Nicotine withdrawal: how long does it last and how to make it easier to quit smoking

Many people who smoke are familiar with the feeling when, after smoking another cigarette, they feel slightly dizzy, nauseous, coordination of movements may be impaired, and general well-being may deteriorate. Those who are trying to quit smoking often experience symptoms such as dizziness.

Doctors claim that the occurrence of such symptoms is a natural reaction to the intake of nicotine in the body. As for those who quit smoking, their dizziness occurs due to a number of physiological processes that occur during the rehabilitation period.

  • 5 Why is withdrawal dizziness dangerous?
  • 6 What to do if you feel dizzy?
  • 7 What should you not do if you have dizziness?
  • 8 Conclusion
  • From a physiological point of view

    Nicotine constricts blood vessels in the brain and is involved in the regulation of blood pressure. These processes are disrupted when a person quits smoking. Until the body returns to normal, dizziness, nausea and even migraines may occur periodically. This period lasts from 2-3 days to 1-2 weeks. Its duration depends on the length of smoking, the state of health of the person, and how exactly he undergoes rehabilitation. These same factors influence how severe the dizziness is.

    The structure of nicotine molecules is similar to acetylcholine. This is a substance involved in the activity of the brain and central nervous system, responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses and cerebral vascular tone. Normally, the required amount of acetylcholine is produced by the body. When a person starts smoking, the metabolism changes and nicotine begins to be used instead of acetylcholine. The volume of acetylcholine production is reduced. After completing a course of treatment for tobacco addiction and giving up cigarettes for some period, the body remains without nicotine and without acetylcholine, which is what causes the appearance of ailments. Some time after quitting smoking, the production of acetylcholine normalizes and your health improves.

    Causes of dizziness when quitting cigarettes

    The effect of nicotine on the body is systemic and affects a number of internal organs. When a person quits smoking, the body needs some time to adjust to a normal, healthy mode of operation. The head may feel dizzy during this period for the following reasons.

    Reduced vascular tone. Abrupt cessation of smoking leads to a decrease in vascular tone. As a result, blood pressure drops. If it was already low, your health may deteriorate: from mild dizziness to nausea and even fainting. This should not frighten a smoker: such ailments pass quickly and are not dangerous to health.

    More oxygen in the blood. When smoking, carbon dioxide takes the place of oxygen in the blood. Because of this, the body constantly experiences oxygen starvation and adapts to such conditions. When quitting cigarettes, the blood is gradually cleansed and saturated with oxygen. This turns out to be stressful for the body: the brain is oversaturated with oxygen for a short time, which can periodically cause dizziness. The same symptoms occur in city residents who rarely travel outdoors. After spending several hours in the fresh air, they may feel dizzy, nauseated, and headache.

    Withdrawal syndrome. Nicotine is a mild narcotic substance that is highly addictive in humans. By replacing a number of mediators, it rearranges the body’s functioning “to suit itself.” When nicotine stops entering the bloodstream, the smoker begins to experience withdrawal symptoms, “withdrawal.” The state of health worsens due to the fact that the body does not yet produce natural mediators and no longer receives nicotine to replace them. In general, withdrawal syndrome, despite the deterioration in well-being, is a positive sign - it indicates a gradual cleansing of nicotine from the body.

    Nervous tension. When overcoming nicotine addiction, a person becomes irritable and may have problems sleeping. This leads to increased fatigue, which, in turn, can cause dizziness.

    What to do if you feel dizzy after quitting cigarettes?

    Qualified medical specialists remind you that dizziness should not be ignored. One way or another, with their help the body signals that it cannot cope with the emerging load. Not paying attention to dizziness can provoke the development of severe ailments, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, etc. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period it is important to provide competent support to the body. To alleviate the condition of a former smoker during this period, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • if you feel dizzy, you need to sit down or lie down for a few minutes, relax, to restore normal blood circulation;
    • if you have low blood pressure, you can drink sweet tea or coffee to normalize it;
    • Walking at a slow pace in the fresh air will help the body quickly remove toxins and rebuild the metabolism;
    • it is important to avoid stress, nervous tension, and serious physical activity;
    • Avoid situations that may cause nausea or dizziness. Among them are being at high altitude, taking off and landing on an airplane, watching 3D films, etc.;
    • control your rest and sleep patterns: the better sleep a person who quits smoking gets, the faster the unpleasant symptoms associated with quitting nicotine will go away;
    • a contrast shower will help speed up blood circulation and quickly normalize the functioning of blood vessels;
    • Eating chocolate will improve your well-being, help raise blood pressure and overall tone of the body. It is also worth introducing more vegetables, fruits, and fish into your diet.

