Life “Your palms are breathing”: What is hypnosis and how it is used

The principle of hypnosis

Hypnotic suggestion is the ability to influence the human psyche in a special way. During hypnosis, the conscious part is switched off and the person is immersed in a trance, a state similar to what we experience between sleep and wakefulness. When the conscious part of the psyche is turned off, it becomes possible to “reach out” to its subconscious part. This cannot be done while awake.

It is working with the subconscious that helps treat various addictions, phobias, depression and many other psychosomatic diseases. Also, hypnotic suggestion helps to increase self-esteem by removing complexes and other limiting attitudes.

When studying hypnosis on your own, you should not hope for instant results. Everything requires patience and practice. However, professional psychotherapists who master such techniques did not learn them in one day.

Method 3.

You can put a person into hypnosis without using words. This hypnosis tactic requires preliminary work with a person. We explain to the patient that he should accurately copy and repeat the actions performed, while fixing his gaze on the thumb of his right hand.

We place our straight arms along the body and very slowly raise them to eye level. We bring our hands together even more slowly so that the right hand lies on top of the left.

As soon as the client completes the contraction of his arms, we very sharply and quickly lower his upper limbs to his knees. This action will instantly put a person into a state of hypnosis.

Basic Information About Hypnosis

All hypnotic techniques involve a persistent effect on the human psyche, which is akin to suppression of will. After several hypnotic sessions, a person can change the type of thinking or behavior, as well as change the reaction to certain irritating factors. After carrying out a hypnotic suggestion, the hypnotized person is able to perform certain actions assigned to him during the session.

The important point is that a person will never do anything that goes against his inner beliefs.

After being hypnotized into a trance, the completely switched off consciousness ceases to respond to external stimuli. The suggestion itself is a set of verbal formulations with certain information. They are individual in nature and since they are “recorded” directly into the subconscious, a person, after awakening, perceives them as his own.

Hypnosis is divided into three main types:

  • classical;
  • hidden;
  • regressive.

The classical method involves instilling clear guidelines in a person. This technique is often called “directive” because it is characterized by specific instructions and formulations. Used in cases where it is necessary to impose strict restrictions, for example, in the treatment of addiction.

The hidden method is softer and was developed by the American psychotherapist Erickson, which is why the technique is often called “Ericksonian”. During the session, the person does not lose the opportunity to communicate with the hypnologist and is able to reject the settings if he does not like them. The main instruction that the doctor gives to the patient is to exit the hypnotic trance if discomfort arises.

This method is no less widely used than the classical one to eliminate various phobias, addictions and other problems. However, the technique is actively used in marketing, direct sales, advertising and politics.

The regression method allows a person to restore memories from his life, and, according to some experts, even from past lives. Returning to past events, especially unpleasant ones, allows the therapist to find the root of the problem and successfully eliminate it.

  • Methods of introducing hypnosis
  • Shock methods
  • Fractional method
  • Method "Confusion"
  • Advanced Methods
  • Method "5-4-3-2-1"
  • Triple Helix Method
  • Technique for inducing a hypnotic state

    Let's talk directly about how to put a person into a trance state.

    The hypnosis technique itself is based on the use of a number of different methods, which can be divided into two large groups: methods of influencing the analyzers with monotonous stimuli and methods of influencing the analyzers with a strong stimulus (shock). All methods of introducing hypnosis belong to one of two main methods.

    What methods do modern doctors use? Let's start with the simplest ones.

    Methods of introducing hypnosis

    The first method to consider is hypnosis through fixation of an object. The hypnotizer asks the patient to concentrate his gaze on some object - a coin, a key or a pencil suspended on a rope.

    Objects can be anything, the main thing is that they are at a distance of at least 25 cm from the eyes of the person being hypnotized.

    When the patient concentrates on the subject, the hypnotist begins to make a series of suggestions. Mandatory condition: words must be pronounced in a monotonous voice, repeated and have a figurative character. First, the patient is instilled with a feeling of relaxation, drowsiness, heaviness, warmth, and then sleep.

    Previously, hypnotization was performed without verbal suggestions (for example, the Brad-Liebeault method), but nowadays influence accompanied by words is more common. Verbal formulations help to describe sensations, thanks to which the hypnotized person feels them more fully.

    The words are repeated so that the patient closes his eyes. If the latter does not want to close them, the psychotherapist resorts to counting. In this case, suggestion is resumed when counting from 1 to 10.

    However, counting doesn't always help either. In this case, the Bernheim method is used. According to him, you should hold your hand at a distance of several centimeters from the patient’s face and often move it from top to bottom and vice versa. During these actions, the suggestion is repeated: “Follow my hand - up, down, up, down - and you will want to sleep. You are getting more and more sleepy." Afterwards the person being hypnotized is told: “Now you can close your eyes.” The hypnotist then closes the patient's eyelids with his fingers.

    There is a method of simple verbal suggestion, which is carried out without using an object on which to concentrate the gaze. This method is used when it is difficult for the patient to concentrate on any subject.

    Hypnosis is carried out as follows: the patient lies down on the sofa, the hypnotist asks him to close his eyes and makes a verbal suggestion.

    Abbot Faria proposed a method in 1813, which was later named after him. Hypnosis through enchantment was especially common in India among fakirs and magicians. However, now this technique is used very rarely. Instead of fixing the gaze on the object, the patient should look into the eyes of the hypnotist. In medicine, this method is used mainly in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and also in case of imbalance of the patient.

