How to overcome apathy, causes of apathy and depression

Apathy in itself is not dangerous. It can be compared to pain. It is not the body, but the psyche that lets you know that something bad is happening to the body. Only after you find and treat the cause will the apathy go away.

When our mood temporarily drops, we tend to tell ourselves to “pull yourself together.” We force ourselves to take action, for example, get out of the house, meet with friends, buy some vitamins. And the low mood goes away. In the case of true apathy, this will not work.

What is apathy?

What is apathy and how does it manifest itself? This psychological term means a state of detachment that does not bring satisfaction. An apathetic person lives with a lack of motivation. The disease may worsen over time. With such a pathology, a person ceases to perceive the world painfully and seems to lose all its colors. The patient looks lethargic.

An apathetic state can develop gradually and become a response to psychological trauma. Disappointment or a serious shock that leaves an imprint in the subconscious can contribute to the development of the disease.

The apathetic state from a medical point of view has a complex characteristic. The disease manifests itself as a syndrome that allows a person to see the world through a dense lens, sensitivity and perception are lost.

The state of apathy should be differentiated from depression. Although both of these diseases are often combined, they still have fundamental differences. With depression, a person feels depressed and sad. Apathy syndrome is not manifested by any feelings, but rather by indifference. A person may refuse to eat, his appetite and general condition worsen.

Apathy, what it is, how to cope with it, interests all patients. And this is no coincidence. Self-therapy is necessary along with the help of a professional. The term apathy in psychology means manifestations of reduced perception of the surrounding world. At the same time, there is often laziness and lack of desire for any activity.

The meaning of the word apathy is associated by many with a complete loss of meaning in life. Pathology can occur against the background of chronic fatigue syndrome. There is a burnout of feelings, emotions and aspirations.

Apathy is a state that does not bring satisfaction to a person. Many note the only plus - the absence of negative emotions. An apathetic mood that recurs periodically is a rather alarming sign that should be on your guard. The disease cannot be ignored, otherwise it may become chronic.


The main criteria by which apathy can be diagnosed:

  • Loss of motivation
  • Decreased performance
  • Reducing life effort
  • Reducing the time allocated to activities of interest
  • Loss of initiative or persistence
  • Decrease in the level of social life and leisure,
  • Loss of general interest in anything, including one’s own health, appearance, the world around him,
  • Loss of emotional response to positive or negative events.

If these symptoms are not caused by an intellectual or cognitive deficit, some kind of emotional disturbance, or a decreased level of consciousness, then it is probably a case of apathy.

Psychologically, apathy is a disgust for life. A person stops caring about anything, including his own body.

A person in a state of apathy experiences a noticeable decrease in sensitivity to stimuli. Passion and desire are lost, sex ceases to be of interest.

Nothing really bothers me. This could even be pleasant, but, unfortunately, at the same moment, nothing makes you happy. A gift from a loved one or an event that until recently would have been a source of joy now seems out of place.

Someone who has fallen into apathy is not interested in anything, does not carry away, and tasks that until now were a pleasant experience are now just another torture.

Sleep disturbances appear. Most often, excessive sleepiness occurs. Waking up and getting the victim out of bed becomes quite a difficult task.

The patient begins to avoid people. This happens differently than for introverts. A person who likes to be around people becomes withdrawn.

For him, meetings with loved ones, coffee with a friend, a trip to the cinema with friends, and interest from the opposite sex become indifferent. Leaving the house is a nightmare effort.

If this condition lasts longer than 2-3 weeks, there is no doubt that this is not a temporary ailment that will pass when the sun finally comes out or the holidays begin.

Causes of the disease

The causes of apathy can be different. The peak of exacerbations often occurs in the autumn and spring periods. At the same time, weakness is felt. The disease can be provoked by many factors, the main of which are:

  • long-term psychological trauma;
  • death of loved ones;
  • problems that cannot be solved;
  • a lot of work and little rest;
  • family problems;
  • the birth of a child (especially at an early age);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • serious illnesses;
  • taking certain medications that affect mood;
  • puberty;
  • pregnancy.

