How to overcome depression and neurosis. Psychological techniques

Causes of neurosis

Neurosis for most people is a set of obsessive destabilizing thoughts and physiological symptoms (heart pain, tachycardia, panic attack or other manifestations) that do not allow them to live a full life and are periodically repeated. But in reality, all these symptoms reflect the internal psychological state of a person, anxiety and are an expression of his worldview.

In people prone to overexcitement, even ordinary situations can cause chronic stress, causing depletion of an already weak nervous system.

Neurosis is not a physical disease; it is of a psychological nature. The term was coined in 1776 by Dr. William Cullen. In medicine, this concept includes a group of psychogenic disorders with similar symptoms that characterize changes in general well-being and changeable mood.

The main causes of neurosis:

  • mental trauma, including childhood trauma, from which it was not possible to recover; great responsibility;
  • lack of rest;
  • overload at work;
  • constant pressure from other people;
  • brain overstrain as a result of intellectual stress;
  • abuse of alcohol and psychotropic drugs.

The disorder is the first signal that the functioning of the central nervous system is impaired. Even people with strong nerves are susceptible to it. Are medications, religion or sports capable of changing this feature in a person’s character and leveling out the endless state of overexertion? In part, yes, but such an effect is unlikely to last long without a properly organized daily routine and psychological techniques.

How to relieve muscle tension

There is no doubt that physical exercise significantly improves the general condition of neurotic patients. The old saying goes that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, and it’s hard to disagree with it.

Make sure to find time for exercise in your daily schedule. Even a small load - you don't have to go to the gym right away if you don't like it. Just ride an exercise bike or do a few “complexes” that trainers post online. You will immediately feel better.

Physical activity in case of neurosis gives you many benefits. First of all, it reduces muscle tension , which often appears in various types of neurotic disorders. In addition, every effort causes your body weight to produce serotonin and oxytocin - hormones responsible for good mood. Cortisol and adrenaline levels also decrease, which protects against panic attacks.


Due to the fast pace of our lives, most people do not have time to visit a doctor, so they treat neurosis on their own, and this is possible. By correctly recognizing the symptoms and applying effective techniques, you can overcome the disease. But their huge number makes it difficult to understand what kind of psychogenic disorder is observed. To facilitate self-diagnosis, they are divided into subgroups.

Physical symptoms of the disorder:

  • pain in the chest;
  • restless sleep;
  • dizziness and fatigue;
  • the appearance of panic attacks;
  • arrhythmia and unstable blood pressure;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • loss of appetite or overeating.

Mental symptoms of neurosis:

  • sudden mood changes;
  • problems communicating with people, cynicism;
  • tearfulness, touchiness;
  • reluctance to leave home;
  • obsession;
  • increased level of anxiety;
  • indecisiveness and inadequate self-evaluation.

Depending on which part of the nervous system is depleted, corresponding dysfunctions develop.

  1. Autonomic dysfunction is characterized by the following manifestations: nervousness, fatigue, insomnia and headaches. This form of disorder occurs in people prone to anxiety and worry, who have complexes. If you conduct a medical examination, you will not find a physical disease that can cause these manifestations.
  2. A cardiological form of neurosis, in which there are also no pathological disorders of internal organs and systems, but the following manifestations progress: pain in the heart, numbness of the extremities, the appearance of panic attacks, increased sweating, as well as changes in blood pressure.

Talk to your fear

We know that for every neurotic patient the phrase “talk to fear” sounds absurd. You learned long ago that fear should be avoided and should not be allowed to grow at any cost. However, we suggest another method that is best used during mid-anxiety or the initial stages of a growing panic attack. The method also works well when intrusive, frightening thoughts come.

Talk or...?

Talking to your fear means: think about what caused the fear and focus on it . It won't be easy, but don't let you lose control of your anxiety. Ask yourself: What am I primarily afraid of? What scared me now?

Your head may be creating hundreds of catastrophic scenarios in which you see things going wrong. Someone will look at you askance. You will not be able to pass the exam. Fail an important presentation. Stop this disturbing scenario. We know it's really scary, but it's worth looking at from a different perspective. Ask yourself: what then? What will happen to life next if it doesn’t work out? What then?

What's the worst case scenario?

