My face burns and my head hurts, my blood pressure is normal, what is it?

Redness of the face, accompanied by attacks of severe or moderate headaches, can be provoked by a number of negative factors, act as one of the signs of a developing disease, or be an individual characteristic of a particular person’s body.

Pain and a rush of additional blood volume to the soft tissues of the facial disc are an alarming symptom, which should motivate a visit to a general practitioner and undergo a comprehensive examination of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Causes of facial flushing with headache

Facial flushing and a feeling of severe headache is a symptom that can occur in adult men and women, as well as children of all age groups. This condition of the body can be caused by pathological and general causative factors.

In the latter case, a red blush and a migraine attack appear as a physiological reaction of the body to one or several external stimuli. The presence of pathological causes involves the occurrence of a painful condition in the tissues of internal organs or body systems.

Among women

Women of all ages are much more likely to experience unpleasant symptoms such as facial flushing and severe headaches. This is due to the characteristics of female hormonal levels and a tendency to exhibit more intense psycho-emotional reactions.

There are the following reasons that can simultaneously cause facial flushing and headache in women:

  • sudden stressful situation associated with prolonged nervous tension;
  • taking oral contraceptives that contain synthetic hormones that disrupt the stable functioning of the organs of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • the female body enters a state of menopause or menopause, when a radical change in hormonal levels occurs, hot flashes, headaches, and surges in blood pressure occur;
  • prolonged psycho-emotional stress or heavy mental work;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics that are applied directly to the skin surface of the face;
  • chronic lack of sleep if a woman cares for a newborn child and is also engaged in active work;
  • meteorological dependence, when due to a sharp change in atmospheric pressure a spasm of the blood vessels of the brain occurs;
  • abuse of diets that involve a complete refusal to eat food containing proteins or lipids;
  • exhaustion of the body, accompanied by an acute deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • lactation of a newborn baby by breastfeeding, as well as the period of recovery of the body after childbirth.

A woman who periodically feels a headache or observes redness in her face should consult a general practitioner to determine the reasons that provoked such a reaction in the body. The factor of a developing disease of the cardiovascular, nervous or endocrine system cannot be excluded.

In pregnant women

Redness of the face and headaches that bother a pregnant woman are often triggered by changes in hormonal levels. In the first trimester of fetal development, the female body adapts to new operating conditions.

The internal organs of a pregnant woman are aimed at fully ensuring not only the vital functions of the expectant mother, but also the tissues of the child. Due to the additional load on all systems of the body, an unpleasant symptom may appear in the form of periodic headaches and redness of the face.

Also, these symptoms can be triggered by short-term changes in hormonal levels, which stabilize on their own without the need for medications.

In men

Facial redness and headache periodically bother all men, regardless of their age, type of activity, hobbies and physiological characteristics.

The following causative factors can provoke such symptoms:

  • alcohol abuse, smoking or taking drugs;

  • work in hazardous working conditions (male welders, metallurgists, miners, boiler room operators are at risk);
  • course intake of sports nutrition products and anabolic steroids, which can disrupt the balance of male sex hormones, causing spasm of blood vessels, facial redness and migraine attacks;
  • practicing labor-intensive and energy-consuming sports in the form of boxing, weightlifting, kickboxing, shot put, Greco-Roman wrestling;
  • poor nutrition, when the daily menu is dominated by the same foods, poor in vitamins and minerals;
  • previously suffered traumatic brain injury, complications of which periodically cause attacks of headaches accompanied by redness of the face;
  • increased levels of testosterone in the blood.

A severe or moderate headache that begins to bother a man with simultaneous redness of the face may indicate problems with the blood vessels, or indicate functional disorders in the functioning of the heart muscle. After the appearance of such symptoms, you should be examined by a doctor.

