How to quickly fall asleep at night or during the day in one minute if you don’t want to sleep

The problem of being unable to sleep at night is familiar to many people today, and not only the elderly, as was previously thought. Very often, insomnia torments precisely those people who are actively engaged in various professional activities, and especially those who are engaged in mental work. Today we will not delve into the reasons why people cannot sleep, but will focus on how to help yourself fall asleep quickly at night. Here are useful and effective folk recipes that are easy to make at home.

Why can't we sleep

What could be the cause of insomnia? Why can't we sleep at night? Let's try to answer these questions. These can be chronic illnesses, overstimulation or overwork, and most people aggravate these problems with their behavior, attitude towards the world around them and lifestyle.

If you cannot sleep due to any disease, then it is best to consult a doctor - after all, if you cure the disease, the cause of insomnia will disappear.

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You can cope with overexcitation or overwork by adjusting your daily routine, changing your lifestyle for the better, and also turning to folk remedies, which for some reason are called unconventional.

Meanwhile, it was folk traditions, both in nutrition and in the treatment of various ailments, that helped many generations of our ancestors survive and withstand the most difficult times.

In addition, the medicinal mixture, if it is correctly formulated and used correctly, will not only help you fall asleep quickly at night if you cannot sleep, but will also relieve you of the disease that results in insomnia.

Causes of nighttime insomnia

Before giving any advice, you should understand the causes of nighttime insomnia. As a rule, the main culprits of lack of sleep are stress, mental stress and depression . However, there are more serious causes of pathological lack of sleep. For example, these could be brain injuries, hormonal disorders and other diseases. However, it is better not to hesitate with such ailments and be sure to consult a specialist about them.

Rules for falling asleep quickly

It's time to talk about how to fall asleep quickly at night. So. Before choosing medications and folk remedies, if you can’t sleep, try to evaluate your lifestyle and behavior in general. Perhaps you lie down and try to fall asleep at all costs, or try to take a nap during the day - you don’t need to do this.

In order to fall asleep quickly, if you can’t sleep, just start following a diet, don’t eat at night; do not drink coffee, black tea and chocolate after 18:00; Before going to bed, avoid physical activity and stress, but do exercises during the day; exercise at least a couple of times a week, and go for a walk before bed.

Never go to bed in a bad mood, and do not try to use alcohol as a sleeping pill: sometimes it seems that it helps you fall asleep quickly at night, but such sleep can be shallow and short, and in the morning you may feel weak and headache. After this, normal work is hardly possible, and insomnia will only get worse.

Many experts, in order to quickly fall asleep, recommend reading something before bed that you never wanted to do - for example, a complex technical or humanities textbook, some kind of work instruction or other rather boring text. The brain refuses to accept such information, especially after a hard day, and you want to sleep much more - this method, by the way, helps many people.

Try to go to bed at the same time, and be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed - even if it’s cold outside. By the way, the optimal temperature in the bedroom is not 22 degrees, but 18 or even 15 - it is at this temperature that we can quickly fall asleep and sleep well. In general, these recommendations are known to everyone, but we often forget about them.

As for folk methods, if you can’t sleep, then these include not only herbal infusions and decoctions. You can stuff your pillow with herbs: take mint leaves, hazel, laurel, fern, oregano, geranium, rose petals, pine needles - falling asleep on such a pillow is much faster and easier.

Give yourself a psychological brain orgasm

One of the popular ASMR techniques in the 21st century, which helps to fall asleep correctly, is called “Autonomous sensory meridian response,” which translates as “brain orgasm.” It is based on the use of a whole set of audio and video recordings that contain pleasant sounds for humans: the sound of a sea wave, the crackling of a fire, the creaking of snow underfoot, etc. All this together creates a calming atmosphere that sets the mood for relaxation.

Many Internet users note that this technique helps overcome insomnia and anxiety. Listening to pleasant melodies and sounds helps you relax so you can fall asleep and maintain normal sleep throughout the night.

Mental mouse

Another modern way to help you fall asleep is to mentally imagine an object that can be moved and rotated using a computer mouse.

Four – seven – eight

The method is based on fixed breathing when counting: inhale through the nose for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds and exhale slowly through the mouth for 8 seconds. At the same time, the level of adrenaline in the body decreases and the pulse slows down, and concentrating on counting will allow you to escape from thoughts and fall asleep.

Autogenic training

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, stretching upward, and imagine how a warm and heavy wave passes through your body. Its path starts from the top of the head, passes through the forehead, eyes, chin, neck, torso and ends at the tips of the fingers and toes. In this case, it is better to try to completely relax and not move.

