Nootropil instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, reviews

Indications and dosage of Nootropil

Nootropil is used to treat diseases with memory and attention disorders, involuntary muscle contractions, dizziness and tinnitus, and in children with dyslexia. Due to the specific effect of Nootropil on blood circulation, it can be used during crisis episodes of sickle cell anemia.

The dosage of Nootropil depends on the diagnosis, age and general health. The appointment is carried out according to the schedule and under the supervision of a doctor; The daily dose is divided into 2-4 parts, with water. The therapy is long-term and usually produces results within 6-12 weeks. During treatment, doses may be reduced or increased.

For some diagnoses, the daily dose usually ranges from 2.4 to 7.2 g per day, but there are also cases where it starts at 7.2 and increases by 4.8 every 3-4 days until the daily limit is reached at 24 g It is logical to assume that when treating children, elderly patients or kidney diseases, the doses are much lower.

Reviews from experts

Doctors consider the drug under discussion to be a good, effective remedy. In their reviews about Nootropil you can often find the following comments:

  • The medicine is good at reducing dizziness and eliminating tinnitus. Acts quickly and effectively.
  • The drug is indispensable for acute cerebrovascular accidents. Significantly helps improve the condition of patients with asthenic conditions.
  • After completing the course, the patients’ condition stabilizes, and brain metabolism improves.
  • Nootropil has the best effect on brain activity, performing all the actions assigned to it - improving concentration, memory, etc.
  • This remedy even helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which often accompanies depressive and asthenic conditions. It significantly improves libido.
  • In combination with vascular drugs, the medicine exhibits more noticeable effectiveness.

However, sometimes patients experience side effects - increased blood pressure, anxiety, and aggression. Doctors also warn that the product should be used no later than 17-18 hours, and preferably in the first half of the day. This will help avoid sleep disturbances.

But in general, if you follow medical recommendations and rules for discontinuing the drug, there is a minimal number of unwanted reactions. It is also worth remembering that often to achieve the desired effect, the course must be at least three weeks.

Which tablets to choose - 800, 1200 or 2400 mg

Nootropil has been around for over 50 years, it has been sufficiently studied and is widely used. Also popular is Piracetam, called a cognitive enhancer. One of the topics associated with them is their proper dosage. If the dose is too low, the expected effect will not be achieved, and if it is higher than necessary, headaches, nervousness and gastrointestinal discomfort may occur.

Typically, treatment with Nootropil begins with a dose of 4-5 g per day, distributed equally over two to four doses. According to this, the tablet option is also selected which are 400, 800 and 1200 mg respectively. If the manufacturer is the same and the daily dose is higher, it makes sense to choose a stronger capsule, since it only relates to weight. This drug can be taken more easily and dissolved in water or juice, which prompts another option - Nootropil in the form of powder, granules or even a consistency for dissolution in dosed sachets.

It is very important that the daily dose is distributed into equal parts throughout the day, since the effect of this drug is relatively short - only two to three hours, and it is necessary to maintain the regimen from morning to evening at regular intervals.

Pharmacological authorities


Piracetam is a nootropic drug, a psychotropic drug that significantly improves the effectiveness of cognitive functions. The mechanisms of injecting the drug into the central nervous system are, apparently, the following: change in fluidity and increased awakening in the brain; strengthening of metabolic processes in nerve cells; enhancement of microcirculation influences the rheological characteristics of blood without vasodilatory action. Trival or one-time administration of Piracetam to patients with cerebral dysfunction leads to significant changes in the electroencephalogram, which demonstrates the increased importance and reduction of cognitive function (adjusted α- and β- activity - decreased δ-activity).

Piracetam inhibits hyperaggregation of active platelets. In cases of pathological rigidity of erythrocytes, the properties of erythrocytes increase their efficiency before filtration and elasticity. Piracetams provide protective and rejuvenating action in case of impaired brain function due to hypoxia, intoxication and electroshock therapy.

Piracetam can be used as a single drug or as a complex treatment for cortical myoclonus to reduce the severity of the provoking factor – vestibular neuronitis.



