What to take: Anvifen and Phenibut?

Stress has become a common part of life. We get used to constant tension without thinking about the consequences. A new direction has appeared in medicine - psychosomatics, which deals with diseases caused by stress. To avoid health problems, there are a number of anti-stress medications. Some of them are Anvifen or Phenibut. What’s better, we’ll try to figure it out in this article.







Properties of drugs

Anvifen or Phenibut are drugs based on aminophenylbutyric acid with nootropic properties. "Noos" in Greek means mind, and "tropos" means change. The drugs activate the functioning of brain neurons, stimulating mental activity.

To understand the difference between Anvifen and Phenibut, we will describe each of them.


Positively affects the metabolism of brain cells. Patients note the following effects of taking Phenibut:

  • Improving memory, attention, concentration, decision-making ability.
  • Relieving headaches.
  • Improved vision.
  • Normalization of movement coordination.

Phenibut does not affect muscle activity and does not reduce tone, so even with long-term use a person does not feel weak.


A new generation drug that has the same properties as Phenibut:

  • Improves metabolic processes in neurons.
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Suppresses lipid peroxidation, protects cells from damage.
  • Calms the nervous system (tranquilizing effect).
  • Anticonvulsant.

Facilitates the transmission of impulses through the GABAergic system, which is the main mechanism of “counteraction” to stress hormones. Improves blood supply to the brain. The properties of Anvifen and Phenibut do not differ from each other. When choosing a specific drug, other criteria are used.

Anvifen or Phenibut - which is better?

A nootropic, an anxiolytic and a remedy for insomnia - these are the three main characteristics of a substance that was synthesized in Russia more than 50 years ago and which continues to attract the attention of not only domestic but also global consumers. It improves psychological well-being, relieves anxiety and has a positive effect on verbal functions. This substance is phenibut. Let's learn about its properties in a short review and get acquainted with its analogues.


  • Main difference
  • How do they work?
  • Advantages and disadvantages Which manufacturer is better?
  • How to take it correctly?
  • Course duration
  • Price difference
  • Anvifen and Phenibut - what is the difference?

    Phenibut is a representative of the pharmaceutical group of nootropic and anxiolytic drugs. If you are looking for a replacement for Phenibut, you can turn your attention to Anvifen, since both drugs contain the same active substance gamma-aminophenylbutyric acid.

    It is produced in the form of 0.25 g tablets by many Russian manufacturers (Ozon, Mir-Pharm, etc.), the Latvian company Olainfarm, and the Belarusian company Belmedpreparaty.

    “Phenibut tablets” 20 pcs.

    The difference between Anvifen is that it is produced in the form of capsules with various dosages (25, 50, 125 and 250 mg) by AnviLab (Russia).

    How do the drugs work?

    Gamma-aminophenylbutyric acid is an agonist of the natural brain neurotransmitter GABA. The term “agonist” refers to a substance that specifically binds to a receptor and activates a number of biological effects. In other words, phenibut is very similar to GABA. If there is a shortage of this neurotransmitter in the brain, then the drug can replace it.

    Scientists have found that under the action of this agonist, external stimulation causes a smaller response of brain neurons, which is reflected in a decrease in behavioral reactivity and the degree of anxiety. Thus, a person taking Phenibut reacts to problematic situations more calmly.

    In addition, the following effects of this substance are known:

    • antioxidant and antiplatelet effect,
    • influence on the speed of cerebral neural reactions,
    • improvement of systemic tone,
    • sedative effect,
    • improvement of cognitive functions,
    • neuroprotective effect in cerebral ischemia,
    • potentiation of dopamine action in Parkinson's disease.

    A placebo-controlled study conducted in 1990 in the Baltic states found that taking phenibut orally (0.25-0.5 g, 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks) activates intellectual functions and improves resistance to physical activity , reduces the feeling of fatigue and asthenic manifestations in patients with neurotic or psychotic conditions.

    What's better?

    Despite the fact that the drugs are similar in composition, in some cases there is a difference between what to take: Anvifen or Phenibut.

    A rather subjective indicator is the reviews of consumers who took analogues from different manufacturers. The objective difference is that Avifen has the advantage of a range of different dosages. This allows you to more flexibly regulate the course of taking the drug, especially in pediatrics.

    Among adult audiences, Latvian-made Phenibut has the best reviews. Anvifen has a high rating among parents, since it has a relatively “milder” effect on the child’s psyche, and the absence of unwanted reactions after stopping taking the drug.

