Sedatives for depression and neurosis: medications and folk recipes

People face minor troubles and problems at work every day. Irritating factors unbalance a person. The result can be depression, neurosis, apathy, and a nervous breakdown. Pharmacology is constantly evolving, the market is filled with drugs for stress and anxiety, and there are suitable tablets for all groups of patients, including pregnant women and children. To choose the right medicine for nerves and stress, you need to study all the advantages and disadvantages of commercially available products.

When should you take the pills?

You need to start taking pills when symptoms of stress remain, even if all the negative events have ended.

These symptoms include:

  1. Insomnia or short sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, frequently waking up in the middle of the night, or waking up too early.
  2. Severe irritability, unreasonable aggression, increased excitability.
  3. Problems with appetite. For example, complete refusal of food or, conversely, eating excessive amounts of sweets.
  4. The appearance or resumption of bad habits - craving for smoking, alcohol, itching of the skin.
  5. Loss of interest in life, reluctance to do what you love or work, indifference to everything.
  6. Lack of strength, physical weakness, headaches, nausea, low blood pressure.
  7. Tearfulness, self-pity.

Often people look for a cure for stress and depression so that they can get rid of them by taking one pill. However, not all remedies can immediately restore peace of mind. Ideally, the drug should be prescribed by a specialist. If a person selects the pills himself, he will have to study the indications and contraindications.

Types of drugs

All drugs for stress and nerves are a large group of drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system.

According to their pharmacological effects, they are divided into:

  1. Neuroleptics are a group of drugs that are prescribed for neuroses, as they cause inhibition of the central nervous system. They have a sedative, hypnotic effect and relax muscles. Admission is accompanied by side effects.
  2. Antidepressants are drugs that fight depression. Symptoms of depression include lack of mood, suicidal thoughts, and impaired thought processes. Antidepressants help manage these symptoms, but also have a number of side effects.
  3. Tranquilizers are drugs that should only be taken under the supervision of a physician. By suppressing a person’s emotions, pills help relieve anxiety, fear, and get rid of phobias, but they can be addictive.
  4. Nootropics are pills that improve blood circulation in the brain and restore nerve fibers. Medicines improve mood and prevent depression. Can be taken to improve brain function.
  5. Sedatives are sedatives made from natural ingredients. The composition contains mint, valerian, motherwort. Relieves nervous tension, has a calming effect, and does not cause drowsiness.

Drug therapy

Calming medications are the basis for the treatment of depression and neuroses. They are prescribed to patients who have had these diagnoses confirmed. You should not try to independently select medications that belong to this pharmaceutical group. This task should be entrusted to a competent doctor who is able to select adequate treatment.

Sedative tranquilizers

The dosage of the drug is selected individually by the attending physician.

Sedatives, which belong to the group of tranquilizers, have a powerful effect. The main task of these drugs is to suppress human emotions. Therefore, after taking the pills, the patient becomes very calm and apathetic to everything that surrounds him at the moment. Thanks to sedative tranquilizers, a person gets rid of excessive stress, which is caused by prolonged experience of stressful situations.

Drugs of this type have side effects that may appear from the first dose of the drug. Often, a person undergoing this course of treatment experiences a decrease in concentration and performance.

Psychiatrists prescribe sedative tranquilizers to patients who have been diagnosed with the following pathological conditions:

  • anxiety;
  • neuroses;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • sleep problems;
  • constant feeling of anxiety;
  • increased excitability.

Sedatives help calm the nervous system. This treatment is prescribed exclusively to adult patients. Children are prohibited from taking tranquilizers.

Important! In case of uncontrolled use of medications of this drug group, the patient becomes dependent on them.

Most often, doctors prescribe sedative tranquilizers such as Lorazepam and Bromazepam to patients.


If a patient with depression exhibits symptoms of nervousness, he is prescribed mood stabilizers

Treatment of depression can be supplemented with mood-timing drugs. They are designed to combat mood swings, irritability and increased excitability. Taking a dose of these drugs normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, due to which a person’s general well-being improves.

Specialists include mood-timing drugs in the course of drug treatment if the patient has the following symptoms:

  • impulsiveness;
  • affective disorder;
  • nervousness.

Often, such drugs are used to prevent nervous disorders in people who are prone to such pathologies.

