The story of a woman who experienced depression, panic attacks, an eating disorder and suicide attempts

Suicidal behavior includes thoughts of suicide, attempts to commit suicide, and suicide itself. This problem mainly occurs in adolescents and young people aged 15-25 years. Adults take their own lives mainly after 70 years of age.

Only a small percentage of suicide victims have serious mental disorders. Most often, such radical solutions to problems are resorted to by people with minor disorders caused by prolonged depression, or those of an impulsive nature. It is important to promptly identify symptoms of suicidal behavior in your loved one, especially a child, in order to prevent terrible consequences.

Types and types of suicidal behavior

There are 2 types of manifestations of suicidal behavior:

1. Internal.

  • Passive thoughts. A person thinks about death, but not about suicide. He believes that he has no reason to live, his departure will not upset anyone. Fantasies appear that life will suddenly end, for example, in a dream.
  • Intentions. Specific thoughts about suicide appear. The patient chooses a method of suicide, thinks about the place and time of action.
  • Intentions. The final decision is made. A person begins to realize his plan.

These three stages can be completed in a few minutes or take months or even years.

2. External.

  • True. Long thoughts about the meaning of life and existing problems lead to the desire to commit suicide. Suicide seems to be the only way out. The decision to commit suicide is thoughtful and conscious. The patient does not tell anyone directly about his thoughts, so his death often comes as a complete surprise to those around him. Although from his behavior one can suspect that something is wrong.
  • Demonstrative. They consist of hints and open threats to commit suicide. In this case, the suicide usually does not intend to take his own life. He just wants to be heard by others or receive something from them. Such a person does not know how to engage in dialogue or build normal relationships. If attempts to attract attention end in death, it is usually a tragic accident.
  • Hidden. Such behavioral manifestations are characteristic of those who do not dare to deliberately hurt themselves or understand that suicide is not a solution. Nevertheless, patients try to hasten death, often unconsciously. They engage in extreme sports, drive while intoxicated or at high speed, run across busy highways, and become addicted to drugs.

Link between depression and suicide

Many psychiatrists note that more than half of the people who decided to voluntarily say goodbye to life suffered from depression for a long time. Many people confuse low mood and depressive disorder. These concepts are used to refer to different conditions. Depression is characterized not only by worsening or mood swings, but also by a decrease in self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness, etc.

People suffering from depression stop experiencing positive emotions. Against the backdrop of a depressed emotional state, a person increasingly has thoughts that nothing will change for the better and the only way to get rid of suffering is to end his life’s journey. It is impossible to determine exactly how long it will take from the appearance of signs of a depressive disorder to an attempt to commit suicide.

Causes of suicidal behavior

Many factors influence a person's desire to commit suicide. They can be divided into 5 groups.

1. Personal relationships:

  • childhood psychological and physical trauma;
  • cruel or indifferent attitude of parents;
  • growing up in a single-parent family;
  • cases of suicide among loved ones;
  • living with alcoholics, drug addicts, and seriously ill patients;
  • misunderstanding on the part of loved ones, conflicts in the family;
  • divorce and separation from a loved one;
  • parental divorce;
  • death of a loved one;
  • cheating partner;
  • unhappy or unrequited love;
  • sexual incompetence;
  • non-acceptance of one's own sexual orientation or gender;
  • experience of sexual violence.

2. Social interaction:

  • problems and bullying in the team;
  • excessive stress at work and study;
  • inability to establish contact with others;
  • influence from groups and individuals praising death;
  • forced social isolation.

3. Antisocial behavior:

  • fear of criminal liability;
  • an attempt to avoid shame due to an act committed;
  • desire for self-punishment.

4. Material and everyday difficulties:

  • job loss;
  • loss of money;
  • low material income in the family;
  • living in unfavorable living conditions.

5. Physical condition:

  • chronic pain;
  • incurable pathologies;
  • appearance features;
  • mental illness.

There are many other reasons for suicidal behavior. A combination of several factors increases the risk of wanting to commit suicide.

Forced treatment

In accordance with the current legislation of our country, compulsory treatment is allowed after a suicide attempt. if relatives try, they are advised to call an ambulance. The patient is hospitalized in a hospital. He is undergoing treatment in the psychosomatic department.

During the first few days, relatives and friends are not allowed to see the patient. After the patient regains consciousness and recovers a little, he can be visited in the presence of a medical professional. First, the doctor gives recommendations to relatives on how to behave with the patient. After a certain time, the clinic staff will establish contact with the patient and instill in him a desire for life, thanks to the use of special psychotherapeutic techniques. Compulsory treatment after suicide is recommended to be carried out without fail, which will eliminate the possibility of relapse.

Detection of suicidal behavior

If you look closely at a loved one, you may notice signs that indicate he or she is suicidal. The behavior of suicide victims varies, but its unnaturalness is always striking.

Most often, someone who decides to commit suicide becomes withdrawn and silent, trying to isolate himself from everyone. He loses interest in his surroundings and reacts poorly to external stimuli. He is characterized by unemotionality, inappropriate actions and statements.

