Visual psychotype: who is hiding behind this personality type?

Visual is a human psychotype, implying the perception of information, familiarity with the surrounding space, knowledge of the world with the help of visual receptors. To sufficiently understand what the interlocutor has said, it is not enough for visual learners to just hear the message. They need to reinforce auditory information with visual images. The visual perception type is considered the most common among other psychotypes. Visualists are very sensitive to their own appearance and appearance. They are neat and always try to adhere to their individual taste and style in their outfits.

What is a type of perception in psychology

The type of information perception is a feature of the formation of ideas, which consists in the individual work of the mental processes involved in perception.

Depending on the modality, there are:

  • kinetic perception, which is based on sensation and movement;
  • auditory perception is perception based on hearing;
  • visual perception, which is based on vision.

Additional Information. The type of perception is determined by the goal and motivational attitudes of the individual.

Visual assistant portfolio

Pay special attention to your portfolio. The easiest way is to add examples of work to current stories. Arrange them in the form of thematic blocks “Price”, “Cases”, “Reviews”, “Visual”.

Add examples of work to current stories on your Instagram profile

Look at the photo below. This is an example of a well-designed portfolio. Potential clients should see with their own eyes how a visual changes the perception of an account.

Example of visual design “before” -> “after” Example of a well-designed portfolio Show the client how the visual changes the perception of the account.

Types of information presentation

Kinesthetic - what kind of person is this?

Everyday life and human activities are associated with numerous flows of information. Information can be presented in the following forms:

  • The textual method of presenting information is a set of special characters written on paper or electronic media. Such symbols are numbers and letters of the alphabet.
  • The graphical method of presenting information is often used to display statistical data or when there is a need to use visualization for a better understanding of the text. For this purpose, charts, histograms, drawings, charts, and tables are used.
  • Telephony and radio broadcasting use radio waves and sound signals to present information.
  • On television, light signals are used to present information.
  • Multimedia. This type of information presentation involves the use of a computer and combines text, audio, graphic information and video.

How are types of perception determined?

Phlegmatic - who is he, brief description

Diagnostics of the type of perception

Knowing your type of perception helps a person learn more effectively. There are special techniques that can be used to determine the dominant type of perception.

To begin with, a person can observe his mental activity. Where does the presentation begin: with a picture (visual) or with a feeling (kinesthetic), with sounds (auditory) or with logical meanings (digital)? In addition, the dominant type of perception reveals itself in speech: people tend to more often use those words that have a connection with their dominant perceptual system.

You can also determine the type of perception by the dominant short-term memory. A visual person is a person who finds it easier to remember graphic information. An auditory learner is a person who remembers better by hearing. If for effective memorization a person needs to rely on bodily sensations, then he is a kinesthetic learner. Digitalists are those who focus on logic when memorizing.

In addition, S. Efremtseva developed a method for determining the dominant perceptual modality.

Visual assistant tools

The main visual assistant tool is a smartphone. It is on it that you will need to install assistant applications. The top visual manager applications include:

  • Inpreview (iOS) – planner for Instagram. Here you can see in advance what the feed will look like and plan it for a month in advance.
  • Unum (iOS | Android) – here you can plan stories and create different versions of feeds (so that the client has plenty to choose from).
  • Pinterest – for inspiration, icon ideas and photo shoots.
  • AppForType (iOS | Android) – large database of fonts.
  • VSCO (iOS | Android) is an application for high-quality processing with the most stylish filters.
  • Canva (iOS | Android) – here you can create cool templates and layouts for different types of content.

Description of each type of perception

Types of thinking in psychology, their characteristics and examples

Each type of perception has its own characteristics. It’s worth figuring out who the visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and digital are.


People with a predominant visual type of perception use words and phrases related to vision in their speech. They have a well-developed visual memory, they are well oriented in the area, they can easily get to the right place using a navigator, and they quickly find their way around a new environment.

They are impressionable and react emotionally to everything they see. A visual person is a person who prefers beauty, comfort, cleanliness and order. The inner world of a visual person is filled with dreams and many ideas.



The main feature of auditory people is orientation in the world by sounds. They are music lovers and love to hum. The professional activities of auditory learners are often related to music and intercultural communication.

In the speech of an auditory learner, words and phrases related to hearing often slip through. They are able to listen carefully for a long time and are excellent conversationalists. Their auditory memory dominates.



The main characteristic of kinesthetics is their sensitivity to everything that happens around them. In life they value comfort and beautiful surroundings. A kinesthetic learner often refers to sensations in speech and talks about his emotions. They have bright facial expressions and actively gesticulate. It may seem that this type combines kinesthetic and visual.

Such people are very active, easy-going, and quickly get involved in work that involves practical actions and manual labor. As a rule, they find themselves in creative professions; routine work and monotonous activities are contraindicated for them.


Digital (discrete)

It is important for digital people to understand the situation logically. Their undoubted advantage is the ability to remain calm and think sensibly in a stressful situation.