    An example of a suggestion made by a hypnotist: “Look into my eyes. Your gaze becomes heavier, heavier, your arms become heavy, your legs become heavy, your whole body becomes heavier. Your eyes are closing, but keep them open as long as you can look into my eyes. Your eyelids become heavy, they become heavy like lead. You fall asleep, you fall asleep."

    When the patient closes his eyes, the therapist says: “Your eyelids are stuck together, you will not be able to open them until I order you.” After this, the patient is seated in a chair.

    The main difficulty of this method is that the hypnotist must look into the patient’s eyes without looking away or blinking. In order to learn this, the doctor must train daily. In addition, with this method, the hypnotist himself runs the risk of being hypnotized.

    Also in hypnosis, a rather complex method of raising the hand is used. It was proposed by Erikson in 1923 and is called American. In order to successfully apply this technique, special training is required. Its main advantage is that the patient himself participates in the process of hypnotherapy.

    The hypnotist says the following words: “I want you to sit comfortably in a chair and relax. Sit down with your hands on your hips. Yes, yes. Look at your hands. Watch them carefully, but at the same time relax, do not tense up. Watch what happens during relaxation. The phenomena you observe happen all the time when you relax, but you didn’t notice them before. I'll let you know when they happen. Focus on all your sensations, record them. Whatever these phenomena may be, remember them. You may feel itching or a slight tingling sensation, or maybe feel heaviness in your arm. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly you are experiencing, the main thing is to observe it. Don't take your eyes off your hand. She is motionless and calm. For now it remains in its place, but there are already barely perceptible movements in it. You don’t feel them, but you look at your hand without looking away. Try to catch the moment when the movements become more noticeable.”

    The person being hypnotized focuses all his attention on his own hand. He wants to find out what will happen next, because he is sure that his sensations are completely natural, that he experiences them all the time in appropriate conditions. The doctor does not impose his will on him, so the patient does not consider the therapist’s words as a suggestion. This, in fact, is what the hypnotist must achieve.

    The patient correlates the emerging phenomena with the words of the psychotherapist, and he has corresponding reactions. For example, a completely natural movement of the fingers, which the doctor points out immediately, barely noticing. The psychotherapist must carefully observe the patient’s behavior, notice the slightest changes and movements of the hypnotized person.

    Then the doctor continues the suggestion. He may say the following: “We will see which of your fingers moves first. Perhaps it will be the little finger, or the index finger, or the ring finger... or maybe the big or middle finger... You will notice when one of them shudders and moves. You can't know which one it is, so watch your hand carefully. Look, your little finger has moved. You see, your fingers are moving apart, the spaces between them are increasing... The fingers are moving apart more and more, the space between them is increasing.”

    The doctor, unnoticed by the patient, makes him a suggestion. The hypnotized person thinks that his fingers move apart on their own, that is, without any influence, but this happens due to the suggestion of the hypnotist. Thus, if the patient spreads his fingers, then the suggestion is working. The hypnotist appears to be stating a fact, but in reality he is controlling the patient's actions.

    Meanwhile, the doctor continues: “Your fingers move apart, after which they begin to bend on their own. Look: the middle finger bends and rises, the index finger bends. (at the same time the patient’s fingers begin to bend). You feel light, your hand becomes lighter and lighter. She gets up. slowly, easily, your hand rises. Look at your hand, you see how it becomes lighter and lighter. At the same time, you feel tired in your eyes and feel sleepy. You want to sleep more and more. Your eyelids become heavy as lead. You want to close your eyes. Your hand rises higher and higher. The higher your hand rises, the more you want to sleep. You want more and more to feel relaxed, close your eyes and fall asleep.”

    It should be noted here: raising your hand and falling asleep reinforce each other. That is, the higher the patient raises his hand, the more sleepy he becomes. The therapist says the following: “Your hand rises towards your face. Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, you want to sleep more and more. You feel increasingly sleepy. the hand rises to the face. When the hand touches your face, you will fall asleep (here the patient touches his hand to his face and falls asleep).”

    Along with other methods, the so-called metronome method is successfully used. It is based on the fact that, to the rhythmic beat of a metronome, the hypnotist suggests to the patient that he is falling asleep. The metronome beats help the hypnotized person to concentrate and distract from extraneous stimuli. Many techniques are based on this technique, in particular the technique of I. Platonov, I. Velvovsky and many others. The metronome can be replaced by a clock, monotonous rustling, knocking.

    Simultaneously with monotonous sounds, you should say: “You are in a state of mental peace, you are overcome by drowsiness. You feel pleasant bliss, warmth spreads throughout your body, and you feel drowsy. Your arms and legs become heavy, your eyelids become heavy, and you fall asleep. Can you hear my voice?

    I will count to ten, and each time you fall deeper and deeper into sleep. Once. two. three. You fall asleep, your sleep becomes calm and deep.”

    It should be noted that all the phrases of the psychotherapist report on events that have already occurred. The hypnotist does not say what is going to happen, he states the fact: “you have already fallen asleep,” and not “you will fall asleep.”

    An almost indispensable attribute of a hypnotist is some shiny object, such as a metal ball. Thus, V. Rozhnov proposes the following method, based on the use of a shiny object. The patient must fix his gaze on a metal object (a ball or the tip of a hammer). The therapist says: “Relax. Lie down quietly and listen carefully to my words. Don't think about anything extraneous. You want to sleep, your eyelids become heavy. You feel a pleasant warmth spreading throughout your body. The muscles of the legs and arms, face, neck, and head relax. You want to sleep. I will count to ten, and when I say the number ten, you will fall asleep.”

