How to learn hypnosis - effective methods for mastering the technique of managing people

Hypnosis and the opportunities it provides are interesting to people of all ages and social categories. Is it possible to learn hypnosis on your own? The answer to this question is of interest to many. After all, some people want to use hypnotic suggestion to help their loved ones get rid of addictions and bad habits. Others are interested in the opportunity to influence others. Knowledge of hypnotic techniques will be useful for doctors, businessmen, and PR people.

The principle of hypnosis

Hypnotic suggestion is the ability to influence the human psyche in a special way. During hypnosis, the conscious part is switched off and the person is immersed in a trance, a state similar to what we experience between sleep and wakefulness. When the conscious part of the psyche is turned off, it becomes possible to “reach out” to its subconscious part. This cannot be done while awake.

It is working with the subconscious that helps treat various addictions, phobias, depression and many other psychosomatic diseases. Also, hypnotic suggestion helps to increase self-esteem by removing complexes and other limiting attitudes.

When studying hypnosis on your own, you should not hope for instant results. Everything requires patience and practice. However, professional psychotherapists who master such techniques did not learn them in one day.

Correct verbal attitudes and nonverbal behavior

For hypnosis to work, you must pronounce the installation words correctly. It matters not only what the hypnotist says, but also how he says it. Nonverbal communication plays a major role in left hemisphere dulling.

Rhythmic, repeated movements contribute to immersion in a trance state:

  1. To introduce hypnosis, it is important to pronounce all remarks calmly, in a monotonous, low voice.
  2. The hypnotist's gestures should be smooth.
  3. Pronounced settings should be clear and concise and not contain ambiguous meanings.
  4. Affirmative sentences should be used, without the “not” particles.

Inducing a person into a state of hypnosis can be done in various ways.

Basic Information About Hypnosis

All hypnotic techniques involve a persistent effect on the human psyche, which is akin to suppression of will. After several hypnotic sessions, a person can change the type of thinking or behavior, as well as change the reaction to certain irritating factors. After carrying out a hypnotic suggestion, the hypnotized person is able to perform certain actions assigned to him during the session.

The important point is that a person will never do anything that goes against his inner beliefs.

After being hypnotized into a trance, the completely switched off consciousness ceases to respond to external stimuli. The suggestion itself is a set of verbal formulations with certain information. They are individual in nature and since they are “recorded” directly into the subconscious, a person, after awakening, perceives them as his own.

Hypnosis is divided into three main types:

  • classical;
  • hidden;
  • regressive.

The classical method involves instilling clear guidelines in a person. This technique is often called “directive” because it is characterized by specific instructions and formulations. Used in cases where it is necessary to impose strict restrictions, for example, in the treatment of addiction.

The hidden method is softer and was developed by the American psychotherapist Erickson, which is why the technique is often called “Ericksonian”. During the session, the person does not lose the opportunity to communicate with the hypnologist and is able to reject the settings if he does not like them. The main instruction that the doctor gives to the patient is to exit the hypnotic trance if discomfort arises.

This method is no less widely used than the classical one to eliminate various phobias, addictions and other problems. However, the technique is actively used in marketing, direct sales, advertising and politics.

The regression method allows a person to restore memories from his life, and, according to some experts, even from past lives. Returning to past events, especially unpleasant ones, allows the therapist to find the root of the problem and successfully eliminate it.

How to influence the subconscious

The hypnotic effect occurs through the invocation of subconscious trust and the establishment of so-called rapport. The theory, techniques and practice of hypnosis are inextricably linked with this concept. Rapport is the connection established by the hypnotist with the hypnotized person.

With the establishment of rapport, the hypnotized person becomes more receptive to the suggested words of the hypnotist, readiness to carry out suggested tasks, and loses reaction to other external stimuli. To create unconscious trust and rapport, the hypnotist identifies himself with the hypnotized person - makes his behavior similar, adjusts his posture, gestures, movements, and breathing patterns.

