Glycine for insomnia: instructions for use and dosage, reviews, cost

What is the substance glycine?

This is a replaceable acid. The active ingredient of “Glycine” tablets is, in fact, glycine of the same name. It can be purchased both as part of vitamin-mineral complexes and in the form of individual tablets. Which of us, as a schoolchild and worried before an exam, has not heard about the miraculous effect of “Glycine”? Allegedly, after just a few tablets, you can memorize many formulas and rules and pass any test with excellent marks.

Of course, such a striking effect of “Glycine” is exaggerated. This amino acid can actually influence nerve cells (neurons), improving cerebral circulation. But glycine does not have a direct effect on the process of memorizing and assimilating new information. This substance has a largely sedative (calming) effect. It is for this reason that neurologists most often recommend taking Glycine at night. The rules for taking the drug and dosage will be discussed below.


The drug has many substitutes that are similar in components or principle of action:

  • Glycised;
  • Eltacin;
  • Persen;
  • Tenoten;
  • Tryptophan;
  • Afobazole;
  • Novo-passit.

Instructions for use by adults

Glycine is an over-the-counter drug. Being a non-essential amino acid, glycine is produced in the body independently. When this process fails, problems appear in the functioning of the nervous system and the following symptoms occur:

  • unmotivated anxiety;
  • constant outbursts of aggression, irritability;
  • nightmares;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic depression of various etiologies.

Complete absorption occurs three to four hours after taking the tablet. The drug is completely absorbed in the large intestine. Since glycine is a substance natural to the body, it is impossible to detect the fact of its intake in tests. After absorption, glycine actively affects neurotransmitters, promoting increased synthesis of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. It is this feature that ensures its influence on the patient’s emotional background.

One Glycine tablet contains 100 mg of the amino acid glycine as an active ingredient. The composition also includes auxiliary components:

  • magnesium stearate in an amount of 1 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose 1 mg.

Over the decades, the drug has been used by various groups of patients and has proven to be an excellent mild sedative with a minimum of side effects.

Does glycine help you calm down?

Glycine can be used as a sedative, as it regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system. But these are not all of its beneficial properties.

Glycine also helps calm stress. It normalizes the psycho-emotional state, improves thought processes, and stops aggressiveness. It can also be taken for panic attacks, increased nervousness, irritability and insomnia, which often occurs due to stress.

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The drug is safe for adults and children. Glycine can be given to a child to calm the nervous system, reduce hyperactivity, aggressiveness, moodiness, and also to increase stress resistance. It can be taken as a sleeping pill for insomnia. The substance improves the quality of night's rest and helps you fall asleep faster.

Attention! The amino acid is not addictive and is well tolerated.

Indications for use

Tablets are recommended for use as a primary remedy or as part of adjuvant therapy for the following diseases and conditions:

  • chronic fatigue and associated decrease in performance;
  • delayed psycho-speech development in children and adolescents;
  • frequent stressful situations, difficult psychological atmosphere in the family and at work;
  • increased emotional excitability, anxiety, dysphoria, obsessive-compulsive disorders of various etiologies;
  • chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • some organic pathologies of the brain;
  • neurotic conditions (as part of complex therapy);
  • hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke;
  • insomnia and problems with sleep phases;
  • manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

It is possible to take “Glycine” both as a prophylaxis for all these conditions and as a treatment. You can use "Glycine" at night simultaneously with psychotropic drugs - nootropics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers. A set of drugs can only be prescribed by a neurologist, narcologist or psychiatrist. Taking these pills and their combinations on your own is strictly prohibited due to serious side effects.

How is the drug useful?

By taking Glycine before bed, you will not only get rid of insomnia, but also feel other effects from this metabolic drug. The drug affects the body as follows:

  • Helps get rid of irritability, depression and improves mood.
  • Activates intellectual abilities, increases brain performance.
  • Helps reduce emotional stress after stress.
  • Reduces conflict and aggressiveness.
  • It is an assistant in restoring health after a stroke or brain injury.
  • Restrains the negative effects of psychotropic drugs on the central nervous system, as well as the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol and other potent drugs.
  • It is a preventive drug for vegetative-vascular disorders and other diseases associated with veins and blood vessels.
  • Reduces the desire for bad habits.
  • Reduces the likelihood of brain disorders.
  • Positively affects vision and muscle tone.

Contraindications for use

Instructions for the use of “Glycine” for adults indicate an almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects. Since the active substance is related and the body cells themselves produce it, the body does not perceive glycine as a foreign object.

In rare cases, the appearance of urticaria has been reported while taking Glycine - but there are no confirmed laboratory studies that would prove the relationship of dermatological rashes with taking an essential amino acid.

