Features of alcoholic epilepsy and its treatment

Alcoholic epilepsy often occurs against the background of systematic consumption of strong alcoholic beverages. This form of psychosis may be accompanied by seizures. Moreover, for further seizures it is not necessary to take a large dose of alcohol. This fact is explained by the fact that severe alcohol intoxication is not needed to exacerbate pathological processes in the patient’s brain. That is, the disease becomes chronic.

Epilepsy from alcohol is nothing more than a disease of the nervous system, as a result of which the patient is periodically subjected to seizures. According to statistics, about 5% of adults who abuse ethanol substitutes for a long time, which “burn” the brain, suffer from this disease.

Constant consumption of strong alcoholic drinks and even wine will sooner or later cause negative consequences in the body. For example, a person will develop mental disorders and vital organs will fail.

Epilepsy develops regardless of gender: both women and men who suffer from alcoholism for more than 5 years and constantly treat hangover syndrome with the same potion become its victims.

Main factors and diagnosis of falling sickness

Long-term alcohol intoxication is one of the main causes of the disease. It can also develop:

  • against the background of atherosclerosis;
  • previously received traumatic brain injuries and mechanical injuries to the head;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • due to gene mutation (cryptogenic).

Epilepsy can also be transmitted through bad inheritance (genuine form of acquired epilepsy). The form of the disease is influenced not only by genes, but also by such life factors as environmental conditions and psychotype.

The basis of seizures is the abnormally high electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain, the discharge of which causes an attack. Many epileptics, who have learned to control this feature of their body, continue to live fully and work, and some find themselves unable to work and receive disability.

The first epileptic seizure is always unexpected. But over time, it can repeat itself (and believe me, it will repeat itself over and over again, more and more often), so you shouldn’t expect a miracle to happen. On the contrary, the disease will progress. Therefore, if you have one of the following symptoms, it is worth visiting a specialized specialist for help. He will examine the patient, prescribe medication, talk about prognosis and proper treatment of seizures at home.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging allows you to study the structure of the brain) and EEG (electroencephalographic monitoring is prescribed to study brain functions) helps to identify the symptoms of the disease.

Excessive electrical impulses cause neighboring regions of the brain to stop working and a seizure develops. It is EEG recordings that make it possible to diagnose in which area of ​​the brain impulses occur. The patient wears a strap on his chest and a special cap on his head, connected to an electrode system that records biometric brain activity. The information is read, entered into the encephalograph-amplifier, displayed on the monitor and analyzed by the doctor.

Epilepsy is a complex disease that is at the intersection of two specialties: neurology and psychiatry. Modern doctors are quite capable of curing a patient. Those days when the sick were evicted outside the city, considered lepers and forbidden to marry with them, are long gone. Do not be afraid to contact specialists with your problem.

Treatment of seizures

As a rule, qualified treatment of alcoholic epilepsy gives a positive effect. The seizures stop when the patient eliminates alcohol from his life, and generally do not recur.

Otherwise, when a person, after treatment, neglecting the doctor’s instructions, returns to the bottle, seizures become more frequent. Continued consumption of alcohol triggers serious brain damage, and may reach the point that absolute abstinence from alcohol will not stop epileptic seizures.

Treatment should begin after the first incident. You should not count on a favorable outcome. The sooner the patient is treated, the greater the chance of a full recovery. But continuous and long-term treatment is required, otherwise the patient’s health condition will deteriorate significantly.

Treatment includes physical and drug therapy, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, and socialization. Treatment of alcoholic epilepsy will only give a positive result when a person completely stops drinking alcohol.

ATTENTION! The information published in the article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for use. Be sure to consult with your doctor!

How long does withdrawal syndrome last? The count can go on in days, or it can drag on for weeks and months. Treatment is prescribed only after a complete examination. If a person has crossed the line and severe alcohol withdrawal has already begun, he needs to be hospitalized.

Symptoms of the severe stage:

  • pathology of internal organs appeared;
  • high temperature rose;
  • fever.

If there are no such changes, and the patient’s condition is satisfactory, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. First of all, you need to stop the disease.

To do this, medications are prescribed that replace alcohol and help the heart function normally. The body needs to be replenished with fluid and electrolyte disturbances in the blood restored.

As a rule, psychotropic and infusor drugs are used, vitamins are prescribed and proper nutrition is required. Medicines are recommended to restore sleep, to combat neurosis and asthenia.

But in each case, the patient’s recovery is carried out individually and symptomatically. If there is intoxication, it can be removed with a dropper of glucose or saline.

