What can make you feel dizzy at 29 weeks of pregnancy?

Feeling dizzy during pregnancy

Mild dizziness should not cause special concern to a pregnant woman, because this is the way the body experiences all physiological changes, especially those related to blood circulation. If your head is spinning so much that it seems that you are about to lose consciousness, then you should call an ambulance.

Even in a completely healthy woman, the body works under increased stress. This means that certain failures in organ systems are possible. This condition develops for various reasons.

If there is a month left before giving birth

How often, precisely because of a large belly, many women who are at 37 weeks prefer to lie down more during the day, which absolutely should not be done. After all, this causes compression of the venous vessels when the blood does not sufficiently saturate the brain with oxygen. That's when the ailments begin in the form of dizziness.

This also affects the functioning of the heart, which can ultimately result in additional health problems during pregnancy. In this case, there is also a risk of harming your baby when, due to blocking the blood flow of the pelvic organs, the likelihood of fetal hypoxia increases.

Sometimes pregnancy, especially in the last months around week 37, is accompanied by low hemoglobin. When the skin turns pale for this reason, women get tired faster and experience nighttime insomnia for a long time. On the other hand, such ailments at week 37, upon examination, indicate the presence of anemia. Which is something you should never miss.

Most likely, the reason for the development of anemia in pregnant women lies in the insufficient supply of oxygen to brain cells, when women prefer to sit at home during most of the day without access to fresh air. That is so, it is necessary for normal blood circulation and nutrition of cells throughout the body. Which at 37 weeks turns out to be a noticeable phenomenon and has a detrimental effect not only on the development of the fetus, but also on the appearance of signs of dizziness.


At different stages of pregnancy, the causes of dizziness differ. This can be simple overheating or poor nutrition, and even more serious reasons that can threaten the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the fetus.

First trimester

Dizziness at this stage is quite normal. The expectant mother becomes ill in transport or in a poorly ventilated room. A weakened body simply does not receive enough oxygen.

During the hot season, this condition occurs almost every day. At high air temperatures, blood vessels dilate, reducing blood pressure (blood pressure), and this also leads to a lack of oxygen in the brain. Also, at the beginning of pregnancy, a hormone is released that helps lower blood pressure.

Second trimester

During this period, the body has already adapted to the new state, so the reasons may be more serious.

Let's look at them:

  • decreased activity - impairs blood flow, and this leads to dizziness and darkening before the eyes;
  • diabetes in pregnant women - occurs due to the fact that the pancreas cannot withstand the additional load of producing insulin;
  • oxygen starvation - as the child develops, the uterus enlarges and requires more oxygen to the detriment of the woman’s brain and other internal organs;
  • a decrease in hemoglobin (red blood cells) in the blood - develops against the background of certain factors, which interferes with the normal absorption of iron by the body from food.

With the birth of a child, possible causes go away on their own.

Third trimester

In the last stages, dizziness also occurs, and this should not be confused with darkening of the eyes.
Sometimes a woman may suddenly turn from side to side, which can lead to incomplete blood flow to the brain. Causes:

  1. Long stay of the expectant mother in a supine position. The head will begin to feel dizzy due to the fact that the enlarged uterus will put pressure and squeeze large vessels. When the vena cava is compressed, not only the blood flow is disrupted, but also the head begins to spin.
  2. Walking for a long time or staying in an upright position. The blood then intensively flows to the lower part of the body, which leads to a deterioration in brain nutrition.
  3. A sharp decrease in blood glucose. Occur against the background of severe vomiting or poor nutrition (frequent consumption of sweets and rare intake of normal healthy food).

If you have pain and dizziness before childbirth

When the head begins to hurt and feel dizzy from 38 to 40 weeks, this can be explained by the fact that the female body begins to gradually prepare for labor. More blood flows to the pelvic organs, and the consequence of this is oxygen starvation of the cerebral cortex. There may be a strong drop in blood pressure and a feeling of impending fainting. There is no need to worry about this, because this is a temporary ailment.

Recommendations and tips at 35 weeks

  • At this stage, a pregnant woman may have trouble sleeping due to the inability to lie down comfortably, a constant desire to go to the toilet, lack of air, back pain, etc. You will feel much better if you ventilate your room well before going to bed, and ideally leave the windows open at night. It is also worth reducing the amount of liquid consumed and doing circular exercises with the pelvis. Sometimes taking valerian is recommended, but in any case this should only be done after talking with your doctor.
  • If you feel like you are suffocating, you can get on all fours and do a simple breathing exercise - alternate between deep inhalations and exhalations. In this position, the lungs can expand better, since the uterus does not press so hard.
  • Do small warm-ups for 10-20 minutes, depending on how you feel. Change your body position more often if you are sitting or lying down. This way, the blood will not be retained in certain places in the body, but will circulate freely, which prevents the appearance of swelling, and nutrients begin to flow better to the baby.
  • If you have heartburn, you should eat small portions, chewing your food well.
  • It's time to choose a breastfeeding bra for yourself.
  • Since the due date is already close to the start of labor, make sure that you always have an exchange card, a charged mobile phone and money in your bag. Thus, if the birth process begins, you can always call relatives for help or go to the maternity hospital yourself.
  • Before going to bed, it is useful to listen to calm music, watch positive films that harmonize the psychological state.