To date, there is no recorded data on an overdose of Glycine tablets - however, you should not take risks and increase the number of tablets consumed to ten or more per day.

How many Glycine tablets can you take per day, how often?

You can drink up to 3-6 Glycine tablets per day, if we are talking about an adult. For children under 3 years of age, the total amount and single dose is determined by the doctor, but usually it does not exceed 0.5-1 tablets per day. If the child is over 3 years old, he is given 1 piece at night.

An adult can take more Glycine per day if the drug is prescribed by a doctor. This happens when the patient’s condition is more serious than anxiety about exams or loss of strength from heavy workload.

Glycine can be taken at the following frequency:

  • 2-3 times a day;
  • in this mode for 14-30 days;
  • for prevention, a course can be carried out 2 times a year;
  • for serious problems, therapy is repeated regularly.

How much can you drink at a time, dosage for children and adolescents

You can take 1-2 tablets of Glycine at a time if we are talking about an adult patient who is suffering from stress, deterioration of attention, memory, and general intellectual performance. The same dose is prescribed for adolescents with deviant behavior in order to relieve excitability and aggressiveness. This number of tablets can be taken 2-3 times a day. The standard course of therapy is 2 weeks, but it can be extended up to 1 month.

For ischemic stroke, the scheme is as follows:

  • in the first 3-6 hours take 10 tablets (a total of 1000 mg);
  • further 1-5 days - the same amount daily, supplementing them with 1 tsp. liquids;
  • in the following days - 1-2 tablets every 8 hours.

Ischemic stroke
Dosage of Glycine for insomnia in an adult – also 1 tablet. It should be taken 20 minutes before going to bed or immediately before going to bed. After this, you should not watch TV, sit at the computer, use the phone or talk. All this can lead to the opposite effect of the medicine - vigor and activity. Course of use – from 2 weeks to 1 month.

For children, glycine is measured at night according to age:

  • For infants, the dosage is selected only by a neurologist; the drug cannot be given without him;
  • for 1-3 year old children, falling asleep will be faster if you give 0.5 tablets 30 minutes before going to bed;
  • After 3 years, the child can take the whole tablet half an hour before bedtime.

In children, the course of therapy lasts up to 2 weeks. If necessary, you can extend it up to 30 days.

Watch this video for instructions on how to use Glycine:

What is the best time to take

The patient can choose from three options when to take glycine:

  • one dose in the morning, in the afternoon after meals and in the evening before bed;
  • 2 tablets in the morning and 1 at night;
  • 1 dose in the morning and 2 before bed.

The choice depends on the characteristics of the troubling problems and general well-being during treatment. If it is insomnia, it is better to take 2 tablets at night. If you are excessively nervous, you should distribute the medicine evenly throughout the day. The scheme can be changed at any time, focusing on your own feelings.

What food to combine with

The following products, which also contain an aliphatic amino acid, will enhance the effect of the drug:

  • fish, meat, cheeses, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • legumes, bananas, white and cauliflower, cucumbers, spinach, kiwi;
  • different types of nuts, ginger, basil, fennel.

You don’t need to eat these foods in incredible quantities or combine them with taking the drug; it’s enough to simply supplement your diet with them. But it is better not to eat chocolate and anything that contains cocoa beans immediately before and immediately after using the tablet. The same goes for dishes with a lot of animal fats.

What food is best to combine it with?

What is the best way to take Glycine - on an empty stomach or after a meal? This is completely unimportant: the tablets will be absorbed equally in both cases. Neurologists recommend taking two tablets under the tongue between meals. This advice is due to the fact that some foods make it difficult to absorb the amino acid glycine in the large intestine.

Natural chocolate and products containing cocoa beans negatively affect the absorption of Glycine. It is advisable to eat such foods three hours before or after taking the pills. Fatty, heavy foods also negatively affect the absorption of amino acids.

You should not take pills after a heavy meal, especially after drinking alcohol. Ethanol is the only substance that can inhibit its own production of amino acids.

How to use?

If you nevertheless decide to take glycine in order to “calm your nerves,” then remember that the drug has its minimal physiological effect only in high concentrations - for an adult this is at least 10 tablets a day.

You can take the medication regardless of meals. You can do it before bed or during a panic attack, but only if your phobias do not include fear of hypotension.

The drug has minimal hypotensive effects. And it cannot help with hypertension. But for some hypotensive people, the hypothetical possibility of a drop in pressure is so frightening that they do not calm down, but, on the contrary, show full-blown panic.

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What happens if you take Glycine in the morning?

Indications for use of the drug "Glycine" do not strictly regulate the time of administration. However, pills taken in the morning and in the evening will act slightly differently on the body.

