Pinched sciatic nerve: Therapeutic exercises

Exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve and pain in the leg will help eliminate discomfort, normalize blood circulation and unblock the nerve itself.

The longest nerve is the sciatic one. Sciatica (actual strangulation) most often occurs as a result of the inflammatory process. We must remember that you cannot play sports or go to the gym during an exacerbation of the disease. The sciatic nerve originates in the lumbar region, then it goes through the pelvis, tailbone and reaches the toes. Since its length is quite large, pain during inflammation of the sciatic nerve can manifest itself along its entire length - from the lumbar region to the fingertips.

Although the nerve runs through both of a person's legs, pain is usually felt in only one. As for its intensity, it can be either slight or strong. The pain can be increasing, aching, stabbing, sharp, and so on.

What is sciatica, symptoms

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The pain characteristic of this disease is difficult to confuse with others. Its intensity is similar to that of a toothache. First, the pain syndrome manifests itself in the lumbar region, and then spreads lower, covering the hips and buttocks. The painful sensation appears quite sharply, but has an intermittent shooting character. May extend to toes.

The functional purpose of the nerve is to ensure motor activity of the lower extremities. In a healthy state, a person does not feel any discomfort and cannot feel the nerve itself, despite its impressive size - about 1 cm in diameter. When inflamed or pinched, the element clearly declares itself.

Sciatica manifests itself as sharp pain in the lower back, buttocks and thighs

The list of main reasons that can provoke a pathological process includes:

  • incorrect treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of benign neoplasms in the area of ​​the vertebral discs;
  • unrecoverable consequences of spinal injuries;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • short-term overheating (it is important to know that sciatica occurs in people who often visit a bathhouse or sauna);
  • arthritis;
  • thrombus formation;
  • abscess.

Attention! Considering the symptoms of the process, it is worth mentioning that discomfort can manifest itself at any time of the day, with varying intensity. The patient is told that the pain is most pronounced at night, possibly due to the fact that the body is relaxed and at rest.

The intensity of the pain syndrome differs depending on the stage of the pathological process and the nature of the disease. The frequency of symptoms may vary depending on the area of ​​nerve and muscle tissue affected. The main symptom of the disease is acute pain, which does not allow you to live a full life.

With sciatica, the pain increases with movement and lifting heavy objects.

List of characteristic signs of damage:

  • severe, aching acute pain, aggravated by active movements, lifting weights;
  • an attack can be triggered by sneezing or coughing;
  • when pain occurs, it is difficult to take a position in which the pain is felt less;
  • the patient exhibits sleep disturbances associated with numbness of the lower extremities;
  • tingling in the legs;
  • limited mobility;
  • change in gait.

To eliminate pain, various medications are used that need to be taken on an ongoing basis, but their use does not always give a positive result and often provokes adverse reactions. Exercises recommended by physiotherapists for sciatica will help achieve effectiveness in the treatment process. In order for the complex to bring only benefits to the body, you need to know the technique of implementation and take into account contraindications.

Great article on the topic:

Sciatica: what is it, 15 symptoms, 10 treatment methods (injections, tablets, ointments, suppositories)


To relieve pain due to sciatica, non-steroidal painkillers can also be prescribed. For example, Ibuprofen and its analogues. The injection is given directly into the area of ​​nerve inflammation. The effect comes quite quickly. Moreover, with severe pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the analgesic effect does not last long. Nonsteroidal painkillers are not used for more than 2 weeks, have a number of contraindications and can also cause side effects from the nervous system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, and so on.

Pinched sciatic nerve, symptoms and treatment, injections - you can be advised on all these issues at the Energo clinic. We employ qualified neurologists, neuropathologists, therapists, and other specialists who can help in the treatment of neurological diseases. The clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, a treatment room, a massage room - we have everything to restore your health. You can make an appointment and learn more about our services by phone.

Technique and preparation

The term sciatica refers to inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which manifests itself against the background of pinching that occurs due to excess body weight or massive physical activity as it progresses. Against the background of the disorder, the nerve contracts and reacts sharply to the pressure applied, which manifests itself in pain. Exercise for sciatica really helps improve a person's condition.