    How to take Phenibut or Anvifen correctly?

    According to the instructions, both medications can be prescribed to children from 3 years of age. If for some medications it is not important whether to take them before or after meals, then for the described analogues it is recommended to take them after meals.

    When preventing kinetosis (motion sickness syndrome), the drugs are taken one hour before the planned trip. The daily dose depends on the age of the patient and the type of disease (for clarification, read the instructions).

    How long can I take it?

    The average duration of treatment with both drugs is 2-3 weeks. However, for some diseases they are prescribed for up to 1.5 months.

    You cannot buy these drugs in pharmacies without a prescription, because only a doctor can correctly calculate the dose, course duration and tell you what time is best to take them. In addition, it may be necessary to correct or cancel the course. Parents are always advised to closely monitor the behavior and condition of their children during the initial days of taking the medicine.

    Some alarming facts also indicate the need for control. Phenibut-containing drugs are not registered in Western medicine, but rumors about their positive properties and the fact that they were included in the “first aid kit of Soviet cosmonauts” fuel the interest of Western consumers. Demand creates supply, and now the drug can be bought online.

    However, in recent years, information has appeared in the medical literature about the toxicity of phenibut purchased through the Internet and used uncontrolled. An overdose of the substance, especially when drinking alcohol, led to loss of consciousness. The number of calls to Western drug treatment clinics regarding the emergence of addiction to phenibut is growing.

    Cost of drugs

    Let's compare the average cost of a course of Phenibut and its analogue.

    When prescribing 3 tablets/day of 0.25 mg for 3 weeks, about 3 packages of Phenibut (20 pieces each) will be required. The price of one Russian-made package is approximately 100 rubles, and the Latvian one is 3.5 times more expensive. Thus, a course of treatment will cost from 300 to 1000 rubles. depending on the selected option.

    The cost of Anvifen of the same dosage is in the “middle”: about 750 rubles. for a therapeutic course.

    Anvifen or Phenibut - which is better? — all about medicines on MyMedNews.ru

    The information on the MyMedNews.ru website is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment.

    Source: https://mymednews.ru/anvifen-ili-fenibyt-chto-lychshe/

    Indications for use

    The drugs are used for many problems associated with the nervous system:

    • Sleep disturbances (insomnia, nightmares, restless sleep), especially in elderly patients.
    • Asthenic syndrome, including after severe somatic illnesses.
    • Neuroses, anxiety states.
    • Meniere's disease.
    • Tics and stuttering in children.
    • Enuresis.
    • Treatment of withdrawal from alcohol or drug intoxication.
    • Dizziness, the cause of which is dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus and for the prevention of motion sickness.
    • Open-angle primary glaucoma.

    To purchase medicines, a doctor's prescription is required; sales are carried out only in state pharmacies.


    Anvifen and Phenibut are drugs with low toxicity, but there is still a list of contraindications:

    • Pregnancy. Studies have not revealed a negative effect of aminophenylbutyric acid on the fetus, but their number is not enough to allow the use of this drug, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. At later stages, the advisability of prescribing depends on the woman’s diagnosis.
    • Breastfeeding period.
    • Age up to 3 years. Reception is allowed only under the strict supervision of a specialist and according to clear indications.
    • Individual intolerance.

    For chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines, drugs are prescribed with caution. There is no significant drowsiness during use, but it is better to avoid activities that require increased attention.

    Anvifen or Phenibut – which is better?

    Source: https://FitandPit.ru/stati/anvifen-ili-fenibut-chto-luchshe

    " Back 14.08.2019 14:21
    Neurologist Mikhail Viktorovich Teleshov


    With a wide range of nootropics, analogues and generics containing aminophenylbutyric acid, it is not difficult to get confused about which drug to use in treatment. Let's compare Anvifen and Phenibut, determine how they are similar, what is the difference, what is better to choose.

    Description of drugs

    Anvifen and Phenibut are medications that have both nootropic and sedative effects. The main active substance of these drugs is aminophenylbutyric acid. Does it turn out to be one and the same? To find out what the difference is, let's take a closer look at each of them.


    Using these drugs:

    • Circulation and tone in the vessels of the brain are optimized.
    • Anxiety, overexcitability, and excitement go away.
    • Functionality increases and learning becomes easier.
    • The transmission of impulses to the central nervous system increases.