Adjustment to posture and movements

The simplest technique in creating subconscious trust is to adjust to the pose of the person being hypnotized - it must be copied, directly or crosswise (that is, like in a mirror). If, for example, the client's left leg is on top when crossing his legs, when cross-adjusting, the hypnotist should have his left leg on top. But a person rarely sits still, so movements also become the subject of adjustment. This adjustment is more difficult; you need to be very careful, watching and repeating gestures and facial expressions, and at the same time not letting your partner realize it.

The easiest way is to adapt to a person’s gestures, and when copying a gesture, you don’t have to complete it, but only outline and repeat the direction. It is convenient to reproduce the frequency of blinking - the opposite party is almost never aware of this.

To learn this technique, you need to do exercises - copy the pose of a person who is in a motionless state. Repeat changes in posture, gestures, movements. When copying a movement, you can only reflect it by direction; it is important to repeat its frequency. By copying the rhythm of blinking, you can stop it at some point or close your eyes. If the subject does the same, it means that the adjustment is working and the state of hypnosis is approaching.

Adjusting to breathing

Training to adjust to breathing requires a lot of attention, since there is a direct connection between this function and the subconscious. The direct type of adjustment is an exact copying of the rhythm of the subject's inhalations and exhalations. This adjustment is most effective. But if a person's breathing rhythm is too fast or slow, it may be difficult to reproduce. In this case, indirect adjustment is used - they copy the breathing rhythm by moving, for example, a finger.

When performing training exercises, you need to work on both types of adjustments. Watching the person, begin to breathe evenly in time with his inhalations and exhalations. Then select a subject with an increased breathing rate and try to copy the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation by shaking your leg or moving your finger.

Voice and speech

The voice is the hypnotist's working tool. A clear, strong, pleasant voice, easily moving from tone to tone, introduces the hypnotized person into a state of trance. Speech should be clear, unhurried, and convincing. It is necessary to develop your own voice, which will act hypnotically, train it in accordance with these requirements, learn to change intonation, make it rhythmic if necessary.

There are two more rules used in hypnosis:

  1. The speech should not contain negatives. Negations do not exist in the subconscious; it does not perceive them. An exercise for training such speech is to avoid using the particle “not” at all for some time, and instead of using negative words, use others that are suitable in meaning. Then return to normal speech, but when talking about experiences, do not use the negative particle.
  2. Phrases should be general in nature, not specific to the situation. The person being hypnotized must have unoccupied space for his impressions and feelings. This facilitates a faster introduction into trance.

After these initial techniques have been successfully mastered, you can move on - study and train in a self-instruction manual on the basics of hypnosis, techniques for inducing trance through associations, suggestion with command words, hypnotization with built-in messages, using a person’s natural trance. Mastering the techniques of breaking patterns, overloading, and anchoring will add to your knowledge and techniques. It is also important to pay attention to autogenic training.

This is only a small part of the recommendations and exercises for mastering hypnosis. To learn practical hypnosis, you need to work hard using the hypnosis tutorial for beginners, use videos with exercises, examples of techniques, and advice from experienced specialists. Such information can be obtained on the channel of psychologist and hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any method has its pros and cons, and hypnotic suggestion techniques are no exception. The benefits of hypnosis include:

  • activation of body reserves;
  • the ability to find the cause of the disease;
  • the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills;
  • discovery of hidden possibilities of the psyche;
  • no side effects;
  • solving psychological problems.

Hypnosis also has disadvantages, but they are much less than the advantages. The disadvantages of hypnotic suggestion include:

  • the ability to give negative attitudes;
  • prohibition of the use of techniques in case of mental disorders;
  • loss of control over your body and actions.

Ways to learn hypnosis on your own

Before you start practicing hypnosis on your own, you need to honestly answer the question - what is your goal. It is unlikely that anyone will admit that they want to study hypnosis in order to influence people to realize their plans.

Meanwhile, such use of hypnotic suggestion is not uncommon; a striking example is street gypsies using methods similar to Ericksonian hypnosis. However, when setting unseemly goals for yourself, you should not forget that everything comes back and you have to pay for everything.