Indifference to everything often occurs after the breakup of a long-term relationship. This condition is typical for both women and men. Apathy, the causes of which are varied, is characteristic of workaholics and people engaged in activities that require increased responsibility.

Apathy towards everything and the weakness that accompanies it is often a chronic process, repeated at certain intervals and manifested in the presence of provoking factors. When you don’t want to do anything, there is fatigue that cannot be overcome, it is recommended to pay attention to this predisposing condition.

Psychology identifies this disease as a separate group, since it has a complex etiology. When apathy occurs, the first signs are loss of strength and weakness. This condition occurs when a person is exposed to stress over a long period of time. The psyche simply cannot cope with such overloads.

Apathy can be not just a temporary condition, but also a constantly present syndrome. At the same time, some people cope with the initial signs of pathology on their own, while others have to seek help from specialists.

The resulting weakness during apathy is characterized not only by sluggish thinking, but also by inhibited psychological processes. Quite often, the precursor to the disease is vigorous activity or a fight against something that ended unsuccessfully.

The result of apathy syndrome is not only weakness, but also a lack of emotions. A person can go from a depressed state to depressed and indifferent.

Reasons for appearance

Why does apathy occur? Where do the signs of indifference and lethargy come from? Experts identify the following causes of apathy:

  1. Emotional burnout at work. This situation can arise due to significant psychological impact, workload, and lack of feedback.
  2. Serious illness. Physical illness wears down the body, causing weakness and exhaustion. Constant companions of the disease are apathy and fatigue. After therapeutic recovery, apathetic symptoms usually disappear.
  3. Prolonged stressful situation. A long traumatic situation can cause an apathetic state - psychological defense against stress is triggered.

Separately, it should be noted that prolonged indifference often becomes the cause of a disease such as schizophrenia.

Other causes of apathy:

  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • taking certain antibiotics, steroids, contraceptives;
  • organic brain damage;
  • avitaminosis;
  • heredity.

Causes of depression

Most psychotherapists and psychologists believe that depression is caused by socio-psychological factors when they are superimposed on certain psychological characteristics of the individual. Thus, for a person who loves stability, depression may occur when social and economic conditions of life change. And those who love risk may fall into the blues due to a monotonous life.

Psychotherapist A. Lobazova claims that somatic symptoms in depression arise not because of a bad mood, but due to a violation of cerebral blood flow and metabolism. This is when certain parts of the brain are not receiving oxygen and other nutrients. From here the brain begins to work incorrectly, and some parts of it die from starvation.

Another reason for depression as a disease A. Lobazova identifies is that, depending on what a person eats and how he reacts to stress, the chemical composition of the brain is constantly changing. In this case, an imbalance in the hormonal system often occurs (lack of some and advantage of others), which directly affects not only a person’s mood, but also the condition of the organs.

According to another theory, the occurrence of depression is associated with the activation of a defense mechanism of the human psyche. This is a signal that a stage has come in a person’s life when serious changes are necessary. If you notice this signal in time, then depression will be able to fulfill its useful function (to help make these changes that bring a new positive outlook on the world and on your life).

But if a person does not want to do anything to develop himself, then his condition will begin to deteriorate.

The nature and main cause of depression are revealed in the book by psychotherapist Alexander Lowen, “Depression and the Body.” Here he writes that many years of practice allowed him to identify the connection between this illness and loss of faith, and a depressed person is a person without faith.

Faith begins to develop in a person in early childhood. Thus, Lowen writes that it is in the relationship between parents and children that faith is acquired last: first, children acquire faith in their parents, then faith in themselves, and only then - faith in the world.

But if a parent mistakenly builds a relationship with a child, begins to “play” with him and undermines self-confidence, then the child’s faith in the parent begins to collapse. This is where problems begin with faith in yourself and in the world.