Normotimics are especially in demand in the treatment of depression, which occurs accompanied by mania. It is worth noting that these drugs are characterized by the presence of non-dangerous side effects that occur in a small percentage of patients.

The most popular mood stabilizers are Lomotrigine and Olanzapine.


Tiapride is available only with a doctor's prescription

Antipsychotics are good for depression. They are characterized by rapid action, therefore they are recommended for use during severe attacks. Their main disadvantage is that drugs in this group calm the patient’s nervous system only for a short period of time.

Antipsychotics can affect the part of the brain that is responsible for mental disorders. The drugs also affect healthy parts of the organ. For this reason, they can negatively affect their activities and lead to various disorders.

Medicines in this group are indicated for the following ailments:

  • serious mental disorders;
  • acute or chronic form of schizophrenia;
  • amnesia, which is accompanied by uncontrolled physical and speech activity;
  • chronic depression.

Antipsychotics include Tiapride and Azaleptin. These and other drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy only after providing a prescription from your doctor.

Herbal products

Drug treatment of depression and neuroses is often supplemented with medications that are based on herbal components. Such products can be purchased at any pharmacy. You do not need to provide a prescription from a doctor for this.

By calming the nervous system and treating depressive neuroses with the help of herbal preparations, you can not be afraid of developing new health problems, since such drugs have a minimal list of side effects.

Products based on herbal ingredients provide a cumulative effect. Therefore, you should not expect instant action from them.

Herbal medicines do not have a negative effect on the pancreas and liver, unlike other drugs. The lack of synthetic components affects their effectiveness, so they are considered less effective. Most of these remedies are made from the leaves, stems and roots of medicinal herbs, which have sedative properties. These include valerian, St. John's wort, peony, motherwort and passionflower.

The most effective natural-based sedatives are Neuroplant and Alora.

Vitamin therapy

Tryptophan is taken half an hour before meals

Long-term depression may indicate a lack of certain substances in the body that regulate the functioning of internal systems. These include vitamins of different groups and microelements. Therefore, doctors recommend that patients with neuroses and depressive disorders take vitamin complexes. They must include the components listed in the table.

TryptophanThis is the name of an amino acid that affects a person's mood. It is present in foods enriched with protein, carbohydrates and sugars. To get enough tryptophan, you should eat shrimp, bananas, cottage cheese, chicken, dates and hard cheeses.
Amino acid deficiency leads to a person's feeling of despondency.

Tryptophans are often present in antidepressants.

DopamineThe substance takes an active part in the conduction of nerve impulses.
Its deficiency is the main cause of depressed mood and depression in a person. In order to increase the level of dopamine in the body, experts recommend regularly introducing foods such as beef liver, green vegetables, squid, eggs and dairy products into your diet.
Zinc and magnesiumThe lack of these elements in the human body leads to serious depression.
Their deficiency explains the appearance of feelings of depression and apathy in women after childbirth. Regular consumption of rice, oatmeal, carrots, asparagus and grapefruits allows you to compensate for the lack of important substances. It is also worth diversifying your menu with natural yoghurts, seafood and turkey.

If a change in diet does not allow normalizing the level of vitamins and other valuable substances in the body, then the patient is prescribed medications that contain them.

Homeopathic remedies

In some cases, psychiatrists prescribe homeopathic medicines to patients with depression and neuroses. This therapy involves the patient taking safe medications that are not addictive and do not cause the development of various adverse reactions.

Homeopathic medicines are not able to suppress brain functions. They only improve the functioning of the organ. This result is achieved subject to the correct selection of remedies by a professional homeopath.

Experts recommend homeopathic remedies such as Platinum and Cocculus. These and other medications contain components that normalize the functioning of the entire human body.

Doctors advise combining homeopathic medicines with various physiotherapeutic procedures. Most often they are combined with acupuncture sessions, color therapy or leech treatment.


Many sedatives are made from natural ingredients. Such medications are effective and do not harm the body.

Valerian tincture

Valerian tincture is a liquid that is made only from the root of the plant. The tincture consists of 70% alcohol, and 2% essential oil.

Advantages of this tool:

  1. Helps restore sleep.
  2. Has a calming effect.
  3. It's inexpensive.

To maintain performance and eliminate drowsiness, take the tincture up to 3 times a day, following the dosage. The remedy acts gradually, after a week the person quickly falls asleep and does not experience anxiety.

