Which is better: Piracetam or Lucetam?

Piracetam and Lucetam are nootropic medications that have been produced for decades. The drugs affect the functions of the brain and blood circulation in it, are well tolerated by patients and are quite effective in the treatment of many diseases. But a number of questions arise: Lucetam or Piracetam - which is better, what is treated with these medications, how they are taken, how they are dosed and when they should not be taken.








The main active component of the product is piracetam. The drug is produced in two dosage forms: tablets and solution for injections.

Tablets are available in dosages of 400, 800 and 1200 mg.

Minor components of the drug:

  • stearate;
  • povidone K-30;
  • magnesium;
  • ethylcellulose;
  • hypromellose;
  • titanium dioxide (E171), etc.

The tablets are white in color, oval in shape, and covered with a film. The drug is also available in the form of capsules with powdered medicine. The medicine in the form of a solution is poured into standard glass ampoules with a transparent or dark tint. Each box contains 10, 20 or 30 ampoules.

How are the drugs similar?

Medicines of both types are available in the form of tablets, ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration. The active ingredient of both products is piracetam. "Piracetam" and "Lucetam" are intended to affect the central nervous system, helping blood circulation and improving vascular permeability. Comparison of medicines and what is their difference

Medicines are complete analogues of each other . If one of them is not available in the pharmacy, it can be completely replaced by another. The most important difference between the drugs is that “Lucetam” is produced by pharmaceutical companies and produced by a number of Russian companies. Both medications can be purchased in the form of tablets or ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Both drugs are used for problems in the central nervous system, for serious brain damage, to prevent stroke or reduce severe consequences after it.

"Lucetam" in its actions has more contraindications for use than "Piracetam". It is the latter drug that is the original, and other piracetam-based drugs are considered its substitutes.

"Lucetam" is prescribed if the patient suffers from short-term or long-term memory. It has a faster effect on the body, restoring memory function in the human body.

The use of medications should be carried out only after prescription by the attending physician, and strictly adhere to the dosage during treatment. Self-medication with drugs or exceeding the prescribed dose can lead to severe side effects for the body. The standard dosage of the drug is 1-2 tablets three times a day . But, you need to pay attention to the dose of the active ingredient of the tablet. When purchasing a medicine with a proportion of the active substance more or less than prescribed, you should adjust the intake of tablets to the required dosage.

Capsules are intended to be swallowed with plenty of water. The course of medication can range from 3 weeks to 6 months , depending on the patient’s condition. Discontinuation of use does not occur at once, but with a gradual reduction in dosage.


The active ingredient is the same - piracetam. These medications are completely identical in their components, characteristics and form. Lucetam and Piracetam differ only in the name and manufacturer.

In what cases is it prescribed

These medications are used in various medical fields. Thanks to their effect on the body, the health of patients with various diseases is maintained. What ailments are used to treat nootropic drugs is the topic of our discussion.


In this area of ​​medicine, drugs are prescribed to treat:

  • ailments that provoke a disorder of blood circulation in the brain;
  • Alzheimer's disease (in the form of complex therapy);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • reduction of intellectual data;
  • head injuries, concussions;
  • deterioration of memory and fixation of attention;
  • nervous and vascular disorders;
  • complications of stroke.

Nootropics are prescribed to prevent the formation of a disease such as senile sclerosis. Medicines are used by psychiatrists for the comprehensive treatment of psychosis, depressive and hypochondriacal conditions and other similar disorders.

Useful action

When the nootropic enters the cellular and circulatory system, the level of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) increases. This substance in some way nourishes the brain.

If ATP levels are normal, brain impulses flow at the required speed, which promotes good memory and organization. Due to certain disorders in the body and TBI, ATP decreases. Due to this, metabolism between and in the hemispheres is inhibited. This contributes to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms that interfere with life: memory is impaired, a person becomes lethargic, has difficulty concentrating, speech is impaired, etc.

In a body poisoned by alcohol, drugs and other chemicals, certain functions for normal brain function are disrupted. For this reason, drugs are used by narcologists.