As for the methods of self-learning themselves, they can be divided into five main categories:

  1. Books.
  2. Websites.
  3. Audiobooks.
  4. Video lessons.
  5. Online seminars.

They are located as the quality of the acquired knowledge improves and, of course, can be used not only separately, but also complementing each other. Let's look at these methods in more detail, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

How to learn gypsy hypnosis, hypnotize people with your eyes: tips

We have already described above the distinctive characteristics of gypsy or, as it is also called, street hypnosis. In principle, we will give tips that will help you master any other hypnosis.

  1. The first requirement is self-confidence. She should not hesitate, because only a person who is absolutely confident in himself can hypnotize with his gaze. To do this, it is important to have high self-esteem, so work on yourself.
  2. Appearance also plays a big role. There must be an image of a presentable and even authoritative person in order for one to want to trust him.
  3. Work on your diction. Words should be pronounced clearly and slowly, and the voice should be full of confidence and firmness. But without unnecessary pressure, otherwise you can only scare the patient away. And the main secret of gypsy hypnosis is the rearrangement of words and a continuous flow of information.
  4. Also, do not forget that the voice should lull a person’s consciousness. Don't shout and stick to the same rhythm.
  5. In the beginning, of course, you need to practice on your friend, who will give voluntary consent. In the future, you can train on strangers, but know how to choose the right person. Even gypsies approach weak and insecure representatives. Therefore, learn to identify and understand people.
  6. Another tip is to copy the behavior and facial expressions of the subject. This can help him understand and connect better.
      By the way, regarding contact. Gypsies not only establish visual contact, but also confidential contact (that is, touching hands). Yes, you can stroke the patient's left arm to put the left hemisphere to sleep. Or just casually touch the elbow of your interlocutor, this will also help establish trust on an unconscious level.
  7. The main thing that gypsies use in conversation is putting pressure on a person’s misfortunes. It doesn't matter if it's in the past, future or present. As a rule, they all have a similar character. Use general phrases, but don’t go too far. There is no need to be too frightening either.
  8. Ask questions of a personal nature, but after an established contact. The person, without even realizing it, will begin to answer the questions posed.
  9. And the last piece of advice – don’t give up! Gypsies are also distinguished by their pressure (yes, they often attack in groups so that the victim cannot escape), but they do not give up until the last moment. If you fail, don't get discouraged and don't lose faith in yourself. Remember that “Moscow was not built at once.” Therefore, train and next time you will definitely succeed.

Gypsy hypnosis
You should also know what can cause failure or even prevent you from establishing contact :

  • This is nicotine or drug addiction. Yes, we have already mentioned this. The fact is that a smoking person does not control his consciousness. How can it influence the consciousness of another person?
  • Alcohol will also become a blocker for establishing contact. The fact is that alcoholic drinks dissipate consciousness, and you won’t be able to master hypnosis.
  • Even banal coffee will become a hindrance. After all, it is a stimulant of the nervous system.
  • Do not use hypnosis for any harm. Remember that any action will come back to you like a boomerang. And in double size. Therefore, hypnosis can only be used for good.


This approach is a classic way of teaching and for more convenient orientation in specialized literature, below is a list of five books by recognized masters of hypnosis:

"Trance Formation: Neurolinguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis" Bandler and Grinder

This book was written by the authors of the famous NLP technique, which is essentially a development of the Ericksonian method of hypnosis. Despite the fact that the book was published quite a long time ago, it has not lost its relevance to this day. An excellent publication, written in lively and understandable language.

"Selected Works of Milton Erickson" (4 volumes) M. Erickson

The four volumes of this publication compile the vast practical experience of the famous psychotherapist Milton Erickson, who is the author of the method of hypnosis, which is popular all over the world. You can study the publication in any order, but it is worth noting that it is not intended for beginners, but it will be very useful for further development.

Over the past few decades, a strange situation has been observed - on the one hand, Erickson’s method of hypnosis is becoming increasingly popular, which proves its effectiveness, on the other hand, Erickson has received a lot of criticism.

