Ambivert: who is it in psychology, characteristics and definition of a person’s personality type

Greetings, friends!

The words “extrovert” and “introvert” are widely known and quite popular. Many people use them to explain why they like to relax in a large company or, conversely, prefer private communication in a quiet, cozy environment. But not everyone knows who an ambivert is. This is especially interesting and paradoxical given that this is the category most people fall into. Today we will take a closer look at who an ambivert is, what its advantages and disadvantages are, and we will also learn how to communicate with an ambivert. Let's begin.

Definition of the concept

It is not easy to find such a psychotype in the literature; personality researchers prefer to divide all people into two almost opposite groups. It's simpler and clearer. In fact, an ambivertive character is the ability to quickly change one’s attitude towards everything that surrounds a person.

It allows a calm creator to become an active “life of the party”, and, if necessary, to transform himself alone, able to function effectively without anyone’s help. In other words, it is the ability to adapt to changing conditions in order to always remain comfortable with oneself and others.


  • Despite the fact that you are equally comfortable with yourself and with other people, it is still worth being able to notice your feelings and sensations. Human psychology is such that excess brings the same destruction and stress as deficiency. Even feeling happy for too long can have a negative impact on the body and nervous system. Therefore, prolonged loneliness may well lead to depression. And an overabundance of communication leads to disgust and powerlessness, which will cause an apathetic state. Monitor the slightest changes in your well-being and be attentive to internal calls.
  • Don't be afraid of the fact that sometimes you are thrown from one extreme to another. This is your peculiarity, which should be accepted and taken into account in the future.
  • Develop your talent for recognizing and adapting to other people's behavior patterns, so you will better understand yourself and others. Try developing your sensitivity using the techniques described in the article “The Best 13 Exercises for Developing Extraordinarily Strong Intuition.”

Characteristics of an ambivert

The main feature of this psychotype is its inability to exist for a long time in the same conditions. These people constantly have to change their environment in order to remain as effective and confident. Stressful situations, noisy companies - an ambivertent person can easily survive all this without serious consequences, but then she needs to recover in peace and quiet.

At the same time, being alone for a long time creates an excessively depressing state for such a person: he becomes dissatisfied with himself, others, and his current position in society. But everything changes as soon as the ambivert returns to people. This is how they exist - between the exorbitant sociability of the extrovert and the aloofness of the introvert, periodically joining first one, then the second.

Eight signs of an ambivertive psychotype

This type of personality has very striking traits that are not characteristic of others. Among the main features are:

  1. The ability to feel equally comfortable both in a group of people and alone.
  2. Unique tact in communication.
  3. A special talent for making lasting social connections.
  4. Inability to consistently care for another person in a relationship.
  5. They like to enjoy the benefits of civilization alone (going to a cafe or cinema), for which ordinary people look for company.
  6. Ability to successfully perform almost any job.
  7. Dislike of idle chatter.
  8. In the eyes of different people they can be seen as both introverts and extroverts.

I will describe each of these characteristics in more detail to define exactly what it means to be an ambivert.

Comfort in company and alone

Introverts always strive for solitude in order to be able to work or spend time alone, while extroverts look for company, terribly afraid of being left alone at home - ambivertive individuals feel equally comfortable in both conditions. Just yesterday they could rock until the morning at the noisiest party of the year, and tomorrow they will be sitting at home with a cup of hot tea and wrapped in a blanket.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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Moreover, in both situations they feel equally happy! The only thing they need is a periodic change of conditions. But this can also be taken as a plus: people around them will never call an ambivert too intrusive, as happens with extroverts. After all, they know exactly when to leave the company in order to relax themselves and not bother others.

Tactfulness in communication

Since ambiversion is the golden mean between two psychotypes, identifying them in communication is not difficult. The reluctance to attract undue attention to oneself, borrowing from introverts, together with the ability to find a common language, taken from extroverts, allows ambivertive individuals to show an amazing sense of tact.

They have an excellent sense of the situation in general and the mood of the interlocutor in particular. As a result, they behave exactly as the other person would like, providing support in a timely manner, leaving alone or becoming the life of the party. This feature allows such individuals to achieve success in any endeavor, easily make useful contacts, and solve all problems.

Ability to form strong social connections

The opportunity to have a large number of acquaintances due to character traits does not become the main aspiration in life. The quality of friendship is much more important for ambiverts. Therefore, they establish strong connections with like-minded people and cherish them throughout their lives. Surrounded by real friends, they feel more confident.

