Panic attacks after alcohol, with a hangover

  • Causes of panic attacks
  • Ways to deal with panic attacks after drinking alcohol

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages necessarily affects the condition of the human body.
Due to intoxication, all systems are affected, and in advanced cases, disorders such as panic attacks can occur. Many alcoholics are afraid of drinking. This is typical for people prone to long-term alcohol consumption.

What causes panic attacks and how to deal with this disease?

Causes of panic attacks in alcoholics

Fear refers to an emotional state arising from a perceived danger. Various manifestations of fear are informational in nature. Panic attacks and alcohol intoxication can be related in many ways.

The first example of blocking while intoxicated. The main symptoms are fears and panic attacks. For example, binge drinking can lead to a situation where a person develops a condition similar to agorophobia. He tries to leave the house and get to the store where he was going to buy alcohol. After walking 100 meters, he can experience horror . There are many symptoms of a common panic attack: dizziness, excessive heartbeat, weakness in the legs.

Fainting may occur. The patient comes home in a panic and realizes that his health is improving, and after some time all the signs disappear. As soon as he tries to go outside again, his fears are renewed and he has to return home again. Despite the increased desire to buy alcohol, the alcoholic will have to sit at home for a while.

One can talk about the beneficial effects of such a panic attack, but after some time it becomes a kind of aguraphobia, so every attempt to go outside becomes a real feat for a person.

The following example involves post-use disorder. Panic occurs during a hangover. You can get rid of the problem if you stop using it. It becomes clear that alcoholism is developing into a serious problem that a person can solve with great difficulty. It is necessary to quit, but there is no need to put pressure on those who have difficulty doing so.

A hangover for the body involves the death of brain cells and their removal from the body through large amounts of fluid. Often in such a state people strive to have sex. The head is cracking, nausea appears. This is a normal instinctive reaction and the desire to leave behind offspring before death.

Definition and types

Hangover type of alcoholic depression

The human body contains various hormones that affect well-being, mood and emotions. Alcohol can affect the secretion of some of them. That is why alcohol is often classified as a depressant, a drug that causes depression.

Depression, which is in one way or another associated with alcohol, is divided into two types.

  1. A hangover that develops as a result of drinking alcohol, often in large quantities. Also called short-term. This alcoholic depression has a mild form. Oxidation of ethanol that enters the blood provokes a decrease in sugar levels, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness and weakness. Magnesium levels also decrease, which causes an increase in heart rate, chills, nervousness, and bad mood. In most cases, it goes away on its own and does not require outside help. Disappears as toxins are removed from the body.
  2. Depression when quitting alcohol. It develops in people who abused alcohol, had an alcohol addiction and finally found the strength to resist it. On average, 40% of alcoholics experience various depressive disorders, escaping from their manifestations by drinking alcohol. Chronic alcohol intoxication also has a significant impact. Also called long-term. It occurs with complications, requires drug treatment, and is provoked by withdrawal syndrome. If an individual has developed such depression, then he cannot do without doctors (narcologist and psychotherapist). You need to understand that during such a period the human body may experience severe stress, which may be accompanied by overactivity of the nervous system, convulsions, and tremors. The patient is no longer able to enjoy life; his existence seems meaningless to him. If at such a moment you do not seek help from a professional or at least from relatives, and are left alone with your problem, then there is a high probability of developing replacement therapy when the individual develops a new addiction, for example, gambling addiction, drug addiction, promiscuous sex life.

Those people who believe that alcohol helps them cope with depression are deeply mistaken. In fact, drinking alcohol further aggravates the complex condition of the individual.

Mostly, individuals who often abuse alcohol, and in large quantities, find themselves in this situation. There may also be those who have a long history of alcoholism, but are currently using small doses. This also includes chronic cases.

People over 35 are very susceptible to depression that develops when abstaining from alcohol. Women are at risk because they are overly emotional and easily susceptible to temptation.

Alcohol depression is divided into two forms:

  • caused by a one-time overdose of alcohol;
  • provoked as a result of giving up alcoholic beverages in a case where there was already an addiction.

When an individual constantly drinks alcohol, depressive thoughts become the norm of his condition, and his body constantly needs a new dose of the stimulant. After all, now without alcohol an individual cannot feel the joy of life.

If you are interested in the question of how long such depression lasts, then these numbers differ for different people. This is both a few days and a year. In this case, various symptoms may be observed.