Is it possible to do gymnastics? The answer to this question varies in each specific case, and only a doctor can accurately determine the prospects for effectiveness. The effect of the exercise therapy complex is compared with the activity of various medications, only the effect of the exercises lasts for a long time. The effectiveness is due to the fact that with the help of warm-up, pressure is applied to the immediate cause of inflammation - spinal disease.

The correct exercises should be suggested by a doctor after diagnosing the disease.

Despite the superior security, you cannot determine the course of action yourself. Therapeutic exercises for sciatica, or rather the exercises included in the course, are selected depending on the degree of curvature and the nature of the damage to the musculoskeletal system. To make the right choice, it is necessary to use modern diagnostic methods; in most cases, radiography is sufficient, but sometimes a specialist may insist on performing a CT or MRI.

By providing an integrated approach to therapy, it is possible not only to relieve pain, but also to remove the influence of the causes that provoke it. During the period of intense manifestation of symptoms, they provide action. At this time, it is impossible to do without taking NSAIDs, so doctors recommend using different painkillers. For example, NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Voltaren, Meloxicam, Artrozan, Dikloberl), muscle relaxants (Sirdalud and Mydocalm), glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone), B vitamins (Milgamma, Combilipen) and novocaine blockades with the hormone.

Meloxicam is a new generation NSAID

Be sure to read this good article:

Be sure to read: TOP 30 exercises for pain in the shoulder blades: how to quickly remove pain with the help of gymnastics

TOP 10 methods for treating a pinched nerve in the lower back: ointments, injections and tablets, gymnastics, how to treat at home

After the end of the acute period, the intensity of pain decreases significantly. Due to impaired tissue nutrition, mobility is limited. For complete recovery, the body needs support, which is why physical therapy at home comes to the rescue.

To prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve from getting worse, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • acquaintance with the complex takes place under the supervision of a doctor;
  • exercises will be useful if performed regularly; at the initial stage, it is better to do exercises 2 times a day, normalizing the number of approaches;
  • The safest exercises are when lying on your back on a hard surface;
  • exercises in a standing position can only be performed by trained patients and to a limited extent;
  • During the period of intense manifestation of symptoms, it is better to avoid warming up, it can cause harm; drug treatment is sufficient.

Without regular exercise, the benefits of exercise therapy will be zero.
It is important to do exercises regularly. If after a hard day at work you don’t have the energy and time, you shouldn’t give up classes, because efficiency will be lost. It is better to give up a long session and perform several exercises from the complex.

Principles of treatment

To unblock the sciatic nerve, it is necessary to find out the cause of the situation. Depending on this, therapy will be prescribed.

For example, if the pinching is caused by a neoplasm, then treatment will consist of surgery.

As for medication, the first step is to relieve pain and inflammation, in this case NSAIDs and muscle relaxants will help.

To normalize metabolic processes in nerve cells, B vitamins are needed; in the acute stage they are prescribed intramuscularly, then they can be taken orally.

Electrophoresis, electromagnetic fields, ultraviolet light, various types of massage, paraffin, hydrotherapy - all this is physiotherapeutic therapy that will be aimed at relieving pain, inflammation and releasing the pinched nerve.

Non-traditional treatments include:

  • stone therapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • cauterization;
  • acupuncture;
  • other methods, of which there are currently a lot.

If we talk about folk recipes , then when the sciatic nerve is pinched, they use tincture of bay leaf, horse chestnut, spruce buds, bee products, etc.

Surgical treatment is indicated when conservative therapy is ineffective.

One of the methods for treating nerve entrapment is exercise therapy. This is an effective and extremely useful method that can be carried out both in specialized institutions and at home.

It allows not only to relieve pain, but also to prevent subsequent pinching, since by performing special exercises, a person strengthens the muscle layer.

In addition, blood flow to the affected area increases, cellular and tissue nutrition improves.

It must be said right away that only gymnastics will not help with a pinched nerve ; treatment must be comprehensive, especially in the acute period.