Forms of depression

One form of depression is bipolar disorder. It manifests itself as a mood disorder that occurs with a phasic course. Phases are periods of time that last for weeks or months. In bipolar disorder, the phase of mania is replaced by a phase of depression. Mania is characterized by a positive mood. In this state, a person is full of plans, sleeps little, does not analyze obstacles, and commits rash actions.

There are significant genetic contributions to bipolar disorder. In neurotic depression, the genetic contribution is lower, and psychosocial factors play a more significant role. In this disorder there is no phase of mania, disturbances in thinking and reality testing, delusions or hallucinations. Treatment of neurotic depression largely depends on psychotherapeutic procedures.

Another form of depression is unipolar depression, which is a depressive episode. It can have three degrees of severity: mild, moderate and severe. This condition lasts for at least two weeks. If the depressive episode recurs, the diagnosis changes from depressive episode to recurrent depressive disorder, that is, to recurrent depression. A person can suffer from depression once in his life, or he can suffer from it twice a year.

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In addition, there are forms of mood disorders such as cyclothymia and dysthymia. These are personality characteristics rather than a disease. Dysthymia is the ability of a person to be in a gloomy mood, to have a pessimistic picture of the world, but at the same time function throughout his life without ever turning to psychiatrists. The intensity of depressive symptoms in dysthymics is low, but continues for years.

Cyclothymia is dysthymia with the presence of phases in which the dysthymic phase is replaced by a phase of good mood and so on. It differs from bipolar disorder in that it is a characteristic related to a person's worldview and personality. We can talk about a cyclothymic or dysthymic personality character. Such depression takes a lifetime if a person does not specifically work on it. And this does not radically limit his life activities. But when real clinical depression occurs, a person is limited in his life activities. Often he cannot work due to the fact that he cannot concentrate, get out of bed, he has no mental tone, but there is severe melancholy.

Reasons for the development of apathy

There are several reasons that precede the development of this condition: working with a large number of people, spending emotions in communicating with them without receiving a response (for example, classes with schoolchildren) - in this case, severe emotional exhaustion occurs.

To reduce the anxiety of such manifestations, a long period of rest and complete recovery of the body are necessary.

The development of disorders is a consequence of constant stress experienced by an individual over several years. Preceding situations are always present: a negative attitude towards an employee in the workplace, ongoing conflicts in the family, etc. Some family members who are susceptible to negative influence and lead an antisocial lifestyle can contribute to the development of this psychological disorder.

The disorder occurs as a consequence if the patient has previously suffered a traumatic brain injury or an infection associated with an impact on the brain. This condition is the primary symptom that often precedes schizophrenia. Weakness, drowsiness, lack of interest in life are phenomena classified as schizophrenic manifestations.

The reason for the lack of emotions may be the use of various medications, the list of which includes: tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antidepressants, some types of oral contraceptives, antibiotics.

From a psychophysiological point of view, the reaction is used as a defense for the entire organism. Sometimes internal conflict creates all the reasons for apathy.

Some scientific psychologists argue that an overly sensitive person, whose emotional background is higher than that of other people, is more susceptible to apathetic moods. In this case, the body’s resources are not able to adequately perceive negative information and reproduce the corresponding emotions, and the result is a complete lack of interest in life.

Increased performance is the cause of apathy, because all energy is spent on physical or intellectual work, the body needs to rest, it tries to protect itself as much as possible from the influence of external psychological factors.

Why does apathetic depression occur?

A survey of patients with apathetic depression shows that the disease is not transmitted, like a genetic disease, from close relatives. Also, the depressive state is not affected by the innate characteristics of the human nervous system. The trigger for the manifestation of depressive symptoms may be a malfunction in the body's hormonal system. Hormonal levels typically change as a person goes through adolescence, and women are subject to changes during pregnancy, postpartum, and postmenopause. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands can also be the beginning of the development of apathetic depression. In the treatment of diseases associated with the endocrine system, hormones are used, which can be an impetus for changing the entire hormonal background of the body.