Several decades ago, nootropics were prescribed mainly to elderly patients, but nowadays young people are increasingly beginning to be treated with such medications. This is due to the fact that modern people are constantly exposed to stressful conditions. Currently, life is very stressful and hectic, which negatively affects the nerves. Due to stress, overwork and fear, the functioning of the vascular system is disrupted, ATP decreases and the functioning of the immune system deteriorates. This necessarily affects brain functions.

Piracetam is an excellent stimulant of brain and nervous system functions. It improves the functioning of the vascular system, metabolism in the bloodstream and at the cellular level, and accelerates blood circulation. The more vigorous the blood circulation, the more oxygen and nutrients reach the organs. The patient, taking the drug, is able to notice how the general tone rises, the mood improves, vitality and energy increase, and thoughts become clearer.

Side effects

If you follow the dosages prescribed by your doctor, side effects are rare. What would be better, injections or tablets, is also decided by the doctor individually.

It is unlikely, but possible, that nootropics can cause nausea, headache, drowsiness, mood lability, sleep disturbance, dry mouth, apathy, or, conversely, increased anxiety.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should tell your doctor immediately.

How and in what doses should I take it?

The dose and dosage form for use is determined by the disease and age category of the patient. As a rule, the daily dose of the drug is 2.4-4.8 g, it is divided into 2-4 times. In case of severe disease and exacerbation, the dosage is increased, but this is determined only by the doctor.

This applies not only to tablets, but also to capsules. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a medicine. For example, when prescribing a daily dose of 3.6 mg, it is better to purchase capsules with a dosage of 1200 mg of Piracetam and take 1 piece three times a day. Taking a package of tablets with a dose of 400 mg, you will need to drink 3 pieces during each dose.

These medications are taken 30 minutes before or after eating with plain water. The tablets are quite large in size, so it is recommended to break them in half to make them easier to swallow.

The injection solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, as well as through a dropper. Patients often tolerate the injections well.

Lucetam does not act instantly; improvement in the condition can be noticed after 14 days of constant use. The course of therapy with this medication is 3-4 weeks. Sometimes treatment can last 2-3 months without stopping. For preventive purposes for neurological diseases, the patient should take the drug in the form of courses twice a year. Elderly patients are prescribed long-term treatment with short breaks.

Which is better: Piracetam or Lucetam?

Lucetam and Piracetam are nootropic drugs that affect the functioning of the brain and blood circulation in it. These drugs have a fairly wide spectrum of action and are well tolerated. The drugs have been produced for decades and are highly popular in certain areas of medicine.


The main active ingredient of the drug is piracetam. The product is available in the form of tablets, injections for IM or IV administration.

The tablet form may contain different dosages: 400, 800 or 1200 mg.


The main active ingredient of Lucetam is also piracetam. These two drugs are absolutely identical in composition, properties and release forms. The only difference is in the name and manufacturers. And there is not a single difference which of the 2 medications you decide to choose.

Therefore, the question of which is better should be removed immediately - the drugs are identical to each other.

In what cases is it prescribed

The medicine is used in completely different areas of medicine. Its unique action can support the health of patients with many diseases. Let us consider in detail in what cases nootropics are prescribed.


  • Diseases that result in the development of cerebral circulatory disorders.
  • Alzheimer's disease (not as a separate remedy, but in a complex manner).
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Neuroses.
  • Decreased mental abilities.
  • Head injuries and bruises, concussions.
  • Decreased memory and concentration.
  • Prevention of senile sclerosis.
  • Neurovascular system disorders.
  • Elimination of the consequences of a stroke.

The drug is often used in psychiatry for the complex treatment of psychosis, depression, hypochondria and other similar disorders.


  • Alcohol and drug poisoning.
  • Chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.


  • Elimination of postpartum intracranial injuries in children after the 1st year of life.
  • Delays in development and speech.
  • Emotional lability (especially during adolescence).
  • Cerebral palsy.

