Mexidol, 125 mg, film-coated tablets, 30 pcs.

Why can Mexidil give you a headache?

While taking Mexidol, many patients experience headaches. Can Mexidol give you a headache? It's worth understanding this well.

Mexidol is a medical drug that is a strong antioxidant and antihypoxic agent. It is produced in the form of tablets and solution, in ampoules for injection.

The versatility of this drug has been proven more than once. Because of this, it is widely used in surgery, therapy, neurologists, ophthalmologists and other fields of medicine.

Its greatest effectiveness is in helping patients who often experience pain and dizziness.

Indications for the use of Mexidol in tablet form are:

  • Traumatic brain injuries and their various consequences.
  • Encephalopathy of any kind.
  • Consequences of vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Stress.
  • With oxygen starvation of tissues.
  • Memory loss in old age.
  • Neuroses of varying degrees.
  • Depressive states after nervous breakdowns, sad events in life.
  • Alcohol and drug addiction.
  • Disorders of the nervous system.
  • Ischemic disease, ischemic attacks.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

Mexidol is prescribed intravenously and intramuscularly for all of the above diseases, as well as for eye glaucoma, myocardial infarction, various disorders of the cerebral circulation, peritonitis, pancreatitis.

Mexidol for the head is strictly contraindicated for use:

  • pregnant women at any stage. The effect and degree of risk of the drug on the development and health of the unborn baby is still unknown;
  • women during breastfeeding. There is a high likelihood of harmful effects on the baby’s health through breast milk;
  • children under 14 years of age. The child’s body is unpredictable, it is not always possible to predict its reaction to such a strong drug, and the constituent components of the drug are not practiced in the treatment of children;
  • with renal and liver failure. These organs have a very thin membrane structure. And after Mexidol, it will negatively affect the lining of these organs, significantly increase their size and worsen the condition;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

During a course of treatment with Mexidol, it is not recommended to drive vehicles and to postpone work that requires a lot of concentration.

Doctors do not prescribe Mexidol together with antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and antiparkinsonian drugs.


Injections and tablets are prescribed with caution in combination with:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Antiepileptic.
  • Antiparkinsonian.
  • Psychotropic groups of drugs.

Mexidol for headaches is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant women at any stage of gestation . There is no data on the effect of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine on fetal development.
  • Nursing mothers . Active components penetrate into milk in large quantities and can negatively affect the well-being of the baby and its further development.
  • Children under 14 years old . The body of children under this age can react unpredictably to such a powerful drug, which is why it is not used in pediatrics.
  • For renal and liver failure . Mexidol negatively affects the membranes of the liver and kidneys, increases their size and worsens their condition, so it is contraindicated in these diseases.
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.

While undergoing treatment, you should refrain from driving vehicles and performing work that requires increased attention.

What do Mexidol tablets help with?

Despite its relatively mild and gentle effect on the body’s condition, the product provides a pronounced effect on metabolic processes. Thanks to regular use, you can achieve improved blood circulation, oxygen supply to the brain and heart muscle.

Through use, the supply of neurons with an oxygen element is activated, and the parameter for generating seizures in the brain increases. The drug's effect is aimed at eliminating and alleviating signs of oxygen starvation, coronary artery disease, and circulatory disorders.

When considering the question of Mexidol, what tablets help with, it is worth noting a whole list of indications for their use.

  • Neutralization of the consequences of negative conditions caused by circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • elimination of factors of traumatic brain injury, encephalopathy;
  • complex therapy in the case of ischemia of the heart muscle, problems and difficulties with sleep, stressful bodily conditions, cognitive disorders, problems with concentration;
  • effective fight against the manifestations of diabetes mellitus;
  • elimination of the consequences of the process of intoxication with alcoholic beverages.

The price of the tablet is low and depends on where the medicine is purchased, as well as on some other factors. The average cost is from 200 rubles per package. Information about Mexidol, what it helps with, is provided for informational purposes.

Mexidol is allowed to be used simultaneously with all medications prescribed for the treatment of somatic diseases.

Mexidol, when taken together with benzodiazepine derivatives, antidepressants, anxiolytics, antiparkinsonian, and anticonvulsants, enhances their effect.

The medicine reduces the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol.

Acute cerebrovascular accidents are successfully treated with Mexidol solution. In this case, it is administered by drip. To ensure that the injection causes less discomfort, the frequency should not exceed 60 drops per minute. Otherwise, unwanted reactions may occur and the IV will have to be removed.

In case of severe pathologies, jet administration of the drug is indicated. To do this, it is diluted in special sterile water for injection.

The duration of the procedure reaches 7 minutes. If the time is shortened, a painful injection can worsen the patient’s well-being.

The course of treatment and dosage are selected individually, but not more than 800 mg per day. The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved by gradually increasing the dose.

Intravenous injection of Mexidol helps to quickly and effectively relieve a serious condition in cardiovascular pathologies, in particular strokes.

Side effects

The drug is addictive, so patients should take it strictly as prescribed by the doctor, without exceeding the dosage and course of treatment. It is known that dizziness and headaches occur not only with any disease, but also during uncontrolled use of medications.