    The method of D. Kogan and V. Faibushevich is of interest. It's pretty simple. The psychotherapist says the following words: “Lie there without thinking about anything, get comfortable. I will read you an excerpt from a poem.

    As you read, you will calm down and you will feel a feeling of warmth in your body. Your thoughts will stop bothering you, you will fall into slumber. You will fall asleep more and more, more and more soundly. When I finish reading, you will fall asleep. Nothing will disturb you, all extraneous sounds and thoughts will go away.”

    The poem to be read is selected individually for each patient. It is important that it be melodic and even melodious. This will provide a better sleep effect.

    Shock methods

    As already mentioned, in addition to methods of influencing analyzers with monotonous stimuli, there are so-called shock methods. J. Charcot used exactly this method, which was later named after him.

    In this technique, the patient is told to stand with his back to the chair. The hypnotist stands on his right side and says: “You will now fall into a deep sleep. Stand straight, straight, do not bend over. Close your eyes". After the suggestion, the doctor places his right hand on the patient’s forehead and his left hand on the back of the head. Having tilted the patient's head back, the psychotherapist suggests: “You are swinging freely” - and at the same time presses on the head of the hypnotized person. The latter begins to swing, the doctor pushes him, increasing the amplitude each time. At the same time, he repeats: “You lean back, but you are not afraid of falling. I'm holding you."

    The doctor rocks the patient harder and harder. Sharply pressing on the patient’s forehead, the hypnotist lowers him onto the sofa and loudly orders: “Sleep! Deeper, stronger, sleep!”

    Suggestion is accompanied by a sharp sound, such as a bang or a blow, or a flash of light. The patient then immediately falls into a hypnotic sleep. This method works most effectively on hysterical patients.

    Fractional method

    This technique was developed jointly by Fogg and Kretschmer.

    Its main feature is that it allows people who are distrustful of suggestion or who are unsure of the effectiveness of this therapy to be put into a hypnotic state. The doctor puts the patient into a shallow trance, after which he says: “I will count to three. On the count of three you will wake up, after which I will again put you into hypnosis, but this time longer and deeper.” When the patient wakes up, he is asked to talk about the sensations he experienced and what prevented him from falling asleep. The doctor must analyze the patient’s words and carry out the next introduction to hypnosis taking into account previous mistakes. If necessary (if the patient is agitated), the second session is also interrupted for a few minutes, during which the patient is calmed down.

    Subsequently, this method was slightly improved. Thus, questions about the patient’s well-being were asked not during pauses, but while he was in hypnotic sleep.

    Method "Confusion"

    If the previous method is recommended for use in cases where the patient is afraid to enter a hypnotic sleep, then this technique is intended for patients who are skeptical and dismissive of hypnotic therapy. The essence of this method is that the patient is given several different suggestions that are opposite in meaning and require a quick switch of attention.

    For example, the doctor tells you to move your left hand and keep your right hand motionless. However, the patient does not yet have time to fulfill the requirement when the psychotherapist repeats the command, but now asks him to move his right hand. Usually the patient thinks that the doctor made a mistake the first time and carries out a different command, that is, he gets confused. Then the hypnotist asks you to raise both hands up, but at the same time lower one down. The patient does not understand what exactly is required of him and what command needs to be followed, so he hopes to hear at least one normal sentence. The doctor does not allow the patient to come to his senses and repeats new commands, which are equally contradictory. When the patient is completely confused, he is given the command to close his eyes and fall asleep.

    Advanced Methods

    Here are several techniques that require more skill and experience from the psychotherapist than the previous ones.

    Method "5-4-3-2-1"

    The essence of this method is as follows: the doctor does not simply instill in the patient a certain attitude, but disguises it. That is, first he makes several statements, with which the hypnotized person consistently agrees, and only then directly adds the command that needs to be suggested. This technique includes five stages.

    First stage

    The hypnotist makes four statements that describe what the hypnotized person sees in the present moment. The fifth thing, the one with which the patient must agree, the doctor adds afterwards. Similarly, the therapist makes four statements that describe what the patient hears. The fifth contains a suggestion, which is added to the general series last. Then come sentences containing information about how the patient feels, and a suggestion is added in the same way.

    Second phase

    It differs from the first in the number of statements stating facts and the number of suggestions. That is, the doctor gives three “true” statements about what the patient sees, hears and feels, and adds two suggestions.

    Third stage

    Here the number of statements is two, and the number of suggestions, on the contrary, increases to three. Thus, the doctor describes with two statements what the patient actually perceives with visual, auditory and tactile analyzers, and with three statements he makes a suggestion.

    Fourth stage

    The number of suggestions reaches four, but there is only one statement - about what the patient sees, hears and feels.

    Fifth stage

    At this stage, the psychotherapist only suggests, without stating the facts.

    The exit from the hypnotic state should be done slowly, gradually, so as not to traumatize the patient’s psyche. During hypnosis, the therapist must describe not only tangible stimuli, such as the beats of a metronome, but also images or sounds that a person would not normally pay attention to (breathing, the barely audible ticking of the second hand of a watch, and so on). Suggestion is added so that the hypnotized person has the illusion that he himself feels, sees and hears it, but at the subconscious level (with inner vision, hearing).

