How long can children and adults take glycine?

Description of the drug

Glycine is a pharmacological agent from the group of psychostimulants, nootropics, metabolites (metabolic stimulant). It has a pronounced antidepressant and sedative effect. In traditional medicine, it is used in the treatment of stressful conditions, neurological diseases of various etiologies, which are accompanied by sleep disturbances, deterioration in performance, anxiety, and increased excitability.

The drug Glycine in therapeutic doses has both a calming and stimulating effect, which is explained by the peculiarities of the drug’s effect on the human body.

Glycine is produced by many pharmaceutical companies. The drug is sold in the form of white sublingual capsules and flat cylindrical tablets. The pills have a chamfer and elements of marbling. Packaged in blister packs of 50 tablets, which are packed in a cardboard box. Pharmacies sell glycine tablets in dosages of 150, 400, 500 mg.


The main active ingredient is glycine. One tablet (100 mg) contains 100 mg of glycine.


  1. 1 mg magnesium stearate;
  2. 1 mg water-soluble methylcellulose.

Glycine is a low-toxic drug. If the dosages specified in the instructions are followed, it does not cause side effects. Does not cause physical or emotional addiction.

The drug should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place in its original packaging at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

How to take glycine for a hangover

If you have a hangover, you should take two tablets of glycine every hour. Up to five times in total. Remember that it is not swallowed, but placed under the tongue or behind the cheek (buccal).

An attempt to increase the dose may lead to the opposite effect, since an excessive amount of acetic acid and ammonia is formed in the body.

Remember also that glycine is a good remedy, but not an emergency remedy. The action of glycine is mainly central and unfolds slowly. Recommended as part of complex treatment for withdrawal from binge drinking for several days.

Pharmacological properties, mechanism of action

Glycine is the simplest aminoacetic acid, which is part of protein molecules and many biologically active compounds. Contained in soy, pumpkin seeds, sesame, fennel.

This amino acid is the basis for the synthesis of porphyrins, from which hemoglobin, myoglobin (muscle protein), and purine bases are subsequently synthesized.

Glycine is an effective regulator, activator of metabolic processes, activates protective inhibitory mechanisms in the central nervous system, relieves tension, and normalizes the psycho-emotional state.

The nootropic increases mental activity, performance, and improves memory. The active component has alpha1-adrenergic blocking, glycine- and GABA-ergic, antioxidant and antitoxic effects.

Important! Glycine is a drug for improving metabolism in the cellular structures of the brain. According to the classification, ATX belongs to the category of nootropics and psychostimulants.

After administration, glycine quickly penetrates into biological fluids, spreads through the bloodstream and is evenly distributed in the tissues of the body, including the brain.

Like all nootropics, Glycine acts only on pathologically altered tissues, without affecting healthy ones. Does not accumulate in tissues, is completely metabolized into water and carbon dioxide.

By regulating glutamate receptors, Glycine has the following effects:

  • increases the level of social adaptation;
  • improves mood;
  • reduces the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol and medications that affect the nervous system;
  • reduces aggressiveness, reduces conflict;
  • normalizes sleep, speeds up the process of falling asleep;
  • eliminates feelings of anxiety, relieves nervous tension;
  • increases mental performance;
  • normalizes the condition after severe stress.

Glycine also reduces the severity of cerebral disorders in ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury. The effect of the drug is aimed at reducing vegetative-vascular disorders (with hormonal imbalance, during menopause).

How many Glycine tablets should you take to calm down?

Glycine is not a sedative, so you shouldn’t expect to immediately calm down by taking pills. Its effect on the brain lasts for at least a week.

Glycine has the ability to restore the normal relationship between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system; it gradually enhances the former and suppresses the latter. Therefore, Glycine calms as the functions of brain neurons change, but its main purpose is nootropic, that is, it increases memory, mental performance and concentration.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for the drug, glycine is prescribed as a sedative and sedative. After taking it, during the treatment course, brain activity and memory improve. The amino acid improves metabolic processes in cellular structures.