For an adult, the dose of valerian is no more than 20 drops. Do not take the tincture after the expiration date and give the product to children.


Motherwort is an herbal remedy that combats nervous system disorders. It has been proven that motherwort in tablets can cure many diseases. For example, it normalizes hormonal levels, blood pressure and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is often prescribed for VSD, hypertension and nervous diseases.

Motherwort reduces concentration, so it is not suitable for those who drive a car.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • recently undergone operations.

For sleep disorders, it is better to take motherwort in the form of a tincture than in tablets. It will relieve insomnia in 2-3 weeks.


Persen is a safe natural drug, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by many. It is available without a doctor's prescription and has minimal side effects.

Persen contains valerian, mint and lemon balm. These substances are helped by corn starch and cellulose. The tablets have a sedative effect and are prescribed to people with increased aggression and anxiety.

Persen helps to cope with difficult life situations, insomnia and irritability. When taken for a long time, it causes side effects.

These include:

  • constipation;
  • impaired concentration;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.


Negrustin is a herbal remedy that has an antidepressant effect. It contains St. John's wort extract, cellulose, magnesium stearate and other substances.

After taking the drug, the patient’s mood improves, performance increases, and insomnia disappears. St. John's wort herb extract has a sedative effect.

Fair-skinned people should avoid sunbathing while taking the pills, as this can lead to photosensitivity.

Side effects that may occur:

  • urticaria, itching, rash;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.


Novo-Passit is a herbal remedy that calms and relieves symptoms of anxiety disorders. The drug contains a complex of components: valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn and hops.

The drug normalizes blood pressure and sleep, relieves anxiety and stress. It is prescribed for VSD, nervous disorders and mental stress.

The medicine begins to act within an hour after administration, but has side effects.

Side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

Novo-Passit is not recommended to be taken together with hormonal contraceptives; their effect may be weakened.

Popular medications for fear and anxiety


Afobazol. Afobazole is an anxiolytic drug that is used to eliminate anxiety, neurasthenia, and adaptation disorders. The effect of the drug inhibits the emotional-stress response of the human body. The drug Afobazol restores the functions of neurons and provides protection to the cells of the central nervous system.

Adaptol. The drug Adaptol is an anxiolytic produced in Latvia. It is used in the treatment of mental disorders of any etiology. It has a calming effect, which is not accompanied by disturbances in coordination of movements and myorexation. It does not contribute to a decrease in mental and motor activity, for this reason it is allowed to take Adaptol tablets during work and school hours.

Atarax. The drug Atarax is a Belgian-made tranquilizer, successfully used in psychiatry. One of the few anxiolytic drugs, the use of which is approved for patients in the younger age group (from 12 months). It has many contraindications and is dangerous for the development of severe adverse reactions. For this reason, it is released from pharmacies strictly according to a prescription in Latin. Has a sedative, antihistamine effect. It has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions and improves concentration.

Grandaxin. One of the daytime antidepressants is Grandaxin. A tranquilizer is a benzodiazepine. When used systemically in recommended dosages, it provides an anxiolytic effect. At the same time, it is practically not accompanied by sedative, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects. An antidepressant based on tofizopam is a psychovegetative regulator

Tenoten. Tenoten relieves psycho-emotional stress and has a nootropic and vegetotropic effect.

Phenibut. A nootropic drug was developed to eliminate the symptoms of nervous disorders:

  • obsessive-compulsive neurosis, which is accompanied by increased anxiety and frightening thoughts;
  • nervous tic;
  • enuresis, stuttering (in children);
  • anxiety-neurotic and asthenic conditions;
  • psychopathy;
  • urinary retention caused by myelodysplasia;
  • sleep disturbance, nightmares (in elderly patients).

Novo-Passit. Novo-Passit is prescribed to eliminate anxiety and improve sleep. This is a sedative medicine based on herbal ingredients. Prescribed by doctors in the following cases:

  • neurotic conditions;
  • neurasthenia;
  • irritability, anxiety, conditions accompanied by absent-mindedness, fatigue, nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine, which manifests itself with constant nervous overstrain;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • neurocircular dystonia (in complex treatment);
  • itchy dermatoses associated with mental stress.

Characteristics of strong antidepressants

Strong antidepressants are prescribed to those who suffer from serious nervous diseases. Drugs in this group affect the central nervous system and relieve symptoms of stress and depression.


