What to do if the left side of your head hurts

Clinical picture

More often, point pain in the head is localized in a specific area of ​​the skull.
Rarely does it have a wandering character. This headache can radiate to the ears, face, and eyes. Its intensity varies. But it is poorly tolerated: patients can lose their legal capacity during the onset of an attack, which lasts 1-10 seconds.

Scientists have not figured out why point headaches appear. Doctors established only the exact symptoms of the attack:

  1. headache is characterized by a stabbing blow or several blows in one place;
  2. most often felt in the area where the trigeminal nerve is located;
  3. appears within 1-2 seconds and can recur several times a day.

Scientists have established that if one point on the left or right of the head hurts, there is no pathological condition in the patient’s body.

Such a clinic is not observed in pathologies of internal organs. Therefore, headache point pain is considered primary.

Secondary manifestations of the syndrome are the causes of traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer.

To make an accurate diagnosis and find out why it hurts in one point of the head, the doctor studies the history of symptoms and associated pathologies.

Many patients complain of frequent pain at the point, which is associated with migraine. Patients indicate that the syndrome is stabbing in nature, located on the left or right of the head in the temple, or behind the eye.

Sometimes the pain syndrome is accompanied by dizziness, sudden nausea, lacrimation, and spots before the eyes.

Such a clinic is considered an exception to the “gold standard”. Doctors have found that the above-described condition can occur or worsen due to exposure to bright light, movement and stress.

Localization of pain

Even if an unpleasant sensation appears on one side of the head, the doctor must accurately indicate the location, which is quite difficult to determine.

If this is not detected, then the pain in the head can become chronic.

According to localization, pain on the left side of the head can be as follows:

  • In the frontal region. As a rule, a person experiences discomfort for no reason and quite sharply, above the eyebrow area. Patients often suffer from drafts, and the discomfort increases with the slightest physical exertion.
  • In the temporal region. On the left, the symptom rarely appears, but it may be that the sensations become stronger if you press on the temples. This condition is provoked by osteochondrosis and is not accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting or nausea, as with migraine. During sleep, the sensations do not go away, and it becomes difficult to fall asleep, which causes disruption of normal sleep.
  • In the crown area. Discomfort occurs quickly and very often. In this area of ​​the head on the left side there are many nerves, due to the high pressure a shooting pain begins.
  • In the back of the head. In this part, a person experiences seizures when quickly bending over or turning his head. In addition, the syndrome can be not only on the left, but also on the right. If you touch the back of the head, the lumbago becomes stronger. Such attacks are often localized behind the ears, but can spread to the entire back of the head or neck. The problem appears as a result of being in one position for a long time, as well as from a draft.

In some cases, the left side may shoot as a result of teeth that hurt.

In this case, the syndrome only becomes stronger if you start eating anything or just lying down.

Another possible cause of lumbago could be otitis media and other inflammatory processes in the ears.

Inflammation can radiate to any part of the head, especially to the forehead and back of the head.

Signs of headache in one point

Usually people complain that the headache in one point is extremely sharp, with significant intensity . The sensations can be extremely unpleasant, the pain seems unbearable. Sometimes the pain is wandering, but more often it is localized in one place.

A person feels a sharp pulsation in the left temple, a feeling of strong discomfort in the eye sockets, as if fingers are pressing there with all their might. Characterized by shooting pain behind the ear, in the ear canal.

The pain varies in intensity, but people note that such sensations instantly take them out of their normal state. They become literally incapacitated because the body concentrates on unpleasant sensations, and forces are expended on fighting them and overcoming pain.

This is not easy because the headache hurts so much that the person wants to scream. Attacks of such severe headaches last a couple of seconds. Sometimes the attack drags on for 10-15 seconds, after which the patient already feels completely exhausted.

First aid and prevention

If there is a strong pulsation or shooting on the left side of the head, radiating to the frontal part, ear or eye, then it is best to call an ambulance, especially when the symptoms occur constantly.

To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Initially, you need to relax and lie down for a while, perhaps the reason is overwork, then it is best to sleep so that the body can rest.
  2. To improve the condition, you can do a light massage of the head, frontal area, as well as massage your back and neck.
  3. You can apply a compress to the forehead area using cold water and a towel.
  4. Some people find it helpful to take a contrast shower. This method can be used every day to prevent attacks on the left side of the head, as well as to strengthen blood vessels.
  5. It is recommended to use essential oils, but you need to understand if you are allergic to certain scents. Treatment can be carried out using lavender, pine needles, and citrus oil.
  6. Citrus zest and mashed cabbage leaves work great. They are placed on the temples, in the forehead area and after 10-20 minutes the discomfort should go away.
  7. To obtain large amounts of oxygen, breathing exercises are performed. This allows you to enrich the body with oxygen and the headache on the left side may go away.
  8. If the causes of the syndromes are low blood pressure, then for relief you need to brew strong tea or coffee; after drinking the drink, improvement occurs.
  9. It is recommended to get rid of loud music and sounds, and also turn off the lights.
  10. Medicine will help with headache spasms on the left side of the brain. It should be used as a last resort, and for this it is recommended to use Nurofen or Spazmalgon.