Time Machine

The method consists of mentally reproducing the events of the past day (similar to a fast-paced film). Trying not to evaluate them and without showing emotions, you must try to remember the details, observing everything from the side.

Dream restoration

The next method is to repeat a pleasant dream that you have had before, or one that you have dreamed up. In this case, you should pay more attention to your feelings, building a beautiful picture of what is happening. An excellent result of “watching” will be a repeat of the dream after falling asleep.

Rapid eye movement

The following exercise uses the eye movement method. First you need to open your eyes, then begin to quickly move your gaze from one object to another, without dwelling on individual details. After 1-2 minutes of such movements, a feeling of fatigue appears and the eyelids become heavier. You can resist a little, and then close your eyes and fall asleep.

Fairy tale

The method is based on the fact that a person who tells his child a bedtime story quickly begins to fall asleep himself. Following this rule, you need to tell a fairy tale to yourself with any plot, which can even go along an independent path.

Word game

The technique consists of coming up with words of 3 letters, starting sequentially with all letters of the alphabet.

Such monotonous activity will allow the brain to get bored, after which it begins to switch off, and we fall asleep.

Trying to hear the silence

You need to lie down in a comfortable position and try to listen to the silence, without being distracted by unnecessary extraneous sounds on the street. As soon as you manage to do this, relaxation occurs and sleep comes.

White noise

You need to find or invent a source of monotonous noise, but only quiet. You should listen to him, trying not to be distracted by other thoughts. This helps you relax and fall asleep.


First you need to take a comfortable relaxing position, calm your breathing, and try to relax. As hypnosis, you should repeat the words to yourself: “My body becomes heavy and relaxed, when I can count to zero, I will fall asleep.” Then you need to start counting down, taking slow inhalations and exhalations, for example, from 50.

Homemade sleeping pills

We bring to your attention the most effective folk recipes to quickly fall asleep at night at home.

If you can't sleep, you can eat a whole onion at night, if your stomach can tolerate it - onions calm you down and help you fall asleep quickly at night.

A proven way to quickly fall asleep at night is to drink a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of honey at night. It's even better if you can drink warm milk with honey and cinnamon: it helps you fall asleep even when you're very excited. If you have been suffering from insomnia for a long time, warm milk will also help - however, few people use this method, and not everyone likes milk.

Lavender oil is also known for its calming properties. If you lightly lubricate your temples with it before going to bed, the tension will subside and you will fall asleep peacefully. You can also drop 2-3 drops of this oil onto a piece of sugar, put it under your tongue and suck it before bed.

If you do not suffer from varicose veins, then before bed you can take a hot foot bath - it will relieve fatigue, calm you down and help you fall asleep quickly. A general warm bath with pine infusion, or infusion of lemon balm, oregano, mint, calendula will help everyone - you need to take it for about 10 minutes.

White noise

White noise is a great alternative to music. Use any sound effects. Again, a number of conditions must be met. The noise should not be loud and uniform. You just need to focus on it, try not to think about anything else. If you have small children, you probably know about this technique. Maybe you have even tried it without success. Try it for yourself, a child often cannot fall asleep not because of the thoughts that visit him, unlike an adult. If you manage to relax, you won’t even notice how you fall asleep. It is not necessary to listen to white noise; it could be the sounds of flowing water or the noise of fans.

Decoctions and infusions to fall asleep quickly

And now about medicinal decoctions and infusions that help you fall asleep quickly at home. We will present the simplest recipes: from those ingredients that can be easily bought in the city - at a pharmacy, at the market or even in a store.

An infusion of hop cones has a relaxing and mild analgesic effect. 2 tbsp. Chop the cones and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for about an hour, then strain and drink 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, ¼ cup.

The following infusion also helps you fall asleep quickly at night: pour crushed valerian root (2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water, leave, strain, and take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. Additionally, inhale the aroma of the infusion at night, for about 10 minutes.

If you can’t sleep, then motherwort has a calming effect and helps well with insomnia. 4 tbsp. dried herbs are poured into a thermos with a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Take the infusion during the day, warm, 1/3 cup half an hour before meals.

Hawthorn has long been known in folk medicine as a mild but effective sedative. To quickly fall asleep at home, try making an infusion: take crushed hawthorn fruits ¼ - ½ cup after meals, 3-4 times a day. To prepare the infusion, pour 100 g of fruit into 2 glasses of water, boil over low heat for half an hour, cool and filter.