    Physiology of dizziness

    Dizziness, as a rule, occurs due to problems with the blood vessels of the central nervous system, or due to a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus located in the inner ear. Most often, dizziness occurs if the blood supply to internal organs, including the brain and spinal cord, is impaired. This can happen for various reasons: anemia, narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, disturbance of their tone. If the tone is increased, the blood vessels spasm, resulting in headaches, dizziness, and fainting.

    What does smoking have to do with this? When nicotine enters the blood, it narrows the capillaries that supply the brain, and at the same time smoothes the body's reaction to oxygen starvation, helping it get used to this mode of operation. If you quit smoking, normal blood supply to the brain is restored, but before that it goes through the so-called withdrawal syndrome.


    One of the consequences of this syndrome is excessive, unusual saturation of the brain with oxygen, when blood pressure drops, capillary tone decreases, and painful sensations occur.

    The second reason is that nicotine serves as a replacement for acetylcholine (ACCh), a compound responsible for both the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain and normal capillary tone. If smoking has become a habit, the production of ACH decreases or stops, and nicotine takes over its functions. Quitting tobacco leads to abstinence, when the brain temporarily malfunctions, deprived of both acetylcholine and nicotine, which leads to vascular spasms, which means fainting, dark spots before the eyes, dizziness and migraines. All these symptoms are temporary - they last from a few days to a couple of weeks, and then gradually disappear. Having weaned off smoking, the body again begins to produce the necessary substances, and good health is restored.

    Finally, a cigarette often serves as an antidepressant and helps to cope with neuroses. Having quit smoking, a person faces not only physical withdrawal, but also stress. He suffers from insomnia and his mood is unstable. In addition, it is no longer possible to escape from your everyday problems with the help of a cigarette. Stress along with lack of sleep can also lead to pain and dizziness. However, psychological withdrawal, just like physical withdrawal, is temporary, and gradually its symptoms disappear.

    Psychological support for pathological syndrome

    Many people complain that as soon as they quit smoking, they feel sore and dizzy. Self-hypnosis and reading will help you cope with this symptom, unpleasant discomfort and obsessive thoughts about cigarettes.

    The publication of the author Carr Allen “The Simple Way to Quit Cigarettes” is the best way of psychological influence. The book, in the form of a humorous story, says that nicotine addiction is a common habit and suggestion. Headaches, dizziness and insomnia are withdrawal symptoms that must be dealt with.

    Excessive nervousness and attacks of aggression are a psychological factor that interesting entertainment and hobbies can help you cope with. Each person chooses an activity that he likes. For some, outdoor recreation is the best remedy for a bad mood, while others like active activities or fishing.

    To overcome addiction, you can give yourself a warm bath, relax, the most important thing is not to start smoking again, this will deal a strong blow to the human body. Nicotine will not help relieve dizziness. If you are constantly tempted to smoke, it is better to consult a psychologist.

    If unpleasant discomfort or dizziness does not disappear after a few weeks, but becomes more intrusive, nausea and sometimes vomiting appear, you should definitely visit a doctor who will prescribe a full examination and determine the real causes of the pathological condition.

    Why is withdrawal dizziness dangerous?

    The most obvious danger is that you want to smoke.

    Going through a difficult period of quitting cigarettes, a former smoker feels bad. And the very first thought is to return to the habit that I wanted to quit in order to get rid of the painful symptoms of “withdrawal.” Many people can’t stand it and start smoking again. But if, after a long period of abstinence, large doses of nicotine enter the body, this has a very bad effect on the blood vessels, sharply increasing their tone, and therefore blood pressure. The result may be a heart attack or stroke.

    If you have a tendency to VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), then there is a risk that the nicotine addiction will pass, and this disease will become your constant companion. Its symptoms are not only migraine, but also general weakness, nausea, and sweat appearing on the forehead. Therefore, when giving up nicotine, you should first of all treat VSD.

    Dizziness as a consequence of withdrawal syndrome can create problems at work, especially if the work is complex, responsible, and requires concentration. It is especially difficult for machinists, bus and tram drivers. With personal transport it is a little easier - you can wait a couple of weeks and not drive, because if you get dizzy during the trip, this can lead to an accident. You need to be careful in public places. If you have an attack of dizziness on the stairs, you may fall.

    Just add sports

    Nicotine chemically affects our reward system, making the smoking experience enjoyable. Therefore, some people who quit smoking are prescribed antidepressants, because in the absence of this magic “button” the mood begins to jump for no apparent reason, like a roller coaster. Intense exercise affects the same reward system because when you exercise, it releases a cocktail of neurotransmitters that make us feel happy, hope for the best, and be “faster, taller, and stronger,” without any extraneous chemicals. Additionally, exercising will help mitigate the effects of smoking after smoking and even eliminate this annoying side effect. Well, the admiring glances of friends and colleagues, noticing how much more perfect your shape is, will help you get rid of uncertainty and remind you that you are doing everything right.