The most important reason for the occurrence of a neurotic state is the external environment and the emotional background that surrounds a person. Being in constant tension, experiencing critical pressure on the nervous system for a long time, a person takes everything that happens around him very close to his heart. This creates favorable conditions for the development of symptoms of depression, which a person, at first, can ignore, citing simple fatigue. The situation is aggravated by troubles at work, confrontations and an unfavorable aura in the team, which repel a person. Misunderstandings in family life and financial difficulties are also grounds for depression.

Chronic fatigue, a sedentary lifestyle, problems that can only be solved with the help of constant brainstorming affect a person’s emotional state. Work that involves constant strain on your thinking abilities also contributes to constant stress. The brain simply does not have time to rest from the flow of information. An imbalance arises due to a discrepancy between the surrounding reality and the way a person imagines his existence. He sees no light and is constantly dissatisfied and depressed.

The modern world is so structured that most people go to work in order to be financially independent, so that they have something to feed their family. Work does not evoke positive emotions, sometimes it is simply hateful when the situation in the team is difficult. A person does not have a feeling of satisfaction from his activities. The inability to change your life for the better, not seeing a way out of the current situation - all this is fertile ground for the development of apathetic depression. It is important for a woman to feel harmony and support in the family; if this is not the case, and she experiences constant stress from personal problems, her psyche simply cannot stand it. The cause of the disorder may be a bad relationship with a spouse, a drinking husband, or a despotic husband. Constant irritation accumulates, the inability to change reality greatly depresses a person’s personality, he finds himself in a vicious circle of his problems. This condition becomes the impetus for the development of affective disorders.

Psychological causes of depression

According to Liz Burbo, depression is a means of protection from pressure, pressure, and especially from emotional. The psychologist, based on his many years of practice, claims that people who are in a bad relationship with a parent of the opposite sex are more susceptible to depression. This is the reason why a depressed person tends to blame his spouse (due to a bad relationship with his father) or his spouse (due to a bad relationship with his mother).

At the same time, the more serious the psychological trauma experienced in childhood (adolescence), the more severe the depression. Let us recall that such traumas can be: the trauma of the rejected, the trauma of the abandoned, the trauma of humiliation, the trauma of betrayal and the trauma of injustice (see the article on five traumas).

Liz Bourbeau believes that if a depressed person has thoughts of suicide, it means that something has died to make room for something new. But he perceives this dead part of himself as his entire personality as a whole.

How to overcome apathy

In milder cases, it may be enough to simply change your attitude towards the outside world or talk to someone about your problems during psychotherapy to feel better and regain control over your life.

Sometimes you need to normalize your diet, move away from the place that is the source of problems.

yoga and meditation can help

As for lack of sleep, you need to sleep more and better. Always go to bed at the same time. The room should be quiet, dark and cool. Before bed, leave the computer, turn off the TV, and engage in relaxing activities such as reading or listening to soft music.

Avoid drinking alcohol. If you suspect that medication is causing your apathy, you should consult your doctor.

How does apathetic depression manifest?

A person is aware of the first signs of apathetic depression himself; he notices a depressed mood in himself. He can describe his condition to a specialist as indifferent to everything, nothing touches him and there is no strength to change all this.

  • One of the symptoms of depression is a person’s reluctance to change something. He has no strength to resist, emotions are suppressed. He simply doesn’t know what is more important to him in life, he can’t make a choice and doesn’t want to.
  • The next symptom is the inability to solve emerging problems. Indecisiveness in actions, suspiciousness when making one decision or another, confusion and absent-mindedness, which do not allow him to adequately respond to the current situation.
  • An indifferent state to everything that happens. He becomes uninterested in reality, the environment does not touch him, and stops reacting to events that previously aroused keen interest. Communication with people is reduced to a minimum, and he does not feel the need for anyone.
  • Another sign is passivity and slowness of motor function. From the outside it becomes noticeable that the person begins to move differently. Speech becomes slurred and unemotional. Thoughts are often confused, there are difficulties in communication, he cannot always express his thoughts correctly.
  • The following behavior of the patient is often observed: sometimes, for no apparent reason, the person abruptly emerges from a state of apathy and begins to clearly carry out the assigned task. Although, before this, there was neither desire nor attempts to do this work. It’s as if something clicks inside him, a mechanism turns on, and he doesn’t feel tired at all. But some time passes, and everything returns to normal, as if this surge had never happened.

