At what stage of pregnancy does dizziness begin?

When a woman, for some unknown reason, begins to feel dizzy, her first thought is that she is pregnant. At the beginning of gestation, this condition is considered quite common, but is dizziness dangerous during pregnancy in the second trimester? For many mothers, this phenomenon even scares them. Should you be afraid of such ailments, and how to deal with them.

If you experience strange sensations, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible

Common reasons

Dizziness is a short-term or frequent sensation of moving objects around or your own body in space. Many people consider the causes of such sensations to be safe, because they usually go away quickly on their own. But is dizziness safe in the second trimester of pregnancy or can it threaten the patient?

The causes of weakness and dizziness during pregnancy are quite varied:

  1. Low blood pressure or hemoglobin levels;
  2. A sudden drop or spike in blood sugar;
  3. Spending a long time in stuffy, isolated rooms;
  4. Emotional or physical stress are also quite common causes of dizziness;
  5. Sudden standing up;
  6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia and CVS pathologies;
  7. Violations in the functionality of the vestibular apparatus;
  8. Cervical osteochondrosis;
  9. Serotonin deficiency in the cerebral cortex;
  10. Migraine attacks;
  11. Sometimes even an allergy can trigger a malaise that makes you feel dizzy during pregnancy.

Any of the above factors can provoke malaise in pregnant women, and at any gestational stage. But the most frequently identified causes are various disorders of the tone of the cerebral vascular canals. As a rule, this phenomenon is caused by thrombosis in overly dilated or narrowed vessels, as a result of which blood circulation slows down. The brain suffers from a lack of oxygen supply. If such problems occurred before conception, they will only worsen during pregnancy. Although dizziness during pregnancy is considered a fairly common ailment among mothers who have never experienced anything like this before conception.

Experts attribute this phenomenon to the fact that during pregnancy, the load on the patient’s vascular canal system and myocardium increases many times over. The baby is constantly growing, and therefore an increasingly extensive vascular network is needed for its full blood supply. At the beginning of the gestational period, uterine blood flow occupies only 2% of the total blood volume, and by the end of gestation it reaches 30%. To fully provide the fetus with intrauterine nutrition, the mother’s heart begins to function with increased loads, and the cerebral blood flow weakens somewhat.

The expectant mother must take care of herself

Also, dizziness during pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes in the pregnant body, as a result of which blood pressure decreases. The causes of such ailments can also be caused by pathological conditions, for example, diseases of the cervical spine, cerebral ailments, pathologies of the vestibular nerve or inner ear. But during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, “dizzying” ailments are usually caused by more peaceful factors such as overheating in the sun, a sudden change in position or fatigue, etc.

Ailments at the beginning of gestation

At this stage of pregnancy, dizziness is considered a completely normal phenomenon, therefore they should not cause any anxiety in pregnant women. Typically, such ailment is mild and therefore does not require any therapy. Usually, in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may feel dizzy due to stuffiness or weather changes.

Also, malaise can occur when you spend a long time in an unventilated or poorly ventilated room or in a place where there are a lot of people, or even with sudden movements. Although more often such ailments are based on completely natural and easily eliminated factors.

Dizziness in the second trimester

In the second trimester, dizziness during pregnancy is caused by similar factors as before. The body gradually switched to a different mode of functioning. The uterine body continues to grow and prepare for labor. However, to the factors typical for the first trimester, several other reasons are now added.

  • These include staying in one position for a long time, from which you suddenly get dizzy when standing up suddenly.
  • Malaise can also be caused by a lack of oxygen supply and various circulatory disorders in the brain.
  • A particularly dangerous cause of dizziness in the second half of the second trimester can be the onset of gestosis. In such a case, the ailments are complemented by visual disturbances and ringing in the ears. You definitely need to see a doctor. Since treatment of gestosis requires the pregnant woman to stay in the hospital.

When dizzy, a woman may experience severe weakness and nausea. Such ailments do not threaten mommy with anything serious, but she still needs to tell the doctor about it.

In the 3rd trimester of gestation

The 3rd trimester is considered the most critical period. The body has already adjusted to the new pace of work and adapted to the changes that have occurred, but the uterine body continues to rapidly increase along with the growing baby, actively preparing for the upcoming labor and delivery. Prenatal preparation becomes especially noticeable at approximately 38 weeks.