    This point applies to all symptoms accompanying tobacco withdrawal and withdrawal symptoms. At this time you may experience:

    • migraine that occurs in attacks;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • thirst, dry mouth, chills;
    • imbalance, irritability;
    • spontaneous outbursts of rage;
    • dizziness;
    • absent-mindedness, apathy;
    • chronic anxiety, feelings of sadness, fear;
    • insomnia;
    • periodic craving for cigarettes;
    • weakness;
    • whooping cough;
    • dyspnea.

    Gradually, these signs weaken, after some time (from a couple of weeks to a month) they disappear and the body begins to work as it worked before - before becoming addicted to cigarettes.

    Psychological dependence can last a little longer - up to six months.

    What to do if you feel dizzy?

    During an attack of dizziness, it is recommended to do the following:

    1. Sit down, or, if possible, lie down. On the street, you need to lean against a support, which can be a wall, pole or tree trunk. Relax, unbutton your shirt collar, undo your belt, untie your tie, then begin to breathe in a slow, calm rhythm;
    2. Measure your blood pressure if you have a tonometer at hand. If your blood pressure drops, drink coffee or a cup of strong tea, always with sugar.

    To prevent attacks, you can follow the following recommendations:

    1. Walking in the fresh air more often will improve oxygen saturation of the brain and reduce capillary tone.
    2. Get plenty of rest and sleep, avoid physical and nervous overload. If you suffer from insomnia, you can take sedatives after consulting your doctor.
    3. Find time to stand under a contrast shower, which strengthens blood vessels;
    4. Do therapeutic exercises that improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. A very good measure is walking, which relieves stress, restores sound and long sleep, and improves well-being.

    If dizziness and other withdrawal symptoms last longer than expected, do not improve, or get worse, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of this condition.

    How to alleviate the pathological condition

    The smoker should be aware of the consequences of quitting the bad habit. After 2-3 weeks, all negative symptoms disappear, health improves, and the brain begins to function fully.

    What should a patient do if he quit smoking and is bothered by vertigo and headaches:

    1. If vertigo suddenly occurs, you need to immediately lie down or sit down, relax, open the window, loosen the collar on your clothes, allowing access to fresh air.
    2. Check blood pressure readings; low blood pressure can often cause fainting and dizziness. It is recommended to drink rich coffee or tea with a lot of sugar (glucose quickly restores the body).
    3. When quitting nicotine abuse, you should lead a full lifestyle. Walk in the fresh air every day, visit the pool.
    4. Quitting smoking is quite difficult - it is a real stress for the human body, which needs to be helped to restore its tone. Prolonged sleep and proper rest will alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome.
    5. In addition to walking and swimming, light physical exercise and contrasting water treatments will help you cope with dizziness and nausea. All this restores the elasticity of spasmodic blood vessels, eliminates dizziness and migraine attacks.
    6. Tobacco smoking causes a lack of group B nutrients, which is why you constantly feel dizzy. After quitting tobacco, it is necessary to supplement your diet with foods rich in this vitamin. Special multivitamin complexes will also help fill the deficiency; this will restore the activity of the central nervous system.
    7. If migraine attacks or dizziness do not disappear, you should consult a psychologist or neurologist and undergo a comprehensive examination. These symptoms may indicate the development of dangerous diseases.

    Headaches, weakness, fatigue, and dizziness often accompany withdrawal symptoms. But, if you follow simple recommendations, the intensity of unpleasant symptoms can be reduced. E-cigarettes often make you feel dizzy; they are also harmful to your health.

    Your Narcologist warns: what not to do?

    During the period of nicotine withdrawal it is not recommended:

    1. Be afraid of what is happening to you. You need to discard any thoughts about returning to cigarettes. Remember: the malaise will certainly pass as soon as the body weans itself from tobacco.
    2. Thinking too much about your poor health - such thoughts lead to neuroses, and even depression
    3. Fill up the inconvenience with alcohol - otherwise, instead of one addiction, another, alcoholic one, will develop.
    4. Self-medicating, prescribing medications for yourself without talking to a doctor - this can not only worsen your condition, but also lead to dependence on medications.
    5. Start smoking again - a sudden return to cigarettes can provoke hypertension, myocardial infarction or stroke. E-liquids containing nicotine are also prohibited.

    The most important thing that is required during this period is an awareness of how important it is to give up a bad habit and say “no” to cigarettes forever.

    If you are patient and survive a few unpleasant weeks when withdrawal occurs, you will be rewarded: improved health, normal relationships with relatives and colleagues restored. Your budget will be replenished with the money you previously spent on cigarettes. You can save this money, or use it to buy nice gifts for yourself and your loved ones. In general, a new life awaits you, brighter than the previous one. For her sake, it is worth overcoming nicotine addiction and, gathering your will into a fist, surviving the withdrawal syndrome.