Afobazole is a mild-acting tranquilizer that is not addictive. It treats anxiety in adults that is caused by various factors. For example, when a person is worried about an upcoming operation, exam or other event. The product works well against mental disorders.

Afobazole is available in the form of tablets with the active substance fabomotizole. Starch, cellulose, and magnesium stearate help it cope with nerve diseases. The tablets are compatible with alcohol and do not cause intoxication.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Relieves irritability.
  2. Eliminates tearfulness.
  3. Removes feelings of anxiety and restlessness.
  4. Relieves insomnia.
  5. Relieves any type of anxiety.
  6. Improves memory.

The positive effect appears a week after starting to take the pills.


Phenibut is a nootropic drug and is recommended for those who struggle with psycho-emotional stress. The drug has a weak tranquilizing effect. The main component of the tablets is aminophenylbutyric acid; it relieves anxiety and stress, but does not affect human performance.

The drug can be taken by both adults and children.

Indications for use include:

  • anxiety-neurotic conditions;
  • neurosis, psychopathy;
  • insomnia, apathy;
  • problems with the vestibular system;
  • Meniere's disease.

Phenibut is taken for 2-3 weeks. If no strong side effects are identified, then the course is increased to 4-6 weeks.


Phenazepam is a strong tranquilizer. Treatment takes place only under the supervision of a doctor, since the reaction to the pills can be unpredictable. If you take the drug for a long time and uncontrollably, it can aggravate the problems and push the patient to commit suicide.

Phenazepam has a strong effect on the central nervous system, dulls the feeling of fear and anxiety. The substances in the drug affect the brain. This is reflected in a decrease in aggressiveness and nervousness.

Exceeding the dose prescribed by your doctor is dangerous.

The consequences of an overdose are manifested:

  • retardation of movements;
  • slurred speech;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • coma.

The course of taking pills should not exceed 2 weeks, otherwise addiction may develop. The drug itself is prescribed to patients in small doses. If the drug is abruptly discontinued, insomnia and depression may develop.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of anti-fear pills are as follows:

  • Poor sleep, usually insomnia;
  • Nervous disorders, frequent neuroses;
  • Psychopathic conditions;
  • Various deviations from the norm (weakness, dizziness, poor spatial orientation);
  • Epilepsy and its various forms;
  • Excitability and causeless aggression;
  • State of tension;
  • Fear, anxiety and panic;
  • Irritability and twitchiness;
  • Apathetic state and fatigue;
  • Tiki of various types;
  • Neurotic conditions.


Psychostimulants are a group of drugs that are prescribed to increase the body's activity.


Amylonosar is a nootropic drug. It improves brain function by increasing cerebral circulation and dilating blood vessels. It is prescribed to older people who suffer from depressive disorder and asthenia.

In combination with other drugs, amylonosar is prescribed to adults for the treatment of alcohol intoxication and the prevention of migraines.

Side effects may occur from the central nervous system:

  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.


Pantogam is a nootropic drug that increases mental and physical performance. The active substance is the calcium salt of hopantenic acid. It affects the brain, making it resistant to toxin poisoning.

Pantogam is prescribed to patients with various diseases of the central nervous system.

The drug is prescribed for:

  • neuroses, stuttering;
  • developmental delay in children, cerebral palsy;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia with signs of inhibition.

When taking the drug, you need to take into account the dosage, which differs for different diseases. It is not recommended to use Pantogam in combination with other nootropics. Also, the product is not compatible with alcohol and can cause intoxication.


Phenotropil belongs to the group of nootropics. It improves brain function, increases mental abilities and concentration. Under psycho-emotional stress, the patient's stamina increases and his mood improves.

Phenotropil has found its main use in neurology; it is used to treat disorders of the nervous system.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Treats depressive conditions at different stages.
  2. Helps develop resistance to stressful situations.
  3. Improves memory.
  4. Coping with schizophrenia.
  5. Restores metabolic processes in the brain.

All diseases treated with phenotropil are complex and require consultation with a doctor. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take the drug, however, the negative effect of the drug on fetal development has not been confirmed.

Symptoms of depression

With depression, a person constantly feels worthless

Taking sedatives is indicated for patients who have identified symptoms of depressive disorder and neurosis. Drug treatment must be supervised by the attending physician. Otherwise, such therapy may have negative consequences for human health.