After oral administration of Piracetam, liquid and may be completely absorbed in the scolio-intestinal tract. Bioavailability becomes as high as 100%.

After a single administration of 2 g of the drug, Cmax is reached in the blood plasma after 30 weeks, and in the spinal cord within 2–8 years and becomes 40–60 mcg/ml.


Piracetam does not bind to blood plasma proteins, and the apparent volume of Piracetam is less than 0.6 l/kg. Piracetam is distributed throughout all tissues and penetrates through the blood-brain, placental barriers and membranes that are exposed during hemodialysis. Piracetam accumulates in the tissues of the cerebral cortex, especially in the frontal, vertebral and vertebral areas, cerebellum and basal ganglia.


Piracetam is active unchanged and is not metabolized in animals.


The period of administration of the drug in the blood is 4–5 years and 6–8 years in the spinal cord. This period may be affected by nitric deficiency. Piracetam is eliminated by nitric acid. It is almost completely eliminated (over 95%) after 30 years. Nircium clearance of Piracetam in healthy volunteers is 86 ml/min.

Action and description of Piracetam

Piracetam is the active component of Nootropil. Thanks to its action, the nerves and membranes of brain cells restore or stabilize the conductivity of nerve pathways and the preservation of memory, the ability to concentrate, and mental activity. This is an important effect in conditions of deficiency caused by oxygen deprivation, cerebral hemorrhage or brain disease.

In addition, Piracetam improves the plasticity of red blood cells, preventing the formation of blood clots and narrowing of the walls of blood vessels, which occurs in patients with sickle cell anemia.

Dosage regimen

In general, it is assigned on an individual basis. But in the instructions for using Nootropil injections you can find general recommendations.

The composition is injected either into a vein or into a muscle, and only if for some reason a person cannot drink tablets or solution (for example, he has difficulty swallowing or is unconscious).

Infusion in a daily dose is carried out over 24 hours through a catheter. “Nootropil” is diluted in any solution, selected from the following options:

  • Dextrose solution. 5%, 10% or 20%.
  • Fructose solution. Also 5%, 10% or 20%.
  • Sodium chloride solution. The concentration is weak - 0.9%.
  • Dextran solution. Concentration 10-40%.
  • Mannitol solution. Concentration 20%.
  • Classic Ringer's solution.

How much of the substance will be administered to the patient depends on his condition and clinical indications.

The drug can be used as a bolus. But only in an emergency - if, for example, the patient has a crisis due to sickle cell anemia. It is important to administer the medication for at least two minutes. But the daily dose must be divided into several doses (from 2 to 4). Regular intervals must be observed between procedures.

For children and adults, Nootropil is injected into the muscle only if it is impossible to do this into a vein. In this case, the volume of the drug should not be more than 5 ml.

As soon as the patient is able to take the medicine orally, he is switched to tablets.

For older people, the Nootropil course differs from the scheme that is indicated for adults. They prescribe it taking into account age, as well as the presence of kidney problems (many people develop these over the years).

Against stroke

Nootropil successfully supports cerebral circulation - this makes it suitable for the prevention of stroke in a group of patients at high risk. If your loved one has had a stroke, and you are aware of its signs, understand what is happening, and want to help before the medical team arrives, then you can give him Nootropil or Glycine. Some comments in this regard are contradictory, but the universal property of Nootropil still remains - improving the condition of brain cells and normalizing cerebral circulation.


Such a serious drug should not be taken for a number of conditions, including:

  • Huntington's chorea.
  • Psychomotor agitation present at the time of medication prescription.
  • End-stage chronic renal failure.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke and problems with circulatory disorders in the brain.
  • Too young (under three years old).
  • Sensitivity to pyrrolidone derivatives and components included in the drug.

There are also relative contraindications for Nootropil. This remedy should be taken with caution by people suffering from impaired hemostasis, as well as by patients with severe bleeding and those who have undergone surgery.

For nervousness and panic attacks

Nootropil, like other drugs, for example, Noben, Neuromidin, Piracetam, Ginkgo-Biloba, Tanakam, belongs to the nootropic group. A specialist may recommend one of them - for example, Nootropil, for depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Nootropil stabilizes the emotional state, neutralizes lack of motivation, and activates brain function. However, as a side effect, emotional and physical stress and hyperactivity may occur.

