What to do if you have a headache when you are poisoned?

Every person is familiar with the symptoms of poisoning. The cause of the disorder can be poor-quality products, excessive alcohol consumption, inhalation of gas vapors, drug overdose, etc. The victim experiences nausea, diarrhea and increased body temperature. A headache during poisoning is a completely normal phenomenon: this is how the body reacts to the processes occurring in it. How to overcome discomfort and how to stop an attack of cephalalgia?

What is intoxication?

Intoxication is a disorder of the normal functioning of organs that occurs as a result of the penetration of toxins or poisons into the systemic bloodstream.

Depending on the type of toxic agent, poisoning is distinguished by type.

When food is poisoned, harmful microorganisms penetrate the stomach, causing circulatory problems, the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the brain, and dehydration.

Common pathogens in food poisoning are staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella and others like them.

The peak of poisoning occurs in the summer. All perishable foods, nitrates, and pesticides are classified as hazardous for consumption.

Headache and nausea, as well as other symptoms after intoxication, usually appear several hours after toxic microorganisms enter the body.

If it hurts to swallow, speech, vision or nervous disorders occur, you don’t need to think about what medications to take.

It is recommended to immediately consult a doctor without wasting unnecessary time.

Why does my head hurt when I'm intoxicated?

Malaise develops for several reasons:

  1. Food poisoning occurs as a result of food contaminated with microorganisms. As a rule, we are talking about pseudotuberculosis, salmonellosis, botulism, and dysentery.
  2. The problem is caused by the ingestion of heavy metal salts - mercury, lead, zinc, etc.
  3. Headache if poisoning is caused by military poisons, agricultural fertilizers, household chemicals, medications, for example, ordinary iodine, paint fumes, carbon monoxide.
  4. Toxins become provocateurs when consuming inedible mushrooms, rotten fish, and low-quality products.
  5. A common cause is excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages.
  6. Sometimes intoxication occurs as a result of intestinal obstruction.

The clinical picture arises as a reaction of the central nervous system to inflammatory processes.

Cephalgia is localized in various parts of the head, is aching or bursting in nature, and can be sharp and dull. All these symptoms depend on the degree of poisoning, the type of substance or microorganism that caused the problem.

Symptoms of poisoning

There are certain signs of intoxication for which it is recommended to urgently seek help:

  • headaches and temperature above 39;
  • forced posture (usually with the head thrown back);
  • disorders of the nerves and consciousness (stupor, coma, etc.);
  • migraine lasts more than 3 days;
  • convulsive syndrome, fever;
  • visual impairment;
  • increased reaction to external stimuli (noise, sound, light);
  • manifestation of hypotension;
  • limbs become cold;
  • breathing becomes difficult;
  • vomiting or diarrhea without interruption;
  • weakness, dehydration.

What causes pain and dizziness?

Pain syndrome is caused by three causes after intoxication:

  1. Stagnation of blood in the right-sided area of ​​the affected organ causes enlargement of the liver. As a result, hemoglobin levels drop.
  2. When poisoning occurs, the walls of the stomach are stretched, causing it to become heavier. At the same time, digestion slows down, food becomes congested, and a surge of additional toxic substances begins.
  3. Poisoning disrupts the normal functioning of the pancreas, which causes a decrease in insulin production.

As a result of all these processes, similar consequences arise - dizziness and severe headache.

This type of intoxication is considered the most common. Headaches are provoked by the following pathological processes: Exposure to toxic bacteria. Intensive reproduction occurs in the cells of the intestinal walls, as well as on the periphery of the lymph nodes.

At the same time, a huge amount of toxins is released into the systemic circulation.

The nerve endings in the protective barrier are irritated, which leads to headaches. Changes in ionic and water balance. Blood imbalance (occurs with a gag reflex, diarrhea, etc.) causes an increase or decrease in ICP (intracranial pressure).

In the receptors located in the brain, impulses occur. This provokes bursting pain radiating to the back of the head, forehead and temples. Generalization of infection and development of meningitis. This pathology is characteristic of salmonellosis and enteroviruses.

With a weakened immune system, microorganisms are able to cross the blood-brain barrier.

In the process, the meningeal membranes of the brain are affected. As a result, inflammation begins, characterized by infectious symptoms.

