"Nootropil" and "Piracetam": comparison of products and which is better

Almost everyone encounters nootropic drugs in one way or another. The dynamics of modern life are rapid and require integrity, concentration and the ability to make quick decisions.

It is medications of this type that activate brain activity, mental activity, and, as a result, help improve memory and reduce susceptibility to stress and external irritants.

Piracetam and Nootropil are considered the most effective and well-known nootropics, and the question of which drug is better raises debate even among specialists; accordingly, this article will not be able to put an end to this debate; we will simply compare two popular pharmaceutical positions and evaluate what the difference is and whether it exists, everyone will draw their own conclusions.

Characteristics of Nootropil

The components of this medication form strong bonds with phospholipids, which are located in nerve tissues and take part in the transport of cholesterol and fats. Interacting, they form a special complex, due to which cell membranes are normalized.

In addition, Nootropil stimulates the transport of impulses from neurons to brain synapses. Clinical trials confirm that the use of this medication improves memory and concentration, reduces the risk of vascular spasms in the brain, and normalizes cognitive functions even in conditions of intoxication and oxygen starvation.

The drug is prescribed to patients for memory problems, decreased concentration, behavioral and mental disorders, dizziness and dementia.

Contraindications to the use of Nootropil:

  • acute pathologies of cerebral hematopoiesis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age less than 3 years;
  • severe kidney disease.

With the use of Nootropil, memory and concentration improve, and the risk of vascular spasms in the brain decreases.

The drug is taken in doses of 2.4 g per day, divided into several times. Gradually, the dosage regimen can be increased to 4.8 g per day. For the cortical form of myasthenia, the medication is taken in doses of 7.2 g, divided into several doses.

Difference between medications

The differences between the drugs are the same as between analgin and metamizole sodium. Nootropil is the name of the drug, piracetam is the main active substance included in its composition. In essence, this is one medicine. However, both in the doctor’s prescription and in the pharmacy kiosk there are medicines with both names. What is their difference?

The effect of the drugs, regardless of the name, is identical. There is a difference in the cost of drugs. It is significant and largely depends on the manufacturer. Nootropil traditionally comes to us from Europe. Piracetam - manufactured in Russia and Belarus.

Average cost of drugs

NootropilTablets (800 mg, No. 30)IM solution (5 ml, 20%, No. 12)PiracetamTablets (800 mg, No. 30)Solution IV, IM (5 ml, 200 ml, No. 10)
228-264 rub.287 rub.65-71 rub.37 rub.

Suppliers of nootropil: USB S.A. Belgium Pharma Sector, France Next Pharma S.a. S., USB Italy Pharma S.p.A., Italy Eisika Pharmaceuticals S.r. l."

Manufacturers of piracetam: OJSC "Biokhimik", AKO OJSC "Sintez", OJSC "Dalkhimfarm", FSUE KhPZ "Tyumensky", OJSC "Organika", RUE "Borisov Plant of Medicinal Products", etc.

What is the difference and similarity between Nootropil and Piracetam?

The drug Nootropil is produced in doses of 800 and 1200 mg for tablets and 400 mg for capsules. Piracetam is sold in the same doses, but in addition to them, there is a 200 mg option. However, this concentration of the active substance can only be used for prevention.

Soluble forms of medications also exist, but they are used exclusively in hospital settings.

Nootropil is produced by a Belgian company, and the raw materials for its production are produced in Italy and Belgium. Piracetam is produced in the Russian Federation, but the substance for its production is purchased in India and China.

What's inside: composition and form of release of drugs

Nootropil and Piracetam contain the same active ingredient. This is piracetam - a drug from the group of nootropics. Medicines in this category stimulate the activity of the nervous system: improve attention and memory, facilitate mental work.

Nootropic drugs differ in the form of release. Nootropil is presented on the pharmaceutical market in tablets and solution for injection. The same release forms are announced for Piracetam - but there are also capsules for oral administration.

Both drugs are available by prescription, but can be difficult to obtain. Piracetam and its derivatives are prohibited in Russia. They cannot be synthesized or sold, so they are not available in pharmacies. Previously, the cost of Piracetam was 100-150 rubles, Nootropil – 250-350 rubles.

What is better to take - Nootropil or Piracetam?

Medicines have identical composition and level of effectiveness, because have the same active ingredient. Experts note that the drug Nootropil is less likely to cause adverse reactions, because is produced from higher quality raw materials than Piracetam. Therefore, it is prescribed more often.

In addition, opinions are mixed regarding which product is best for adults.

Some doctors believe that foreign medicine is better than Russian medicine, because Long-term use of the domestic drug can cause the development of kidney and liver dysfunction. However, this version has no official evidence.

The drug Piracetam, which is taken for memory problems, is cheaper than Nootropil.

What do patients think?

If we rely on the available statistics, then everything is obvious here - the reaction to Piracetam or Nootropil is entirely individual, and everyone can conclude that only by using the drug, the body’s reaction to the medications presented can be radically different, as evidenced by the reviews of patients and the opinions of their relatives.