If convulsions begin, they are relieved with diazepam; in case of hallucinations, they are treated with haloperidol. In order for recovery to occur faster, the use of B vitamins is useful and necessary.

During treatment you need to keep your blood pressure and pulse under special control. This condition can aggravate cardiovascular diseases.

The best way to avoid relapse is to quit drinking. The desire to stop drinking alcohol must come from the patient himself. Otherwise, the desired effect cannot be achieved. But for the second or third time, ending up in the hospital with an unpleasant diagnosis is quite possible.

After treatment there is no need to wait for a miracle. It will not be possible to eliminate all the causes that caused the disease. If pathology occurs, this process is almost irreversible, and do not expect anything good in the future. Therefore, the sooner you stop drinking alcohol, the better for your health. Be healthy!

  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?

Timely treatment of seizures after alcohol gives positive results. If alcoholic beverages pass away, then the episodes do not recur.

If, after a course of treatment, a person returns to his previous life, then the seizures become more frequent and intense. This leads to serious brain damage, and then complete abstinence from drinking alcohol will no longer relieve epilepsy.

Treatment includes drug therapy and physical therapy. In rehabilitation centers, psychotherapists communicate with patients, conducting sessions aimed at socialization and rehabilitation. The patient develops new views on life, a positive attitude towards himself and the people around him, moral standards and foundations.

Treatment methods are aimed at restoring damaged organs. The body must also learn to produce endorphins.

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is a dangerous disease that leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, problems with health, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

There are no special therapeutic methods for alcoholic epilepsy. The same anticonvulsants used to treat normal epilepsy are used.

We should not forget that only a qualified specialist can decide how to treat alcoholic epilepsy.

With the cure of alcoholism, the patient’s epileptic seizures also stop.

Those who have recovered from alcoholic seizures should stop drinking alcohol for the rest of their lives. They are not allowed to drive or work at high altitudes for a year. It is also necessary to be periodically observed in medical institutions.

If alcoholic epilepsy appears for the first time, you should immediately stop drinking alcohol and undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation.

Drug treatment

Anticonvulsants are used to treat epileptic seizures:

  • Acediprol and other drugs based on sodium valproate.
  • Benzobamyl.
  • Hexamidine.
  • Clonazepam.
  • Phenobarbital.

In addition to beneficial anticonvulsant effects, some of these drugs have a positive effect on the emotional state of patients, improving mood, eliminating anxiety and fear. The purpose of a particular remedy depends on the specific case.

Folk remedies

In alternative medicine, plant-based medications are used to treat alcoholic epilepsy.

Treatment of alcoholic seizures is possible only if you stop drinking. To do this, you need the help of a narcologist, it is necessary to bring the patient out of a drunken state, and then stop the addiction or organize a full course of treatment. Only in the treatment of alcoholism can we talk about effective treatment of seizures.

Alarming symptoms of disease without age

Alcoholic epilepsy includes specific symptoms before an attack:

  • bitterness;
  • touchiness;
  • headache;
  • increased irritability;
  • manifestation of aggression;
  • excessive pickiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • decreased attention;
  • incoherent speech;
  • sleep and behavior disorders.

That is, the epileptoid form of the psyche manifests itself in serious cognitive impairment: viscosity (boring description of details) and affect (unreasonable attacks of anger, endless scandalousness) are the main manifestations of personality changes.

The above factors may accompany the patient a day or two before a major convulsive seizure, after which the alcoholic will feel overwhelmed, drowsy, and weak. However, he will not remember the attack itself.

Symptomatic epilepsy may be:

  • frontal (cognitive disorders, speech problems);
  • occipital (accompanied by vision problems);
  • temporal (hearing, logic of thinking, and personal behavior are impaired);
  • parietal (coordination of movements is impaired);
  • The ICD (International Classification of Diseases) also distinguishes the multifocal form.

In a normal state, the entire brain is equally active and has no foci of increased excitation. If excessive neural discharges occur in one of the sectors, which spread to other parts of the brain, then the person begins a generalized seizure with contracting muscles of the face, arms, legs, torso, arching parts of the body and screams. Due to hypoxia, the skin becomes bluish.

Do not be afraid of the sounds that a person makes during a seizure. This happens involuntarily. Screaming is a normal but strong contraction of muscles with the expulsion of air.

Alcoholic epilepsy itself includes symptoms:

  • muscle cramps resulting from excessive electrical activity of the cerebral hemispheres - the patient’s body arches and twitches unnaturally;
  • blue lips;
  • hoarse breathing;
  • chest spasm, which provokes a strong cry;
  • pale skin;
  • spasm of the lower jaw, due to which an epileptic may bite his tongue;
  • loss of consciousness and other epileptiform syndromes.