  1. If depression was caused as a result of a one-time overdose, it may last for several days, and there will be symptoms of a severe hangover, which will disappear over time. This type of depression does not require special treatment.
  2. Mental disorders in chronic chronic alcoholics require more attention. In such a situation, depression can be long-lasting and even lead to death, so the help of specialists is extremely necessary.

The body's response to panic attacks

The body often does not realize what is happening to it. Numerous hormones, neurotransmitters and other trace elements are released in a natural rhythm, but the self-cleansing program does not work. Therefore, all processes begin to be performed at a subconscious level. Panic attacks with a hangover do not have common indicators with classic ones . In the ordinary version, panic arises, the objective reasons for which are absent.

In this case, several somatic symptoms arise, so patients often try to recover from arrhythmia, hypertension and other diseases that are actually absent. In this situation, the attack is caused by poisoning of the body and mental shock of the alcoholic.

The problem is that there are no people who drink and have no desire to stop drinking. Most disorders are caused by the destruction of nerve cells.

Causes of pathology

The main causes of panic attacks with a hangover are factors that can cause increased production of the stress hormone (adrenaline). The main factors are considered to be prolonged psychological stress, significant stress, poor lifestyle, and taking certain medications.

These factors develop especially actively in the presence of a certain hereditary predisposition or organic brain damage (birth asphyxia, pathologies during pregnancy, traumatic brain injury, concussion).

The development of panic attacks is most likely in people representing the following personality type: hysterical, epileptoid or paranoid. The risk of panic attacks increases significantly in the presence of cardiovascular diseases (especially coronary disease), endocrine diseases (thyrotoxicosis), mental and depressive disorders, and various phobias.

Alcohol is not considered a direct cause of panic attacks. Moreover, people who have experienced stress or are under constant psychological stress often use it as a medicine, and for some time it helps.

And then the so-called alcohol addiction sets in, when a hangover increases the likelihood of a panic attack. Moreover, statistics show that people belonging to a high-risk group (bankers, managers, executives, etc.)

d.), the first manifestation of a panic attack was detected with a hangover, after drinking too much alcohol. In this case, it works as a catalyst for the process.

In first place is cardiovascular pathology. Various forms of coronary heart disease (CHD) are accompanied by fear of death.

This is especially true for a myocardial infarction, after which the patient begins to perceive any discomfort in the heart area as an immediate threat to life, thereby provoking the release of catecholamines.

Angina pectoris, arrhythmias, and heart defects are also in this group.

A panic attack is a mental disorder that manifests itself in inexplicable, painful anxiety for the patient, which is accompanied by fear and corresponding sensations.

The main reason for this is increased sensitivity to the reactions of your body or hypochondria. It manifests itself in the fact that a person is so attentive to what is happening in his body that he simply cannot help but notice the slightest changes.

A small portion of alcohol is a small blow to the liver, after which a headache or other unpleasant consequences rarely appear. When there is a lot of alcohol, it is difficult for the body to cope with such a load, so toxins accumulate in the blood and internal organs.

Panic attacks due to a hangover do not develop out of nowhere. These conditions have a number of pronounced physiological prerequisites, against the background of which unpleasant sensations are formed. These include:

  • sweating that increases due to increased alcohol consumption;
  • tachycardia developing as a normal physiological reaction;
  • the appearance of vomiting or complaints of pain in any part of the body.

Patients with a hangover cannot always associate the symptoms that appear with alcohol consumption, and therefore they quite naturally become afraid.

What should you do if you tried to solve the problem with alcohol, but it had the opposite effect? On the one hand, remember this lesson and don't repeat it again. On the other hand, of course, in addition to learning a lesson, you need to alleviate the condition:

  • carry out detoxification measures as indicated above;
  • try not to get hung up on painful thoughts and feelings;
  • switch and distract attention from the painful state of mind. For example, you can read a book or watch a movie (choose a comedy), go for a walk (but keep in mind that if you have a hangover, you should avoid physical activity);
  • do not be alone with your thoughts, avoid loneliness. It’s good if a loved one is nearby. You can invite your friends, but do not lead your communication to another drinking session;
  • think about the positive things in your life, such as children or achievements at work, a loving wife (husband), an exciting vacation you are planning for the summer, etc. you will see that there are a lot of positive things in your life, do not forget about it;
  • don't blame yourself. Every person has the right to make a mistake, so you shouldn’t beat yourself up for it;
  • think about how things could have been worse;
  • find the positives. In any situation, no matter how fatal it may seem, you can find something good. Try to find the same thing in yours - and you will notice how you immediately feel better.