    Both drugs have the same contraindications, such as:

    • Pregnancy;
    • Lactation period;
    • Individual intolerance to substances.

    The side effects are also the same. Against the background of improper medication use and overdose, symptoms such as:

    • Drowsiness;
    • Nausea or vomiting;
    • Allergic reactions.

    Course and dosage

    The instructions for use of Anfiven and Phenibut indicate identical dosages of use and course of treatment, since these are analogues, there are no differences.

    Most often, the course of use of the drug is 2-3 weeks, but can be increased to 6-8 weeks. The drugs are taken three times a day.

    Adults and children over 14 years of age are prescribed 250-500 mg per dose, children over 8 years old - 250 mg, children over 3 years old - 50-100 mg per dose.

    It is recommended to take these medications before meals.


    Despite the above similarities, the drugs are not identical. Let's look at how the means differ.

    • Release form. Anvifen is produced in the form of capsules, and Phenibut is produced in different forms - capsules, tablets, powder.
    • Dosage of one capsule. Phenibut is mainly available in 250 mg doses. Anvifen has a wider choice - 25, 50, 125, 250 mg. If the drug is prescribed in doses less than 250 mg, administration is more convenient, since there is no need to divide the tablet.
    • Production. The drugs are produced by different manufacturers. Anvifen is produced in Russia, and Phenibut in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, and the USA. Products produced in Latvia and the USA are of higher quality, since they pay more attention to quality control of the raw materials used and compliance with the standards of each production process.
    • Price. Depends on production and dosage. Prices for drugs from Russian manufacturers Phenibut and its analogue in the same dose are different, the price of the second is higher.
    • Time-tested. Phenibut has been produced for quite a long time, it has managed to prove itself over the years of medical practice, Anvifen is relatively new, but at the same time it is a modern drug of a new generation.

    The differences between the products are not significant, so it is possible to consider them generics or analogues.

    Simultaneous use

    Due to the fact that Phenibut and its analog contain aminophenylbutyric acid as the main substance, it is dangerous to take both drugs together. Since this will cause an overdose, a greater likelihood of side effects, and deterioration of health.


    Here are reviews from doctors who use these drugs in their practice and from patients taking them:

    • “I use Anvifen in treatment because of its more convenient form and dosage for children.”
    • “I prefer to prescribe Anvifen, as it is a more modern drug; in my practice, it causes less side effects.”
    • “The actions of the drugs are no different; I choose the prescription based on ease of administration, depending on the required dosage.”
    • “After the introduction of Anvifen, I switched to a more convenient dosage form.”
    • “I have been prescribing Phenibut to elderly patients for a long time to normalize sleep and prevent memory loss, the drug successfully copes with the tasks” (gerontologist).
    • “Anvifen has a wider range of dosages, so it is convenient to use, the effects of the drugs are identical” (neurologist).
    • “I have been taking Phenibut in courses for a long time, it helps me greatly to increase concentration, attention, memory, and at the same time my performance does not decrease while taking the course.”
    • “I take Phenibut and notice improved memory and sleep” (patient).
    • “I like Anvifen, it’s conveniently divided into capsule doses, it helped solve my problems.”
    • “I had constant anxiety and irritability, the doctor prescribed me Anfiven, and I very quickly noticed an improvement in my condition.”
    • “Phenibut helped me in treating motion sickness; after using it, traveling was no longer a torment.”
    • “I’ve been taking Phenibut courses for a long time, it helps me keep myself in fighting condition, quickly restore strength, and sleep well” (athlete).

    In reviews and comparisons of these medications, users note the convenience of taking Anvifen, especially when prescribed in low dosages. Others prefer to use Phenibut as a time-tested remedy. In terms of treatment effectiveness, both drugs are effective and work equally.

    It is impossible to determine which drug is better, more effective. The only advantage of Anvifen is its ease of administration and variety of dosages. In cases where the dosages are non-standard, for children, it is best to choose it. In other cases, they can be replaced with each other. This will not affect the course of the treatment process.

    Where to buy without a prescription?

    You can buy Anvifen (phenibut) without a prescription on our website. This drug belongs to sports nutrition and does not require a doctor’s prescription.

    Side effects

    When starting to take the drug, you need to pay attention to the possibility of adverse reactions:

    • Increased excitability, irritability, anxiety, drowsiness, headache and dizziness. They are associated with the paradoxical effect of the active substance on brain neurons, which occurs in a small percentage of patients.
    • Nausea, sometimes vomiting. These phenomena usually go away after a few days.
    • Allergic reactions - itching, rashes.

