Pathologies and therapy
Causes of the disease Classification of cochlear neuritis Because of its occurrence, cochlear neuritis in otolaryngology is classified into
If the ulnar nerve is affected, the mobility of the hand and its sensitivity decrease or completely disappear.
What provokes an epileptic attack after a stroke? Relatively recently, WHO announced a trend towards gradual
ACVA ICD 10 code is a classification on the basis of which the most accurate diagnosis is made
Slava Profina 07/25/2018 no comments 0 Visiting a doctor is not the most pleasant pastime, especially During sleep, the body restores strength and internal reserves, rests and relaxes. Without The vessels of the scalp are very sensitive to changes in the body; they can react to
Tuberculous meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Our expert in this field:
Lesions in the white matter of the brain are areas of damage to brain tissue, accompanied by a violation
Multiple sclerosis: causes The exact causes of the disease are not clear, but there are a number of factors that