Unusual aggressiveness, prudence and composure often manifest themselves. Some become hyperactive, cheerful for no reason, and fussy. Elevated mood quickly gives way to lethargy. Lost appetite. Nightmares cause sleep disturbances.

A person who is suicidal begins to talk often about death and suicide. He directly or indirectly hints at his decision to die. There is an interest in books and films with death motifs. A potential suicide person constantly views depressive images and listens to sad music. He is often under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

A suicidal person searches the Internet and print media for information about methods of suicide. A large number of pills or poisonous substances can be found in his personal belongings. Preparation for death also consists of putting things in order, reconciling with enemies, and giving away things of personal value.

Depression and suicidal behavior as a result of self-isolation

It is not easy for a sound artist to find a common language with people - others consider his interests and views to be strange. And he himself is a natural introvert, focused on his thoughts.

Going deeper into himself, closing himself off from the noisy crowd with its alien values, the sound artist dooms himself to ever deeper depression, suicidal thoughts visit him more and more often. Sometimes I am tormented by the fear of going crazy - getting schizophrenia or another mental disorder. And this is no coincidence: the risk of schizophrenia, autism, and MDP exists only among owners of the sound vector.

Deep depression with suicidal thoughts pushes you to seek some kind of treatment. However, shock courses of antidepressants and other drugs relieve symptoms only temporarily, because treatment with medications does not go away the cause of the problem - debilitating pain of the soul and a feeling of the meaninglessness of life.

Signs of suicidal behavior in minors and children

Children are more likely to act impulsively. A fragile psyche, coupled with the inability to cope with problems, can lead to dire consequences due to any difficult situation. Spontaneous suicides usually occur before the age of 14. Teenagers carefully prepare for them.

Fortunately, only 1 case of suicidal behavior out of 100 results in death. But it is still necessary to be attentive to a child with similar tendencies. If the problems that led to the desire to commit suicide are not resolved in time, suicide attempts will be repeated. And the deeper the depression, the more serious the mental trauma will be.

A child who is thinking about death is constantly sad and cries. He locks himself in his room and refuses to communicate with relatives and friends. Lost interest in games and other activities that were previously enjoyable. Irritability and hostility arise.

Absence from school is increasing. The child stops doing homework and his academic performance drops sharply. Loss of sleep and appetite. There may be periodic complaints of physical discomfort, such as headache.

The presence of at least 2-3 symptoms should alert parents and teachers. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a psychologist. A specialist will assess the severity of depression and the level of suicide risk and help you sort out the problems.

Cost of services

NAME OF SERVICEprice, rub.
Consultation with a therapist (observation)3,000 rubles
Consultation with a neurologist (observation)3,000 rubles
Consultation with a psychologist2,000 rubles
Psychiatrist consultation5,000 rubles
Consultation with the head of the department4,500 rubles
When applying again5% discount on treatment
Disabled people and war veterans5% discount on treatment
Large families10% discount on treatment

* Dear patients! The administration tries to promptly update the price list posted on the website, but in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, we ask you to clarify the cost of services on the day of your call by calling 24/7.

The posted price list is not an offer.

Diagnosis of suicidal behavior

To identify suicidal tendencies, a psychologist conducts conversations with a potential suicide victim and his immediate circle. The degree of risk is assessed based on personal and situational factors.

1. Personal factors.

  • low self-esteem;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • an urgent need for sincere and warm relationships;
  • the need for understanding and support from others;
  • difficulties in making decisions;
  • lack of independence;
  • inadequate reaction to failures;
  • tendency to self-flagellation;
  • inability to build relationships in society;
  • infantilism.

2. Situational factors:

  • unfavorable environment in the team or family;
  • frequent changes of housing, study, work;
  • systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • participation in sects;
  • significant anniversaries;
  • family or personal history of suicide attempts.

During a personal conversation with a suicidal person, a psychologist assesses the strength of the anti-suicidal barrier. This is a combination of factors that shape the will to live:

  • a positive attitude towards life and a negative attitude towards death;
  • fear of hurting yourself;
  • strong attachment to someone;
  • parental obligations;
  • increased sense of duty and responsibility;
  • belonging to a religion that condemns suicide;
  • having dreams and plans for the future.

The more of these factors there are, the less likely it is to commit suicide, and vice versa.

The following techniques are also used to identify suicidal tendencies:

  • depression scale score;
  • assessment on the aggression scale;
  • methods for identifying and preventing suicides;
  • analysis of drawings;
  • studying personal pages on social networks;
  • method of unfinished sentences;
  • psychological games.

No one loves me, no one feels sorry for me: depression and suicidal thoughts among owners of the visual vector

Sociable and emotional extroverts with a visual vector are completely different from closed and self-absorbed sound people. On the contrary, they actively seek emotional connections with other people and clearly express their feelings. Nevertheless, such people may well complain of stress and depression, and voice their suicidal thoughts.

