What happens if you give vitamin drips to a healthy person?

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Timely treatment of colds and flu can avoid serious complications. This is especially important when the disease occurs in children and the elderly. One of the effective methods to speed up the healing process is to do an IV at home.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

An increase in temperature is a sign of active actions of the body associated with the fight against the disease. Therefore, during colds and flu, the body temperature rises. An increase to 39 degrees (38.5 in a child) is considered a normal reaction and should not cause alarm. However, higher rates can lead to serious complications. In this case, it is necessary to make an IV at home , and the price that Moscow offers for such a service makes the procedure affordable.

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Temperatures above 40 degrees are extremely dangerous. It leads to:

  • increased blood viscosity, which can cause blood clots to form;
  • disruption of brain function;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • hypoxia;
  • the occurrence of seizures;
  • drop in blood pressure.

If the temperature is not brought down in time, it can be fatal. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and take action. One of the ways not only to lower the temperature, but also to treat in general is a dropper at home.


Home drips during pregnancy, or rather pharmacological agents for administration, should be discussed with a doctor ahead of time so as not to harm the mother and child. Other safety rules and regulations must be followed.

  • All work and manipulations with the patient are carried out using sterile gloves;
  • It is prohibited to inject solutions into or near affected or purulent areas;
  • If there is a possibility of blood clots or thrombophlebitis is diagnosed, the procedure is strictly prohibited;
  • During manipulation, it is better to take a horizontal position, but it is forbidden to fall asleep - it is necessary to monitor the operation of the system and its integrity;
  • After removing the needle, it is better to lie down for a few more minutes (up to half an hour); it is forbidden to immediately get out of bed.

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How to change a dropper? For this you will need an assistant, since it is impossible to do it yourself. In addition, it is important to change the solution before it completely flows out to prevent air from entering the vein.

To correctly and competently administer intravenous injections, a medical professional needs experience. A beginner who is going to practice as a physician also needs a qualified assistant who can perform the procedure correctly.

In what cases is an IV placed?

The doctor may prescribe an IV if the disease is severe. Indications for such therapy are:

  • the presence of a virus in the body;
  • complications from colds;
  • the need for surgical treatment.

However, there are contraindications. Thus, the use of a dropper is unacceptable for patients with pulmonary edema, heart failure, kidney dysfunction and a number of other abnormalities. In addition, individual intolerance to the administered drugs may become an obstacle.

This method of treatment allows you to effectively fight the disease through the direct administration of medications into the body. Moreover, there are no stomach complications that occur with pill treatment. Many patients worry about how much an at-home IV drip costs. You can always clarify this issue by contacting the clinic by phone.

Departure is paid separately - 300 rubles

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Types of droppers

  • Health Detox. Droppers after drinking alcohol, food poisoning.
  • General strengthening droppers. Amino acids, vitamins, energy boost, antioxidants, microelements.
  • Restorative therapeutic droppers. For ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia. For recovery after illness, tissue regeneration.
  • Beauty Detox - droppers of youth and beauty, intravenous cosmetology. The drug Laennec.
  • Stress Detox - to improve cerebral circulation, during increased emotional and physical stress, after stressful situations.

What's in the IV?

In the case of such therapy, a complex of drugs is administered intravenously to the patient. It is worth noting that the cost of the drip already includes the cost of the drugs, that is, the patient pays for the service as a whole.

When treating a cold, glucose, ascorbic acid and Ringer's solution are administered. In the case of influenza, the droppers also include:

  • saline;
  • Reamberin;
  • Gemodez-N;
  • Reopoliglyukin;
  • ozone.

In case of serious complications and in case of a severe course of the disease, additional hormones, antibiotics and immunoglobulin may be prescribed. All administered drugs not only affect disease-causing processes, but also form the patient’s immunity. In addition, droppers have the following effects on the body:

  • eliminate dehydration;
  • stimulate redox reactions;
  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • increase the absorption of oxygen by cells;
  • normalize acid-base balance;
  • improve metabolism.

Thanks to its complex effects, this type of therapy not only stops the progression of the disease, but also facilitates the rehabilitation process. If there is a need to urgently treat a cold or flu, it is enough to find out how much it costs to install an IV at home in Moscow and call a doctor.

Vitamins C - health and energy

Many people who take vitamin supplements in the fall and spring are unlikely to suspect that only approximately 50% of these elements will enter the bloodstream. When passing through the gastrointestinal tract with aggressive acid fermentation, many vitamins lose their positive qualities, and some simply are not absorbed through a poorly functioning intestine.