You can use pharmaceutical hawthorn tincture mixed with 20% propolis tincture, taking 20 drops 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. However, the usual infusion of fruits is still preferable - it does not contain alcohol.

An infusion of a mixture of caraway seeds, dill, motherwort herb and valerian root also has a calming effect and helps you quickly fall asleep at home at night. The ingredients are taken in equal parts; then pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water into a glass. mixture and leave for half an hour. Take 2-3 times a day, ½ cup.

Tea made from lemon balm, orange peels and valerian also helps to improve sleep if you can’t sleep. You can add 1 tsp to the mixture of lemon balm and peels (1 tsp each) infused for 10 minutes. valerian - pharmaceutical tincture. The mixture should be prepared and drunk with honey 3 times a day, like regular tea, pouring a glass of boiling water over the ingredients. Do not put honey in a glass, but eat it and drink it with tea.

Melissa can be mixed with mint, coriander fruits (20 g each), and prepare an alcohol tincture for compresses, infusing the ingredients in a mixture of alcohol (100 ml) and water (20 ml) for 24 hours. Then strain the tincture, squeeze out the raw materials, and apply compresses to the temporal and occipital areas before bed.

Apple cider vinegar with honey helps you fall asleep quickly, within 30 minutes after taking it. In a cup of natural honey you need to stir apple cider vinegar - 3 tsp, and take 2 tsp. mixture before bed. If you are very excited, you can take the mixture again at night. Honey combined with apple cider vinegar has a more pronounced calming effect.

Dill seeds boiled in red wine (port or Cahors) promote healthy and deep sleep. Wine – 0.5 l, dill seed – 50 g, cook over low heat for half an hour, take 50 ml before bed.

Lemon juice with honey and walnuts will not only help you fall asleep faster, but also increase the body's defenses. Lemon juice – 1 glass, honey (preferably buckwheat) and crushed walnuts – 2 tbsp each. Mix everything until smooth and take 1 tbsp before bed.

Instant Sleep in 5 Minutes: Benefits

A quick fall into sleep will relieve insomnia in any of its manifestations and allow you to ensure quality rest. A person will not want to sleep an extra hour in the morning, and he will feel invigorated. In addition, this process has a number of other advantages.

  1. Look more attractive. The process of skin regeneration at the cellular level will be restored, which will make it radiant and elastic.
  2. Improve memory. A full 8-hour sleep will allow the brain to rest, which will invariably lead to an increase in its productivity, and, consequently, to increased concentration and memorization of large amounts of information.
  3. Eat less food. Adequate rest reduces stress levels, which contribute to nervousness and anxiety. And this in turn leads to overeating.
  4. Increase self-esteem. An attractive appearance due to proper rest, a cheerful mood, and a slim figure will help you better cope with difficulties and avoid conflict situations. This will allow you to grow in the eyes of others and feel important.

How to learn to fall asleep quickly if you want to sleep, but sleep does not come

Ventilate the room

As you know, in a cool room we fall asleep faster and subsequently sleep more soundly - this is how our body works. When we fall asleep, our internal body temperature becomes lower - the faster this happens, the faster sleep comes.

Get ready for bed in the morning

If you want to fall asleep faster, but you don’t always succeed, you need to do this trick, which has a wonderful subconscious effect: be sure to make your bed in the morning, hide bedding and sleep clothes. According to scientists, people who regularly make their beds suffer less from insomnia than others. This small but useful action seems to trigger a sleep mindset in our subconscious.


A massage will relieve you of pain and help you relax after a hard day at work. If you know a massage therapist who will agree to give you a massage before bed, you are very lucky. Most likely, there are only a few such people. In this case, self-massage can help out. There are a lot of techniques, choose the one that suits you and get started. Remember that the massage should not last longer than 8 minutes. Still, if you do not live alone, ask family members to help you. You will be able to calm down, relax and fall asleep quickly.

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Take a walk in the fresh air before bed

The benefits of walking are enormous. It has a good effect on the body. This gentle cardio exercise will help you not only bring your figure back to normal, but also improve your emotional state. A leisurely walk before bed will relax you and help you rethink the information you received during the day. According to statistics, people who regularly walk before bed have an easier time about life. They are calmer and more balanced. Of course, some conditions must be met. You should finish all your work, prepare your bed, and only then go outside. You shouldn’t take a player with you, rather listen to the sounds of nature. It’s good if there is a park near your house, if not, choose small streets, do not walk along busy and noisy streets.

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