What does the term “asocial” mean? Is it a character trait or a mental illness?

Antisocial lifestyle

Most of society does approximately the same thing every day: some go to work, some go to school or college, some stay at home and run the household. In a word, everyone plays their role, one way or another useful for the others. However, there are also people who act contrary to generally accepted norms and morals. An antisocial lifestyle is usually understood as destructive, when a person not only separates himself from society, but also opposes himself to it, while behaving accordingly. This is a narrow understanding of the term.

In fact, people leading an antisocial lifestyle do not always belong to disadvantaged sections of society: drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless people, beggars, people without certain occupations, etc. In the classical sense, they just avoid normal interactions with other people as much as possible, or simply incapable of this. In this case, this category could include, for example, introverts or people suffering from mental illness.

Types of antisocial behavior

Behavioral deviations have wide variability. Modern psychologists distinguish 4 types of antisocial behavior.

IllegalIncludes such actions as hooliganism, humiliation of human dignity, petty theft, vehicle theft, and attacks not intended to rob or kill. Persons who have committed this are under the supervision of representatives of the law. They are considered capable of more serious actions related to violation of legal norms.
AddictiveThe essence of this concept is the desire to escape from reality by plunging into one of the types of addiction. The latter can be chemical (alcohol, drug, substance abuse), food (bulimia, anorexia), cult (implies involvement in the activities of religious sects). There are also other types of addictions (the most common is computer addiction).
ImmoralManifests itself in non-compliance with moral and ethical standards. This type of antisocial behavior does not pose a direct threat to society, but is condemned and condemned. This includes reluctance to engage in work, the provision of paid services of an intimate nature, vagrancy, and begging.
CriminalInvolves the commission of actions involving criminal liability. The category of criminal behavior includes banditry, burglary, robbery, rape, extortion, fraudulent schemes, and organizing mass riots.

Is this always a bad thing?

If we talk about the classical scientific understanding of this term, asociality is not a vice. Moreover, in some conditions this is even a good thing. Suffice it to recall the monks and hermits who voluntarily refuse active interaction with the rest of society. In some religions, an asocial lifestyle indicates a person’s spiritual enlightenment, a departure from the worldly, as a result of which he acquires a completely different attitude, and sometimes a certain gift. Something similar is still practiced today in some movements of Christianity, Buddhism, etc. But such an example is rather an exception and has nothing to do with what an asocial lifestyle means outside of any religious practices.

Antisocial person - what does it mean?

An antisocial personality is a person whose actions do not fit into the standards of behavior of modern society. He may violate legal, moral and ethical standards intentionally or out of ignorance, not understanding why his behavior is unacceptable. Another name for an antisocial personality is a sociopath.

Antisocial people are indifferent to established rules and public morality; they do not feel shame or sympathy for others. A complete lack of interest in other people and perverted concepts of moral values ​​prevent them from fully integrating into society.


In the absence of treatment and help, deviant behavior becomes a way of life, leading to criminal acts, infection with HIV and STDs, and death.


It is quite difficult to imagine that several thousand respectable citizens suddenly began to lead an asocial lifestyle. However, we can guess what consequences this will have. Some of them will be noticeable only in the long term, while some will be noticeable almost immediately. It is worth listing at least a few.

  • Decreased overall health, increased epidemiological danger. In addition to the devastating effects tobacco, alcohol and drugs have on the human body, some people are likely to become less careful about their personal hygiene, which can lead to the growth and spread of dangerous bacteria. Promiscuous sexual intercourse contributes to the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and also increases the risk of unplanned pregnancy. This situation often leads to either abortion or abandonment of the child immediately after birth.
  • The appearance of more homeless and unemployed people on the streets will increase crime rates. The level of crimes, including extremely dangerous ones such as murder and rape, will increase significantly.
  • As a result of a decrease in the number of respectable law-abiding citizens, tax revenue will decrease and the share of the shadow economy will increase, which will sooner or later undermine the foundations of the state.


The determination of asociality can be carried out by a clinical psychologist or psychotherapist. A number of methods can be used to reach a diagnosis.

  1. Initial conversation and examination. The specialist assesses the patient’s condition, his emotionality, behavioral traits, and manner of speech.
  2. Collection of information about the patient. The doctor studies both medical history and relationships with employers and other people.
  3. Interview with family members. The psychotherapist communicates with the patient’s close circle and clarifies their opinion about the patient’s psycho-emotional state.
  4. Psychological testing. The Eysenck questionnaire, anxiety scale and other tests can be used.
  5. Projective methods aimed at identifying hidden or suppressed emotions in the patient.