I take Nootropil systematically, every winter. It is at this time that my body exhausts all possible resources - I am haunted by depression and apathetic moods, absolute laziness, it seems that my brain simply freezes.

Just 1-2 tablets every day, and after two weeks it’s like inserting a battery. This year I replaced the usual drug with Piracetam capsules, I didn’t see any difference.


The doctor prescribed Piracetam to my father (now 73 years old) when he was diagnosed with dementia. After taking it for 3 years, with short breaks, the examination showed that the regression had stopped - in our case, there is no hope for more, but even in such a situation, Piracetam is our salvation.


Doctors' opinion

Igor Koklushnikov (neurologist), 44 years old, Smolensk

Using the medication Piracetam normalizes brain function. A similar effect can be achieved not only with long-term, but also with one-time use of the product. After completing the full therapeutic course, patients' mood improves, fear and increased anxiety are eliminated. Its analogue (Nootropil) costs almost 3 times more. This is due to the fact that it is produced in Belgium from expensive raw materials.

Domestic Piracetam has the same properties, but is produced from more accessible raw materials, so adverse reactions occur more often when used.

Galina Svetikova (therapist), 40 years old, Moscow

These drugs have the same composition and pharmacological profile. The only difference is in names, manufacturers and price. Nootropil is more expensive because... High-quality Italian or Belgian raw materials are used in its production. In addition, European drugs undergo more thorough clinical control than domestic ones. Despite this, I often prescribe Piracetam to my patients. So far there have been no adverse reactions. Patients are satisfied with its cost and effectiveness.

In addition, these medications are also available in the form of an injection solution. However, such medications are used only in hospital settings. Outpatients should use tablet forms.

Precautionary measures

Piracetam and Nootropil are well tolerated. The annotations for the drugs indicate only rare side effects:

  1. nausea, abdominal discomfort;
  2. nervousness, anxiety;
  3. headache;
  4. sleep disturbance;
  5. increased libido.

Both drugs are not prescribed:

  1. during pregnancy and lactation;
  2. in end-stage renal failure;
  3. with hemorrhagic stroke;
  4. with individual intolerance.


In accordance with the state register of medicines, all forms of these drugs with the active component piracetam, as well as with the trade name “Piracetam”, produced at different factories, exactly correspond to all the characteristics of “Nootropil”. "Piracetam" has an identical molecule to "Nootropil", pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action of the drug, indications and contraindications. From a chemical point of view, the active substances of these two drugs are no different.

Based on their chemical structure, these two drugs can be considered “clones ,” however, they still differ in name. Therefore, let's try to find the distinctive points.

The best nootropic drug: TOP 7 rating, reviews

To make it easier for you to make your choice, we have compiled a list of the best nootropics:

  • Nootropil;
  • Kaviton;
  • Semax;
  • Pantogam;
  • Phenotropil;
  • Phenibut;
  • Glycine.

Now let's look at each drug separately.


Nootropil is often called piracetam. The first of the created nootropics, which is widely used for medical purposes. The main purpose of piracetam is to improve memory. The medicine is available in two forms: tablets and intravenous solution. For greater effect, doctors recommend taking a course rather than taking it once. Most often, this drug is used by students during periods of increased mental stress.

Price: 250 rub.

Model name


  • nootropil improves resistance to stress and also protects neurons from hypoxia;
  • improves memory during long-term mental work and helps cope with difficult emotional situations;
  • eliminates withdrawal symptoms during alcoholism treatment.


  • It is prohibited to use the medicine for renal failure and cerebral hemorrhages.

I bought Piracetam for my son during the last session. The tablets helped my son concentrate on his studies and successfully pass all exams. I don't know how they work, but they are definitely useful for people who have difficulty learning new information.


Caviton or Vinpocetine is a fairly strong drug that, in addition to protecting neurons, improves blood circulation in the brain. The drug is used in the treatment of many diseases. For example, concussion, encephalopathy, tinnitus and visual impairment. The main advantage of this nootropic is that it is made on a natural basis from the medicinal periwinkle flower.

Price tag: 260 rubles.

pill box


  • safe use by people of all ages, as well as children;
  • natural base (vinca officinalis);
  • two options for taking the drug: tablets and intravenous solution.


  • People with heart rhythm disturbances should take Vinpocetine with caution.

With the help of Kaviton, I cured my concussion. Recovery took much less time than I expected. Of course, there were side effects in the form of headaches and insomnia, but after recovery everything went away. I recommend!


This drug is considered unique due to its composition, which contains short protein chains. No other nootropic drug has such features. It is worth considering the original method of application. Semax is available in the form of a nasal spray. Convenient format and a plus to everything: no one will guess that these drops are for improving brain activity, and not for a runny nose.

Cost: 360 rub.



  • convenient form of release (nasal drops);
  • long-lasting effect (within 24 hours after use);
  • unique composition due to short protein chains.