Intravenous drips deliver all substances and drugs directly into the blood, and it is this effect that doctors around the world use in the treatment of various diseases. More than 30 years ago, Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling announced the effectiveness of high doses of vitamin C in treating patients with terminal cancer. Already in our time, specialists from the US National Institutes of Health have published scientific research that droppers with a highly concentrated solution of vitamin C have a selectively toxic effect on cancer cells. Today, in domestic oncology, solutions for intravenous administration with large doses of vitamin C are used.

It is known that the long-term action of such a substance destroys a large number of free radicals, helps relieve inflammation and promotes the production of collagen that envelops the tumor. In addition, vitamin C itself increases the effectiveness of some other anticancer drugs.

What if such a drip is given to a healthy person? Dr Sarah Tonks, from the Omnia Knightsbridge Clinic, London, says the IV drip treatment works well for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. A huge charge of vitamin acid gives an explosive effect of vivacity and a person feels a surge of strength and the ability to think clearly for a long time.

Even concentrated doses of vitamin C alleviate asthmatic conditions and prevent the development of some autoimmune diseases. But Dr Tonks warns that this does not justify the uncontrolled use of vitamin drips on everyone. Concentrated solutions can cause dangerous allergic reactions and such specific services should only be performed after the necessary blood tests and under the supervision of specialists.

Technique and features of placing an IV

Cubital catheter is an excellent replacement for a needle

The technique for placing an IV in patients suffering from alcohol intoxication is somewhat different from that in patients with therapeutic diseases. Thus, people with alcohol poisoning, especially chronic, often show signs of encephalopathy and behave somewhat inappropriately and restlessly. In addition, patients often need to visit the toilet during treatment.

For the above reasons, it is better to administer the infusion through a peripheral venous catheter. If necessary, this will allow the patient to stand up, and will also prevent a through puncture of the vein due to inaccurate movement.

The algorithm for placing a catheter is as follows:

  1. A venous tourniquet is applied to the arm.
  2. The puncture site is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  3. The vein is punctured with a catheter. Evidence of contact is the appearance of blood in the lid.
  4. The catheter is inserted into the vein, while the stylet is removed from it.
  5. The catheter is secured to the skin with an adhesive tape.

Medicinal substances are constantly released into the blood through the catheter.

The instructions for filling the system do not differ from the generally accepted ones. The infusion is carried out with a quick drop; when switching to a glucose-potassium mixture, the infusion rate is reduced.

Medicines are injected into a special port of the catheter, after closing the system. The catheter is removed after the procedure is completed in the same way as with a regular needle infusion.

Note: a peripheral venous catheter is an excellent equipment for infusion therapy. Its price is minimal, but its benefits are invaluable. The use of catheters prevents many of the complications that arise when using a traditional metal needle.

The mechanism of development and symptoms of alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is the result of excessive drinking

Alcohol intoxication is a condition that develops in a person as a result of ingesting ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids. There are acute and chronic forms of pathology.

Acute alcohol intoxication develops with a single dose of alcohol. At the same time, ethanol breakdown products, including acetaldehyde, accumulate in the body. The latter is a toxic substance and causes clinical poisoning (nausea, vomiting, general deterioration in health).

In addition, alcohol promotes the removal of fluid and electrolytes, which also negatively affects the patient’s condition. This condition can be easily treated with a drip to relieve intoxication.

The mechanism of development of intoxication in chronic alcoholism is more complex. Here, in addition to the processes described above, abstinence comes into play. Organic changes that occur as a result of long-term regular drinking also play a role.

A dropper during intoxication can somewhat alleviate the suffering of such patients. However, their condition usually requires full antitoxic and antialcohol therapy in a hospital setting.

Clinically, acute alcohol intoxication manifests itself in the form of euphoria, which is subsequently replaced by a hangover. In this case, the patient experiences headache, nausea, pain in the abdomen and throughout the body. There is no appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and confusion may develop.

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An objective examination reveals hypertension, facial hyperemia, and tremor of the extremities in the patient. There may be a slight increase or decrease in body temperature. In people suffering from chronic alcoholism, the symptoms of intoxication are less pronounced. As a rule, patients complain of an unbearable desire to drink (“the pipes are burning”), nausea, and abdominal pain.

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