In children

Facial redness and headaches in children can occur under the influence of the following factors, which are pathological in origin, or are a natural reaction of the child’s body to external stimuli:

  • a feeling of shame or guilt after committing a particular act;
  • the active phase of puberty, when radical changes in the child’s hormonal levels occur (this reason is typical for teenage boys and girls);
  • daily hard mental work when the child is not able to independently master the school curriculum;
  • allergic reaction to food, domestic and farm animals, household dust, mold spores;
  • prolonged hypothermia of the body if the child was on a walk, but was not dressed in accordance with weather conditions;
  • the initial stage of the development of a cold, when the body temperature is still within normal limits, but a headache already appears and the face is burning.

Similar symptoms often appear in children of all age groups who spend a long time in front of computer monitors, spend little time in the fresh air, eat poorly, and avoid physical activity.


The face may burn due to temperature changes. Most often this happens when a person enters a warm room after being in the cold. For many, this symptom often manifests itself in the off-season, especially in the autumn. The face begins to burn in people with a high threshold of sensitivity to temperature changes.

Not only temperature changes, but also climatic factors can affect the face. If you decide to spend a few days of vacation on the other hemisphere of the planet, do not be surprised that your body will present you with such surprises.

The face may burn from severe physical exertion. If you haven't exercised for a long time and you have to go for a run or climb a steep mountain, then don't be surprised if your head hurts and your cheeks turn red. This is due to a sharp increase in pressure.

People who suffer from hypertension often face similar problems. As pressure increases, blood vessels begin to expand, and blood actively circulates throughout the body. If you do not suffer from high blood pressure, but you encounter similar symptoms quite often, then you definitely need to be examined. First of all, you need to do a general blood test and a heart cardiogram. The fact is that the face often burns in those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels. Headache and fever in the face may be warning signs of a heart attack or stroke.

The reason for this may be alcohol abuse and smoking. Probably everyone has noticed that a well-tired person’s face begins to burn. This is due to the fact that after drinking alcohol, the blood vessels begin to dilate, causing blood to rush to the face. A very alarming sign is that the face begins to become covered with burgundy-red spots after drinking alcohol. This means that the pressure has jumped significantly and the risk of a hypertensive crisis is very high.

Cheeks may burn due to metabolic disorders. When your metabolism slows down, burning cheeks and headaches are among the first symptoms. The face also burns due to a lack of B vitamins. This happens especially often in spring and autumn.

The face often burns in women during pregnancy. This is due to changes in hormone levels in the body. Most often this happens in the first trimester, a little later, when the body gets used to its changed state, the fever in the face and headaches stop. Also, due to changes in hormonal levels, women’s faces burn when menopause occurs.

The face may burn due to sunburn and frostbite. Due to the scorching sun and low temperature, the skin of the face begins to lose natural moisture and becomes thinner. For this reason, the vessels become fragile and blood begins to rush to the face. You should always be very attentive to all negative manifestations on the skin, because it can be used to determine the general state of a person’s health.

This symptom can manifest itself in stressful situations, neuroses, and experiences. We can often see burning cheeks in people who are overloaded with work. This occurs due to overexcitation of the nervous system, which leads to a rush of blood to the head. Other psychological reasons for blushing and headaches are embarrassment, shame, anger, joy, etc.

Burning cheeks and headaches are common symptoms of a cold or flu. It is by these signs that parents of young children who cannot yet speak recognize the disease. Due to a headache, the child begins to be capricious and nervous, and burning cheeks indicate a change in his body temperature.

Physiological factors

Redness of the face and headache can be caused by the influence of the following physiological factors that are inherent in a man, woman or child:

  • age-related changes in the organs of the cardiovascular system;
  • tendency to sudden changes in blood pressure, which causes spasm of blood vessels;

  • short-term disruption of local circulation, when more blood enters the soft tissues of the facial disc and brain;
  • presence of excess body weight;
  • daily consumption of large amounts of animal fats, proteins, smoked and overly salty foods;
  • dysfunctional disorders in the thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system responsible for maintaining stable hormonal levels;
  • the body’s inability to adapt to new working conditions, environment, individual tendency to nervous breakdowns and psychological instability.