Medicines that help calm the nervous system should cope with the symptoms of neuroses and depression. Such tablets are offered to patients who have the following signs of pathology:

  1. Consistently bad mood.
  2. Insomnia or increased sleepiness.
  3. A significant decrease in total body weight, which is observed due to the patient’s refusal to eat normally. In some cases, patients develop a strong appetite, which leads to the appearance of extra pounds.
  4. A sharp decrease in interest in any type of activity that previously brought pleasure and excitement to a person.
  5. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt that don't really exist.
  6. The inability to concentrate on a specific topic or thought, the appearance of obvious indecisiveness in the deeds being performed.
  7. Low motor activity and decreased intellectual activity. In some cases, doctors note the appearance of psychomotor agitation.
  8. Loss of energy.
  9. The appearance of thoughts about committing suicide, which are obsessive in nature.

Doctors can diagnose a patient with mental illness if they exhibit at least 5 of the symptoms listed above.

A person himself may notice that something wrong is happening to him. Also, signs of the disease are visible to people who are close to the patient. They are a good reason to contact a specialist. Do not hesitate to visit a doctor, as every day the patient’s condition will only worsen. In addition, there is a high probability that he will deliberately cause harm to himself, which can lead to death.


Tranquilizers are drugs that relieve a person of anxiety and tension, have a calming and hypnotic effect.


This is a daily drug without anticonvulsant effect. It is often prescribed to people suffering from VSD, myopathy and myosthenia. Does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms.

The drug has many side effects:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased appetite;
  • muscle tension;
  • irritability.

The sedative effect is enhanced if Grandaxin is taken with other sedatives.


Mebikar is a tranquilizer that is prescribed for mental disorders, neurasthenia, hypomania and for the treatment of addictions. The most important effect of the medicine is to reduce agitation and anxiety. The components of Mebicar saturate the heart muscle with oxygen, but the drug is not used in cardiology.

There are almost no contraindications, the product does not cause drowsiness or addiction, but is not recommended for pregnant women.


Diazepam is a drug that depresses the nervous system. The drug has a sedative, anti-anxiety, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effect. After use, the person relaxes, stops feeling nervous tension, and falls asleep well.

The drug is prescribed to patients with epilepsy and panic attacks. Available in the form of tablets, suppositories and solution. The course of treatment should not be more than two months to avoid addiction.

Contraindications include:

  • allergies;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • brain damage.


Sedatives are called sedatives that weaken excitation processes in the brain.


Passionflower is a plant that has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

The medicine treats conditions such as:

  • stress;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • menopause;
  • alcoholism;
  • depression.

Substances contained in the plant increase serotonin levels and improve a person’s mood. The product relaxes muscles, has an anticonvulsant effect, increases performance and normalizes sleep.


Valocormid is a herbal remedy that contains belladonna, valerian, lily of the valley and menthol. Use with caution when driving a car or other activities that require increased attention.

Prescribed as a sedative for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Side effects include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache.


Corvalol - transparent drops with a specific odor.

The main components are:

  1. Phenobarbital - enhances the sedative effect and has a hypnotic effect.
  2. Ethyl ether has an antispasmodic effect.

Pregnant women and people with renal and hepatic insufficiency should take with caution.


Neuroleptics are a group of medications that treat mental disorders.


Aminazine is a neuroleptic drug that gives a strong sedative effect. With an increased dosage, the drug causes inhibition of movements.

Positive action:

  1. Reduces and reduces the feeling of fear.
  2. Eliminates psychomotor agitation.
  3. Relieves hiccups and gag reflex.

The drug is prescribed to people with schizophrenia, chronic psychosis and other mental illnesses.

Negative consequences:

  • visual impairment;
  • weight gain;
  • in women - menstrual irregularities;
  • in men - impotence.


Zeldox is an antipsychotic drug that comes in capsule form.

Prescribed to patients with:

  • depressive states;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • apathy.

It should not be used with alcohol, as the drug depresses the central nervous system. Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to ziprasidone, with myocardial infarction, with arrhythmia and during pregnancy. A reduced dose of the drug is prescribed for liver failure.


Etaperazine is a drug whose active substance is perphenazine.

His actions:

  • antiemetic;
  • sedative;
  • anticholinergic;
  • hypotensive.