In the future, when the hangover passes and everything calms down a little, you can seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. Or try to solve the problem that is gnawing at you yourself:

  • acknowledge the fact that there is a problem;
  • think about what you personally can do to solve it; whose help you may need to enlist;
  • draw up an action plan to solve the problem;
  • start implementing this plan step by step.

This will allow you to learn how to solve problems and not turn to alcohol for help in difficult situations.


A panic attack intensifies as a result of stress hormones entering the circulatory system. Vascular spasms appear, blood pressure increases, and heart rate increases. When a seizure begins, the amount of oxygen in the blood increases, fear and panic appear. The duration of panic can be several minutes, for many it lasts for an hour .

Signs of a panic state are divided into 2 categories: somatic and mental. The first category includes: dry mouth, intense sweating, a feeling of discomfort in the chest, increased breathing, a person begins to feel fever or chills, a feeling of a lump in the throat, tingling in the extremities, nausea, vomiting.

Mental symptoms after binge drinking: a feeling of danger arises, the patient fears death, restless body movements begin, the person is afraid of going crazy, dizziness begins, and a faint state occurs.

A state of panic may occur without nervousness, while vision and hearing deteriorate. The body experiences weakness, convulsions, a person has a fever, and problems with speech appear. Pain in the heart and stomach may occur.

Symptoms of the disease

Panic attacks with a hangover begin unexpectedly for no apparent reason. First of all, mental symptoms appear: a feeling of great danger; fear of death, loss of consciousness or fear of an unspecified nature; feeling of stiffness in the muscles, throughout the body; fear of going crazy; feeling of instability and dizziness, heaviness in the chest.

Somatic short-term symptoms include the following manifestations: a feeling of heat, a lump in the throat, increased sweating, a feeling of respiratory failure, hypertension, palpitations, trembling, gastrointestinal abnormalities, numbness of the extremities.

There are somatic (bodily) and mental symptoms. Somatic symptoms of a panic attack include:

  • dry mouth
  • sweating
  • chest discomfort, shortness of breath
  • feeling hot or chills
  • lump in throat
  • frequent urination
  • numbness of the limbs, tingling (paresthesia)
  • nausea, abdominal discomfort

Mental symptoms of a panic attack:

  • an overwhelming sense of danger
  • fear of death
  • stiffness or restlessness
  • fear of going crazy
  • feeling of dizziness, unsteadiness, lightheadedness

Hangover anxiety usually develops in conjunction with the many other symptoms that accompany the condition.

To prevent the development of an unpleasant feeling and stop the progression of all signs of a hangover, it is recommended to devote all efforts to removing ethanol breakdown products from the body.

This process is well helped by special drops that can be purchased on the Internet. What to do if panic attacks develop after drinking alcohol? First of all, the patient is recommended to take a cool shower.

Such a simple procedure will sober up the sick person a little, improve his physical and moral condition, and stabilize him a little.

Vitamin C improves the overall health of the body and is also an effective antioxidant that eliminates toxic effects.

Alcohol is a strong depressant that allows you to temporarily escape from everyday problems.

In order to feel better, the patient has to increase the dose of alcohol, which leads to the development of panic attacks after alcohol.

Factors that provoke a panic attack

Feelings of fear and panic occur after drinking alcohol or having a hangover. Let's list the reasons why this happens:

  • Ethanol quickly enters the circulatory system.
  • The condition of nerve cells is adversely affected, and brain function deteriorates.
  • When a small amount of alcohol enters the blood, the hormone dopamine is released, creating a feeling of euphoria and overexcitation.
  • The opposite effect should be expected with large volumes of alcohol, since alcohol has a negative effect on the central nervous system, euphoria develops into anxiety, and panic begins.

Alcohol can provoke not only physiological factors; moodiness, depression appear, and the amount of glucose in the blood decreases. This provokes: fatigue, muscle weakness, melancholy, deterioration in concentration, excessive irritability.

When alcohol is consumed, a lack of magnesium occurs and calcium channels begin to block. The feeling of nervousness worsens, the heart beats strongly, and chills occur. Poor heredity affects the development of panic attacks .

What does a seizure look like?