A blood test can determine the presence of pathology

During this period, the blood flow is more directed to the pelvic area, while the cerebral cortex suffers from hypoxia, which provokes dizziness in the third trimester of pregnancy. Normally, these are fairly minor ailments that go away within 20 minutes. If you are not concerned about a drop in blood pressure and subsequent fainting does not occur, then there is no reason to worry. But you still need to be wary of such conditions, because if motor coordination is impaired during dizziness, the mother may inadvertently fall and get injured or harm the baby.

Changes in the body in the second trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester according to the obstetric calendar begins at week 13 and continues until week 26. Physiological changes in the female body are manifested:

  1. Increased breast volume. The reason for this restructuring is the intensive production of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone) in the 2nd trimester. The pain that occurred at the beginning of pregnancy disappears. Increased sensitivity of the nipples appears.
  2. False contractions. Weak in intensity, short-lived cramp-like sensations are training the uterus before childbirth. If they become more frequent and painful, contact your supervising obstetrician-gynecologist.
  3. Rounded belly. The baby’s weight increases, the uterus, and therefore the abdomen, grows. The gained kilograms reduce a woman’s mobility. Actions that were previously easy to perform now require effort.
  4. Change in skin color. Active subcutaneous microcirculation provokes a change in shade. It becomes darker, which is most noticeable around the nipples, in separate areas on the face, and linearly on the stomach. Prolonged sun exposure aggravates the situation, so it is recommended to use sunscreen.
  5. Stretch marks. A growing belly, enlarged breasts, and weight gain lead to stretching of the skin and the appearance of pink stripes. Another reason is progesterone, which blocks collagen synthesis. The dermis loses moisture and is more easily injured.
  6. Deterioration of nasal breathing, increased bleeding of gums. Increased blood flow thickens the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, causing snoring. Your gums become sensitive, so it is recommended to use a soft toothbrush.

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Symptoms preceding and accompanying dizziness

If the patient has previously experienced dizziness, then she will easily understand that another ailment is approaching. Typically, such a condition does not arise immediately and its approach can be understood by specific signs. The first manifestations of approaching dizziness and fainting include pulsation in the temporal region and in the ears, sudden weakness, a blurred image before the eyes or clouding.

At the same time, many pregnant women suddenly developed cold sweat, their fingers or toes, or their entire limbs went numb. Women note that they have a feeling of loss of control over their body. In such a state, it is extremely important to find some kind of support or sit down, or better yet, lie down. Sometimes patients feel trembling and weakness in the limbs, nausea or vomiting.

If such attacks of illness bother the mother too often and for unknown reasons, then it is necessary to consult with a specialist, take tests and undergo an examination.

Is this symptom dangerous during the 1st trimester of gestation?

Dizziness in early pregnancy may be normal. For example, your head may begin to feel dizzy due to the stuffy air in a room or in public transport, when the body does not have enough oxygen.
The same situation can occur in hot weather. The blood vessels of the body narrow in hot climates, lowering blood pressure and leading to a lack of oxygen in the brain. Hormones produced in a woman’s body in the early stages of pregnancy also lead to the same result.

Dizziness in the early stages of pregnancy may also occur due to the development of anemia, characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in a woman’s body, which most often occurs due to a lack of iron.

However, the main cause of dizziness in the early stages may be the female body’s adaptation to new conditions. Not every female body immediately accepts the new life that has arisen inside, reacting to this with such a common pregnancy companion as toxicosis. Dizziness, weakness, nausea are not the most pleasant, but quite common symptoms in the first trimester, which are the norm.

Severe dizziness and weakness can be dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy if spotting or bleeding from the genital tract occurs along with them. These symptoms may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Along with dizziness and fatigue, other symptoms that usually appear in the first trimester include:

  • for a period of 1-4 weeks - absence of menstruation, slight spotting a few days before the expected start of the cycle, breast tenderness;
  • at a period of 4-6 weeks - increased body temperature, constant drowsiness, morning vomiting, increased breast size, mood changes, frequent urination, lack of appetite;
  • at a period of 9-13 weeks - in addition to the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness), heartburn, minor urinary incontinence, constipation, rather heavy vaginal discharge may appear (for more information about at what stage of pregnancy nausea and dizziness begin, how to treat, read here).

Examination for dizziness

Mild ailments, such as dizziness, occur quite often in pregnant women, and, as a rule, no additional examinations are required, since such conditions do not harm pregnancy in any way and are not dangerous for fetal development. If attacks with loss of spatial orientation in a pregnant woman occur very often and too pronounced, and even with loss of consciousness and fainting, then the mother should seek help from a specialist.

