Save yourself from a stroke. Is it possible to avoid a blow and what to do if it happens

First signs

During a stroke, the victim's blood circulation in some part of the brain is blocked during vascular spasm or rupture. In this case, the brain stops receiving oxygen, tissues die, and the person temporarily or permanently loses some skills for which the affected area of ​​the brain is responsible (speech, coordination, vision).

Important! Severe spasm or blockage of blood vessels is characterized by ischemic stroke, rupture is characterized by hemorrhagic stroke. First aid for different types of impact will vary slightly, so you need to understand what kind of case you have in front of you.


Vascular spasm or blockage of blood vessels can occur suddenly.
It is imperative to provide first aid to a person if he has at least a few of the following symptoms or a whole group of signs:

  1. sudden numbness of the arms or legs ;
  2. loss of orientation - a person temporarily forgets who he is, where he is going or going;
  3. the victim cannot correctly say a simple phrase and does not understand questions well;
  4. loses vision - completely or partially;
  5. the main symptom is the inability to smile , the smile either does not come out at all, or turns out to be crooked, asymmetrical;
  6. paralysis of a limb - in severe cases;
  7. loss of control over the tongue - it may be slightly stuck out, while deviating to the side.

There may also be neurological disorders - short-term loss of consciousness, a sharp headache, the victim begins to feel sick or vomit.


An extremely severe type of disease, manifests itself in the form of rupture of blood vessels in the brain area, hemorrhage and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. loss of consciousness;
  2. vomit;
  3. sharp, unbearable headache;
  4. flushed face;
  5. serious speech disorders;
  6. a sharp rise in pressure;
  7. rapid pulse;
  8. paralysis or severe numbness of parts of the body - on the right or left;
  9. inability to raise both arms symmetrically up or apart;
  10. photophobia, increased symptoms with loud sounds;
  11. coma.

Important! The faster first aid is provided to the victim, the higher the chances of a successful outcome. At the first signs of a stroke in yourself or others, you must immediately call an ambulance and begin first aid.

Next we will talk about what to do at the first signs of a stroke and how to provide emergency care at the prehospital stage.

What to do before the ambulance arrives?

In the event of an impact, it is necessary to provide the patient with a sufficient amount of fresh air, prevent vomit from entering the throat and lungs, ensure rest and warmth, and be sure to place the victim in a horizontal position.
Also, if possible, it is necessary to prevent the patient from moving independently and to collect an anamnesis (for correct primary diagnosis).

If it is cool indoors or outdoors, cover your legs and lower body with a blanket or jacket.

If the patient has cramps, turn him on his side and try to insert a folded handkerchief between his teeth.

Algorithm of actions

What to do if all the symptoms of a brain disorder are present and the patient is at home? First of all, you should perform the following algorithm of actions for emergency care:

  1. calm both yourself and the victim - increased nervousness can worsen the patient’s condition and lead to a surge in blood pressure;
  2. check all symptoms - pulse, blood pressure, problems with consciousness and speech;
  3. if at least two symptoms are present, immediately call an ambulance , describing the person’s condition in detail;
  4. ask the victim (if he is not familiar to you) the circumstances of the impact and the presence of diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus);
  5. lay the patient down - if there is vomiting, then on his side, if not - on his back, raising his head and legs;
  6. unbutton the victim’s shirt or jacket ; if the blow occurred indoors, open the window;
  7. if the patient has lost consciousness or is not breathing, perform artificial respiration and cardiac massage if possible;
  8. if the patient's blood pressure is high and he has pills, give medicine. Until doctors arrive, these are the only drugs that can be given to a person for a stroke.

Also, in some cases, a light massage of the ears and head can alleviate the victim’s condition. Similar first aid should be provided in case of a heart attack.

Important! Before the ambulance arrives, you should not give the patient any medicine, give him water or try to feed him. This can blur the symptoms and lead to additional bouts of vomiting.


At home or in any room, it is necessary to provide the victim with a flow of fresh air - open a window or window, even if it is frosty outside.

If a person has lost consciousness, there is no need to try to lift him onto the bed; it is better to leave him on the floor, putting a pillow or jacket under his head and covering his legs with a blanket.

Important! If a person gets hit in a store or shopping complex, ask those around you to call security or the administrator. The employee will help provide emergency assistance - service personnel are often trained to do this.

Ask the person if he suffers from hypertension or takes medications. If the answer is yes, ask the security to bring a pressure gauge and measure the pressure. You can ask for a pressure measuring device at the pharmacy, and the administrator often has them in the first aid kit.

If necessary, give the victim blood pressure medication if he has it in his purse.

Useful video on the topic:

Nuances for hemorrhagic type

If blood vessels rupture, it is necessary, in addition to standard measures, to apply a cold towel, ice from the freezer, or a bag of frozen vegetables to the patient’s head - this will relieve swelling and help prevent extensive hemorrhage.

The victim cannot be moved until doctors arrive; it is only permissible to carefully turn him on his side or turn his head.