If you take two Glycine tablets on an empty stomach in the morning, you are guaranteed a surge of vivacity and a boost of energy for the whole day. The amino acid literally “awakens” neurotransmitters, stimulating the production of a pleasure hormone called dopamine and a happiness hormone - serotonin. This action will ensure excellent mood, high performance, and resistance to stress.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect a miracle on the first day of treatment. The body needs time to adapt to increased glycine levels. Taking an amino acid from the outside is, albeit small, but still stressful for the nervous system. After about two weeks of constant use, you can notice lasting changes in the patient’s mood and emotional state.

Does Glycine Really Work for Nerves?

Doctors often recommend glycine for nerves to their patients because it is an absolutely harmless drug, is well accepted by the body, and has no side effects even with long-term use. Glycine is capable of:

  • form correct associations and perceptions of the surrounding world;
  • calm down in case of excessive nervous excitement;
  • relieve worry, anxiety, fears.

And at the same time, many doctors claim that taking Glycine for neuroses is practically useless because:

  • a long course is required to obtain a therapeutic effect;
  • the person must have absolute faith in the power of the drug.

Glycine is not able to cure a nervous disorder of any type or nature, but it lowers blood pressure, slightly relaxes muscles and normalizes the pulse rate - all this gives a person a feeling of calm, which ultimately has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Pharmacology of tablets for nerves and stress

Glycine tablets for nerves and stress are an amino acid that normalizes the functionality of the brain and central nervous system, while at the same time improving blood circulation and metabolic processes. The most important thing is that the amino acid is involved in the process of transmitting nerve impulses, which helps the body:

  • cope with excessive mental stress;
  • stop the process of destruction of brain cells;
  • restore nerve cells;
  • get rid of unmotivated irritation and aggression.

If the pills are taken over a long course, a person can get rid of tremor (shaking) of the upper limbs during nervous overexcitation and slow down the process of stress hormone production. This therapeutic effect is achieved by reducing the activity of spinal cord neurons.

Is it possible to take Glycine at night?

As it became clear to the attentive reader, “Glycine”, when taken in the morning, has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. So why do many neurologists prescribe this drug to be taken just before bedtime? How much glycine to drink at night to avoid insomnia and problems falling asleep?

In fact, this special amino acid is designed in such a way that when taken “Glycine” at night it has a sedative effect, and when taken in the morning it has a stimulating effect. This property is due to the fact that the body, with a lack of glycine, goes astray from the natural phases of sleep and wakefulness. When the amino acid level becomes sufficient again, all phases of sleep and wakefulness return to normal.

The effect of pills on dreams

Reviews of "Glycine" at night often indicate a change in dreams. If previously patients did not have dreams at all, now they can be used to make a movie based on their plot. In fact, this effect is not surprising. Almost all psychotropic drugs affect dreams.

Dreams especially often become vivid and adventurous when taking SSRI antidepressants. “Glycine,” like this class of drugs, has a direct effect on the receptors of dopamine and serotonin cells, resulting in both a sedative and stimulating effect depending on the time of day and the general physical condition of the patient. The entire human nervous system changes completely, and as a result, this cannot but affect the psyche. And dreams are a direct reflection of a person’s mental state. So there is no need to worry about the appearance of vivid dreams when taking Glycine at night for an adult.

The effect of tablets on sleep phases and alertness

If you have problems with sleep, insomnia, or incorrect changes in the phases of fast and slow sleep, there can be no question of the normal functioning of the nervous system. “Glycine” has a beneficial effect on the sleep process, makes it easier to fall asleep and prevents night awakenings. In the morning, a person feels well-rested and energetic.

The duration of the slow phase is approximately 70% of the total time spent in sleep. "Glycine", due to its effect on neurotransmitters, restores this phase. The patient loses sleepiness during the day and the desire to sleep in the afternoon. In Japan, these properties of this amino acid have long been known, which is why glycine is included in almost all vitamin and mineral complexes for office workers. In our country, it is still sold as a separate drug.

How to fix sleep problems

Adequate sleep is the key to normal human life; without it, neither effective work nor successful study is possible. During sleep, the processing of information that was received during the day occurs, as well as the processes of restoring the resources of the nervous system. But heavy mental and emotional stress can lead to the development of sleep disorders, and you simply cannot fall asleep on time. And it’s so difficult to wake up in the morning. Is there a way out of this vicious circle?

Modern life requires more and more time - after all, you want to do everything, and maintaining a healthy daily routine is almost impossible. However, a lack of proper rest can ultimately lead to quite serious health problems. Helping yourself and your children maintain adequate sleep is within your power.

Distribute the load evenly throughout the week

Nowadays, human life is full of various events and tasks, sometimes excessively. In addition to your main work or study, you need to set aside time for rest, activities with children, personal life and self-development. It's good if you manage to keep up with all this, but remember that such stress can have a detrimental effect on falling asleep in the evening, as well as on the quality of sleep.

