Which is better: Piracetam or Cortexin?

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: GEROPHARM LLC (Russia)
Release form: powder for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration

Active ingredient: complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions

Analogs: Ceraxon, Cerebrolysin, Mexidol

Cortexin is a nootropic drug that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier directly into the structure of nerve cells. The drug has a neuroprotective, antioxidant and specific effect on nervous tissue, stimulating the cognitive functions of the brain.

The medication protects neurons of nerve cells from damage by various endogenous factors, increases their functional state under conditions of hypoxia and stress. Under the influence of the drug, metabolism in neurons and general tone in the central nervous system are stimulated.

Indications for use of Cortexin

Cortexin is prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • stroke and transient cerebrovascular accident;
  • encephalopathy of various origins;
  • encephalitis and encephalomyelitis in the form of acute or chronic course;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • epileptiform syndrome;
  • traumatic brain injuries of varying severity and their consequences.

The drug is also used in child psychiatry for delayed psychomotor development of the child, speech function, and insufficient learning ability.

Scope of application of this drug

How Nootropil affects the body, instructions for use, analogues of this drug are discussed below.

"Nootropil" is used for the following pathologies:

  • memory loss in older people;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • dementia;
  • alcoholism in chronic form;
  • flaccid apathetic defective states (psycho-organic syndrome, schizophrenia);
  • asthenodepressive syndrome;
  • depressive conditions in which antidepressants do not help for any reason;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • mental retardation;
  • cortical myoclonus;
  • blurred vision due to stroke;
  • coma;
  • the presence of dizziness of various etiologies.

Nootropics are often prescribed to children with learning disabilities, poor memory and attention.

Are there any contraindications?

Nootropil has some contraindications. The main ones include:

  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • the last stage of chronic renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to any components contained in nootropic tablets.

Pregnancy is one of the contraindications for this drug. This is due to the fact that some substances contained in Nootropil can penetrate the placenta. Also, Nootropil tablets are contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

The drug is prescribed with caution for patients with kidney disease.

Cortexin - instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Cortexin, the medication is administered by intramuscular injection. To prepare the solution, the powder in the bottle is diluted in 1 of 3 solvents in a volume of 1–2 ml (novocaine 0.5%, sodium chloride 0.9%, water for injection).

The medicine is administered to adults and children weighing more than 20 kg once a day at a dosage of 10 mg for 10 days. According to indications (ischemic stroke in the acute and early recovery period), the frequency of administration of the drug can be increased to 2 times a day.

For babies weighing up to 20 kg, the medication is administered at 0.5 mg per kg of weight in the same course. Repeated use of the medicine is possible after 3–6 months.

Cortexin: instructions, analogues, reviews

Cortexin is a new generation neuroprotector and belongs to the group of nootropics. It consists of low molecular weight peptides that are highly soluble in water. This allows it to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and have a positive effect on the restoration and regeneration of brain tissue.

The drug also has neuroprotective, anti-apoptotic (suspends the processes of programmed cell self-destruction), neurotrophic (stimulates metabolic reactions and gene expression) ability.

What is it prescribed for?

In many diseases of the central nervous system, its functions are disrupted. The most common example is patients after a stroke, when they suffer from sensory disturbances or have paresis (limited motor abilities) of half the body. In such cases, a medication is needed that could speed up the process of restoring the patient’s lost functions.

Indications for use

Cortexin is used in conditions where there is a restriction in the activity of the brain or its individual zones:

  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Intracranial trauma
  • Micro-strokes (transient disturbances of cerebral blood supply)
  • Hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke
  • Cerebral infarction or its consequences
  • Encephalopathies
  • Encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalomeningitis, myelitis of infectious or toxic origins
  • Epilepsy
  • Post-traumatic seizures
  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy)
  • Child development disorder
  • Aphonia, impairment of language and learning skills
  • Amnesia
  • Problems with intellectual development
  • Disorders of the autonomic system, asthenia
  • Learning difficulties in children
  • Difficulties with psychomotor development

Brief instructions for use

As with any drug, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Available in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration. One bottle contains 10 (adult dose) or 5 mg (child dose) of the active substance.