A panic attack is stress caused by the release of the hormone adrenaline into the blood. After the release, a person experiences increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, a feeling of fear, and rapid breathing. Gradually, more oxygen enters the blood, blood vessels narrow, panic intensifies, and a feeling of stunned and lost appears. Due to panic, the symptoms of the attack intensify and gain momentum, this causes a vicious circle. Basically, a hangover is accompanied by 15-20 (up to an hour) minutes of panic attack, which can be repeated many times. At these moments, it is very important to provide first aid to the person and fight the disease together with him.

What is the danger of such a condition?

Panic attacks with a hangover can be dangerous in the following ways: thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, injuries due to carelessness, the patient is capable of socially dangerous acts, personality degradation occurs, encephalopathy is aggravated by regular drinking, the likelihood of developing epileptic psychosis increases, white fever, hallucinations and attacks of aggression intensify.

The patient tries to suppress panic attacks and fear with another portion of booze, increasing the likelihood of developing the chronic stage of the disease.

It is possible to suppress the symptoms that appear only in a special institution. Failure to do this can result in serious consequences.


Panic caused by drinking alcohol, once it happens, will not go away and will manifest itself with renewed vigor when drinking alcohol again in large doses. This syndrome tends to progress progressively.

In order to prevent this possibility, a number of rules are recommended that should be followed:

  • Quit alcohol using any available methods, after prior consultation with your doctor.
  • After PA, it is necessary to undergo a course of needle reflexotherapy, therapeutic massage or any acupuncture in order to activate points of natural protection and psycho-emotional resistance to stress.
  • Regularly engage in sports or dosed physical activity in accordance with your health condition.
  • Make it a rule to take evening walks and a mandatory sound, restful sleep for 8-10 hours. If you need to use sleeping pills, you should get your doctor's advice on their use.
  • Together with a specialist, create an anti-atherogenic nutrition profile, reducing fats, smoked foods, fried foods to a minimum and focusing on a protein-carbohydrate diet based on vegetables, fruits, seafood, dietary meat, nuts and honey.
  • If necessary, undergo a course of psychotherapeutic correction in order to identify the causes that are stressing the patient and professionally remove them.

What should you do during an attack?

How to cope with panic attacks that occur with a hangover? Let's list a few tips. You need to take a horizontal position. Try to calm down. Drink a sedative or brew mint tea.

Diuretics are used to eliminate toxic elements from the body after drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Turn on music that can have a relaxing effect. You need to try to do something you love to divert your attention. A regular conversation with loved ones helps you come to your senses.

Regulating breathing

Since breathing quickens during an attack, the blood is supplied with a large amount of oxygen, this has a depressing effect on the patient. The amount of oxygen must be reduced by supplying the body with carbon dioxide. Adviсe:

  • You need to breathe into your folded palms. This is the most accessible method. When a seizure occurs, you need to squat down and turn your back to the wall. You need to press your palms to your face and close your mouth and nose tightly.
  • You can breathe into a paper bag.
  • You need to breathe with your stomach and hold your breath.


During a panic attack, you need to count surrounding objects, windows in buildings, branches on trees, flying birds, animals, etc. Painful stimulus. Many patients develop a rubber band on their arm . If during an attack it is pulled back and hits the skin hard, the beginning of the attack is interrupted. It's enough to just pinch yourself. You can massage your ears, shoulders, hands, fingers.

Drug treatment

To eliminate panic attacks, courses of therapy are required. The most effective are antidepressants from the category of selective serotonin reverse concentration inhibitors, as well as tricyclic antidepressants. The drugs are used for several months and begin to work after at least 1 week. Tinctures from such plants will be useful in treatment: Valerian, Valocordin, Motherwort.

To eliminate an attack, you need to mix the tinctures, about 10 drops each. Another tincture has sedative effects and should be consumed 2 times a day. You need to mix tea rose, chamomile, lemon balm, yarrow, and brew with boiling water in theomos . Doctors fight this condition with special drugs: sedatives, tranquilizers, adrenergic blockers.

All these medications have their contraindications and are characterized by quick results. They are allowed to be purchased in pharmacies only with a prescription. Sedatives and tranquilizers help cope with anxiety and fear if used regularly. Adrenergic blockers reduce the amount of adrenaline and intense emissions. Anaprilin belongs to the well-known categories in this group.

Features of therapy

What to do during a panic attack? Only a doctor can give effective advice based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Some people just need to fall asleep, others cannot return to their normal rhythm of life without antidepressants.

