Panic attacks - are there anyone who suffers?

What is a "panic attack"?

Panic attacks are quite common and occur in approximately 7-8% of the population. This is a neurological disorder that is accompanied by an irrational feeling of anxiety. Panic attacks are characterized by the following psychosomatic symptoms:

  • an unreasonable feeling of fear;
  • internal tension;
  • feeling of panic;
  • inability to gain control over the situation;
  • sleep disorders.

During panic attacks, the patient may complain of dizziness, blurred vision, stomach pain or digestive disorders. Panic attacks (PA) are also accompanied by chills, hand tremors, rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing.

Possible worsening of phobias. Patients often report a sudden onset of agoraphobia. In this case, nausea and aching pain in the heart area appear.

Causes of panic attacks

PA is characterized by characteristic mental symptoms, but the development of an inexplicable feeling of anxiety is based on a disruption of the patient’s central nervous system.

The exact reason for the development of this condition has not yet been clarified. However, the appearance of panic attacks is preceded by the following conditions:

  • severe stress;
  • excessive physical and psychological stress;
  • emotional shock;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and other substances that have a toxic effect on the body;
  • hormonal disorders, including during pregnancy;
  • hormonal therapy.

Some diseases can be an indirect cause of panic attacks. Such diseases include heart attack, some types of cancer, and autonomic dysfunction. The condition is often associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Unreasonable attacks of anxiety can appear after a strong emotional shock, for example, parting with a loved one or the death of relatives and friends. Also, sometimes attacks appear after a shock.

People who are afraid of crowds or who suffer from a fear of open spaces are prone to panic attacks. Social phobias, people with severe depression and hypochondriacs are susceptible to this disorder.

Panic attack: symptoms and causes

An attack that occurs for the first time can throw a person into shock and, due to a lack of understanding of what is happening, the patient’s condition can worsen.
A person simply cannot calm down and fight on his own; he does not know the reason for what is happening to him or her. In one moment, a thought that enters the head can cause a severe panic attack, fear and anxiety cover the entire body. An attack of PA causes a person to experience the following feelings:

  • strong pressure in the throat, sensation of a lump;
  • the mouth becomes dry;
  • changes in voice and speech;
  • loss of self-control and control;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • lack of air;
  • intermittency of breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • fear for your life;
  • fear of various kinds of dangers;
  • trembling in the body;
  • muscle tension throughout the body;
  • the desire to hide from everyone or close yourself off;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • sensation of either heat or cold;
  • symptoms of myocardial infarction.

PA is characterized by characteristic mental symptoms, but the development of an inexplicable feeling of anxiety is based on a disruption of the patient’s central nervous system.

Sudden anxiety attacks

As a rule, the first attack occurs after any strong emotional shock, or during stress.

The patient notes rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing. Then he feels groundless fear, anxiety grows in him. In this case, a feeling of internal overstrain is often noted, many complain of sudden muscle spasms or numbness of the limbs. The patient may experience groundless fear for his life or the lives of loved ones. The duration of the attack varies from several minutes to several hours. On average, a panic attack lasts about half an hour, but each patient experiences it differently. The first attack often occurs due to the presence of some factor. This could be being in a crowd, for example, going down the subway, or vice versa - being in an empty square.

Having experienced the first attack of sudden anxiety and panic, patients begin to worry about their own health, suspecting heart disease or neurological and mental disorders. This forces you to visit a neurologist and therapist, who, as a rule, do not find physiological problems and diseases that could cause a neurological disorder.

The patient develops a fear of a panic attack. Therefore, subsequent attacks are more difficult.

Young women are more susceptible to panic attacks, but men can also have them. The average age of patients is 25-35 years. Attacks occur infrequently, approximately twice a month.

The Dangers of Panic Attacks

Despite the irrational fear of death, sudden panic attacks are not fatal. However, they leave a significant imprint on the patient's social interactions.

As a rule, the patient, expecting a new attack, minimizes social interactions so that no one witnesses this condition. Fear of death makes patients go out less often. Due to constant waiting, each new attack is more severe, so patients are afraid to be in a crowd. Often, in the absence of treatment and correction of this condition, patients limit themselves even in such everyday activities as going to the store. Instead of large hypermarkets, patients try to visit small stores, as they develop a fear of large spaces and crowds.

Constant anticipation of an attack and fear for one’s own life aggravate the condition. As a result, patients experience sleep disorders and develop depression.

Drug treatment of seizures

To alleviate the condition of patients, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antidepressant tablets;
  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • vascular drugs and medications to improve blood supply to the brain;
  • vitamin complexes.