Side effects: individual hypersensitivity to the drug is possible. Contraindicated during pregnancy.

Mode of application

The powder, which is in the bottle, must first be dissolved in 1-2 ml of water for injection, 0.9% sodium chloride, procaine or novocaine. The drug is administered intramuscularly once a day every day. Dosage for adults - 10 mg for 10 days, for children weighing more than 20 kilograms - an adult dose, for children weighing less than 20 kilograms - at the rate of 0.5 mg / kg.

Cortexin analogues

  • Piracetam is the main representative of nootropics. It is widely used in practice to treat the consequences of impaired cerebral blood supply, Down syndrome, dyslexia, cerebral atherosclerosis, comatose and subcomatose states. The drug also enhances the effect of antidepressants.
  • Phenotropil is a new generation psychostimulant. Used to improve motor reactions and increase physical performance.
  • Aminalon – suppresses the excitation of the nervous system. The drug is also effective for epilepsy and arterial hypertension.
  • Noopept is a pronounced antioxidant, improves memory, attention and other human cognitive functions, has anti-inflammatory activity, and is also promising in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Vinpocetine - significantly dilates the vessels of the head, increases blood flow, which leads to improved perfusion of damaged areas of the cerebral cortex.
  • Cerebramin - takes part in the restoration of neurons after traumatic or ischemic damage, has antitoxic and anticonvulsant effects.
  • Cerebrolysin is a complex drug that improves metabolic processes in cells, tissue neurotrophism, which leads to a decrease in the formation of lactate (a substance with toxic characteristics).
  • Cinnarizine was once a common drug for the treatment of systemic dizziness and vestibular disorders. However, modern research has shown that it can provoke parkinsonism, which has significantly limited its use.


  1. Alla, neurologist, Moscow: “I have been working as a neuropathologist for more than 20 years. And very often I deal with patients after strokes. Recently, the drug Cortexin has proven itself very well in this industry. After courses of its use, there is a significant regression of negative neurological symptoms in patients."
  2. Karina Sergeevna, 56 years old, Krasnodar: “My husband spent a very long time recovering from a skiing injury. He had huge problems with movement and speech. We had simply lost hope, but our attending physician suggested using a new drug, Cortexin. And after using it, a miracle actually happened.”
  3. Sergey, Yekaterinburg: “When my mother with asthenia was prescribed Cortexin, at first she did not want to buy it because of the price. But now mom can walk around the city with her grandchildren all day long and do housework without feeling weak or tired. We are very pleased"
  4. Dmitry, family doctor, St. Petersburg: “If we talk about Cortexin, it is in no way inferior to other nootropic drugs, and in many aspects even surpasses them. I have never encountered side effects or overdose, and the clinical effect is almost always visible."

Source: https://moyagolova.ru/korteksin-instrukciya-analogi-otzyvy/

Analogues of Cortexin

The pharmacy chain offers a wide range of Cortexin substitutes, which are successfully used in neurological and psychiatric practice, giving an equivalent therapeutic effect. These medications can be purchased in the form of:

  • synonyms;
  • generics;
  • combined means.

Among these Cortexin analogues, there are cheaper and more expensive drugs for adults and children that improve the functions of the central nervous system.

Table of Cortexin analogues with price and country of origin

AnalogueCost in rublesManufacturer country

The price of Cortexin analogues depends on the manufacturer, raw materials and quality of purification, but the result of treatment will be the same, that is, stimulation of higher nervous activity and brain functions.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Cortexin and Piracetam

The effectiveness of Cortexin is quite similar to Piracetam - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Cortexin is more pronounced, then using Piracetam even in large doses will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Cortexin and Piracetam. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Cortexin or Ceraxon - which is better for the elderly

(Spain) Release form: solution for intramuscular, intravenous and internal administration

Active ingredient: citicoline

Both drugs are nootropic drugs that improve cerebral circulation, but act through different mechanisms. Ceraxon has fewer indications for use and is more effective in neurological pathology of disorders of degenerative and vascular origin. Cortexin will be the best, since the drug is safer and can be used for children, has an expanded list of indications and minimal side effects.