Most of the toxic substances that enter the body with food do not have the ability to cross the defense system.

The mechanism of their action is similar to bacterial toxins that irritate nerve endings.

However, there are substances (for example, pesticides) that freely overcome any protective barriers.

They act directly on brain tissue structures. In this case, focal lesions occur, as well as violations of the vital functions of the body.

Bacterial poisoning

Disruption of the normal rhythm of internal organs occurs due to the ingestion of pathogens with food. Medical practice notes that a harmful microorganism is the most common cause.

The entry of pathogenic bacteria into finished products can occur at the preparation stage, when the technological process is disrupted. This is due to the use of obviously contaminated raw materials. Failure to comply with hygiene standards when canning vegetables and fruits at home leads to the development of foodborne illness.

Headache due to bacterial poisoning occurs for the following reasons:

  • Negative effects of waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. Once in the intestines and lymph nodes, pathogens rapidly multiply. At the same time, the produced toxins are absorbed into the blood, which causes subsequent intoxication of the organs. Having an irritating effect on the nerve endings located in the tissue separating blood vessels and brain tissue, they provoke the development of headaches.
  • Electrolyte imbalance. The disease occurs against a background of constant diarrhea and vomiting. As a result, blood pressure changes dramatically, which can either increase greatly or drop sharply. Spasmodic phenomena in the ventricles of the brain lead to a similar negative phenomenon. In this case, the patient feels a bursting or compressing pain syndrome in the occipital part of the skull, on the temples or in the frontal part.
  • The spread of infection is observed when affected by enteroviruses and salmonella. If the immune system is weakened, the body will not be able to resist infection. Bacteria will freely enter the blood-brain barrier into the brain tissue, leading to the development of an inflammatory process. If treatment is not started, the first signs of meningitis will appear.

If you have a headache due to poisoning, treatment at home is not acceptable. It is necessary to know exactly what triggered the cephalalgia and begin promptly the therapeutic measures prescribed by the doctor.

If you are poisoned by alcohol

Headache due to hangover syndrome is an inseparable concept for a drinker. As well as accompanying symptoms - lack of appetite, nausea, chills and others. The main reason is hypoxia, which causes the destruction of cells in the cerebral cortex.

During and after drinking alcohol, red blood cells are damaged.

As a result, clots are formed that clog the capillaries of the brain, which, when decomposed, release large amounts of toxins.

The body's defense system releases an increased level of fluid, which provokes an increase in ICP and destruction of nerve endings.

As a result of these complex processes, a person suffers from severe morning pain.

First aid

You can get rid of the symptom only after therapy. Already at the initial signs of poisoning, you need to call the emergency room. Before doctors arrive, you need to stop the toxic substance from entering the body:

  1. If the injury occurs as a result of the influence of a volatile chemical compound, the victim is taken outside and the clothing that restricts breathing is unbuttoned.
  2. The headache from food poisoning will disappear when the effect of the poison stops. To do this, wash the stomach, cleanse the intestines with an enema, give the patient sorbents, and provide plenty of fluids.

Severe intoxication requires hospitalization. When you have a headache, you can relieve the ailment at home only in a mild stage.

Intoxication with drugs and household chemicals

You must take medications as prescribed by your doctor, strictly following the prescribed dosage. In this case, you must read the instructions to find out about the side effects. Drug intoxication can cause enormous harm to health. The result is unpredictable, since it directly depends on the specific product.

Most chemical poisons (for example, arsenic, organophosphate compounds, mercury) destroy red blood cells.

Toxins lead to energy deficiency, causing hypoxia and circulatory disorders.

Carbon monoxide poisoning, which produces carbon monoxide, is common. This is a powerful poison that has a destructive effect on the heart, muscle tissue and blood.

First aid for headaches after poisoning

When headaches appear due to poisoning, you should not take analgesics - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. They do not act on the cause of the disease. In addition, during intoxication, the absorption of drugs is impaired. The active part of the drug simply will not get from the intestines into the bloodstream. The main actions for headaches are aimed at the cause that caused it - removing the toxic substance from the tissues.