Strong medications really help to cope with a panic attack, but they have a toxic effect on the body, so sooner or later the therapy will have to be stopped.

The first thing you need to do on the way to getting rid of attacks is to give up alcohol (even if alcohol is not the root cause). Ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on the functionality of the nervous system and the entire body.

It acts as a kind of irritant, which at any moment can make you exhausted from fear and worry about your own life. Make a choice in favor of health, not dubious pleasure.

Important: if you have a panic attack, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The arriving medical team will assess the condition of the victim and send him for correction of his condition. First of all, the doctor will cleanse the body of ethyl alcohol breakdown products.

Elimination of intoxication may take several days. All subsequent manipulations are determined by the doctor.

The patient may need therapy for alcohol dependence, working through the condition with a psychotherapist, or correcting the condition with sedatives.

The main thing is not to neglect medical help. It is impossible to cope with panic attacks with yoga, self-hypnosis or folk remedies. The problem can only be resolved by a specialist who will work on the physiological and psychological components of the attacks. Enjoy the benefits of modern medicine and be healthy!

What to do for preventive purposes

Therapy for depression and pathologies similar to neurosis with a psychotherapist. An anonymous visit to a doctor does not entail registration with a psychoneurological medical institution. Treatment is provided for somatic pathologies that lead to panic attacks.

Constant physical activity, you need to do exercises every day. Carrying out massage procedures. Autogenic training is mastered and improves the condition during an attack. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. You need to eat right, drink less coffee, alcohol, and smoked foods.

Why do PAs occur from alcohol?

Panic attacks and alcohol are not necessarily interrelated phenomena. PA can also occur in completely non-drinking people. The cause of PA in such cases should be sought in the pathology of the cardiovascular, endocrine, central nervous system or in human psychology.

People prone to phobic disorders, hypochondria, paranoid thoughts, or emotionally unstable individuals are most susceptible to the disease. Women suffer from PA three times more often than men.

Also, panic attacks during a hangover are often provoked not by alcohol itself, but by taking caffeine-containing drinks and certain medications that stimulate the nervous system.

Relief or worsening of a nervous condition?

Will drinking alcohol cause panic attacks? How to properly drown out anxiety with alcohol? There is no clear answer to these questions. Let's consider the main nuances of this condition.

Alcohol causes panic attacks in patients who drink moderately. Often these are representatives of the most common professions. There is a “manager syndrome” in which people are in a constant state of stress. Their working hours are irregular, they smoke a lot of alcohol and cigarettes, and they are anxious for many reasons.

Some people start to panic after experiencing stress. Alcohol is the main factor that provokes such disorders. Many argue that attacks are aggravated when intoxicated. The following conclusions need to be drawn:

  • When alcohol causes a vegetative crisis, you need to eliminate it entirely. The period of abstinence is determined individually. Panic can occur temporarily and develop into a chronic form. Therefore, moderately consuming citizens who comply with their norm can return to consumption after improving their health.
  • Some try to reduce the intensity of symptoms with dosed use. The anxiety attacks will decrease for a short time, but the condition will worsen.
  • Changing your lifestyle. Often, all patients come to this rhythm of life, which prevents the occurrence of panic attacks. A person needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, constantly do exercises, avoid stress, etc.

When a patient begins to panic, lumps appear in the throat, blood pressure and fever rise, it cannot be said that he is developing some kind of disease. During their work, specialists do not conduct dispensary records for such categories of patients.

Why does the condition occur?

The only sure reason is the consumption of alcohol-containing liquids! From an early age, a stereotype about the role of alcohol as an antidepressant is psychologically laid down. The idea of ​​“saving alcohol” as a means of stimulating positive emotions becomes stronger in a person’s subconscious. As a result, the installation provokes an imbalance between the autonomic and symptomatic nervous systems, the development of alcoholic delirium and panic attacks.

In fact, the mechanism for the development of the negative effects of narcotic drugs, which include ethanol along with heroin, hashish, ecstasy, etc., is simple. Alcohol-containing drinks “saturate” the body with dopamine, but its production by the endocrine system stops. It takes about 5 to 14 days to restore the natural level of the joy hormone. If alcohol intake is systematic, the level of dopamine drops to critical levels, preconditions arise for the development of panic attacks.

