How to cure right-sided hemiparesis in children

About the disease

Right-sided hemiparesis is a pathology that is a right-sided lesion of the muscles of the body.

It is characterized by a noticeable decrease in strength and general motor ability of muscles, and incomplete paralysis of the limbs is possible.

This condition manifests itself due to acquired or congenital pathological changes in the pyramidal tracts and the brain.

Doctors observe deviations from the norm when a lesion appears in the left hemisphere of the brain.

This disease leads to the following consequences for the patient:

  1. Mobility and the patient’s ability to move independently, as well as to care for themselves independently, are reduced when hemiparesis occurs on the dominant side (right-sided hemiparesis in right-handed people);
  2. The patient experiences inflammatory changes that are associated with prolonged skeletal muscle cramps . This consequence occurs after serious disorders - intracerebral hemorrhages and strokes;
  3. A problem arises when trying to follow instructions for physical therapy when the patient is undergoing motor recovery due to limited mobility. This happens when there is spastic increased muscle tone.

In children

In children, this pathology occurs as a congenital disease . The reasons for its occurrence are abnormal functionality and structure of the brain , as well as birth injuries. In medical terminology, this disorder is called cerebral palsy - cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy appears due to a circulatory disorder in the brain. This pathology affects the fetus while still in the womb and leads to erroneous development and damage to brain structures.

Right spastic hemiparesis

Spastic hemiparesis, often called central, occurs when there is inflammation of the brain or cervical spinal cord.

With this disease, stiffness and muscle tension are observed in the limbs of the opposite side of the body. If individual nerves of the spinal cord are subject to inflammation, then hemiparesis is combined with weakness and decreased muscle tone.

This pathology does not immediately become noticeable; it manifests itself over several months. First, muscle tone increases, which creates tension in the arm and leg, a feeling of stiffness arises, and the ability of the limbs to move decreases. Then, if no treatment is followed, muscle tone continues to increase.

Important! An increase in muscle tone indicates damage to parts of the central nervous system - the brain and spinal cord.

Disturbances in movements that are accompanied by spasticity are seen by others from the outside based on distinctive signs - people have difficulties in gait, it acquires special features. Doctors call it Wernicke-Mann gait . This indicates diseases suffered by the brain - stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Symptoms of right-sided spastic hemiparesis are varied. These include speech disorders, fever, cognitive impairment and seizures similar to epileptic seizures.

Increased muscle tone indicates that the brain and spinal cord are damaged. To reduce tone, the doctor prescribes drugs that relax the muscles. The period of admission is usually long - up to six months, but sometimes longer.

Hemiparesis in infants symptoms - Advice from doctors

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder caused by permanent damage to a child's brain in utero, birth, or early development. The most common problems relate to coordination of movements of varying degrees of severity or muscle weakness.

In some cases, there are seizures, problems with vision and hearing. Children with cerebral palsy often acquire the ability to spin, sit, crawl and walk at a later age than their healthy peers. About a third progress to seizures.

Symptoms of the disease may become more noticeable as the child gets older, but this does not mean that the disease is progressing.

According to statistics, cerebral palsy is most often found in premature babies or those with low birth weight for other reasons (42% of all cases of cerebral palsy), twins or triplets (11%). In addition, it is observed slightly more often in boys than in girls – 57% versus 43%.

When can cerebral palsy be diagnosed in a child?

Cerebral palsy can be diagnosed as early as one month of age, but this happens very rarely. This is explained by the fact that clinical signs of pathology develop in parallel with the development of the human nervous system.

Therefore, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy, as a rule, requires several visits to a pediatrician and a pediatric neurologist, who, based on the dynamics of the child’s motor development, may suspect abnormalities.

In addition, diagnostic time frames are often needed for different types of cerebral palsy.

In most cases, cerebral palsy in newborns (the first 4 weeks of life) cannot be detected, but pathology is noticed already in infants (children under one year old).