Most likely this is explained by the genius of the author and the current state of affairs can be compared with what happened after the death of Bruce Lee. While he was alive, everyone recognized his uniqueness and few were able to challenge him. Less than an hour after his death, it turned out that he was quite ordinary.

“My Voice Will Remain with You: Milton Erickson's Teaching Stories” M. Erickson

Erickson did not become famous out of nowhere; all his works are confirmed by clinical observations and his techniques have proven their effectiveness with the test of time. At first glance, it seems that he did not put any effort into his work, simply telling different stories to the patient. Meanwhile, people fell into a trance and after the sessions their lives changed dramatically for the better.

The book is a collection of 100 of the most impressive stories Erickson told in his sessions. There is no need to copy them verbatim in your practice, but they can serve as a starting point for generating your own ideas.

"Monsters and Wands: Hypnosis Doesn't Exist?" S. Heller T. Steele

This is a fairly small book, but it shows with vivid examples how hypnosis is constantly present in our lives. One of the psychotherapists, using the methods shown in this publication, was able to cure an old wart in a patient. He used a “magic wand”, but essentially an ordinary pencil.

"Transforming Therapy: A New Approach to Hypnotherapy" G. Boyne

The author of the book practiced the ultra-fast method of hypnotization and the publication contains a description of several tricks that street hypnotists use. Boyne was a professional of the highest class who could make almost instantaneous suggestions. Despite this, the author of the book was excellent at both the methods of deep trance and long-term instructions.

The disadvantages of learning from books include:

  • quite complex training;
  • a basic level is required to understand the information presented in the book.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • authority and competence of the authors;
  • accessibility, many books can be downloaded on the Internet for free.


With the widespread use of the Internet, it has become possible to visit thematic sites and obtain information of interest there. This method has one disadvantage - hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of sites about hypnosis can lead a person to confusion.

It is difficult for a beginner to find useful and relevant information and you may stumble upon an ordinary dummy. Plus is the accessibility and convenient presentation of the material.

Video lessons

The video lesson clearly shows how the master works and the entire process of a hypnosis session. And again, the Internet becomes an assistant in this matter, where you can find both paid and free courses. The downside is the lack of feedback from the teacher and the inability to ask a question. The advantages include accessibility, low price, or even free materials.

Online seminars

This method is the most effective way to learn hypnosis at home on your own. The price for such classes is quite affordable, and the teacher is always available in real time. The downside to this approach can be found only when compared with face-to-face training. The advantage is high efficiency and affordable price.

Mastering technology

Absolutely anyone can learn hypnosis. The main requirement is diligence, self-confidence, and a willingness to completely control your thoughts and emotions. To develop these qualities, you can use self-hypnosis by dictating commands into a voice recorder.

You can learn the basics of hypnosis at home. Real strong techniques that require compliance with certain safety measures are best mastered with the help of an experienced trainer. You can learn how to learn hypnosis in the classes of psychologist and hypnotherapist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Hypnotizing with a look

This scheme is designed for beginners and is based on concentration. To do this, take any image on paper and carefully study it, focusing on the details. The places that you liked the most are marked or your own are added. This leisurely and thoughtful activity gradually leads to trance.

The technique is perfected for about 2 months, 20 minutes daily. The next step in mastering ideomotor skills is issuing commands at a distance. To do this, you need to fully concentrate on the object, as earlier in the image, and give it a mental command. You need to start with the simplest ones, for example:

  • straighten hair;
  • turn your head;
  • rearrange the glass on the table.

In some publications, gaze hypnotization is presented as a very simple technique. In fact, this is not the case, since it involves subconscious contact with a person at a distance.

At first, it will not be possible to put a stranger into a trance because you need a strong mental connection.

For training, you can ask a loved one to become a volunteer assistant. After this, you need to sit him opposite you in the most comfortable position for him. Next, you need to look into the person’s eyes, concentrating on the pupils and give a mental instruction. It may not work out right the first time, but practice will improve everything.

