How to stop the growth of fibroids
Hemorrhagic stroke
Brain swelling as a complication after a stroke
A stroke is a dangerous acute disorder of the blood circulation of the brain as a result of blockage or narrowing of the main
Causes of headaches in children
Headache and nausea in a child: causes, what to do and how to treat?
Headache in a child Most parents mistakenly believe that headaches mainly affect adults
Spinal cord puncture consequences and complications in children
Red bone marrow plays an important role in hematopoiesis. It contains cells that provide
focal change in the brain substance of a dystrophic nature
Dystrophic changes in the brain on MRI - what is it?
All types of circulatory disorders in the human body also affect the substance of the brain, which ultimately
Vibromassage of the spine
Causes of leg muscle vibration
Stoparthrosis » Treatment methods » Vibromassage of the back Sidenkov A. Yu. December 17, 2021 6127
how to please a 14 year old boy
How to keep a student's attention throughout the lesson: six simple techniques
Girls begin to mature earlier than boys. Therefore, their first romantic experiences begin at the age of 13-14,
chills started
I have a headache, how to quickly cure it
The concept of “blown head” is not medical. Nevertheless, it exists and includes
classification of overactive bladder
Overactive bladder in children: symptoms, causes, treatment
In fact, one of the most common neuronal problems in children is overactive urinary tract.
Obstetric paralysis, Duchenne-Erb palsy: causes of development, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and principles of treatment
Factors in the formation of obstetric paralysis and the main signs of pathology
Home|Upper limb paralysis|Obstetric paresis Obstetric paresis is a dysfunction of the child’s upper limbs when
Affected brain
10-15 percent of all strokes occur in people under 45 years of age
1 Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna 2017.10.23 1 301 Vessels Stroke is a condition caused by
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