If the sciatic nerve is often pinched, then it is imperative to undergo a full diagnosis and thorough treatment.

Gymnastics for pinched sciatic nerve should be regular and systematic in the remission stage. But if there is no inflammatory process, then it relieves pain very well even during an exacerbation.

Before starting any treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Main contraindications

Only a doctor can tell you whether it is possible to do exercises in the presence of factors aggravating the pathology. The list of main contraindications to the use of the exercise therapy complex includes:

  • the presence of intervertebral hernias;
  • acute radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy.

In case of acute pain, you cannot perform a classic set of exercises.
At the stage of getting acquainted with the set of exercises, it is important not to take heavy loads. Excessive overexertion will certainly worsen the patient's condition and cause a serious attack of sciatica.

Attention! The contraindications described in the list should be considered as relative; if the execution mechanism is fully adjusted, the exercises will not cause harm to the victim’s body.

The most effective set of exercises for sciatica

There is a certain set of effective exercises to cope with sciatica pain. Such techniques, if performed correctly, can replace drug treatment.

To achieve effectiveness, they should be performed constantly, preferably 2 times a day, that is, in the morning after waking up and 2-3 hours before bedtime.

This complex is designed specifically for patients who want to get rid of pain and other symptoms with the help of exercise therapy. Before you start using the method, you should get additional advice from a specialist. In the acute phase of the disease, gymnastics can harm the body.

Some of the effective exercises for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

It is recommended to receive the load gradually. As the symptoms disappear, it should be increased; before this, you need to undergo an examination. You should start getting acquainted with the method with exercises performed while lying on your back:

  • starting position - lying down, bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest without extension, perform 10 times in 1 approach;
  • lying on your side, try to straighten your legs as much as possible, and then bend them and pull them to your chest, do this 10 times;
  • IP - lying on your stomach, place your palms near your shoulders, straighten your arms as much as possible and bend your back, directing your gaze upward, make a minimum delay in this position and return to the starting position, 5 executions are enough;
  • lying on your back, pull your feet towards your buttocks, raise your torso without lifting your shoulders from the floor, perform 10-15 times.

Beginners are recommended to start the exercises from a lying position.
It should be borne in mind that the last exercise is the gluteal bridge, during which the back of the thigh is greatly strained. Performing it is not as easy as it seems at first glance, therefore, during 1 training session it is better to exclude it from the list of necessary tasks. The basic rule is that gymnastics for sciatica must be accessible, the patient should not feel fatigue or pain after performing it.

The following activities should be performed while sitting on the floor:

  • the patient sits on the floor and stretches his legs in front of him, spreads his arms to the sides, trying to close his shoulder blades, such movements should be done smoothly, avoiding sudden jerks (10 repetitions);
  • in a sitting position, after inhaling, stretch your arms up, slowly lie on the floor and exhale, raise your legs to a right angle, without lifting your lower back from the floor to avoid stress on the spine;
  • sit on a chair and perform smooth turns of the body (it is important to use the lateral abdominal muscles);
  • while sitting on a chair, bend your torso (it is important to touch your chest to your knees).

Be sure to read: Pinched nerve in the back: 10 symptoms, 15 treatment methods (massage, medications, folk remedies)

The next stage of the exercises is performed in a sitting position

If after performing the complex the patient experiences pain and other signs of inflammation, you should consult a doctor and stop such training.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates that the recovery regimen is not proceeding according to the correct pattern; perhaps compression of the nerve has occurred and there is a risk of exacerbation. If it progresses normally, your health should improve after the first execution.

Exercises for the back in a standing position:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, try to relax and straighten your back, raise your right leg and tilt to the left, your arms should be placed parallel to the floor;
  • take a kneeling position, straighten each leg one by one, do 20 repetitions;
  • put your hands on your belt, lift each leg one by one (the range of movements is not important, you don’t have to stretch high);
  • Take a rider’s pose and alternately transfer your body weight to each leg (execution time – 1 minute).

Experienced patients can proceed to exercises in a standing position.
During the exercises of this complex, the hip joint is well worked out and the mobility of the intervertebral disc is restored, tension in the lumbar region is eliminated, and the spinal column is straightened.

