The drug "Noopept": instructions for use and reviews

Noopept is a neurometabolic stimulant that has a positive effect on psychophysiological processes. It is used to eliminate complications of head trauma, concussion, cerebrovascular pathology, and neuropsychic weakness. Noopept has various analogues that have a similar effect: they eliminate disorders of memory, attention and other higher brain functions.

You should not take Noopept if:

  • liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • minors;
  • lactase deficiency, hypolactasia, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The active ingredient of the drug is N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester. The medication is administered orally in the morning and afternoon, 10 mg. The duration of therapy with Noopept is 1.5-3 months.

A Brief History of Noopept

The drug was created in Russia, and its development was carried out in the USSR. It just so happened that some time ago our country was extremely interested in increasing the intellectual abilities of its citizens, take the same phenibut and phenotropil as medicines for astronauts or Semax as an aid to medical services. Noopept was no exception, but was only patented in the mid-1990s.

Relative contraindications

The modern and safe medicine Noopept, the instructions for use of which confirm this property, has no absolute contraindications. The only exception is the development of allergic reactions to the main active ingredient or binding components, metabolites of the drug. All other restrictions on use are advisory in nature and are not justified from the point of view of worsening the condition of the patient taking this medicine.

These contraindications are as follows:

  • the drug is contraindicated in cases of decompensation or severe impairment of renal function;
  • the drug is not prescribed for liver failure;
  • "Noopept" is not used by pregnant women;
  • the medicine should not be used by women who are breastfeeding;
  • the drug is prohibited for use by persons with lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, or lactase intolerance;
  • the drug cannot be used if there are allergic reactions to the components of the drug or to the active substance.

This list of restrictions allows us to conclude that the vast majority of patients who have indications for the use of the drug can use it for a course of treatment. At the same time, experiments have not proven the teratogenic effect of the drug, although the possibility of developing fetal mutations cannot be completely ruled out if a pregnant woman uses Noopept.

How Noopept works

In general, noopept is a combination of amino acids: glycine, prolyl and ester - a phenylacetyl group, which, as it turns out, work synergistically (1+1=3). We are more interested in the combination of prolyl and glycine, since phenylacetyl ester is a simple prolongation of the action of the first 2 amino acids.

So, you took the N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine (Noopept) tablet, it's in your stomach. Then a product of “digestion” appears or, in scientific terms, a metabolite of noopept - cycloprolyl-glycine. It is then absorbed into the general bloodstream, then easily passes the BBB (brain protective system, antivirus) and enters the brain.

The following is observed there:

  1. The effect of acetylcholine on receptors is enhanced. Acetylcholine is described in detail in the article with piracetam; let us briefly recall that it is a neurotransmitter that is produced in brain cells in response to new experiences or learning, and is responsible for them. Noopept improves the functioning of a neurotransmitter that “helps” you learn new things.
  2. A group of scientists (R.U. Ostrovskaya, Yu.V. Vakhitova, etc.) at the Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences conducted a study of noopept on rats. 16 rats were divided into groups of 8 and one of them was administered noopept for 28 days.

According to the results, an increase in the protein product of the neurotrophic factor NGF and BDNF was noted in the hypothalamus by 70% and 60%, respectively, as well as an increase in BDNF in the hippocampus by 15%. Increase in BDNF mRNA in the hippocampus by 124%! What does it mean?

Increased secretion of NGF (Neural Growth Factor) protein. This factor fundamentally breaks the once established system “Nerve cells are not restored”; nerve cells or neurons are not only restored, but also new ones are created!

Increased secretion of BDNF protein. Stimulates the development of new neurons, “builds” a springboard for them.

Increase in BDNF mRNA (where there is an increase of 124%). This means that the body biologically notices a change in BDNF.

The hippocampus, in short, is the part of the brain responsible for the formation of emotions and long-term memory. The gitothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for the normal production of hormones in our body.

Let's combine: noopept “pumps” the brain in areas associated with hormones, emotions and memory. Therefore, it is a drug with a long-term effect and the knowledge that you gain will not disappear after you stop taking the drug. This is a very serious assistant in the prevention of senile dementia and imbalance.