A distinctive feature of the influence of physiological factors is that their effects are short-term in nature, and most of them are completely reversible. A person whose face periodically turns red and has a headache for the above reasons just needs to take care of his health and also change his lifestyle.


Because headaches can be either an individual symptom of a specific disease or a general reaction to irritants, finding the underlying cause can take some time. Most likely, the patient will have to visit several specialists at once and undergo a set of diagnostic procedures in order to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. So, the patient may be prescribed:

  • magnetic resonance imaging (if cervical osteochondrosis or other problems with the spine are suspected);
  • X-ray (detects hydrocephalus, violation of the integrity of bone structures);
  • computed tomography (allows you to assess the condition of cerebral vessels and brain tissue);
  • electroneuromyography (study of the neuromuscular system to detect disturbances in the functioning of the peripheral nervous system);
  • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck (shows destructive changes in the vascular wall, aneurysm, narrowing of the lumen of the arteries, places with obstructed blood outflow, abnormal location of the veins);
  • laboratory tests (necessary to exclude the possibility of parasitic infestations, infections, inflammatory processes).

The main task of physicians during the examination is to differentiate serious organic diseases from episodic painful sensations in the head area associated with nervous strain, fatigue, etc.

Individual characteristics

In medical practice, there are cases when migraine attacks, accompanied by redness of the face, are an individual feature of the body of a particular person. During the onset of these symptoms, there may be no influence of any internal or external factors.

After a detailed examination of the patient’s body, no hidden diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine or nervous system are detected.

In most cases, such a reaction of the body has a hereditary etiology, and its manifestation may be associated with overwork of the body, a slight change in ambient temperature, anxiety, or a sudden spasm of blood vessels of unknown etiology.

Prevention and recommendations

In most cases, the headache goes away on its own. It is important to establish a daily routine, avoid stressful situations if possible and lead a healthy, active lifestyle, following the principles of proper nutrition and not forgetting about the timely treatment of existing chronic diseases. However, if your head burns and hurts for no apparent reason, even after resting and taking analgesics, the best thing to do is to see a doctor as soon as possible.

At home, you can practice herbal medicine without harm to your health, but do not forget that medicinal herbs also have a fairly pronounced pharmacological effect, which means that their uncontrolled use can seriously harm and cause a number of adverse reactions.

Psychological factors

Long-term exposure to the following psychological factors can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as facial flushing and severe headaches:

  • feeling of inner unrest and self-doubt;
  • fears and various kinds of phobias that cause panic;

  • strong excitement in anticipation of some event;
  • memories of previously experienced events that caused severe psychological trauma;
  • irritability, short temper and psycho-emotional instability of character;
  • an attempt to leave one’s own comfort zone, when initially a person is closed, complex, and has low self-esteem.

Quite often, the influence of psychological factors is so strong that, in combination with a headache and redness of the face, a person develops a feeling of lack of air, dark eyes, impaired coordination of movements, and an increased heart rate. High-quality psychotherapy allows you to completely get rid of these symptoms.

External factors

Short- or long-term exposure to the following environmental factors can cause facial flushing and headaches of varying intensity:

  • being in a stuffy and poorly ventilated room with a high concentration of carbon dioxide;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight without a hat;
  • dehydration caused by active sweating;
  • prolonged stay near a hot surface or any other source of thermal energy;
  • exposure to cold and gusty winds (especially if a person does not have a hat);
  • sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, which most often occur during the passage of a thunderstorm front;
  • contact with vapors of acids, alkalis and toxic chemical compounds;
  • radioactive or other ionizing radiation of the body with damage to epithelial tissues and internal organs.

Headache and redness of the face, which are caused by external factors, are the most dangerous, as they become the first sign of a painful condition in the body. At risk are men and women whose occupation involves daily contact with toxic substances.