    If at least one of the signs appears, you need to consult your doctor, who can replace the drug with a similar one.


    The basic dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age is 250 mg of Phenibut or Anvifen 3 times a day. If necessary, it is increased to 500 mg, but never exceeds 750 mg per dose. The maximum daily dose is 2500 mg; exceeding it causes overdose symptoms.

    In children 3-8 years old, therapy is started with a dose of 50 mg 3 times a day. A single dose can be increased to 100 mg, but not higher than 150 mg. For children 8-14 years old, the drug is prescribed 250 mg 3 times a day. In elderly patients, the single dose is also limited (no more than 500 mg).


    Phenibut is a nootropic drug. This drug has the following properties:

    • tranquilizing;

    • psychostimulant;
    • antiplatelet;
    • antioxidant.

    The drug has a direct effect on the brain, namely, it normalizes metabolic processes in tissues and improves blood circulation in the brain. It should be noted that such factors influence blood flow:

    • blood flow speed increases (volume and linear);
    • the effect on blood vessels is expressed in a decrease in their tone;
    • the drug improves the microcirculation process;
    • The antiplatelet effect is important.

    Phenibut helps reduce feelings of anxiety, tension, fear, etc. The drug also improves sleep quality.

    The drug has no effect on cholinergic receptors and adrenergic receptors. When treated with Phenibut, the symptoms of asthenic syndrome and vasovegetative signs are significantly reduced. The drug also helps improve physical and mental performance.

    After starting treatment with this nootropic drug, the patient’s psycho-emotional state improves. This includes indicators such as memory, sensory-motor reactions, and concentration.

    When a course of Phenibut is prescribed, significant improvements in the condition of patients with impaired motor and speech functions of the body are noted. There is also a positive effect on patients with asthenia; from the very first days of treatment, their general well-being improves, their motivation to activity increases, etc.

    The beneficial effect of Phenibut on the body is noted in cases of neurogenic damage to the myocardium and stomach. In this case, lipid peroxidation occurs.

    What are the indications and contraindications?

    Phenibut is prescribed for the following diseases and pathological conditions of the body:

    • dizziness arising due to dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;

    • Meniere's disease;
    • asthenia and pathological conditions of an anxious-neurotic nature;
    • feelings of worry, fear and anxiety;
    • the occurrence of stuttering and tics in children;
    • used as a sedative before surgery;
    • sleep disorders (insomnia);
    • taken as a preventive method against motion sickness;
    • complex therapy is prescribed for primary type open-angle glaucoma;
    • impaired diuresis;
    • encephalopathy of discirculatory type;
    • treatment of withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug Phenibut include individual sensitivity and insufficient liver function.

    The drug is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and during lactation.

    Drug interactions

    Phenibut enhances and increases the duration of action of hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, as well as antipsychotic, antiparkinsonian and antiepileptic effects.

    Side effects

    Side effects may include drowsiness in patients. Phenibut is well tolerated.

    Compoundactive substance: aminophenylbutyric acid, excipients: lactose, stearic calcium, starch, polyvinylpyrrolidoneactive substance: aminophenylbutyric acid hydrochloride excipients: hyprolose, lactose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide
    Doseadults and children over 14 years of age: 250-500 mg 3 times a day. A single dose should not exceed 750 mg. the maximum dose can be 2500 mg Children 3-8 years old: 50-100 mg 3 times a day. A single dose is not more than 150 mg. Children 8-14 years old: 250 mg 3 times a day. A single dose should not exceed 250 mg for patients over 60 years of age; a single dose should not exceed 500 mg adults: 250-500 mg 3 times a day. Sometimes the dose is increased to 750 mg 3 times. Children under 8 years of age: 50-100 mg single dose. Children 8-14 years: 250 mg at a time
    Cost, rub)capsules 250 mg No. 20 – 158 rub.tablets 250 mg No. 10 – 103 rub.
    Side effectsdrowsiness, nausea, anxiety, agitation, headache, allergiesdrowsiness

    Signs of overdose

    Like all psychotropic drugs, Phenibut and Anvifen have serious overdose symptoms:

    • Nausea, vomiting.
    • Severe drowsiness, lethargy.
    • Allergic reactions.
    • Changes in the cellular composition of the blood (increased eosinophil content).
    • Impaired liver function (if you take more than 7000 mg per day, fatty liver degeneration is possible).
    • Reduced blood pressure.
    • Impaired kidney function.