For elderly patients, to improve brain activity and enhance cognitive abilities, the Cerakson analogue, produced in tablet form, will be of advantage. This is confirmed by reviews of patients taking long-term therapy with the analogue.

Cortexin or Actovegin - which is better for adults

Manufacturer: TAKEDA GMBH (Austria)
Release form: tablets, injection solution, eye gel, ointment, cream for external use

Active ingredient: deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood

Cortexin and its analogue Actovegin have the same indications, but a different mechanism of action. When treating adults with vegetative-vascular dystonia, Actovegin will be the best, as it effectively stops attacks and significantly increases periods of remission. It comes in several forms, including tablets, which is convenient for long-term treatment.

Cortexin is more effective in treating traumatic and vascular injuries of the brain, which gives good results in the treatment of children with birth injuries. The medication will be the best in the treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, as it actively relieves the pathological manifestations of the disease.

Cortexin or Cerebrolysin - which is better, what is the difference

Manufacturer: EVER PHARMA JENA GMBH (Germany)
Release form: solution for injection

Active ingredient: cerebrolysin

Both medications belong to the group of nootropic drugs that improve brain function. A special feature of Cerebrolysin is its neurotrophic activity, that is, stimulating the growth and development of new neurons and protecting them from destruction. For an adult, in the presence of hypoxia or ischemia, the Cerebrolysin analogue will be more effective.

Cortexin is advantageous in pediatric practice. For a child who has suffered a birth or other brain injury, this medication gives good treatment results. This is confirmed by reviews of pediatricians who practice treatment with Cortexin.

Which is better: Piracetam or Cortexin? Behind-the-scenes secrets! – updated 04.2019

Cortexin belongs to the group of nootropic drugs, that is, drugs that improve cerebral circulation. It follows that it is used in neurological practice. Independent use of the drug in infants is unacceptable.

The drug contains amino acids, vitamins (B1, PP, A and E) and minerals. Polypeptide fractions are obtained from the extract of the cerebral cortex of calves and pigs (not older than 1 year). The active substance undergoes multi-stage purification.

As a result, the drug becomes safe in infectious and antigenic terms.

Cortexin is widely used in the complex therapy of neurological diseases. It has the following actions:

  1. Nootropic – improves microcirculation in the brain, helps normalize concentration, learning processes, mastering new skills, promotes stress resistance;
  2. Neuroprotective – protects brain cells from various internal toxins (free radicals, calcium ions and glutamate);
  3. Antioxidant – inhibits the oxidation (peroxide) of organic compounds, increasing the stability of brain cells in conditions of lack of oxygen;
  4. Tissue-specific – improves nutrition and metabolism in neurons, promoting restoration and improvement of brain function

Cortexin and alcohol: compatibility

It is not advisable to use alcohol during treatment of nervous dysfunction with Cortexin. Neuropeptides interact with ethanol and lose their effectiveness.

In addition, after drinking alcohol, toxic products are formed in the body that negatively affect the cerebral cortex. In this case, Cortexin loses its protective effect.

Cortexin is used in drug treatment practice to reduce cravings for alcohol and improve the well-being of patients.

Let's look at what Cortexin helps with alcohol poisoning:

  • nervousness, irritability, depressed mood go away;
  • emotional state stabilizes;
  • the craving for alcoholic beverages disappears;
  • hangover syndrome is relieved.

Why is Cortexin prescribed to children under one year of age?

Indications for use of the drug are:

  • infectious diseases of the nervous system caused by bacteria or viruses;
  • conditions accompanied by circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • TBI and its consequences;
  • syndrome of diffuse brain damage of various origins;
  • cerebral (suprasegmental) autonomic disorders.