  • irritation of the nasal mucosa in case of prolonged use;
  • Contraindicated for people with acute psychosis, pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

I recently purchased Semax due to stress at work. After 5 days of use, I began to work and make decisions faster. I feel much better emotionally, but there is one big drawback: the nasal mucosa is irritated. Although the release form is original, there is nothing to say here.


Pantogam is actively used in pediatric psychoneurology. Many doctors advise taking it if the child is very agitated or has uncontrollable behavior. Also, the drug can be taken even by newborns. Pantogam is available not only in tablets, but also in the form of a cherry-flavored syrup, which makes it much easier for children to take the medicine.

Price : 500 rubles .

pill box


  • gently copes with the hyperactivity of children, as well as with delayed mental development;
  • pleasant taste, which makes it easier for children to take Pantogam;
  • In addition to its nootropic function, it has some sedative effect.


  • Contraindicated during pregnancy and kidney failure.

The doctor advised my daughter to give Pantogam. She has problems with hyperactivity, which is bad for others, not to mention her. The drug helped her as much as possible. My daughter became calm, moderately active and diligent, all this had a good effect on her studies. I will definitely recommend.


Phenotropil has a huge number of positive functions. Firstly, it improves mood and helps get out of mild to moderate depression. Secondly, it accelerates thinking and the exchange of information both between the hemispheres and to the center from the periphery. Thirdly, it improves vision and increases the pain threshold, which makes it possible to use the drug as an anesthetic.

Price: from 900 rub.



  • has a positive effect on mood;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • has a beneficial effect on thought processes.


  • no cons found.

I decided to take Phenotropil when I noticed a constant apathetic state. I can say this: the result is instant. My mood improves significantly after taking the pills, and I started working more, because my activity has increased and I am now ready to do absolutely anything, because I have the mood and desire. I recommend it to anyone who has lost their spirit!


The advantages of the nootropic Phenibut are considered to be the ability to reduce anxiety, nervousness and at the same time increase attentiveness, speed of perception and quality of memory. The drug is often taken by people struggling with panic attacks and to prevent seasickness. Phenibut has a mild sedative effect and does not depress consciousness, which makes it possible for use even by older people.

Cost: 350 rubles.

phenibut tablets


  • does not cause dry mouth, unlike other drugs with similar effects;
  • does not cause depression of consciousness;
  • improves sleep quality and has a calming effect.


  • enhances the effect of alcohol;
  • We help fight alcoholism.

I bought Phenibut for my husband to relieve withdrawal symptoms in order to painlessly come out of binge drinking. We tried many drugs, but only this one had a real effect. My husband stopped drinking literally after 2 weeks of taking the pills. Of course, Phenibut is a good medicine.


This drug is considered the safest nootropic due to the absence of side effects, as well as due to its mild action. Glycine can improve memory and activate slow thinking processes in your brain. In addition, glycine helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia, encephalopathy and a number of other disorders. However, the most common reason for using glycine is “mental burnout.”

Price: 30 rub.

glycine tablets


  • has no side effects;
  • it is difficult to achieve an overdose of Glycine;
  • cheap, unlike analogues (30 rubles).


  • in some cases, the effect of the drug is not strong enough.

I have been drinking glycine since childhood in stressful situations, as well as before important events. For example, an exam or speaking in public. The drug never fails, with its help I get rid of worries, fears and think clearly.

Indications for use

The list of indications for use of the drug is quite extensive:

  1. Visual and hearing impairments.
  2. Conditions of depression and stress.
  3. Insomnia, obsessive fears, migraine.
  4. Alcoholism with the presence of withdrawal syndrome.
  5. Drug addictions.
  6. Nervous disorders.
  7. Psychoorganic syndrome.

However, before starting this type of medication, it is best to consult with your doctor to identify specific symptoms that require treatment.

Negative effects on the central nervous system

Side effects occur in only 3% of cases. In most patients, they are either very mild, or there is simply no significant effect from the drug.

– exacerbation of the course of epilepsy;

– drowsiness and depression;

– in some cases, headaches and dizziness may occur, and sexuality increases.

Instructions for use

The course of taking Nootropil is prescribed by a doctor and depends on the problem the patient has:

  • in case of coma, therapy should last at least 3 weeks;
  • in case of myoclonus, the drug is used throughout the entire period of the disease (treatment can last several years, with a mandatory dose reduction every six months);
  • For children with learning disabilities, it is recommended to take Nootropil tablets throughout the entire school term.

The daily dosage depends not only on the patient’s diagnosis, but also on his body weight. The minimum dose is 30 mg per kilogram of weight.

It is important to note that children (for example, diagnosed with sickle cell anemia) are allowed to give Nootropil tablets no earlier than after reaching 1 year of age .

The medicine is prescribed on an empty stomach or during meals. It is necessary to take the tablets with plenty of liquid.

If the positive therapeutic effect is weak or completely absent, increasing the dose of the drug is unacceptable. The drug is discontinued and replaced with another nootropic drug.

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