  1. Regardless of the substance swallowed, rinse the stomach with two liters of soda water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. powder per 1 liter. liquids.
  2. Induce vomiting and repeat the procedure 2–3 more times until clean rinsing water appears.
  3. If carbon monoxide poisoning occurs, the victim must be removed from the source of infection.
  4. Give enterosorbents to drink - Smecta, Polysorb, activated carbon.
  5. If your blood pressure decreases, start drinking plenty of fluids – compote, mineral water.
  6. To restore fluid in the body, take Regidron.

If a person’s condition does not improve, qualified help is needed. Don't hesitate to call an ambulance.

How to treat severe headaches in children?

A child with intoxication experiences weakness, reflex vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

Mild discomfort can be eliminated on your own:

  • perform gastric lavage;
  • let's drink some water to prevent dehydration;
  • activated carbon tablets or smecta will help get rid of toxins;
  • provide nutrition based on a therapeutic diet.

In case of poisoning in children under 3 years of age, independent actions are not allowed. Call an ambulance immediately.

Video: different causes of headaches

Read further:

What powder to take in case of poisoning for children and adults ▶

Rehabilitation after a heart attack, prevention of new attacks and care

How harmful are headphones to a person's hearing and brain?

List of the best antibiotics for food and alcohol poisoning

Classification of food poisoning: prevention and first aid

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In case of intoxication, self-medication is highly discouraged. Only a specialist can determine the severity of poisoning and take the necessary actions to cure the patient.

You need to wait for the SPM team, which will decide whether you need hospitalization or can be helped on the spot.

Diagnosis is carried out only in case of acute poisoning.

  1. Clinical - establishes the type of poison, the route of entry into the body, the amount and exposure of toxins.
  2. Instrumental - determines the characteristics and severity of intoxication.
  3. Laboratory toxicology - qualitative and quantitative analysis of poison in the human biological environment is carried out.

What you can do at home:

  • rinsing - you need to drink a large volume of liquid repeatedly, inducing vomiting;
  • cleansing the intestines - do an enema with plain boiled water;
  • eliminate symptoms of intoxication with sorbents;
  • You can relieve gagging with still mineral water or sweet tea.

If you lose consciousness:

  • place the person on a hard surface;
  • elevate your legs for blood flow;
  • the head must be turned to the side so that the patient does not choke on vomit;
  • Give it a sniff of ammonia.

After providing first aid, wait for the doctor.

Therapy for intoxication, what medications to drink and the dosage should be selected by the attending physician. Table of medicines.

No-shpaTake 2-3 tablets three times a day
RegidronThe powder dissolves in 1 liter. boiled water, drink the solution in small sips
Mezim forteTake 1-2 tablets with meals
SmectaA packet of smecta is dissolved in 0.5 cups of boiled water, drink the solution 3-4 times a day

To remove toxins from the body, many people prefer to use natural ingredients. Marshmallow infusion. Grind marshmallow root 3 tsp, pour a glass of boiling water. Let it sit and strain. The solution is drunk throughout the day.

For children, honey is added, 1 spoon is given, the dose is increased in case of severe intoxication. Herbal decoction. Mix yarrow with wormwood in equal proportions. Pour half a liter of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. herbal mixture. Put it on the fire for literally 3 minutes, let it settle. Divide the decoction into several parts and drink throughout the day.

Doctors' recommendations

What is prohibited to do in case of poisoning:

  1. Induce vomiting in an unconscious person, in a pregnant woman, in a child under two years old, in cases of convulsive syndrome and cardiac pathology.
  2. Place a heating pad on your stomach.
  3. Treat diarrhea with medications.
  4. Give an enema during pregnancy, in old age, but especially in young children.
  5. Drink milk and sparkling water.
  6. Give alkaline drinks for acid intoxication.
  7. Show initiative.

Professional help can not only preserve health, but in most cases, human life.

Gas vapor poisoning

When poisonous gas vapors enter the circulatory system and intensively spread throughout the body, a person gets a headache after poisoning. This is due to the fact that, having reached the brain, toxins penetrate the protective barrier and affect the nervous system. When you are poisoned by gas, your whole head hurts. The pain syndrome is aching and gradually increasing in nature.

The patient's condition is considered severe if:

  • Persistent loss of consciousness.
  • Involuntary urination.
  • Blue skin.
  • Cramps.
  • Weak breathing.