Lucetam has very few contraindications, so it is often prescribed to young children over one year old and the elderly.

Useful action

The pharmacological property of the “nootropic” is that when it penetrates the body, it increases the concentration of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) in cells and blood. This substance, which is part of our tissues, is a kind of “supplier” of energy for the brain.

In the proper amount, ATP maintains the optimal speed of impulses passing through the brain, which, in turn, provides us with good concentration and memory.

Due to certain disorders in the body, as well as traumatic brain injuries, adenosine triphosphoric acid is reduced. This leads to inhibition of metabolic processes in the hemispheres and between them.

As a result, many unpleasant symptoms appear that interfere with an active and fulfilling life: memory disorders, lethargy, poor concentration, speech disorders, and the like.

If just a couple of decades ago Lucetam was prescribed mainly to older people, today more and more young people are resorting to the need to use it. The thing is that in the modern world, stress is becoming a constant haunt for city residents.

Life has really become more stressful and hectic, and this cannot but have a negative impact on the nervous system. Stress, overwork, fears, and anxieties disrupt the functioning of blood vessels, reduce ATP and the body’s immunity as a whole.

Such processes inevitably affect the brain and its activities.

Piracetam is an excellent stimulant for the functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system. The functioning of blood vessels, metabolic processes in the blood and cells improve, and blood flow accelerates.

The more actively the blood circulates, the more oxygen and useful elements the organs receive. The patient, after taking the medication, may notice an increase in general tone, improved mood, increased vitality and energy, and clarity of thoughts.

Memory and endurance become better, and the tendency to learn increases.

How and in what doses should I take it?

The dosage, as well as the form of the drug, is determined depending on the diagnosis and age of the patient. On average, this ranges from 2.4–4.8 g. per day, divided into 2-4 doses. In severe and acute cases, a higher dose is permissible, but only a doctor should always determine it.

Based on the received recipe, you should choose the content of the active substance in the capsule. For example, if 3.6 mg per day is prescribed, then it is convenient to buy capsules containing 1200 mg of Piracetam each and drink 1 capsule 3 times a day. If you take a pack marked 400 mg, you will have to take 3 tablets at once for each dose.

Take the medicine with plain water half an hour before or after meals. It does not taste bitter. The tablets are large in size and may be difficult for some to swallow at once. In this case, you can break them into 2 parts.

Injections can be prescribed intravenously, intradropwise or intramuscularly. The injections are “not painful” and are well tolerated in most cases.

The effect of Lucetam does not appear immediately; noticeable improvements are observed no earlier than after 2 weeks of regular use. On average, you need to take the medicine for 3-4 weeks.

In some cases, the period of admission can be 2-3 months without a break. To prevent neuralgic diseases, patients are recommended to take the medicine in courses 2 times a year.

Older people can drink it for several years, taking only short breaks.


  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • depression with anxiety (agitated depression);
  • Huntington's chorea;
  • hemorrhagic stroke (in aggravation);
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • infants up to 1 year;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Side effects

If you follow the dosages prescribed by your doctor, side effects are rare. What would be better, injections or tablets, is also decided by the doctor individually.

It is unlikely, but possible, that nootropics can cause nausea, headache, drowsiness, mood lability, sleep disturbance, dry mouth, apathy, or, conversely, increased anxiety.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should tell your doctor immediately.

On a note

Lucetam has quite a few analogues, which vary in price. The drug itself is inexpensive, but some pharmaceutical companies register it under a new name and sell it at inflated prices. Analogues are neither better nor worse - they are absolutely identical, the difference can only be in the packaging and forms of ampoules and tablets.

Medicines that are of the same type:

  • Memotropil;
  • Nootobril;
  • Pyratropil;
  • Pyramem;
  • Nootropil;
  • Noocetam;
  • Pirabene;
  • Pyramem;
  • Escotropile
  • Cerebril;
  • Stamin;

The drug should be stored in a dark place at medium temperature. Shelf life ranges from 3 to 5 years.

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