What painkillers are used for pinched sciatic nerve

What is a pinched sciatic nerve?

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human nervous system. The sciatic nerve originates in the pelvic area. Passes through the sciatic foramen, through the buttock, and descends to the popliteal cap. Its functions include supplying all the muscles of the lower extremities with nerve impulses, thanks to which movement occurs - a person can walk, run, jump, and so on. Accordingly, when the sciatic nerve is pinched and inflamed, a person experiences problems with movement, and also feels pain that starts from the lower back and goes down to the foot. A pinched nerve is a compression of the nerve that interferes with the normal flow of nerve impulses to organs and tissues. Another name for this disease is sciatica.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

The main symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve is pain. When bending the torso, the patient feels pain in the lower back, which spreads to the thigh, reaches the popliteal cap and ends in the foot. Symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve also include impaired motor activity, loss of sensation in areas of the body where the nerve runs, as well as decreased pelvic function. You can simply check whether the sciatic nerve is pinched. The patient needs to lie on his back, stretch his legs forward. Then you need to raise one leg without bending it. If there is pain when lifting, the sciatic nerve is pinched.

Principles of sciatica treatment

Eliminating the cause of pain during drug treatment of sciatica is the main goal of the disease. To do this, you need to find the place where the nerve is pinched. Acute pain is eliminated using potent blockades with anesthetic drugs. This is carried out in stationary conditions. Then a complex of tablets and other medications is prescribed, which should:

  • prevent the appearance of acute pain during a course of treatment;
  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • saturate damaged tissues with a sufficient amount of microelements;
  • Provide nutrition to the entire body for rapid recovery.

Preventative drug treatment for sciatica is helpful if attacks occur regularly. The drugs used in this case are somewhat different from those prescribed to relieve acute attacks.

Sometimes patients require additional psychotherapy and the use of medications - antidepressants and sleeping pills. They help get rid of anxiety and the constant feeling of aching pain.

The patient is transferred to outpatient therapy when the cause of acute pain is found and home treatment is prescribed. At the same time, a person must move independently.

When is injection therapy prescribed?

It must be said that injections for a pinched sciatic nerve are not prescribed immediately. That is, when the first signs of the disease appear, neurologists

(provided that the patient took care of his health and came to the appointment after the first symptoms of the pathology) they begin therapy with painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and also prescribe massage courses and physiotherapeutic procedures. If a positive effect cannot be achieved for some time, the pain does not go away, but becomes stronger and occurs more often, the question of prescribing injections arises.

Analgesics against inflammatory processes

To relieve pain and reduce inflammation, doctors can use various means. Including ointments and gels that have the desired effect and are used in the area of ​​the spinal column. Analgesics are drugs aimed at relieving pain, that is, they are more often used in the form of injections.

Separately, it is worth highlighting several drugs, the first of which is Ketorol with analogues. The medicine reduces body temperature to normal values, fights the inflammatory process in the spine, and is not addictive or dependent. Doctors note a decrease in the amount of prostaglandins produced, that is, substances that interfere with absorption. Treatment with analgesics lasts five days.

Prozerin is also released, that is, an ampoule substance used only in the presence of unbearable pain. This is a very strong analgesic, which must be used wisely and only when absolutely necessary. And all volumes are selected by the attending physician.

Popular We relieve inflammatory processes with Cortisone injections

A common analgesic is Diclofenac, which allows you to quickly get rid of pain, as well as associated problems with the musculoskeletal system. The only significant drawback of this remedy is the negative impact on the functioning of some internal organs. Which relate to the gastrointestinal tract, and the effect can also extend to the kidneys or liver.

What injections are given for a pinched sciatic nerve?

The doctor should tell you what injections can be given if the sciatic nerve is pinched. Self-medication for such a disease is unacceptable. In addition, the injections must be administered by an experienced and trained person. For example, this could be a treatment room nurse. Also, if the patient’s movement is difficult or causes him pain, injections can be given at home, but a specialist can also be invited for this.

Novocaine, Lidocaine

When the pain torments the patient, does not allow him to move normally, and does not go away even after a long rest, the doctor may decide to prescribe a novocaine or lidocaine blockade (anesthetic injection). The injection is placed at a certain point on the buttocks. The analgesic effect occurs quickly. Lidocaine has a greater effect. After administration of this drug, the pain subsides faster. Lidocaine is also less toxic than novocaine. There is a wide list of contraindications for such blockades:

  • allergies to drugs;
  • bradycardia (low heart rate);
  • severe liver failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • and others.