In combination with other drugs, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy, as well as for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the brain and/or spinal cord of various etiologies.

For children, indications for the use of Cortexin are reduced learning ability, memory and thinking disorders, psychomotor and speech development delay syndrome in children (CPRD), various forms of cerebral palsy.

Before prescribing medication, the neurologist must carefully examine the child and find out whether the baby needs treatment and whether there are contraindications to the use of the medication. Only after this the doctor will write a prescription. Free Cortexin is prescribed to children only in hospital settings. It is not included in the list of free drugs. But it’s still worth clarifying this issue with your clinic.

Indications for prescribing Cortexin injections are:

  • Perinatal encephalopathy of various origins (ischemic, traumatic, toxic, mixed, metabolic);
  • Impaired blood supply to the brain;
  • Congenital and acquired traumatic brain injury;
  • Inflammation of brain tissue (acute and chronic);
  • Epilepsy;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Delayed speech and mental development in children of any age;
  • Difficulties in mastering new skills;
  • Severe conditions with damage to the nervous system in newborns;
  • Birth injury of the cervical spine;
  • Cerebral palsy (various forms).

Cortexin for hydrocephalus in children under one year of age is often used as a symptomatic remedy. The drug penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier (between the brain tissue and the vascular bed) and acts directly on neurons (nerve cells).

Use of Cortexin in pediatric practice

Cortexin is applicable in pediatrics. The drug is used to treat even recently born babies with perinatal lesions of the nervous system, neuroinfections, hydrocephalus, and so on. This drug is also used for adolescents as part of the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, decreased learning abilities, specific speech disorders and other pathologies.

When is the appointment indicated?

Cortexin is indicated for children and adolescents for:

  • skull injuries;
  • epileptic brain activity;
  • problems with cerebral vessels, increased intracranial pressure;
  • brain hypoxia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • encephalitis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • infectious lesions of brain tissue;
  • delayed neuropsychological development.

In newly born babies, post-hypoxic conditions are corrected with the help of Cortexin if the child experienced hypoxia or asphyxia during his stay in the mother’s womb due to entanglement in the umbilical cord or due to amniotic fluid entering the respiratory tract.

When labor lasts a long time, more than 15 hours, fetal hypoxia is also observed. Children born to smoking mothers have this problem, because the umbilical cord allows nicotine, tar and toxic substances to pass through to the baby.

Under the influence of Cortexin, children’s brain tissue and functional activity of all parts of the brain are quickly restored. The baby begins to develop and speak faster.

Babies under 12 months are given an injection into the anterior femoral muscles, older ones - into the deltoid muscle.

Source: https://quattro-leto.ru/lekarstva/korteksin-ukoly-dlya-chego.html

Cortexin or Mexidol - which is better, what is the difference

Manufacturer: ALSI PHARMA (Russia)
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate

Cortexin and Mexidol are in different pharmacological groups, but have equivalent indications. The difference between medications lies in the composition of the active substances and auxiliary ingredients. Cortexin is a nootropic drug, and Mexidol has antioxidant properties.

According to doctors, an analogue of Cortexin in injections will be the best in the treatment of patients who have suffered a stroke, myocardial infarction, or transient cerebrovascular accident. The medication stimulates cerebral blood flow and normalizes metabolism in the ischemic area. The analogue is highly effective against dizziness, headache, swaying when walking and other symptoms accompanying cerebrovascular insufficiency.

Cortexin or Gliatilin - which is better for children

Manufacturer: ITALFARMACO S.P.A.
(Italy) Release form: capsules, injection solution

Active ingredient: choline alfoscerate

Both drugs are nootropic drugs that improve brain function and have equivalent indications. The mechanism of action of drugs will not be the same due to different active substances. For children of any age, Cortexin will be the best, due to the safety of the medication and its high effectiveness.

