When a girl is depressed: how to bring back the joy of life

My friend Katyusha and I have such a tradition - once every six months we definitely try to bring each other “to the public.”

When we meet, over a glass of white wine, we discuss all the pressing issues: we complain about our husbands and bosses.

We lament that our jeans have become 2 sizes smaller (and we never say out loud that WE have become 2 sizes larger!) We share revelations and dreams so that in six months we will meet again - share who has what has come true.

This time Katya and I met in a cozy Mexican restaurant. When choosing a table, from the first minutes I noticed that something was wrong with my friend. Her usually luminous eyes dimmed and her smile was replaced by awkwardly pursed lips. “Depression again!” - I immediately determined.

This happens to Katyusha from time to time. Well, who doesn’t it happen to, after all? Since her husband Vitka at these moments becomes defenseless, like a baby, I have to resuscitate my friend.

And now, looking into her gray eyes, I wondered: how to get Katyusha out of this state? And in general, how to get a girl out of depression? Can I handle this better than my girlfriend’s beloved man?

That evening, determined to fight depression that was not mine, I opened my laptop. Writing some advice for men whose girlfriends are sometimes mopey is, in my opinion, a good idea.

Vitya, read this article and finally get your Katyusha out of depression!

7 tips on how to get a girl out of depression:

Tip No. 1. Girls love with their ears

When your girlfriend is depressed, everything matters. And in order to get her out of the protracted blues, you need to start with the little things - what and how you say.

Give more compliments. Truthful! It is important. If your girlfriend has gained a few kilograms, and you tell her “my skinny girl,” this is a reason to eat another pie, and not a reason to get out of depression, I swear!

Surround her with pleasant words like: beloved, sweet, gentle. Give the girl compliments more often regarding her outfits and well-chosen accessories. And even if you don’t understand anything about it, your shoes go so well with this dress. Seriously, you look amazing!”

In order to get your partner out of depression, talk about your feelings more often. At these moments we feel so unloved and unnecessary. And even contrary to all the laws of logic - repeat for the hundredth time how much you love her.

Don't forget the words of gratitude. “Thank you” for every portion you eat. For each, Karl! And beware of irony. “Honey, you cooked these store-bought dumplings so deliciously, thank you!” may be perceived as a signal to attack.

You know how dangerous girls are when they're angry, right?

Recommendations for treatment and recovery from depression

In the first stages of depression, you can cope with it on your own. It is important that the person himself realizes his condition and is ready to get rid of it.

To get out of a mild depression, you need:

  1. Organize your daily routine correctly.
  2. Do not keep anger, pain, resentment inside yourself.
  3. Spend a lot of time in the fresh air, walk, play sports.
  4. Keep a personal diary.
  5. Limit your time watching TV and sitting at the computer.
  6. Don't forget about yourself and your needs.

When depression progresses, you cannot do without the help of a specialist doctor. Relatives wondering what to do if a girl is depressed should know: the sooner a suffering person consults a doctor, the faster this condition will go away.

Treatment of such disorders is carried out with the help of medications, hypnosis, and art therapy. Doctors use antidepressants that improve mood, eliminate anxious thoughts, improve appetite and sleep. Tranquilizers will help calm the nervous system and have an anticonvulsant effect. In severe cases, antipsychotics are prescribed that can eliminate hallucinogenic and delusional states, improve mental function, and reduce aggression and excitability.

Source: eutress.ru

Tip #2. Don't give stars from heaven

Better yet, give flowers! I know one man who, when asked: “Why don’t you give me flowers?” answered sincerely: “I give you every daisy in front of our gate.”

No comments are needed - any girl will understand me now.

Yes, I know that many men consider flowers and impractical gifts to be something unnecessary (not like spinning, for example!)

But still, in order to get a girl out of protracted depression, it is important to listen to her desires.

Give her a large bouquet of her favorite flowers. Remember what perfume she hinted at? What kind of lingerie does your girlfriend like?

At the same time, please her with small surprises several times a week. It could be a bouquet of wildflowers. Her favorite fruit or a bottle of good wine. A card with warm words left on the bedside table in the morning. A letter smuggled into her purse.

In general, any action that will again tell your girlfriend that she is loved. Every step like this brings you closer to getting your loved one out of depression.

IMPORTANT! When your girlfriend is depressed or blues, under no circumstances give her interior items, kitchen utensils or hygiene products. Believe me, a set of pots, even the most expensive and beautiful ones, run the risk of causing a thunderstorm.


To avoid depression, it is recommended to take preventive measures, especially in the autumn-winter period or during chronic diseases

  1. Down with negative information! You need to watch less TV and read news. It’s best to download several interesting audiobooks or lessons on personal growth to your phone.
  2. Relax and have fun! You don't have to relax on the couch. You can go with friends to a cafe, restaurant, club, cinema or have a house party.
  3. Eat right and exercise! Proper nutrition is the key to health and good mood. It is best to choose high-quality, low-fat, healthy products. You can take some personal training sessions at the gym and ask the trainer to create a healthy nutrition plan for at least a week.
  4. Take time for yourself! At least once a month you need to set aside time for yourself. You can go for a manicure, a massage, or go shopping.
  5. Surround yourself with beauty and pleasure! To make your home feel comfortable and pleasant, you can place scented candles, an aroma lamp in a visible place, hang new curtains, or cover the bed with a soft and fluffy blanket.

Tip #3. Invite a girl on a date!

Yes, just for a date, and not to have a pizza and a beer.

And even if your girlfriend often doesn’t mind drinking beer, in moments of depression it’s unnecessary, believe me.

What does your other half like? Go to school to pick up your child? Help me dig worms for your fishing? Past.