Features of good stagnation

Test for platelet aggregation


Due to the fact that piracetam reduces platelet aggregation (section “Pharmacodynamics”), it is necessary to use caution in prescribing the drug to patients with impaired hemostasis, conditions that can be accompanied by hemorrhages (schluk virus). ovo-intestinal tract), under the hour of significant surgical operations (including dental procedures), we are ill with symptoms of severe bleeding or we are ill with a history of hemorrhagic stroke; patients, such as anticoagulants, platelet antiplatelet agents, including low doses of acetylsalicylic acid.

Damage to the function of the nirok.

The drug is eliminated by nitric acid, so it is necessary to pay special attention to those suffering from nitric deficiency (div. section “Method of administration and dosage”).

Summer age patients.

During long-term therapy in patients with chronic age, it is recommended to regularly monitor indicators of narcotic function, and, if necessary, adjust the dose according to the results of monitoring creatinine clearance (section “Method of stasisation”). dose").

Pererivannya zastosuvannya


When treating patients for cortical myoclonus, avoid abrupt interruption of treatment due to the threat of generalization of myoclonus or a court case.

Advances, connected instead of additional words.

The drug is mixed with 2 mmol (46 mg) sodium in a dose of 24 g of piracetam. Be careful with stagnant patients who are stagnating on a controlled diet instead of sodium.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Do not use the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

Taking a look at the side reactions that should be avoided when this drug is ingested, add it to the availability of the drug by transport means and use other possible mechanisms, and then take care.

For children

Nootropil is prescribed to children in cases of dyslexia. The use occurs only as prescribed by a doctor - the specialist determines the dose and duration of use, as well as general therapy, part of which is the use of Nootropil.

Some have expressed concerns about the safety of children taking this drug. It is also noted that the drug is not used for children in the US and UK due to some of its side effects.

However, in the annotation for the drug, they quite clearly mention the use of Nootropil for the treatment of dyslexia in children along with speech therapy from a speech therapist.

Interactions with other medicinal drugs and other types of interactions

Thyroid hormones.

With extreme stagnation of thyroid hormones (T3+T4), there may be increased fatigue, disorientation and sleep disturbance.



Clinical studies showed that in patients with severe recurrent thrombosis, the use of Piracetam at doses of 9.6 g/dose did not interfere with the dosage of acenocoumarol to achieve an INR value of 2.5–3.5, even after one-hour treatment with indicated a decrease in the level of platelet aggregation , increased β-thromboglobulin, equal to fibrinogen, Von Willebrandt factors (VIII: C; VIII: vW: Ag; VIII: vW: Rco), viscosity of whole blood and plasma.

Pharmacokinetic interactions


The likelihood of changes in the pharmacokinetics of Piracetam due to other drugs is low, with approximately 90% of the drug being excreted unchanged.

In vitro

Piracetam does not inhibit the main isoforms of human liver cytochrome P450 CYP1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1 and 4A9/11 at concentrations of 142, 426, 1422 μg/ml.

At a concentration of 1422 mcg/ml, a slight suppression of CYP2A6 (21%) and ZA4/5 (11%) was observed. However, rhubarb Ki for the inhibition of these two CYP isomers is sufficient at an excess of 1422 μg/ml. Therefore, metabolic interactions with drugs that are amenable to biotransformation by enzymes are low.

Antiepileptic drugs.

Suspension of Piracetam at a dose of 20 g/day for 4 days or more did not change the concentration curve and the maximum concentration (Cmax) of anti-epileptic drugs in blood serum (carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, sodium valproate) in patients with epilepsy, which requires stable doses.



Alcohol intake did not increase the concentration of piracetam in blood plasma, and the concentration of alcohol did not change when 1.6 g of piracetam was infused.

Contraindications and side effects

Nootropil is not recommended if you are allergic to any of the components. Do not use for bleeding, including cerebral bleeding, renal failure, Huntington's disease, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects from treatment with Nootropil can be an allergic reaction, rash and hives, nervousness, weight gain, depression, weakness and drowsiness, dizziness, gastrointestinal disorders: pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; anxiety and confusion, hallucinations.