The main danger of epileptic seizures is that they can lead to death:

  1. Spontaneous tilting of the head back, causing the tongue to be thrown back, is often accompanied by blockage of breathing.
  2. Frequent excessive excitation, covering the sensitive cortex of the cerebral hemispheres during a seizure, overloads neurons, their irreversible changes occur, and they die. Therefore, if an attack lasts more than 30 minutes, you should immediately seek treatment. Epistatus requires resuscitation measures.
  3. An epileptic seizure can lead to cardiac arrest.

It is noteworthy that after seizures, alcoholics see realistic hallucinations; have emotional dreams, wake up early, or generally suffer from insomnia. This indicates post-alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Withdrawal symptoms are mistakenly perceived as paranoid schizophrenia.

Symptoms of alcoholic epilepsy

One of the consequences that alcoholism produces is alcoholic epilepsy. However, this disease does not occur in everyone who suffers from a harmful passion for strong drinks. The risk of developing the alcoholic type of epilepsy increases with the period of drinking alcoholic liquids. Epilepsy often develops in subjects who have been abusing alcohol-containing liquids for more than ten years. Occasionally, this disease can occur after two years of drinking. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, it is quite difficult to predict the likelihood of developing alcoholic epilepsy. In a number of alcoholics, this pathology does not occur even in the final stages of development of the disease.

The main causes of alcoholic epilepsy are the destructive effects of strong drinks on the brain. Alcohol, intoxicating drinks, and their derivatives have a detrimental effect on the human body, poisoning it with their poisons. Pathological transformations occur in the brain when toxic substances are contained in large quantities in the body of an alcoholic and are not removed from it (this happens with alcoholism). Such transformations occur at the level of biochemical processes - neurons die, as a result of which all brain operations are disrupted. As a result of such disorders, epileptic foci arise.

In addition, we can also identify less common causes of alcoholic epilepsy, such as brain injuries, neuroinfections (encephalitis or meningitis), and oncological processes in the brain.

The manifestations that appear during alcoholic epilepsy are quite similar in nature to the usual symptoms of epilepsy, but have a number of features. An alcoholic experiences symptoms of dementia, personality degradation, which is manifested in touchiness, absent-mindedness, anger, pickiness, sleep and speech are disturbed.

The disorder in question is characterized by the following signs of alcoholic epilepsy: loss of consciousness, muscle convulsions, burning pain, squeezing sensations.

A seizure does not necessarily begin with muscle contractions. Initially, there may be burning headaches, a feeling of weakness, nausea, increased salivation, dizziness, spasms in the chest area, rolling of the eyes, hoarse breathing, pallor of the dermis around the lips, blue lips. Often, alcoholics can emit a piercing scream, which occurs as a result of contraction of the vocal cords. Uncontrolled urination often occurs.

While the patient is fainting, critical pulse levels are reached (up to 170 beats), a decrease in the respiratory rate to 8 breaths in sixty seconds, a surge in pressure, constriction of the pupils, and suppression of reflex responses.

Further, the listed signs of alcoholic epilepsy are characterized by an increase: the body bends in an unnatural position, an involuntary throwing back of the head is observed. At the same time, the consequences for an epileptic drinker are quite unpredictable, starting from respiratory arrest and ending with death. When one area of ​​the brain is affected, convulsions are characterized by one-sidedness, in other words, they spread to the facial area or affect individual limbs. However, with an extensive pathological focus throughout the body, spasms are observed.

Upon returning to consciousness, the patient continues to feel muscle pressure and unbearable pain, as a result of which the limbs become motionless. With the advanced development of the disease, relapses often occur at relatively short intervals. After a convulsive attack, alcoholic insomnia may appear. It is characterized by such symptoms as early awakening, hallucinations characterized by a pronounced emotional coloring, fever, chills, and delirium tremens.

A feature of the disease in question can be considered that an epileptic seizure occurs a day or two after the patient has completely finished drinking alcohol-containing liquids. In addition, taking anticonvulsants after a seizure for the prophylactic effect of anticonvulsants can also cause convulsions. This occurs due to the process of cell death in the brain.

The end of an epileptic seizure is marked by personal degradation, manifested by slurred speech, loss of coordination, increased lethargy or aggressiveness, decreased attention, and impaired facial expressions.

A person who has a passion for intoxicating drinks often anticipates the occurrence of an epileptic seizure 48–72 hours before its debut. Precursors appear, which are found in loss of appetite, poor health, irritability, and dream disturbance. Every epileptic seizure poses considerable danger for an alcoholic. Because during an epileptic attack, a patient can reflexively cause himself serious injury, for example, being injured due to a fall. There is also a risk of suffocation from aspiration of vomit.