Can Mexidol cause any unpleasant symptoms? The negative consequences of taking Mexidol include:

  • Increased dry mouth.
  • Digestive disorder.
  • Nausea, in rare cases vomiting.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Drowsiness, constant fatigue.
  • Skin rashes, itching, urticaria.

The drug does not affect blood pressure and heart vessels, but it was noted that large doses of Mexidol cause pain and dizziness. Therefore, it should not be abused. A headache may also occur after abrupt withdrawal in case of long-term use of the medication (for example, in combination with anticonvulsants). The body gets used to the daily intake of antioxidants and begins to send pain signals.

In complex treatment, Mexidol for headaches has a positive effect on the functioning of many systems. It reduces the sensitivity of receptors, improves energy metabolism, protecting brain cells. Research results have shown its effectiveness in treating epilepsy. The number and duration of generalized seizures in patients was significantly reduced, which allows the drug to be classified as a modern antiepileptic drug.

Features of application

Most often, the attending physician advises the patient to take a full course of Mexidol. It is the doctor who correctly calculates the daily dose, duration of the course and features of taking the drug, depending on the general condition of the patient and the characteristics of the course of his illness:

  1. For mild to moderate cases of the disease, it is recommended to take the drug in tablet form.
  2. A severe form of the disease requires hospital treatment. In this case, injections and intramuscular injections are prescribed. They are also used when the patient’s condition is unstable.

The medication regimen is quite simple:

  • It is taken orally three times a day with a dose of 125 mg to 250 mg. The dose per day should not exceed 800 mg. This amounts to approximately 6 tablets maximum.
  • The treatment period lasts on average from two to six weeks.
  • You should not abruptly stop the treatment process. It is advisable to gradually reduce the dose of the medication over two to three days.

Rare complications

Some patients experience strange results after taking the medicine. Their headache quickly goes away, but the dizziness remains.

This picture occurs especially often when stopping the drug or when using it for a long time. There is an explanation for this: the body lacks antioxidants.

At the end of the treatment course, the dizziness goes away over time, and dependence on the drug ceases.

The official method of rational use of the drug is presented in the picture. These are instructions directly from the manufacturer, so by following them you will get the best therapeutic effect.

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The entry of the drug Mexidol into the human body is accompanied by a number of reactions from the central nervous system. The active substance of the product stabilizes cell membranes, accelerates tissue cleansing, eliminates foci of hypoxia, and helps restore metabolism.

Additionally, the medicine protects neurons from negative external influences, stimulates brain activity, and improves the functioning of cerebral vessels.

Official contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • reduced functionality of the liver and/or kidneys - depending on the severity of the condition, the product may be prohibited or limited in dosage;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Children under 18 years of age are not considered an official contraindication to therapy. Despite this, doctors refrain from using the composition when treating children. The product has not been studied in this age group, so the effects of this approach may be unpredictable.

Mexidol is an antioxidant agent with antihypoxic and nootropic effects. It is available in tablets and solution for injection. It is a clear liquid in ampoules.

A wide spectrum of activity allows the drug to be used in the following conditions:

  • acute cerebral circulatory disorder;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • chronic encephalopathy;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • withdrawal syndrome (drug addiction and alcoholism);
  • neurotic disorders;
  • tissue hypoxia of various etiologies.

In most cases, Mexidol is well received by patients. Allergic reactions to the active substance, nausea, and weakness are rarely recorded. The use of the drug is contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, as well as for pregnant and lactating women and children.

The method of introducing the drug into the body and the dosage are prescribed individually. The main criterion when forming a therapeutic course is the nature of the pathology. The individual characteristics of the patient are also taken into account.

Treatment methods:

  • Traumatic brain injuries.
    Mexidol tablets are used. The maximum daily dose is 800 mg. The presented amount of the drug should be divided into 3-4 doses. The duration of therapy is from 5 days to 2 months. Using a dropper
  • Disorders of the blood supply to the brain. For treatment, drip injections of Mexidol are used. In the first 4 days of therapy, up to 300 mg of the drug is administered. Subsequently, the dosage is reduced to 100 mg per day.
  • Withdrawal syndrome. Treatment involves taking oral tablets. The patient needs to take 2 tablets twice a day. In cases of aggravation of symptoms, 3 doses per day of 2 tablets are prescribed. On average, the therapeutic course is 1 week.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Intramuscular injections are used. The maximum daily dose is 300 mg, which is divided into several injections. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks.
  • Intoxication. Up to 0.5 g per day is administered intravenously. The duration of use varies from 7 to 14 days.
  • Encephalopathy. Treatment involves intravenous administration. The maximum dose is 0.5 g per day. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks.


The active components of Mexidol are quickly absorbed into the blood due to their biological effects and metabolized in the liver. The tablets begin to act half an hour after administration, and injections alleviate the condition within 5-7 minutes, accumulating in the blood plasma and evenly distributed in all tissues of the body.

For adults, tablets are prescribed from 125 to 250 mg. A maximum of 6 tablets per day is allowed. The course of therapy is about 2 months, depending on the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics. For example, in case of alcohol poisoning, it is enough to take the medicine for a week.