Of course, there is no need to treat yourself, since the causes can be very serious, and stopping attacks in the forehead or left side of the head can only worsen the condition.

If pulsation and pain occur, you can try to relieve the symptom without medications. To do this, use the following manipulations:

  • Walk in the fresh air at a slow pace. Sleeping in the fresh air, for example, in a hammock, has a positive effect.
  • Compress on the back of the head. Both high and low temperatures can be used depending on the patient's condition.
  • Foot baths. It is good to use infusions with soothing herbs, for example, herbal infusion No. 2.
  • Drink tea with soothing herbs.

If non-medicinal measures do not help, you can take an analgesic.

Preventive measures to help avoid unpleasant symptoms:

  • Slowly reduce caffeine intake in your diet.
  • Quitting bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.
  • Exclusion from the diet of spicy foods with a lot of spices. Reduce consumption of chicken liver, nuts, red wine, bacon, cheese and yogurt.

These products contain substances that cause headaches.

  • Organize your sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time.
  • Do light warm-up or exercise in the morning.
  • When working at a computer, take a break every 30–40 minutes.

People suffering from such ailment need to remember that painkillers only relieve the symptom. They do not have a positive effect on the disease itself. Self-medication can significantly worsen the condition. At the first manifestation of pulsation, you need to consult a doctor and undergo diagnostics. Timely detection of the disease is the key to successful treatment.

Types of discomfort

The head in the left hemisphere can hurt in different ways, and depending on the type of illness, the origin of the discomfort and discomfort can be diagnosed. It is necessary to take the issue of treatment seriously.

Throbbing pain

If it pulsates on the left side of the head, such as the left frontal area or behind the left ear, it indicates a migraine. It is accompanied by nausea, intolerance to loud sounds and bright light.

Sometimes during attacks the skin may become swollen and painful, and the eyes may become watery. In this case, the unpleasant sensations intensify when pressed, the sense of smell is distorted - it can smell like rotten meat or stale linen.

A severe headache, felt as a pulsation in the left temporal lobe, and accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, is a sign of hypertension. Constant pulsation in the left part of the occipital sector, which radiates to the ear and temples, as well as the front left part of the head, indicates vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Strong pulsation with the addition of tinnitus, which causes neck pain and loss of coordination, indicates cervical osteochondrosis. There is a tingling sensation.


Each specific disease is characterized by its own signs of the pathological process. Based on the root cause, the syndrome in the head will be present against the background of other clinical manifestations, including:

  • arterial hypertension (manifests in the occipital region): headaches, dizziness, chills, facial flushing, increased heart rate, increased sweating; in severe and advanced cases, the syndrome is accompanied by blood from the nose;
  • osteochondrosis of the neck (in the occipital region): stiffness in the cervical and shoulder regions, convulsions, violation of the work and rest schedule, pain in the affected area, ringing in the ears;
  • migraine (right or left side of the head): nausea, photophobia, visual impairment, dizziness;
  • trigeminal neuralgia (left or right side of the head): impaired sensitivity in the area of ​​the lips, nose, chin, redness of the face, increased tear and salivation;
  • VSD (pulsation in the left or right temple): increased sweating, anxiety, tremors, redness of the face, sometimes the pathology is characterized by nausea and vomiting;
  • increased intracranial pressure (frontal part): convulsive syndrome, disturbance of the visual system and consciousness.

Features of pathology treatment

If the left side of the head hurts, and the discomfort is sharp, repeated frequently and radiates to other parts of the skull, the patient requires medical attention:

  • If the cause of discomfort is an infectious disease of the throat, ear or nose, then you should consult an otolaryngologist. He will prescribe antiviral, vasoconstrictor, and antipyretic drugs. In addition, the patient may also be prescribed to wash the affected organ with a medicine or herbal decoction. After the inflammatory process goes away, the headache will also disappear.
  • Cold or cramped muscles can be warmed up using mustard plasters, an ointment with a warming effect. In addition, drug injections and physical therapy may be prescribed.
  • Since dental disease can provoke a pathological condition, in this case it is better to consult a dentist. The disease is unlikely to go away on its own, so it is better not to delay this visit.

  • For spinal injuries or diseases of the skeletal system, it is better to consult an osteopath. Here, in addition to painkillers, you will need massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy. Thanks to this treatment, it is possible to improve blood circulation in tissues and normalize metabolic processes in them.
  • To treat migraines that affect the left hemisphere, you should not use conventional painkillers, as they are useless. We need drugs that can regulate vascular tone - they are called triptans.
  • If there is a suspicion of the presence of a tumor, then it is necessary to undergo a thorough instrumental examination, as well as consult with a neurosurgeon, neurologist, and neurologist.
  • Psychogenic headache, which is localized in the left hemisphere, does not require special drug treatment. A psychologist or psychotherapist can help.

The most common medications that help get rid of headaches on the left side are: Askofen, Ibuprofen, Spazmalgon, Nise, Tempalgin, Ketanov.