Indications for use:

  • frequent headaches, dizziness;
  • mild to moderate depression;
  • ischemic disease, ischemic stroke;
  • diseases of the nervous system (organic, functional), which are accompanied by emotional instability;
  • neuroses of various etiologies;
  • increased fatigue;
  • alcoholism, hangover syndrome;
  • epilepsy, encephalopathy;
  • recovery period after traumatic brain injury;
  • neurosis-like conditions.

Glycine is used in the treatment of perinatal CNS lesions in infants. The drug is also indicated for adolescents during exams, sessions, with increased mental stress, in conflict situations, and with deviant forms of behavior in children. The nootropic helps children adapt to a new environment and gives them confidence. The child becomes calmer, stress-resistant, assiduous, and emotionally balanced.

Advice. Doctors recommend giving children the drug before exams, public speaking, and Olympiads to get better results.

Patients who completed the full course of treatment noted that their headaches and migraines stopped, their memory and general well-being improved.

Glycine normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, and reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. It is noted that the nootropic helps in the fight against excess gastric secretion and has a beneficial effect in the treatment of muscular dystrophy.

Glycine activates metabolism, removes breakdown products and toxins after drinking alcoholic beverages. The drug promotes rapid recovery from binge drinking, eliminates the negative consequences of alcohol syndrome, and relieves hangovers. It is enough to take just two nootropic tablets per day to normalize your general condition.



The antidepressant Glycine is intended for sublingual, buccal administration, 100 mg (in tablets, in powder after crushing the pill). The tablet is kept under the tongue, behind the cheek until it is completely absorbed.

For functional lesions of the nervous system, neuroses associated with increased excitability, to normalize the emotional state of adult patients, one glycine tablet is recommended two to three times a day. The duration of the course is one to two weeks. For medical reasons, admission can be increased to 27-30 days. Repeated administration of glycine is allowed no earlier than a month after completion of the full course.


For insomnia and sleep disorders, prescribe 0.5-1 tablet 20 minutes before rest. If ischemic cerebral stroke is diagnosed: 1000 mg of the drug with 1 tsp. water during the first 3-6 hours; 1000 mg per day for the next 1-5 days, then 1-2 tablets of glycine three times a day for a month.

For encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system, you need to take one tablet two to three times every 24 hours. The duration of therapy is two to four weeks. The courses are repeated four to six times throughout the year.

Children after three years of age are prescribed one Glycine tablet two to three times a day (50 mg). The maximum course of treatment can be a month, after which you need to take a break. Intervals between courses are 30-35 days.

For adolescents and children of older age groups, the dosage is the same as for adults (100 mg) twice or thrice a day. The course of therapy should not exceed four weeks. As a rule, children are treated with glycine for 7-14 days.

Under strict medical supervision, Glycine is allowed to be taken by pregnant women during lactation.

Glycine: instructions for use

Glycine is a drug that improves brain metabolism. Before buying the drug Glycine, we recommend that you carefully study the proposed instructions, which describe the dosage, methods of use, and concomitant effects of this medicine on the human body. It must be taken into account that only a doctor will professionally be able to correlate the patient’s problem and the restriction to taking this medication, so you should not self-medicate.

The “Psychology and Psychiatry” website offers all the important information on the following issues: indications and instructions for use of Glycine, recommended dosage, contraindications, popular analogues, reviews from patients and doctors.

Glycine - composition and release form

Sublingual tablets are white with marbling elements, flat-cylindrical in shape with a bevel.

Excipients: magnesium stearate 1 mg, water-soluble methylcellulose 1 mg.

Microencapsulated glycine 1 tablet. — 100 mg

Release form: sublingual tablets, capsules.

Glycine - pharmacological action

Glycine is a metabolic drug that is a metabolic regulator that normalizes and activates protective inhibition processes in the central nervous system, reduces psycho-emotional stress, and increases mental performance.

Glycine has alpha1-adrenergic blocking, antioxidant, antitoxic effects; regulates the activity of glutamate (NMDA) receptors, due to which the drug is able to:

- reduce psycho-emotional stress, aggressiveness, conflict, increase social adaptation;

- improve mood;

- make it easier to fall asleep and normalize sleep;

— increase mental performance;

— reduce vegetative-vascular disorders (including during menopause);

— reduce the severity of brain disorders in ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury;

- reduce the toxic effect of alcohol and other drugs that depress the function of the central nervous system.


