Headache due to VSD - description, how to treat it?

Types of headaches with VSD

The use of medications for headaches in vegetative-vascular dystonia is possible only if the drug corresponds to the type of cephalgia:

  1. Pain and tension. More often they occur after the middle of the day, are more easily tolerated than other uncomfortable sensations and can be successfully relieved with medications (especially in the case of VSD, which occurs against the background of worsening blood circulation);
  2. Migraine. It is difficult to get rid of migraine attacks using standard tablets available without a doctor's prescription. Headaches, accompanied by strong pulsation, are located in one area of ​​the skull and can occur either suddenly or gradually. More often, headaches in the form of migraines attack people who have great responsibility. Physical exercise can also cause headaches if abused after several attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  3. Cluster headaches. Such cephalalgia is less common and has not been sufficiently studied within the boundaries of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Headache develops due to problems in the functioning of the nerve fibers and vessels of the head with a long course of vegetative-vascular pathology. The sensations are sharp, cover the eyes and frontal part, go towards the temple and slightly cover the neck. Attacks can last from 2 to 90 minutes.

Cluster headaches, which are possible in rare situations with vegetative-vascular dystonia, are practically not treatable with medications.

Important! The concept of neurocirculatory dystonia only enters into the general picture of VSD, but cannot be an independent term.

Each type of headache with VSD has a specific description:

  • Tension pain lasts for several hours or even days with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Discomfort is not accompanied by nausea, and throbbing is usually absent. Headache with vegetative-vascular dystonia has a compressive nature. It often goes away after a light neck massage, eye exercises and sleep;
  • Migraine headaches are localized on one side and can last up to 4 days without treatment. A specific symptom of migraine is a sharp deterioration in health when changing body position. With the use of individually selected tablets, relief is possible within 3 hours maximum;
  • Cluster cephalgia affects a person with acute, not too long-lasting attacks, which occur up to 8 times a day.

Headaches can be identified by specific signs of long-term vascular dystonia.

Migraine with VSD

Migraine in the head with VSD is often detected in women. The main reasons that provoke an attack are: stress, large crowds of people, excessive physical activity, going to the steam room and alcohol abuse.

Migraine is a manifestation of VSD observed in women. Pain in the head can manifest itself on one side as a strong pulsation or concentrate in the temporal zone, radiating to the forehead or eyes.

Associated symptoms will be:

  • nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting;
  • intolerance to bright light and noise;
  • chills, cold hands and feet.

In order for the headache to go away, you need to lie down in the dark and silence for a while and relax. After half an hour or an hour the pain will subside.

Specific symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Simple headache medications do not help much with severe migraines and cluster cephalgia, and even with tension they do not always have the necessary effect.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is often accompanied by additional symptoms such as headaches:

  • The manifestation of headaches occurs in the morning, attacks of panic attacks are recorded;
  • Severe headaches with vegetative-vascular dystonia go along with increasing causeless anxiety;
  • After sleep, vegetative-vascular headaches practically disappear;
  • Depression, tearfulness and apathy occur in the absence of improvement from taking medications;
  • Frequent pain leads to lethargy and poor performance;
  • Possible loss of appetite.

There are numerous specific symptoms of headache associated with migraine:

  • Most often, pain and throbbing in the head are localized on the right;
  • Dizziness of varying intensity develops;
  • Fear of light arises, sound sensitivity changes;
  • Smells become stronger;
  • Irritability, blurred vision appears, and different parts of the body may go numb.

If a migraine with vegetative-vascular dystonia does not last in hourly attacks, but constantly, then the pain-tension recurs all day. Migraine is characterized by a direct dependence of the intensity of unpleasant sensations on physical activity. Pain and tension do not change in any way in this case.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, symptoms are regularly detected: tachycardia, pressure changes, shortness of breath, pain on the left side of the chest.

Psychological diseases

A constantly heavy head significantly impairs existence and quality of life. A person becomes inattentive, absent-minded, bad thoughts appear in the head, there is no clarity. Often heaviness in the head and drowsiness are accompanied by headaches, which significantly worsens the patient’s condition. Psychological disorders can also lead to the appearance of VSD:

  • Depression.
  • Overload associated with mental and physical activity.
  • Increased irritability, excitability.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Regular lack of sleep.

All this can lead to mental disorders. If your head hurts, but your blood pressure is normal, your head is unclear, as if in a fog, this is astheno-neurotic or “fuzzy head” syndrome. To get rid of the unpleasant sensation, it is necessary to establish the cause of the severity and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Causes of headaches?

You can understand why the headache appeared through the nature of the formation of vascular dystonia. And it is formed against the background of problems with blood vessels, which are influenced by factors such as stress, tension, lack of sleep. VSD often develops in adolescents whose psyche and nervous system are not yet sufficiently strong. The reasons why a headache may occur due to VSD are divided into two groups.