Mexidol is used permanently in solution. It is administered by drip or intramuscular injection, observing all the rules of asepsis in order to prevent infection:

  • For stroke, intramuscular injections and droppers are prescribed up to 4 times a day during the first 2 weeks.
  • For encephalopathy at the stage of decompensation, the drug is administered dropwise for 10-14 days, and then intramuscularly for another 2 weeks. For prophylaxis, the solution is administered intramuscularly for 1-2 weeks.
  • Head injuries and complex treatment of their consequences - drips for 1-2 weeks.
  • Cognitive disorders - intramuscularly for a month.
  • Chronic alcoholism, withdrawal from binge drinking - drips or injections. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  • Injections for myocardial infarction are given for 14 days in combination with adrenoblockers, ACE inhibitors, thrombolytics, and anticoagulants.
  • For open-angle glaucoma - intramuscularly for 2 weeks.
  • In acute purulent inflammatory processes, the regimen and dosage of Mexidol is determined by the severity of the pathology. The drug is used both before surgery and in the postoperative period until recovery.

Mexidol is discontinued gradually, slowly reducing the dose over a certain period.


Tablets of the drug contain 125 mg of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine. They are prescribed for:

  • Cerebral circulation disorders.
  • Head and neck injuries.
  • Encephalopathies of various origins.
  • Acute ischemia.
  • Neuroses, depression, anxiety.
  • Intoxication of the body, including alcohol.
  • Asthenic conditions.

Injections are indicated for:

  • Atherosclerosis of blood vessels.
  • Stress.
  • Hypoxia.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Loss of memory.
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Open angle glaucoma.
  • Heart attack.
  • Stomach and pancreatic diseases.
  • Purulent inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

For dizziness

In many patients, a feeling of instability and loss of balance is often accompanied by:

  • Illusory rotation (especially when standing up suddenly or bending over).
  • Double vision, darkening, circles in the eyes.
  • Lethargy.
  • Feeling of nausea, vomiting.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Noise, ringing in the ears.

If such symptoms constantly torment a person, you need to seek medical help, as these may be manifestations of a serious illness. People who do sedentary jobs suffer from dizziness, especially if they sit incorrectly. The load falls on the spinal column and cervical spine. Because of this, the vessels are pinched and cerebral circulation is disrupted.

Mexidol alleviates the condition, as it works to reduce the oxygen demand of cells and tissues. It protects cell membranes, preventing them from being damaged by toxic substances. Red blood cells are strengthened, which allows them to transport oxygen in sufficient quantities.

Mexidol is no less useful for cerebral vessels. Dizziness is often associated with surges in blood pressure and vasospasm. In this case, the drug stabilizes the patient's condition.

For migraine

Episodic or regular migraine attacks can disable a person for several days. Most often, the disorder is observed in women during menstruation. You can distinguish it from ordinary headaches by several signs:

  • Intensity.
  • Soreness on one side of the head.
  • Fear of light and noise.
  • Irritability.
  • Nausea.

Experts recommend taking painkillers at the very beginning of an attack. One of these migraine remedies is Mexidol.

It promotes blood microcirculation, relieving pain. The medication is also recommended as a prophylaxis for migraine attacks.

It is prescribed as injections for two weeks and then as tablets. The total duration of treatment is 2 months.

For alcohol poisoning

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:

  • Indigestion.
  • Mental excitement.
  • Violation of perception, attention, speech.
  • Violation of thermoregulation and coordination of movements.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • General weakness.
  • Increased urination.
  • Headache.

A hangover syndrome causes increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, and dizziness. At the same time, the person experiences depression, which can develop into depression. Severe intoxication is extremely dangerous. This condition threatens respiratory arrest, since the inspiratory and expiratory centers responsible for inhalation and exhalation stop working normally under the damaging effects of ethanol.

Mexidol restores the lability of neurons, promotes the activity of subcortical centers, and normalizes the condition of the main organ of the nervous system. In the treatment of chronic alcoholism, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine relieves signs of neuropsychic weakness.

For depression

Many modern people suffer from emotional depression. The pace of life in big cities is so high that sometimes the nervous system is not able to cope with external factors. Depression gradually develops. The disorder is accompanied by:

  • Loss of positive mood.
  • Thinking disorder.
  • Motor retardation.
  • Violations of a sexual nature.
  • Unreasonable anxiety, guilt and fear.

Treatment with Mexidol relieves the patient of mood swings and has a calming effect. After all, it is not only an antihypoxic agent, but also a powerful stress protector.

Injections and tablets are prescribed with caution in combination with:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Antiepileptic.
  • Antiparkinsonian.
  • Psychotropic groups of drugs.

Despite the fact that the product has mostly only positive reviews, you cannot prescribe its use on your own. To prevent the development of undesirable consequences and maintain health, before use it is necessary not only to consult with a specialist, but also to carefully read the instructions.

Mexidol is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, since experts still cannot give an exact answer to the question of how exactly the drug affects the formation of the fetus and whether it will provoke various defects in the child. Mexidol is not prescribed to persons under 18 years of age.

Mexidol tablets and injections are strictly contraindicated in case of renal and liver failure.