Easily penetrates into most biological fluids and tissues of the body, incl. into the brain; metabolized to water and carbon dioxide, its accumulation in tissues does not occur.

Glycine - indications for use

The amino acid can be prescribed to everyone regardless of age. Therapists prescribe it even to infants who have suffered a birth injury or suffer from encephalopathy. After taking it, the activity of the brain, especially the nervous system, is normalized. Such properties help the normal development of the child. In addition, the price of a useful amino acid is very affordable.

The main indications for use of the drug are varied. It is taken in the following cases:

- when there is reduced mental performance;

— in stressful situations, psycho-emotional stress (during exams, conflict situations, etc.);

- for deviant forms of behavior in children and adolescents;

- for ischemic stroke;

- for various functional and organic diseases of the nervous system accompanied by increased excitability, emotional instability, decreased mental performance and sleep disturbances: neuroses, neurosis-like conditions and vegetative-vascular dystonia, consequences of neuroinfections and traumatic brain injury, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathies (including including alcoholic origin).

Tablets are needed to prevent stroke. The product is especially effective for those involved in sports and bodybuilding. The attending physician may prescribe Glycine to those suffering from blood pressure problems. Please pay special attention that the dosage regimen must be prescribed by the doctor - in order to avoid an overdose.

One of the main indications for the use of Glycine is the treatment of neurological disorders. Once in the body, the drug affects the spinal cord, causing motor neurons to slow down their work. For this reason, it can be prescribed to patients with hypertonicity of the extremities.

Do children need Glycine?

Therapists often recommend that children drink Glycine. The neurotransmitter amino acid is allowed for use even by children and adolescents. In childhood, many are bothered by an increased feeling of anxiety and restlessness. Taking Glycine will help the child cope more easily with a change in environment and cope with stress more easily. It will become easier for parents to calm their child down and force him to sit down for his homework. In addition, the price of the drug is affordable for everyone.

In addition, it is necessary to give a neurotransmitter amino acid in case of hyperactivity or absent-minded attention of a teenager. A schoolchild or student will be more attentive, his memory and perception of information will improve. Within 15-20 minutes. After taking it, nervousness and aggressiveness disappear. Regular use makes it more likely that your child will be able to prepare more thoroughly for exams or tests and get a good result.

Glycine - contraindications and restrictions

It is not advisable for pregnant women or nursing children to use glycine, since its benefits or harm in such cases have not yet been established. In addition, hypotensive patients using this drug should have their blood pressure checked from time to time. If it turns out that Glycine is harmful, it is necessary to either adjust the dosage or completely stop using this drug.

In addition, drivers should use the product with caution, as this drug may slow down the reaction. In general, we can say that Glycine, the contraindications to which are not so unusual, can be used by both adults and children.

If in normal dosage Glycine can increase the body’s performance, then in excess it causes a feeling of fatigue.

Glycine - dosage

Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally at 100 mg (in tablets or in powder form after crushing the tablets). For practically healthy children, adolescents and adults with psycho-emotional stress, decreased memory, attention, mental performance, mental retardation, and deviant forms of behavior, Glycine is prescribed 1 tablet. 2-3 times/day for 14-30 days.

For functional and organic lesions of the nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional lability and sleep disturbances, children under three years of age are prescribed 0.5 tablet. (50 mg) per dose 2-3 times/day for 7-14 days, then 50 mg 1 time/day for 7-10 days. Daily dose - 100-150 mg, course dose - 2000-2600 mg. Children over 3 years of age and adults are prescribed 1 tablet. 2-3 times/day, course of treatment is 7-14 days. The course of treatment can be increased to 30 days; if necessary, the course is repeated after 30 days.

For sleep disorders, Glycine is prescribed 20 minutes before bedtime or immediately before bedtime, 0.5-1 tablet. (depending on age).

For ischemic cerebral stroke: during the first 3-6 hours from the onset of stroke, 1000 mg is prescribed buccally or sublingually with one teaspoon of water, then for 1-5 days 1000 mg/day, then over the next 30 days 1-2 tablets . 3 times/day.

In narcology, Glycine is used as a means of increasing mental performance and reducing psycho-emotional stress during the period of remission in cases of encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system, 1 tablet. 2-3 times/day for 14-30 days. If necessary, courses are repeated 4-6 times a year.

