What to do if the top of your head hurts

A shooting headache is characterized by single “shots”, less often in a series. During their lifetime, 1–2% of the population may periodically experience lumbago; the question is how dangerous they can be, and whether it is worth sounding the alarm right away.

In its standard form, the pain is of medium or high intensity, as a rule, it more often affects women, and often occurs against the background of headaches of a different nature, for example, migraines. Painful sensations are localized in the area of ​​the eyes and the front of the head, and from 1 to 50 attacks can occur per day.

First of all, it is necessary to rule out problems with the eyes: visit an ophthalmologist if attacks occur frequently and are characteristic of the same place in the eye area. If this is not an eye pathology, then shooting pain in the head may be a symptom of neuralgia.

Two tops and their influence on character

The top of the head is called the crown. This is the center from which hair grows. As a rule, people have only one. The “top” is clearly visible, it is difficult to cover it with hair, since it grows precisely from this point and diverges to the sides. Therefore, if there are two or three such centers, the structural feature of the skull immediately attracts the attention of others.

People with two crowns are spoken of as lucky people, darlings of fate. It is believed that such a person is the chosen one. Superstition is common among many peoples and has been known for a long time. But few people know that the exact meaning depends on individual characteristics, age and even gender.

The child has

Two crowns on a child’s head is a difference that causes concern for a new mother. The woman is nervous about the baby’s health and is worried whether this defect is detrimental to the baby. It has long been believed that a child born with several crowns is special. But there is a double interpretation of the sign. So, in some parts of our country this is not a very good sign.

People claim that this indicates duplicity. When the child grows up, he will show his character to the fullest. This version exists, but it is not widespread everywhere. Parents will soon be convinced that the baby has an irrepressible imagination. Here it is important to find an application for the child’s peculiarities, teach him to distinguish fiction from truth, and not lie for his own benefit.

Most residents are inclined to believe that the presence of two or more crowns is a good sign, foreshadowing success in all endeavors.

The child will easily cope with all problems and find a way out of any situation. However, such children are less organized and require more attention.

In a woman

Women with two crowns on their heads are also considered lucky. They have an easy-going character and quickly find a common language with people. But they are fickle, flighty, changeable. People with one crown can also have such characteristics. Therefore, we can safely say that the distinctive feature of the skull structure does not affect the character.

In a man

The character of a man with two crowns on his head is also inconsistent. The owner of the trait is amorous. But the quality is rather positive. Every time he loves sincerely, passionately and “forever.” The opinion about how the presence of several “tops” affects a person’s character was formed based on the observation and experience of people. Perhaps this is due to the fact that more attention is focused on such people. After all, from birth they are considered the chosen ones, which means they are always in the center.

Causes of shooting pain in the head


This pathology is accompanied by unilateral pain of a pulsating nature (on the left or right), which is combined with lumbago in the head, neck and upper back. Before the onset of a migraine, a person may experience warning signs in the form of an aura. The clinical picture becomes intense under the influence of bright lighting, odors and loud sounds.

Cluster headache

With this pathology, attacks occur in series 2-10 times a day, lasting from 15 minutes to 1 hour. This phenomenon lasts for 2-3 weeks, and then gives way to a protracted period of remission.

Cluster headaches occur suddenly and are accompanied by lumbago in the back of the head, radiating to the eyeball. This symptomatology is very painful, as a result of which the person is unable to fully engage in normal activities. Before a cluster headache occurs, a person sometimes experiences blockage in one ear.


Shooting in the head often occurs in a person who has previously suffered an injury such as a concussion. Pain syndrome is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • momentary fainting.

As soon as the functions of the organ are restored, the unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own without treatment.

Intracranial pressure

Shooting sensations in the temples are possible with increased intracranial pressure. The nature and type of symptoms depend on the degree of influence of the cerebrospinal fluid on brain tissue. In severe cases of pathology, the following signs are possible:

  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

Ear infection

The inflammatory process occurring in the hearing organs leads to lumbago in the head and damage to the temporal bone. The culprit of the pain is purulent otitis media.

