How to become smarter: 6 scientific ways to increase brain activity

Anyone can have memory problems: forgotten keys, birthdays, meetings... It seems that these are all little things. Really, who doesn’t it happen to? But the further, the worse, scientists are afraid.

MIT researchers warn that memory decline can begin as early as age 35. When Exactly Does Your Memory Start Declining? . Innocent hobbies such as solving crossword puzzles or learning a foreign language will only become a waste of time. There is not enough scientific evidence to support their positive effects on memory. Do “Brain-Training” Programs Work? . You can read Shakespeare in the original or become a real master at filling in the blanks, but that's all.

Put the English-Russian dictionary aside. In order to successfully develop memory and attention, you need to use other methods. Here are some of them.

Brain cells and memory

Over the years, as age increases, not only a person’s body ages, but also his brain, mental abilities and neural connections in cells deteriorate, and gray matter gradually decreases in volume, his cognitive abilities decrease (thinking, understanding, receptivity to learning, reasoning and logical conclusions). Impaired attention and memory deterioration are the first signs of a decline in a person’s thinking abilities, which often appear with age.

Causes of memory and brain function deterioration:

  • injuries and lesions after operations, past illnesses (stroke, concussions, etc.);
  • some internal diseases: infectious, kidney diseases, etc.;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs, antidepressants, smoking;
  • incorrect lifestyle: stress, lack of sleep, overload at work.

Reduce stress

Try to maintain normal brain function, but don't worry too much about it. A certain level of stress is beneficial, but when increased, it can interfere with mental functioning. There are many effective ways to reduce anxiety (or make it work in your favor), but one thing that's sure to help is a magnesium bath twice a week or using a magnesium spray before bed. Currently, 75% of people are deficient in magnesium. The stronger the tension, the more of this substance we lose. At the same time, it helps regulate cortisol, the stress hormone.

Methods for improving intellectual abilities and memory

To slow down these negative processes, scientists recommend trying to maintain a healthy body and brain using the following rules:

  • maintaining good physical activity, regular exercise;
  • maintaining a diet and normal weight, eating foods that improve brain function;
  • control cholesterol and blood glucose levels;
  • quitting smoking and other bad habits;
  • maintaining normal blood pressure levels;
  • If necessary, you can find out how to improve brain function in consultation with a specialist who will prescribe the necessary drug.

Nootropic substances

Nootropics are substances and agents that stimulate a positive effect on human brain tissue, increase its performance, improve memory, help and facilitate the process of memorization and learning, and stimulate cognitive functions. They also increase the “clarity” of the mind in any, even extreme conditions. They are based on organic components. The modern pharmaceutical industry uses them to produce drugs and tablets that improve brain function.

10 substances that improve memory and intellectual performance:

  • Flavonols - activate the production of the hormone endorphin in the body, adding a feeling of joy and happiness. They stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses in brain cells, adding vigor and activity. Dark chocolate contains such substances.
  • Lecithin is one of the components of body cells, a phospholipid involved in the production of enzymes and hormones; together with vitamin B5, it is converted into acetylcholine, which accelerates the course of nervous processes and reactions (neurotransmitter); found in eggs, beef and chicken liver, fatty fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Caffeine - found in coffee and green tea, its intake helps to concentrate, increase productivity and stimulate brain function, but after a while there is a decline in brain activity.
  • L-theanine is an amino acid (found in green tea) that helps prolong brain activity and increase productivity without subsequent decline.
  • Creatine is an organic nitrogen-containing acid, produced naturally during active physical activity, helps increase muscle growth and cellular reactions, conserve brain energy reserves, and improves analytical thinking.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (found in ocean fish, nuts, seeds) improve memory, relieve depression and stress, and protect against aging.
  • L-tyrosine is an amino acid that helps produce adrenaline and the neurotransmitter dopamine, increases the threshold of fatigue, concentration, and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.
  • B vitamins help restore nerve cells and improve brain function.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino acid that relieves chronic fatigue, improves memory and brain cell processes, maintains balance and carbohydrate metabolism, and affects sexual abilities.
  • “Ginkgo Biloba” is the most powerful nootropic drug, named after the tree of the same name; its leaves contain glycosides, flavonoids and terpenes, which together stimulate brain activity, improve memory and emotional stability.

Products that regulate the activity of brain cells

Lifestyle and nutrition are the main factors influencing human mental activity. Scientific research has shown that there are a number of foods that improve memory and brain function.