This also applies to children to a large extent. Often, in addition to the main school classes, they attend several additional ones. Developing talent in a music school or studying languages ​​in depth, working hard on sports achievements is useful. But such busyness significantly increases the load on the student’s already not fully established nervous system.

Try to coordinate your schedule and your children's schedule so that the workload is distributed approximately evenly throughout the week. It is better that the days when the child attends additional classes do not coincide with the busiest school days. It is also better to do homework in several stages. Be sure to leave yourself at least one day off - a day free from important and time-consuming tasks, free from lessons. Give yourself and your child a break. You can spend your day off actively, in the fresh air, especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle at work.

It is also worth noting that doctors do not recommend combining any other types of activities for children with school for the first two to three years of school.

What do you do when you have a tablet in your hands?

A tablet or computer is a useful assistant in work and study. These devices also provide the ability to play games and communicate on social networks. In turn, activity on social networks and electronic games can cause sleep disorders for two reasons:

  • you play or socialize until late, after which it is difficult for your body to fall asleep
  • the nervous system gets too excited and sleep patterns are disrupted

Often both reasons have an effect at the same time. In this case, you need to limit the time spent playing games, especially closer to the night, before bed. Replace sitting on your tablet with something interesting.

Be a positive example for your child. No matter how much you try to explain and convince, the child will remain deaf to words if he sees that his parents are also passionate about games and social networks.

Organize a proper diet

A simple light breakfast should always be present, and the child should also have a balanced lunch at school. If your school organizes lunches, it still doesn't hurt to bring an extra snack. Let you, too, always have sweet fruits, cookies or healthy snacks with you - something that will give you a quick energy boost. It is also important that the main part of the lunch is rich in proteins, since for the nervous system to function properly, a constant supply of amino acids is needed.

The last meal should not be too late. If you want to go to bed at 22-00, then you need to have dinner no later than 20-00. If you really want to have a snack before bed, you can eat something light - drink a glass of milk, kefir, or cookies with herbal tea (for example, mint), a baked apple. Glucose quickly enters the bloodstream and satisfies hunger.

Glycine will improve sleep under high loads

Protecting the nervous system should be approached comprehensively. In addition to the regimen and diet, in case of sleep disorders it needs additional support.

Amino acids, which are building materials for all tissues of the body, are especially urgently needed by the brain, since the activity of metabolic processes is the highest here. Glycine, an amino acid that can be formed in brain tissue, protects the nervous system from overload, has a calming effect, and is a structural component of nervous tissue. But with high psycho-emotional stress, the need for glycine increases tenfold, and the amino acid of one’s own production is not enough. This leads to impaired attention, memory, deterioration of emotional state, and sleep disturbances.

Today, the amino acid glycine also exists in tablet form. Glycine has no age restrictions, since it is a component related to the body. For the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders, regular courses of Glycine are recommended.

Application for children and teenagers

"Glycine" is not prohibited for children over twelve years of age. Doctors often prescribe this drug to schoolchildren and students to improve the processes of assimilation and memorization of new information. The medicine does not directly affect learning, but due to improved cerebral circulation, cognitive abilities in schoolchildren and students also improve.

Most often, neurologists prescribe Glycine for children at night. This technique allows you to eliminate excessive excitability. A child, filled with impressions of the day, falls asleep quickly and easily.

Side effects

The drug is simple, but it can also cause unwanted reactions.

  1. Apathy.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Daytime sleepiness.
  4. Low pressure.
  5. Allergic rashes.
  6. Dizziness.

They occur very rarely, in this case you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Reviews from doctors and tips for use

Doctors often prescribe Glycine to their patients for complaints of sleep and irritability. The drug is safe and has no contraindications. Reviews from neurologists about this drug are enthusiastic: it allows you to solve many problems without resorting to psychotropic potent drugs. It is also often prescribed by endocrinologists to their patients.

Here are some tips to help make taking Glycine as effective as possible:

  • Do not mix medication with alcoholic beverages. Even if a person is forced to participate in a feast, it is necessary to postpone taking pills for a while, since glycine simply will not be absorbed at the same time as ethanol-containing drinks.
  • You should take the medicine a couple of hours after eating and do not combine it with cocoa bean products (which also interferes with its normal absorption).
  • The optimal daily dose of “Glycine” is 2 tablets at night and the same amount in the morning.
  • Based on the patient’s goals, it is possible to change the intake to only morning or exclusively evening.
  • Combining “Glycine” with antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers and other psychotropic drugs is possible only under the supervision of an experienced doctor or while in a hospital.
  • In some cases, “Glycine” reduces the therapeutic effect of antipsychotics, anticonvulsants and hypnotics; you should definitely discuss taking them together with your doctor.
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