    At the first signs of an overdose, the patient needs to rinse the stomach, take enterosorbents and urgently call an ambulance.


    In addition to complete analogues of Phenibut (Anvifen and Noofen), there are several drugs that have similar properties, but contain a different substance: Afobazol, Mebicar, Fezanef, Elzepam, Selank, Stresam. All of them have anti-anxiety and nootropic effects. Many of them have many additional properties and therefore should only be prescribed by a doctor.

    Over-the-counter analogues

    Most drugs that directly affect the brain are sold only with a doctor's prescription. The patient cannot independently understand the peculiarities of their influence on the body and dosage regimens. You can only buy Afobazol and Tenoten without a prescription. Nootropics do not depress the central nervous system and do not cause withdrawal symptoms after stopping use. But the effectiveness of these drugs is lower, so over-the-counter analogues are used to treat only mild degrees of psychoneurological disorders.

    Phenibut or Anvifen, what is the difference, comparison, which is better, as well as joint use

    1. Phenibut or Anvifen?
    2. Reviews from doctors
    3. Where can I buy?

    Phenibut and Anvifen are drugs that do not differ in their effects on the body.

    They are analogues of each other. The composition of both drugs is based on aminophenylbutyric acid.

    Their effect is aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the central nervous system by normalizing the metabolism of its tissues.

    It is a mistake to believe that these are two drugs with completely similar composition. Auxiliary components may differ, but the effect on the body is the same.

    The following drugs are prohibited:

    • people suffering from liver diseases;
    • for those who have individual intolerance to elements in the composition of the drug;
    • pregnant women, women during lactation;
    • children under three years old;
    • people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    There are discrepancies (subjective opinions) in side effects. Phenibut has more of them: drowsiness, nausea, causeless anxiety, nervous agitation, allergic reactions, headaches; Anvifen only causes drowsiness.

    Anvifen or Phenibut: which is better?

    Buyers, knowing that drugs are complete analogues of each other, still try to figure out which drug is more effective. The active substance is the same for both, so it’s stupid to look for differences in absolutely identical products.

    There may be a difference in the manufacturer, the amount of active substance (hence the difference in dosage). But they do not differentiate drugs from each other based on their effects on the body.

    Some reviews say that Anvifen is better than Phenibut (or vice versa), that some drug has a better effect. This is dubious information that is advertising/anti-advertising - the main component of both is aminophenylbutyric acid, which means that the effects of both drugs cannot be different.

    Indications for use of drugs:

    • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
    • Meniere's disease;
    • asthenia, anxiety-neurotic manifestations;
    • anxiety, fear;
    • stuttering, nervous tics in children;
    • sedative before surgery;
    • insomnia;
    • open-angle glaucoma;
    • impaired diuresis;
    • withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism;
    • encephalopathy.

    The drugs are also taken to prevent seasickness.

    The active component - aminophenylbutyric acid - is available in the following forms:

    • medicinal;
    • biologically active additives;
    • as a component for use in the chemical industry;
    • research activities for conducting In vitro/In vivo experiments.

    The potential difference in these drugs is that if the drug, according to registration data, is intended for the chemical industry, then it cannot be found in pharmacies, and the dosage form is dispensed only with a doctor’s prescription. Therefore, the frequently asked question: “is it possible to buy a product without prescriptions?” a negative response will follow.

    However, there are “pharmacists” engaged in private trade, which allows the buyer to purchase a pharmaceutical product without going to the doctor, but often such a purchase turns out to be counterfeit, the use of which will only aggravate health problems. Illegal tablets may contain a tiny proportion of the active ingredient or be completely absent.

    Thus, the difference between tablets from each other may lie in price, appearance, manufacturer, and concentration of the main substance. Thus, one tablet of phenibut contains 0.25 g of active substance; Anvifen is produced in several dosage options: 25, 50, 125, 250 mg. Some buyers prefer anfiven only because of the different types of packaging.

    Reviews from neurologists about the effect of phenibut (anvifen) in solving health problems in adults. How dangerous is this drug for children?

    You can find many reviews on the Internet that help in choosing a particular product. Medicines are often written about on forums and review sites. They publish reviews that are true and not so true. The latter order to advertise their products or to lower the ratings of competitors.

    Many people prefer to trust reviews, while others are used to trusting individual perceptions. However, everyone should understand: you should not blindly trust everything that is written on the Internet.