Attacks of severe or moderate headaches, as well as facial flushing, can be a symptom of a wide range of diseases. The table below lists the main diseases, one of the symptoms of which is unnatural blush and migraine.

Type of diseaseCharacteristics of the pathological condition
Hypertensive crisisIn people suffering from arterial hypertension, a sudden increase in blood pressure can develop into a hypertensive crisis. This is a pathological condition of the cardiovascular system when the upper blood pressure reaches 200 tonometer units. The person experiences a severe headache, the skin of the face takes on a rich red color, and the lips may have a bluish tint.

Microstroke of the brainA microstroke of the brain is local damage to the walls of blood vessels with signs of hemorrhage. In most cases, this pathology occurs due to traumatic brain injury, or as a result of critically high blood pressure. During and after the rupture of the walls of a blood vessel, a person experiences a severe headache and redness of the face.
ColdProlonged hypothermia of the body, exposure to frosty air and gusty winds can cause a cold. In this case, even before the body temperature rises, the patient begins to complain of a slight headache, and a noticeable blush appears on the surface of the cheeks.
ARVI or fluThe symptoms of ARVI and influenza superficially resemble a cold, but the nature of the origin of diseases in this group is viral or bacterial.
Chronic cerebral ischemiaChronic cerebral ischemia is a severe pathological condition of the tissues of the thinking organ caused by a violation of its blood supply. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, a person experiences attacks of burning pain, the face turns red, coordination of movements is impaired, and dizziness appears with the risk of loss of consciousness.
Cluster painCluster pain is one of the types of migraine of unknown etiology, the occurrence of which is associated with functional disorders in the central and peripheral nervous system.
DiabetesWhen the concentration of glucose in the blood increases, a person with diabetes may experience a severe headache and hot flashes to the face. This state of the body can be accompanied by confusion, dizziness and surges in blood pressure.
Intoxication of the bodyPoisoning of the body with poisons of biological and chemical origin entails the development of the effect of severe intoxication. In this case, the person immediately begins to feel a burning pain in the temples, the soft tissues of the face turn red and swell, nausea, vomiting, and chills appear. In particularly severe cases, the occurrence of seizures of the lower extremities cannot be ruled out.
Allergic reactionAn acute allergic reaction to external irritants can be expressed in the form of facial flushing and migraine attacks. Especially if the patient additionally has nasal congestion, rhinitis and lacrimation.
Vegetovascular dystoniaVegetative-vascular dystonia is a disease characterized by the unstable state of the walls of blood vessels, which contract under the influence of impulses from the nervous system. This painful cause of headaches and facial redness often occurs in adolescents, people with chronic osteochondrosis, and those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.

In order to confirm or refute the current disease that causes headaches and redness of the facial skin, you will need to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. Diagnostics includes hardware examination and laboratory tests.

Headache and burning skin on face

Painful sensations cause significant discomfort to their owners. Sometimes pathological symptoms are localized in the most unexpected places. The article discusses what to do if your face hurts.

Main conditions of facial soreness

Facial pain is a fairly common manifestation that can occur under the influence of several unfavorable factors. Let us list the main conditions under which the facial area may become ill:

  1. Innervation of the nerves located in the facial part.
  2. Muscle spasms.
  3. Skin diseases. For example, rashes, wen.
  4. Damage to bone tissue of the facial area.
  5. The occurrence of some pathological processes in the body.

Depending on the causes, the pain can be concentrated in one point or cover the entire face and head.