    Triple Helix Method

    This technique was proposed by M. Erickson. Its difficulty is that it requires maximum composure and concentration from the psychotherapist. First, the doctor tells the patient a story. However, without finishing it, he breaks off in the middle and begins another story, also cutting it off in the middle. The hypnotist tells the third story in its entirety, after which he finishes the first. As a result, the patient does not remember all three stories, but only the first and second. The third story is very quickly erased from memory, so it is in the third story that the doctor includes a command for the patient. In this chapter we have given only the most commonly used techniques for introducing special states of consciousness. In fact, there are a huge number of them. Moreover, each psychotherapist himself chooses the most acceptable method for him to introduce the patient into a hypnotic sleep, supplementing the already created method with his own techniques. Therefore, it is impossible to completely determine the pattern by which people should be put into a state of hypnosis.

    Table of contents

Advantages and disadvantages

Any method has its pros and cons, and hypnotic suggestion techniques are no exception. The benefits of hypnosis include:

  • activation of body reserves;
  • the ability to find the cause of the disease;
  • the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills;
  • discovery of hidden possibilities of the psyche;
  • no side effects;
  • solving psychological problems.

Hypnosis also has disadvantages, but they are much less than the advantages. The disadvantages of hypnotic suggestion include:

  • the ability to give negative attitudes;
  • prohibition of the use of techniques in case of mental disorders;
  • loss of control over your body and actions.

Ways to learn hypnosis on your own

Before you start practicing hypnosis on your own, you need to honestly answer the question - what is your goal. It is unlikely that anyone will admit that they want to study hypnosis in order to influence people to realize their plans.

Meanwhile, such use of hypnotic suggestion is not uncommon; a striking example is street gypsies using methods similar to Ericksonian hypnosis. However, when setting unseemly goals for yourself, you should not forget that everything comes back and you have to pay for everything.

As for the methods of self-learning themselves, they can be divided into five main categories:

  1. Books.
  2. Websites.
  3. Audiobooks.
  4. Video lessons.
  5. Online seminars.

They are located as the quality of the acquired knowledge improves and, of course, can be used not only separately, but also complementing each other. Let's look at these methods in more detail, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


This approach is a classic way of teaching and for more convenient orientation in specialized literature, below is a list of five books by recognized masters of hypnosis:

"Trance Formation: Neurolinguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis" Bandler and Grinder

This book was written by the authors of the famous NLP technique, which is essentially a development of the Ericksonian method of hypnosis. Despite the fact that the book was published quite a long time ago, it has not lost its relevance to this day. An excellent publication, written in lively and understandable language.

"Selected Works of Milton Erickson" (4 volumes) M. Erickson

The four volumes of this publication compile the vast practical experience of the famous psychotherapist Milton Erickson, who is the author of the method of hypnosis, which is popular all over the world. You can study the publication in any order, but it is worth noting that it is not intended for beginners, but it will be very useful for further development.

Over the past few decades, a strange situation has been observed - on the one hand, Erickson’s method of hypnosis is becoming increasingly popular, which proves its effectiveness, on the other hand, Erickson has received a lot of criticism.

Most likely this is explained by the genius of the author and the current state of affairs can be compared with what happened after the death of Bruce Lee. While he was alive, everyone recognized his uniqueness and few were able to challenge him. Less than an hour after his death, it turned out that he was quite ordinary.

“My Voice Will Remain with You: Milton Erickson's Teaching Stories” M. Erickson

Erickson did not become famous out of nowhere; all his works are confirmed by clinical observations and his techniques have proven their effectiveness with the test of time. At first glance, it seems that he did not put any effort into his work, simply telling different stories to the patient. Meanwhile, people fell into a trance and after the sessions their lives changed dramatically for the better.

The book is a collection of 100 of the most impressive stories Erickson told in his sessions. There is no need to copy them verbatim in your practice, but they can serve as a starting point for generating your own ideas.

"Monsters and Wands: Hypnosis Doesn't Exist?" S. Heller T. Steele

This is a fairly small book, but it shows with vivid examples how hypnosis is constantly present in our lives. One of the psychotherapists, using the methods shown in this publication, was able to cure an old wart in a patient. He used a “magic wand”, but essentially an ordinary pencil.

"Transforming Therapy: A New Approach to Hypnotherapy" G. Boyne

The author of the book practiced the ultra-fast method of hypnotization and the publication contains a description of several tricks that street hypnotists use. Boyne was a professional of the highest class who could make almost instantaneous suggestions. Despite this, the author of the book was excellent at both the methods of deep trance and long-term instructions.

The disadvantages of learning from books include:

  • quite complex training;
  • a basic level is required to understand the information presented in the book.

Among the advantages can be noted:

  • authority and competence of the authors;
  • accessibility, many books can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

What will happen at the seminar?

Who is this seminar for?

This seminar is for those who want to: - help people more effectively; - harmonize your relationships with people; - help yourself in self-healing and harmonization of all aspects of life; - reveal your creative abilities; — improve results in work and sports, learning and art, business and management.

What awaits you at the seminar:

— The theoretical part is the study from different sides of such a mysterious phenomenon as hypnosis. — The practical part is working out in pairs different trance induction techniques (from the simplest to the complex and unusual). — Training in deep relaxation and self-hypnosis - a powerful tool in self-healing and self-development. - Morning work-out. — Spiritual practices (meditation, prayer). - Evenings and gatherings around the fire. — Communication with like-minded people.  