These include:

  • Fatty fish (sardines, salmon, trout, etc.) have a positive effect on mental abilities due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids; By consuming fatty acids, a person supplies them for the reproduction of nerve cells in the brain (which itself consists of 60% fat), and also slows down the aging process and even prevents the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Black coffee adds essential substances to the human body: caffeine and antioxidants that block adenosine (which prevents drowsiness and improves positive perception of reality), stimulates the production of serotonin to improve mood and helps increase concentration for mental work.
  • Dark chocolate (containing at least 80% cocoa) includes beneficial substances for improving brain function: flavonoids, caffeine and antioxidants, which improve memory and help slow down age-related changes in brain cells, improve mood.
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds) - contain beneficial vitamins B and E, trace elements (magnesium) and antioxidants, the daily intake is up to 100 g.
  • Blueberries are berries that not only have a positive effect on visual acuity, but also on brain function, and also relieve depression, thanks to the content of anthocyanins - antioxidant substances that strengthen blood vessels and reduce their fragility, improve communication between brain cells and memory.
  • Oranges and lemons are a source of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the brain from free radicals.
  • Broccoli - contains fat-soluble vitamin K (essential for the formation of fats in brain cells and improves memory) and antioxidants, which help overcome diseases associated with brain damage.
  • Pumpkin seeds are a source of magnesium, zinc, iron and copper, which affect the nervous system, learning and memory of humans.
  • Chicken eggs are a source of many useful substances (folic acid, choline, vitamins B6 and B12).


Rhodiola rosea is considered an adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with stress more effectively.

Researchers have found that Rhodiola rosea supplements improve mood and reduce feelings of physical and mental exhaustion in people under severe stress.

It turned out that daily intake of small doses of this herb leads to a decrease in mental fatigue and improved well-being in students during exam periods.

But more research is needed to determine the optimal dosage and understand how this herb produces its effects.

Rhodiola rosea is an herb that helps the body adapt during periods of extreme stress and reduces the mental fatigue associated with them.

The effect of physical activity on the brain

Even a regular evening walk in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on brain health. Maintaining high physical activity, performing exercises with a certain load, playing sports is one of the ways to improve brain function. This helps to improve intellectual abilities at any age, and in older people to cope with minor cognitive impairment.

Scientists recommend aerobic exercise, short workouts, yoga and meditation to improve blood supply to the brain and maintain the body in good physical condition.


Many prominent figures include meditation in their daily morning ritual. It reduces stress levels, regulates emotions and increases levels of oxytocin, a hormone that enhances a sense of belonging and identity. If we feel it, then we work productively and develop successfully. And if we don’t feel it, then we are overcome by powerlessness and apathy.

The brain may indeed not have unlimited cognitive resources, but you shouldn’t expect pills to solve this problem. It’s better to develop healthy habits and adjust your diet - these methods will do a much better job of stimulating cognitive abilities.


Mediterranean diet

According to many scientists, the Mediterranean diet contains an optimal diet rich in healthy vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole grains, as well as nuts and olive oil, which has a positive effect and provides long-term protection for the brain.

The diet also includes a small amount of dairy products, sea fish and various wines. Restrictions are placed on the consumption of red meats, poultry and processed foods.

Mental training

One of the effective means of improving memory and brain function is daily training of thinking abilities. These methods include: solving crossword puzzles and Sudoku, learning a new foreign language. The latter, according to Finnish scientists from the University of Helsinki, helps improve cognitive abilities even in older people, giving “sharpness” to the mind and promoting its elasticity.

The more foreign languages ​​a person knows, the faster the reaction in the neural network of the brain occurs to the accumulation of new information. Therefore, it is recommended for both children and adults to engage in learning new languages ​​to prevent cognitive decline as the body ages.

Learning to play a musical instrument, regardless of the student’s age, also has a positive effect on memory and brain cells. Playing sounds has a protective effect by changing brain waves and improving hearing.

More positive

The recipe for a good memory is simple: good sleep, healthy nutrition, use of neurogadgets, physical exercise... What else? Professor John Krakauer from Johns Hopkins University (USA) states: “Spending the evenings with a book on the couch is, of course, good, but loneliness can lead to depression.” Get Smart: 6 Brain-Boosting Activities to Add to Your Day. Moreover, scientists say, the more friends you have, the longer your life will be! So chatting with a friend over a glass of wine turns out to be not only pleasant, but also useful.

The editors may not share the author's point of view.

Nootropic drugs

The functioning of the human brain and memory is often influenced by the external environment, so many people feel that they need treatment and turn to specialists asking them to tell them which drugs improve memory and brain function. All such medicines and tablets can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

However, in emergency cases (thesis defense, session, passing exams, etc.), taking such drugs independently helps to concentrate attention and improve brain activity in a short time.

What drugs improve brain function and are sold without a prescription:

  • “Glycine” is a popular inexpensive remedy, “vitamins for the head”, which regulates sleep, mental activity and improves mood; it must be taken for at least 30 days.
  • "Bilobil" - helps patients overcome feelings of anxiety, normalize sleep, activate mental abilities by improving microcirculation and providing brain cells with oxygen (not prescribed to children under 18 years of age).
  • "Vitrum Memory" - contains plant components that help saturate the brain with oxygen and improve blood circulation in cells.
  • "Undevit" - tablets with vitamins A, B, C, E and P, which have a synergistic effect, are recommended for elderly patients.
  • "" Aminalon - prescribed for the treatment of head injuries, helps eliminate toxins and normalize nervous processes.
  • “Ginkgo Biloba” is a preparation made from leaf extract, prescribed for sleep disorders, dizziness, memory and attention impairment, normalizes metabolism in brain cells and tissues (not prescribed for people under 18 years of age).
  • "Intellan" - capsules containing plant extracts improve intellectual abilities, memory, and reduce depression.