Prevention of the disease

To avoid poisoning, it is enough to follow the basic rules:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before each meal, especially when handling meat or fish.
  2. You should not eat raw eggs, fish, or meat products. Food must be cooked until fully cooked.
  3. Designate a separate cutting board for meat products.
  4. Be sure to store dairy products in the refrigerator.
  5. Pre-rinse fruits and vegetables with tap water and pour boiling water over them.
  6. When purchasing, check the expiration date of products.
  7. Follow storage rules.

Patient reviews

Natalia Markova:

At the feast, due to the occasion, I had to consume a lot of heavy food and alcohol. When everyone began to disperse, it suddenly collapsed. A doctor friend gave me a Polysorb tablet, and I immediately felt better. The product helped to avoid serious intoxication.

Elizaveta Maslova:

My child was poisoned by yogurt, they called an ambulance and we were immediately hospitalized. Upon discharge, the doctor said that nausea and pale skin would continue for some time. So don’t joke with such things, run straight to the doctor.

Poisoning is a severe stress for the body, which leads to disruption of the functioning of all internal organs and is manifested by such unpleasant symptoms as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever, aching joints and muscle pain.

Why does the whole body ache during intoxication and how to cope with this illness?

Why does my joints and muscles ache?

During poisoning with low-quality food products, expired or spoiled due to insufficient heat treatment, a large amount of toxic substances enter the body, which are carried along with the bloodstream to all internal organs.

In mild forms of poisoning, the symptomatic picture goes away quite quickly, the main thing is to carry out detoxification correctly and in a timely manner. But along with a low-quality food product, intestinal infections can penetrate - salmonella, E. coli, the causative agent of staphylococcus, and parasites (helminths).

When an infection, parasites or rotavirus is added during poisoning, the clinical picture is not limited to vomiting and diarrhea; more severe symptoms occur. And treatment is not limited to detoxification and requires hospitalization of the affected person in the infectious diseases department of the hospital.

In the following cases, the general symptoms of poisoning are accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as aches throughout the body:

  1. Penetration of helminths, as a rule, with poorly processed meat and fish products. Once in the digestive system, worms disrupt the metabolic process and can cause internal bleeding. The clinic in the early stages of parasite life in the human body manifests itself as simple poisoning.
  2. Intoxication without infection or helminths. When intoxicated, the human body begins to actively produce antibodies that attack toxic substances. During this process, the walls of blood vessels expand, blood pressure rises, and body temperature rises. Due to these changes, a person begins to experience a feeling of aching in the joints and muscles.
  3. Disruption of the central nervous system. This happens when poisoned by chemicals. Along with severe nausea and diarrhea, a person’s body temperature rapidly rises, the whole body aches, muscles ache, a strong feeling of fatigue arises, up to a complete loss of strength.

A common cause of body aches is excessive stress on the kidneys, which, together with urine, remove toxic substances and their chemical compounds from the body. Aching joints may also indicate the development of a complication such as dehydration.

A pathological condition occurs due to prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, in the absence of the necessary drinking regime. When dehydrated, the lower back hurts first.

What happens when poisoned?

The clinical picture of poisoning may vary, depending on what exactly served as the toxin and the degree of damage to the body. The general clinic looks like this:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dark color of urine;
  • hypotension;
  • visual impairment;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness and lethargy;
  • rapid pulse;
  • body aches;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

Why does the unpleasant feeling of body aches almost always occur, regardless of the intensity of the poisoning and the type of toxin? Diarrhea, which accompanies the symptoms of intoxication, leads to the rapid removal from the body of calcium, magnesium and potassium - mineral elements without which muscles and joints cannot function normally. They begin to lose their elasticity, and the body immediately reacts to this with pain.

Too intense pain, which a person feels acutely and cannot be relieved with painkillers, may indicate the development of diseases such as dysentery, yersiniosis, and coli infection. An unpleasant feeling in the body occurs due to profuse, prolonged vomiting, which leads to dehydration and leaching of beneficial microelements.

The symptom may not appear immediately. In many cases, people with food poisoning do not properly detoxify, as a result of which the symptoms initially stop, but the toxins remaining in the digestive system and absorbed into the mucous membranes begin to gradually accumulate. Toxic components provoke slow poisoning with the gradual manifestation of a symptomatic picture, in particular, frequent pain and aches in the joints and muscles.