As a result of completing the seminar you:

— Gain skills in inducing and using trance states; — Master different methods of hypnosis and special techniques, including those for working with children; - Learn hypnotic language; — Learn the method of deep relaxation and self-hypnosis, which will allow you to expand the boundaries of your world and your capabilities in healing and self-improvement; — Learn to use metaphors and stories in a trance state; — Get a large set of hypnotic cliches that you can immediately use in your life and work, which will make you feel confident; — Unleash your creative potential, as hypnosis will help you gain access to your inner resources and talents.

And also in the seminar program:

— spiritual and energetic practices; - morning physical and energy exercises, which includes exercises to develop flexibility, strength and endurance; — breathing exercises from Yoga practice; - managing your attention; - meditation.

At the end of the seminar, all participants will receive personalized state certificates. *** Daily schedule at the seminar: 06:00 Wake up 06:45 Prayer 06:45 – 8:00 Morning spiritual, physical and energy practice. Swimming in a font and a mountain lake. Juice therapy 9:00 Breakfast 9:30 - 12:30 Morning lesson 12:30 Lunch 13:00-17:30 Free time: swimming in the sea and mountain lake, walks, doing homework 17:30 Dinner 18:00 Evening lesson 20 :00 Evening, evening tea by the fire 22:00 Sleep


With the widespread use of the Internet, it has become possible to visit thematic sites and obtain information of interest there. This method has one disadvantage - hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of sites about hypnosis can lead a person to confusion.

It is difficult for a beginner to find useful and relevant information and you may stumble upon an ordinary dummy. Plus is the accessibility and convenient presentation of the material.

Video lessons

The video lesson clearly shows how the master works and the entire process of a hypnosis session. And again, the Internet becomes an assistant in this matter, where you can find both paid and free courses. The downside is the lack of feedback from the teacher and the inability to ask a question. The advantages include accessibility, low price, or even free materials.

Introduction to a hypnotic state

To correctly complete this stage, you must adhere to the following instructions: the hypnotist’s speech should be calm; words are pronounced clearly, but longer than usual; During the session, the tone of voice does not cause aggression or mistrust, but pacifies. Establish contact from the beginning and maintain it.

Initial phase

Phrases to start hypnosis:

Actions of partners

  1. The person being hypnotized tries to take deep breaths and exhales. To achieve greater results, it is worth helping the patient catch the rhythm. This is done by synchronizing breathing.
  2. The hypnotist asks the partner to focus on one object or point. It is advisable that the patient choose the object himself. But if a person is relaxed and wants to sit or lie down with his eyes closed, then you should not prevent him from doing so. If the hypnotist suggests focusing the partner’s gaze on himself, then, if possible, it is necessary to remain motionless so as not to distract him from the spoken words.
  3. The patient's body needs to be gradually relaxed. If the hypnotized person is calm, breathes evenly and perceives the hypnotist’s words well, then he is asked to relax his feet and toes. When this is done, move on to the calves, then to the calf muscles, then to the thighs. Step by step they reach the face. After this, they descend to the back and upper limbs. There is no room for haste in this matter, everything is spoken out and done calmly. If the patient appears tense, the muscle relaxation process is repeated.
  4. The hypnotist observes the body movements and breathing rhythm of the hypnotized person. This will help assess the degree of relaxation and mental state. It is also important to find and note moments of tension: fingers of the upper and lower extremities, eyes, breathing. In parallel, the hypnotist continues to work with the pacification technique.

Technique for deep relaxation

At the end of this stage, the Hypnotic Staircase technique is used. To perform it, the hypnotist asks the partner to imagine that he is standing in a quiet and comfortable room at the beginning of the stairs. He begins to move downwards and with each subsequent step he sinks deeper and deeper into a state of rest.

As soon as positive dynamics become noticeable, you need to inform that the last 10 steps remain to be completed, and each next step will be accompanied by certain instructions:

This way he can open the door located at the very bottom. It leads to complete relaxation.

Recommendations for going into trance

The hypnotist, when starting to perform some actions, must remember that orders spoken under hypnosis often do not work, but only cause mistrust. When undergoing the classical type of hypnosis, in most cases, those being hypnotized remember what they did during the session, so hypnotherapists with extensive experience usually invite the patient to independently determine the course and techniques performed, without imposing their own opinions.

A hypnotic state helps make a person less anxious. Those who have been hypnotizing for a long time know that trance reduces feelings of depression and stress. The possibility of complete relaxation is quite rare in the fast-paced life of a modern person, so hypnosis is a good help in eliminating depressive moods.

During hypnosis, you can ask a person to independently visualize his problem and options for solving it. It is not recommended to impose your views and opinions on the hypnotized person. It is better to make him imagine a successful solution on his own. How does he see himself in the near and distant future? What needs to change to achieve what you want?

Hypnosis helps solve mild psychological problems. But in such situations it is better to contact a qualified psychologist. No one belittles the merits of hypnotherapy; it is successfully used to combat phobias and addictions, but you need to understand that this is not a cure for problems, but one of the effective ways that help a person plunge into his subconscious. Hypnosis is a kind of self-reflection that strengthens mental and emotional health.

Online seminars

This method is the most effective way to learn hypnosis at home on your own. The price for such classes is quite affordable, and the teacher is always available in real time. The downside to this approach can be found only when compared with face-to-face training. The advantage is high efficiency and affordable price.