It is a mistake to perceive blocking dopamine antagonists by alcohol as a positive effect. A one-time surge in the joy hormone temporarily brings euphoria and eliminates the feeling of fear. In the absence of this, a complex of reactions is triggered, which ends in a panic attack.

For reference: a panic attack is an attack of inexplicable, severe anxiety. Accompanied by excruciating fear, horror, signs of vegetative disorders with somatic symptoms.

PAs with a hangover are especially severe, which are a consequence of poisoning of the body with the breakdown products of ethanol (acetaldehyde) and are accompanied by the feelings of the drinker. The severity of hangover symptoms provokes fear, a surge of adrenaline, and increased anxiety. The psychological connection of PA is due to the alcoholic’s desire to quit drinking and the excuse that nothing worked out for him.

In fact, the development of panic attacks after alcohol is caused by disagreements between the alcoholic’s conscious intake of alcohol-containing drinks and the work of his subconscious, which “says” that ethanol is poison. In a person with an anxious and suspicious character, the symptoms acquire a characteristic emotional coloring, subconsciously causing fear.

How to support a patient?

When a panic attack occurs, even the victim’s relatives feel worse. It is important not to get confused. Perhaps someone's help will help eliminate this condition. It is not always necessary for loved ones to participate in resolving such problems, but if necessary, you need to know what to do.

Emotional support. When such problems arise in a family, you cannot leave a person alone with his emotions. The participation of loved ones requires calm and confidence . Positive emotions must be conveyed to the patient. Increased nervousness will only worsen the situation.

Massage and touch. For many, the feeling of fear goes away when they are hugged by loved ones. Muscle spasms are eliminated even after the usual explanations. The person is stroked on the skin, his arms and legs are gently rubbed, and you need to talk to him calmly. The attack gradually subsides, the person relaxes.

Muscle tissues in spasm are straightened out as they cause unpleasant symptoms. There is no need for a qualified massage; you can handle this without preparation . If possible, you should take a shower or wash your face, alternately replacing cold water with warm water. This improves the functioning of the endocrine system and helps relieve panic and anxiety.

Focus a person's attention on something else. Parents often use similar techniques when their young children suffer. For alcohol intoxication, such measures will also be effective. In addition to voice influence, you can stroke a person. Sometimes you need to pinch a person so that he feels.

If you take the disease seriously, it will not be difficult to provide quality therapy. The patient needs to believe in himself, regularly train his own body and will, so panic attacks will not be scary. If something like this happens, you can figure out how to behave without much difficulty.

The essence of the problem and its causes

As practice shows, in the absence of timely treatment, post-alcohol depression is a protracted and rapidly progressing condition that increasingly “draws” the drinker into its network. Many narcologist patients are interested in the main question: why such an unexpected feeling arises, where does the fear of a hangover come from?

When drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages, a hormonal imbalance occurs, which disrupts the production of joy hormones. During such an attack, there is a jump in blood pressure and an attack of tachycardia, which is preceded by an increased performance of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Before talking about the etiology of the pathological process, it is important to understand that panic attacks are a consequence of the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol on nerve cells and endings. As a rule, fusel vapors increase the number of foci of necrosis in the nervous system, and such “gaps” provide instability in the emotional sphere, increasing and frightening panic attacks for others

Among the pathogenic factors why post-alcohol depression occurs, the following anomalies should be highlighted:

  1. When drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages, a hormonal imbalance occurs, which disrupts the production of joy hormones.
  2. During such an attack, there is a jump in blood pressure and an attack of tachycardia, which is preceded by an increased efficiency of adrenaline and norepinephrine.
  3. If there are alcoholics in the family who experience similar symptoms when drinking alcohol, post-alcohol depression occurs as a hereditary factor.

Panic attacks are a sign of alcohol intoxication

  1. Temperament and personality type are also reasons why panic attacks occur in specific clinical pictures.
  2. Lack of willpower to get rid of such a destructive habit on your own.

If a person falls into this dangerous state, he becomes a threat to society. His actions and actions are uncontrollable, and he is driven by a single feeling - fear, a feeling of danger and inevitability. This often happens after a hangover, when the next day the alcoholic does not immediately understand where he is and what happened to him the day before. The details of the drunkenness remain beyond the bounds of consciousness, but “there is a stone in my soul, and it’s diligently pulling me down.” Some want to sleep, while others are ready to run without looking back, experiencing an inexplicable feeling of anxiety for their lives.

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