This symptom also occurs because the blood during poisoning becomes too viscous due to dehydration, and this, in turn, causes the fluid in the joints to become more viscous, leading to impairment and dysfunction of the entire joint.

Headache when exposed to toxins

Unlike food infection, damage by toxic substances often leads to a direct effect on GM tissue.

In this case, the usual symptoms of poisoning, such as nausea and diarrhea, chills, recede into the background. First of all, violations of vital functions - breathing, heart contractions - appear.

Therefore, dizziness and pain are simply ignored by the victim.

Poisoning with food, alcohol, nicotine

Expired and poor-quality food, abuse of alcohol-containing drinks, and smoking cause intoxication with the development of nausea and diarrhea. Against the background of the general clinical picture, cephalalgia often occurs.

In this case, the symptom manifests itself differently:

  1. With mild food poisoning, the headache is mild; after cleansing the stomach, the symptom disappears.
  2. With minor alcohol poisoning, a shaky gait is observed, the person is in a state of euphoria. But as toxins penetrate into the bloodstream, a hangover syndrome appears, which causes cephalgia. The symptom disappears within 24 hours on its own or is relieved with special medications.
  3. Smoking is the cause of chronic intoxication. Inhaling tobacco smoke provokes the deposition of toxic substances in the lungs and other internal organs. The head feels dizzy and often hurts.

To prevent illness, you need to monitor the quality of food products and get rid of bad habits.

Poisoning with drugs and household chemicals

Often this type of intoxication develops in children. The reason is parents’ failure to comply with basic safety precautions - detergents and tablets in bright packaging are in accessible places. A curious baby is quite capable of tasting the contents of an attractive package.

In this case, general symptoms of poisoning appear:

  1. A child or adult feels sick.
  2. There is a urge to vomit.
  3. Diarrhea develops.
  4. Weakness occurs.
  5. The temperature decreases or increases.
  6. Blood pressure rises or falls.
  7. The pulse rate is disturbed.
  8. The man loses consciousness.

Depending on the cause of poisoning, specific symptoms appear. They cause a headache; the symptom is usually intense and does not go away on its own. It is eliminated only after toxins are removed from the body.

Intoxication with chemical poisons

In this case, the lesion is also often diagnosed in children attracted by the bright design of the bottles.

The clinical picture is characterized by nausea and vomiting, pain in the larynx, problems with vision and hearing. The mucous membranes of the oral cavity are often colored in unnatural tones depending on the color of the substance. Headache, cephalalgia is severe.

Chemical exposure is deadly, so professional medical attention is necessary.

Heavy metal poisoning

Salts entering the body negatively affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Of course, you may feel dizzy, since any intoxication provokes weakness, but the symptom is not the main one.

If treatment is not started promptly, the substances bind to proteins containing sulfur. These products accumulate in the brain, leading to disruption of the tone of the vascular walls. As a result, problems with blood pressure arise and a headache begins.

Providing first aid

If symptoms of poisoning appear—nausea and vomiting—it is prohibited to restrain the urge to vomit. Through the process of reverse peristalsis, the body tries to get rid of toxic substances. If there is nausea, but vomiting does not occur, it must be provoked artificially by placing two fingers on the root of the tongue, or by drinking a saline solution (water with salt).

A weak solution of potassium permanganate will also work in this situation, but you need to dilute the substance very carefully, the water should be slightly pink. If the concentration of potassium permanganate is too high, you can get a burn to the mucous membrane of the larynx and esophagus.

During nausea, you should drink plenty of water at room temperature. This measure will help clear the stomach faster and prevent dehydration. You should only take medications for diarrhea if the symptom lasts more than a day.

After vomiting and diarrhea have been stopped, it is recommended to perform a cleansing enema. It uses boiled water or a decoction based on chamomile. Chamomile will soothe the irritated mucous membrane of the rectum.

It is mandatory to take sorbents and adsorbents. These medications will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and remove the remains of toxic substances from the body. It is important to remember that you can get an overdose from excessive intake of sorbents, so it is necessary to take medications in the dosage indicated in the annotation.