Hypnosis techniques: main groups

Hypnosis techniques can be very different, however, the following main groups can be distinguished.

The first is a technique of strong hypnotic influence on a person, developed by the famous French neurologist, psychiatrist and hypnotist Charcot. He used stimuli such as a sudden crash behind the person he was about to hypnotize, a flash of flame in front of his eyes, or an unexpected push and fall into the hypnotist's arms. The technique from this group of hypnosis is to a certain extent adequate to situations leading to akinesia in animals.

The second consists of monotonous repetition of the impact. In this case, the effect of hypnosis on a person is carried out through fixation with the eyes of a shiny object, monotonous noise or quiet music, stroking the forehead or temples (the so-called “passes”).

The third technique is to verbally induce a state of relaxation. Of particular importance in such a hypnotic effect on the brain is the connection with the hypnotist’s voice: “Relax completely! Close your eyes! You're falling asleep! Your eyelids become heavy, your legs become relaxed and heavy, you cannot lift them! Now you are completely relaxed, fall asleep and hear only my voice! Do everything I tell you!” and so on.

Hypnotizing with a look

This scheme is designed for beginners and is based on concentration. To do this, take any image on paper and carefully study it, focusing on the details. The places that you liked the most are marked or your own are added. This leisurely and thoughtful activity gradually leads to trance.

The technique is perfected for about 2 months, 20 minutes daily. The next step in mastering ideomotor skills is issuing commands at a distance. To do this, you need to fully concentrate on the object, as earlier in the image, and give it a mental command. You need to start with the simplest ones, for example:

  • straighten hair;
  • turn your head;
  • rearrange the glass on the table.

In some publications, gaze hypnotization is presented as a very simple technique. In fact, this is not the case, since it involves subconscious contact with a person at a distance.

At first, it will not be possible to put a stranger into a trance because you need a strong mental connection.

For training, you can ask a loved one to become a volunteer assistant. After this, you need to sit him opposite you in the most comfortable position for him. Next, you need to look into the person’s eyes, concentrating on the pupils and give a mental instruction. It may not work out right the first time, but practice will improve everything.

Accommodation options at Svetoch

3-4-bed standard rooms 3-bed superior rooms 2-bed standard 2-bed rooms in a bee house Wooden economy coupe houses Wooden economy houses “honeycomb”

Comfortable 3- and 4-bed rooms (standard)

Wooden houses with all amenities: bathroom, refrigerator, air conditioning. The cost of accommodation with meals is 2000 rubles.
per day per person.
The cost of accommodation without meals is 1200 rubles.
per day.

The cost of meals without accommodation is 800 rubles.

per day (breakfast -
250 rubles
, lunch -
300 rubles
, dinner -
250 rubles
Extra bed with 3 meals a day - 1600 rubles.
For children from 3 to 11 years old inclusive, the cost of one place with 3 meals a day is 1,500 rubles.

per day. From 12 years old pay as for an adult. Three meals a day, vegetarian.

Comfortable 3-bed superior rooms

Wooden log cabins with all amenities: bathroom, refrigerator, air conditioning. The cost of accommodation with meals is 2200 rubles.
per day per person.
The cost of accommodation without meals is 1400 rubles.
per day.

The cost of meals without accommodation is 800 rubles.

per day (breakfast -
250 rubles
, lunch -
300 rubles
, dinner -
250 rubles
Extra bed with 3 meals a day - 1800 rubles.
For children from 3 to 11 years old inclusive, the cost of one place with 3 meals a day is 1,700 rubles.

per day. From 12 years old pay as for an adult. Three meals a day, vegetarian.

2-seater standard

Wooden houses with all amenities: bathroom, refrigerator, air conditioning. The cost of accommodation with meals is 2100 rubles.
per day per person.
The cost of accommodation without meals is 1300 rubles.
per day.

The cost of meals without accommodation is 800 rubles.

per day (breakfast -
250 rubles
, lunch -
300 rubles
, dinner -
250 rubles
Extra bed with 3 meals a day - 1600 rubles.
For children from 3 to 11 years old inclusive, the cost of one place with 3 meals a day is 1600 rubles.

per day. From 12 years old pay as for an adult. Three meals a day, vegetarian.

Double rooms in the bee house

You can combine accommodation and apitherapy. For these purposes, we built a bee house, inside of which there are seven hives. The cost of accommodation with meals is 2400 rubles.
per day per person.
The cost of accommodation without meals is 1600 rubles.
per day.

The cost of meals without accommodation is 800 rubles.

per day (breakfast -
250 rubles
, lunch -
300 rubles
, dinner -
250 rubles
Extra bed with 3 meals a day - 2000 rubles.
For children from 3 to 11 years old inclusive, the cost of one place with 3 meals a day is 1900 rubles.

per day. From 12 years old pay as for an adult. Three meals a day, vegetarian.

Wooden houses economy compartments

Facilities near the houses. The cost of accommodation with meals is 1400 rubles.
per day per person.
The cost of accommodation without meals is 600 rubles.
per day.

The cost of meals without accommodation is 800 rubles.

per day (breakfast -
250 rubles
, lunch -
300 rubles
, dinner -
250 rubles
Extra bed with 3 meals a day - 1400 rubles.
For children from 3 to 11 years old inclusive, the cost of one place with 3 meals a day is 1,400 rubles.

per day. From 12 years old pay as for an adult. Three meals a day, vegetarian.