And to summarize, point 1 + 2 = increases the effect of acetylcholine on receptors and improves hormones, emotions and memory.

Reviews about enteral use

Regarding the enteral use of the drug "Noopept", reviews from patients and specialists are common in some aspects. In particular, the drug is well tolerated and has few side effects. Patients note a slow onset of neuroprotective action (1-2 weeks), while the psychostimulating effect occurs faster (from the 2-3rd day of administration). But memory improvement in the first month is noticed only by neurological tests and is not immediately felt by the patient himself.

Patient reviews of long-term course treatment with Noopept are positive due to the enhanced neuroprotective effect of the nootropic drug. Along with the gradual elimination of the consequences of injury or stroke, they note an improvement in memory. Short-term memory improves, and patients participate more vividly in conversations with relatives and are able to discuss recently learned information.

An equally important aspect of the use of Noopept is the emergence of a critical attitude towards oneself: patients take better care of their own hygiene and are able to take care of themselves independently to the best of their functional abilities. If dizziness persists as an artifact of a stroke, Noopept, analogues, as well as their generics can reduce its severity. As a result, mutisms appear less frequently, and patients themselves can move more freely.

Is Noopept effective?

Yes. However, this is not a stimulant, it will not make you “work”, it is just EXTREMELY important that you comply with one condition! This condition is training!

We remember that noopept enhances the effect of acetylcholine on receptors, but acetylcholine itself must be produced, how? New experience and training! Thus, sitting at home on the couch and watching TV, you won’t be able to do anything, although you will remember a little more. For a complete good cycle, you only need a strong start - study! Only in this way will acetylcholine be “started”, which, as a conductor, will drag your knowledge directly into the neurons, and in addition, the nerve growth factor will increase.

Dosage, side effects, safety, how much to drink.

The drug is considered harmless, possible side effects are associated with the individual characteristics of the body. Allergies may occur: rash, redness, etc. Reactions are also possible due to the fact that the drug increases the concentration of neurotrophic growth factors in the hippocampus, that is, reactions associated with emotions, for example, aggression, are possible. But this is unlikely.

Another possible side effect is headache. Here you need to trace the chain: noopept activates acetylcholine, which is formed from choline, choline reserves are reduced, which can lead to headaches. The solution is to “add choline in reserve”, more on that later.

The optimal period for taking Noopept is 2 months. Dosage = 30-40 mg/day, or 3-4 tablets (10 mg) per day, divided into 3-4 doses. Since the drug is an amino acid and an ester, it is advisable to take it during or after a meal, preferably a protein meal, since this will be easier for the gastrointestinal tract. After taking Noopept, take a break equal to the time you took it. Then, if desired, repeat the course.

What will be the effect?

The “settings” for hormone production are optimized, which leads to better functioning. Learning ability improves, but again, only with training. Long-term memory and mood improve due to neurotrophic growth factors in the corresponding parts of the brain. In practice, this is seen like this: before you read 30 pages of books in an hour, now you will dive deeper into it and read 40-50 pages, learned 15 English words a day, now 20-25 with the same time investment.

Sleep improves, as with piracetam and phenotropil, FullHD dreams can be observed, and they are logical and beautiful. Moreover, if you usually slept for 8 hours, now you will wake up after 6-7 hours.

If everything in your life is great, everything is going as it should, then you will see a real white streak: everything will go even better, the day will be bright and interesting, even with routine work, and at night you will also have vivid dreams)

Prospects for modulating healthy brain functions

The instructions for use attached to the drug "Noopept" describe the modes of use of the drug by patients with impaired brain functions. Moreover, all peptide nootropic substances have a common feature. They are effective against the background of a decrease in cognitive functions of the brain, which practically eliminates the positive effect of their use by healthy people.

Laboratory tests carried out during trials of the clinical effectiveness and safety of the drug “Noopept” are not described in the instructions for use. But the established research algorithm is important here, because they were initially carried out on laboratory mice whose brain functions were normal. During the analysis of the effects of substances on the healthy brain of an animal, substances with a positive effect on cognitive functions were selected.