Parents are often the first to notice signs of cerebral palsy in a child under one year old. In fact, in 70-80% of cases, it is the parents themselves who initially draw attention to developmental deviations. However, doctors should do regular and appropriate examinations of all infants and young children.

If there is any suspicion that the baby's brain has suffered from oxygen deprivation, which may be caused by problems with the placenta, uterine diseases, infectious diseases, a long, rapid or difficult labor process, then an MRI should be performed soon after birth to assess any potential brain damage brain MRIs should be performed at regular intervals so that doctors can monitor the severity of cerebral ischemia.

Signs of cerebral palsy in a child

The symptoms caused by cerebral palsy tend to be comparable in severity to the severity of brain damage.

Early signs of cerebral palsy

  1. Delayed motor development.

The most common early sign of cerebral palsy in children under one year of age is motor delay. Parents notice that the child:

  • starts to hold his head up late or does it poorly;
  • does not pay attention to bright sounds and toys, does not try to reach the toy;
  • does not roll over from back to stomach and from stomach to back;
  • does not sit without support;
  • does not try to crawl, stand at a support, try to walk by hand or independently, or lags behind in these skills in terms of timing.

Certain reflexes that are present in a newborn child normally fade away with age. But in children with cerebral palsy, the physiological reflexes of a newborn are preserved for a very long time (Galant reflex, Moro reflex, grasping reflex, proboscis reflex and others). In order to check them, you need a mandatory visit to a pediatric neurologist at 1, 3 and 6 months.

Examples of some reflexes that newborns should have and disappear after a few months.

Their longer presence may be a sign of cerebral palsy

  1. Dysfunction of the muscles of the mouth and face

Cerebral palsy in children under one year of age primarily affects muscle tone, gross and fine motor functions.

Early signs of cerebral palsy are associated with dysfunction of the muscles of the mouth and face. Parents may independently discover problems with the child's feeding, swallowing, and ability to express emotions on the face.

  1. Posture and body coordination

The child cannot sit down without the support of his hands. Since the strength of contractions of different muscles differs, there is a skew in the position of the torso, head and limbs, while the latter are very often located asymmetrically relative to each other.

The child shows a lack of interest and eye contact with parents and bright objects. Strabismus occurs very often.

  1. Hearing impairment.
  2. Seizures (also associated with hypoxic brain damage).

Later signs of cerebral palsy

  1. General motor function is impaired.

Limitation of the degree of mobility in general, the ability to lift, crawl, stand, and balance the body.

  1. Impaired fine motor skills.

The child cannot grasp small objects and hold them between the index finger and thumb. Hold and use pencils and turn pages.

  1. Mental retardation (not typical for all forms of cerebral palsy).
  2. Speech impairment (due to poor coordination of the muscles of the mouth, tongue and facial muscles).
  3. Joint contractures (incomplete flexion or extension).
  4. Hearing loss
  5. Disorders of defecation and urination.
  • There are difficulties in controlling the head when lifting.
  • Stiff legs that cross or become scissored when raised.
  • Rigid or shaky hands and/or feet.
  • There are problems with feeding (weak sucking, stubborn tongue, difficulty biting when lying on the back or stomach).
  • Continues to have poor head control when lifting.
  • Can extend only one hand, clenching the other into a fist.
  • There are problems with eating.
  • May be unable to roll over without assistance.
  • Moves with difficulty, pushing off with one arm and leg while dragging the opposite arm and leg.
  • Doesn't babble.
  • Unable to sit down or sit independently.
  • Doesn't respond to his own name.
  • Doesn't crawl.
  • Unable to stand without support.
  • Doesn't look for things that are hidden so that he can see them.
  • Doesn't say single words like "mom" or "dad".


Diagnosing cerebral palsy is a very labor-intensive and complex process. In addition to monitoring the child, ultrasound of the brain, EEG, EchoEG, and MRI of the brain are required.


When treating cerebral palsy, the main principle is that the earlier the diagnosis is made, the greater success in treatment can be achieved. Children have a much higher regenerative capacity than adults.