A person suffering from apathetic depression feels changes in his condition. He understands that his health is under threat, deep down, he really wants to overcome the disease and return to his usual existence. At the same time, lack of willpower and indifference prevent him from acting clearly. From the outside it seems that he is satisfied with this situation and has come to terms with it. His dual behavior sometimes baffles those who would like to help him.

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The disease affects the normal functioning of the brain. A person often forgets important things, the necessary information eludes him, and he is not able to concentrate on one thing for a long time. Due to indifference and apathy to everything that surrounds him, the patient ceases to perceive reality.

Indifference towards the other sex sets in, intimate life can be at zero and this does not bother the person at all. If there is contact with a partner, the connection does not cause any emotions, he is not able to react to what is happening.

Many people develop an indifferent attitude towards food. There is no desire to eat like before. A person can describe his condition as the absence of a feeling of hunger, he does not feel the taste of food, eating food already seems to him a boring and unnecessary activity.

A person with apathetic depression may suffer from insomnia, although he feels very tired and needs sleep. Some people cannot fall asleep for hours, others simply don’t need sleep - this is individual for each person. Sometimes it is difficult for them to distinguish between sleep and wakefulness.


Working too hard and not getting enough rest can cause chemical changes in your brain that promote apathy.

Sleep disorders

During sleep, the brain rests and produces neurotransmitters that maintain well-being at the desired level. With a lack of normal sleep, apathy may appear.


Chemicals that are released during prolonged stress can cause fatigue, irritability and apathy.


In this case, hormonal changes cause lethargy, as in the case of premenstrual syndrome.


Some antiallergy, antidepressant and blood pressure medications can cause apathy.

Apathy due to tyrosine deficiency

A common cause of lack of energy and motivation is a deficiency of an amino acid called tyrosine. It keeps the brain active.

If you find it difficult to start the day without a cup of black coffee or other stimulating drink, or if you feel weak or unfocused, you may be lacking tyrosine.

It has been proven that more active people have increased levels of catecholamines, while less active, introverted people have lower levels.

With a lack of tyrosine in the body, a person feels indifferent and does not react very intensely to positive and negative events, which is diagnosed as one of the symptoms of apathy.

There may also be problems with attentiveness and decreased concentration levels.

How to Increase Tyrosine Levels

It is recommended to include protein-rich foods in your diet, such as chicken or fish, lean red meat and eggs.

Tyrosine present in these products has anti-stress, antidepressant and health-promoting effects and hence helps fight and prevent apathy.

Another option is to take medications containing L-tyrosine.

Apathetic depression: treatment

Treatment of apathetic depression is aimed at all stages of the development of this condition.

First of all, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of the onset of the disease. For this purpose, individual psychotherapy is used.

To stabilize the mental state, the following is indicated:

  • individual rational psychotherapy;
  • group psychotherapy with the formation of health motivation and goals;
  • hypnotherapy, including narco-hypnotherapy (suggestion using nitrous oxide);
  • stress therapy techniques.

Of great importance is the use of medications.

Medicines used:

  • Antidepressants. There are a very large number of drugs in this group. The selection of the right one is carried out by an experienced psychiatrist, relying on his experience and intuition. Finding a medication sometimes takes months. Unfortunately, many patients try to take antidepressants on their own to treat apathetic depression (or, as is often mistakenly said, to “treat apathetic depression”), which often leads to undesirable effects.
  • Tranquilizers. Drugs in this group are used very carefully for apathetic depression, usually in combination with antidepressants. Inept and unnecessary application can have the opposite effect.
  • Symptomatic medications. Prescribed for the correction of pathologies of internal organs.