Main types of seizures

Doctors have identified three types of seizures:

  1. The classic symptom of the disease is a large (generalized) attack, which has the most severe consequences. At a certain moment, a focus of pathological activity appears in the depths of one of the sectors of the brain, and the reaction covers the cerebral cortex. The attack is accompanied by a sharp muscle spasm, the appearance of convulsions, foam at the mouth and loss of consciousness.
  2. Local (partial) attack. It is characterized by subtle convulsions in one of the parts of the body (for example, the arm and head can involuntarily turn in the same direction somewhere to the side).
  3. Absence (minor seizure). The person freezes, withdraws into himself (consciousness is focused on one point), since a focus of pathological activity appears in his brain, loses consciousness for 5-20 seconds, does not react to external stimuli, but no convulsions are observed.

As you can see, epilepsy has two extreme manifestations: an epileptic seizure, when a person falls and convulses, and a completely different side of this disease, when the patient freezes for a split second, after which he “returns” to reality and continues to do ordinary things, no matter what. what never happened.

Symptomatic epilepsy

About 2 out of 3 patients have symptomatic epilepsy. That is, another disease is discovered that also causes epileptic seizures. Symptomatic causes may include congenital brain damage or diseases that occur later in life. For example, a blood clot or tumor in the brain, severe head injuries, inflammation of the brain (meningitis or encephalitis).

Degenerative brain diseases that cause loss of neurons are a common cause of epilepsy and are worsened by alcoholism . These are diseases that develop slowly, such as memory loss in Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis, but are difficult to treat.

In an addicted person, abstinence from alcohol or drugs can cause epileptic seizures. Very low or high blood sugar levels also cause cramps. This type of seizure occurs in type 1 and type 2 diabetes

During an epileptic seizure, the patient needs emergency care. He undergoes the necessary diagnostics of his health condition, then cleanses the body of alcohol products. To prevent a recurrence of the seizure, the patient must completely abstain from alcohol and drugs. If he cannot do this on his own, the doctor will select a drug treatment and an effective coding method .

If someone suddenly feels ill

If a person has an attack, do not be alarmed, act clearly and calmly. What to do in this case?

  1. There is no need to show indifference and bypass a person, because he needs help.
  2. Do not prevent the patient from falling to the ground or floor. Prevention will not end in success - tonically strong muscle contractions will not yield even to a strong man.
  3. Grab the drunk patient under the armpits and lay him as gently as possible on his back.
  4. Promptly remove sharp and hard objects located nearby.
  5. Place something soft under your head (a jacket, a bag, you can use your own knees) and secure it tightly.
  6. Undo the hooks and buttons on your clothing. If you have glasses, you should take them off. Loosen the knots on your tie, straps, and lacing.
  7. Remember to look at the time and note how long the cramps last. They should stop on their own after 3 minutes. Otherwise, you should call (and call immediately!) an ambulance.
  8. If vomiting, foam, or saliva occurs, you need to turn the patient's body on its side. This will help prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
  9. Allow the person to come to his senses and observe him for 20-30 minutes.
  10. After calling an ambulance, tell the doctors in detail about what happened and supervise the patient’s hospitalization.

Under no circumstances should you lift or stand the patient, or try to force open his mouth with metal or hard objects (a well-known method that does not give any effect). The tonic spasm of the masticatory muscles is enormous, so you can break the patient’s teeth or injure the oral cavity.

First aid

With minor cramps from a hangover, a person can help himself. At the initial stage of alcohol addiction, the patient still controls himself, controls his actions, and makes deliberate actions.

What to do in this case?

  1. Take a sitting or lying position of the body, while your legs should be located above the level of your head.
  2. Massage involuntarily contracting muscles to normalize blood flow in the tissues and relax them.

In case of hyperswelling of the limbs, anti-varicose compression garments should be worn. This will narrow the veins, restore blood circulation, facilitate the functioning of the valves, and remove the physiological root cause of seizures.

  1. Take a warm bath with essential oils of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort or sea salt. This procedure has a good relaxing effect, helps relieve muscle tension, and restores blood supply.

If alcoholic seizures appear very often and their intensity only increases, it is recommended to consult a doctor to minimize the risk of alcoholic epilepsy.

You should not bring it to a critical state, wait until the person loses consciousness. However, if this has already happened, it is necessary to lay the victim so that the head is tilted to the side, in order to avoid the tongue sinking, insert a spoon into the interdental space.