First aid! These are standard medications. Analgesics and antispasmodics are suitable. Experts recommend citramon, aspirin, analgin, ibuprofren, tampalgin, nimesulide and others containing paracetamol.

Attention! Frequent use of painkillers is unacceptable! Uncontrolled use of pills leads to disruption of the brain and cardiovascular systems. Doing this all the time is prohibited! If there is no result, you must seek the help of a doctor.

Silence, warmth and darkness are helpful for headaches. Avoid places with loud music, bright lighting and cold.

To relieve attacks, it is advisable to adopt folk remedies and the healing properties of medicinal herbs. Teas made from peppermint, rosemary, chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, oregano with the addition of lemon juice will help.

It is necessary to eliminate mental stress.

The recipe for making tinctures is simple. A tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Take 3 times a day before meals.

A good way to eliminate unpleasant sensations is massage and, as an option, self-massage. Using your fingertips, massage the left side of your head, temple. It is necessary to start from the place of local pain, gradually covering the entire area of ​​the head.

Wet, cool vinegar compresses will relieve acute attacks. Compresses made from white cabbage leaves and citrus fruits will also help.

Relief will come from rubbing mint and eucalyptus oils into the temple area.

Aromatherapy - inhalation of substances with a soothing scent (lavender, mint, rose, pine). This significantly reduces pain and brings calm to the nervous system.

A warm bath will improve blood circulation and tone the body. A contrast shower can also solve these problems.

A warm towel, heated by an iron or on a radiator, pulled tightly over the head will ease suffering.

Cluster headache

A rarer and more complex manifestation of point headache is cluster cephalgia, also called cluster, histamine or Horton's. It is characterized by high intensity and duration of attacks, manifested in the following symptoms:

  • unilateral pain localized in the area of ​​the temporal artery;
  • during an acute attack, the temporal artery becomes painful, pulsates and swells;
  • bundle cephalgia develops during the day and at night, and in the latter case the pain intensity is so high that the person wakes up;
  • the duration of the attack ranges from several minutes to several hours, while the pain can bother the patient for several months, after which it disappears for a long time;
  • the appearance of symptoms characteristic of histamine headache: swelling of the nasopharynx and mucous discharge, difficulty breathing, lacrimation, constriction of the pupils and redness of the eyes.

There can be several causes of headaches:

  • brain tumors of various origins;
  • aneurysms;
  • abscesses and hematomas;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • taking vasodilators (for example, nitroglycerin) or histamine.

Depending on the factors causing cluster headaches, the following types of treatment are distinguished:

  1. Relief of acute pain. To do this, the patient may be prescribed intravenous injections of triptan drugs, an oxygen pressure chamber, and pain-blocking drugs (for example, lidocaine).
  2. Prevention of the development of acute attacks of histamine pain. They use glucocorthyroid hormones, nootropic drugs, avoid alcohol and vasodilators, and also ensure proper sleep and rest.
  3. Surgical intervention. Prescribed in cases where other types of treatment are ineffective or the patient is in mortal danger. Treatment can be aimed at removing the source of pain (tumors and hematomas), neurostimulating the nerve endings of the cerebral cortex.

Seven main causes of left-sided cephalalgia

Occipital neuralgia

This type of headache occurs due to irritation or pinched nerves at the base of the skull, which is caused by injury, herniated discs, or brain tumors. The pain in this case is described as throbbing, shooting, stabbing, of high intensity, localized on the left. Some patients also note increased sensitivity of the scalp on the left side and intolerance to light. This pain is very intense, but not life-threatening.

Occipital neuralgia occurs due to pinched nerves at the base of the skull

Treatment is based on the use of ointments or gels applied to the neck area, massage, rest in a quiet environment and taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen. If necessary, the doctor prescribes stronger analgesics, as well as muscle relaxants and anticonvulsants. Other treatment options include novocaine blockades and injections of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgery is rarely required.


This disease is one of the common causes of severe, debilitating headaches in the left side of the head. As with occipital neuralgia, the pain of migraines is high-intensity but is described as throbbing or pounding. May be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to light, and even loss of coordination. In some patients, migraine paroxysm is preceded by an aura: it appears a few minutes before the onset of the attack and presents various visual disturbances: colored or flashing lights, blind spots, wavy lines, and tingling in the limbs. The attack lasts from 4 to 72 hours, and sometimes longer. Patients suffering from even recurrent migraine attacks should receive preventative treatment and visit their doctor regularly to minimize the impact of the disease on quality of life.

A migraine headache is throbbing and pressing, usually lasting more than 4 hours

Treatment for pain on the left side of the head caused by migraine includes rest, muscle relaxation exercises, adequate sleep and exercise. Such patients are recommended to keep a so-called headache diary, which allows them to track what factors provoke migraine attacks: eliminating these factors can significantly reduce the number of exacerbations. Ibuprofen and naproxen can reduce pain, but do not completely stop it, so prescription painkillers are needed - opioids (hydrocodone), or the steroid drug dexamethasone. Those who suffer from chronic migraines are prescribed medications whose action is aimed at preventing the development of an attack: drugs that stabilize blood pressure, anticonvulsants, antiemetics, triptans.

