of the medication.
  6. Uncomfortable position.
  7. Too active position.
  8. High intracranial pressure.
  9. Stress.
  10. Poor nutrition.
  11. Excessive physical activity, including sports.
  12. Pathologies of the central nervous system: neoplasms and tumors.

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There are no clear opinions regarding the occurrence of pain syndrome. Attacks of headaches characteristic of orgasm are isolated and constant. Factors contributing to the development of pain are identified:

  • hypertension;
  • cervical vascular spasms;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • low stress resistance;
  • frequent change of partners;
  • hormonal changes of a temporary or permanent nature;
  • overweight;
  • pathologies of the brain or circulatory system of the head;
  • increased sexual activity.

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Pain syndrome also occurs during masturbation at or before the peak of orgasm. When pain occurs frequently, psychological discomfort develops.

People are forced to see a doctor to get rid of the unpleasant effects of copulation. Depending on gender, doctors distinguish between female and male causes of headaches that occur during sexual intercourse.

Among women

The occurrence of unpleasant sensations is rare. Pain syndrome is typical for women:

  • having frequent connections with different partners;
  • using oral contraception.

Throbbing pain during the period of growth of the body is localized in the temporal region, sometimes on one side. Then, due to impaired blood flow, a migraine attack occurs. The cause of pain is hormonal imbalance during the premenstrual period.

Women are characterized by prolonged pain attacks of low intensity. When the intensity of sexual intercourse decreases, the syndrome disappears without a trace. Replacing contraceptives gives positive dynamics.

In men

The occurrence of orgasmic headaches is associated with an increase in blood pressure during orgasm. There is an increased production of joy hormones (serotonin, endorphin). Increased stress increases the level of adrenaline. This hormonal cocktail causes vascular spasms and brain microcirculation is disrupted.

The muscles of the cervical spine experience increased tension, and the outflow of blood from the head is difficult. The painful syndrome goes away after rubbing the neck on both sides.

If there is no ejaculation, the syndrome persists longer. Spasms arise due to self-doubt. Psychological factors play an important role in sexual relations.

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The types of headaches are a critical component in the subsequent prescribing of medications to patients. Almost all diseases have a certain “cliché”, which makes it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis without laboratory and instrumental studies. Refined localization of the headache and identification of other symptoms can reveal the disease that caused the pain syndrome.

Diagnosis is aimed at identifying the root cause through a thorough history taking, general urine/blood tests, and examination by specialized doctors (neurologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist if indicated; if a tumor is detected, consultation with an oncologist is necessary).

Additionally, ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels, MRI, and EEG are prescribed. An examination by a neurologist will assess the reflexes and sensitivity of the skin. The endocrinologist will prescribe tests for a number of hormones, including thyroid hormones: T3, T4. Neurasthenia is diagnosed by psychotherapists in the absence of organic pathology. Moreover, the mental component can distort the symptomatic picture. An infectious disease doctor will perform a blood culture to identify the pathogen.

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Prevention and treatment of the disease

First of all, you need to make sure that the headaches are not caused by other pathologies. If the cause is serious disorders of the vascular system, then treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible.

Basic diagnostic methods that exclude brain and heart problems:

  • MRI.
  • CT scan.
  • Electrocardiogram.

Coital cephalalgia can be cured by regular sleep. Rest after sex helps the body relax.

It is possible that pain that begins during sex or after orgasm will disappear after a certain period.

In the absence of serious illnesses, to prevent headaches during orgasm, you should stop or completely limit physical activity for a period of three weeks. At this time, it is also worth stopping intimate relationships. Relaxation therapy and breathing exercises give good results.

If the cause of pain is pressure surges, it should be normalized by taking medications for hypertension prescribed by a doctor. Overweight people need to diet and be more active in order to lose weight.

For those who cannot go long without sex, it is recommended to take analgesic and non-steroidal medications half an hour before sexual intercourse:

  • indomethacin;
  • ketorolac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • nimesulide.
  • analgin;
  • paracetamol;
  • acetylsalicylic acid.

You can also take combination medications, which contain several components that have an analgesic and antispasmodic effect:

  • spazgan;
  • spasmalgon;
  • combispasm;
  • five-ring;
  • tempalgin.

Those who suffer from migraines can take a drug from the triptan group half an hour before sexual intercourse:

  • sumatriptan;
  • amigren;
  • antimigraine.
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