Trigeminal neuralgia

With this disease, lumbago is observed mainly in one half of the skull. The duration of the attack ranges from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Symmetrical development of the symptom is extremely rare.

Spinal disorders

The pain syndrome is formed against the background of compression of the spinal nerves. The pain is one-sided and shooting, radiating to the back of the head, temporal parts and frontal lobes. The main reasons for its development are the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • disc protrusion;
  • cervical spondylosis.

Cervical osteochondrosis

This disease is characterized by shooting headaches in the crown and back of the head. Patients complain of a crunching sound that occurs when turning their head, and numbness in their fingers. The intensity of the clinical picture increases at the end of the day or after prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position.


With this disease, the cartilage in the area of ​​the intermaxillary joint becomes thinner, which can lead to a decrease in the functionality of the formation. Arthrosis at the initial stage of development leads to the development of symptoms such as clicking and rusting when moving the lower jaw. As soon as the pathological process has moved to a new level, the patient experiences more serious symptoms:

  • when eating or talking, pain radiates to the head;
  • hearing decreases;
  • the jaw apparatus becomes numb;
  • the face becomes asymmetrical.


This disease is characterized by dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, the patient experiences pain similar to a migraine. Elderly people may suffer from temporal arthritis, which is characterized by inflammation of blood vessels, aneurysm of the carotid artery, causing lumbago in the temples and back of the head.


When a tumor forms and grows, shooting pain in the head occurs intermittently or becomes permanent. It worries a person due to compression of tissues by the tumor. If the neoplasm is cancerous, then the toxins released by the conglomerate have a negative effect.

Calcium salt metabolism disorder

Failure in metabolic processes affects the formation of salt deposits in the joints and parts of the spine. This reduces the performance of systems and provokes the development of inflammatory processes. The patient complains of lumbago in the affected areas and head.

What does science say about two crowns?

Doctors explain that the presence of several “peaks” does not in any way affect a person’s health or his character. Doctors say that this is an individual characteristic of a person. It does not pose a threat to life or health.

But even the luminaries of science tend to endow such a person with special talents. Doctors say that the presence of several crowns indicates that the two hemispheres of the brain are developing equally. This means that his abilities are manifested in different areas, he will achieve a lot in life. But it is difficult for such a person to concentrate on one thing and develop only one talent. He is “scattered” and may not achieve anything at all.

A version has also been put forward that several “tops” on the head are a sign of possible autism. But this hypothesis has not found scientific confirmation. Now she is rarely mentioned.


To clarify the diagnosis, examinations may be necessary not only by a neurologist, but also by doctors of other specialties: an ophthalmologist, a vertebrologist, a neurosurgeon.

During the examination, the neurologist will check reflexes, muscle tone, and coordination of movements. He will determine the types of laboratory and instrumental tests required.

The ophthalmologist, in addition to checking visual acuity and fields, will conduct a fundus examination. This will help determine the condition of the blood vessels in the brain and diagnose signs of increased intracranial pressure.

Consultation with a neurosurgeon will be necessary if the headache is associated with a traumatic brain injury or tumor. A vertebrologist may be needed for pathology in the cervical spine.

On this topic

Of the hardware research methods, the following can be prescribed:

  1. Electroencephalography is a graphic recording of electrical impulses of brain cells.
  2. CT scan of the brain. Tomography makes it possible to diagnose cerebrovascular accidents, hydrocephalus (accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity), and tumors in the brain. It can also be prescribed for examining the spine in the cervical region.
  3. MRI is the most informative and reliable method for diagnosing brain tumors, strokes, inflammation of the brain matter and membranes. Unlike CT, there is no radiation exposure to the patient.
  4. Angiography is the study of blood vessels using contrast to identify abnormalities in the development of blood vessels, narrowing of their lumen, and damage to the vascular wall.
  5. Monitoring blood pressure (with a special device) throughout the day allows you to link blood pressure readings with the period of headache.
On this topic

If an inflammatory process (meningitis or meningoencephalitis) is suspected, a lumbar puncture (obtaining cerebrospinal fluid) is performed, followed by clinical and bacteriological analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid.