The first group - external factors, are considered the cause of the formation of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Severe climatic conditions;
  • Problems with sleep and rest patterns;
  • Head injuries, as well as injuries to the collar area and neck;
  • Infections;
  • Bad habits;
  • Increased intoxication of the body;
  • Poor nutrition.

The second group is the reasons that lead to intense attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia against the background of other diseases accompanied by headaches:

  • Chronic allergies, heredity;
  • Problems in the functioning of the reproductive and endocrine glands;
  • Reaction to flickering lights, strong smells or loud sounds;
  • Problems in the functioning of the central nervous system and psyche;
  • Prolonged depression;
  • Suspiciousness, increased nervousness or impressionability.

Among the common diseases closely related to cephalgia in vegetative-vascular dystonia are: eye diseases, hypotension and hypertension, asthenia, neuroses, diseases of the hearing aid, chronic infections.

Important! A headache may also occur if there are problems with microcirculation of oxygen, nutrients and blood circulation. Often with VSD there are problems with the functioning of the cervical vessels, spasms and hypotonicity.

Experts associate headaches that occur against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia with problems in the action of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Causes and provoking factors

Pain during VSD occurs regardless of blood pressure, however, it can intensify when it increases or decreases. Hypotension causes hypoxia of brain tissue. In hypertension, venous intracerebral hypertension and increased intracranial pressure become provoking factors.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, headache depends on the elasticity and conductivity of blood vessels in the cervical and collar region, and blood supply to the brain. Cephalgia occurs due to spasm, dilation or compression of blood vessels. It is worth stretching this area, taking a warm shower, and the pain should decrease.

Headaches are caused by many exogenous factors and pathological disorders in the body itself. External factors in the development of cephalgic syndrome include:

  • stress, problems at work, school or personal relationships, tragedies;
  • excessive loads;
  • sleep disturbances, chronic lack of sleep;
  • bad habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • harmful radiation, chemical exposure;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • consequences of viral or bacterial infections.

Endogenous factors contributing to the appearance of cephalalgia:

  • hereditary tendency;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • strong impressionability and emotional lability;
  • cardiovascular pathologies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, neurohumoral and endocrine regulation, excretory system;
  • allergy;
  • obesity due to metabolic disorders or a sedentary lifestyle.

Since the factors leading to attacks of cephalalgia are very different in etiology, only a professional neurologist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medications after a thorough examination.

What causes headaches?

There is a high risk of pain-tension after strong experiences and nervous tension. Such sensations are typical for those whose work is related to memory and concentration, as well as under high mental stress.

Migraines often occur due to other reasons: noisy crowds of people, increased physical activity, stress and alcohol abuse.

Cluster pain in vegetative-vascular dystonia is almost always observed in men and can occur at night. The nature of their appearance has not been sufficiently studied.

Treatment in various ways

There are many ways to relieve headaches, but VSD firmly rejects most of them. The disease requires a comprehensive approach, and pills alone cannot help. Moreover, eliminating headaches is possible without drug intervention with a complete review of your life with diagnosed dystonia:

  1. Regular observation by a doctor;
  2. Changing lifestyle, introducing regular walks, balancing work and rest;
  3. Changing the diet, including foods for immunity and blood vessels. Elimination of too salty, fatty and sweet foods;
  4. Introduction of moderate physical activity;
  5. Complete cessation of bad habits.

The doctor prescribes medications for headaches depending on the problem.

Prevention of new attacks

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to try to get rid of it. In the case of VSD, headaches are eliminated according to the same rules thanks to simple prevention methods.

  • play sports;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • give up bad habits;
  • do not be influenced by stress factors;
  • spend more time in nature;
  • get plenty of rest;
  • eliminate increased physical and mental stress.

If VSD therapy has been carried out, the patient should completely change his lifestyle to prevent recurrent attacks.

Be sure to watch the following video on the topic

List of drugs

To treat headaches with severe vegetative-vascular dystonia, specific medications are prescribed. You should not select them yourself:

  • Natural remedies – motherwort, St. John’s wort;
  • Bromine-based sedatives (bromocamphor, sodium bromide);
  • Sedatives for protection against stress – Sedafiton, Persen;
  • Nootropics for stimulating blood flow and brain – Glycine, Noofen;
  • Drugs to lower blood pressure;
  • Tranquilizers are prescribed by a psychiatrist for anxiety and panic attacks;
  • Cerebroangiocorrectors to normalize blood circulation in the brain (Caviton, Pentoxifylline);
  • Analgesics – Aspirin, Paracetamol, Spazmalgon, Nise.

Sleep medications may also be prescribed - Donormil, Zopiclone and other drugs available with a doctor's prescription.

Important! For the treatment of migraine, intense analgesics can be prescribed - Solpadeine, Askofen-P.