There is always a lot of logic in the speech of digital people. They tend to systematize and structure all information. They are usually calm and balanced in character.

Additional Information. Digitals are not easy to recognize. In order to identify them, you need to observe and analyze a person’s speech for a long time. With equal frequency, they can use phrases characteristic of auditory and kinesthetic learners.


Appearance of visuals

All psychological types are different. Visual people, for whom appearance is so important, often have an asthenic body type, they are thin and lean, and have a very characteristic posture: their back is always straight, regardless of whether they are sitting or standing. If for some reason visual learners slouch, they tilt their heads in such a way as to maximize their field of view.

Such people have a special facial expression, their eyebrows are constantly raised, their eyes are wide open, their lips are thin, their face seems frozen in amazement. However, they are skilled in verbal communication techniques. Their speech is rich in comparisons and images. When describing an event, visuals pay maximum attention to outfits, furnishings, and surrounding views; the essence of surrounding conversations fades into the background. When communicating with people, they try to choose a place opposite the interlocutor so that they can see his eyes, but not too close, trying to be able to see everything around.

When it comes to clothing, a visual artist will choose a spectacular look over comfort . This in no way means that their wardrobe consists of bright, extraordinary outfits. On the contrary, each image they choose fits harmoniously into the environment and emphasizes their strengths. For example, visual people will choose beautiful, uncomfortable high-heeled shoes over soft flat ballet shoes simply because they are more appropriate for the event.

The voice of visual learners is quite loud and a little drawn-out, because when talking about something they describe the picture they present. Visual learners quickly join in the conversation, pick up the topic, and have their own point of view on everything. However, just as quickly they forget about the topic of conversation. It is typical for them to take notes on everything – from the work plan to the grocery list for dinner. This is the only reliable method for them to receive and perceive information. As a rule, they always have a diary at hand. After the visualist has written down the information, he may not resort to his notes, since he has already memorized it .

Their workplace is an example of order and harmony, but this is not always functional, as they prefer beauty to comfort. If possible, they will try to choose a table by the window, but only on the condition that it offers a beautiful view.

Psychotype and gender

If your man is a visual person, it will be difficult to meet his high standards in terms of appearance. After all, it is of enormous importance to him not only what he looks like, but also what his companion looks like. And he will be pleased to catch the admiring glances of others at you. Such a man is neat to the smallest detail. Regardless of social class, it harmoniously combines haircut, clothes, and shoes. You'll never see him in a comfy old sweater. The visual artists will try to make even a worn item look as neat as possible. Their clothes are always ironed, their shoes are polished to a shine.

However, visualists are not constant and crave new experiences, so if you want your chosen one to stay with you as long as possible, in addition to a beautiful, well-groomed appearance, you must be able to take risks and experiment. It becomes boring to carry out radical changes in the appearance, interior of the apartment, and menu every two to three years.

Visual women also strive for an ideal appearance . It is unlikely that you will see her without makeup and manicure, with grown hair roots, in wrinkled clothes. Such a woman chooses clothes according to the principle “it’s not just what she liked, but it fits perfectly.” She is not afraid to experiment in clothes, hairstyle, and relationships. However, as in the case of a visual man, such a woman should be constantly surprised and inspired, and then she will give a lot of aesthetic impressions.

The child is visual

The parents of such a baby will have to work hard. From an early age, he has a richly developed imagination and a very strong desire for knowledge, but for him it is not enough to hear, he needs to see how this or that object looks externally, how it is structured from the inside. Such children quickly and easily remember letters, numbers, routes on a map, they may start speaking late, but they will learn to read much earlier than their peers. Such a child perceives visual information better; he is unlikely to like an audiobook, but a paper edition with color pictures will delight him. When studying a new topic with a visual child, support the material with visual aids - the effect will exceed all expectations.

Choice of profession

Choosing a job for everyone is a very responsible step, because if work brings pleasure, it is already relaxation. The strength of visual learners is photographic memory. It is easy for them to focus their attention on any image even in a noisy room. They study the subject of their interest quite thoroughly and easily imagine the appearance of the final result. For this psychological type, the work of a fashion designer, designer, photographer, interior decorator, designer, engineer is perfect. Visual people have artistic skills.

How to build communication?

Communication with such people is quite problematic, because for them a beautiful cover is more interesting than the book itself. Visual people are perfectionists, at least when it comes to appearance . It is very difficult for their other half to keep up with them, and if the companion does not meet their aesthetic requirements, he loses interest in him. Of course, there are no pure psychological types; this is where the harmony of relationships lies. And when exposed to external factors, the psychotype can transform. Try to pick key points where both need to compromise and give in to each other.

When communicating with a visual colleague, to attract his attention, use words associated with the visual analyzer: “point of view,” “look from the other side,” “this is how I see it,” and you are guaranteed success.