The point of application during treatment is muscle development, massage, exercise therapy, gymnastics, horseback riding, and alpine skiing. Parents who do not despair and deal with this problem achieve excellent results.

With cerebral palsy, treatment is a parallel process of life throughout. A large number of people with cerebral palsy can lead acceptable lives as adults.

The most important thing is to know the problem in person and then it will be easier to deal with it!



Disease by severity

Doctors determine the severity of various types of paresis on a six-point scale:

  1. 0 points – complete absence of movement;
  2. 1 point – minor muscle movements are observed, the joints are not involved;
  3. 2 points – movement is possible, but in a vertical position, if there is no external resistance. The joints move barely noticeably;
  4. 3 points – muscles cope with gravity. Joint movements are constrained;
  5. 4 points – the patient makes movements, while losing a little strength in the muscles;
  6. 5 points – the patient makes movements without losing muscle strength.

Therapeutic measures

This disease can be determined through a thorough examination. The specialist pays special attention to the affected limbs and evaluates movements. For therapy to be effective, it is necessary to correctly identify the provoking factor, so the patient is prescribed additional examinations:

  1. CT scan.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Electromyography.

If a child is sick, then diagnosis is carried out urgently in order to provide immediate therapy and eliminate possible complications, as well as increase the recovery rate.

When the first signs of a pathological process occur, the patient is advised to consult a doctor who conducts a clinical examination.

The specialist carefully collects the signs and history of the disease. He conducts an objective examination of the patient. The doctor evaluates the muscle strength of the affected part of the body and compares it with the opposite side. During the examination of the patient, a muscle resistance test is recommended.

In order to assess muscle strength and the degree of paresis, it is recommended to use a special scale. It has indicators from 0 to 5 points, which determine the assessment of the range of motion of certain muscle groups.

In order to diagnose the congenital form of the disease, it is recommended that a medical examination be carried out as early as possible. To clarify the diagnosis, dynamic observation is necessary.

In order to prevent a variety of undesirable consequences, an ultrasound examination of the brain is recommended. In order to assess the risk of cerebrovascular disorders, spectroscopic examination is recommended.

Diagnosis of the disease must be comprehensive, which will determine the severity of the disease and prescribe rational therapy.

Neurologists and rehabilitation specialists treat paralysis. The underlying disease that caused the paralytic lesion is treated. Treatment is supplemented by the following groups of drugs:

  • neuroprotectors and drugs that improve cerebral circulation;
  • massotherapy;
  • B vitamins and antioxidants;
  • physiotherapeutic and water procedures;
  • physical therapy (physical therapy);
  • drugs that reduce muscle tone;
  • painkillers if necessary;
  • symptomatic treatment of concomitant syndromes.


The reasons for the development of hemiparesis vary depending on the age at which it develops, the conditions in which the patient was before the symptoms of the pathology appeared, etc.

In children

In children, hemiparesis occurs after various anomalies of the spine or limbs , damage to the brain structure, as well as various types of injuries to the skull or spine.

Hemiparesis also appears as a consequence of pinched nerve endings in the spine , atrophy of peripheral nerves and when the functioning of the brain is impaired.

Reference! Congenital hemiparesis usually develops due to abnormalities in brain development, fetal hypoxia, or trauma that the child receives while still in the womb - cerebral palsy.

In adults

The incidence of right-sided hemiparesis in adults is higher than in children . Most often this is a consequence of injuries or diseases of the left side of the brain.

The causes of hemiparesis in adults are more varied than in children:

  1. Stroke, as well as the formation of a tumor in the brain after a stroke;
  2. Traumatic brain injury;
  3. Encephalitis;
  4. Postepileptic state;
  5. Hemiplegic migraine;
  6. Diabetes mellitus and the disorders it causes;
  7. Multiple sclerosis;
  8. Atrophic cortical processes.

Left-sided hemiparesis in an infant

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Hemiparesis is a syndrome that is a consequence of neurological diseases and is characterized by disruption of the human brain.

“Paresis” is translated from Greek as damage to the motor function of the central nervous system.