Gliatilin is better suited for adult patients with cognitive impairment due to cerebrovascular insufficiency, consequences of a stroke, or senile dementia. The analogue in capsule form allows long-term therapy for this group of patients.

Cortexin or Pantocalcin - which is better?

Manufacturer: JSC VALENTA PHARM (Russia)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: hopantenic acid

Cortexin and its analogue are drugs with nootropic effects that improve the functions of higher nervous activity. When comparing medications, Pantocalcin has broader indications. And it will be the best in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological patients suffering from schizophrenia, senile dementia, Parkinson's disease, and extrapyramidal hyperkinesis.

An analogue of the drug Cortexin can be prescribed to children, but only from 3 years of age. For babies and older children, Cortexin will be an advantage, as it is a safer medication with few side effects.

Comparison of the safety of Cortexin and Piracetam

The safety of a drug includes many factors.

At the same time, with Cortexin it is quite similar to Piracetam. It is important where the drug is metabolized: drugs are excreted from the body either unchanged or in the form of products of their biochemical transformations. Metabolism occurs spontaneously, but most often involves major organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, brain and others. When assessing the metabolism of Cortexin, as well as of Piracetam, we look at which organ is the metabolizing organ and how critical the effect on it is.

The risk-benefit ratio is when the prescription of a drug is undesirable, but justified under certain conditions and circumstances, with the obligatory observance of caution in use. At the same time, Cortexin does not have any risks when used, just like Piracetam.

Also, when calculating safety, it is taken into account whether only allergic reactions occur or possible dysfunction of the main organs. In other matters, as well as the reversibility of the consequences of using Cortexin and Piracetam.

Cortexin or Piracetam

Manufacturer: JSC ORGANIKA (Russia)
Release form: capsules, tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: piracetam

Both products are representatives of the same group of nootropics, with differences in some indications for use. An analogue of Cortexin in ampoules, the drug Piracetam will be more effective in the treatment of patients who are in a coma, dementia without behavioral disorders and aggression, and psychoorganic syndrome.

Cortexin will be the best for the treatment of strokes, encephalitis of various origins, epileptiform syndrome, and for children with delayed psychomotor development. The medication has a milder effect and safety.

Comparison of addiction between Cortexin and Piracetam

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” for Cortexin is quite similar to the similar values ​​for Piracetam. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, Cortexin has a fairly low “syndrome” value, just like Piracetam.

Picamilon or Cortexin - which is better?

Manufacturer: JSC AKRIKHIN (Russia)
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid

Cortexin and its analogue are nootropic drugs that stimulate blood circulation in the central nervous system. Picamilon will be best for VSD, migraine, asthenic and depressive conditions. The medication, by stimulating cerebral blood flow, acts on the body as a tranquilizer and stimulant.

Picamilon is an analogue of Cortexin 10 mg; with long-term use, it increases physical and mental ability to work, normalizes sleep, and eliminates feelings of anxiety, tension, and fear. The cost of Picamilon is much cheaper, which is an important point when taking the medicine for a long time.

Comparison of side effects of Cortexin and Piracetam

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Cortexin's side effects are almost the same as Piracetam's. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. The undesirable effect on the body, the strength of influence and the toxic effect of Cortexin are similar to Piracetam: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.


Manufacturer: GEDEON RICHTER (Hungary)
Release form: tablets, solution concentrate for intravenous administration

Active ingredient: vinpocetine

Cavinton is a remedy that improves cerebral circulation and brain metabolism. The analogue stimulates the resistance of the central nervous system to oxygen starvation, increases local metabolism, and reduces high blood viscosity. The medication is widely used in neurological and psychiatric practice for various forms of vascular disorders.


(Italy) Release form: capsules, solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration

Active ingredient: piracetam

Nootropil belongs to the group of nootropic drugs that improve the functions of the central nervous system. The Cortexin analogue increases metabolism, improves memory, concentration, and the ability to analyze without sedative or psychostimulating effects. The medication has a beneficial effect on the rheological properties of blood, reducing its viscosity and platelet aggregation.