Brain tumors

The main reason for fear when a headache occurs is a suspicion of brain cancer. The skull is quite compact and there is no extra space in it, so when the tumor in the left hemisphere reaches a certain size, the pressure inside the skull and on neighboring tissues increases. This leads to cephalalgia and neurological symptoms such as weakness, motor dysfunction, and speech disorders.

With a brain tumor, pain occurs because pressure increases inside the skull and on other tissues

Treatment of a tumor is a complex process, depending on its size, location and type. Some areas of the left hemisphere brain are more accessible to traditional surgery than others. In combination with surgical methods, radiation therapy and radiosurgery, as well as chemotherapy, are used.


A stroke is a vascular accident when the flow of blood in the brain, in the left or right hemisphere, is blocked by a blood clot. As a result, part of the brain is deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Symptoms include headache, which can be localized to any part of the head, not just the affected side. In this case, general weakness develops, numbness in parts of the body, slurred speech is possible, and in some cases a stroke can lead to death. But even this dangerous disease can be prevented if you change your lifestyle: lose excess weight, exercise, limit the consumption of alcohol and junk food. Due to the increased risk of stroke, patients with diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar levels and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Giant cell or temporal arteritis

This disease often manifests itself as a headache, and its cause is inflammation of the wall of a blood vessel. Symptoms include severe headache, jaw soreness while eating, scalp tenderness, low-grade fever and blurred vision. If left untreated, temporal arteritis can progress to complete blindness.

The prognosis (subject to treatment) is favorable. Therapy for giant cell arteritis is based on the use of corticosteroid drugs.

Tension headache

About 50% of the adult population experiences at least one episode of such pain during the year. It can be the result of stress, visual fatigue, insufficient sleep, or skipping meals. Incorrect posture, an uncomfortable desk or chair, resulting in prolonged muscle strain, contribute to the occurrence of tension-type headache.

Most describe the symptoms of TTH as a feeling like a tight band around the head. Pain in the left side of the neck and shoulder can also be a symptom of a tension headache.

Tension headaches are relieved by muscle relaxation, massage and posture correction

Treatment consists of teaching the patient muscle relaxation, prescribing a course of massage and posture correction. Regular pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, can be used to relieve symptoms.

Cluster headache

This is a hereditary disease, and men are affected 4 times more often than women, and attacks occur daily for several days. Pain in the left side of the head occurs a couple of hours after falling asleep, is burning in nature, lasts two hours or more, and is accompanied by redness of the eyes, runny nose, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids. More often it is one-sided: the headache hurts on the right or left. Provoking factors: physical activity, bright light, hot weather, climbing to high altitudes, smoking, alcohol or drug abuse.

The process of pain sensation

Smooth fibers are the building material for artery walls. They promote ideal blood supply to tissues and organs. If there is damage to the structure of blood vessels (mechanical or regulatory), the procedure for their narrowing and dilation is disrupted. Excessive stress leads to seizures and spasms. This results in insufficient saturation of tissues with blood, lack of oxygen and micronutrients. This condition entails severe stabbing pain in the left side of the head: knocking and jolting in the back of the head, frontal part, beating in the temples, noises behind the ear. The general activity of blood vessels is regulated by the autonomic division of the central nervous system. It follows that frequent pain is a signal of a problem.

Diagnostics is a sure way to calm yourself down.

Diagnostics. 10 "ifs":

  1. If acute attacks are felt in the area of ​​the left temple, eye, forehead, back of the head, or the entire left side pulsates with slight movement, conversation, or bright light, then most likely it is a migraine. This is the name of a neurological disease with regular or episodic severe and painful attacks of headache in one half, deterioration of the general condition of the blood vessels of the brain, namely, the left hemisphere. Worldwide, more than 10% of people suffer from this. The risk group consists of patients from 12 to 30 years old. Impaired vision clarity, dark circles before the eyes, stars, nausea, vomiting, unnatural sweating, and a high degree of irritability appear. The crisis lasts several hours. Then an irresistible feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, and lethargy arises. With frequent manifestations of migraine, experts even note loss of ability to work.
  2. If a throbbing headache occurs in the middle and end of the working day, then most likely it is cervical osteochondrosis. A complex of dystrophic disorders in the cartilage tissue of joints. Due to the accumulation of calcium salts in the spine, the cervical artery is compressed. As a result, the cyclical process of blood circulation breaks down. Lack of blood circulation and oxygen starvation of the cerebral cortex leads to aching and sometimes nagging pain. Possible pulsations in the temporal part. There are frequent cases of numbness and tingling of the fingertips, nausea and even bouts of vomiting. Experts associate the development of the disease with a predisposition to genetic diseases, poor diet, increased physical activity, inactivity, poor posture, and excess weight. In recent years, osteochondrosis has become significantly younger. The disease affects an increasing number of people up to 30.
  3. If the pain occurs some time before the onset of rain or snow, or strong gusts of wind, then most likely it is meteosensitivity. Painful dependence of the physiological state of the body and its reaction to certain changes in the weather and other environmental factors. Impacts include fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, cloud cover, the strength and direction of wind gusts, and sudden changes in temperature. May occur with climate change. It makes itself felt more often in the winter-spring and autumn-winter periods. People over 40, residents of megacities, and patients with varying degrees of injuries are more susceptible to weather sensitivity. If a person is dependent on weather conditions, the left side of the head and neck may hurt, and the teeth and jaw may ache. The pain is not very sharp, but is quite long-lasting. Associated phenomena include drowsiness, loss of strength, a feeling of heaviness throughout the body, changes in heart rate, and mood instability.
  4. If an excruciating pain in the head persists in the morning and has a shooting direction, then most likely it is arterial hypertension. A sustained increase in blood pressure over a long period of time.