When facial muscles are affected

Usually, unpleasant sensations appear when the facial muscles responsible for chewing food and facial expressions hurt. Experts identify several main factors leading to pain in moving facial muscles:

  • Incorrect closure of teeth. In this case, the load on the muscle tissue that moves the jaws is incorrectly distributed. In this case, the lower half of the head and face suffers. The situation can be corrected by installing a special brace system.
  • Nervous overstrain. Under strong emotional stress, for example, when trying to contain anger or dissatisfaction, a person may clench his teeth too hard. This contributes to the development of facial pain.
  • Psychological problems. In people with nervous system disorders, the tone of muscle tissue is often disturbed, including in the facial area. In such conditions, pain occurs. Usually it is concentrated in one half of the face - right or left.
  • With cervical osteochondrosis, spasms also spread to the facial and shoulder areas.
  • Suffered facial bruises can cause muscle pain for quite a long time until complete recovery. In this case, pathological symptoms appear on the side of the injury.

Ailments that cause pain in bone structures

Often the head and face hurt due to pathologies of bone structures. We list the diseases that cause pathological symptoms:

  • Suppuration on the cranial bones – osteomyelitis. The development of the disease is promoted by inflammatory processes of dental tissues. In this case, the facial part swells noticeably, and the skin on the face burns strongly when touched.
  • Severe injuries or falls lead to fractures of the cranial or nasal bones. In addition to the fact that the victim’s facial skin hurts, bruises and hematomas form on its surface.
  • Dysfunction of the maxillofacial joint. Develops against the background of infectious and inflammatory processes in the ears and gums. The pain can be one-sided, with the left or right side of the face affected. In more severe cases, unpleasant sensations spread over the entire surface, and also involve the frontal and occipital parts. The disease primarily affects females from thirty-five to sixty-five years of age.

Pain due to skin diseases

The facial skin is very thin and sensitive. It is not surprising that it hurts even with minor pathological processes. Consider, skin soreness appears.

Soft tissue damage

In case of mechanical damage, for example, from a fall, the delicate skin of the face suffers quite a lot. In addition to unpleasant sensations, unsightly abrasions and bruises are clearly visible.

Changes in nevus structure

Almost every person has moles on their face. In normal condition they do not cause any discomfort. However, a mole can develop into a malignant neoplasm. Therefore, you should be wary if the following signs appear:

  • the mole hurts, usually the discomfort is one-sided; for example, if the mole is located on the left, pain is felt on the left side of the face;
  • its outlines lost clarity;
  • the color and dimensions of the nevus have changed;
  • the mole is oozing or bleeding.

To avoid adverse health consequences, these signals should direct the person to an oncologist.

Acne on the face hurts

Acne is a normal occurrence for every teenager. However, with some ailments, such as gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal imbalances, acne can haunt a person even at an advanced age.

Single superficial pimples go away easily and do not cause discomfort. It is more difficult to deal with deep-seated acne and wen. They may not go away for years, and when they are squeezed out, the face hurts and turns red.

Therefore, it is better to take medical help to eliminate acne.

Allergic reactions

Women often face situations where, after applying a cream or lotion, their face hurts or itches. However, pain is not the most unpleasant thing you can experience with allergies. Additionally, the following unpleasant symptoms may appear:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • swollen face;
  • swelling of mucous tissues;
  • copious nasal mucus;
  • difficulty breathing.

Important! If after contact with an allergen you feel a disturbance in the respiratory process, you must urgently call number “03”. This sign may indicate the development of angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

What pathologies cause pain in the scalp and face?

We list the conditions that cause pain on the surface of the head and facial part:

  • bad hairstyle, long-haired people often pull their hair into a bun, and also use hard, uncomfortable accessories, for example, headbands that squeeze the head;
  • skin diseases such as eczema;
  • various pathologies of the NS;
  • VSD.


Emergency measures

A person who has an attack of severe headache with redness of the face must receive the following assistance before the ambulance arrives:

  1. Place the patient in a horizontal position with a pillow or cloth cushion under his head.
  2. Open windows and doors in the room to allow fresh air to flow in.
  3. Moisten a handkerchief or piece of cloth in cold water, and then apply it to the surface of the frontal lobe of the patient's head.

    Redness of the face and headache are a sign of a hypertensive crisis

Upon arrival of the ambulance, doctors must be informed of the exact time and under what circumstances the patient had a migraine attack, and signs of facial redness appeared.