At body temperature, which often causes body aches (in the absence of pathogenic intestinal microflora), antipyretic drugs can be taken only if the indicator is 38.5 degrees or higher. If the body temperature is 37-38, you can bring it down, thereby preventing the appearance of aches in the joints, using traditional methods - drink tea with lemon, wipe the body with a towel dipped in cold water.

At high temperatures, it is better to use antipyretics in the form of rectal suppositories. Suppositories act much faster than tablets, which, with severe vomiting, will come back out of the body without having time to be absorbed into the mucous membranes.

For aches and high temperatures, it is recommended to take Aspirin. This drug thins the blood well, and this, in turn, will help restore the normal state of the joint fluid. Bed rest is mandatory.

In the case of an intense clinical picture that lasts more than a day, and in the absence of positive dynamics in the state of health after detoxification at home, it is necessary to contact a medical institution.

Taking any narrow-spectrum drugs on your own—antibiotics, antiviral drugs—is strictly prohibited. They can only be prescribed by a doctor after the patient has passed medical tests and determined the causes of intoxication. If there is severe body aches, you can take drugs with painkillers and a general spectrum of action - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

At high risks of dehydration, the first signs of which are severe fatigue, fainting, severe pain in the joints and muscles, in a hospital setting, Ringer's solution, Disol, Trisol, as well as preparations enriched with mineral elements, glucose solution are administered through a dropper.


Treatment of poisoning is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors and with adjustments to the therapeutic measures taken. If immediate medical assistance is not possible, first aid is provided and a medical team waits.

When cephalalgia develops, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

However, if a headache develops from poisoning, these medications will be useless, creating additional stress on the stomach and intestines. This occurs due to the fact that the functioning of the organs is impaired, the substances are poorly absorbed and do not lead to the expected result.

Treatment of the victim is carried out in several areas:

  • The toxin is removed from the patient's body. You will need to take enterosorbents: activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb.
  • When intoxication of the body develops due to infection, antibiotics will help. The course of treatment is calculated for a week or 10 days. The duration of therapy depends on the pathogenic microorganism. Self-prescription of medication is unacceptable. You need to find out which pathogen is capable of causing a negative effect, and then the drug is prescribed.
  • If symptoms of dehydration appear, you need to urgently replenish the fluid deficiency. Make infusions using a dropper with Hartmann's or Ringer's solution, administer glucose. Also drink Regidron, Oralit.

For a speedy recovery after poisoning, the patient must adhere to a diet that does not contain foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. At the same time, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins.

You can take No-shpa for headaches, but you should be careful not to create additional stress on the stomach and lead to negative consequences.

First aid

The main action that is present at the first signs when a person is poisoned is to stop the intake of toxic compounds inside:

  • If intoxication occurs due to inhalation of a toxic substance, you must immediately remove the victim from the affected area. At the same time, remove everything that may hinder movement and strongly compress the lungs.
  • As soon as the poison stops affecting the body, cephalgia goes away. To do this, organize gastric lavage and intestinal cleansing through enemas. Medicines are used - sorbents aimed at binding toxins and poisonous compounds and then removing them to the outside. Give the patient plenty of fluids to drink.

When intoxication is severe, the victim is hospitalized.


Rehabilitation period

After poisoning, it is necessary to completely remove toxic substances from the body and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Adsorbent drugs - Smecta, Regidron, are recommended to be taken over the next week after the symptoms of intoxication have stopped.

In order to prevent re-poisoning and severe stress on the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to change the diet. A person who has suffered poisoning is advised to avoid heavy foods.

Drinking alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea is prohibited. Until the feeling of aching goes away completely, it is worth temporarily limiting physical activity.

To relieve pain in muscles and joints, which may remain for some time after poisoning, it is recommended to use local spectrum drugs - ointments, gels and creams.

They are applied directly to places on the body where the unpleasant symptom manifests itself most acutely. The most common drugs of this drug group are Vipratox, Deep-Heat, Apizartron.

To restore beneficial intestinal microflora, washed out during severe diarrhea and vomiting, it is recommended to take medications containing bifidobacteria, for example, Linex, for a week. In addition, it is advisable to consume as much fermented milk products as possible to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Poisoning is a difficult test for the body, be it an adult or a child. The functioning of organs is disrupted. In addition to the main symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, lightheadedness, high fever is added, which has a direct effect on the occurrence of aching bones.