How does the type of perception influence the learning process?

Knowing the characteristics of your own perceptual system helps organize the learning process.

The process of presenting information for visual learners must be accompanied by clarity. They have good skills in working with text and, if desired, quickly master the technique of speed reading. They remember information well by making mind maps or graphs, working with demonstration models, and gaining knowledge through experimental activities.

Important! Extraneous sounds will not interfere with the concentration of the visual. With the TV on, he will be able to prepare for the exam just as well, using charts and tables, as in silence.

The main channel of perception of educational material for an auditory child is hearing. Lectures are comfortable for him. He learns new material well by participating in discussions and conversations.

Important! To concentrate, the auditory system needs silence and the absence of external stimuli.

For kinesthetic learners, the learning process should involve the possibility of movement and practical actions. The most suitable forms of organizing the educational process for him are practical and laboratory work.

Important! These people have unstable attention. However, their advantage is the rapid switching from one activity to another.

Digital students excel in logical disciplines and programming. Computerized learning suits them. The material will be absorbed by the digital if he understands its logical basis, and new information will be superimposed on his existing knowledge and organically fit into his picture of the world.

What should you be able to do?

A visual manager is simultaneously a designer, stylist and photographer.

He needs:

  • Be able to work with color and combination of shades.
  • Understand Instagram trends.
  • Select fonts.
  • Find the “tricks” in the customer’s personality and build a personal brand from them.
  • Edit photos.
  • Analyze the target audience and identify its interests and visual requests.

In addition, the specialist must understand how photographs are created. A visual assistant may not personally be involved in shooting, but since he draws up technical specifications for the photographer and gives advice on shooting for the customer, knowledge of composition, working with light, retouching and development is indispensable.

Types of perception in communication

In situations of interpersonal communication, types of perception reveal differences, which can be seen in people's behavior.

Thus, visual learners pay great attention to a person’s appearance, facial expressions and gestures when communicating. Eye contact is important for them. Sometimes it seems that such people are able to guess the thoughts of their interlocutor.

Perception in communication

The visual person himself feels comfortable during the communication process and takes an open pose. These are great storytellers.

Attention! They tend to establish a spatial distance with the interlocutor: being too close to a communication partner, visual learners experience discomfort.

It’s nice to communicate with an audio audience. Their speech is literate, rich in intonations, and its pace is comfortable for perception. They understand their communication partners perfectly. A raised tone and insults towards the auditory person will lead to him refusing to communicate.

For kinesthetic learners, the key to a good conversation is the setting. They truly enjoy discussing personal experiences and emotions, both their own and those of others.

Something to remember! Kinaesthetic will not let someone you don’t know close to you. When communicating with loved ones, kinesthetics need physical touch.

Digital people rarely openly show emotions when communicating with others. They quickly grasp the meaning of what the interlocutor said. They don’t like prefaces; they want to quickly get to the point and facts.


Course “PRO design on Instagram”

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Course “PRO design on Instagram”

An ideal course for those new to the profession. It is dedicated not so much to the work of a visual manager, but to the development of one’s own account concept. All practical tasks here are not performed using abstract examples. You will put your profile in order, prepare it for promotion, and see how a visual concept is created on social networks.

In a programme:

  • Analysis of feed schedulers.
  • Photo correction and processing.
  • Selection of color palette.
  • Working with fonts.

The course consists of 6 sections, each with 2-3 lessons. As a bonus, you will receive many useful cheat sheets that will be useful in your work (presets, an example of a content plan, archetypes in design).

Prices: the tariff for self-study will cost 2900 rubles, the tariff with feedback – 4900 rubles. The rate with personal assistance from a curator is 8,900 rubles.

2. Course “Profession Commercial Photographer from Scratch” from Skillbox

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Course “Profession Commercial Photographer from Scratch” from the online university “Skillbox”

This program is suitable for you if you are ready to combine two professions at once: photographer + visual manager. By providing two services in a set (visual development and assistance in creating content), you can double the average bill for working with one client.

During the course, you will learn how to create high-quality, catchy visuals for social networks (and not only), professionally organize filming and organize work with a photographer.

In a programme:

  • Formation of a brand strategy.
  • Image processing.
  • Creating a portfolio.
  • Search for orders and dialogue with the client.
  • Photography (advertising, lifestyle, Food, Beauty).

Prices: the first 6 months of training are free. The total cost of the course is 74,250 rubles, you can pay in installments (3,375 rubles/month).

Course “5 steps to your dream ribbon”

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Course “5 steps to your dream ribbon” from Ksenia Grigorieva

Training program from Ksenia Grigorieva, visual assistant and art director. Newcomers to the profession will receive clear, structured knowledge on visual development here.

In a programme:

  • How values ​​and emotions are reflected in visuals.
  • How to choose a color so that it evokes the right response from the audience.
  • How to find and stick to your personal style.
  • Interaction with clients (customers).
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