With hemiparesis, there is increased or decreased muscle tone on one side of the body, while the other remains completely healthy. In more severe cases, the facial muscles also suffer.


In medical practice, a distinction is made between left-sided and right-sided hemiparesis. This is one of the classifications of the syndrome.

Left-sided hemiparesis occurs when the functioning of the right side of the brain is impaired. In this case, partial or complete immobilization of the left half of the body is diagnosed. As a rule, there is hypertonicity of the extensor muscles on the leg, and hypertonicity of the flexor muscles on the arm.

With a pathological process in the left hemisphere of the brain, right-sided hemiparesis is diagnosed, which is characterized by dysfunction of the right side of the body.

The degree of manifestation of paresis is determined on a six-point scale:

  • 0 points – complete absence of movement.
  • 1 point – small muscle movements without joints.
  • 2 points – the ability to move in a horizontal position in the absence of external opposition. Movements in the joint are barely noticeable.
  • 3 points – the ability of muscles to overcome gravity. Movements in the joint are constrained.
  • 4 points – the ability to perform movements with a slight loss of muscle strength.
  • 5 points – the ability to perform movements without loss of muscle strength.

Causes and symptoms

Hemiparesis has both congenital and acquired nature. Congenital is one of the forms of cerebral palsy (CP) and occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Intrauterine developmental disorder of the brain and spinal cord.
  2. Hypoxia.
  3. A brain tumor.
  4. Pinched nerve endings.
  5. Hematoma in the brain.
  6. Head and spine injury.
  7. Deviations in fetal development.

Right-sided and left-sided hemiparesis in cerebral palsy occurs in equal proportions. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed closer to the first year of a child’s life. The main task of the doctor is to correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Each patient may exhibit different symptoms of right-sided/left-sided hemiparesis. It depends, first of all, on what function the affected area of ​​the brain was responsible for. If we talk about young children and newborns, then the following clinical picture can be observed:

  • The hand of the affected arm is clenched into a fist for a long time, and the arm itself is bent at the elbow joint.
  • The child is unable to support his weight on the affected leg.
  • Standing in an upright position, the child rests his healthy leg on the entire foot, while the sick leg rests only on his toes.
  • Inconsistency in the movements of the arms and legs.
  • Involuntary movements of the affected arm or leg.

If we are talking about adults and older children, then they have many more symptoms - speech is impaired, gait changes - they fall to one side, there is a delay in mental and mental development (mental retardation).

Other symptoms include:

  • Incorrect posture, scoliosis (as a result of uneven development of the back muscles).
  • Epilepsy attacks.
  • Distortion of the perception of the surrounding world.
  • Deterioration of memory and mental performance.

Most often, hemiparesis in adults can occur after a stroke or serious traumatic brain injury. Also, the causes of the syndrome may be:

  1. A brain tumor.
  2. Complications after meningitis and encephalitis.
  3. Anomalies in the development of the body and internal organs.
  4. Multiple sclerosis.
  5. Atrophy and pinching of nerve endings.

Right-sided and left-sided hemiparesis have the same clinical picture. Periodic headache, general malaise, fatigue, joint pain. All these symptoms are constant companions of people suffering from this syndrome.

Massage, swimming

For cerebral palsy and hemiparesis, a relaxing massage is usually prescribed. This treatment relieves muscle spasms and improves blood circulation in them. The massage technique for each patient is selected individually, depending on the severity of the disease.

Swimming helps to: improve the coordination and rhythm of movements, trains the vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system, relieves stress on the spine, and also has a positive effect on blood circulation in the body.

Physiotherapy, drug treatment


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Physiotherapeutic procedures include electrophoresis, mineral and pine baths, Charcot's underwater shower, paraffin-ozokerite and mud applications to the affected parts of the body. Drug treatment is prescribed only in particularly severe cases. It is selected individually for each patient. The following medications are used to treat cerebral palsy:

  • Sibazon.
  • Piracetam.
  • Neuromidin.
  • Seduxen.
  • Cerebrolysin.
  • Baklosan.
  • Mydocalm.
  • Baclofen.
  • Pantogam

In order to maintain the nervous system, injections of B vitamins are prescribed.