It is also necessary to take into account that the medicine may react with other drugs, which is why it must be taken with extreme caution at the same time as:

  1. Anticonvulsant pills.
  2. Antidepressants.
  3. Anxiolytics.

It is very convenient that the drug is non-toxic and has mild side effects. It boils down to these general symptoms:

  • Increased drowsiness and general weakness.
  • Possible discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Feeling of dryness in the mouth and a bitter taste.
  • Development of an allergic reaction.
  • The appearance of ringing in the ears.
  • Temporary development of speech dysfunction.
  • Pressure surges.
  • High anxiety.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.

But even these complications are extremely rare, even with an overdose of the drug.

Considering the interaction of Mexidol with other medications, it should be taken with caution in the following cases:

  • When combined with treatment with anticonvulsants.
  • In combination with antidepressants.
  • When taken together with anxiolytic drugs.

It should be taken into account that constant use of Mexidol is addictive to it. As a result, the body becomes dependent on the drug. Therefore, you should not self-medicate or exceed the dose and duration of treatment.

Special instructions when taking tablets should be followed if you have diabetes. Patients should constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. They are prescribed a minimum dose at the beginning of treatment. In the absence of a therapeutic effect, the dosage is gradually increased.

Interaction with alcohol

The drug is known for its successful fight against alcohol poisoning:

  • It is used to combat alcohol-related toxins.
  • It helps eliminate memory and mental impairment caused by a long period of heavy drinking.
  • It is able to stop the development of unwanted neurological reactions caused by constant consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Mexidol has different side effects and contraindications, but they are minor. There are few contraindications for this group of drugs, but they are present. Here are a few conditions in which you should refrain from using pills:

  • hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug;
  • problems with liver and kidney function;
  • children's age period;
  • being pregnant or lactating.

These points should be taken into account during the therapeutic process, both in children and adults. If we consider the side effects from the use of the drug, they traditionally consist of inhibition of motor activity and reduction in coordination.

In case of overdose, there is a possibility of an allergic reaction, headache, swelling of the skin and other phenomena. To avoid complications from taking the drug, you should consult a medical specialist.

The use of Mexidol is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • acute renal failure;
  • acute liver failure;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Mexidol is also not prescribed for use by children, since the effect of the drug on the children's body has not been sufficiently studied.

Possible side effects:

  • On the part of the gastrointestinal tract - the development of individual side effects in the form of attacks of nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, stool disorders, flatulence and others.
  • Allergic reactions - skin rash, itching.

Due to the increased joint effect, use with caution in combination with:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antiparkinsonian
  • Anxiolytics
  • Any benzodiazepine derivatives

It also reduces the effects of ethyl alcohol.

Mexidol is strictly contraindicated in women who are pregnant at any stage and who are breastfeeding, since the effect of the drug on the condition of the fetus and infants has not been clarified. Traditionally not prescribed for children.

During the course of treatment, driving a car and performing work that requires increased concentration are prohibited.

Strictly contraindicated in case of renal and liver failure.

Metabolism under the influence of Mexidol is normalized due to the following processes:

  • suppressing the activity of toxic free radicals that are formed in cells as a result of redox reactions; free radicals destroy cells, lead to dysfunction of tissues and organs, as well as premature aging of the body;
  • reducing the need for oxygen in body tissues; tissue cells tolerate oxygen starvation more easily; This is especially important for tissue cells of the cardiovascular system and brain, which cannot exist for a long time in conditions of oxygen deficiency;
  • stabilization of cell membranes, including red blood cells and platelets, which leads to a reduction in the risk of increased thrombus formation and impaired blood circulation;
  • improving the condition of the endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels, which leads to improved blood circulation and tissue nutrition;
  • improving the condition of the brain due to sedative (calming) and nootropic (improving mental abilities) effects; at the same time, the condition of blood vessels and blood pressure (BP) are normalized; but Mexidol does not increase or decrease blood pressure.

Are there any contraindications for the use of Mexidol?

If a patient is prescribed Mexidol, contraindications for its use must be taken into account. Mexidol, like any drug, has contraindications for use. Thus, it cannot be used by people with individual intolerance to the components of this drug.

It is not recommended to prescribe Mexidol to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children due to the lack of clinical trials of the drug on these patient populations. However, sometimes experts take risks and in some cases, after weighing the pros and cons, prescribe Mexidol to pregnant women and children.

Mexidol should not be prescribed for acute renal and liver failure. This prohibition is due to the fact that in case of acute dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, metabolism and the condition of small blood vessels are sharply disrupted. Under these conditions, Mexidol can contribute to increased metabolic disorders due to complex interactions with other hormones.

Patients with arterial hypertension are often interested in how Mexidol affects blood pressure, and whether it can be used for high or low blood pressure? It has been established that Mexidol does not reduce or increase blood pressure, it simply has a regulatory effect on the autonomic nervous system that innervates blood vessels. But at the height of a hypertensive crisis, when blood pressure is very high, it should not be used.

Can Mexidol always be used by athletes?

Mexidol is a prescription drug and should only be prescribed by a doctor, including to athletes. Since Mexidol activates metabolic processes and increases physical endurance, it has found application in sports. But this drug must be used correctly.

The fact is that Mexidol reduces cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases during exercise and stress, promotes the release of glucose from the liver and increases energy potential. Therefore, during training, cortisol is necessary for the body.

But some athletes have persistently high cortisol levels. This leads to headaches, increased blood pressure, and sleep disturbances.