Your doctor will tell you what exercises to do for lumbago and sciatica. Intervention in the recovery process occurring in the acute phase must be careful, otherwise the resulting harm will outweigh the expected benefit.

Pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Sometimes, at the end of pregnancy, a woman’s sciatica worsens due to prolonged stress; while waiting for the baby, it is not recommended to take strong drugs, so therapeutic exercises are the only way to relieve the pain.

Here are some exercises that will help the expectant mother:

Gymnastics for the lower back during pregnancy

  • Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor. Your knees should be positioned under your hips and your hands shoulder-width apart. Arch your lumbar region, stay in this position for a minute, then bend and also lock for a minute. Keep your head straight, do not tilt.
  • This exercise can also be performed while standing. Place your feet at hip level and extend your arms forward to maintain balance. Bend and bend your lumbar region, fixing the position of your body for a minute.
  • Place your foot on a low stool or step and very carefully reach your body towards your foot. If you do everything correctly, you will feel the hamstring muscles tighten. They need to be stretched slowly, so freeze in this position. The back should be straight, breathing should be even.

If sciatica occurs for the first time, then after giving birth you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo medical therapy. Published by

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Exercises in the acute period

Acute back pain or lumbago often occurs with sciatica. It has a shooting character. At this moment, performing complex physical exercises is prohibited. Some experts recommend abandoning the use of physical education altogether.

In the acute period, you should not perform intense exercises, otherwise you can greatly worsen the condition

Simple techniques help restore the necessary mobility and relieve discomfort. There are 3 simple methods:

  1. Stand near a horizontal surface, such as a low table or couch. Slowly lie down on it with your body and try to relax your lumbar spine. As you inhale, inflate your stomach as much as possible and hold the air for 5 seconds, and then slowly. Exhale completely. Repeat 3-5 times.
  2. Take a standing position on all fours, laying down a rug or mat. The neck should be relaxed, while the head should be lowered down. Take a maximum breath into your stomach, holding the air inside for 5 seconds. Perform the exercise about 10 times.
  3. Stand up straight and use the diaphragm breathing technique. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.

Gymnastics according to Sitel

Anatoly Sitel’s exercises are simple and safe, many of them can be performed even by a beginner. The following exercises are recommended:

  1. Movement pose for relaxation. The patient stands against the wall, touching it with his shoulder blades and heels, with his arms raised above his head. Gradually you need to focus on your hands, they should slowly lower.
  2. Stand with your back to the wall and raise your leg, bending it to an angle of 90 degrees. Hold the limb in this position for about 20 seconds. Then repeat the exercise on the second leg.
  3. Bends forward and backward, with maximum amplitude. The exercise is performed at a free pace, the rhythm increases gradually. It is enough to do 15 times.
  4. To relax the lateral muscles of the back, bend to the side. The patient should stay in this position for 15-20 seconds, and then return to the starting position, taking a break.
  5. Exercise in the knee-elbow position will help relieve pain in the thoracic spine. As you inhale, you need to tense your back muscles, and as you exhale, completely relax them.

Anatoly Sitel does not recommend gymnastics using his method for patients with severe neurological disorders. Before you start exercising, you should consult a doctor, he will show you how to properly relieve stress and not cause harm to your own health. The video presents the basic exercises and describes the required frequency of approaches.

Video: A. Sitel: therapeutic poses and movements for pain in the spine

Exercises according to Bubnovsky

Gymnastics at the Bubnovsky House can only be performed by patients who have a sufficient level of physical fitness. The exercises suggested by the doctor are simple only at first glance. Difficulties often arise when performing them. The list of recommended ones includes:

  • get on all fours, arch your back as you inhale and relax as you exhale;
  • bending forward, it is important to do it slowly to avoid muscle strain;
  • exercise corner - bend your legs at the knees, put your hands behind your head, pump your abs, touching your elbows to your knees;
  • rotation of the hips (will help increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs);
  • while standing on all fours, swing backwards with each leg in turn;
  • push-ups (no more than 5 times), if the exercise is difficult to do, you should abandon it.