What to do in the early stages

Dizziness in the first weeks of pregnancy does not require treatment.
At home, weak tea from mint or lemon balm is brewed, however, you should not overdo it with such drinks. You are allowed to drink 300-400 ml per day (no more). Doctors recommend inhaling the aroma of dried mint, which also gives a good effect.

A woman is advised to lie down in a well-ventilated room, close her eyes and completely relax. You can lightly massage your temples, and during the hot season, apply a cold compress to your forehead.

Dizziness is a symptom of pregnancy

Of course, nausea and dizziness in women, besides pregnancy, are caused by various factors. But this symptom is the first manifestation of the birth of a new life (after a delay in menstruation). Every woman experiences this differently, but all the signs of a wonderful period are always remembered for life. Uncertainty, excitement, fear and... dizziness.

Secondary manifestations, including dizziness during pregnancy, are very individual. Someone may not feel anything, others experience a whole diverse range of sensations (and not always pleasant ones).

Nausea and dizziness in the early stages of pregnancy do not appear only in the morning, as is commonly believed. Similar conditions are repeated every time there is sudden movement or increased physical stress, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. By the way, sometimes in the first days the test is even negative. It makes no sense to take a pregnancy test before the day of your planned menstruation. There is not enough substance in the urine that “forms” the second stripe.

How to eliminate dizziness in the last stages

In the third trimester, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and not stay in an upright position for a long time. If you suffer from strong anxiety about the upcoming birth (which can also cause dizziness), then you should start taking sedatives (valerian). The expectant mother should get enough sleep, but she is only allowed to sleep on her side. All movements when rising from a bed or chair should be smooth and slow.

Fainting due to dizziness often leads to such unpleasant consequences as bruises and abrasions.

Factors that cause dizziness during pregnancy

The causes of dizziness during early pregnancy and in subsequent trimesters are as follows:

  • If you have not consumed food for a long time, the glycemic level may drop so much that symptoms appear: darkening of the eyes, weakness and dizziness. When you feel dizzy, eat fruit - this will help quickly increase your glycemia.
  • Heat, prolonged stay in an overheated or unventilated room (cinema, shopping center, public transport), especially with a lack of fluid, decreases blood pressure, which can cause dizziness, weakness and even fainting. Fresh air will help - go outside or ventilate the room. Sometimes it is enough to take off your outer clothing and loosen it at the neck. Sit down, drink some water.
  • If you previously (before the delay and positive test) suffered from hypotension, dizziness during pregnancy, as well as other problems associated with this period, will bother you more.

Important! Vertigo can be a manifestation of pathology - dizziness often occurs during a frozen pregnancy (with untimely specialized help, freezing can lead to intoxication) or a serious illness.

Possible pathological causes

There are a number of reasons that in some cases are much less common, but carry dangerous consequences.
Let's look at them:

  • anemia;
  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • compression of large vessels by the uterus;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • migraine headaches;
  • pathologies in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • severe and constant vomiting.

Such reasons directly depend on the health of the expectant mother and the environment.

Dizziness is one of the symptoms during pregnancy. This condition usually goes away quickly and without treatment. To avoid particularly severe cases, follow the recommendations of your gynecologist.

Dizziness in 2nd trimester

Similar to dizziness in the early stages, malaise in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is a protective reaction of the body. The brain reacts to an insufficient supply of oxygen. What's actually happening in the body? What is characteristic of the second trimester? There is a slowdown in heart rate, hence a decrease in blood pressure. The blood supply to the brain is temporarily limited. The result is dizziness during pregnancy in the second trimester (14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 weeks of pregnancy), loss of coordination and other accompanying manifestations of hypotension.

Morning dizziness during pregnancy

During pregnancy, dizziness that occurs in the morning has several possible causes. One of the most important factors is the sudden rapid hormonal change caused by hCG produced by the developing placenta. Another theory for morning sickness (often with vomiting) leans towards the effects of low glycemia.


The decision about what to do if you feel dizzy in the early or late stages is made after the examination. Usually there is no need to use medications; after childbirth, the condition normalizes itself.


If you feel dizzy during pregnancy due to severe toxicosis (nausea and vomiting are present at the same time), suitable antiemetics are prescribed.

Important! Medicines should only be taken on the advice of a doctor! Do not increase the frequency of use of the product and/or dosage on your own.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers a number of ways to get rid of dizziness during pregnancy. The most effective methods are drinking tea made from antiemetic herbs. Melissa and mint are recommended. An alternative is aromatherapy using peppermint essential oil.

In case of hyperthermia, as a causative factor of the malaise, cold compresses on the forehead are recommended.

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