An attack of the disease is preceded by hearing, vision, etc. impairments. the patient, but often find out about him at the last moment.

At the beginning of a seizure, you need to do the following:

  1. Do not allow the patient to fall, because If he falls, he may be injured.
  2. Do not interfere with the patient's convulsive movements, his arms and legs - this will also lead to unnecessary injuries.
  3. Carefully block the patient's movements so that he does not suffer from injury; do not move him if there are no objects around that could cause injury.
  4. Place any soft objects under the alcoholic's head or limbs; remove what is not needed.
  5. Unfasten the buttons and belt.
  6. The alcoholic's head should be turned to the side during a seizure so that he does not choke on his saliva.
  7. When vomiting, turn the body over so that the patient does not choke on the vomit.
  8. Do not open your clenched teeth with your hands: it is better to use a hard object wrapped in something soft.
  9. After an attack, do not disturb the patient, he needs to sleep.
  10. If the attack lasts more than 30 minutes or they occur in a series one after another, urgently call a medical team.

First aid for alcoholic epilepsy is of utmost importance. In any case, if epileptic seizures occur, you should immediately visit a neurologist, otherwise the consequences can be dire.

The very first thing to do is to make sure that the person is breathing and has a pulse. Then you need to try to protect him from physical harm, because his movements are not controlled, he can easily hurt himself.

  • The person does not need to be restrained and his location changed until the attack is over.
  • The area around a person must be cleared of dangerous objects: these can be sharp objects, furniture that can be moved, containers with liquid, dishes with hot drinks.
  • It is necessary to loosen the clothes around the neck, place rolled up clothes, a towel, a blanket, a pillow, or something soft that is at hand under the head.
  • There is no need to use force to unclench your teeth.
  • You should not give a person anything to drink during an attack.
  • When the attack is over and the patient has fallen asleep, place him on his side in case he vomits.
  • If breathing has stopped, it is necessary to check whether there is vomit in the mouth. If they are present, you need to remove them with a finger wrapped in a cloth or a towel, then perform artificial respiration. It is also necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Epilepsy is curable

Alcoholic epilepsy involves treatment, the goal of which is to reduce the number of seizures to a minimum. Their prevention is accompanied by:

  1. Maintaining an alcohol-free lifestyle.
  2. Regular intake of medications selected individually. The patient must be mentally prepared for long-term and constant treatment day after day.
  3. Compliance with routine aspects (healthy sleep and rest).
  4. In some cases, surgical intervention is required. After a detailed diagnosis, the area producing the attack is isolated and excised neurosurgically: the skull is opened, electrodes are placed on the brain that accurately read the focus, and this area is removed pointwise.

For prevention, the patient is advised to spend more time in the fresh air, to avoid old groups of drinking buddies, who are always ready to treat them to free drinks and arrange for further drunkenness.

As an aid, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes. All kinds of decoctions of soothing herbs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soften irritability, and normalize sleep.

Patients will also need the help of qualified psychologists. Only adequate therapy will help prevent severe disease.

Anticonvulsants, medications that have a broad spectrum of action, can help reduce the number of seizures. Such drugs stabilize the functioning of brain cells, increase the resistance of membranes to voltage changes, and eliminate peak excitation. Thanks to medications, the influence of excess impulses on the body stops.

Causes of epilepsy

Epilepsy is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that involve abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

A common cause of seizures is chronic alcoholism. The more often a patient drinks alcohol and the higher the dosage, the greater the risk that alcohol dependence will manifest itself in the form of epileptic psychosis. The quality of alcoholic beverages also affects the dynamics of the disease. The lower the grade of alcohol, the more harmful toxic impurities it contains, and the worse its effect on human health. about the effect of alcohol on the patient’s brain, which manifests itself in the form of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome .

Many people with epilepsy have no explanation for their condition other than alcoholism. This is called idiopathic epilepsy.

Idiopathic epilepsy does not show any visible brain damage that might explain why symptoms occur. Heredity plays an important role in this type of epilepsy. The prospects for idiopathic epilepsy are relatively good and after successful treatment of alcoholism the patient can be free of seizures.

The ketogenic diet is one of the steps to recovery

Epilepsy, which develops against the background of alcoholism, fundamentally destroys the human body and disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems. The diseases that arise from it are rarely treatable and, as a result, lead to death.

Particular attention should be paid to following a special ketogenic diet with a large amount of protein and a minimum amount of carbohydrates, which are the trigger for an attack.

An epileptic seizure is caused by foods such as sugar, fruits, honey, cereals, baked goods, and potatoes. They contain carbohydrates and activate the pathological focus of excitation.