Alternative treatment and PET therapy

For patients with hemiparesis, doctors recommend yoga classes. They should only be carried out under the guidance of an experienced master. Since ancient times, yoga has been considered one of the best therapeutic gymnastics. With regular exercise, the body muscles relax and stretch, and the muscle corset strengthens.

Dolphin and hippotherapy are indicated for children diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

When communicating with a dolphin, the child’s reflexes begin to become more active and improve, the central nervous system calms down, and tactile and speech skills are practiced.

Another advantage of dolphin therapy is the effect of hydromassage, which trains muscles and joints. Your emotional state improves, feelings of fear disappear, and self-confidence appears.

During horse riding classes, due to the specific movement of the horse, patients develop correct posture and train the vestibular apparatus, muscles and ligaments. In addition to full-fledged treatment, which is officially recognized by classical medicine, the child receives a lot of positive emotions from communicating with animals.

In medicine, cerebral palsy is considered an incurable disease, but by choosing the right tactics, you can achieve good results and live a full life.


After a stroke

If after a stroke the entire right side is completely paralyzed, this indicates that a large part of the left hemisphere was affected. Such a stroke has a pronounced clinical picture.

Firstly, these are speech and language deviations. This sign is the first and strongest indicator of a stroke. The patient has slurred pronunciation of words, impaired articulation, and the patient ceases to understand the speech of other people.

Secondly, the patient experiences a loss of speech and verbal memory, he has difficulty writing and reading, and forgets the necessary words and speech patterns.

Thirdly, a clear sign is paralysis of the right side of the body: face, arms, legs.

Fourthly, the patient experiences involuntary and reflex movements of the paralyzed limbs.

Typical problems after a left-sided stroke are:

  1. Lack of cause-and-effect relationship, violation of logical thinking;
  2. Inhibited perception and analysis of current events;
  3. Problems with speech activity, complete loss of some words is possible;
  4. The patient may lose control over his body, in which case he becomes completely dependent on other people;
  5. The occurrence of muscle hardening and joint immobility;
  6. The appearance of bedsores, thrombosis, pneumonia, as the patient is immobile for a long time.

Complex therapy of peripheral paralysis

When treating peripheral paralysis, neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital direct all efforts to eliminating the cause that caused the impairment of motor function. In complex cases, neurosurgeons at partner clinics perform surgery. The treatment regimen for peripheral paralysis is developed in such a way as to eliminate the signs and consequences of the disease.

The rehabilitation clinic uses innovative methods of physical therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment and various types of massages, acupuncture. To restore motor activity, the patient is prescribed dosed walking, during which the patient learns to step on the paralyzed limb.

Drug treatment is carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. Doctors use the following medications for paralysis:

  • proserin is a synthetic agent that leads to the accumulation of acetylcholine in the synaptic space;
  • dibazol - available in the form of solutions for injection, tablets and suspensions;
  • melliktin - supplied to the pharmacy chain in the form of powder and tablets;
  • solution of thiamine chloride - vitamin B1, which restores nerve fibers.

Physiotherapeutic therapy for peripheral paralysis is a long-term but quite effective treatment method. Physiotherapeutic procedures will help restore partial motor functions, so they are prescribed in combination with other treatment methods. In order to identify the cause and undergo effective treatment for paralysis using innovative methods, call the Yusupov Hospital.

When interviewing a patient with paralysis, the neurologist clarifies:

  • how long ago the lack of strength in any muscle group occurred;
  • what immediately preceded the onset of complaints (diarrhea, consumption of canned foods, severe headache, fever);
  • whether anyone in the family had similar signs of the disease;
  • whether the patient’s place of residence or profession is associated with exposure to harmful substances (salts of heavy metals, organic solvents).