In fact, in the case of those with a visual vector, we are not talking about deep, chronic depression at all, and the suicidal behavior of such a person does not carry a genuine intention to commit suicide. Where do suicidal thoughts come from in the absence of deep depression?

Naturally visual people have a huge emotional range. Such properties are given to the visual person to realize his properties for the benefit of society. It is the spectators that support all volunteer organizations, peace movements, and work with people with disabilities. In a word, all areas of our life that require compassion for people.

However, in the absence of adequate implementation, this entire incredible range of emotions remains locked inside the psyche of the visual person, which is why he experiences hysterics and emotional swings. Instead of giving love and compassion to others, he begins to demand it for himself. No matter how much loved ones assure him that he is needed and loved, this does not help for long: time passes, and again the need to fill his emotional emptiness arises.

In this state, the viewer can voice suicidal intentions, talk about depression and the unbearability of life. However, these suicidal statements are not filled with depression at all, but with emotional hunger, a desire to receive attention and compassion for oneself. In the absence of the desired reaction from others, the owner of the visual vector in this state may attempt demonstrative suicide.

The suicidal risk with so-called depression (it would be more accurate to say dissatisfaction) in the visual vector is minimal, but it still exists. Sometimes an attempt at demonstration actually ends in suicide. In addition, the viewer, as a rule, is not aware of the reasons for his condition, does not try to consciously manipulate someone, but in fact suffers.

What should you do if someone close to you is experiencing such stress, demonstrating suicidal intentions, complaining of symptoms of depression because no one loves him and no one needs him?

  • at a critical moment, give the viewer the much-desired emotions of love and empathy;
  • when his condition levels out, try to switch his attention to the real troubles of other people, to involve him in actively helping those suffering.

These tips will help as a temporary measure. To eliminate the risk of repetition of such situations, we need a deep study of psychological problems and traumas that prevent visual people from realizing themselves for the benefit of society.

At the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, many people successfully managed to get rid of hysterics, emotional swings, panic attacks and other symptoms of visual deficiency:

About finding a doctor

I tried to contact various specialists, looking for ways to overcome depression. I decided “damn, to die - I’m not dying, to live - I’m not living, I need to do something about it.”

I contacted neurologists. The neurologist prescribed antidepressants, which helped fight depression and gave me a certain period of remission. But after the cancellation, everything began to gradually return.

I tried going to my place of residence, to a psychiatric clinic. Most often, psychiatrists prescribe antipsychotics - quite heavy drugs. They don’t ask the question, what was the root cause, how to help a person get out of depression? They somehow don’t search deeply. Therefore, I was afraid to go there further.

I called a doctor to my house. The doctor is like: “Yes, it’s terrible for you there...” Well, I, of course, understand, but what to do?

I called a doctor to my house. The doctor is like: “Yes, it’s terrible for you there...” Well, I, of course, understand, but what to do?

The health experiments were not in vain. I got a rare autoimmune disease. It is not easy to identify it, because it disguises itself as other diseases: asthma, bronchitis. From time to time I was taken to the hospital by ambulance because I couldn’t breathe. After stopping the medications, everything came back again. The last time I was admitted to the hospital, my hemoglobin was 37 (the hemoglobin norm for women is 120–140). We searched for a long time, about a month. Never before have so much blood been taken for testing. However, it was discovered that it was an autoimmune disease. They started giving me large doses of hormones, and I went from 55 to 80 kg.

My attending physician was a rheumatologist who told me: “Listen, I don’t know how or what you will do, but you should find a psychotherapist. Not a psychologist, you should find a psychotherapist! How it will be, I don’t know.”

I listened. My battle with depression began. Gathering all the willpower I had, I found the address of a private clinic and found out how it worked. It was far for me, because I lived in Lobnya, and Alliance was located somewhere in Belyaevo. I came to Alliance without an appointment. I asked if there was a specialist who could see me right now. I really need it, they say. They called Nino Anatolyevna.

Nino Anatolyevna received me and listened carefully. I don't remember the details of the conversation. But, most likely, I told you that everything is very bad, and I don’t know how to overcome depression and apathy. Of course, I wanted them to give me a miracle pill, and all this would go away instantly. But that doesn't happen.

Of course, I wanted them to give me a miracle pill, and all this would go away instantly. But that doesn't happen.

After the first session, I didn’t feel any inspiration, any inspiration, any joy. But I realized that it was necessary. I didn’t know what to expect from a specialist, because we didn’t know each other, and how psychotherapy would proceed. But I agreed, and I had to move on, get rid of depression - that’s what I knew. How it would be, good or bad, I didn’t know. Of course, there was internal resistance. But something pushed me forward.

I started studying with Ashmeiba Nino Anatolyevna. Our meetings took place in the form of conversation. I expected something, I wanted a miracle. Just so that they could directly take all my sorrows and sorrows and heal me, tell me how to help myself with depression. That's what I wanted. Nino Anatolyevna said: “No, dear, you’ll have to work with yourself!” Well, that's not what she said, but I realized that this is how our meetings would go. Internal resistance remained. “Damn, how is this possible? What is this? I don't understand how it all works."

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