Acupuncture has been successfully used in the treatment of apathetic depression.

A separate and effective way to return the patient’s psyche to normal functioning is aesthetic therapy - influencing the psyche with music, poetry, and prose. Despite their apparent mediocrity, these methods are very effective.

A special role should be given to physical education and sports. Skillfully directed physical activity can work wonders and sometimes helps to “pull” people with very serious mental disorders out of apathetic depression.

With the help of psychotherapy

Psychotherapy techniques can be used either separately or in conjunction with medications. An individual program is selected for each patient depending on the severity of depression. Psychotherapy helps prevent relapses and restore mental health.

Additional treatments

How to deal with apathy on your own? Treatment at home in severe cases is excluded. Therapy should take place in a psychoneurological clinic. However, a specialist will help you figure out how to deal with mild apathy.

First of all, you need to change your lifestyle. At first, there shouldn’t be any drastic changes. New habits need to be introduced gradually. It is necessary to regularly take a contrast shower, which will increase blood circulation and help invigorate. At first, even such an easy task will cause difficulties.

To answer the question of how to cope with apathy, it is first recommended to assess the severity of the problem. It is necessary to sort out the essence of the negative state, based on the following recommendations:

  • Express the feeling of apathy on a piece of paper using colored pencils. Draw your emotions as vividly as possible.
  • Understand what exactly is stopping you from changing your behavior.
  • Analyze the reason for what is happening.
  • Reframe a negative attitude into a positive one.

The answer to the question of how to overcome apathy is not always easy. Before attempting complex techniques, it is recommended that you work through the core of the problem. Treatment of apathy is primarily aimed at overcoming the barrier that prevents you from leaving the state.

It is necessary to decompose the problem into its component parts and understand why it protects the patient. Maybe a disease allows a person to take a break from boring work. Before talking about how to get out of a state of apathy, you should understand the benefits of your illness for the unconscious. After all, if a person does not pay attention to his emotional state for a long time, then the psyche begins to manifest itself, but only with negative attitudes and images.

Everyone wants to know how to treat apathy caused by dissatisfaction with oneself or the conditions of one’s life. The necessary method of therapy is to increase self-esteem and self-worth. To do this, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and write all your negative beliefs on it. Then rephrase them into opposite, motivating attitudes.

How to get rid of apathy in this way? You just need to recite positive attitudes 3 times a day every day. Gradually, the unconscious will remember the information, and thinking will begin to change.


To know how to overcome apathy, you should carefully analyze your past. If the problem is known, then this makes the task easier. The question of how to deal with it worries everyone without exception. You need to imagine yourself from the outside with this problem, feel it and hear the sounds, perhaps it will be a voice. You need to get rid of a problem by replacing it with a positive image of yourself.

Apathy, the treatment of which is complex, lends itself to many techniques. The presented method is based on replacing a negative image with a positive one. After a person has presented a negative image in all its colors, you need to do the same thing, but a little differently. The obstacle must not be overcome, but gradually replaced. You should form a positive image, make it bright in your thoughts, with sounds, and see yourself from the outside as healthy. Mentally replace the negative picture with a positive one. Do this 3 times. The exercise must be performed regularly.

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We fight apathy with the help of self-hypnosis. However, less words, more action. Because the unconscious does not perceive words well. It is better to imagine everything, mentally immersing yourself in a healthy atmosphere.

If you feel apathy towards everything, what should you do? Of course, you need to see a psychotherapist. And don’t forget about self-treatment. When apathy arises, what to do if you don’t want to do anything is interesting to many. The first thing is not to force yourself. Do not scold yourself under any circumstances, but, on the contrary, focus on your merits.

Drawing, modeling, and swimming are helpful. A doctor who has pulled a sick person out of apathy cannot give guarantees for the future, so it is recommended to constantly analyze your thoughts, displacing negative ones.