Comparison of ease of use of Cortexin and Piracetam

This includes dose selection taking into account various conditions and frequency of doses. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the release form of the drug; it is also important to take it into account when making an assessment.

The ease of use of Cortexin is approximately the same as that of Piracetam. However, they are not convenient enough to use.

The drug ratings were compiled by experienced pharmacists who studied international research. The report is generated automatically.

Last update date: 2020-12-13 10:32:27


Manufacturer: MERK KGAA WERC SPITTAL (Austria)
Release form: tablets, oral suspension

Active ingredient: pyritinol

Encephabol has a metabolic and nootropic effect that can increase metabolic processes in brain tissue, reduce blood viscosity and improve blood flow in ischemic areas of the brain. The analogue is quickly absorbed into the blood, saturating it with oxygen and increasing glucose metabolism in pathologically altered areas of the central nervous system.

Which medication is better: Encephabol or Cortexin?

Problems associated with disruption of brain function can occur at any age: in newborns and children under 1 year of age due to difficulties at birth, in older children for the same reasons, in adolescents with mental overload, in adults after traumatic brain injury. brain injuries in older people as a result of age-related changes. Nootropic drugs, in particular Encephabol and Cortexin, help improve blood circulation and strengthen the blood vessels of the brain.


Encephabol is a modern nootropic drug produced by the German company. It is indicated in the treatment of:

  1. Memory, attention and concentration disorders in children and adults.
  2. Senile dementia and other vascular syndromes of the brain.
  3. Consequences of traumatic brain injuries.
  4. Disorders of mental and physical development of children and adolescents.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspension. The main active ingredient - pyritinol - is accompanied by excipients for better absorption by the body.


  • Normalizes metabolic processes in brain tissue.
  • As a strong antioxidant, it strengthens the membrane of neurons and increases their activity.
  • Normalizes tissue nutrition and supplies oxygen to damaged areas of the brain.
  • Reduces blood viscosity and increases the number and elasticity of red blood cells.

Therefore, the use of Encephabol improves memory and stimulates mental performance. The effect of the drug begins within 60 minutes after administration and quickly reaches its highest concentration in the blood.

The drug is excreted through the kidneys within 2-3 hours . Achieving maximum results occurs with long-term use of the drug, as it has a cumulative effect.

Available in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.


Cortexin was developed in St. Petersburg at the Kirov Military Medical Academy and was tested at the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. This drug is obtained from water-soluble fractions of the brain of cattle, and glycine is added as an auxiliary stabilizing substance. It affects the central nervous system and brain.

Cortexin is indicated for:

  1. Cerebral circulation disorders.
  2. Treatment of consequences of traumatic brain injuries.
  3. Memory and thinking disorders.
  4. Treatment of various types of encephalopathy and encephalitis, as well as epilepsy.
  5. Various forms of cerebral palsy.
  6. Delays in the development of speech and motor skills in young children.
  7. Decreased learning ability in older children and adolescents.

The drug is produced in the form of a sterile powder, which must be dissolved in water for injection, saline or novocaine for intramuscular administration.


  • Improves memory and stress resistance, increases learning ability.
  • Strengthens brain tissue and reduces the effect of toxic neurotropic substances.
  • It affects cell damage during oxidative processes, as it is an antioxidant.
  • Improves microcirculation of brain cells and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels.

Since the drug is administered intramuscularly, it begins to act on the body quickly. It has a cumulative effect and does not require long-term use; a 10-day course is sufficient.

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

Encephabol or Cortexin - medical practice

According to the observations of doctors, a positive effect was revealed when using Encephabol:

  1. When rehabilitating adult patients after traumatic brain injuries, however, the dosage should be minimal , otherwise psycho-motor agitation develops.
  2. In case of speech disorders in children, phrasal speech and the vocabulary significantly expands. It is not recommended to give the drug in the evening, as the child may become very excited.
  3. An antidepressant effect and an activating effect on the nervous system were revealed.
  4. In children under one year of age, the drug showed good results in the complex treatment of encephalopathy, enuresis, and organic lesions of the central nervous system. For adults with similar problems, Encephabol shows a weaker effect.