Important! Do not turn the victim onto his stomach! The ideal position is on your side, with your head slightly raised, ice on your head, and a heating pad on your feet.

Rub the patient's feet and hands well, you can use a drop of oil.

Nuances for ischemic type

According to the standards of medical care, for ischemic stroke, if the patient has high blood pressure and is conscious, you can give the pills prescribed by the doctor before.

If the patient is very red or sweating, wipe the face and body with a damp towel. Cover the victim with a blanket to prevent hypothermia.

If the blow happened on the street

If a person suffers a blow on the street, ask those around you to call an ambulance.
It is better to contact a specific person - this way you will speed up the process of doctors arriving.

Ask someone passing by to help you lay the victim down.

There is no need to lift the unconscious person onto a bench or try to carry him into the car - this may worsen his condition. What you should definitely do:

  1. Place the patient on his side (if he is vomiting) or on his back . Place a jacket folded several times under the head and shoulders; if this is not possible, keep the victim’s head elevated until the ambulance arrives;
  2. Unbutton the victim's jacket or shirt, provide a flow of fresh air;
  3. When calling doctors, describe the person’s well-being in as much detail as possible (is he conscious, is he breathing, is his pulse intermittent, is his skin pale or bluish, is he vomiting);
  4. Rub the victim's palms and earlobes ;
  5. Stay with the person until the doctors arrive ; if necessary, leave your phone number with the doctor in the ambulance.

Do not allow the patient to become hypothermic, be sure to cover his legs, wear gloves if it is cool outside.

Assistance in transporting a patient in an ambulance for a stroke

You should not take a stroke victim to a medical facility on your own. It is important to wait for a medical team and a specially equipped vehicle. The patient is sent to an inpatient neurological department or intensive care unit.

If you call the doctors in time, they will still only have 1-1.5 hours left so that the victim’s condition does not suffer irreversible consequences. The patient must be accompanied by a person who can inform in detail about the causes of the disease and the manipulations undertaken.

In the medical car the following is carried out:

  • qualified procedure for preventing respiratory failure;
  • smooth decrease in blood pressure levels;
  • stabilization of water-electrolyte metabolic processes through a dropper;
  • use of medications with anticonvulsant effect;
  • ensuring minimal losses for the victim.

How to help yourself when hit

What actions should you take if you are hit - on the street or at home?

The most important thing is to calm down. If possible, call for help.

Important! On the street or in a public room, you need to contact a specific person - a girl, a young man, a man - and ask to call an ambulance, explaining that all the signs indicate you are having a stroke.

Step by step guide:

  1. If an attack occurs at home and you are conscious, carefully, without making sudden movements, call emergency services, explain the symptoms, open the door in advance and lie down on the sofa or floor.
  2. Unbutton your outerwear.
  3. If you feel that your blood pressure has increased, take the medicine prescribed by your doctor.
  4. You can also put a valerian tablet under your tongue.
  5. Wait for the doctors to arrive, tell your loved ones which hospital you will be taken to.

The main thing is not to make sudden movements and not to panic, so as not to cause an even greater increase in pressure.

Is it possible to cause a stroke?

The notorious former TV journalist admitted that he had a “board of honor” hanging above his desk, on which he noted people who had a stroke after an interview with him.

— Stress, especially long-term, chronic stress, is one of the main provocateurs of stroke. During traumatic situations, there is a jump in blood pressure and the release of the stress hormone (cortisol), which can cause a brain catastrophe.

Article on the topic Together against stroke. How to help a loved one recover

However, it is impossible to cause a healthy person to have a stroke. There is always a “mediator” between stress and stroke. Most often this is arterial hypertension (constant pressure is usually above 120/80), atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels (which creates a condition dangerous for stroke - narrowing of the lumen of the arteries supplying the brain) and atrial fibrillation (in which blood clots form in the atrium - Any of them can “shoot” in the head). For acute stress to result in a stroke, the presence of one of the factors is sufficient. If all three are combined, a stroke can occur even in a calm state.

What is prohibited?

Unprofessional assistance may worsen the patient's condition.
What is strictly forbidden to do during a stroke:

  1. Shake the victim , try to lift him, sharply turn him from back to side;
  2. scream , become hysterical instead of helping;
  3. trying to give water or food to someone who has received a blow;
  4. try to bring him to consciousness with ammonia , slapping his cheeks ;
  5. give any medications .

Important! During resuscitation, the patient’s head must not be lowered below chest level!

The most important thing you shouldn’t do is to be indifferent and pass by if a person feels bad.

What rules will help avoid a stroke?

There is no such thing as a zero risk of stroke. It can occur in anyone. However, 3 out of 4 strokes are preventable. Moreover, you don’t need to make a lot of effort for this.

  • Physical activity reduces the risk of stroke by 15-20%.
  • The absence of bad habits (in the case of a stroke, smoking is the most harmful) reduces the likelihood of a brain catastrophe by 20%.
  • If a person controls blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, the likelihood of a stroke is reduced by 50%.

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