If the diagnosis is confirmed and the situation is truly serious, then medication, psychotherapeutic or psychocorrective therapy may be prescribed.


Children are the future of the world, first of all, because with the proper education of one or two generations, significant shifts in society can be achieved in any direction. Instilling the wrong values ​​can lead to very unpleasant results later. This is why effective measures to prevent antisocial lifestyle among young people are so important, especially when it comes to so-called dysfunctional families. Anti-advertising of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, disordered lifestyle, conversations with psychologists, help centers, hotlines, offering an affordable alternative in the form of sports. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to remove children from this environment, that is, to separate them from their family in order to instill in them other values ​​that correspond to generally accepted morality. In less advanced cases, patronage and regular checks are sufficient. However, such measures are not very popular and may cause opposition. Also, such power can serve as a basis for abuse. But sometimes it's simply necessary.

Prevention of antisocial behavior

Behavioral disorders are treated only when they are caused by physical or mental illness. In other cases, the leading method of correcting antisocial behavior is prevention, which should be carried out from an early age. Preventive measures are based on proper upbringing, a worthy example on the part of adults, and full-fledged care for the child, which does not deprive him of the opportunity to express his individuality.

Psychologists have developed recommendations aimed at preventing deviant behavior in children, promoting the formation of an adequate attitude towards themselves and others. The most effective in this regard are:

Appropriate PraiseIncentives should only be used when there is a reason for it. Unreasonable praise contributes to the development of selfishness and narcissism. In the future, this entails adaptation difficulties and problems with maintaining discipline in educational institutions.
Confidential communicationThe younger family member should have complete confidence that his parents will not judge him and will always provide help. Fear of punishment provokes isolation, deceit, and resourcefulness. To maintain children's trust, you need to solve problems in a calm environment, without any pressure.
CorrectionHaving identified undesirable character traits in a child and noticing negative actions, adults do not need to remain idle. It is important to analyze what happened, avoiding raising your voice, and explain why such behavior is unacceptable and what it can lead to.
Personal exampleIn order to raise a worthy citizen of society, parents must maintain a friendly atmosphere in the home and show mutual respect and care. This forms normal self-esteem in the child, ensures in the future the correct model of behavior, perception of the people around him, and the building of harmonious family relationships.
Spending time togetherChildren especially value the time spent with their families. Memorable events such as family holidays, joint recreation in nature, playing sports with mother or father help the child grow up balanced, friendly, and sociable.

The most stable results are ensured by prevention, which consists of the joint efforts of the family and children's educational institutions. To prevent behavioral disorders or correct existing deviations, teaching staff implement programs promoting a healthy lifestyle, aimed at instilling spiritual values, and the right choice of a future profession. Such work often brings positive results: it helps many children to realize themselves with dignity in the future and take the path of overcoming existing deviations.

Antisociality in mental disorders

Extreme asociality is observed in patients with schizophrenia. It is characterized by an inability to empathize, feel close to someone, or form close relationships with other people.

Heboidism stands out - an incompletely developed hebephrenic state, manifested by foolishness, disturbances of impulses, swagger in behavior and asociality [2]: 238. Their antisocial behavior contributes to a decrease in moral attitudes, refusal to study and refusal to work [3]: 332.

Adolescents and young men with schizotypal disorder (since the disorder begins to manifest itself at this age) are often involved in the company of people with antisocial behavior[2]:432.

Those suffering from alcoholism in the later stages of the disease experience mental changes, personality degradation and asociality.

Persons with infantilism are easily involved in an asocial environment; they adopt a lifestyle, way of thinking and behavior that corresponds to this environment [2]:95.

In adolescence, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by hooligan antics and antisocial behavior[4]:245.

Opiate users are characterized by antisocial behavior and antisocial traits in premorbidity[4]:146.

Precautionary measures

Prevention of the development of asociality in children and adolescents includes the following tips:

  • take care of the baby’s emotional state;
  • become a positive example for your child, promote a healthy lifestyle and correct values;
  • create intra-family trusting relationships;
  • If necessary, attend psychological consultations in a timely manner.

Now you know what people with antisocial behavior are like. This does not mean that it is necessary to isolate yourself from communication with such individuals. It would be much more correct to put an antisocial person on the right path, to help him socialize, if this is in your power.

How to communicate with antisocial people

  1. If there are such individuals in your circle of friends, then, if possible, reduce communication with them to a minimum.
  2. If an antisocial individual is capable of showing aggression, do not enter into an argument with him, it will cost you more.
  3. Try to set an example for others to follow with your behavior.
  4. If you want to help such a person, if possible, find out what exactly led to the development of asociality. And, if you have any influence on this individual, advise him to seek help from a psychologist.
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