All this can completely unsettle an athlete and reduce his sporting achievements. In such cases, sports doctors prescribe Mexidol, which reduces cortisol levels.

But to achieve the right balance, the dose of Mexidol and the method of its use (in the form of injections or tablets for oral administration) must be selected individually for each athlete. You should not take this drug on your own - it can significantly reduce athletic performance.

Does Mexidol have side effects?

There are very few of them. These are allergic reactions, some disorders of the digestive system (dry mouth, nausea) and the central nervous system (drowsiness, poor coordination of movements). There are practically no overdoses of Mexidol.

When a doctor prescribes Mexidol, contraindications for its use must be taken into account.

Indications for taking Mexidol tablets:

  • Transistor ischemic attacks and ischemic disease in general
  • TBI and its consequences
  • All types of encephalopathies
  • VSD and autonomic dysfunctions
  • Consequences of atherosclerosis
  • Neuroses
  • Withdrawal syndrome
  • Various intoxications
  • Asthenia and stress

Indications for prescribing injections with Mexidol solution IV and IV:

  • TBI and its consequences
  • VDS and autonomic dysfunctions
  • Consequences of atherosclerosis
  • Acute circulatory disorder in the brain
  • Neuroses
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Glaucoma
  • Withdrawal syndrome
  • Drug intoxication
  • Peritonitis or necrotizing pancreatitis


Mexidol has a wide spectrum of action. It helps with migraines, normalizes blood pressure, and relieves unpleasant painful sensations. The medicine is considered a pain reliever, which is prescribed for the treatment of neurological, ophthalmological, surgical and other pathologies.

The main component of Mexidol is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine. This is a multifunctional substance:

  • Increases resistance to hypoxia, delivering oxygen to the tissues and cells of internal organs.
  • Improves metabolism and cerebral blood supply.
  • Reduces thrombus formation.
  • Prevents the destruction of cell membranes.
  • Increases the energy potential of the body.
  • Improves memory and mental abilities.
  • Relieves seizures of various origins.
  • Relieves anxiety, fear and restlessness.
  • Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, normalizes lipid levels.
  • Inhibits the oxidation of organic compounds.
  • Increases the content of the hormone dopamine in the brain.

Mexidol helps preserve the integrity of the optic nerve tissue, maintaining and improving visual acuity. The medicine increases the body's resistance to stress and reduces the impact of extreme factors.

Drug price

The popularity and demand of Mexidol is also due to its affordable price. Depending on the form of release, you can purchase this medicine from 250 to 2000 rubles. The average cost of a blister of tablets is 350 rubles.

The cost of the drug Mexidol varies from 200 to 2,000 rubles, depending on the form and volume of release. The average cost of tablets is 200-350 rubles, ampoules - 800 rubles, packages for use in hospital treatment for 50 ampoules of 1 ml each cost about 2,100 rubles. Purchase is possible only with a doctor's prescription.

“I’m very glad that the doctor immediately prescribed Mexidol for my husband along with other medications. He suffered a myocardial infarction, complex therapy was prescribed - a lot of medications, all of them had not very pleasant side effects. But thanks to this drug, you can reduce the dosage, and the effect will be the same, plus it helps. So I recommend that if a doctor prescribes it, purchase it and use it as soon as possible.”

“It’s an effective drug, and most importantly, it’s Russian, which is why the price of Mexidol is quite reasonable, even in ampoules. It’s just a pity that it is prescribed by prescription; it would be very useful as a preventative measure.

The only thing I can complain about after taking it is that I can’t drive because my concentration is impaired (although there is no sedative effect in the list of actions). Otherwise, everything is fine, it helps, after the traumatic brain injury I suffered last year, only memories remain, but there are no negative consequences, although the doctors promised.

“We used Mexidol after drug intoxication, it helped very well. True, we did not take into account that the course begins and ends gradually, but this is also not too much of a problem - I just wanted to sleep all the time, that’s all. Otherwise, it’s an excellent drug, it’s affordable, it works, and there are practically no side effects.”

The cost of the drug Mexidol varies from 200 to 2,000 rubles, depending on the form and volume of release. The average cost of tablets is 200-350 rubles, ampoules - 800 rubles, packages for use in hospital treatment for 50 ampoules of 1 ml each cost about 2,100 rubles. Purchase is possible only with a doctor's prescription.

What does it contain?

The drug is found on pharmacy shelves in the form of tablets and injection solution. Its active ingredient is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. In addition to it, the tablet contains a number of additional components.

The drug Mexidol has proven itself to be excellent:

  • Antioxidant.
  • Antidepressant.
  • Improver of cerebral circulation.
  • Neutralizer of the effects of stroke.

It is very convenient that the medicine works at the cellular level. Its active substance affects the degree of viscosity of the cell membrane and prevents the development of oxidative processes. Thanks to the complex influence in the body, such positive processes are observed as:

  • Improved blood flow.
  • Rapid saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Improving the metabolic process.
  • Elimination of nervous tension.
  • Reducing the likelihood of stroke.
  • Relieving swelling of brain tissue.