Economy wooden houses "honeycomb"

Wooden houses with improved layout (facilities next to the houses). The cost of accommodation with meals is 1600 rubles.
per day per person.
The cost of accommodation without meals is 800 rubles.
per day.

The cost of meals without accommodation is 800 rubles.

per day (breakfast -
250 rubles
, lunch -
300 rubles
, dinner -
250 rubles
Extra bed with 3 meals a day - 1,500 rubles.
For children from 3 to 11 years old inclusive, the cost of one place with 3 meals a day is 1,500 rubles.

per day. From 12 years old pay as for an adult. Three meals a day, vegetarian.

Hypnotizing with words

With the ability to competently manipulate words, as well as understand what mood the suggestible person is in, learning hypnosis will be greatly simplified. The Ericksonian method is a type of hypnotic suggestion and is often used by salesmen and street scammers.

In this case, tactile contact is used during the session. The hypnologist, having started a calm conversation, places one hand on the shoulder of the suggestible person and touches the palm of the other in such a way as to feel the patient’s pulse.

After this, using verbal formulas, the person is spoken to, convincing him that he is tired and does not want to move. Gradually, the patient falls into a hypnotic trance and the first instruction that is given is the words that sleep is very useful, and after waking up he will feel cheerful and rested.

Next comes the installation that upon awakening, all problems will disappear and more specific instructions are given, depending on the situation. This method is most effective if the verbal formulations have a clear form and carry a specific semantic load.

The mechanism of hypnosis and its effect on the psyche of humans and animals

For the first time, military doctor Franz Mesmer announced a certain “psychic current” that is emitted by some people who are capable of condensing the magnetism of the planets. In 1774, he submitted theses to the Paris Academy of Sciences in which he tried to substantiate the theory of animal magnetism. An authoritative commission in 1784 rejected the possibility of treating patients with magnetism, but could not refute the fact that one person can artificially put another to sleep. The views of Franz Mesmer became quite widespread. Their echoes have reached our time.

What hypnosis is was first explained from a scientific point of view by the Scottish surgeon Brad. The term comes from the Greek word meaning "sleep". What is the essence of hypnosis, and how does a hypnotic effect on the human brain occur? The hypnotist, as it were, puts the hypnotized person to sleep, puts him into a state of incomplete sleep, during which the latter hears the voice of the hypnotist and follows his commands. The hypnotized person can move and perform various actions that are suggested to him and which he does not resist, since he does not perceive them critically.

The phenomenon called hypnosis has been known for thousands of years. For example, it was used by the Hellenes in the temple of the god of health Asclepius. Judging by ancient sources, the sick came to this temple, fell asleep and woke up healthy. This therapeutic dream was probably hypnosis. During sleep, the priests inspired the sick that they were cured. From the information that has reached us, we learn that most patients heard voices at night or saw the image of a man in front of them, mistaking him for the god Asclepius himself.

Egyptian papyri contain descriptions of therapeutic procedures reminiscent of hypnosis. Probably, even in prehistoric times, shamans, performers of various religious and healing rituals, used hypnosis. In a later period, it became widespread among the inhabitants of Africa.

Animals can also be hypnotized: this phenomenon is known as Kircher's experimentum mirabile (miracle experiment). How does hypnosis work in this case? Under the gaze of a predator, a frog, bird or other small animal suddenly turns over onto its back, causing it to become completely immobile. The animal remains in this position for several minutes and sometimes hours. Touching some insects also immobilizes them for a while. Such phenomena are also observed in a natural setting: a mouse “turns to stone” with its eyes wide open in front of the head of a snake, a bird between the paws of a cat. This phenomenon is called akinesia (immobility), thanatosis (death-like) or catalepsy (waxy flexibility).

This is a kind of biological defense, because in such a situation the animal can be perceived as an inanimate object or as dead, which increases its chances of survival. In this case, we can talk about a passive defensive reaction. The nervous system, exposed to a strong stimulus, according to I. P. Pavlov, goes into a state of extreme inhibition. This is a protective reaction towards the cells of the nervous system and their functions.

However, inhibition of the cerebral cortex explains the mechanism of hypnosis only in general terms.

Complex method of hypnotization

This technique is used by experienced hypnologists because it is the most effective and combines several techniques. A professional needs only a couple of minutes for his client to enter a trance state. The session begins with establishing close contact by concentrating on the eyes, then the verbal method of persuasion comes into play.

To concentrate a person’s attention, the hypnologist uses various objects - pendulums, earrings, spoons, and so on. After the first session, in the second, seeing the object of attention, the person will fall into a trance even faster.

Method 4.

This hypnosis technique is called the “Three Hand Shakes Method.” Introducing the patient into a trance in this case is determined by the formation of the person’s expectation of certain sensations. We explain to the patient what he will experience with each handshake: focusing on sensations, relaxation, falling into a drowsy state.

Now let's move on to the practical part of hypnosis. The first time, shaking hands, we say: “You feel warm and comfortable”; with the second handshake: “You close your eyes, you are completely relaxed; with the third: “You are falling asleep. Sleep!".


Below are a few basic exercises that will help you learn hypnosis on your own.

Attention . The first thing you need to learn in order to master hypnosis is maximum concentration of attention, disconnecting from everything that is happening. To complete the exercise, draw a circle on a large piece of paper and place a small dot in the center. The sheet is hung on the wall at a distance of about one to two meters from the chair or sofa.