The drug is prescribed for psycho-emotional disorders, neuroses, schizophrenia, psychopathy, vomiting, psychosis. Prescribe with caution to children over 12 years of age and pregnant women.

High risk of occurrence during therapy:

  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • nightmares.


Combination products combine several active substances.


Phytosedan is a herbal collection that includes the herbs of sweet clover, oregano, motherwort, thyme and valerian. A decoction is prepared from the collection and consumed internally for 10 days. It has an antispasmodic effect.

The decoction helps improve sleep, promotes natural sleep, and relieves anxious thoughts. In exceptional cases, phytosedan may cause an allergic reaction.


A herbal remedy that has a strong sedative and hypnotic effect. The composition contains several components: belladonna, hawthorn, oats, lemon balm, motherwort and hops.

Phytosed is available in tablet form. After use, a person feels calm and relieves nervous tension. People who are heavily loaded with school or work experience improved performance and mental abilities.

It is not recommended for use by women during breastfeeding and people with bleeding disorders.


Dormiplant contains ethanol, valerian and lemon balm. It is prescribed to patients who suffer from insomnia or wake up frequently during the night.

The drug reduces concentration and is not recommended for those who drive a car. This drug should not be used to treat children under 6 years of age, women expecting a baby, or people with kidney failure.

What is a nervous breakdown

Previously, the term “nervous breakdown” or “nervous disorder” was used to describe a number of mental illnesses. It is not used in modern psychiatry; the diagnosis of “nervous breakdown” is not found in the generally accepted ICD-10 diagnostic system or in the scientific psychological literature.

However, the words “nervous breakdown” refer to the acute phase of a specific mental disorder, for example, depressive or post-traumatic. This condition can be experienced by a person who has not been diagnosed with a mental illness but has been exposed to stress for a long time.

Nervous disorder should not be confused with acute stress reaction, a condition that develops in people without obvious mental disorders in response to a difficult emotional or physical situation. A nervous breakdown is usually the result of prolonged exposure to less intense stress, while an acute reaction occurs in the immediate hours after a specific traumatic event and resolves quite quickly (within a few hours or at most a couple of days).

A nervous breakdown, although not a diagnosis, is a serious psychological condition that requires professional help. Often it is he who helps a person discover a mental disorder.

No hypnotic effect

The list of drugs that do not have a hypnotic effect is small. Most drugs still combine a sedative effect with a sleeping pill.


This remedy activates the production of serotonin, which helps improve mood and calm nerves.

The drug does not cause drowsiness and has a lot of positive properties:

  1. Prevents weight gain.
  2. Can be taken in combination with other medications.
  3. Does not affect blood pressure.

It should not be taken by people with heart and vascular diseases, and long-term use can lead to dependence.


Valoserdin are clear drops that are taken orally before meals. A few drops are mixed with water and taken for a week. If the patient has tachycardia, the amount can be increased.

Since the drops contain ethyl alcohol, the product is prohibited for alcoholics and people with kidney, liver, and heart diseases.


Sedavit is available in the form of tablets and solution. It normalizes the functioning of the heart and nervous system. After taking it, a person feels that nervous tension disappears and anxiety goes away.

In addition to plant extracts, the composition contains vitamins. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

After taking it, some side effects may occur:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • dermatitis.

Side effects of medication for anxiety and fear

When starting to take medications, a person often encounters the wrong use of drugs, overdose, and combinations with other drugs. Side symptoms are as follows:

  • A person’s reaction to a particular action becomes significantly slower;
  • Blood pressure decreases;
  • Movement coordination changes;
  • Stomach upset occurs (constipation, diarrhea, nausea);
  • Allergies (redness, rash, scabies);
  • Bladder problems (urinary retention);
  • Epilepsy seizures (in rare cases);
  • Confusion in thoughts and consciousness;
  • The composition of the blood changes (the level of leukocytes and neutrophils decreases);
  • Changes in mood (either euphoria or a sharp state of apathy may occur);
  • Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath, lump in throat, feeling of suffocation);
  • Heart problems until it stops.

Fear pills can also cause psychological and physical dependence.

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How to choose

It is better to buy anti-stress pills after consulting a doctor. Each group of drugs affects the body differently. The choice depends on the type of stress and the main symptoms.

Types of stress

Stress is the body's reaction to nervous tension, overwork and negative emotions.