If the cause of headaches lies in a constant state of stress, then Mexidol can quickly improve the condition of the body. Tablets or injections are prescribed by the attending physician if the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • Reduced resistance to stress.
  • There is a high probability of increased blood density.
  • Poor blood flow.
  • Oxygen starvation.
  • Disorder of the nervous system.
  • High pain threshold.
  • Low concentration of memory and attention.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Alcohol or drug poisoning.

The medicine has been proven to preserve optic nerve tissue. This, in turn, helps improve visual acuity.

If it bothers you often, then loss of performance quickly begins. This pain is difficult to confuse with its other variants. When you have a migraine, the following unpleasant phenomena are felt:

  • Intense pain.
  • The pain predominates on one side.
  • Photophobia and irritation due to noise.
  • Attacks of nausea.
  • And in the absence of therapeutic action, depression may also develop.

It is advisable to take the medicine when the first symptoms appear. Mexidol is excellent both for combating migraines and for preventing its development. In most cases, the beginning of a treatment course includes injections over a period of 2 weeks. And then they switch to the tablet drug. The total duration of the course of combating migraine can be two months. At the same time, the product acts as a good stress protector.

Is it possible to take

Sometimes there are conditions that cannot be eliminated without the use of antibiotics.
For example, bronchitis that is not treated in time can result in pneumonia, and an associated bacterial infection will lead to serious consequences.

Epilepsy does not negate antibiotic therapy, but there are some drugs whose use is unacceptable.

If the doctor, knowing about the diagnosis, prescribed an antibacterial drug that raises doubts, then you cannot cancel it yourself.

You can see another doctor and get additional tests. After which, the doctor can review his prescriptions and change the list of medications.

You cannot select medications for the treatment of bacterial diseases yourself.

Allowed list

When it becomes necessary to use antimicrobial tablets or injections, it is important to tell your doctor about concomitant diseases. He must know everything about the frequency of attacks, the time and duration of the last attack

He must know everything about the frequency of attacks, the time and duration of the last attack.

Based on the survey, examination and test results, he can recommend a specific drug.


  • lincosamides (Lincomycin, Clindamycin);
  • macrolides (Erythromycin, Linkosamine, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Josamycin, etc.);
  • nitroimidazoles (Metronidazole, Ornidazole).

As for others, the decision to prescribe should be made by the doctor. If you have the slightest doubt about the correctness of the recommendations, you should consult several specialists.

Can Mexidol be used by children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

  1. There is no experience in prescribing the drug to children under 18 years of age. A growing child's body may have an unpredictable reaction to medication.
  2. Pregnancy in any trimester is a reason to refuse treatment with Mexidol. There are still no clear studies on its effect on the course of pregnancy, fetal development and the characteristics of labor.
  3. The drug is contraindicated in women during breastfeeding. Its active substances can penetrate into milk and affect the newborn baby.

Another reason for the popularity of the remedy is its affordable cost. The price for the tableted drug ranges from 88 UAH to 300 UAH, depending on the number of units in the package. A package of 5-10 ampoules costs a little more.

At his discretion, the attending physician may prescribe the patient one of the Mexidol analogues. There are quite a lot of them, but the most common are: glycine, glycised, keltican, memory +, armandine and glutamic acid. Each of them is somewhat similar to Mexidol. Only a doctor can choose the right remedy for each individual case.

Mexidol belongs to the medicinal group of domestically produced drugs that have proven themselves in the treatment of cerebral blood supply disorders. It is produced in tablet form, as a solution for injection and droppers. This is a universal drug that actively participates in metabolic processes. Its action is aimed at saturating cells with oxygen, improving blood circulation and quickly eliminating oxygen starvation. Experts recommend Mexidol for dizziness, frequent headaches, insomnia, and suppressed immunity.

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  • Action
  • Indications
  • For dizziness
  • For migraine
  • For alcohol poisoning
  • For depression
  • Dosage
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects

Questions and answers on: brain cyst treatment

Good afternoon. Mom is 79 years old. Height 164, weight 84. Hysterectomy (2001), herniotomy (2009). Since 2001, diagnoses: hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cardiosclerosis, CVD in cerebrosclerosis and osteochondrosis. Until 2014, I did not take medications of the year; I got rid of headaches with citramon. Complains of severe dizziness if he throws his head back, tries to look up, lies on his left side, “no blood flows to the brain on the left side.” In April 2014, I fell off the table (while hanging wallpaper) after throwing my head back. She hit her head, lower back, and broke her arm. There was no concussion. After 2-3 months, “jolts” and slight unsteadiness began when walking. Then a slight tremor of the right hand appeared. - neurologist at the Institute of Gerontology 11/10/14: dyscirculatory a/c and hypertensive encephalopathy, stage 2. With [. ] mainly in the vessels of the VBB, essential tremor of the arms and head. Mildronate 1 month, Actovegin - 2 months, Neovital - 1 month, Epadol - 1 month, Cerebrovital - 1 month. On 12/13/14 at night I wanted to get up to go to the toilet, felt a sharply painful blow in the lumbar region, “as if four arrows were shot up my spine” and lost consciousness, fell back on the bed and slept (?) until the morning. Presumably, she lay on her left side for some time. In the morning I couldn’t get up, it was difficult to open my eyes, I had severe nausea, they called an ambulance, they assumed a hypertensive crisis, they gave me injections, there was no improvement. She was in bed for two days, on 12/15/14 she was hospitalized in the Chernigov City Hospital, neurology, the diagnosis on discharge was on 12/29/14: CVH, grade 2 CPV in VBD in the advanced stage (12/13/14) with dying vestibulotaxic syndrome. A/c cerebral artery (I67.8.7), hypert. illness 2nd grade, 3rd grade, rizik 4. Transverse osteochondrosis with important symptoms of the cervical region. CV-CVI instability. Cervicalgia with mild pain syndrome. IXC. Angina pectoris isst., stable, 2 f.k. with preserved systolic function of the left circuit. Post-infarction (according to ECG) cardiosclerosis. Chronic cystitis, remission stage. Recommendations: atherocardium, Cardiomagnyl, dicorlong, roseart. Hospitalization for 6 months. She was discharged in satisfactory condition under the supervision of a local neurologist in Chernigov. On 4/15/15, against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, the house fell “out of the blue”: I felt a sharply painful blow in the lumbar region, “as if an arrow had been shot up the spine”, fell “as if knocked down” back, and hit the back of my head. Examination by a neurologist at the Meddiagnostika center 04/22/15 Complaints: clockwise dizziness, occurs when changing position, in a position on the left side, when throwing the head back, unsteadiness when walking, instability, hand tremors. Morning stiffness - no. Meteor dependence - yes. Joint syndrome: pain in the legs, no night pain; low-grade fever no. Previous treatment: giloba, mildronate, vasoserc, neuroxon, mexidol. Objectively: Neurological status: at the time of examination, cranial innervation - the left lip fold was smoothed, slight deviation of the tongue to the left, otherwise without acute pathology. Head tremor of the essential type is inconsistent, tremor of the hands, more on the right. Muscle strength is diffusely reduced, gait is ataxic, muscle tone is unevenly increased in an extrapyramidal pattern. Tendon and periosteal reflexes are moderately alert with a slight predominance in the left hand. Strumpel's syndrome on both sides, the left plantar reflex is distorted (the right one is reduced). Tension symptoms: Lassegue positive on the right, Wasserman (Matskevich) on the right on both sides. In Romberg's position she is unstable, falls back and to the right. The function of the pelvic organs is increased. Limitation of flexion abduction rotation in symmetrical hip joints. Diagnosis: stage 2-3 DEP in the form of pronounced vestibuloatactic syndrome, extrapyramidal disorders such as hyperkinesis, hydrocephalus.

In the summer of 2015, I walked along the street on my own, went to the store, but sometimes I had attacks of dizziness and tremors. Consultation at the Parkinsonism Center September 2015. Diagnosis: extrapyramidal yeast syndrome against the background of stage 2 DEP, stage 2 hypertension. Recommendations: Levodopa is not currently indicated. From the fall of 2015 to 2/18/16, traffic problems grew in waves. Dizziness is common (while taking vestibo 24). Pressure surges: during the day from 170-180/110 to 80/55 (low is always around 11 am, goes away after an hour’s sleep). Examination results: Duplex scanning of extracranial sections of brachiocephalic vessels and transcranial duplex scanning: 7/10/14 A/c arteries. Vertebrogenic non-straightness of the course of both vertebral arteries. 28/1/15 A/c arteries. Vertebrogenic non-straightness of the course of the vertebral arteries. Deformation of the right vertebral artery in segment VI. Wavy course of the ICA. 28/4/15 Echographic signs of stenotic a/s. A decrease in the speed of blood flow in the basin of both middle cerebral arteries, more pronounced in the left middle cerebral artery. Vertebrogenic deformation of the V2 segment at the level of C5-6 vertebrae of both vertebral arteries, which has no systemic hemodynamic significance. Signs of dyshemia and a decrease in the speed of blood flow in the arteries of the VB basin on both sides, more pronounced on the right, probably due to influences of vertebrogenic origin in the area of ​​the cranio-vertebral junction. Signs of impaired venous outflow from the cranial cavity, accompanied by a decrease in volumetric blood flow through the left internal jugular vein and volume overload of the right internal jugular vein, with signs of increased blood flow through the deep veins of the brain on both sides. Expansion of the cavity of the third ventricle. A significant decrease in the transparency of the temporal ultrasound windows on both sides, more pronounced on the left. Evaluation of the results of functional cerebrovascular tests: Decrease in the functional (perfusion) reserve of cerebral circulation in the basin of both middle cerebral arteries. When studying cerebrovascular reactivity, signs of tension in the autoregulation system are determined with the development of functional vasospasm of the arteriolar bed in the basin of both middle cerebral arteries. When performing vertebrobasilar tests, signs of increased severity of dyshemia in the left vertebral artery basin are determined. MRI of the brain: 12/15/14 MRI sign of pathological changes in the brain was not detected. Atrophic enlargement of the liquor spaces (mixed hydrocephalus ex vacua). Changes in the paranasal sinuses are of a chronic ignition nature. The parietal volume of the right maxillary sinus (high protein cyst). CT scan of the lumbar region 03/24/15 CT picture of intervertebral osteochondrosis L3-S1, herniated discs L4-S1. CT scan of the cervical spine 10/4/15 CT picture of intervertebral osteochondrosis of the C3-C7 discs, herniated discs C5-C6, C6-C7. CT scan of the chest CT picture of m/n osteochondrosis Th3-Th10. Osteoprosis. Blood test 12/17/15 ALT 17 AST 22 Bilirubin total 6.2 Bil direct-2.3 Bil indirect- 3.9 Glycated hemogl- 5.84 (normal 4.8-5.9) C-peptide- 1, 73 (0.9-7.10) Serum glucose -5.31 Insulin 9.06 (2.6-24.9) Ind HOMA - 2.14 (up to 3.0) SOE 29 Since December 2015, she has been doing exercise therapy according to the Bubnovsky system three times a week. In mid-February 2021, complaints about unstable pressure (after rising 150-160/100, at about 10 am -90-85/60, after sleep at 12 o'clock -130/80, in the evening increases to 150-160/100, sometimes 180/110 ; periodic dizziness, especially in windy weather or on rainy days, discomfort in the legs: heaviness, tingling, feeling that there are “pillows” on the soles of the feet that are impossible to stand on, coldness in the feet (while the feet are warm); lack of sensitivity in toes (especially the right one). Unpleasant sensations in the feet are present in a vertical position (sitting and standing), rarely in a lying position. Weakness, it is very difficult to lift the leg on a step, sit in the car. Tremor of tension in the arms, mainly the right one. Tremor of the head (rarely Sometimes there is a feeling of fog and heaviness in the head. In the dark and with eyes closed, one falls. I took: vestibo 24 - 2 rd, Vazar 160 in the morning, Vazar 80 in the evening, Magnicor 75 - 1 rd, phytocomplex Balance before bed, vitamin B12- 1000mcg 1rd, Vit B + Vit C complex.