Features of headache as a symptom of poisoning

NP food poisoning is accompanied only by dyspeptic syndrome from the gastrointestinal tract. Patients note that with sudden intoxication of the body, everything begins with brain symptoms. Headache after poisoning occurs as a result of increased sensitivity of the nervous system. It reacts to unnatural processes in the body.

The brain is protected from adverse factors by the blood-brain barrier. This structure is a semi-permeable membrane between the bloodstream and the nervous tissue. It prevents the penetration of large molecules, blood elements, and immune complexes into the medulla. In medicine, they use an abbreviation called BBB.

The blood-brain barrier consists of membranes and molecular pumps. Large and medium-sized pathological organisms, toxins, and chemical compounds do not penetrate through them. The BBB returns foreign agents from the cerebrospinal fluid into the blood.

Food poisoning occurs for various reasons. Whether the headache will hurt or not depends on the strength of the pathological factors. If intoxication occurs under the influence of a small amount of low-quality, stale food, pain does not occur and the temperature does not rise. Microorganisms, pesticides, toxins, medications, and alcohol cause severe intoxication of the body. They are small in size and easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Ethanol alcohol molecules dissolve in lipids. Patients complain of upset stool, vomiting, pain in the back of the head, temples, dizziness, and high body temperature.

The occurrence of a headache depends on the amount of food or medication taken. Large doses cause unpleasant brain symptoms and serious complications from the nervous system.

In medicine, there are several mechanisms for the occurrence of headaches due to food intoxication:

  1. With vomit and bowel movements, a person loses a decent amount of fluid, which has a bad effect on his well-being and the normal functioning of his organs and systems. The bcc cannot fully recover. Even when drinking a large amount of water, fluid excretion continues. It all ends with repeated vomiting or diarrhea. The reduced volume of the bloodstream does not provide sufficient oxygen to the internal organs, including the brain. Hypoxia occurs and a severe migraine appears. If you can’t give the patient something to drink, you need to urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself for intravenous drip flooding of the body.
  2. Chlorine is an important electrolyte that ensures the normal functioning of cellular elements. When a patient constantly vomits, a lot of hydrochloric acid is lost. It contains chlorine. Hypochloremia occurs, which ends in alkalosis. It alkalizes the bloodstream. There is a metabolic disorder - the initial sign of alkalosis. In children, reduced chlorine levels can lead to acute renal failure and hypochloremic coma.
  3. Botulism toxin is one of the strongest neurotoxins. It disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, contributes to the appearance of brain symptoms, seizures, and loss of vision.

Causes of body pain during poisoning

Excess toxins enter the body with poor quality food. Lack of heat treatment, expired shelf life and other factors can cause poisoning. Pathogenic bacteria, entering the stomach, spread through the blood and enter all systems. A mild type of poisoning does not torment a person with long-term symptoms. The main thing is timely detoxification measures.

If infections enter the body: salmonella, E. coli, staphylococci, parasites, for example, helminths or rotaviruses, medical intervention may be required.

The classic symptoms will change. In addition to the main manifestations - constant vomiting, loose stools and nausea - signs of a complex etiology will be added. Then detoxification will not be enough. A competent infectious disease specialist will be required.

In case of poisoning, bones, joints and muscles ache if:

  • The body has been attacked by parasites. Helminths can enter a person through eaten meat or poorly cooked fish. Once parasites invade the digestive system, metabolism is disrupted. Bleeding of the intestines and other gastrointestinal organs is possible. At an early stage of life, worms cause symptoms of simple poisoning. In advanced cases, the temperature rises, the general condition worsens, and aches and pains occur.
  • Entry of toxins into organ systems. In this situation, active production of antibodies begins. An attack occurs on a substance containing a toxin. The action is accompanied by expansion of the vascular walls, blood pressure rises, and temperature rises. Subsequently, your legs may hurt and you may experience a pulling sensation in your body.
  • Disruption of the central nervous system. The cause is chemical poisoning. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, and a rapid rise in temperature, resulting in aching bones, muscle pain, fatigue, weakness, or loss of strength.