    After quitting smoking, former smokers suffer not only from the desire to smoke. They develop serious health problems.

    No wonder. The body had been receiving combustion products for many years, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood was increased, nicotine - an important substance for normal life - was not synthesized by the liver, but was supplied by smoking.

    When someone quits smoking, they experience symptoms that indicate health problems:

    • nervous disorders - irritation, causeless breakdowns, insomnia;
    • digestive problems - stomach pain and defecation disorders, most often constipation;
    • muscle and joint pain;
    • nausea and dizziness, sudden surges in blood pressure, heart pain.

    Why is the functioning of the cardiovascular system disrupted when quitting smoking and what to do in such a situation?

    Passive smoking

    It is impossible to talk about smoking without mentioning people who become smokers unwillingly. We will talk about passive smokers. If a person periodically stays in a room where they smoke, then such a situation does not threaten his health. But if inhalation of tobacco smoke occurs regularly, then the degree of harm to health corresponds to smoking. This applies to those people who live next to those who like to smoke in the kitchen. Over time, passive smokers experience shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches.

    Quitting smoking is more of a psychological problem than a physical one. It is much easier for a person to smoke another cigarette than to take the thorny path of fighting this bad habit. If a person manages to overcome himself, then his life will be filled with new colors, and an improvement in his general condition and mood will not take long.

    Quitting smoking is a really difficult step, and many people decide to take it only when they already have serious health problems. In order not to bring your body to such a state, you should think about quitting smoking now. Within a few days, shortness of breath will disappear, your heartbeat will normalize, and your mind will become clearer. I wish you success!

    Tobacco smoke has a negative effect on the human body, but why you feel dizzy after smoking is sometimes not possible to determine. This symptomatology is the first warning sign in which you should consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. Dizziness and nausea may indicate a serious illness.

    Most people who adhere to proper nutrition and do not abuse alcohol often experience unpleasant symptoms. They are not worried about why they feel dizzy after smoking a cigarette. The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

    1. Oxygen starvation caused by tobacco smoke.
    2. Constriction of blood vessels, as a result of increased pressure.
    3. Imbalance of the cardiovascular system.

    The body gradually gets used to the effects of drugs against hypertension, as a result they stop helping. The functioning of many systems is impaired by cigarette smoke. Elderly people who have been abusing nicotine for many years are at risk.

    Older smokers are at risk

    Causes of dizziness when quitting smoking

    Reverse adaptation - stopping the flow of nicotine and carbon monoxide into the bloodstream - requires getting used to. Whatever the methods of quitting a bad habit - immediately or gradually - nicotine withdrawal still occurs, only the painful sensations can be expressed to varying degrees.

    Nicotine has the same effect on the body as narcotic substances - albeit not so strongly expressed at one time, but with its constant intake, persistent addiction occurs. Specific reflexes are formed.

    After each cigarette smoked, the brain produced certain substances - mediators, which were synthesized independently without stimulation. If these mediators are not produced, then dizziness begins and weakness appears. Those who quit smoking have to overcome discomfort for 3-5 days - until the brain remembers how to work without “feeding”. The condition is similar to withdrawal from a drug addict, and there is no need to be alarmed when these symptoms appear.

    When smoking, there was an increased level of carbon monoxide in the blood. To prevent oxygen starvation, the vessels worked “to wear and tear”. After a decrease in carbon monoxide levels, there is no reason to increase vascular tone - the body relaxes.

    The pressure decreases, and accordingly the characteristic symptoms of this condition appear:

    • dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • sometimes nausea and loss of coordination.

    More oxygen enters the blood, and a person feels the same as when he finds himself in the countryside after a polluted city - he begins to feel dizzy from the excess oxygen. Those who quit smoking, due to the oversaturation of the brain with oxygen, at first may experience headaches, complain of constant nausea, and blocked ears.

    There is another reason why you feel dizzy when you quit smoking. Almost all former smokers experience emotional and psychological discomfort within 2 weeks - or even several months.


    This is probably the cheapest way to quit smoking, without pills or other drugs: you just need time to analyze your thoughts and a little honesty with yourself.

    This method is based on providing the most detailed answer to the question: why do I benefit from smoking?

    There are many possible answers, and everyone’s answers are different, although there are some similarities: dispel boredom; show something to colleagues (adolescence, “unusual” with colleagues); to hide something or soften something unpleasant (fear of opening a new business, insulting a rude boss) and so on.

    The great thing about this method is that if you discover any hidden (so-called secondary) benefits, you can immediately find viable options for replacing smoking with other activities that will give the same result.

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