On 2/18/16 we went to the Chernigov City Hospital for examination to determine the feasibility of stenting the vertebral arteries. On 2/19/16, an angiographic examination of the brachiocephalic and coronary arteries was performed with simultaneous installation of a stent (if indicated) in the LAD of the left coronary artery. Extract from 25/2/16 Diagnosis: IHS. Angina pectoris The tension is stable, fc.2. Post-infarction cardeosclerosis (according to ECG). CVG (19/2/16) stenosis of 90-95% of the proximal lobe of the LMCA, stenosis of 50-60% of the proximal lobe of the OG LCA, stenosis of 50-60% of the middle lobe of the RCA. 19/2/16 - stenting of the 1st proximal segment of the LCA (DES Nobori 3.5x24mm), CH 2A fc.3 with preserved systolic function of the left shunt. Hypertensive illness 3 stage 3 with p4. Hypertensive heart. CVH DE grade 2-3 in VBB with severe vestibulotaxic syndrome. Vessel parkinsonism syndrome. A/s vessels of the brain. Rosy osteochondrosis of the ridge with important lesions of the transverse spine. Lumbalgia. Obstruction: -Carotid arteriography (19/2/16) - sinuosity of the vertebral artery of the left leg -Ultrasound Dopplerography of the arteries of the lower extremities 02/22/16 Evaluation of the result: Dopplerogram of the main type arteries on BOTH, PClnA, PTA on the right, BOTH, PCLnA, PTA, PTA left; The speed of blood flow is maintained in all vessels; IRSD is normal on cuffs 1,2,3,4 on the right, cuffs 1,2,3,4 on the left. Conclusion: Blood flow through the arteries of the lower extremities is within the age norm. Analysis ZAK 19/2/16 RBC

P/I-2%, s/I-57%, mon-4%, lymph-35%, l-2% 18/2/16 glucose - 4.5 mmol/l Biox. Kr. 22/2/16 Zag. Protein 51g/l, zag. Bilir-14.9 µmol/l, ALT-22.1 MO/l, AST-28.7 MO/l, secho 12.2 mmol/l, creatinine 108 µmol/l; potassium 4.5 mmol/l, sodium 140 mmol/l, chlorine 100 mmol/l 02/22/16 fibrinogen 4.2 g/l, PTI 94% Registered while living in a nursing home Recommendations of a neurologist (the examination was carried out very inattentively, mother complained of instability and pain in the legs, referring to the calf muscles and discomfort in the lower back): Vestibo 24 - 2 rd -1 month Revmoxicam 7.5 mg - 2 rd - 5 days 02/22/15 after 2 days of strict bed rest regimen and removal of a very tight hemostatic dressing (surgical access was through the groin), problems with the legs intensified. Now: Pressure 90/60 at 10 am, the rest of the time - 110/70-120/80 without taking antihypertensive drugs, pulse about 80 Headaches and dizziness are absent (without news) Thinking is clear, absolutely adequate, memory is not impaired, there is no confusion . There is a tension tremor in the right arm; in the morning after getting up, an “internal trembling” may appear, which comes from the lumbar region and spreads to the whole body. It goes away after breakfast. Legs: soreness in the calf muscles, numbness of the feet, after the massage there is only numbness in the toes on the right foot, a feeling of cold (really warm), cold touches; almost uncontrollability: there is uncertainty in the knees, the legs move with great difficulty, support is needed when walking, falls without support. Completely helpless in the dark. Takes: Brilinta 2 rd, Magnicor 1 rd, Roseart 1 rd, Pantasan 1 rd What can be done to restore the ability to walk?

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