The disease apathy, how to get rid of it correctly and what to do if the symptoms worsen, can be found out only after analyzing the general condition of the person. A problem can only be assessed by approaching it from different angles. A psychotherapist or psychologist will tell you how to get out of apathy and overcome it.

Is it possible to treat blues and apathy with antidepressants?

Treatment of this condition most often involves taking tonic herbal medicines (tincture of lemongrass, eleutherococcus). If such treatment is insufficient, you can use more expensive antidepressants sold without a prescription.

Antidepressants for apathy (blues)

  • Zyban
    is an expensive drug that is used to treat apathetic conditions due to quitting smoking and alcohol. The drug helps in 50-65% of cases and is very popular in Europe.
  • Persen
    is a herbal medicine that very quickly has a sedative effect. A lasting therapeutic effect develops within 4-5 days of constant use. The medicine has been successfully used in the treatment of insomnia. Can be used in childhood, reducing the dosage by 2 times.
  • Heptral
    is a medicine that not only reduces the symptoms of apathy, but also restores liver function, which helps speed up metabolism and gradually improve the general condition of the body. The medicine can be used for a long time. It causes virtually no side effects and has a long-lasting healing effect in cases of depressed mood, especially if it is combined with liver disease.

Blues are best treated with herbal preparations, as they have a gentler effect on the body and rarely lead to serious side effects.

Features of some antidepressants

People often wonder whether the antidepressant Prozac is available with a prescription or not? According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Prozac should be sold exclusively with a doctor's prescription, but some private pharmacies allow themselves to sell this drug without a prescription.

What you need to know about Prozac

  • The medicine is not recommended for use under 18 years of age
  • It has side effects (fatigue, decreased attention)
  • There are serious contraindications (tendency to suicidal behavior)
  • You cannot combine it with many drugs (pimozide and thioridazine, etc.)

Prozac is a serious drug whose prescription requires medical justification. You should not use it without the advice of a specialist.

What is amitriptyline

  • Amitriptyline is a powerful antidepressant
  • It has a large number of side effects (impaired urination, vision, etc.), so it is sold with a doctor’s prescription
  • It is not recommended to use with many drugs (hypnotics, sedatives, alcohol-containing drugs, etc.)

Amitriptyline has a truly powerful therapeutic effect, but its use is justified if the therapeutic effect of the drug exceeds its side effects.

Is Mirzaten dangerous?

  • Mirzaten is an antidepressant with a slow but stable therapeutic effect
  • The drug has a hypnotic and sedative effect, causing a decrease in concentration
  • Has a lot of side effects on the nervous system
  • Has many contraindications (kidney and liver diseases)

The drug Mirzaten is very effective in the treatment of depression with sleep disorders. But due to its characteristics, it is not prescribed to all patients and is sold by prescription.

If you have one or more symptoms of depression or another similar condition, there is no immediate need to buy over-the-counter antidepressants. Change your diet, start walking, do some exercise, find something interesting to do instead of sitting in front of the TV, and then the disease will go away. Start such treatment immediately, without postponing it until later, because only in this case will your actions be most effective.

List of antidepressants without prescriptions

  • Oprah
  • Ephevelon
  • Coaxil

The above medications are weak but good antidepressants. They can be used for depression and mild nervous breakdowns.

In case of severe depression or a nervous breakdown, which is accompanied by severe psycho-emotional exhaustion, it is better to contact a specialized institution. These hospitals have special departments for neuroses. There, patients are provided with specialized comprehensive treatment. Sometimes stronger antidepressants are prescribed, which are sold only with a doctor's prescription.

Diseases that can cause apathy

Apathy is often associated with other diseases or as a consequence of certain situations, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • Dementia.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Depression.
  • Stroke.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Antipsychotic drugs.
  • Sensory or motor limitations.
  • Apathetic hyperthyroidism.

A lethargic state may also occur in patients with Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, or cerebrovascular disease.

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