Antidepressants occupy a leading position in the treatment of PA. These drugs help relieve anxiety, relieve depression and anxiety. Antidepressants are also indicated for sleep disorders, as they successfully fight insomnia and provide sound, restful sleep. Antidepressants should be taken with caution, as drugs in this group have a number of serious side effects and are addictive.

Sedatives, also known as sedatives, have a natural composition. Medicines in this group are indicated to relieve panic attacks. They help relieve muscle spasms and reduce internal tension, as well as normalize sleep.

Tranquilizers are necessary to relieve the acute symptoms of an attack. Such tablets normalize the heartbeat, relieve anxiety and relieve stress, both emotional and physical, manifested by muscle spasms.

The drugs have serious contraindications and can cause a number of side effects, so treatment with tranquilizers is prescribed with great caution and for a short period of time. Tranquilizers cause mental retardation and a slower reaction to stimuli, therefore, such drugs are contraindicated when driving a car and doing work that requires maximum concentration and concentration.

Drugs to improve blood supply and improve vascular permeability help relieve associated physiological symptoms - dizziness, migraine, numbness of the limbs and pain in the heart. These medications are prescribed as adjuvant therapy, together with antidepressants or sedatives.

In addition to treating the main symptoms of a panic attack, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes to strengthen the body’s immune defense and nervous system. Patients are often prescribed a complex of B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the central nervous system.

For what pathologies can Novo-Passit be taken additionally?

is a combined herbal preparation that has a sedative, hypnotic and anti-anxiety effect. This medication can be used for a number of diseases and pathological conditions - both independently and in combination with other medications.

In addition to the main indications for use, there are a number of diseases and pathological conditions for which novo-passit can be used as part of complex therapy. At the same time, for some pathologies the use of this drug is not recommended, which should be taken into account when prescribing it.

Is Novo-Passit effective for anxiety?

Does Novo-Passit help with depression?

Does Novo-Passit help with headaches?

Almost every person has experienced a headache more than once. However, there can be many reasons for the development of this condition, and each of them requires a special approach to treatment.

The use of novo-passit is justified in cases where headaches are caused by fatigue ( for example, during prolonged and intense mental work

), insomnia, psycho-emotional trauma, and so on. In this case, the active components of the drug eliminate increased nervous excitability, normalize the functions of the central and autonomic nervous systems, and also have a beneficial effect on the patient’s emotional state, eliminating anxiety and worries associated with existing problems. As a result of this, a tired person most often falls asleep, and upon waking up does not experience a headache.

The use of novo-passit as an anesthetic is ineffective for head injuries, infectious diseases, colds and other diseases in which headaches are caused by organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Does Novo-Passit help with neurosis?

Neurosis is a pathological condition characterized by increased nervousness, irritability, anxiety, a tendency to hysteria, sleep disturbance and other symptoms. All this leads to a decrease in the patient’s physical and mental performance.

Which doctor should I contact?

For panic attacks, you should visit three specialists:

  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist.

Treating anxiety attacks is the job of a psychiatrist, not a psychologist. Anyone who suffers from panic attacks should remember this.

Consultation with a therapist is necessary to rule out other diseases, one of the symptoms of which may be a panic attack. The therapist may prescribe additional examinations of the heart and vascular condition.

A consultation with a neurologist is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Since PA is often one of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, consultation with this specialist is mandatory. A neurologist can also prescribe treatment or refer you to a psychiatrist.

You should not be afraid of being examined by a psychiatrist. This specialist will help select treatment so that the neurological disorder no longer bothers the patient. As a rule, antidepressants or tranquilizers are prescribed for treatment. These drugs are selected with caution due to the large list of possible side effects.

How to use

Before using the product, be sure to read the instructions. If the drug was prescribed by your doctor, you must follow all these recommendations. Novopassit for VSD is usually taken for one month, after which a break is required.

The drug has a pronounced sedative effect, so taking it for too long is unacceptable. The product is usually taken 5 ml (or one tablet) up to three times a day before meals. In addition, you can adhere to the following recommendations:

  • if drowsiness or weakness occurs, it is recommended to reduce the dose by half;
  • the interval between doses of the medicine should be at least four hours;
  • with intense nervous tension, a single dose can be 5-10 ml;
  • If nausea occurs, Novopassit should not be taken with meals.

We recommend that you read: How to choose antidepressants for panic attacks?

This drug has a unique composition, and it has no exact analogues. There are only drugs that act in a similar way. So, instead of the drug Novo-passit, for VSD, they can prescribe, for example, Persen or Glycine.