The basis of the diet should be eggs, fatty meat (pork or lamb), cheese, butter, milk, cream, avocado and nuts.

The patient can safely cook scrambled eggs with bacon or scrambled eggs consisting only of yolks, and wash it all down with a glass of cream. He can eat meat with avocado, bake meat with cheese, eat pork ribs fried in oil, and stew squid in cream.

Thanks to the biochemistry of the body with its special breakdown of proteins and fats into ketone bodies, it is possible to suppress the pathological activity of the brain.

Causes and consequences

In some cases, alcoholic epilepsy can lead to the development of status epilepticus. This condition is extremely dangerous, as it often causes cerebral edema, deep coma, respiratory or cardiac arrest.

Treating status epilepticus at home is strictly prohibited. If it develops, you should immediately call an ambulance or take the person to the hospital.

Epilepsy almost always leads to profound personality disorders. A person changes beyond recognition, loses his ability to work and cannot communicate normally with people around him. It is no longer possible to cure this condition.

Any consequences of seizures caused by the alcoholic type of epilepsy are devastating for the individual. Alcoholism itself and epilepsy provoked by excessive consumption of intoxicating liquids adversely affect the performance of internal organs.

The vital functions of the body are disrupted. New diseases that are difficult to treat are increasingly developing.

Therefore, for an alcoholic, death often occurs quite quickly.

The consequences of alcoholic epilepsy, first of all, include those pathological transformations that occur with organs.

In addition to the listed irreparable consequences that occur in the body, a number of negative endings can also be identified. Firstly, there is a danger of injury, since during an epileptic seizure a person is not able to control his own body.

Therefore, there is a very high probability of falling, and consequently, resulting injuries, impacts on asphalt, concrete or nearby objects. In addition to falling, there is a risk of aspiration from foam coming from the mouth or vomit.

Due to untimely provision of assistance, the seizure is often the last. That is why everyone should know what to do during an attack of alcoholic epilepsy.

In addition to the risk of injury during the process of an epileptic seizure and a fall, transformations also occur in the mental background of the drinker, which are determined by the stage of alcoholism.

Often, patients with epileptic seizures are characterized by: irritability, quick temper, incontinence, and memory impairment. Signs of frivolity appear, willpower disappears. The alcoholic's judgments and thoughts change sharply towards superficiality. With each passing day, it will become more and more difficult for him to do the simplest, familiar things.

With prolonged use of alcohol and constant binge drinking, physical and mental health suffers. The longer dependence on alcohol lasts, the more clearly visible are the internal and external changes occurring in a person.

For the patient, the consequences of alcoholic epilepsy are extremely dangerous.

Chronic alcoholism and the resulting epilepsy are caused by:

  • death;
  • personality degradation;
  • speech disorder;
  • changes in the liver;
  • stomach diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • high pressure;
  • heart failure;
  • damage to brain cells;
  • enterocolitis, which degenerates into cancer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • memory loss;
  • blurred vision;
  • depression;
  • dementia;
  • sexual dysfunction.

Should be avoided

Alcohol should not be consumed if you have epilepsy; seizures occur due to its sudden withdrawal after a long binge. After all, as practice shows, a person suffering from such an illness will not be able to drink a little and stop. Light intoxication will lead to loss of control over oneself and will result in negative consequences. In addition, anticonvulsants prescribed by a doctor are incompatible with alcohol.

Epilepsy and alcohol are an almost fatal combination. And if your loved one suffers from this illness, do not follow his lead when he asks you for alcohol. Easy breastfeeding can end in disaster.

Do not succumb to the provocations of “just take a sip,” “today is a holiday.” Cultivate unscrupulousness, categoricalness and develop the habit of refusing requests.

Explain that drinking does not solve the problem, and, of course, get rid of all alcohol in the house. Only this attitude will help the patient and you cope with the disaster and move on with your life.

A person undergoing treatment for epilepsy is contraindicated to drink coffee: caffeine suppresses the effect of antiepileptic drugs and can provoke a seizure. The same applies to nicotine addiction: smoking often aggravates the course of the disease and does not allow full treatment with anticonvulsants.

The patient needs to avoid stress and reduce physical activity (hyperventilation provokes attacks). Such a diagnosis and strong emotional upheavals and psychological outbursts have poor compatibility. For some people, prolonged exposure to direct sun or a dark room is contraindicated.

In case of timely and systematic treatment, epilepsy has a stable remission, that is, seizures do not recur for a long time. In any case, be attentive and loyal to the patient, then it will be easier for him to cope with the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

How is epilepsy diagnosed?

