Vital points of the human body in close combat: head

Types of damage

Neurologists and other specialists identify several types of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) diagnosed after blows to the head.

Concussion (CHM)

To obtain SGM, it is enough to accidentally hit a hard object. As a result of the collision, a double displacement of the brain occurs: first it moves in the direction of the impact trajectory, and then returns to its original location. Thus, the negative impact caused by the collision is doubled.

SHM accounts for 70% of all reported head injuries. It is equally common in children and adults. The consequences of a head blow during a concussion manifest themselves in the form of:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • short-term (up to a quarter of an hour) fainting;
  • inability to remember events that preceded the injury;
  • feelings of weakness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • breathing problems;
  • attacks of vomiting;
  • pain in the eye area;
  • visual impairment.

These signs can be observed even after a blow to the jaw (and not just to the head). At the same time, it becomes difficult for the victim to chew.

Blood pressure returns to normal quickly after a concussion, and body temperature changes slightly. However, feelings of nausea, dizziness and sleep disturbances (including insomnia) persist for a long time.

If BMS is suspected, the person must be taken to the hospital for examination. If there are no complications, the patient can continue treatment at home, using not only the doctor’s recommendations, but also some folk recipes. A head massage and a linen cloth patch help especially well in this case.

Brain compression

The danger of this condition is associated with possible damage to the stem formations in the cerebellum area, which regulate the blood circulation process and allow a person to breathe.

As soon as possible after the injury occurs, the victim is examined for the presence of hematomas. If detected, they are urgently removed, since hemorrhages can increase compression of the brain and worsen the patient’s condition.

Brain contusion

With this diagnosis, the result of blows to the head is damage to the cranial vault and brain tissue, which is often accompanied by the development of necrotic (dead) areas. A brain contusion can even be caused by a strong punch (therefore, this type of TBI is a common occurrence in boxing). Associated symptoms of injury include:

  • neurological disorders;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain in the back of the head (the head will throb painfully for several weeks).

Victims sometimes feel dizzy and experience a feeling of pressure in the temporal areas. The injury may be complicated by a fracture of the skull. Sometimes it looks like a dent on the surface of the head, but if fragments of the cranial bones damage the cortical tissue and enter the medulla, this will lead to disruption of the vital functions of the body.

Minor bruises usually occur in childhood (about 1/5 of all cases of TBI) due to the increased activity of children, who often fall and hit their heads. More severe injuries occur at older ages and are usually accompanied by impaired visual acuity, dilated pupils and increased body temperature. Due to the most severe injuries of this type, all body functions deteriorate.

To normalize the condition after a brain contusion, the patient is prescribed drugs that have antioxidant and neuroprotective effects. Products that strengthen the vascular system and promote its restoration are also used.

Axonal damage

This type of injury leads to severe disturbances of consciousness (concussions), which soon cause stoppage of brain activity and falling into a coma. The main treatment for axonal damage is life support. It is impossible to determine the recovery time, since it will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

By severity

In accordance with another classification, 3 types of TBI are distinguished depending on their severity.

SeverityNumber of points on the Glasgow scale

However, no matter how severe the blow to the head was, its consequences can be minimized if the necessary assistance is provided to the victim in a timely manner.

Prevention methods

Most diseases that manifest as pain in the head and bridge of the nose can be prevented. They are not associated with anatomical features and can appear at any age, often associated with a seasonal decrease in immune defense. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain recommend following simple rules that will allow you to maintain health in any conditions:

  • protect the bridge of the nose from hypothermia, especially in windy weather;
  • during active sports, wear protective equipment that will protect against head and nose injuries;
  • choose the right diet, with an optimal balance of vitamins and microelements;
  • observe the rules of personal protection and hygiene in order to prevent the spread of viral diseases;
  • minimize contact with allergens;
  • start treatment at the first symptoms of a cold and do not wait for it to enter the acute stage.

Pain in the head and bridge of the nose can accompany various diseases of an inflammatory, traumatic, or infectious nature. In the early stages, they are easily treatable and do not pose a health risk, but can progress over time. At the Clinical Brain Institute, the patient will receive an individual diagnostic program that will help determine the exact cause of poor health. Experienced doctors will select a simple but effective treatment regimen, thanks to which you can quickly return to your normal lifestyle.

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Features of the development of TBI in children

In infants and one-year-old children, after hitting their head, the body temperature can rise to 38 ° C or higher. In the presence of open wounds, this is a consequence of infection, and in other cases - the result of stress, the development of inflammation or the use of inappropriate medications.

Blows to the head received by children are especially dangerous because the child cannot clearly describe his sensations. This makes diagnosis and subsequent treatment difficult. However, it is precisely at the moment of receiving the grass that you can notice that the baby:

  • turned pale;
  • became drowsy and lethargic;
  • has a rapid heartbeat and uneven pulse.

Subsequently, the baby experiences frequent vomiting. He constantly spits up when feeding and becomes restless. Problems with sleep appear. With a concussion, these symptoms completely disappear after 3-4 days.

In newborns and infants, as well as in older people, a concussion develops with preservation of consciousness. This is due to their physiological characteristics.