There are several types of stress:

  1. Eustress is mild, not severe stress.
  2. Distress is stress that the body cannot cope with. It can lead to various diseases.
  3. Emotional stress is a person’s experience of conflict situations.
  4. Psychological stress is stress that is caused by social factors.

What is the danger

Stress is dangerous for the body, as it affects the functioning of all organs.

Diseases that can be acquired due to stress:

  • allergic rash;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • obesity;
  • heart attack, stroke;
  • neurosis.

Main symptoms

There are several symptoms that are characteristic of a stressful state.

The main signs of stress are:

  • irritability, unreasonable aggression;
  • insomnia;
  • weakness, lethargy, lack of physical energy;
  • problems with concentration and brain function;
  • tearfulness, self-pity, pessimism;
  • decreased appetite.

At the first symptoms of stress and depression, you should start taking medication, preferably herbal.

Signs of a nervous breakdown

Anything that causes more stress than a particular person can handle can lead to a nervous breakdown. It all depends on the intensity of the situation, its duration and the adaptive abilities of the nervous system. Common causes of nervous breakdowns: loss of a job or relationship, long-term inability to adapt to a new team, chronic illnesses, work that is associated with constant increased stress, abusive relationships, bereavement.

There can be many symptoms, as well as causes, of a nervous disorder. The most important of them, which allows us to talk about a breakdown, is the loss of normal functionality for a person. Here's how a nervous disorder can manifest itself:

  • Social isolation. The person begins to avoid events that previously gave him pleasure, as well as meetings with friends and family. According to Miami psychiatrist Dr. Delvena Thomas:

A common sign of a nervous breakdown is withdrawal from your community and environment. The person no longer interacts with his family and friends and is no longer considered fully functional.

  • Mood swings and strong emotions, tearfulness, irritability. At the moment of breakdown, a person loses the ability to control his feelings, which is why they can take on hypertrophied forms.

During a nervous breakdown, fear can turn into terror, sadness into despair and hopelessness, and anger into rage.

- says licensed psychologist at the American University of Cincinnati, Maria Espinola.

  • Dramatic changes in lifestyle. A person loses sleep, begins to abuse alcohol, loses appetite, stops paying attention to hygiene, and looks for any excuse to miss work. A sudden loss of the ability to lead a normal life can warn of an impending nervous breakdown. And when this state of “falling out of the rut” drags on, we can already talk about depression.
  • Physical symptoms. Sometimes a nervous breakdown takes the form of a panic attack: a person experiences rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, chills or hot flashes, and chest pain.

Read on topic: Post-traumatic anger disorder: how to recover from life’s difficulties

What sedatives can you take?

There are two groups of patients for whom drugs should be selected with caution. These include pregnant women and children.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, pregnant women's hormonal levels change, which also affects their mental state. A woman may become tearful, experience insomnia, and develop a feeling of anxiety.

The safest drugs for pregnant women are:

  • glycine;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • valerian;
  • novo-passit;
  • person;
  • validol.

For children

Doctors prescribe herbal preparations and nootropics for children.

These include:

  • children's tenoten;
  • pantogam;
  • phenibut;
  • glycine;
  • magnesium B6;
  • person;
  • Dietary supplement Bunny.

Fear pills for little ones

Children also often experience intense fear. At these moments, an adult should try to overcome it on a psychological level and eliminate the problem. But sometimes situations happen in which it is not possible to extinguish fear. At such moments, medical remedies for fear for children come to the rescue. But you need to look closely at them, because in addition to their main function - suppressing fear - they must be non-toxic and not harmful to the child’s body.

Traditional methods

To get rid of depression and stress, you don’t have to immediately buy anti-nerve pills. To begin with, you can try traditional methods of treatment.

The best herbs

The best herbs for treating the nervous system are lemon balm, mint, hop cones, motherwort and yarrow.

Several ways to prepare a sedative at home:

  1. Brew 1 teaspoon of mint and lemon balm in a glass of boiling water. The decoction should steep for 10 minutes, and then it can be consumed.
  2. Pour two cups of boiling water into 2 teaspoons of chamomile, hop cones and lemon balm. The broth should be infused for 2 hours, after which it should be strained and cooled. The decoction is consumed 3-4 times a day, 2 tablespoons, and can be added to black tea.
  3. Brew 3 hop cones with 200 ml of hot water and leave for 20 minutes. After this, the decoction is added to tea along with honey and drunk 1 glass a day to normalize sleep and mood.
  4. Mix 2 tablespoons of mint, yarrow, St. John's wort and chamomile in a separate container. Pour a liter of boiling water over them and leave overnight. Use every day for a week 30 minutes before meals.
  5. Pour 5 tablespoons of St. John's wort into 1 liter of water and put on fire. The mixture should be boiled for 20 minutes and then filtered. After the decoction has cooled, it is taken an hour before meals.