For headaches and heaviness in the heart area, accompanied by vegetative-vascular dystonia, you can use tablets and drops such as Corvalol, Valoserdin.


How does a headache hurt during a migraine with VSD? Features of clinical manifestations:

  • The onset of an attack is characterized by the appearance of a so-called “aura”.

An aura is a kind of prodromal period of migraine, when the patient can sense an impending attack in advance. Lasts up to one hour. Doesn't necessarily appear right before the pain.

Aura symptoms are:

  • Various visual disturbances, a person sees colors brighter or duller, flies or sparks appear in the eyes, spots, lines, blurred vision,
  • Dizziness,
  • Olfactory hallucinations
  • Numbness of fingertips, palms, paresthesia,
  • Noise in the ears, feeling of heaviness in the head,
  • Impaired consciousness and speech.

Thanks to these prodromes, it is possible to predict the onset of a migraine and take a drug in advance to relieve it.

  • The pain itself is strong, throbbing, often one-sided,
  • Accompanied by nausea and vomiting,
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sounds,
  • Intensifies with movement
  • Lasts about 3-4 hours,
  • In the case of syndrome without aura, the attack is considered less dangerous, not as long and painful.

Treatment of headaches with folk remedies

Before treating headaches with vegetative-vascular dystonia with medications, try traditional recipes. They are especially effective as part of an integrated approach to eliminate associated symptoms - neuroses, insomnia, anxiety.

They help well against pain and tension in vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  1. A decoction of rose hips, dry radiola, St. John's wort and valerian. The multifunctional composition has a positive effect on brain function, calms the nervous system and strengthens the immune system. Increases stress resistance in vegetative-vascular dystonia. To prepare, you need to take 150 g of dried rose hips, 40 g of dry radiola and valerian, as well as 3 tbsp. l. dry St. John's wort. All components are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and cooked for 15 minutes after boiling over medium heat. The medicine must be infused for 24 hours. The entire portion is drunk throughout the day. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to carry out a 2-3 month course of treatment. If the taste of the drink seems too tart, you can add a little honey;
  2. Juniper. The berries of this unique plant contain natural substances that have analgesic properties; they are especially effective against pain-tension in vegetative-vascular dystonia. The product helps with cramps and is good for the immune system. It is enough to eat berries according to this scheme: on the first day, 2 pieces, then 3, and so on up to 12 pieces per day. Then the number of berries is reduced. The course lasts 3 months with breaks of 3-4 days.

Traditional recipes complement drug therapy prescribed by a doctor, but cannot cancel it.

How to treat a headache

Before prescribing medications, the doctor will send the patient to check the heart and blood vessels using machines and take tests. This will rule out the presence of other serious diseases. The fact is that if you have a headache due to VSD, this is not the only symptom; as the condition worsens, diarrhea, sweating, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. occur.

The listed symptoms are associated with an imbalance in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, so it is not the pain that needs to be treated, but the cause. Before prescribing pills, the doctor will try to eliminate the pathology by the following measures:

  • adjust your lifestyle - spend time outdoors and have a good rest;
  • balance the diet - include in the menu foods that strengthen blood vessels and speed up metabolism. Eat greens, fresh fruits and vegetables. If previously the diet was poor in fiber, with this treatment of VSD, diarrhea may occur suddenly, so you need to introduce new dishes little by little;
  • Physical activity for dystonia helps normalize the condition, but you should discuss available sports with your doctor. This could be swimming, cycling, walking away from highways, or exercising in the morning. You should not engage in competitive sports, as this leads to emotional overload; strength training - this overloads the heart and vascular system;
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse should be stopped; toxins negatively affect the nervous system, causing seizures.

A one-time walk will not give any effect, except that the headache may go away before the next attack. The recommendations given above should become part of your lifestyle, only then can you talk about getting rid of pain and other manifestations of VSD.

Which doctor should I contact?

You can start examinations at the therapist’s office if you are worried about constant headaches due to long-term vegetative-vascular dystonia. Next, the specialist, depending on the symptoms, will refer you to a cardiologist, neurologist or psychiatrist.

Additionally, tests are prescribed: blood and urine, gastroscopy (if necessary), tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance, EchoEG, ECG, rheovasography.

Headache with vegetative-vascular dystonia is a common consequence of external and internal factors provoked by stress, fatigue and certain diseases. The effectiveness of its elimination depends on correctly selected medications that correspond to the type of pain: migraine, tension or cluster pain.

Other methods and methods

If there is a headache with VSD, treatment should be comprehensive. In addition to the methods mentioned above, the following are widely used:

  • phytotherapy;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy.

We should not forget that a healthy lifestyle is of great importance. It is necessary to completely stop smoking and eliminate alcohol consumption; great attention should be paid to normalizing sleep and daily exposure to nature. It would also be a good idea to completely give up alcohol and relax in a resort area with a temperate climate at least once a year.

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