Main and secondary reasons

The reasons that contribute to the occurrence of pulsation syndrome and pain in the head, as a rule, are related to a specific pathology.

Among the most common such pathologies are the development of the following:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. VSD.
  3. Osteochondrosis of the neck.
  4. Vascular pathologies.
  5. Diseases of ENT organs.
  6. Pathologies of the visual system.
  7. Psychological or mental disorder.

High blood pressure (hypertension)

The feeling of pulsation and noise in the head is one of the signs of hypertension, characterized by high blood pressure.

There is a narrowing of blood vessels and poor circulation, which causes a characteristic syndrome in the head and ears.

Severely increased pressure causes headaches in the occipital region.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

The disease is caused by a violation of the regulation of vascular tone in the central nervous system. With dystonia, the level of pressure changes (an increase is observed), spastic syndrome in the vessels.

The discrepancy between the flow and flow of blood from the brain is the source of an unpleasant sensation in the head area. The disease has a primary or secondary etiology.


The disease is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms that occur both in the affected area and in other areas - the head, ears, etc.

There is a decrease in the intervertebral distance, compression of the vessels that are responsible for the flow of blood to the head. If the latter process is disrupted, characteristic pulsation and pain occur.

Vascular diseases

In atherosclerosis, the lesion involves the internal arterial wall, which, narrowing, forms an atherosclerotic plaque in its space.

If a narrowing of more than 50% occurs, this contributes to insufficient blood flow into the vessels of the brain and characteristic symptoms.

Inflammation in the arteries of the head is called arteritis. Occurs against the background of injury or surgery. Less commonly, it has an autoimmune etiology.

The acute course of the pathology is characterized by severe throbbing pain in the head and general weakness.

A vessel aneurysm occurs with protrusion of its wall and its severe depletion. It is important to avoid pressure drops and head trauma to prevent cerebral rupture and bleeding.

A small aneurysm occurs with the only manifestation – throbbing pain in the head.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Pulsation in the ears and head is a clinical manifestation that indicates the presence of a foreign object (for example, wax plug) in the ear canal.

Among the diseases that cause pulsation are various inflammatory processes: otitis media, eustachitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.

Visual impairment

Not many people know that pathologies of the visual system can also cause noise, pulsating manifestations, and pain.

Incorrectly chosen glasses or lenses, for example, contribute to eye and brain overstrain.

The latter, present on a constant basis, in combination with mental work, becomes a source of unpleasant sensation.

Presence of a psychological or mental disorder

Systematic stress, nervous overstrain, lack of sleep, supplemented by poor nutrition and inadequate rest, increase the risk of exhaustion of the nervous system and the development of related diseases.

Neurasthenia is one of them, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. increased fatigue;
  2. violation of the work and rest regime;
  3. increased irritability;
  4. impaired concentration and memory;
  5. pressing headaches;
  6. pulsation and noise in the head and ears.

The clinical manifestation often occurs in schizophrenia.

Negative factors that cause headaches

At least once in his life, an absolutely healthy person had a headache. From hunger, fatigue, unequal stress. One-sided pain can be caused by external factors - external influences on the human body. Painful sensations can be provoked by a person’s lifestyle and the conditions in which he is forced to work.

Incorrect sitting posture

Sometimes at school you can see the following picture: a high school student who decided to “look like an adult” sits sideways at her desk. At the same time, she crosses her legs and can place her foot on her toe, rather than placing it completely on the floor. The girl writes in this position in class all day. By evening, the child begins to have a headache. Most often - on the left. Why?

By taking an uncomfortable position, a person harms his body:

  • Due to muscle tension, the left side, neck, and shoulder girdle begins to numb.
  • Since you have to write a lot during the day, the load on the right side increases.
  • The blood vessels in the legs are pinched.
  • Feet that are not fully flat on the floor also become overexerted.

voltage. The headache starts on the left side, since most of the load falls on the right muscle group. Adults also experience similar problems if they sit at a table that is too low or high, on an uncomfortable chair, or cannot rest their elbows on a comfortable surface.