Self-training in hypnosis

Anyone can master the techniques of inducing trance. Of course, some will find learning hypnosis easier. These are individuals who, from childhood, have shown leadership qualities, strong will and interest in people. The ability to control and understand human psychology is a good basis for learning the technique of hypnosis.

Of course, you can develop such qualities in yourself by reading books on psychology and observing people. The following techniques will help train your will and ability to concentrate:

  • force yourself to do unpleasant or boring work carefully, conscientiously, without getting irritated;
  • when you want to chat, keep quiet;
  • if you are insulted and provoked into conflict, restrain your impulses to respond to the provocation;
  • for several minutes, simultaneously draw circles with one hand and squares with the other;
  • give up bad habits.

It is also important to develop a “professional” look - the ability to influence the consciousness and emotions of another person with just your eyes. The hypnotist must be able to look into the eyes of the interlocutor for a long time and without blinking, so as not to accidentally break eye contact. To master this technique, first learn to concentrate your gaze on the flame of a candle or some other small object - a fragment of a pattern on wallpaper, a door handle. The object of concentration should be somewhere at a distance of a meter from the eyes. First set yourself a goal of not blinking for a minute, then gradually increase the time you perform the technique to 10–15 minutes.

Hypnotizing with words

With the ability to competently manipulate words, as well as understand what mood the suggestible person is in, learning hypnosis will be greatly simplified. The Ericksonian method is a type of hypnotic suggestion and is often used by salesmen and street scammers.

In this case, tactile contact is used during the session. The hypnologist, having started a calm conversation, places one hand on the shoulder of the suggestible person and touches the palm of the other in such a way as to feel the patient’s pulse.

After this, using verbal formulas, the person is spoken to, convincing him that he is tired and does not want to move. Gradually, the patient falls into a hypnotic trance and the first instruction that is given is the words that sleep is very useful, and after waking up he will feel cheerful and rested.

Next comes the installation that upon awakening, all problems will disappear and more specific instructions are given, depending on the situation. This method is most effective if the verbal formulations have a clear form and carry a specific semantic load.

Hypnosis: what heals and what cripples?

We understand the phenomenon from a medical point of view together with the head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations, Professor of Psychiatry Mikhail Vinogradov

Whether or not to believe in the unusual abilities of Wolf Messing is everyone’s business. But nevertheless, hypnosis exists - it is one of the most popular methods of psychotherapy. Many clinics promise to use it to get rid of smoking, obesity, alcoholism, and depression. How effective can this be, and how dangerous?

Sleep of reason or...

— Although hypnosis is translated from Greek as “sleep,” it is not such in the usual sense. During a session, the brain does not switch to an “energy-saving” mode, as during normal sleep. Both consciousness and the subcortex enter a special state - active, but narrowly focused. The brain focuses on the content of what the hypnologist suggests and gives the body these commands to carry out.

During deep hypnosis, the patient is completely immersed in himself, in personal experiences - during the session he is outside of reality. And there is also the so-called Ericksonian hypnosis - when a person is put into a light trance. He is active, can communicate with others, but his thoughts and actions are subordinate to the hypnologist. Now this method is actively used in NLP (neurolinguistic programming). About 70% of people are susceptible to deep hypnosis, and almost everyone is susceptible to “light” hypnosis.

Can a person be forced to do anything by suggestion?

- I guess, yes. But this requires special approaches. A person has a certain moral guard in his brain. Everyone has their own. So, contrary to moral principles, a person cannot be forced to do something. But an experienced hypnologist can always bypass these settings. You can stupidly give a person in a state of hypnosis a gun and say: “Kill!” He will faint, lose consciousness, but will not go to kill. Or you can make a suggestion, like, “let’s shoot at the target.” And the person will begin to shoot, as it were, at a target, and instead of it there will be a living object... Therefore, hypnosis can be both a treatment and a formidable weapon. Depending on who is using it.

Is the method based on deception?

— If we talk about hypnosis as a therapeutic method, then it is built on reforming attitudes, views, and increasing the body’s protective abilities. And lying is unacceptable here! On the contrary, it is important for the hypnologist to establish a completely honest and open relationship with the patient.