Trigamma, Milgamma, Neurobion

Milgamma is a medicine that contains a number of B vitamins. It also contains benfotiamine, which has high bioavailability and tends to accumulate in cells and tissues. Pyridoxine present in the composition activates metabolic processes and helps to quickly restore muscle performance. Milgamma's injection helps to quickly relieve pain, as well as eliminate the cause of pinching.

Another drug that contains a complex of B vitamins is Trigamma. Neurotropic B vitamins contained in Trigamma have a positive effect on inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nerves and musculoskeletal system.

Neurobion is another drug that includes a complex of B vitamins. Its pharmacological properties are similar to those of the above drugs. These drugs, unfortunately, are not a 100% guarantee of recovery. On the contrary, in about 50% of cases they cause side effects. The prescription of these injections should be made after a detailed examination, identification of contraindications and assessment of possible risks and expected benefits.

Dexamethasone, Methylprednisolone, Prednisone

If the sciatic nerve is pinched, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. This may be Dexamethasone, Methylprednisolone or Prednisone. The main active ingredient of these drugs is cortisol (a biologically active glucocorticoid hormone of steroid nature). Injections of these drugs help not only eliminate pain, but also relieve swelling of nerve fibers. However, such injections cannot be given for more than 5-6 days - side effects may occur (weight gain, mental disorders, glucose intolerance, and others).

Diclofenac, Voltaren, Dikloberl, Ortofen

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in the treatment of pinched sciatic nerve. The most common are Diclofenac, Voltaren, Dikloberl, Ortofen. The active substance of these drugs is diclofenac (a derivative of phenylacetic acid). After injections with the listed drugs, the pain goes away quickly, but this effect does not last long. There are also a number of side effects - nausea, vomiting, liver failure, urticaria, hearing loss, heart failure, decreased visual acuity and much more.

Folk remedies

How to treat sciatica using folk remedies and when is their use acceptable? Like warming ointments, traditional medicine methods cannot be used in the acute period of the disease. It is best to be treated with home treatments during the remission stage, to prevent subsequent exacerbations.

Prepare a compress from yeast dough. You will need rye flour and water. The dough should be dense. Place it on the lumbar region, covering it with plastic wrap and a towel (to keep warm). The compress should be kept for about an hour, after which you should carefully rub the sore spot with turpentine.

A mixture of beeswax and propolis is an equally well-known folk remedy for the treatment of sciatica. Wax and propolis should be warmed up a little, after making a homogeneous mixture of them. Form the warm mixture into a large patty (about the size of two palms). Apply it to the sore spots, covering with plastic wrap, and keep the compress for an hour or an hour and a half.

A compress with beeswax and propolis is a good folk remedy for sciatica.

If you are not allergic to horseradish, take a warm bath with it. Prepare a piece of gauze in advance by wrapping finely grated horseradish in it. The water should not be very hot. Reception time - 60 minutes, course - from one to two weeks.

Be sure to read: TOP 6 types of massage for sciatica: acupressure, cupping, honey, self-massage, video, how to do it

Conifer baths are one of the best folk remedies. Essential oils and resins have a relaxing effect on muscles and the entire body, calm the nervous system, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. You will need about 1 kg of pine branches. They need to be poured with three liters of boiling water and boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes. The warm infusion is poured into the bath, after filtering and infusing for 4 hours.

Regular stearin also perfectly relieves inflammation and pain. Melt an ordinary household candle and wait until the mass cools down a little. Apply a thin layer of warm stearin to the lumbar region.

When treating sciatica at home, good results are shown by the use of physiotherapeutic devices: Almag-01, Denas, Milta, Vitafon. Due to weak electrical impulses and other technologies, physical devices will help eliminate the symptoms of many diseases of the spine and joints. Depending on the degree of the disease, improvement may occur after 2-3 sessions or a full course of treatment.


To relieve pain due to sciatica, non-steroidal painkillers can also be prescribed. For example, Ibuprofen and its analogues. The injection is given directly into the area of ​​nerve inflammation. The effect comes quite quickly. Moreover, with severe pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the analgesic effect does not last long. Nonsteroidal painkillers are not used for more than 2 weeks, have a number of contraindications and can also cause side effects from the nervous system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, and so on.

Pinched sciatic nerve, symptoms and treatment, injections - you can be advised on all these issues at the Energo clinic. We employ qualified neurologists, neuropathologists, therapists, and other specialists who can help in the treatment of neurological diseases. The clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, a treatment room, a massage room - we have everything to restore your health. You can make an appointment and learn more about our services by phone.

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