The diagnosis of epilepsy is made when there have been two epileptic seizures. The typical medical history is confirmed by eyewitnesses to the incident. Next, the patient is prescribed:

· Electroencephalography (EEG).

· CT or MRI of the brain.

Before starting treatment for alcoholism , the doctor must find out whether there are other causes of epileptic seizures or whether they occur only against the background of alcohol abuse.

Treatment of alcoholic epilepsy

· First of all, the patient must stop drinking alcohol or other drugs and get coded .

· Next, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination to refute or confirm the presence of diseases, a symptom of which may also be epileptic seizures.

· The patient undergoes rehabilitation: restores the damage caused to the body by alcohol and gets rid of psychological dependence.

How long does an alcoholic man live on average?

Have you been struggling with ALCOHOLISM for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure alcoholism simply by taking it every day...

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How long male alcoholics live largely depends on the quality of the alcohol consumed. Of course, the daily dose of alcohol plays a huge role, but given the quality of modern products, the harm from it becomes several times greater. The continuation of a person’s life is influenced by concomitant diseases and the general condition of the body. A man suffering from some chronic disease may experience a variety of negative reactions under the influence of alcohol.

According to statistics, men who abuse alcohol live on average only 55 years. A binge alcoholic lives even shorter, between 45-47 years. The male body contains a liver enzyme that can break down only 20 g of ethanol daily without harm. No treatment can bring back the lost years of continuous alcoholism. Some processes become irreversible, and doctors can only maintain the man’s health with medications until his death.

Disease threat

Diseases that threaten an alcoholic are:

  • toxic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • death of brain cells;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • heart attack;
  • IHD;
  • deterioration of intelligence;
  • rapid aging of all organs and systems;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • hypertension;
  • acute or chronic pancreatitis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • pneumonia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • stroke;
  • thrombosis;
  • oncological neoplasms.

Each man develops his own diseases leading to death, but most often they die from hepatitis and heart pathologies. In people who drink, their hearts are enlarged several times. When drinking alcohol, blood pressure increases, which can cause a massive heart attack. It is impossible to save a person in this case.

What happens when alcohol enters the bloodstream?

Alcohol is a poison for the human body. In modern drinks, in addition to alcohol that is not of the best quality, all kinds of dyes and flavor enhancers are added. These components are harmful in themselves, and in combination with ethanol they “hit” a man’s health even more. Diseases from drinking alcoholic beverages develop gradually. Over the course of several years of drinking, no special symptoms may arise. This dulls a man's awareness of the dangers of a bad habit. Later, when health problems arise, a person is simply unable to stop drinking due to severe alcohol addiction.

As soon as alcohol enters the human body, the structure of the blood begins to change. An hour after drinking a glass of wine, “blockages” of deformed red blood cells accumulate in the vessels. Often, blood clots form at the site of such “blockages.” Most people know why blood clots are dangerous. Strokes and heart attacks occur due to blockage of blood vessels by blood clots. If the clot reaches the heart muscle, death is inevitable. The detachment of a blood clot is not accompanied by warning symptoms, so it is impossible to save the person.

As a result of constant drunkenness, blood flow to all organs and tissues is disrupted. The first to suffer are:

  • brain;
  • pancreas;
  • liver.

In just 4 years of regular drinking, atrophy of the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum occurs. Billions of cortical cells die even with moderate ethanol consumption. Due to the death of brain cells, a person becomes inhibited, intellectual abilities decrease, and memory deteriorates. Alcohol concentrates in the brain for 1 month, which is much longer than in the liver and other organs. This explains why alcoholics become distracted, inattentive and forgetful.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, 900,000 people die annually. Men who start drinking very early will not live to see their forties. Doctors consider alcoholism a pandemic. Increasingly, death claims the lives of people aged 24-35 years. And alcohol becomes the culprit. And this is not only associated with serious diseases. There is a psychological factor that shortens the life expectancy of a drinker of any age.

Mortality due to accidents

It's no secret that a drunk person can harm not only himself. Deaths often occur as a result of accidents involving drunk people. Many people get into car accidents. Even if the driver himself does not die as a result of an accident, he, being heavily intoxicated, can not only injure, but kill another. According to statistics, the majority of road accidents are caused by drunk drivers who exceed the speed limit or are unable to control the vehicle.

While drinking alcohol, conflicts arise between people, which often end in stabbings. Therefore, in order to live as long as possible, you need not only to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, but also to abandon risky entertainment.