Juices and teas

To relieve tension, in addition to decoctions, you can drink other drinks.

These include:

  1. Green tea improves mood and performance, relieves depression.
  2. Pu-erh invigorates, relieves anxiety, gives confidence.
  3. Carrot juice provides the body with vitamins.
  4. Celery juice - relieves stress and fatigue, maintains a positive mood.

Folk remedies

Tea with lemon balm helps with excessive irritability

It is worth using folk remedies in the fight against depression if they are seasonal or occur after the birth of a child. More severe cases must be treated with medication.

Traditional methods of treating depression and neuroses are useful if the cause of the disorder is a deficiency in the body of certain substances that regulate the functioning of the nervous system.

Traditional therapy is based on the use of antidepressants in the form of herbal remedies. It is usually recommended to use tinctures, decoctions and food products enriched with magnesium and other valuable substances.

The following remedies help reduce nervousness and provide a sedative (calming) effect, which is required for depression and neurasthenia:

  • Ginseng tincture. The medicine is prepared on the basis of plant materials. It is usually recommended to use leaves or roots. They need to be filled with 60% alcohol and left for a whole month. The proportion of the main ingredients is 1:10. The finished composition should be taken orally, 15-20 drops. They are allowed to be diluted in drinking water.
  • Hawthorn decoction. You need to take 20 g of dried berries and pour them with a full glass of water. All components of the decoction must be placed on the stove and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. Afterwards, remove the container with the medicine and let it brew for the next half hour. Take a full glass of the prepared decoction every day. It is advisable to divide the entire dose of the drink into several doses.
  • Tea with lemon balm. This plant has a powerful sedative effect, so it is recommended for use in the treatment of mental disorders. Melissa leaves are recommended to be added to warm tea. You can make decoctions based on young shoots of the herb. They are prepared in the same way as regular teas, by brewing.
  • Tincture based on Manchurian Aralia. The roots of the medicinal plant must be thoroughly crushed before preparation. Afterwards they need to be filled with 70% alcohol. When mixing the main ingredients, you should adhere to the optimal proportion of 1:5. After a week of infusion, you can take 15 drops twice a day.

Folk remedies help well if a person is worried about a minor mental health disorder. Despite their relative safety, it is recommended to first discuss with a specialist the possibility of treatment with methods offered by alternative medicine.

Alternative methods to deal with stress

In the modern world, people experience fatigue and irritability every day. In addition to using medications and medicinal decoctions, you can deal with stress in other ways.

These include:

  1. Sports . When aggression occurs, a person needs to throw out negative energy. While playing sports, a person gets rid of negativity, thereby improving his mood and healing his body.
  2. Yoga . Yoga classes relax the body well, allow the body to escape from bad thoughts and calm the nerves.
  3. Music . Calm, harmonious music has a positive effect on a person. When listening, your mood improves and a charge of vivacity appears.
  4. Relaxing baths . This method is suitable for those people who are tired after a hard day at work. If you add a few drops of aromatic oil to your bath, fatigue and nervous tension will go away.
  5. Breathing exercises . In combination with yoga it gives a positive result. Exercises help normalize your heartbeat, calm your nerves and put your thoughts in order.

About the dangers of self-medication

Self-medication is always unsafe, regardless of the symptoms of the disease.

There are several reasons:

  1. A person himself cannot always correctly diagnose himself. This will lead to improper treatment and exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Some medications need to be monitored. To do this, you should take certain tests and adjust the dosage.
  3. The attending physician should monitor the effect of the drug on the human body. If unpleasant effects occur, the doctor should reduce the dosage or prescribe another remedy.

Self-medication is a dangerous activity that leads to the worsening of existing diseases and the development of new ones. The best cure for nerves, anger and stress is a positive outlook on life, the desire to see the good in everything and not take minor troubles to heart. Elena Malysheva talks about how to cope with stress.

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