"Afobazol" against panic attacks

Does Afobazole treat panic attacks? The drug "Afobazole" is a sedative that occupies a leading position in the treatment of neurological disorders, including anxiety attacks.

Advantages of the drug:

  • does not cause drowsiness;
  • does not depress the activity of the central nervous system;
  • is not addictive;
  • protects nerve cells from stress.

The drug "Afobazol" is indicated for the treatment of psychoneurological disorders provoked by stress. It is prescribed as a therapy for bulimia and anorexia, as well as to support calm in especially impressionable people.

“Afobazole” does not inhibit the activity of the nervous system, which means that a feeling of mental retardation and drowsiness does not occur when taking these tablets, unlike many tranquilizers and strong antidepressants.

In search of an answer to the question of whether Afobazol treats panic attacks, patient reviews give a positive answer. However, patients note that the drug is effective for moderate panic attacks and other neurological disorders. Patients with prolonged depression did not notice the effectiveness of this drug.

For frequently recurring attacks, Afobazol is prescribed as an adjuvant to help normalize sleep and relieve internal tension. However, treatment is supplemented with stronger drugs.

For mild attacks of anxiety, Afobazol only shows its good side. The drug helps relieve feelings of groundless anxiety and relieve internal stress. It is also recommended to everyone who suffers from insomnia, since Afobazol quickly and effectively normalizes patients' sleep.

The medicine has a cumulative effect, so the drug should be taken for about a week before the condition improves noticeably. The course of treatment is selected by the attending physician and varies from one month to three.

Interaction of novo-passit with other drugs

Which is better – Novo-Passit or Persen?

Which is better – novo-passit or afobazole?

Afobazole belongs to the group of tranquilizers ( anxiolytic drugs that eliminate anxiety and fear

This drug is used for anxiety disorders, panic attacks and neuroses accompanied by similar symptoms. In the treatment of such conditions, the effectiveness of afobazole is similar to that of novo-passit ( which is explained by the anxiolytic guaifenesin, which is part of the latter
). At the same time, for irritability, insomnia and other stress disorders, the use of novo-passit is more justified, as it has a more pronounced sedative effect.

The advantages of afobazole include the absence of side effects such as drowsiness, muscle weakness, lethargy and lethargy. At the same time, it is worth remembering that this medication is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age.

Is it possible to take Afobazole and Novo-Passit together?

Which is better – Novo-Passit or Tenoten?

Tenoten belongs to the group of anxiolytics and nootropic drugs. It eliminates anxiety and fear in various pathological conditions, and also improves metabolism in brain cells, increasing their resistance to many harmful factors. Used to treat neuroses, irritability and aggressiveness, as well as other brain diseases ( reduces the number of damaged neurons


This medication is not used to treat insomnia caused by psycho-emotional stress ( for this it is better to use Novo-Passit

). Also, the drug does not cause drowsiness or decreased concentration, therefore it is not contraindicated when driving a car. In addition, tenoten can be prescribed to children, which is its significant advantage compared to other medications.

Which is better – novo-passit or glycine?

Glycine is an amino acid that has a nootropic effect. Regulates inhibitory processes at the level of the central nervous system, thereby relieving emotional stress, eliminating nervousness and irritability and facilitating the process of falling asleep. Other effects of the drug include improving metabolism at the level of nerve cells in the brain, as well as improving mood.

Since glycine is a natural substance that is normally present in many cells of the human body, its use is practically not associated with any adverse reactions ( with the exception of individual intolerance to the drug, which is extremely rare

In terms of the severity of the sedative and hypnotic effect, it is somewhat weaker than novo-passit, as a result of which it is used in the treatment of mild neuroses or insomnia. At the same time, due to the improvement of metabolic processes in neurons, it can be used in the treatment of organic brain damage ( for example, in cases of cerebrovascular accident

Is it possible to combine novo-passit and glycine?

Which is better – novo-passit or motherwort?

Motherwort extract contains glycosides, alkaloids and flavonoids, which together have a cardiotonic effect ( reduce the frequency and increase the strength of heart contractions

). This leads to improved blood supply to the heart muscle, as well as a moderate decrease in blood pressure. In addition, the drug has a weak sedative effect, which allows it to be used for emotional tension caused by stressful situations. The medication also makes it easier to fall asleep.

It is worth noting that, compared to novo-passit, motherwort has a much weaker sedative and hypnotic effect, however, at the same time, it is practically devoid of adverse reactions ( with the exception of individual intolerance and allergies


Which is better – valerian (valerian) or novo-passit?

What is the difference between Novo-Passit and Corvalol?