And criminal hypnosis, yes, is based on deception. In terms of technology, it is almost no different from the usual one. But during treatment, the doctor immerses the patient in a hypnotic state carefully, monitoring the pulse and breathing so as not to cause harm. And the criminal is lightning fast, the person suddenly falls into a trance state and carries out all the commands of the criminal.

“Don’t let the scammers take your hand!”

“Seconds separate a person from falling under hypnotic influence. It is possible to protect yourself from criminal hypnosis only when a person is ready for this protection. A gypsy woman came up and said, “Let me tell you fortune.” It needs to be cut off immediately. Don't let yourself be taken by the hand. Don't let him make eye contact. You need to “interrupt the wave” when it tries to tune in to you. And then the energy rhythm of the scammer is disrupted. And he can no longer put you into a trance. Cut off abruptly, harshly, without any delicacy. There is a trick: gypsies try to touch a person’s right hand (in our subconscious, shaking hands with it is a symbol of friendship, affection, trust). So left-handers are luckier in terms of protection from lightning-fast hypnosis.

Can trance cure obesity?

— Hypnosis is not essentially an independent method of treatment. But it can be used quite effectively as an auxiliary psychotherapy for neuroses, phobias, obsessions, and addictions.

As for obesity, hypnosis can be useful, but as a second component of treatment. The question here is the instructions given by the hypnologist. If your metabolism is disturbed, go to nutritionists and endocrinologists. And if a person gains weight for neurotic reasons, then hypnosis can help him. Depression often causes weight gain. But you can’t tell a person: don’t eat this, don’t eat that, lose weight! This is criminal and can cause irreversible damage to consciousness. The hypnologist’s task is to normalize mood and relieve anxiety. And then the excess weight will go away without harm. Hypnosis does not treat obesity, but the causes that lead to it on a psychosomatic level.

The same applies to alcoholism. Often it is secondary, and is based on advanced neurosis and depression. But, like any treatment method, hypnosis can only be chosen and recommended by a doctor!

For what diseases is hypnosis dangerous?

- It should absolutely not be used for psychosis. And also, of course, for all acute conditions - heart attack, acute pancreatitis, infections with high fever. Otherwise, the indications for the use of hypnosis are very wide. But not all people who call themselves hypnologists have the ability to conduct sessions correctly.

And, by the way, hypnosis can only be carried out by a doctor who has specialized in psychotherapy, psychiatry, medical psychology, and who is fluent not just in the method of hypnosis, but who understands the structure of the patient’s personality and the peculiarities of the structure of his disease state.


Hypnosis has always existed. In the animal world, a hunter (boa constrictor, wolf, etc.) hypnotizes the victim. Since ancient times, shamans have put entire tribes into trance.

In 1530, the famous physician Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim) introduced into medicine the concept of “magnetism” - mutual attraction between people and the ability to use “magnetic force” to influence the consciousness of another person.

In 1834, the term “hypnosis” appeared. It was first described and introduced into practice by the English physician J. Brad. Since then, hypnosis has been used as a medical method. In Russia, it was actively studied by the great physiologists Pavlov, Bekhterev, Anokhin.


Are you easily influenced?

These 10 questions will help you understand how easy it is to influence your psyche, including hypnotic influence.

1 A stranger (waiter, taxi driver, aunt at the clinic) looked at you with displeasure. What do you think?

A) He didn’t like me, maybe there’s something wrong with me.

B) The person is just tired or someone has brought him down.

C) There are those who are always dissatisfied with everything! I have nothing to do with it.

2 You accidentally heard that your colleagues are telling you that your work is getting worse and worse every day...

A) This hurts me deeply, and everything really starts to fall out of my hands.

B) You never know what people talk about, they’re just evil!

C) I’ll think about it and try to calmly evaluate my work and analyze the shortcomings.

3 You have acne or hives on your face.

A) I won’t show myself in public until everything passes.

B) I’ll cover it with creams, and when I meet everyone I know I’ll explain that I’ve encountered such a problem...

B) Well, just think! It happens to everyone.