Then the doctor conducts a neurological examination: assessing muscle strength on a five-point scale, looking for other symptoms of neurological pathology (facial asymmetry, lack of reflexes, muscle thinning (atrophy), strabismus, swallowing disorders). After a physical examination, he prescribes tests. A general blood test can detect signs of inflammation (increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukocyte count), increased levels of muscle metabolic products (creatine kinase). A toxic blood test may reveal signs of inflammation.

A test with proserin allows you to identify myasthenia gravis (a disease characterized by pathological muscle fatigue). Electroneuromyography at the Yusupov Hospital is performed by neurophysiologists - leading experts in the field of physiology of the nervous system. Using a computer program, they assess the speed of nerve impulse transmission along nerve fibers and determine conduction blocks.

Electroencephalography allows us to evaluate the electrical activity of different parts of the brain, which changes in various diseases. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the head and spinal cord make it possible to study their structure layer by layer, to identify a violation of the structure of its tissue, to determine the presence of hemorrhages, abscesses (cavities filled with pus), neoplasms, and foci of decay of nervous tissue.

The choice of treatment methods for patients with paralysis depends on the cause and type of disease, the degree and level of damage to the nerve fiber. In the presence of central paralysis, patients are treated for the underlying disease with treatment of the paralysis itself at the same time. If the vessels are affected, the immobilized limb is placed in a position that does not interfere with the normal blood supply.

Drug therapy is aimed at intensifying metabolism in the nerves, blood circulation in small vessels, and improving nerve and synaptic conduction. Conservative therapy brings results when the morphological substrate has survived, allowing the restoration of muscle function. Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital select a cure for paralysis individually.

Physiotherapeutic treatment, balneotherapy, physical therapy and reflexology are widely used. Electrophoresis of medications helps restore blood circulation to the affected area of ​​the brain. For inflammatory diseases, UHF and microwave treatment is used. Electrical stimulation in the area of ​​the immobilized limb is carried out at the motor points of the antagonist muscles. This helps relieve increased tone and reduce the reflex response of paralyzed muscles.

Electrical stimulation is combined with taking muscle relaxants and acupuncture. To reduce the risk of contractures, therapy is carried out with warm ozokerite or paraffin. Positive dynamics are sometimes observed when using cold.

Physical rehabilitation for central paralysis begins with massage, and after a week or a week and a half, physical therapy begins. For drug therapy of paralysis, benzodiazepines, baclofen, and dantrolene are used. Anticholinesterase drugs are also used to treat central paralysis.


When diagnosing right-sided hemiparesis, the doctor is obliged to collect complaints, anamnesis, a full examination of the patient, as well as research using special instruments. Their nature and duration depend on the form of the pathology.

When the cause of hemiparesis is discovered, the doctor performs a computer or magnetic resonance imaging, electromyography, and Doppler ultrasound of the blood vessels of the brain on the patient.

Reference! Children are diagnosed at the age of one to one and a half years, when they develop movement skills and motor disorders become more noticeable.

Factors provoking the appearance

Sometimes paresis accompanies the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, appearing against the background of toxicosis in the second half of the gestational age or in the early postpartum period.

The appearance of left-sided hemiparesis in adults is facilitated by pinched nerve roots due to injury to the sacral nerve plexus, as well as the resulting atrophy of the nerve trunks on the same side.

In addition, the appearance of left-sided hemiplegia can be caused by congenital or acquired aneurysms of cerebral arteries and veins.

The development of the clinic of childhood hemiparesis is quite often provoked by congenital defects in the development of the spinal cord and brain, hereditary diseases of the nervous system, respiratory distress syndrome, and severe asphyxia during childbirth.

Risk factors for congenital hemiplegia also include:

  • previous abortions;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • delivery by caesarean section;
  • miscarriages and threatened abortion;
  • maternal genitourinary system infections;
  • toxicosis;
  • pathology of the placenta.