Try to create the most disastrous extension of your vision. Imagine the worst that could happen if you went outside. If you meet someone. If you fail the exam. It sounds like masochism, but it's not. It will quickly turn out that this most catastrophic vision, or what you are mainly afraid of, is simply very unlikely. Or so absurd that it's unbelievable.

Changing your lifestyle to combat the problem

Having determined the symptoms, you should find out which factor provokes the disorder, since simply influencing the symptoms cannot cure the cause. You should also understand that medications and herbal remedies will not get rid of neurosis; this is not a somatic problem, but a mental one.

The right attitude and a clearly adjusted action plan for treatment at home will help you set yourself up for a positive result.

There are many simple and effective remedies that can overcome neurosis, available to everyone.

Daily regime

A properly organized regime helps neurotics discipline themselves and regulate the functioning of the biological clock. Allows you to make the nervous system more stable and balanced. It is important to go to bed at 22.00 so that you get at least 9 hours of sleep. Before going to bed, walking in the fresh air and airing the room are useful.


A balanced diet can speed up recovery and improve well-being, which helps you get rid of neurosis on your own. The diet should contain foods rich in serotonin, such as tomatoes, fatty fish, bananas, and daily consumption of greens, vegetables and fruits.

The following rules should be followed to enhance the effect:

  • food should be varied;
  • There should be enough liquid, you need to drink 2 liters of clean water daily;
  • you need to follow the rules of proper nutrition;
  • avoid overeating.

To cheer up and pamper yourself, you are allowed to eat chocolate and desserts. You should not overuse coffee and strong tea, take energy drinks or snack on spicy foods. It is necessary to exclude alcohol and tobacco, which provoke outbreaks of aggression and anxiety.


Playing sports is a great way to combat neurosis. Aerobic exercise has the following effects:

  • have a positive effect on the nervous system and improve blood circulation, and the energy charge after exercise remains for a long time, this is important, because with neurosis its level is reduced;
  • the general tone increases, the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves;
  • muscle tension is removed.

Sport is a natural antidepressant, because during physical activity the hormone serotonin is released into the blood, the lack of which leads to anxiety and neuroses.


An activity you enjoy distracts and helps relieve tension, which helps restore the nervous system. Nerve cells actively work during concentration and development of fine motor skills, and stimulation of acupuncture points has a positive effect on the condition of the body.

Hobbies also help raise self-esteem and find like-minded people. In the process of learning a new craft and developing skills, everyday problems are relegated to the background, which makes it possible not to dwell on troubles and increases the amount of vitality.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, neurosis can be cured by the healing power of nature. Using herbal remedies for depression is very effective. Treatment with folk remedies has a calming and relaxing effect, relieves tension and spasms, and relieves headaches caused by stress. They use folk remedies such as decoctions and tinctures.

Herbs should be selected depending on the nature of the problem:

  • for nervousness, you should take herbs such as hawthorn, motherwort, chamomile flowers and valerian root;
  • the state of depression, hypochondria will be alleviated by preparations of oregano, St. John's wort, dandelion root, peony and valerian;
  • Sage, heather, fireweed, motherwort, primrose, lavender, sweet clover and juniper berries will help against hysteria and absent-mindedness.

To make an infusion, 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the herbal mixture and infuse.

The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, then take a month break. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Combining courses of taking herbal teas and water procedures can reduce tension and excitability. To prepare a herbal bath for relaxation, 2 tbsp. l. herbs St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, motherwort are poured with boiling water and left for 40 minutes, then poured into hot water.

If the day has been stressful and you need to relax, you should drink mint tea or half a glass of motherwort infusion before going to bed. It is also useful for neurotics to take drops of eleutherococcus or ginseng in the morning.

Vitamin therapy

Vitamin preparations help fight neurosis, stabilize and support the body’s functioning in stressful situations. In addition to normalizing metabolism, they restore:

  • production of hormones and enzymes;
  • structure of nerve fibers and their conductivity;
  • the work of the body's internal systems.

They also act as antioxidants that destroy free radicals. To treat neuroses and their manifestations, complexes are used, which necessarily contain B vitamins. Pharmacies offer a wide range of these products, which allows you to choose the most suitable ones. This makes it possible not only to reduce the need for the use of medications, but even to avoid their use.