    No one subscribes to the accuracy of the facts, and even if a person actually tested the product on himself and felt its destructive/beneficial effect, no one guarantees that it will have the same effect on another person.

    To avoid negative consequences, do not buy a “pig in a poke”, you need to consult a doctor before buying a medicine. Only he, based on biological tests and symptoms, can make a prescription.

    For example, many netizens claim that Phenibut (Anfiven) does not help in treatment, causing discomfort from side effects: heartburn, dizziness, irritability, drowsiness, etc., many speak positively about the pills, as they helped solve the problem.

    But there are also reviews that talk about the acquisition of new diseases. Often the last category of reviews concerns those who have been continuously taking the drug for a long time.

    An adult can accept the consequences of taking pills with understanding and humility. But what to do next if adverse reactions attack the child?

    Children cannot understand that the negative effects on their body are caused by medications - this often leads to nervous decline, irritability and tearfulness. But parents, not knowing why such changes occur, try to find forceful and psychological methods to solve the problems that have arisen.

    Trying to drown out the baby’s condition, parents, without realizing it, cause new problems with the baby’s psyche.

    Because of this ignorance, parents in despair write a lot of bad reviews about the drug, and this is not his fault at all. Doctors categorically do not recommend following reviews from the Internet and not reading them at all.

    The best option is to come to him for a consultation and get individual recommendations.

    Where can I buy?

    Phenibut is usually purchased at a pharmacy, but it is also available in powder and capsules from online stores that sell nootropics and are of good quality. It is important to order from reputable suppliers. We recommend Ankebio.rf

    Source: https://itfit.ru/fenibut-ili-anvifen-chto-luchshe-vybrat/


    In the price of the drug, it is important to take into account the number of tablets or capsules in the package. According to this criterion, Anvifen is superior to Phenibut:

    • Anvifen capsules 250 mg (20 pcs) cost 158 ​​rubles.
    • Phenibut tablets 250 mg (10 pcs) - 103 rubles.

    And although the difference is not so great, for some patients it is significant.

    Reviews from doctors

    For a more complete picture of the difference between Anvifen and Phenibut, we provide reviews from doctors who prescribe them.

    Svetlana Borisovna, pediatrician

    I often have to deal with the consequences of perinatal encephalopathy. Children have difficulty concentrating, have learning difficulties and poor memory. In such cases, I use Anvifen in complex therapy, since its analog Phenibut has a release form that is inconvenient for children.

    Igor Valentinovich, neurologist

    I prefer to prescribe Anvifen to my patients. This drug is newer, and according to experience, it causes less side effects. The action of Anvifen is no different from its predecessor Phenibut.

    Maria Lvovna, gerontologist

    I have been using Phenibut in elderly patients for a long time. It perfectly solves the problem of sleep and counteracts memory loss. Its metabolic effect on brain neurons is important. After the introduction of Anvifen, it switched to a more convenient dosage form in capsules and a wider range of dosages.

    Reviews from doctors

    Anvifen is a newer analogue of Phenibut. However, Phenibut is still more often prescribed. It's hard to say which is better. Their action is the same.

    Both Phenibut and Anvifen are widely used in pediatrics and are often prescribed to children for various disorders. If the child is inattentive, gets tired quickly, or has poor memory, Anvifen with Magne B6 and Cinnarizine are often prescribed.

    I prescribe Anvifen to my patients, since Phenibut often has side effects, especially in children. Anvifen is a newer and improved drug.

    Today, Anvifen is increasingly prescribed, since many fakes of Phenibut have appeared recently. Because of this, side effects may occur, and often there is no therapeutic effect when taking it. This can be explained by the fact that this drug is very popular.

    One patient had relief from Anvifen for the first 1.5 months, but then a complication began. I had to change it. And before that, there were many patients for whom everything suited perfectly. Now I prescribe with caution.

    In my practice, there was a case when a 4.5 year old child had a nervous tic of the respiratory tract and no medications alleviated the symptoms. And Anvifen significantly alleviated the child’s general condition. And further therapy brings a positive effect.

    More and more often, doctors today prescribe Anvifen. But the question of which is better, Phenibut or Anvifen, cannot be said unequivocally. Many say that Anvifen has fewer side effects and is well tolerated. But for those for whom Phenibut is suitable, it is better not to change.

    Author of the article:

    Elena Demidova

    about the author

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