This disease in children can be caused by:

  • congenital pathologies of the brain and spinal cord;
  • injury to the spine and skull;
  • diagnosing atrophy of nerve endings in peripheral areas;
  • pinched nerves that are localized in the area of ​​the spinal column;
  • developmental pathologies;
  • the presence of an abscess;
  • neoplasm in the brain;
  • development of arteriovenous aneurysm.

With the development of this disease, children experience frequent headaches that occur in an acute form. This symptom manifests itself over a long period (from a week to a month). The localization of pain in the head may be different with each subsequent attack. Clinical symptoms of the disease are severe fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, which subsequently provokes rapid weight loss, as well as joint pain.


Treatment of hemiparesis in the first year after the onset of neurological disorders is fruitful.

In children

The complex for children with hemiparesis consists of the following components:

  1. Passive exercises for the affected limb. They are performed with the help of an instructor;
  2. Vigorous exercises performed with the help of a healthy limb and an instructor;
  3. Exercises that are aimed at improving coordination in the movements of the affected limbs;
  4. Reducing hypertonicity and movement that are intended to help;
  5. Walking;
  6. Breathing exercises;
  7. Development of fine motor skills;
  8. Relaxing massage;
  9. Swimming;
  10. Physiotherapy;
  11. Drug treatment.

In adults

The main thing is to approach the treatment of hemiparesis systemically. The doctor determines the severity and, depending on it, prescribes treatment. Typically it consists of the following points:

  1. exercise therapy;
  2. Swimming;
  3. Massage;
  4. Physiotherapy;
  5. Drug treatment.


The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical thinking and the ability to build a certain chain of actions, and the right hemisphere is responsible for orientation in space.


Characterized by muscle weakness on the left side. The cause is disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system.

Left-sided hemiparesis in children is an independent disease in which dysfunction of motor centers occurs. The provoking factors that lead to the development of pathology include the following:

  • previous abortions;
  • toxicosis;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • C-section;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • infectious processes of the genitourinary tract in a woman during pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the placenta.

The disease is characterized by increased muscle tone on the left side of the body. There is uneven damage to muscle fibers.

Muscle hypertonicity is especially visible in the upper extremities. Patients have decreased tendon reflexes. Patients complain of deterioration of sensitivity. The pathological process is accompanied by pain. Untimely treatment is fraught with the occurrence of pathologies of the pelvic organs.

For your information! With left-sided hemiparesis, oddly enough, speech often suffers, although the left hemisphere is responsible for it. The reason for this is the child’s incorrect perception of the world, which is why he does not understand how to correctly compose sentences. In addition, his sense of tact is impaired, which does not give him the opportunity to control his emotions during a conversation.

Treatment of left-sided hemiparesis is aimed at eliminating clinical symptoms. Children are prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes, adaptogens, and anticholinesterase medications. They are shown therapeutic baths, mud therapy, active and passive gymnastics. If conservative therapy does not bring any results, surgical intervention is performed.

To treat hemiparesis in adults, drug therapy is prescribed. To improve neuromuscular conduction, it is recommended to use Proserin, Diabozol, Vitamin B1. For hypertonicity, patients are prescribed Mellictin. Massage sessions will help restore impaired functions in the affected half of the body.

Hemiparesis is classified based on several criteria. It looks like this:

  1. Symptoms can be congenital or acquired.
  2. Both left and right limbs can be affected.
  3. According to the severity of muscle strength, mild hemiparesis is distinguished (strength 3.5-4 points), moderate (2-3.5 points), severe (up to 2 points). The assessment is carried out during a neurological examination of the patient.
  4. There are central hemiparesis, which develops as a result of impaired cerebral and spinal circulation, and peripheral hemiparesis. The latter is a consequence of dysfunction of peripheral nerve fibers (for example, with intervertebral hernias).

It is important to note that paresis can be spastic and flaccid. This sign depends on the tone of the muscles of the limbs. With increased tone, spastic paresis is exhibited, and with decreased tone, flaccid paresis is observed.

The first type is often accompanied by shortening of the limbs and is more often a consequence of damage to the central nervous system, while the second type is the result of pathologies of the peripheral nerves.

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