The person performing the exercise sits down and peers intently at the point, abstracting from the surroundings and internal thoughts. Your head should be completely empty and the point should absorb everything around you. This exercise is not as simple as it seems at first glance and requires a lot of effort.

Adjustment . This exercise allows you to establish clear contact with the hypnotized person, including trust - rapport. Adjustment is actively used not only in hypnosis, but also in NLP. You can start exercising next to your loved ones. There are three possibilities to adapt to a person:

  1. By pose. This type of adjustment is the most common and easiest to implement. At a subconscious level, trust is established between interlocutors. Scientific research has confirmed that such adjustment occurs automatically if people want to reach an agreement.

In order to adapt to a person, you need to take a similar position to his. This can be done directly or in mirror image.

  1. By movement. This type of adjustment is more difficult than posture adjustment and requires long training. It is implemented as a non-verbal copying of the gestures of the hypnotized person. For example, if a person scratched his head during a session, there is no need to completely copy him, just straighten his own hair.
  2. By breathing. Such adjustment may be direct or indirect. The first involves completely copying the breathing rhythm of the person being hypnotized, the second, copying breathing using finger movements.

Anchor . This term refers to a person’s conditioned reflex, which activates a reaction in him. As an example, a name can be cited, which is one of the most powerful anchors of an action that continues throughout life. An anchor can be of this type:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • kinesthetic.

The most powerful anchors are of the latter variety because they are directly related to the human body. To use an anchor, you must choose a socially acceptable action that will not be too noticeable. For example, an original item that is pulled out at the right moment can act as a visual anchor. In addition, the following can act as an anchor:

  • given gestures;
  • music;
  • touch;
  • some kind of talisman;
  • smell;
  • color;
  • repetition of given words;
  • coughing;
  • appropriate expression on the face;
  • photo.

The exercise consists of training in setting an anchor during hypnotic influence and linking the necessary actions to it.

Overload . When practicing this skill, you must learn to sharply break the patterns of one of the channels of perception. The most accessible is the auditory channel and, for example, uttering a quick, complex and illogical phrase during a conversation can drive a person into a short stupor. At this moment the suggestion is carried out.

Seminar presenter

Valery Sinelnikov

Doctor-psychotherapist, homeopath, writer, yoga teacher, academician of the International Slavic Academy (ISA) of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture, founder of the School of Health and Joy and educational and recreational ethnocultural.
His books are popular not only in Russia. They have been published in twenty-one languages ​​and since 1999 have been in constant demand among readers in different countries of the world. The total circulation of his books is more than 15 million copies.

Born on November 21, 1966 in the Far East in the Ussuri taiga in the family of an officer of the strategic missile forces. Mom is a teacher at school. He graduated from the general education physics and mathematics school in Simferopol with a gold medal, and from the Crimean Medical University with honors. Immediately after the internship, he completed training in Russia in homeopathy and psychotherapy.

His first book, “Love Your Illness,” was published in 1999 and was the result of scientific work that he began while still a medical student.

Currently conducting training seminars in different countries of the world. Writes new books.

Married, four children, granddaughter.


It is better to conduct training sessions with loved ones in a familiar and comfortable environment. The session should not be interrupted by extraneous sounds or other circumstances. To do this, you need to turn off all the music in the house and remove pets from the room, if there are any. It is necessary to be patient since the first sessions will be ineffective given the little experience and resistance of the hypnotized person at the subconscious level.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that learning hypnosis on your own is not easy, but it is quite doable. To effectively master a new skill, it would be a good idea to consult with a professional hypnologist. Of course, the main thing is constant training and faith in your own strength.

Deep hypnosis and the power of hypnotic effects on the brain

At the stage of deep hypnosis, it is sometimes possible to instill extraordinary acuity of the senses, in particular vision.
These are the experiments conducted by the English researcher Heartland. One card is taken from the new deck and shown from the back to the hypnotized person. The hypnotist remembers which card he showed the patient and suggests to him that when he sees this card a second time, he will see a black cross on its back. Then the card is placed in the deck, the deck is shuffled, and the hypnotized person is shown one by one all the cards (with the same back side), until the person in deep hypnosis recognizes a fictitious black cross on one of them. Only in rare cases did this experience end in failure!

There are interesting cases when “post-hypnotic” suggestions are successful. The hypnologist suggested to his patient that when he woke up, he would not remember anything and would immediately call the hypnologist and inquire about his health. “My phone number is so-and-so,” said the doctor, “but you will forget it too.”

Everything happened without a misfire. For all four days the man did not think about the hypnotist, but about an hour before the appointed time he suddenly began to worry very much about the doctor: “How is he doing, is he sick?” He wanted to immediately call the doctor on the phone, but the patient immediately thought that he did not know the number. Anxiety grew. Unable to sit at his desk, he went to the phone and almost mechanically, at random, dialed the phone number. The hypnologist answered.

In what recesses of the subconscious did the memory of the desired telephone number spoken under hypnosis be stored? And doesn't this resemble something similar to zombies? You can suggest anything!

A coin was placed on the hand of a person in a state of deep hypnosis and they were told that it was red-hot. A burn appeared at this place. A word can have such extraordinary power. It is not surprising that for many centuries, even millennia, hypnosis - this mysterious phenomenon of the human psyche - has been used by all kinds of charlatans, healers, and sorcerers for their own purposes. And only in the past? And these days it is still not uncommon for us to see phenomena caused by hypnosis behind various “miracles”.

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