Is it possible and how to stop drinking on your own? Yes, it's definitely possible. Among my friends and yours, there are people who have found the answer to the question: how to stop drinking. At one time they drank so much that it was scary to look at them, but at one point they were able to quit drinking. You look at them now and are amazed at their strength of character and self-confidence. How were they able to stop drinking? Many of them have achieved great success in their profession and business. And those who have not reached great heights still live enjoying their lives, every minute of it: nothing remains of the former. Why do some people manage to quit drinking, while others, after repeated unsuccessful attempts, end their miserable existence in the intensive care unit or simply in a dream, never waking up after another drinking binge? It can be assumed that some people have a strong will, while others do not. I dare to assure you that this is not true. Alcoholism is not the lot of weak-willed people. Everyone is susceptible to it. The only difference is that people with a strong will drink even more stubbornly and “selflessly.” The fact is that those who were able to cope with alcoholism understood one simple thing: they need to make every effort not to neutralize the desire to drink or refuse the temptation of an offered glass - but they need to change themselves. This realization does not come suddenly. It came to these people at the time of their abstinence from alcohol, in the heat of the fight against it, and they realized that it was useless to fight, but they just needed to live, looking their illness in the face.

Of course, there are no universal methods and advice for those who want to quit drinking, but there are main points, and I would like to talk about them. I hope this will help you overcome your current addiction to alcohol and you will be able to quit drinking:

1. Alcoholism, if we do not touch on biochemistry, is a disease of the human consciousness, or soul. Or rather, it’s different – ​​a wrong idea of ​​life, an attitude towards it, a different philosophy. On the day when you first tried alcohol and got drunk, you looked at the world with different eyes, and your consciousness liked it. Gradually, with each drinking bout, your consciousness was replaced by alcohol. Now you have to make the way back, and it is much more difficult, but you can do it. Everyone can do this. You can’t even imagine what a person is capable of. Your soul will make this difficult journey back to a sober worldview, but your physical body will still remain an alcoholic and the path to alcohol will be closed to you. That's why they say that alcoholism is incurable. Such a statement should not scare you - it is incurable only from the point of view that you will never again, no matter how long you live sober, will never return to your youth and will not be able to drink under control.

2. Choose the right moment to stop drinking. It’s better to do this after you’ve recovered from a good drinking session or after a protracted binge, so that in the future you won’t be haunted by the thought that you “never took your last drink” - this puts a lot of pressure, especially at the beginning, and the memories are fresh.

3. A person will never, just like that, without any reason, be able to stop drinking. We need an initial push, an incentive. Often such reasons are the illnesses of an alcoholic, which he acquired by abusing alcohol, and a sudden desire to live, or some kind of moral shock. If you don’t have any of this, then even though you stop drinking on your own, you will have to visit a narcologist. This will give you an initial boost. Don't look at this as something that will actually heal you - it's just an initial step and nothing more. What will heal you is inside you. Of all the existing methods, I would advise you to insert disulfiram or “torpedo” as the method that is most effective in this regard. After the implant, all thoughts about drinking become meaningless, since it is physically impossible to drink alcohol. This helps a lot at the first stage: it’s as if a stone was shifted from your shoulders to someone else’s. There are much fewer thoughts about drinking.

4. Now that the foundation has been laid, it is worth mentioning the main thing. About your attitude towards you. You quit drinking for yourself and your present. Don't live in the future like you did before, when you were drinking and dreaming about the time when you would quit. That time has come. Never promise to anyone, not even yourself, not to drink for more than one day. It is human nature to not keep your promises. Don't get ahead of yourself, let your life develop as usual, take advantage of the opportunities that it sometimes gives. Live for today, go with the flow of life, enjoy it, every moment of it: the smile of your child, the freshness of a summer morning.

5. Now about traction. The first months will be difficult, but after six months the cravings will begin to subside. Each new day will move you away from the disease and will give you confidence. This is imperceptible if you compare every day, but noticeable if you look at it month by month. Your consciousness will begin to gradually change. The further you go, the more noticeable it becomes. You will finally begin to understand why some people may not drink and easily refuse alcohol when offered. Just for this alone, it’s worth quitting. As time passes, your sew-in period will come to an end. Do not be afraid: to replace it, a more powerful weapon will appear in your hands - THE POSSIBILITY OF CHOICE - something that you never had, and something that you yourself came to. Now you, with a clear consciousness before yourself and the Lord, will be able to make a choice - to drink or not to drink. Only you will be responsible for this choice - a conscious person no longer clouded by alcohol, who has gone through the hell of alcoholism, and not that 15-year-old boy who picked up a glass for the first time and had no idea how it would end for him.

I wish you success



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