Corvalol is a combination drug consisting of bromoisovaleric acid and phenobarbital. The first component has a pronounced sedative and antispasmodic effect ( eliminates excessive contraction of the smooth muscles of internal organs

Phenobarbital, in turn, inhibits the activity of the cerebral cortex and facilitates the process of falling asleep, and also potentiates ( strengthens
) the effect of other sedative medications.

Corvalol is prescribed for the treatment of neuroses, insomnia and irritability. The medication can also be used to treat functional diseases of the cardiovascular system, in which, without any apparent reason, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and pain in the heart area occurs. The difference between Corvalol and novo-passit is that the first drug consists of synthetic components, while the second is almost entirely made from plant materials.

Is it possible to take Novo-Passit and Corvalol together?

Is Novo-Passit compatible with Grandaxin?

Grandaxin is a drug that has an anxiolytic effect. Eliminates anxiety and fear, as a result of which it normalizes the patient’s neuropsychic state and facilitates the process of falling asleep.

It is worth noting that guaifenesin, which is part of novo-passit, also has an anxiolytic effect. The simultaneous use of these two drugs is permissible as prescribed by a doctor. This may be necessary when, during treatment with novo-passit, the patient’s sleep normalizes, but manifestations of anxiety persist ( which can be observed with PMS, menopause, severe neuroses that arise against the background of severe stress, and so on


It is also worth noting that Grandaxin has virtually no effect on muscle tone, as a result of which it can be used to treat the listed diseases in patients with myasthenia gravis ( novo-passit is contraindicated in such patients


Which is better – novo-passit or phenazepam?

Is it possible to take phenotropil with novo-passit at the same time?

Phenotropil is a nootropic drug that improves metabolic processes in the brain and stimulates the activity of its nerve cells. It has a psychostimulating effect and also helps improve memory, increases concentration and learning ability. Prescribed for cerebrovascular disorders, disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, as well as for neuroses accompanied by lethargy and a tendency to depression.

The combined use of these drugs is not prohibited, and with the correct dosage, it can help more effectively eliminate insomnia and normalize the patient’s psycho-emotional state.


"Pantocalcin" for PA

Another popular remedy prescribed to relieve anxiety attacks is Pantocalcin tablets.

The drug is a nootropic drug that acts directly on the brain, increasing mental activity. Drugs in this group help increase mental resistance to irritating factors, reduce the effect of stress on the body, and improve memory and attention.

Pantocalcin is prescribed for the treatment of cognitive disorders resulting from various neurological diseases. The drug is also effective in reducing mental abilities caused by stress and overexertion.

For panic attacks, Pantocalcin helps:

  • reducing feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reducing irritability;
  • improving concentration.

The drug allows you to get rid of symptoms of a panic attack such as dizziness, rapid heartbeat and breathing problems.

It can cause a number of side effects, so you should take the drug only on the advice of a doctor. Despite the fact that Pantocalcin is often prescribed to infants, the drug should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Reviews from patients indicate that this medicine has a quick effect during panic attacks, but some patients have experienced individual intolerance.

The drug is taken in a course lasting from two to six months. The course of treatment is selected by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the frequency of attacks and accompanying symptoms.

"Pantocalcin" does not inhibit the activity of the central nervous system and does not cause retardation of consciousness.

Benefits of the drug for PA

The main indications for the use of Novopassit are:

  • irritability;
  • anxiety, fear;
  • various sleep disorders;
  • dizziness, spasms in different parts of the head;
  • excessive fatigue, feeling of lack of strength;
  • decreased concentration, forgetfulness;
  • skin itching resulting from nervous overload.

Novopassit, indeed, helps to cope with all of the listed manifestations, and most patients speak about this remedy only in a positive way, highlighting many advantages. The beneficial effect is usually achieved through the complex action of such components as St. John's wort, common hop, hawthorn, lemon balm, passionflower, black elderberry, valerian and guaifenesin. After the course of treatment, patients' sleep improves, irritability decreases significantly, headaches go away, and performance increases. The mood becomes better, there is a desire to lead an active lifestyle, show initiative and interact more with others. Such positive changes, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person as a whole, resulting in a reduction in the number of panic attacks.

All this allows us to conclude that Novo-Passit is really worth taking for panic attacks. However, it must be taken into account that the remedy will not help in the fight against serious mental disorders. In case of too intense panic attacks, uncontrollable fears, severe depression and neuroses, patients are usually prescribed stronger drugs. Therefore, it is advisable to take Novopassit only if the problem has not yet reached a severe stage. The drug is also perfect for preventing panic attacks.