Side effects

Patients who take this nootropic may experience side effects. Most often observed:

  • hyperkinesia;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness, anxiety, excessive excitability;
  • hallucinations;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • sleep problems;
  • digestive disorders (attacks of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea);
  • tremor of body parts;
  • development of epileptic seizures;
  • increased appetite (respectively weight gain);
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions on the skin (rashes, itching, urticaria, dermatitis);
  • extrapyramidal disorders;
  • increased sexual desire (in rare cases).

Very rarely, anaphylactic reactions, hemorrhagic disorders, asthenic syndrome or a depressive state may develop.

Overdose symptoms

Signs of overdose occur when taking a dose of more than 75 g. In this case, an increase in side effects is observed. There were also cases when the patient experienced abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

Treatment of overdose is aimed at combating negative symptoms. Hemodialysis can be used to remove toxins.

Pharmacological interaction

The medication interacts with other active ingredients. Examples of interactions between piracetam and medications:

  1. Enhances the effect of thyroid hormones and antipsychotics.
  2. Combination with antipsychotics increases the risk of developing extrapyramidal disorders.
  3. Strengthens the effect on the central nervous system of drugs that have a stimulating effect on it.
  4. When taking anticoagulants to patients with venous thrombosis, while using high doses of piracetam, a decrease in platelet aggregation (risk of bleeding) occurs.

Nootropil and alcohol have no effect on each other.

See also:

Instructions for use of Noofen, drug analogues and reviews after use

Similar drugs


Cavinton in the form of tablets or ampoules is used in painful conditions caused by deterioration of cerebral circulation. This affects vision or hearing problems caused by cerebrovascular accidents. Also used to control neurological and psychiatric symptoms associated with the disorders in question. The product is suitable for vascular-vegetative problems during menopause. The drug is not suitable for pregnancy, breastfeeding and heart disease.

The recommended dose at the discretion of the physician is 1-2 tablets three times daily. Patients with kidney and liver problems take the standard dose.


Lucetam is a nootropic drug with the active ingredient piracetam. This is one of the drugs that, like Nootropil, increases brain function by optimizing memory, concentration and attention. Lucetam has a positive effect on nerve cells in the brain, making them capable of exchanging information and conducting signals.

Based on optimized metabolism, brain functions are activated, normalizing segments of the blood circulation affected by various influences or increasing brain endurance during mental stress.

The drug protects against the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the brain.

Nootropil - what kind of medicine?

Nootropil is a nootropic drug produced in Belgium and Italy. Its active substance is piracetam, the first registered substance in the group of nootropics. Despite its long history, piracetam has not lost its effectiveness and is widely recommended for adults and children.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets and solution for injections, syrup.

The solution in ampoules is a colorless liquid that is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. 5 ml of solution for injection contains 200 mg/ml piracetam, sodium acetate. Tablets or capsules contain 800, 1200 mg of the active substance, as well as magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide and a number of other components. Syrup (oral solution) is intended for children; it contains 200 or 330 mg of piracetam and a number of sweeteners, apricot flavoring. 30 Nootropil tablets cost 300 rubles, the price of syrup is 340 rubles, the cost of 12 ampoules is 350 rubles.

How does the drug work? It is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid. The substance binds to phospholipids in the body, forming special complexes. The latter restore the stability of cell membranes, return them to their previous structure, and improve the function of proteins. As a result, the following functions are provided:

  • the transmission of nerve impulses improves;
  • the work of various receptors is activated;
  • cognitive functions are optimized - memory, attentiveness, cognitive abilities;
  • the rheological qualities of blood improve due to the positive effect on all blood cells;

  • vascular walls are strengthened;
  • The formation of blood clots is prevented by reducing platelet aggregation.


Tanakan helps older people with memory loss and cognitive disorders. Read more >>

Nootropil does not have a psychostimulating or sedative effect. The drug also does not cause dependence and decrease in effectiveness as it is taken.

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