The use of a variety of research methods makes it possible to correctly diagnose the pathology and prescribe optimal treatment for the patient.

Religion's opinion

No religion in the world supports belief in omens. Superstitions cause a negative attitude among clergy. No matter how strange it may sound, the attitude of representatives of the religious world does not apply to people born with several crowns.

They consider the peculiarity to be an angelic sign, and the person to be the chosen one. This has probably been the case since ancient times, when a child with similar marks was taught secret knowledge, and subsequently became a shaman capable of communicating with spirits. Christians believe that a person with several “tops” is protected not by one, but by two or even three angels. He is always under the protection of the Higher Powers.

Folk signs

Folk signs indicate that the owner of the marks has been lucky in life. The guy or girl is protected, they are always lucky in everything. But this also means inconstancy of character, which is fully manifested in love relationships.

People believe that fate has prepared a difficult family life for such a person. He will have to tie the knot twice. The good news is that it is stated that both unions will be happy. The same statement applies to girls born with several marks. They get married happily. Fate is preparing a successful marriage for them, they “feel” a man, understand what needs to be done and how to behave in order to maintain the relationship at the right level.

Modern signs about two crowns

Modern sorcerers and magicians talk about the super abilities of a person who has several tops. Many esotericists are inclined to believe that these are indigo people with special talents.

Note that today's youth are more concerned about appearance. After all, the crown is the area of ​​the head around which hair grows. And it’s difficult to create a hairstyle with such a feature. Hair appears disheveled and unruly. This feature of the skull structure also causes a lot of problems for girls. They shouldn’t even dream of a straight parting. The difference from other people is especially clear in early childhood. Later, two or three crowns are not so clearly visible.

What do three tops mean?

The presence of three crowns also raises concerns and many questions. Note that this feature is even rarer. This immediately speaks of the exclusivity of the individual, its uniqueness. Such extraordinary people have a lot of talents and abilities. But they do not pay attention to their development. Therefore, they rarely achieve success in their career or creative growth.

About the child with three tops

It is important for parents of such children to develop in them such qualities as:

  • perseverance;
  • patience;
  • responsibility;
  • the ability to achieve set goals.

Then it is likely that the children’s abilities will be used. They will achieve incredible success in life.

About a man with three tops

A man with three heads is spoken of as a despot and tyrant. He is a real dictator, confident in his own abilities. But women are drawn to him, they are attracted by this power, the power of their beloved.

About the woman with three crowns

The woman is also distinguished by her difficult character. But they become an example of a housewife, leading the house with a firm hand, keeping the children strict. A husband is usually chosen as a follower with a gentle character. If such a girl falls in love with a strong-willed man, something good will rarely come out of the union. Nobody wants to give in to each other. As a rule, such a marriage ends in disintegration. But owners of three crowns rarely choose a chosen one with stronger character. They understand perfectly what they want from life and clearly go towards their goal.


Ignoring pain in the crown area and self-medicating can have serious consequences. A disease that is not recognized in time will progress, it will become increasingly difficult to cope with it, and in some cases it will even be impossible.

Thus, ischemic attacks can once again result in the development of a stroke. Conditions such as hemorrhagic stroke (brain hemorrhage) and brain tumor pose a direct threat to life.

It must be remembered that painkillers cannot be taken for a long time. First, they have side effects. Secondly, with long-term use, analgesics cease to have an effect at the usual dosage due to addiction, requiring increasingly higher doses.

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In the absence of the next dose of the drug, rebound pain occurs. The toxic effect of using higher doses will also provoke severe headaches.

Therefore, it is very important not to delay contacting a doctor and examination.

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