Be sure to read: TOP 20 effective exercises for lower back pain at home, quick pain relief

Such exercises are performed not only to treat sciatica, but also to prevent it. Simple tasks help relax muscles and tone them.

Attention! It is possible to get rid of sciatica pain forever at home. Many experts recommend practicing yoga.

Video: a set of pain-relieving exercises for acute back pain according to Bubnovsky

Alternative therapy methods

Prevention and treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is carried out using alternative therapy methods.

Acupuncture is a relaxing procedure that increases the tone of the body and improves metabolic processes in tissues. The preventive course helps to relax the back muscles and improve blood flow in the pelvic organs. Regular sessions will help prevent the development of inflammation in the lower back and pelvic area.

Manual therapy is aimed at restoring the motor functions of the joints and spine. The effectiveness of the preventive method is felt after the first sessions, and the therapeutic effect lasts for six months.

Therapeutic massage sessions relieve back and lower back pain, improve blood flow and promote muscle relaxation. With regular exercise, the muscle fibers responsible for supporting the spine are strengthened.

Yoga for sciatica

Yoga is often used as a folk remedy for back pain, but you need to understand that sciatica may be a contraindication for introducing the practice. In this case, you should achieve a relapse of the sciatic nerve pathology, and then resort to exercises.

Recommended poses:

  1. Child's pose. Get on your knees and sit on your heels. Try to stretch your spine as much as possible by stretching your arms forward.
  2. Downward facing dog pose. Take the starting plank position and lift your pelvis up. The back should form an acute angle with the body.
  3. Butterfly. Sit down and straighten your back, stretch your legs forward. Bend your right leg at the knee and place it on top. The foot should remain motionless. Hold the pose for 40 seconds.
  4. Walking in place at a measured pace.

Attention! If a patient has neuralgia, yoga is the best helper. The simple practice is more than 2000 thousand years old, but it does not lose popularity.

Video: yoga therapy for pinched sciatic nerve

Exercises from a lying position

The first complex is simple exercises that are performed in a lying position, without much stress on the body. Nevertheless, they allow you to relieve not only nervous tension, but also muscle tension.

It is better to perform exercises when the sciatic nerve is pinched in the buttock or in another part of the body on a flat and hard surface. Ideally, use a special gymnastics board for practicing.

Starting position - lying on your back, legs straight, brought together.


Types of massage

Massage will help enhance the effectiveness of exercise for sciatica. There are several techniques, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Classic manual massage. Can be used during periods of exacerbation of the inflammatory process. It helps warm up the affected area and speed up blood flow. Relief appears after 1 session.
  2. Vacuum massage. The technique is known as cupping. The main goal of the practice is to restore lymph flow. With constant use, discomfort is eliminated and blood circulation is normalized.

    Vacuum massage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve will relieve spasms and severe pain after the first session

  3. Acupressure. Elimination is achieved by applying correct pressure to special points. The patient himself can master and apply this technique.
  4. Honey. A rather painful, but effective method that allows you to return normal mobility during an exacerbation in just 1 session.

Before treating a disease with massage and physical therapy methods, you should consult a doctor. Such physical therapy tools are often used as additional methods of recovery, but cannot be considered as primary ones.

Video: Unblocking the sciatic nerve. Two effective exercises for pinching. Sciatica. Sciatic nerve

Gymnastic exercises for sciatica of the sciatic nerve will benefit the patient’s body if performed regularly. The patient must understand that selecting a complex on their own is unwise; there is a risk of worsening their own well-being.

Pain, inflammation and other symptoms of the disease cannot disappear immediately after the first exercise complex. To achieve lasting results, the recovery process must be monitored by a doctor; over time, the load may change and increase.

Therapeutic exercises can aggravate the patient’s situation, so you need to sensibly assess your well-being and abilities. Simple yoga poses are suitable for people with poor physical fitness. They will help speed up the process of treating the back and relieve the victim of pain and lumbago due to sciatica.

Which of the following treatment methods, in your opinion, is the most effective? Share in the comments!

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