Use neurogadgets

High technology has replaced caffeine and pills. Improving memory Transcranial Stimulation of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Prevents Stress-Induced Working Memory Deficits and attention Modulation of attention functions by anodal tDCS on right PPC is now possible with the help of scientific inventions.

Scientists have been using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in practice for many years. Sounds scary and confusing? But in fact, everything is very simple.

The smart device works like this: electrodes are attached to certain areas on a person’s head, through which a weak direct current passes. This charge is very small—that’s how much the firefly spends to glow—and absolutely safe.

The current affects neurons, making them more or less excitable. As a result, contacts between nerve cells change.

This leads to a phenomenon called improved synaptic plasticity. It is synaptic plasticity that is responsible for improving memory and attention.

Such cunning devices have been used in leading European clinics for several decades. However, in order to improve memory and develop attention, it is not at all necessary to consult a doctor. Commercial devices are created for home use in America and Russia. In America these are and Apex, in Russia - Brainstorm. Perhaps soon, performing transcranial brain stimulation will become as common as drinking a cup of coffee.

Prescription drugs

Pills that improve memory and brain function, taken by prescription:

  • “Piracetam”, “Nootropil” - drugs that help students pass exams, are prescribed for deteriorating memory and attention, and for elderly patients - in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
  • "Cavinton" - is prescribed to improve cerebral metabolism, blood circulation in the vessels of the head in the treatment of the consequences of stroke, etc.
  • "Encephabol" - used for decreased mental performance, helps normalize metabolic processes in nerve tissues, and is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and childhood encephalopathy.
  • "Cerebrolysin" - sold in ampoules and prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, stroke, etc.
  • Phezam is a drug that helps improve metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain, which helps to enhance intellectual functions.

You should carefully read the instructions for all medications, since most have negative side effects and contraindications.

Rules for taking nootropic drugs

Before you start taking medications that improve memory and brain function, you must consult a medical specialist and also take into account important rules:

  • the dose of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment are selected according to the patient’s age, the characteristics of his health and body, and the presence of certain concomitant diseases;
  • herbal-based drugs or dietary supplements are not always harmless and harmless to humans; allergic reactions, contraindications and unexpected side effects may occur;
  • to determine positive or negative changes in the functioning of the brain and memory, it is necessary to regularly conduct testing, write down your observations and perform a set of special exercises;
  • To choose the best pills that improve brain function, it is better to alternate taking them and observe the result of the effect on the body, this will help to identify the most suitable drug.

Develop creative thinking

Thoreau, Nietzsche and many other creative people argued that walking “inspires” the imagination. Last year, psychologists proved this statement experimentally. Walking, whether on a treadmill or around the Stanford University campus, improves divergent thinking, or the ability to come up with multiple solutions to the same problem. True, it has no effect on convergent thinking. So if you're struggling to find one solution, taking a walk won't help you.

Development of thinking abilities and memory in children

Medicines and drugs are not always suitable for children; on the contrary, many of them are not recommended for use before the age of 18 due to possible negative consequences. Before deciding to prescribe medications, it is better to consult a pediatrician and neurologist.

This is due to the fact that a decrease in concentration and memory in children can be a consequence of any disease, and only a doctor after an examination can decide how to improve the functioning of the child’s brain: with the help of medications, vitamins or changes in lifestyle and hobbies, prescribing dietary nutrition and eating foods that help stimulate brain cell function.

Traditional recipes for improving memory

Traditional medicine over the years has collected many recipes that have a positive effect on a person’s ability to remember and improve concentration:

  • infusion of clover flowers - prepared from 2 tbsp. l. dried plants per 2 tbsp. hot water, pour everything into a thermos for 2 hours, then strain and drink 100 g half an hour before meals, course duration - 3 months;
  • decoction of crushed red rowan bark: 1 tbsp. l. mass per 250 g of water, boil and leave for 6 hours, drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l, course - 30 days, then a break, per year - at least 3 cycles;
  • eat young pine buds 2-3 pcs. twice a day before meals.

Increase your concentration

In addition to improving your memory, exercise can help you concentrate better on a task. The most scientifically convincing studies are those conducted with schoolchildren, but most likely the same applies to all ages.

Exercising with 20-minute aerobic exercise breaks improved concentration in Dutch schoolchildren. Meanwhile, a large randomized controlled trial in the United States examined the effects of daily exercise after school during the school year. Naturally, the children's physical fitness has improved. Less predictable was the increase in self-control. Children became less distracted by external stimuli, were able to perform several tasks at once, and also improved their skills in remembering and using information.

And if all this seems like hard work, you don’t even have to hold your breath to reap the benefits of attention training exercises. Just 10 minutes of game-based concentration exercises, such as hitting a ball on the floor with both hands at the same time, improved the concentration of a large group of German teenagers.

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