At the same time, being close to some of them, they can show predominantly their introverted side, and when being close to others, their extroverted side. It all depends on how convenient it will be for your friend. This in no way speaks of the duplicity of the psychotype, because they are really comfortable in both situations, and their behavior will be devoid of any sycophancy.

Inability to consistently show care in relationships

It would seem, how does this fit in with what was described above? The fact is that the ambivert personality type needs periodic rest from the surrounding social life. For example, after talking with friends on vacation for a whole week or two, surrounding them with care, upon returning home for a week they will withdraw into themselves. After another week, such people will again become attentive and sensitive.

This does not mean that having started a family, they will have to periodically leave it to be alone. It will be enough to give your loved ones a little freedom: let them lie on the couch for a week, play video games, read their favorite book. Relationships are built individually: the couple adapts to each other, taking into account personal characteristics.

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Ability to go to cafes and cinema alone

Usually, an individual needs company for such a pastime, but an ambivert is a person who easily spends time without others. Moreover, in this case they can satisfy both of their essences: to be among people, as required by the inner extrovert, but at the same time remain alone with themselves, like a true introvert.

Attending public events in a company also concerns such individuals and quite often. Solo outings are more of an opportunity to easily and quickly change the type of activity without straining your loved ones. What this psychotype really finds difficult when alone is traveling. For a vacation, they still strive to find a companion, and from among their friends, so that they have someone to share new impressions with.

Ability to handle any type of work

Whether it’s a routine paperwork process, the implementation of a large project, public speaking, or any other type of activity, an ambivert will be able to take it on and do everything at the highest level. They often become leaders because they know how to speak and listen, but at the same time, such a leader always feels calm confidence in himself, his abilities and his team.

Colleagues treat such an individual as “one of their own,” regardless of his gender, age, or profession. This means that they are very willing to help. Needless to say, this is how the most complex problems are solved. At the same time, ambivertive individuals know how to be grateful and just as easily provide assistance to others if they need it.

Dislike of idle chatter

What is truly unacceptable for an ambivert is discussion of gossip, meaningless conversations. If they do communicate with other people, they prefer to do it alone and strictly on business or on interesting topics. Of course, they can support the chatter in the company, but they will not experience pleasure in doing so.

On the other hand, it is precisely this fact that makes a person with such a psychotype pleasant to others and attracts more and more acquaintances who share similar beliefs. “Empty” people don’t stick around; their goals turn out to be too far away. And smart, friendly, open friends are in abundance.

Extroverts and introverts at the same time in the eyes of others

This has already been discussed earlier. Depending on which personality type is closer to the interlocutor, the ambivert chooses how to behave with him. Therefore, people around him can consider him either open and sociable, or closed and quiet. At the same time, we are not talking about duplicity or sycophancy, but about adapting one’s behavior and one’s well-being to the needs of others.

In addition, the character can change in different situations, depending on the mood. The key remains the fact that you will be comfortable with such a person, regardless of what kind of partner you are in life. Is this ability useful? Undoubtedly! It allows you to keep friends with you, with completely different views on the world, but equally interesting.

How does an extrovert differ from an introvert?

How are these two types fundamentally different? So: Perception of friendship and intimacy. As we already said, extroverts love to be the center of attention. That is, in a team, among friends or in a couple, they are more likely to play a leading role. They also have a love for large numbers of people. As for introverts, they can be leaders (especially informal ones), but they have few truly close people - one, or at most two. Search for inspiration. An extrovert gets his ideas from communication and participation in various activities.

But with introversion, it is important for a person to be on his own in moments of creation, to analyze what is happening in his inner world, maybe think about the beautiful in complete silence, or even sleep. The main thing is that no one interferes with the moments of creation.

Attention to detail. If an extrovert lives quickly, then all information passes by him very quickly too.

Due to the fact that there are always a lot of people around extroverts, it is difficult for them to concentrate on any details. Either way, introverts. With all their thoughtfulness and deliberation, they can read the same text (or look at the same thing) until they analyze all the important points. Communication with strangers.

The main differences between an extrovert and an introvert.

In an unfamiliar environment or in a new team, extroverts feel more comfortable than introverts. It costs them nothing to be the first to approach a stranger and start a conversation. But most introverts need time to adapt. That is, it is better for them to walk around the room, study it, observe people, their behavior, and draw certain conclusions regarding which of those present they would like to communicate with. By the way, this does not mean that introverts are not able to quickly get used to a new environment. It's just more difficult for them.

If no attention was paid to the introvert, then this is not a problem for him. But with extroversion, such an attitude towards a person can cause depressive moods. Attitude to problems. Introverts decide everything for themselves. Moreover, the opportunity to involve others in solving a problem seems strange and uncomfortable to them. But extroverts, on the contrary, tell everyone around them about their problems.