Body aches are sometimes caused by excessive stress on the kidneys, as toxins are excreted in the urine. Joints ache if dehydration develops. This pathology occurs due to the release of vomit, diarrhea, and failure to comply with the required order of taking liquids. The first sign of loss of the required amount of fluid is aching in the lower back.

Food products found in everyday life provoke poisoning.

  • Chicken or quail eggs that are not fresh cause poisoning, even after treatment at high temperatures.
  • Fresh and stale meat and fish become causes of intoxication. In the first case, infection with parasites is possible, in the second - with E. coli, harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products spoil in a short period of time, despite storage under the necessary conditions.
  • Home-cooked semi-finished meat products pose a great danger; not every housewife is able to follow the rules of the full cooking cycle.
  • Other products: cream-based desserts, salads with fermented milk dressing, sushi, raw and cooked mushrooms, seafood, etc.

Dysfunction of the body manifests itself in different ways, depending on the factors of poisoning and the level of damage. General symptoms include:

  • Lightheadedness and an abundance of vomit;
  • Spasms in the gastric region;
  • Exceeding standard temperature indicators;
  • Dark color of discharge when urinating;
  • Blood pressure tends to go down;
  • Problems with visual functions;
  • Diarrhea;
  • A state of loss of strength, the body weakens;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Severity of muscle and joint pain;
  • Increased headache;
  • Aching in the bones.

A common symptom is muscle pain in the legs.

We must not forget that manifestations of this etiology are similar to the flu. You need to know for sure that a poisoning process is underway in order to take action.

Body aches occur regardless of the origin of the toxins and the severity of toxicosis.

The loss of potassium, calcium, and magnesium results from diarrhea. Normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system is impossible without the listed elements. Elasticity is lost, and the musculoskeletal system responds with pain.

Increased pain that cannot be relieved with painkillers is considered a clear sign of dangerous infections. For example, yersiniosis, dysentery, etc.

The difficulty of identifying the mentioned ailments is complicated by the manifestation of severe pain after a certain period of time. Often, when food poisoning occurs in humans, inappropriate detoxification measures are taken. Toxins that are not removed from the digestive tract form an accumulation in the mucous membranes. A slow process begins and re-intoxication occurs. The symptom of poisoning appears again. Now pain in joints and muscles is added.

The occurrence of aches and pains is considered to be a consequence of thickening of the blood and joint fluid, a phenomenon that provokes the process of dehydration.

Along with bacteria, viruses and infections, chemicals, synthetic and organic poisons can cause human poisoning. The poison causes a number of pathologies.

Against the background of dehydration, a rapid loss of minerals occurs, and the metabolic process in the muscle structure at the cellular level slows down. Toxins affect nerve endings. With severe inflammation, mediators in soft tissues tend to accumulate.

Thus, there is a negative impact on the nervous system. It is not the central or peripheral nervous system that suffers. The vascular structure loses tone. The pathogen, entering the gastrointestinal tract, disperses through the bloodstream, then the pain syndrome changes the fluid of the arteries, veins and capillaries. Local reactions constrict blood vessels, and toxins that circulate in the bloodstream break down protein in the muscles. Glycogen and glucose are decomposed. Electrolyte loss occurs. Together, these reactions spread aches throughout the body.

The cause of body pain without fever is lack of oxygen. Mostly muscles hurt.

The first reason is the body’s struggle with foreign substances:

  1. The process of increasing blood circulation is underway;
  2. The fluid microcirculates at the cellular level;
  3. Cellular metabolism accelerates and toxins break down and are eliminated from the body;
  4. Skin vessels undergo dilation;
  5. Increased sweating occurs;
  1. Most bacteria end up in an unfavorable environment;
  2. The removal of toxins is facilitated.

Lowering the temperature at home

  • Rinse the stomach. Emetics or salt water are used. Regidron solution helps. You need to drink 2 liters within an hour.
  • Take absorbent. A common option is activated carbon. The drug must remain in the body. If there is profuse vomiting and the absorbent comes out, you will have to take it again.
  • Do a cleansing enema. Warm boiled water is suitable for the procedure. Repeat several times in three hours.
  • Wipe the skin with a cool, damp towel 1-2 times an hour.

To relieve the pain that occurs with fever, you can turn to medications. This must be done with caution, otherwise the situation may worsen!

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