Features of the profession

Do you have a non-sedentary job and, on the contrary, do you exert a lot of physical effort during the day? And if the left side of the head hurts, what could it be? Not only office workers who are in a static position all day are susceptible to discomfort. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by:

  • Monotonous, monotonous movements (for example, working on a conveyor belt: took a can, closed the lid, turned around, took the next can).
  • High mental stress. Teachers and kindergarten teachers suffer from discomfort. A headache can plague a responsible leader.
  • Strong physical activity. Loaders and tile layers who carry heavy loads for long hours may also suffer from pain.

Most often discomfort appears in the evening. If the patient gets enough sleep and rest, the discomfort goes away faster.

Meteor dependence

As soon as it gets cold outside, the atmospheric pressure drops or rises, a person starts to get a headache. Weather-dependent patients also experience other symptoms:

  • Insomnia.
  • Nausea.
  • General weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Joint pain.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It is people suffering from chronic diseases who are most often susceptible to weather dependence. The appearance of headaches is seasonal, most often observed in spring or autumn.

Stress, depression, nervous tension

The reason that the left side of the head hurts may be stress or constant nervous tension. In this case, the nature of the pain:

  • throbbing;
  • compressive;
  • bursting.

Discomfort is localized only in one point of the head. Nerve pain can appear in the morning, during the day, and intensify in the evening.

Improper dental care

Diseases of the oral cavity, upper and lower jaw can provoke headaches. Since toothache causes irritation of the trigeminal nerve, the pain moves to the head. An incorrect bite can also cause discomfort. The patient complains of additional symptoms:

  • clicking when closing the jaw;
  • dull pain in the ear;
  • pain in the temple on one side.

Discomfort can torment a person for hours, intensifying in the evening, sometimes not going away for days.

Head injuries

After a skull fracture, head or neck contusion, or a concussion, a person may be left with a complication in the form of periodic headaches.

The headache is on the left side of the head if it is in this place that the brain was damaged, blood vessels were destroyed, or hemorrhage occurred in the gray matter. Post-traumatic pain can be acute or chronic. Patients may complain of throbbing, pressing pain, or boring sensations. Discomfort that appears in one part of the skull gradually spreads to the entire head.

Why do you feel tingling in your head?

To be healthy, you need to learn to understand your body language in a timely manner, and most importantly, respond adequately to the messages your brain sends.

The human body is a single mechanism, the order of which is controlled by the brain. He senses the emergence of health problems and reacts to them, giving signals to action.

Sometimes the headache feels like a thousand stuck needles

Therefore, tingling in the head can be associated with various diseases:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system. First of all, it is worth measuring and paying attention to general and intracranial pressure. Its changes, increased, decreased values ​​lead to tingling in the head and may be a consequence of the development of dystonia, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis;
  2. Infectious and inflammatory. All negative processes occurring in the head receive quick responses, manifested through brain activity in the form of pain. Therefore, inflammation and infections in the ears, nose, mouth, eyes, and throat often cause headache attacks. It is important to understand that if tingling in the head intensifies and becomes regular, then brain damage due to encephalitis or meningitis is possible;
  3. Poisoning through the digestive system, respiratory tract, skin. The cause may be food, alcohol or chemicals;
  4. Oncology. The appearance of malignant and benign formations in the brain can be triggered by head injuries, hereditary predisposition, and exposure to radiation.

Interesting: Throbbing headache in the temples: diseases and treatment

Diseases are identified by characteristic symptoms. Based on them, a presumptive diagnosis is made, which is confirmed during an examination using specialized medical equipment, and treatment is prescribed. This approach to solving the problem allows you to get rid of tingling in the head and prevent the development of diseases signaled by the brain.

Cervical osteochondrosis

When the tingling in the head is focused on the back of the head and is reflected by spreading pain in the neck, then you should pay attention to the condition of the cervical vertebrae. They are highly susceptible to deformation and dystrophic processes due to their structural and physiological features.

When people mastered upright walking, extra loads began to act on the spine. They lead to curvature, displacement and destruction of the vertebrae.

Tingling in the head becomes especially severe if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle and abuses bad habits.

Osteochondrosis affects the nerve endings of the joints, but most often it manifests itself in the intervertebral discs in the neck. If left untreated, blood circulation in the head is disrupted and nerve endings are pinched due to displacement of the vertebrae. This leads to disruption of the nervous system and blood circulation in the brain, which contributes to the appearance of:

  • Heaviness in the back of the head and attacks of acute stabbing pain in the head. If left untreated, painful symptoms become more frequent and spread to the back and shoulders.
  • Tingling throughout the body and numbness in the limbs.
  • Dizziness and extraneous sounds in the ears.
  • Impaired coordination of movements when walking.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a common cause of tingling in the back of the head.
A neurologist will help the patient to prevent complications from cervical osteochondrosis and prevent tingling in the head. To diagnose and detail the pathology, radiography, computed tomography and MRI are used.

Interesting: Point pain in the head on the left or right: causes and treatment

Vegetovascular dystonia

Disturbances in the functioning of the part of the nervous system, which is responsible for the functionality of individual organs and the entire body, threaten a person with the acquisition of dangerous diseases. Among them, mental disorders pose a particular danger. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) connects the brain with the spinal cord, through which all organs are controlled.