4 When you have a cold, you don’t go to the doctor because...

A) Crowds of people, including in clinics, irritate me.

B) What if, in addition to a cold, the doctor finds some other hidden disease? It scares me, it's better not to know.

C) A mild cold will go away on its own. And there is no time for doctors.

5 You have an important decision to make. Your actions.

A) I will not discuss it with anyone. Extra talk will only confuse you.

B) I’ll ask my friends and family for advice, but I’ll still do it my own way.

C) I completely rely only on my intuition.

6 On a deserted street you feel like someone is following you.

A) I get scared and immediately quickly speed up my pace.

B) I control myself, but still look around out of curiosity.

C) I continue to walk calmly; if there was danger, I would have felt it.

7 You have read new research about a healthy lifestyle.

A) I immediately try to change something in my behavior style.

B) I’m wondering: what exactly could be useful for me in this?

C) Sensations are born every day! You have to live by your own mind.

8 You find yourself at a big sale. But you don’t really need anything, and you’re running out of money.

A) In fact, there are a lot of things here that I need! Five minutes later the money was all gone.

B) I walk, look, put a couple of things aside. If the desire to buy does not disappear by the evening, I will come back and buy it.

B) I’ll quickly go through the rows. Really, I don’t need anything here.

9 As they say, whoever has the TV remote control is the boss of the house. Your partner loves football, and you love psychological thrillers (or vice versa). With time…

A) I’ll switch to football, this is also interesting. And it’s as gripping as thrillers.

B) Let’s buy a second TV, no problem!

C) I will convince my other half and even make a scandal if necessary, that your movie is more important.

10 You are drawn into an unpleasant conversation.

A) I’m tormented, looking for a reason to excuse myself from such communication, but I can’t find one.

B) I find a logical reason to finish it.

Q) I don’t participate in such conversations, I’ll leave right away.

Which answers did you get the most?

A. You are very suggestible. Most likely, you can easily be put into a hypnotic state. This is not bad if you need psychotherapy and the help of a hypnologist. But at the same time, you are at “risk” for criminal hypnosis from scammers and gypsies. Train your psyche, analyze your actions more, try not to make important decisions without thinking them through first. There are also special trainings to increase psychological stability.

B. In general, you have good self-control, and it’s not so easy to get into your subcortex right away. But you can succumb to manipulation if you choose the right key to your consciousness and subconscious. But you are not very good at navigating “unfamiliar territory.” And when there is a hole in your self-confidence, you become lost and vulnerable to suggestion.

Q. You are a rock! You have your own opinion on everything. Neither sophisticated persuasion, nor emotions, nor even threats will win you over. You don't trust anything other than facts. But this is where you can be caught - on your conceit. Of course, it’s hardly possible to imagine how you give all your money to a gypsy in a gateway. But an experienced hypnologist will be able to “turn off” you, concentrating on your own person.

Complex method of hypnotization

This technique is used by experienced hypnologists because it is the most effective and combines several techniques. A professional needs only a couple of minutes for his client to enter a trance state. The session begins with establishing close contact by concentrating on the eyes, then the verbal method of persuasion comes into play.

To concentrate a person’s attention, the hypnologist uses various objects - pendulums, earrings, spoons, and so on. After the first session, in the second, seeing the object of attention, the person will fall into a trance even faster.

How to learn hypnosis yourself

There are many exercises described in specialized literature and video lessons on the Internet that help you learn how to hypnotize yourself. Before starting the exercise, you need to concentrate on it and abstract from extraneous thoughts.

To master the technique of direct eye contact, you need to learn to concentrate your gaze and develop its so-called magnetism. To do this, you need to place a sheet of paper at eye level, draw a bold dot on it and, from a distance of about two meters, concentrate your gaze on it. Then, without taking your eyes off the image, move around the room for a quarter of an hour. You need to repeat this exercise up to five times.

You can sit in front of the drawing, look carefully at the dot for a couple of minutes, and then begin to slowly turn your head without taking your eyes off the image. And finally, you can, concentrating on a point, imagine that your eyes are emitting rays that converge in the center of this image. You can do this exercise until tears appear.