Remember what you did to please your girlfriend a few years ago. What events excite her now? Where did your first meeting take place? What restaurant did you go to on your first date?

To get a girl out of depression, you can help her return to pleasant memories by recreating them here and now.

I remember how a couple of years ago our friendly group helped Ilyusha make a gift for a girl. He decided to combine pleasant memories with new emotions.

Knowing that Vikusya had long dreamed of dancing a slow dance with him in a romantic atmosphere, the man took dance lessons for several weeks. By the way, we call Ilyusha “our hero” - 192 cm tall and 100 kg of muscles. This little guy just looked incredibly touching in the dance hall!

In general, our romantic rented a restaurant for the whole evening, where he and Vika had their first date. At the end of the delicious dinner, a violinist came out from the back of the restaurant, and Ilya, blushing and dropping his cutlery, invited the girl to dance. Result: after 9 months the couple had a new addition.

Get out somewhere more often – there’s simply no better way to get anyone out of depression! Cinema, theater, opera, art spaces, street food festivals, parks. Where there is light, life, the smell of coffee and people laugh a lot.

It has long been known that the emotional background of the places we visit is clearly reflected in our state. Give me some positivity!

Whatever the reasons for your girlfriend’s blues, remember: the more often she is around joy, fun and attentive you, the greater the chances of getting her out of depression as quickly as possible.

Causes of female apathy ↑

It is no secret that depression in women is many times more common than in men. There are several reasons for this:

  • hormonal changes: premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, postpartum state, menopause;
  • physical and intellectual stress: exams, sports competitions, work reports create a tense atmosphere, against the background of which the female body can malfunction in the form of apathy and depression;
  • unexpected changes in life: betrayal of a partner, death of a loved one, moving to an unfamiliar place;
  • a long wait for any event (dangerous or quite serious, changing the course of life events);
  • disagreements and conflicts with other people;
  • presence of alcohol or drug addiction;
  • severe diseases that are chronic and irreversible.

Tip #4. Touching...

At the moment of depression, it often seems that the whole world is ready to attack you, that you are emotionally naked and defenseless. So another effective tip to bring your loved one out of depression is to touch her as often as possible.

Resume the ritual of morning kisses and hugs. After waking up, take just 5 minutes to just lie in bed cuddling with a girl. Take her hand, hug her shoulders in crowded places. Such a gesture will subconsciously say: “you are protected, I will not let you be offended.”

All this will help get your girlfriend out of such a state as blues and depression.

Tactile contact is a great thing!

How often do you hold a girl's hand in public? What? Do you like to have your hands free? Are you carrying a bag? Hmm...

Do you know that hugs will not only help lift a girl out of depression, but also:

Helps reduce blood pressure.

At the moment of hugging, a hormone is released that is responsible for improving physical health. Endorphins are released, the nervous system relaxes, and blood begins to circulate correctly.

Helps fight fears.

The famous scientific journal Psychological Science published an interesting fact: a tight hug helps a person cope with depression much more effectively than a couple of sedative pills. During hugging, fear of the future, loneliness and death also weakens.

Helps establish emotional contact.

Surprisingly, large European companies have entire training sessions on hugging! Thanks to them, the emotional atmosphere in the team improves, the level of trust in each other increases and performance improves.

Naturally, employees of such companies are much less likely to suffer from depression.

Tip #5. What about talking?

No talking. In order to bring your loved one out of depression, you should understand why this blues attacked her in the first place.

Carefully try to find out the true cause of depression. You may not be able to help her solve her problem. Yes, this is not necessary! Your girlfriend will see that you are attentive to her. She will understand that you are interested in what is happening in her life.

Or maybe it will even happen that you can help her in a difficult situation with wise advice. Advice, Karl! There is no need to lecture or put pressure on the girl! To bring your loved one out of depression, it is important to listen and hear.

How to help a girl get out of depression?

To help a friend get out of depression, you must first find out the reason. It is possible that the problem can be solved. To do this, you need to delicately and unobtrusively invite the girl to talk. You cannot judge or give advice. This will cause irritation and resentment.

You need to patiently listen to your interlocutor, support her with kind words, give her a compliment and tell her that she will succeed. And then develop an action plan on how to cope with the problem, and take charge of solving it yourself, gradually involving your friend in the matter. In such a state, a person is unable to start doing something on his own.

Care and attention will help bring your wife out of depression after childbirth. There is no need to react aggressively in response to comments and irritations. It is better to listen to the words - perhaps something in behavior needs to be corrected.

Caring should be expressed in helping with housework and child care. Small but constant gifts will lift your spirits. It is not necessary to give expensive things - a bouquet of flowers, a cute trinket, or a toy will do. It is important to remind a woman that she is beautiful. On weekends or in the evening after work, you need to spend time with your spouse - invite her to the cinema, theater, cafe, exhibition, or just invite her for a walk (if you have someone to leave the child with). The same rules apply if the wife feels sad after several years of marriage.

If all these tips don’t work, then you should reconsider your diet. We need fruits, vitamin and soothing teas. Medications that will help include glycine and tenoten. If there is no improvement, you need to go to a psychotherapist or neurologist. You can come on your own, saying that my girlfriend is depressed, describe the situation and her condition in detail.

Tip #6. Sex therapy

Another wonderful way to get a girl out of depression is... intimate intimacy!

Arrange a romantic evening for your beloved, smoothly turning into a romantic night. The girl will definitely not refuse a massage by candlelight after a relaxing bath.

Is it worth reminding that the goal is to get the girl out of depression, and not to drag her into it even deeper? Therefore, this evening everything is just for her. All the caresses, all the romance and passion.

Try new positions, experiment, fulfill her old fantasy. Bringing your loved one out of the blues and depression by showing her that she is still sexy and desirable is a great option.

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