Any malfunction of the ANS affects the functional capabilities of the brain. Therefore, with dystonia, a person may experience syndromes characteristic of disorders in brain activity, such as panic attacks, tremors, insomnia against a background of drowsiness, rapid heartbeat, and a constant feeling of fear.

To prevent the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, you need to pay attention not only to acute stabbing pain in the head, but also to minor tingling and periodic excessive pulsation of blood vessels. With such symptoms, it is advisable to carry out prevention:

  1. Stop drinking alcohol, smoking, taking psychotropic drugs;
  2. Minimize the likelihood of getting into stressful situations;
  3. Reduce physical activity;
  4. Provide the body with proper rest;
  5. Consult a doctor regarding infectious diseases and brain injuries.


The above diseases contribute to the development of chronic headaches. Over time, the attacks become more severe, even to the point of loss of ability to work, and become regular. They are repeated at intervals of 2 to 8 times a month. There are attacks that are daily. But the first signs of an impending migraine are tingling sensations in the head.

The appearance of this symptom should be taken seriously. It is advisable to switch to a healthy lifestyle and consult a doctor.

Occipital neuralgia

With the development of osteochondrosis, swelling, swelling and infectious diseases in the neck, the appearance of stabbing occipital pain in the head may be evidence of damage to the nerve fibers.

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This is how occipital neuralgia develops, which leads to nausea, numbness and loss of sensation in the hands. This disease tends to progress, affecting new areas of the nervous system.

Eye diseases

Overstraining the muscles of the eyeballs and lenses tires the brain. It signals the need for rest with tingling sensations in the frontal area.

Tingling occurs when the eye muscles tense for a long time while working at the computer.

If a person does not listen to the body’s signals and continues to strain his eyesight by working at a computer or reading a book, then the risk of vision deterioration and worsening headaches increases.

Primary point pain

One of the types of point cephalgia is primary head pain, the symptoms of which in most cases are typical and rarely appear in another form:

  • acute pain manifests itself in the form of single or serial impulses, similar to an injection;
  • the duration of spontaneously occurring attacks does not exceed a few seconds, while the time interval between them varies from several times a day to a month;
  • the location of outbreaks of pain is the area of ​​the temples, crown, frontal lobes and orbits;
  • attacks of primary pain are not aggravated by symptoms that appear in other types of cephalalgia.

The causes of primary point pain must be considered individually. Such pain in most cases is not associated with serious diseases, but can occur under the influence of external factors - unfavorable weather conditions, drinking cold drinks, fatigue or stress on the organs of hearing and vision. People suffering from histamine cephalalgia or migraine are also susceptible to point primary headaches. In this case, sharp impulses appear in the area of ​​localization of migraine and cluster pain.

Primary pain, which occurs rarely and in isolated cases, does not require drug treatment, since it does not inhibit the functioning of the body as a whole and does not reduce the quality of life. If a headache occurs in one point more often than usual, the patient, in consultation with the doctor, can take the following medications:

  1. Painkillers. In most cases, this is Indomethacin, the positive effect of which is experienced by up to 65% of patients susceptible to primary point pain. To protect the gastric mucosa, gastroprotective drugs must be taken along with Indomethacin.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs whose actions are similar to Ibuprofen.
  3. Neurohormonal agent Melatonin, which normalizes brain activity, activates mental processes, memory, and thinking. Melatonin is prescribed by a doctor if Indomethacin is ineffective, taking into account multiple contraindications (for example, pregnancy) and side effects (emotional swings, weakness, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness).

Types of headaches

The nature of the unpleasant sensations can be not only pulsating. Among them are:

  • shooting;
  • pressing;
  • aching;
  • pulling;
  • burning.

Pain is also distinguished by the location of the pain syndrome: frontal, temporal, postauricular, occipital and parietal. Severe attacks can spread to the eyes, ears, jaw or neck. A frequent or prolonged headache, if nothing is done about it, often causes absent-mindedness, depression, deterioration of vision, memory and coordination.

If your head definitely aches from fatigue, heavy workload, stress or a bad week, then an examination is unnecessary. The main thing is not to prolong the unfavorable condition. Reasons for concern appear at the moment when malaise begins to manifest itself with enviable frequency, and attacks are accompanied not only by discomfort, but also interfere with the performance of usual daily activities. Don’t wait for unfortunate developments: timely diagnosis and treatment can save lives.

Severe pathologies and pulsation

Sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, inflammation of the occipital and trigeminal facial nerves are not the most dangerous pathological conditions that are accompanied by pulsation in the head.

There are more serious diseases that require urgent action, which can only be determined by a doctor.

One of these is a tumor-like neoplasm localized in the head or cervical region. If the size of the tumor is large, not only pulsation in the head occurs, but also pain, nausea and vomiting, and dizziness.

Small tumors that compress blood vessels impair blood circulation.

A dangerous condition is complications after a traumatic brain injury that pose a threat to human health and life. Severe injuries require the victim to be in intensive care at a neurological hospital.