Doctors especially note that the drug is easy to give to children, since it is available not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a suspension . It tastes slightly sweet, so kids accept it willingly. The youngest are recommended to pour the suspension into the mouth through a syringe without a needle. Among the side effects of Encephabol are negative effects on the stomach, intestines, and liver.

Doctors do not have a unanimous opinion about Cortexin. Many neurologists note positive dynamics in the treatment of young children with developmental delays. In elderly patients, superficial memory is restored.

Cortexin gives a particularly good effect in complex therapy for speech disorders, various brain lesions, improves learning and memory processes, concentration, and resistance to stress is also observed.

Among the disadvantages of Cortexin, doctors highlight:

  • It is inconvenient to use the drug yourself - it must be diluted correctly.
  • Painful injection and possible skin inflammation at the injection site.
  • Side effects - possible allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, tachycardia.
  • Inability to track drug metabolism in the body.
  • A small evidence base for now.

What is better to choose - Encephabol or Cortexin?

  1. Both drugs can be prescribed to patients of any age - from newborns to the elderly.
  2. Cortexin is contraindicated for people who cannot tolerate painful injections. On the other hand, for patients who have difficulty swallowing, it is easier to give an injection than to take a tablet or suspension.
  3. Encephabol is developed in two forms: in the form of a sweetish suspension, more suitable for children, and in the form of tablets - for adults.
  4. Cortexin should not be taken if a quick reaction is needed, for example, when driving a vehicle, but Encephabol, on the contrary, stimulates the nervous system.
  5. Both drugs have a negative effect on the liver , but Encephabol has more side effects. It is imperative to take into account individual intolerance to the drug.
  6. Encephabol and Cortexin are interchangeable , they can be combined, for example, first a 10-day course of Cortexin injections is given, and then Encephabol is taken, which can be used for up to 2 months.

Both drugs are modern nootropic drugs that affect the brain and central nervous system. That is why it is necessary to consult with a neurologist, and only a doctor can choose the right drug, calculate the dosage and rules of administration.

Source: https://vchemraznica.ru/kakoj-medpreparat-luchshe-encefabol-ili-korteksin/


Manufacturer: JSC FP OBOLENSKOE (Russia)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: vinpocetine

Vinpocetine belongs to the group of cerebral circulation correctors. The medication improves local metabolism and capillary blood flow, relieves spasm of the vascular wall, and increases the consumption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue. The drug improves the rheological parameters of blood, reducing its viscosity and increasing the resistance of cellular structures to hypoxia.

What else can replace Cortexin injections, what drugs improve brain activity? You can supplement the list of drugs by the following means:

  • Neurox;
  • Cereton;
  • Cogitum;
  • Semax;
  • Pantogam;
  • Cerepro;
  • Cytoflavin;
  • Retinalamin;
  • Noopept;
  • Tanakan;
  • Mildronate.

Among these drugs there are analogues of Cortexin in tablets for children, stimulating the psychomotor development of children and the learning of schoolchildren.

A correctly selected substitute for Cortexin and a timely course of treatment with medication will accelerate the psychomotor development of children, increase the academic performance of schoolchildren, and restore partially lost functions of the central nervous system.

Answers on questions

Are Cortexin injections painful or not?

Yes. IM injections are painful, so novocaine is used as a solvent for the drug powder.

When is it better to inject Cortexin: in the morning or in the evening?

It is better to give injections in the morning, as the medication has a stimulating effect.

Is Cortexin available by prescription or not?

The medicine is sold by prescription.

Cortexin tablets or injections - which is better?

Injections are the best, as the drug quickly enters the bloodstream and begins its effect.

Should Cortexin be stored in the refrigerator or not?

It is better to store the medication in the refrigerator.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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