All about the fear of rats and mice, ways to get rid of fear

Slava Profina 07/25/2018 no comments


The most common mental disorder is the fear of rats and mice. These phobias are called zemmiphobia and musophobia (suriphobia). It is generally accepted that women suffer from them more often, but this is not true. Scientists have proven that fear of rodents is characteristic of both sexes equally.

What is the fear of mice and rats called?

The fear of mice and rats has a scientific name - zemmiphobia: fear of rats, mice, and moles. It is believed that the name zemmiphobia comes from the popular name for large rats that resemble moles. They have large fangs with which they dig tunnels.

Types of phobias

Fear of rats and mice is a common phobia, and it has several varieties.

  1. Suriphobia. This term refers to the fear only of rats. People treat other rodents calmly.
  2. Musophobia. This is what they call the fear of mice. This name is often used as a generic name for rodent fear.
  3. Chiroptophobia. The term is used to refer to the fear of bats. This fear often stems from the influence of vampire films.

Origin of the definition of zemmiphobia

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Zemmiphobia (in other sources - zemmiphobia) stands for "fear of large mole rats." Some researchers have become interested in the question of what it is.

The popular version is the popular name for naked rats, which in appearance and behavior are practically no different from moles. The only difference is that on the front of their heads they have pronounced fang-shaped teeth, with which they dig underground tunnels. They live in groups in Africa. Each of these colonies numbers from 80 to 300 animals. Among them there is only one main female, and her males include 19 individuals. Other members of the colony perform work tasks or simply provide security.

But it has not yet been confirmed by significant evidence. Therefore, if it contains erroneous information, then science does not yet know where the word “zemmiphobia” came from.

Causes of fear of rats and mice

There are several provoking factors:

  • Bite. If a person has experienced a rodent bite, especially in childhood, he develops a fear of repeating a similar scenario.
  • The influence of TV . Children are very impressionable, so fear may arise from a movie in which rats were presented in a negative way.
  • Borrowing. If one of the parents is afraid of rodents and shows this in front of the child, there is a high probability that the child will also develop fear.
  • Genetics. Humanity has been fighting rats and mice since ancient times. Therefore, the genes contain a negative attitude towards these animals.
  • Appearance. Rats are often feared because of their unpleasant appearance.

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Scientists have found that the main reason for the fear of rats and mice is genetic predisposition. In ancient times, rodents destroyed food supplies and bit people, especially women and children, thereby transmitting various diseases. Therefore, the fear of rodents was deposited at the genetic level and is still passed on to this day.

Factors that provoke the development of a phobia

In children, a phobia actively develops if parents have a negative attitude towards rodents. In adulthood, fear and hostility towards rats may arise due to their lifestyle, because they usually live in landfills. Stories about diseases carried by rodents also aggravate the phobia. There are many myths and legends about how rats became the source of epidemics.

They are more afraid of rats because they have a more unpleasant appearance, are aggressive, and are large. Mice are much smaller in size and prefer to run away when in contact with a person or other danger.

Symptoms, signs and manifestations of phobia

Phobias manifest themselves differently in everyone, but there are some general signs:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • rapid breathing;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased sweating;
  • trembling in the limbs.

Some people experience terrible fear when they see a rodent and cannot move. When you see a rodent, you may feel a sense of unreality.

It’s not easy for Musophobes who understand the groundlessness of their own fear. They realize that mice are safe for them and will not attack, but they still cannot control themselves when they see a rodent. Men with such phobias are afraid that others will find out about their fear. Fear of shame in front of others can lead to depression.

An advanced form of zemmiphobia may be accompanied by a gag reflex at the sight of rodents. There may also be obsessive fantasies, a feeling that rodents are everywhere, and a constant expectation of an attack.

Signs of a sick person

Any fear arises in a special way, and its sensations are not similar to the feelings of another person. One person will run away in hysteria as far as possible, at one glance at the animal, and the other will stand like a statue, never moving. They are united by common manifestations of phobia:

  • non-standard behavior;
  • rapid inhalation and exhalation;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • minor problems with the speech apparatus;
  • attacks of nausea and regular dizziness;
  • frequent sweating;
  • growing panic;
  • carefully avoiding the rodent's teeth to prevent accidental bites.
  • Musophobes understand the name of the fear of mice and the absurdity of their reaction to the most harmless rodent. But few people are able to take control of themselves, and they fall into a prolonged depression from the additional fear of disgracing themselves in front of their close circle. If no one helps them, then the level of pathological panic will increase, acquiring new deceptive fears.