Typically, an obstetrician-gynecologist in such a situation refers for tests, the list of which includes:

  • Laboratory blood tests for general clinical and biochemical purposes;
  • Carrying out an electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the brain and cardiac system;
  • Images of the spine in the cervical region;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • If necessary, consultations are held with highly specialized specialists such as a neurologist, psychoneurologist, neurologist, cardiologist, etc., who can also refer for additional examinations.

The main task of diagnosing dizziness during gestation is to exclude pathological factors, the treatment of which during pregnancy is extremely difficult, and from the point of view of the safety of fetal development is very dangerous and therefore undesirable.


The set of diagnostic measures for dizziness includes:

  1. MRI of the brain – exclusion of organic lesions.
  2. MRI of intracranial arteries - detection of signs of intracerebral blood flow disturbances.
  3. MRI of the cervical spine - detection of dystrophic changes complicated by herniation.
  4. Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck - determination of the intensity of blood movement.
  5. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  6. Complete blood count - assessment of hemoglobin level.
  7. Consultations with a neurologist, otorhinolaryngologist, cardiologist. Sometimes diseases of the inner ear, heart defects, and neurological disorders that worsen during pregnancy provoke dizziness.

Interesting: Dizziness at 31 weeks and later in pregnancy

X-ray methods (classical X-ray, computed tomography) are contraindicated during pregnancy due to the teratogenic effect of ionizing radiation.

What to do if you feel dizzy

In the normal course of gestation, a state of dizziness is not considered a dangerous symptomatic manifestation, and therefore no specific treatment is required. Typically, therapeutic measures are taken only in cases of anemia, gestational diabetes or hypotension. Only in cases of severe anemia and diabetes can a pregnant woman be prescribed medications. And mild manifestations of anemia can be completely corrected with the help of a diet rich in iron-containing foods.

Adequate sleep is the key to good health

If the causes of dizziness are due to low blood pressure, then you can increase them with a cup of coffee or tea. For vegetative-vascular dystonia, motherwort or valerian are recommended, which help the pregnant woman calm down. To prevent blood glucose from dropping sharply, you need to eat regularly, without giving up your morning meals and snacks. It’s better to make the portions small but filling enough. This approach will help avoid glucose spikes. The main thing is to avoid starvation, as this is dangerous for the baby.

Other variants of “dizzying” ailments are not subject to treatment, but require only preventive measures. But it is always necessary to take precautions and be more attentive to your own well-being.

Nausea and dizziness

Dizziness appears in the second trimester of pregnancy mainly under the influence of external factors. Often pregnant women report discomfort with sudden changes in body position. Therefore, it is recommended to get up smoothly and avoid jerking.

With anemia (a drop in hemoglobin levels), as the main active cause of dizziness, additional vitamin complexes are required. Taking iron supplements can return laboratory parameters to normal and improve the woman’s condition.

Nausea during pregnancy manifests itself in the first trimester against the background of early toxicosis, but can persist until delivery. At the beginning of the 2nd trimester, nausea is provoked by a sharp, unpleasant odor. These symptoms usually disappear by 18 weeks. If you feel sick at the 20th week of pregnancy, and there is constant vomiting, then this is evidence of late gestosis. It is dangerous for women and can provoke developmental pathologies in the child.

First aid

When the first hints of dizziness begin, the pregnant woman should lie down with her shoulders and head above body level. If this is not possible, you should at least sit down, trying to lower your head as low as possible between your knees. In this position, blood flow to the brain structures increases, ensuring a complete supply of oxygen. This simple method will help prevent dizziness and fainting in a timely manner.

If possible, it is recommended to close your eyes and calm down, relieve internal anxiety and fear. You can place a cold, wet towel, ice or bottle on your forehead. It is better to wipe your forehead and temples with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar. A mint compress or the well-known Zvezdochka balm, which is gently rubbed onto the temporal area, also helps a lot.

To be on the safe side, you need to measure your blood pressure; if this has happened before, and the doctor has already recommended stabilizing your blood pressure to normal, then you need to follow his instructions. Heart rate should not increase more than 100 beats/min. If there is a vomiting reaction or seizures are bothering you, then you need to call an ambulance and keep the pregnant woman conscious, preventing fainting (ammonium under the nose, etc.). You need to open all the windows, in winter - the vents, turn on the fan, pointing it to the side so that it gently blows on the woman.