Another exercise is to sit in front of a mirror and focus your gaze on the bridge of your nose. If you have a partner, you can sit opposite him and concentrate your gaze on the bridge of his nose. The duration of the exercise can be increased from one minute to a quarter of an hour. You need to look calmly and confidently, maintaining a natural facial expression.

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Having mastered this technique, you need to continue training in hypnotherapy, mastering other techniques. For example, a technique with a pendulum. You can hang a shiny ball on a thread and, swinging it monotonously, try to put your partner into a trance. He should relax, try not to think about anything and not take his eyes off the ball. Before the exercise, you need to agree on what action the partner will take out of the trance (for example, clapping your hands). In a trance state, it is necessary to induce the subject to perform a certain action after waking up. If after the clap he does exactly this, we can consider that the session was successful.

You can use video tutorials for training. You can find many free lessons and other educational videos on the YouTube channel of psychologist Nikita Baturin. Here is one of his videos:


Below are a few basic exercises that will help you learn hypnosis on your own.

Attention . The first thing you need to learn in order to master hypnosis is maximum concentration of attention, disconnecting from everything that is happening. To complete the exercise, draw a circle on a large piece of paper and place a small dot in the center. The sheet is hung on the wall at a distance of about one to two meters from the chair or sofa.

The person performing the exercise sits down and peers intently at the point, abstracting from the surroundings and internal thoughts. Your head should be completely empty and the point should absorb everything around you. This exercise is not as simple as it seems at first glance and requires a lot of effort.

Adjustment . This exercise allows you to establish clear contact with the hypnotized person, including trust - rapport. Adjustment is actively used not only in hypnosis, but also in NLP. You can start exercising next to your loved ones. There are three possibilities to adapt to a person:

  1. By pose. This type of adjustment is the most common and easiest to implement. At a subconscious level, trust is established between interlocutors. Scientific research has confirmed that such adjustment occurs automatically if people want to reach an agreement.

In order to adapt to a person, you need to take a similar position to his. This can be done directly or in mirror image.

  1. By movement. This type of adjustment is more difficult than posture adjustment and requires long training. It is implemented as a non-verbal copying of the gestures of the hypnotized person. For example, if a person scratched his head during a session, there is no need to completely copy him, just straighten his own hair.
  2. By breathing. Such adjustment may be direct or indirect. The first involves completely copying the breathing rhythm of the person being hypnotized, the second, copying breathing using finger movements.

Anchor . This term refers to a person’s conditioned reflex, which activates a reaction in him. As an example, a name can be cited, which is one of the most powerful anchors of an action that continues throughout life. An anchor can be of this type:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • kinesthetic.

The most powerful anchors are of the latter variety because they are directly related to the human body. To use an anchor, you must choose a socially acceptable action that will not be too noticeable. For example, an original item that is pulled out at the right moment can act as a visual anchor. In addition, the following can act as an anchor:

  • given gestures;
  • music;
  • touch;
  • some kind of talisman;
  • smell;
  • color;
  • repetition of given words;
  • coughing;
  • appropriate expression on the face;
  • photo.

The exercise consists of training in setting an anchor during hypnotic influence and linking the necessary actions to it.

Overload . When practicing this skill, you must learn to sharply break the patterns of one of the channels of perception. The most accessible is the auditory channel and, for example, uttering a quick, complex and illogical phrase during a conversation can drive a person into a short stupor. At this moment the suggestion is carried out.


It is better to conduct training sessions with loved ones in a familiar and comfortable environment. The session should not be interrupted by extraneous sounds or other circumstances. To do this, you need to turn off all the music in the house and remove pets from the room, if there are any. It is necessary to be patient since the first sessions will be ineffective given the little experience and resistance of the hypnotized person at the subconscious level.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that learning hypnosis on your own is not easy, but it is quite doable. To effectively master a new skill, it would be a good idea to consult with a professional hypnologist. Of course, the main thing is constant training and faith in your own strength.

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