When writing the article, the neurologist used the following materials:

  • Morozova, Olga Aleksandrovna Headache. Issues of diagnosis, therapy, prevention [Text]: reference guide for general practitioners / O. A. Morozova; Ministry of Health of the Chuvash Republic, . — Cheboksary: ​​GAU DPO “IUV”, 2016
  • Aleshina, Natalia Alekseevna Headache: treatment and prevention using traditional and non-traditional methods / N. A. Aleshina. - M: RIPOL classic, 2009. - 253 p. ISBN 978-5-386-01248-9
  • Classification of headaches, cranial neuralgia and facial pain and diagnostic criteria for the main types of headache: [Transl. from English] / Classification com. on headaches International. headache islands; [Scient. ed. and ed. preface A. A. Shutov]. - Perm: ALGOS-press, 1997. - 92 p. ISBN 5-88493-017-8
  • Uzhegov, Genrikh Nikolaevich Headache: main causes of pain: diagnosis of concomitant diseases: methods of prevention and elimination of headaches / Uzhegov G. N. - M: AST: Stalker, 2005. - 158 p. ISBN 5-17-021078-1
  • Osipova V.V. Primary headaches: clinical picture, diagnosis, therapy [Text]: information letter (for neurologists, therapists, general practitioners) / Osipova V.V. [etc.]; Russian Institute for the Study of Headache (ROIGB), Ministry of Health of the Rostov Region, State Budgetary Institution RO “Region. Consultative and Diagnostic Center", Region. Center for diagnosis and treatment of headaches. - Rostov-on-Don: Antey, 2011. - 46 pp. ISBN 978-5-91365-157-0
  • Zhulev N. M. Cephalgia. Headache: (diagnosis and treatment): textbook. allowance / N. M. Zhulev [etc.]. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing house. house SPbMAPO, 2005. - 135 p. ISBN 5-98037-048-X


What examination should I undergo?

In order to establish the cause of headaches accompanied by facial redness, you will need to undergo the following types of diagnostics:

  • Ultrasound of brachiocephalic vessels feeding brain tissue;
  • CT scan of the skull;
  • intravenous administration of a contrast agent to assess the condition of blood vessels;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • biochemical analysis of venous blood (hormonal indicators are also determined);
  • general capillary blood test;
  • morning urine examination;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • ECG of the heart.

Based on the results of the examination, the attending physician receives comprehensive information about the patient’s health status, which allows him to establish the nature of the origin of these symptoms, as well as make the most accurate diagnosis.

What not to do?

During an attack of headache with simultaneous redness of the face, it is necessary to be examined by a general practitioner, or call an ambulance for hospitalization.

At the same time, it is strongly recommended not to perform the following actions:

  • apply ice to your head;
  • drink alcohol, drinks and products containing caffeine;
  • exercise;
  • take painkillers, as they only relieve the symptoms of the disease;
  • perform heavy physical work;
  • eat fatty and too salty foods (if you have high blood pressure, the patient’s well-being will only worsen).

Redness of the face and severe headache are unpleasant symptoms, the occurrence of which can be caused by the individual characteristics of the human body, his psychological state, and the influence of environmental factors.

The appearance of these signs is typical for diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body. To determine the reasons that provoked facial redness with migraine attacks, it is necessary to undergo examination by a general practitioner, neurologist or cardiologist, depending on the presence or absence of concomitant symptoms.


Painkillers, antihistamines, sedatives or homeopathic remedies can be prescribed as drug treatment.

If only one half of the head and face hurts, then homeopathic medicines will help to cope with this pathology. Before you begin treatment with these medications, you need to determine on which side the discomfort is felt.

If pain occurs on the right side, treatment is carried out with the help of plants: magnesium muriaticum, iris, sanguinaria or lactuca virosa. If you have a headache on the left, you can get rid of such discomfort with the help of thuja and spigelia.

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