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How to determine your psychotype

As mentioned earlier, psychology rarely mentions anything other than extro- and introvertism. Although some venerable authors have long come to terms with the fact that one person can combine many more qualities. In particular, ambiversion according to Jung is something in between the main psychotypes. Moreover, literally during the examination, such people receive average values ​​on the scale.

And strictly speaking, in most of us this is exactly what they are, to one degree or another. You can determine whether you belong to a particular group by passing a test. The more the qualities of an extrovert and an introvert are mixed in one person, the more pronounced his ambivertism is.

However, experienced specialists who have a keen understanding of people will answer this question without any tests, simply by talking. If you also want to accurately determine your character and the characteristics of those around you, get my personal consultation.

Benefits of Balance

Reading literature on management, being inspired by the most popular businessmen and entrepreneurs, the opinion is formed that the key to success is activity and assertiveness. Yes, it is, but it is nothing compared to the ability to balance and adapt. I mean that a person who understands exactly how to behave with each member of society will achieve much more than one who smashes all the obstacles in his path with his head.

And all because people are different, and many are repelled by obsession and excessive confidence and activity. Think about it, has it ever happened that you felt irritated when entering a store when the salesman “attacked” you, pestering you with his excessive attention and following your every step? Adam Grant, a psychologist working at the University of Pennsylvania, once conducted an experiment by selecting salespeople of different personality styles from a company that sells software.

The results showed that the introvert group sold the least amount of company products due to their passivity. Their clients were people who knew exactly what they needed to buy. The figure for extroverts was not much higher; they were able to earn an average of $5 more, but because they repelled the majority with their pressure and obsession. By the way, you can read about extroverts here.

But ambiverts showed the highest results because they were able to grasp the buyer’s mood and communicated directly in their style and habitual behavior pattern.

Suitable professions

Psychological characteristics allow people with this psychotype to work almost anywhere and equally effectively, this has already been mentioned earlier. But there is a list of professions that are best suited. Among other things, you should pay attention to the work:

  1. Freelancer. In this case, it is much easier to control the amount of communication with other people, and different types of activities remain open.
  2. Organizer of meetings or large events.
  3. Recruitment manager.
  4. Head of small companies.
  5. Social worker.

Naturally, you need to base your choice on your desire, but apart from some nuances, an ambivert will be able to realize himself in literally any field of activity.

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Character Flaws

With all the positive qualities of an ambivertive personality, it would be wrong to forget about its negative sides, especially since they exist. Weaknesses include excessive self-confidence. They achieve success more easily in what they undertake, and in this situation it is very easy to become arrogant. As a result, it becomes difficult to assess the objectivity of the situation.

Sometimes an ambivert adapts so much to other people's needs that they begin to forget about their own. In this case, his emotional state can easily be shaken. The partner himself is capable of solving the problem, for whom sacrifices are made. Selfish people simply cannot be around such a person. They kill all positive character traits, making life difficult for both themselves and him.

Chances of success in society

The position of an ambivertive personality in society can be called stable. They easily find a common language with both introverts and extroverts, thanks to which they avoid any pitfalls. Work, home, friendship - everything comes relatively easily to them if they accept themselves as they are.

If any conflicts do arise, the ambivert will easily resolve them. Any difficult life circumstances surprisingly bypass such people. Many call them “lucky”, perceiving the ability to establish relationships with everyone around them more as luck than as work. This is partly true. They have to exert somewhat less effort than the same introverts.

Adam Grant experiment

Representatives of all three psychotypes took part in this study, conducted by a famous psychologist. The point was that experts were trying to determine which of the participants would show the best sales skills, assuming that the openness of extroverts would allow them to become conditional winners. The results were tracked based on three months of work, and they were able to amaze everyone around them.

The worst results, as expected, were shown by introverts. This field of activity has never been considered suitable for closed people. Extroverts took second place, and the leaders were ambiverts, who managed to find more buyers from different groups. We can say that the average values ​​of this personality type played a positive role.

Flexibility is key

It is important for HR managers and executives to take into account the personality types of employees in order to assign them those projects in which they will show their best sides, and not vice versa. For example, if you want an extrovert to do a great job at a task, you shouldn't give him a task that requires a lot of attention to detail.

Encourage introverts to be active when they show it, and make sure that there are not too many extroverts and that they do not irritate their colleagues.

But most importantly, remember that there are very few people who are extroverted or introverted. So don’t prioritize what type you or your colleagues are, but flexibility and mutual respect.

  • Psychology
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