  1. “Doppelherrz active Magnesium” + B vitamins are suitable for the prevention and treatment of neuroses, cardiovascular diseases and chronic fatigue. Improve sleep and increase endurance during physical activity.
  2. "Magne-B6". It has a calming effect and restores sleep in neurotics thanks to the symbiosis of two components that minimize the appearance of all neurological manifestations. Approved for use by pregnant women and children over one year old.
  3. "Vitabalance Multivit". A complex of essential vitamins that regulate metabolism. Normalizes the structure and conductivity of nerve cells. Helps relieve anxiety and get out of neurosis. Can be used by adults and children over 12 years old.

Take small steps


Do you know how to eat an elephant? Piece by piece! In case of neurosis, the method of small steps is also the best. Give yourself time and go slowly. You don't have to do everything at once. Think of the fight against neurosis as a long-term goal that you strive for. To succeed, you must first achieve smaller goals that will allow you to function better. If you accept that this is a long process that will require you to exercise every day , paradoxically, healing will occur faster.


The small steps method is best suited for the treatment of phobias and depression, which are often associated with neurosis. You can't get up and suddenly go back to work, clean the house and go for a three-mile walk. It is also impossible for someone with social anxiety to suddenly go to a dance club.

This will happen only in a few weeks or months; today it is enough if you go outside for 5 minutes or get dressed and get up for half an hour. Now you can afford to take a small step and well - if you do this, tomorrow it will be easier to take two steps. This is a simple way to restore a healthy state.


Of course, you can't forget to reward yourself for such small steps. When treating neuroses, the most important thing is to take care of yourself. If it was your friend or sister who was struggling with this disease, you would support them, you would not demand too much, but rather surround them with care and rejoice in every little success. Be that support for yourself. Only you can really help yourself.

Psychological work on yourself

It is important to find harmony in your life. For this purpose, there are a number of psychological techniques, the use of which is accessible to everyone and does not require special training.

Meditation practice

It is based on complete relaxation, turning off consciousness and freeing oneself from unnecessary thoughts. It is carried out in a comfortable position, you need to slowly inhale and exhale air. After relaxing, it is important to mentally transport yourself to a place that will help you feel happiness and harmony. It is better to maintain this state for 15 minutes to half an hour. Afterwards, it is important to analyze the sensations and changes in state after meditation.

Autogenic training

The point of autogenic training is to immerse yourself in a state of joy and experience positive emotions. As with meditation, relaxation and breathing are important. A deep breath alternates with a smooth exhalation, mentally expelling negative emotions. Therapy allows you to get rid of complexes, gain self-confidence and normalize your condition.

Useful tips

Anyone who has encountered manifestations of neurosis and was able to return to a full life should remember these tips.

  1. Never look for someone to blame. This behavior is typical for a child, and an adult either tries to fight the situation or accepts it.
  2. Don't take too much on yourself: those things that you cannot influence should not cause you indignation and nervous strain.
  3. To understand the magnitude of your problems, find someone who is even worse off than you. This way you can help this person and realize that your troubles compared to others are only minor difficulties.
  4. Don't put off solving problems.
  5. Take care of yourself, without expecting someone else to solve all the difficulties. The main thing is to make a decision and start acting.

If self-esteem drops, looking through a list of personal qualities or achievements will help; this will restore self-confidence and self-esteem.


Neurosis is a condition that can easily return if you do not take care of your mental health. To prevent relapses, no matter what methods of struggle you choose, you should follow a few simple tips from psychologists.

  • Follow a strict daily routine. Wake up and go to bed at the same time, as disruption of biorhythms can lead to weakened immunity and the body being unable to cope with neurosis.
  • Avoid working too much, and after calming down in the evening, do not start working. Rest as long as your body needs to recover.
  • Keep a personal diary in which you can write down your problems and express your emotions if speaking them out loud is not enough.
  • Admit to yourself which person, object or situation causes your irritation and simply get rid of it. Remember that trash needs to be thrown out of life, stop communicating with annoying people.
  • Develop your communication skills. On the contrary, communicating with people you like will help you cope with neurosis faster.

What is neurosis and how to treat it?

Skin neurosis

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