    In severe cases, the patient ceases to understand where reality surrounds him, and from what moment harmless fantasies begin. For fear of being attacked by rodents, they can block all the openings that can be found in the house so that mice cannot get inside and find it.

    Treatment methods

    How to stop being afraid of mice and rats?

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    Many people suffer from phobias, and in advanced cases, fear can interfere with normal life. Treatment directly depends on the degree of manifestation of fear.

    Psychotherapeutic assistance

    In severe cases of phobia, you should consult a psychotherapist. It will help you understand the causes of fear and get rid of the symptoms. At first, appointments with a specialist will consist of conversations. He will try to find out how severe the phobia is. Specialists use psychotherapy or medications to get rid of the phobia.

    Psychological methods:

    1. Hypnotherapy. All human fears are in the subconscious. Hypnosis allows you to turn off fear. The method has proven itself to be the most effective treatment method. But many patients are afraid to trust a specialist.
    2. Neuro-linguistic programming . The technique consists of convincing the patient that his attitude towards rodents is distorted.
    3. Visualization. In the fight against the fear of mice, pictures of them are often used. Funny and cute images of rodents change attitudes towards them.

    To combat fear, a specialist may prescribe sedatives, which are taken in a course. This is necessary in cases where fear becomes the cause of constant stress. You must take the medications in a course for three months. If the phobia has led to depression, antidepressants are prescribed.

    In cases where a person suffers from panic attacks and confuses reality with fantasy, tranquilizers are prescribed.

    Attention. Such drugs are addictive, so they should not be taken for a long period.

    Self help

    If the phobia is developed in a weak form, you can try to get rid of it on your own. It is worth understanding the psychosomatics of fear, because the basis of a phobia always lies in psychological reasons. You can get rid of fear yourself using self-hypnosis. You need to convince yourself that rodents do not pose any danger and do not lie in wait for you at every step.

    To change your attitude towards rodents, it is recommended to watch films and cartoons in which rats and mice are presented in good roles. This method is especially effective for getting rid of phobias in children. You can also visit pet stores and observe domestic rats and mice there.

    Important. For the first visits, you can take a friend with you as support.

    For brave individuals, a radical method is suitable - getting a decorative rat or mouse. Close contact with a rodent will convince you that these animals are not scary at all. You will need to look after him and notice funny moments in his behavior.

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    You can also do psychological work with yourself. First, acknowledge the fear. Next, you should think about the reasons for its occurrence. Find out what exactly you are afraid of. Next, imagine that the worst thing has happened, this will eliminate the fear of the unknown. Then imagine the source of your fear in a funny and kind situation. This technique is recommended to be used regularly.

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    Medical practice

    It is impossible to do without the use of medications in severe cases, because the constant stress that the patient is under can cause significant harm not only to the psyche, but also to general physical health. Mild symptoms can be relieved with the help of mild herbal sedatives. They need to be taken in a course lasting up to 3 months. If spasmodic contractions of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, and vomiting are present, then together with them an antispasmodic is prescribed for half a month.

    Treatment of musophobia by a specialist

    In more complex situations, when patients are afraid that a mouse is waiting for them around every corner, tranquilizers are used. The period of their use should be strictly limited, because tranquilizers are addictive. If the phobia has caused persistent depression, antidepressants are prescribed.

    Adaptation to a stressor occurs gradually. To begin with, fear and its origins are discussed with a psychologist. Afterwards the person is asked to look at pictures of an animal that frightens him. In classes, the psychologist does not try to completely eradicate fear, but to limit it to reasonable limits, because it is better to avoid wild rats, for example.

    Adaptation to cute mice

    An effective treatment method is computer imaging. Pictures and games help the patient quickly cope with his problem and respond adequately to rodents.

    Another effective method is linguistic programming. It acts quite quickly and helps the patient rethink his attitude towards animals. Psychologists believe that fear of mice is nothing more than a perverted understanding of reality created by man himself.

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