A distinctive feature of Novopassit is its unique composition; the drug has no exact analogues. Medicines that act in a similar way include, for example, Glycine, Persen or Afobazol.

"Novopassit" to reduce anxiety

"Novopassit" is a natural sedative, the composition of which contains several types of medicinal plants. "Novopassit" is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feeling of anxiety and causeless restlessness;
  • impaired attention, memory impairment;
  • depressive states.

"Novopassit" is available in tablets and syrup. The peculiarities of the drug are its natural composition, which is not addictive. However, like any sedative, Novopassit inhibits the activity of the nervous system, so it is possible to lose concentration and easily feel lethargic during the first doses of the drug. After a few days, this effect usually goes away and Novopassit is well received.

Contraindications to taking the drug include pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as individual intolerance to medicinal plants in the composition.

The absence of side effects and good tolerability make the drug one of the safest medications for the treatment of panic attacks. However, a sedative is not enough for frequently recurring attacks, so therapy is supplemented with tranquilizers or antidepressants, the effect of which Novopassit enhances.

Despite the fact that the product is completely natural, you should adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor. The course of treatment is prescribed individually for each patient.

"Persen" - a natural drug against anxiety and panic

Another mild sedative often prescribed for recurring panic attacks is Persen. The medicine contains only natural ingredients, such as valerian and mint extract.

Persen successfully treats the following disorders and conditions:

  • insomnia;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • mild neurosis;
  • irritability and nervous excitability.

“Persen” has a mild effect, so mental retardation does not occur when taking it. The drug does not interfere with mental activity; it can be taken while driving a car and other work that requires concentration.

The medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects, so it should be taken with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage and course of treatment are selected individually for each patient.

Drug treatment

Coping with terrible panic attacks can sometimes be done with the help of pills.

Panic attacks are an extremely complex stressful state of a person that plagues him and makes it impossible to sit down or lie down. In addition to the already indicated remedies aimed at curing and alleviating panic attacks, there are a number of folk remedies to fight on your own.

To alleviate the condition of patients, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antidepressant tablets;
  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • vascular drugs and medications to improve blood supply to the brain;
  • vitamin complexes.

Antidepressants occupy a leading position in the treatment of PA. These drugs help relieve anxiety, relieve depression and anxiety.

Antidepressants are also indicated for sleep disorders, as they successfully fight insomnia and provide sound, restful sleep. Antidepressants should be taken with caution, as drugs in this group have a number of serious side effects and are addictive.

Sedatives, also known as sedatives, have a natural composition. Medicines in this group are indicated to relieve panic attacks. They help relieve muscle spasms and reduce internal tension, as well as normalize sleep.

The drugs have serious contraindications and can cause a number of side effects, so treatment with tranquilizers is prescribed with great caution and for a short period of time. Tranquilizers cause mental retardation and a slower reaction to stimuli, therefore, such drugs are contraindicated when driving a car and doing work that requires maximum concentration and concentration.

Drugs to improve blood supply and improve vascular permeability help relieve associated physiological symptoms - dizziness, migraine, numbness of the limbs and pain in the heart. These medications are prescribed as adjuvant therapy, together with antidepressants or sedatives.

Doctors do not consider medications to be the main method of treating vegetative-vascular dystonia. The main emphasis is on a healthy lifestyle and psychotherapy, and medications for VSD are designed to help restore balance in the functioning of the patient’s ANS.

If you treat VSD only with the help of medications, after you stop taking them, the symptoms of the disease will return, because vegetative-vascular dystonia is based on disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. If you do not find the cause of VSD with the help of psychotherapy and do not change your lifestyle, it is impossible to achieve recovery.

To combat the symptoms of VSD, various drugs are used that have a calming effect, normalize blood supply to the brain, antidepressants, tranquilizers and vitamin preparations. What drugs to take to treat the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia can only be determined by a doctor, and for each patient all this is selected individually, taking into account contraindications.

What medications do doctors most often recommend for patients with VSD to take?

Folk remedies against panic attacks

Alternative treatment helps to relieve feelings of anxiety and unreasonable fear only if the patient himself is aware of his problem.

Folk remedies include all kinds of sedative herbs and teas. It is recommended to drink the following decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • hawthorn;
  • oregano.

Motherwort tincture, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, also helps to calm down. Another folk sedative is peony tincture.

According to most patients and doctors, the most effective way to combat a panic attack is self-control. The patient, feeling the approach of an attack, must pull himself together and relax. Then you need to do breathing exercises for several minutes. Yoga helps many people, regular practice of which helps reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks.

Before starting treatment with soothing teas, mixtures and tinctures, you should consult your doctor.

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