The consequences of TBI include not only pulsation in the head, but also severe headache, memory loss, visual impairment, dizziness, and nausea and vomiting syndrome.

After a severe injury, such manifestations will remain present for some time after the end of therapy.

Types of pain

There are primary and secondary headaches. Each of them has its own subspecies.

Primary cephalgia is a condition where headache is an independent disease and is not caused by any other disease process in the body. In time, primary pains are:

  1. episodic, occasionally occurring, usually lasting from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours;
  2. chronic – periodic, occurring at a certain time of day and lasting several days.

Among the primary headaches, migraine is the main symptom complex, in which throbbing pain appears in the head on the left side. This disease is characterized by episodic attacks of severe pain in the head, as well as pain on one side of the neck.

Migraine usually occurs after an aura, a pre-painful condition characterized by tingling in the arm, leg and abdomen. The patient has difficulty speaking, difficulty thinking and remembering.

The second symptom complex, in which a sharp headache in the left hemisphere is observed, is cluster cephalgia. The condition, in addition to pain, is accompanied by redness of the skin, sweating and, occasionally, swelling of soft tissues. The nature of the disease is regular. One attack - a cluster - lasts from 15 minutes to several hours. With cluster cephalgia, the entire left side of the face hurts.

Secondary headaches are a condition that occurs against the background of existing diseases and is the result of these diseases. For example, cephalgia against the background of general intoxication from pneumonia.

Pain in the head on the left side can occur with rebound cephalgia. This condition occurs due to long-term medication use. Typically, these drugs refer to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which the patient takes for 15 days.

Pain in the left side of the forehead is one of the signs of hypertension, in which blood pressure exceeds 140/90 for 4 weeks or more.

Main reasons

In medical practice, there are quite a few reasons why shooting pain begins to appear on the left side of the head.

In order not to list all types of reasons, we can highlight only the most basic of them:

  1. Frequent stress and emotional tension.
  2. Alcohol abuse, smoking.
  3. Drafts.

Often, shooting pain appears in the head due to constant stressful situations, when the nervous system becomes tense and excited.

Since a person has nerves throughout the body, pain in the head may not be associated with brain diseases, as many people believe.

Often, pain in the head on the left side appears due to a malfunction of certain organs in the body, so it is important to listen to the body and identify additional symptoms.

In some cases, a sharp headache on the left side is caused by wind blowing.

In addition, for this reason, discomfort can appear not only on the left, but also on the right side.

Often people cannot determine the exact location of the pain, and the doctor can only indicate the side where the shooting pain appears.

As soon as it starts shooting on one side, this indicates the development of diseases.

In this regard, it is important to determine the exact location. If the symptom occurs on the left side, then the reason is the blowing of the head.

You can blow your head at any time of the year, even if it’s warm outside and there’s no frost.

This condition most often begins in the warm season, for example, in the summer or as soon as the sun begins to appear, after winter.

People always believe that as soon as it gets warm, they won't get sick.

But as soon as a person’s vigilance is lost, his health can be significantly impaired.

In summer and spring, many people begin to walk without hats and scarves, clothing becomes lighter, but the winds can be quite cold.

When a person has a hot body, everyone wants to get a little cool, which is why illnesses and colds begin to appear. The human head is at particular risk.

During the cold season, there is a disturbance in the human immune system; a decrease in its protective functions leads to the development of a favorable environment for bacteria and viruses. The vital activity of which leads to poor health of a person, including pain.

There may be a shooting pain in the head. Head pain can be not only in the ear area, but also in the frontal part or temples.

Often the pain begins to radiate to the back of the head, as well as the cervical spine and jaw.

Another common cause is drafts in an apartment or house.

This problem arises with the onset of warm weather, especially if there is still heating in the house, and it is already quite warm outside the window.

In this case, people open the windows and a cold draft appears.

Drafts have a greater effect on the back of a person's head on the left side of the head. Shooting pain appears after turning the head to the sides, after which sharp sensations appear.

Traditional medicine recipes

Alternative therapy recommends using simple ways to combat headaches:

  • humidify the room well, lie down on your left side and place a pillow on top;
  • take herbal tea, relaxing and relieving nervous tension (sage, linden, aromatic mint, delicate lemon balm) without sugar, after which it is recommended to rest;
  • if cider is caused by low blood pressure: dilute 0.5 teaspoons of salt in 250 ml of water and drink the prepared solution;
  • honey has a positive effect on blood circulation - for migraines, it is enough to take 100 grams of a natural product after meals;
  • mix viburnum and honey in equal proportions, eat a tablespoon up to 4 times a day;

  • Mix fresh rye bread with vinegar, wrap in a bandage and apply to the most painful place.

Traditional medicine recipes will help quickly eliminate unpleasant discomfort, but they can also cause some difficulties in drug treatment and determining why the left hemisphere of the head hurts.

You should never neglect your feelings and consult a doctor in a timely manner to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy. Otherwise, you may lose sight of a more serious pathology, accompanied by spasms and painful sensations, which will lead to irreparable consequences.

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