First aid

If a person falls and hits his head, then signs of a TBI will begin to appear almost immediately; you just need to pay attention to it. He will begin to feel nauseous or may faint. You need to help in such a situation quickly and confidently. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Call an ambulance;
  2. Apply ice or a cold compress to the victim’s forehead (this will constrict the blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of bleeding, bumps and bruises, and will also reduce swelling);
  3. Carry out a careful examination of the patient: if he has pain in the neck, then perhaps we are talking about an injury to one or more vertebrae (in this case, you should try not to change the person’s position unless absolutely necessary);
  4. If the victim has lost consciousness, give him a sniff of ammonia (you should not hit the cheeks in this situation, as this may aggravate the patient’s condition);
  5. Treat all damaged areas of the skin (with wounds and abrasions) with hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin solution;
  6. In case of gushing bleeding in the temple area, you need to press the vessel tightly with your fingers, then apply a furatsilin bandage, secure it with a plaster and wrap it with a bandage (if the necessary remedy is not at hand, it can be replaced with miramistin ointment);
  7. If the victim begins to feel sick or vomit, then you need to lay him on his side and try to make the vomit come out as freely as possible (use homemade gauze swabs or a piece of any clean cloth to wipe the patient’s mouth).

Now all that remains is to wait for the ambulance to arrive. However, this sequence of actions is not always necessary. If a person simply has a headache after a blow, then there is no need to call a team of doctors. But it is worth taking the victim to the hospital, since not a single TBI goes away without leaving a trace, which means he needs the help of specialists.

“Repeatedly clashes from this player, even in relation to his own teammates”

For ethical reasons, cannot report the name of the victim, as well as the name of his rival, through whose fault he ended up in a hospital bed. But the Lviv TsKhM player who committed the violation is already well known in children’s hockey, and not from the best side. Here are just a few comments from social networks:

Article on the topic

Ice knights of the future. How do hockey stars light up? “Very rude player, unbalanced.”

“We know, we met, thank God we are playing in goal. Repeatedly clashes from this player, even in relation to his own teammates.”

"Horrible! This could end badly!”

At the same time, this player has his own page on Instagram, and a lot of laudatory reviews from experts who predict a great future for him. And, apparently, on the way to this future the boy does not stand on ceremony with anyone.


In all cases of TBI, surgical treatment is recommended for patients. For mild disorders, primary surgical treatment is sufficient. In other situations, a procedure to restore bone structures or even craniotomy may be required. After the necessary surgical operations, the patient undergoes drug therapy.

For severe vomiting, people with TBI are prescribed injections of Metoclopramide or Etamsylate. Of the painkillers, Analgin is the most preferable for them. However, even with severe headaches, you should not take more than two tablets of this drug at a time.

In the future, the patient will have to take Piracetam and Etamzilat three times a day (the volume of one dose is 2 tablets). This will promote more active metabolic processes and improve cerebral circulation.

The victim may also be advised to take several other types of medications.

Name of the drugAction provided
AskorutinHelps strengthen the vascular system.
EufillinAllows you to eliminate cerebral edema, but is only suitable for people with normal or high blood pressure.
DecamevitThanks to its multivitamin composition, it normalizes metabolism.
Amoxicillin, CefotaximeDrugs in this group are antibiotics, the use of which will ensure the prevention of meningitis, which is necessary in case of rupture of the membranes of the brain (the presence of this damage can be judged by the nasal and ear flow of cerebrospinal fluid).

Until the end of the therapy prescribed by the doctor, the patient should be treated as carefully as possible:

  • do not move it too sharply;
  • protect from direct sunlight;
  • keep quiet;
  • allow you to get a good night's sleep.

If there is no improvement, be sure to consult a doctor.

Without the necessary treatment, after a head hit, the victim experiences weather dependence and fatigue. If the membranes of the brain are injured, then the person is highly likely to develop meningitis.

Transformation of "Lviv"

Not so long ago, the “Lions of TSKhM” lost to the “Penguins” more often than they won against them. Sergei Suyarkov at the Center for Hockey Excellence , who took over the leadership of the hockey school.

The business card on the Central Art Museum website lists the regalia of this coach: “16-time champion of Moscow (CSKA-95, Dynamo-2002), 5-time champion of Russia. He coached the Russian junior team.”

The results of teams of various ages went up sharply. True, in discussions of what is happening on the Internet, you can also find the following opinions: “We gathered guys from all the clubs in Group A of the Moscow Cup. They pushed their students aside. It’s only in the movies that a coach comes in and bam... from weaklings they become super players and defeat everyone. From the point of view of raising the club’s rating... the move is smart.”

What action will be taken against a hockey coach who taught children to fight? More details

All of these are, of course, subjective assessments. But the serious injury of a ten-year-old boy, inflicted by a player on a team that is head and shoulders above the victim’s team in skill, makes you wonder: what’s going on?

In the damned Soviet past, sports schools stubbornly hammered home the idea that a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and respect for the opponent should be in the foreground. For rudeness in the game one could be kicked out of the section, as, by the way, for poor studies.

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