Drug treatment

As noted above, usually “dizzying” ailments do not require specific therapy, and in any trimester. As a rule, measures are aimed at eliminating the root cause using conservative non-drug methods.

  • If you feel unwell due to toxicosis, ailments are accompanied by nausea and vomiting reactions, fainting, etc., then taking Cerucal is recommended. Only take this drug only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • If the reason lies in a low hemoglobin level or disruptions in pancreatic activity, then it is extremely important to visit a gastroenterologist.
  • For anemia, it is recommended to include more liver, apples, pomegranates and buckwheat in the diet, and if necessary, the doctor will prescribe medications containing iron (Fenuls, etc.).

If the problem requires taking medications, then only the appropriate specialist should prescribe them and select the dosage, on an individual basis and in accordance with the gestational age.

Prevention of dizziness in early pregnancy

To reduce the risk of dizziness, you should follow the recommendations listed below:

  • you need to change your body position smoothly: do not make careless movements;
  • A pregnant woman needs to eat frequently and in small portions. If you feel hungry, you can eat some dried fruits, bran, raisins;
  • to prevent the appearance of iron deficiency anemia, pomegranate juice and apples are included in the diet;
  • you need to regularly ventilate the apartment, avoid crowded places;
  • A contrast shower is also useful. The procedure has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels.

Folk remedies

Many mothers, fearing the negative impact of pills on the fetus, try to fight a variety of ailments, including ailments, using homemade and folk methods.

It is useful to listen to classical music

Tea made from lemon balm or mint leaves is very useful and effective for “dizzy” weakness. You need to brew it in a weaker concentration and take it throughout the day. Melissa has pronounced sedative properties and improves the patient’s overall well-being.

Mint can be used in powder form for inhalation through the nose. If mommy feels ill amid the intense stuffiness and heat, then it is recommended to put a towel soaked in cold water on her forehead, and also drink cool water with a spoonful of honey in it.


Experts warn that dizziness itself most often does not pose a danger to a pregnant woman. But some causes of this condition, such as low blood pressure or severe migraines, can pose a serious threat to the pregnant woman and her baby. If we talk about the most “harmless” consequence, it consists of a possible loss of balance and a fall for the patient. In this case, the mother may injure herself or the baby.

It is imperative to identify the exact causes of such ailments. If the body reports the development of a serious pathological process with such manifestations, then this can result in extremely unfavorable consequences for the baby.


Experts recommend that patients prone to such conditions take timely preventive measures to prevent the development of such ailments. To do this, you should avoid overly crowded, stuffy, isolated rooms, and also not take public transport during rush hour. You need to ventilate your living space several times a day, even in winter, walk in the park and do breathing exercises from the first trimester of gestation.

Yoga classes for mothers or special positional gymnastics, swimming, etc. are also useful for improving the condition and normalizing cerebral circulation. You should pay closer attention to your movements; you should not stand up or turn around suddenly. Try to perform any movements in a smooth and slow rhythm.

Also, a pregnant woman should avoid staying in one position for a long time. Even if you go to rest, try to periodically turn over to the opposite side, and in the later stages it is better to sleep only on your left side, avoiding the position on your back. To prevent the condition from worsening, it is recommended not to take a hot bath or shower; it is better to stick to warm or cool water procedures.

Try to always keep a bowl of dried fruits on your bedside table or coffee table. Eat 2-3 dried apricots or dried plums in the morning. You will ensure normal well-being without nausea and other toxic manifestations for the whole day. You also need to eat regularly, you shouldn’t eat as and when you have to, and even in huge portions, as they say - for two. Try to eat small portions, eat fresh fruits more often, drink vegetable juices, and eat iron-containing foods like buckwheat, apples and beef (especially liver).

Mothers should not treat themselves as if they were sick; try to move as much as the obstetrician-gynecologist allows, which is safe for the baby and the further course of pregnancy. Dizziness in your situation is most often not a threat, although you still need to monitor such conditions. After the baby is born, these ailments will stop. AP still needs to take appropriate preventive measures.


Treatment of dizziness during pregnancy is associated with certain difficulties. Firstly, drug treatment can harm the child, and secondly, the need for treatment sometimes aggravates the psycho-emotional situation of the mother. That is why, in mild cases of dizziness, in the absence of pathology, it is necessary to treat dizziness using non-midakentic methods: vestibular gymnastics, normalization of lifestyle. The last point includes rest, psycho-emotional peace, and proper nutrition. It is also important to follow the rules for preventing the development of this symptom.

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