To help Noopept

The main helpers of this drug: Training, Choline (Vitamin B4) and Vitamin B5. Choline is sold as the dietary supplement Lecithin. Lecithin can be replaced with another interesting additive - DMAE. The essence of taking choline or DMAE is that they become acetylcholine in the body, which noopept already uses. It also significantly reduces the risk of headaches. However, if you regularly eat eggs or organ meats (kidneys, liver, heart), then taking Lecithin or DMAE is not necessary.

Vitamin B5. Necessary for the normal metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cholesterol and the mediators acetylcholine and histamine. In short, it is a useful vitamin, one of the few that has a positive effect on acetylcholine, and as a result, on memory and learning ability.

Special characteristics of the drug

How compatible is Noopept with other drugs? Reviews from experts confirm the safety of its use in combination with antihypertensive drugs, other types of nootropics, hypnotics and antidepressants. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 18 years of age to use it. This is not an absolute contraindication, but remains a rational requirement due to the lack of clinical trials confirming safety for this category of patients.

Among the clinically important effects that Noopept has, the instructions for use highlight an increase in blood pressure. This rise is not explained by the inhibition of the activity of antihypertensive drugs, but by a stimulating effect on the brain. At the beginning of the metabolism of the dose entering the body, the psychostimulating effect develops first, while the anxiolytic effect occurs later.


  1. Noopept is a working nootropic.
  2. Effects: vital energy (but not stimulation) in the form of a good mood and desire for change, performance, easier to learn and remember (long-term memory).
  3. It has a cumulative effect and will start working “as it should” in 10-15 days.
  4. Noopept should be taken 10 mg (1 tablet) 3 times a day, after a protein-rich meal. The course is 2 months, then the same break.
  5. Add Lecithin or DMAE with a B complex of vitamins to your course (B4 and B5 are especially important).
  6. The most important thing is to learn, develop, gain new experience.

Go for it! was created to develop the Human superbrain with an emotional component!


At the moment, there are many drugs similar to Noopept on the market. Each of the medications presented below has a similar effect, but they differ in the list of contraindications, possible side effects, and so on. You can choose the remedy that suits you among these:

  • Lucetam - improves cognitive processes and mental performance without causing sedation. Stimulates blood circulation in the brain without vasodilating effects, improves communication between the two hemispheres of the brain. Lucetam restores and protects the brain after injury, hypoxia or intoxication.
  • Nootropil is one of the most famous analogues of Noopept. A nootropic drug used to treat symptoms of memory disorders and cognitive impairment. Positively affects the emotional state of a person as a whole.
  • Pantogam - has a nootropic, anticonvulsant effect, increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and the effects of toxins. It has a slight sedative effect and at the same time a stimulating effect.
  • Picamilon - has an antioxidant, nootropic, tranquilizing effect, improves blood flow in brain tissue. Used in the treatment of depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, alcoholism, traumatic brain injuries, migraines, etc.
  • Piracetam - improves metabolic processes and blood circulation in brain tissue. It has an antioxidant, nootropic effect, restores cognitive functions of the brain (attention, memory, learning ability).
  • Phenotropil has pronounced neuroprotective, antianorexic, and antiepileptic properties. Normalizes blood flow in the brain, improves cognitive functions, stimulates metabolism in brain tissue, having a beneficial effect on sleep, appetite, and mood.
  • Glycine is a herbal preparation. The active substance is the amino acid glycine. This product has antioxidant, detoxification, and neuroprotective properties. It has a beneficial effect on sleep, stimulates memory, attention, improves metabolic processes and immunity of the whole body.
  • Aminalon - the drug has a nootropic effect, improves brain performance, thinking, and memory. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity. Side effects include depression and insomnia.
  • Cortexin has an antioxidant, nootropic, and neuroprotective effect. No side effects were found.
  • Semax - has an antioxidant, antihypoxic, nootropic effect.
  • Encephabol is a nootropic drug with a metabolic effect. Dispensed by prescription.

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