Glycine - special instructions

It should be borne in mind that during transurethral resection of the prostate gland, usually accompanied by local application of Glycine, it can enter the systemic circulation and affect the condition of the cardiopulmonary system and kidneys, especially in patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Reduces the severity of the toxic effects of anticonvulsants, neuroleptics, antidepressants.

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible.

Glycine - analogues

Like any other active component, Glycine has analogues in the group of nootropic drugs. They have different active ingredients, but the principle of their action is similar.

The most popular analogues of Glycine are the following:

- Mexidol. Helps restore brain activity after suffering circulatory disorders. Used as an aid to relieve symptoms of withdrawal symptoms.

- Neurotropin. Prescribed for dyscirculatory pathologies of the brain. Helps alleviate symptoms of withdrawal symptoms. Reduces anxiety levels.

- Tryptophan. Is an amino acid. Used in the treatment of depressive disorders and anxiety. Facilitates the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, reduces the level of alcohol withdrawal.

- Cebrilizin. It is used for neurological and psychiatric pathologies. Used for depressive disorders if there is no response to other drugs. Promotes restoration of brain activity after discirculatory damage.

— Elfunat. Used to restore blood supply to the brain after traumatic or ischemic injuries. Widely used to treat withdrawal symptoms and to restore cognitive functions.

- Antifront. Suppresses individual response to meteorological changes. Prescribed for migraines, joint pain, nausea, and poor health.

- Armadin. A broad-spectrum drug used for neurological disorders. Helps relieve symptoms of withdrawal syndrome and can be used as complex therapy for abdominal pathologies.

- Glutamic acid. Prescribed for organic brain damage. Used for congenital malformations (Down syndrome, cerebral palsy) or myopathies.

- Instenon. Used in the treatment of vascular pathologies of the brain and disorders caused by age-related changes. It is used for recovery after a stroke and for functional disorders of the brain.

- Intellan. Used to treat cerebral circulatory disorders. Promotes recovery in asthenic conditions. Prescribed in case of decreased efficiency of intellectual processes.

Despite the similar effect, replacing the drug with a similar one may reduce the effectiveness of treatment or even worsen the patient’s condition. Therefore, it is extremely important to first consult with a doctor when selecting an analogue.

Glycine - expert reviews

Starichenko V.K.

Glycine capsules are a very good sedative at an affordable price. Glycine has a mild calming effect, without causing drowsiness, but on the contrary, increasing mental performance, increasing concentration and attention. Buyers often purchase glycine for events such as passing an exam (institute, school, driving license), important negotiations, and other similar situations.

Smirnova E.A.

Glycine is one of the most famous sedatives. The drug calms without causing drowsiness or addiction, concentrates attention and memory, improving mental activity. The price is inexpensive and the effect is excellent. Buyers very often purchase glycine tablets. Be healthy!

Markova A.V. pharmacy pharmacist

Glycine is a proven drug for decreased mental performance and in stressful situations. Good support during exam periods. It has a quick effect in cases of increased excitability, emotional instability and sleep disturbances.

Uchelkina L.A. pharmacist

My son sometimes behaves hyperactively. I have to treat it with glycine so that everything in the apartment doesn’t look upside down. Helps a lot.

Glycine - patient reviews

Tarakanova Marina Aleksandrovna

I'm buying it for my dad. Suitable for him to calm down. Although he does not take other medications.


Surprisingly effective, I didn’t even expect it. Helps you calm down.


Glycine helps me well with stress and anxiety. Really not addictive. Calms and gives energy to the body.


An excellent drug. Needed by both adults and teenagers. Goes well with all tonics. Schoolchildren before exams. Adults during a diet or reporting period. And it is also suitable for prevention - it normalizes the general condition.


My whole family and I take Glycine as a preventative sedative and for insomnia. Not addictive. Overall, it’s a good drug and tastes good.


This has long been a well-known remedy for regulating metabolism and normalizing mental activity. On the one hand, it is quite effective, and on the other hand, it is cheap. Can be taken by children. Proven good tablets.


I took glycine before until my friends told me about Rescue Remedy. Under severe stress, glycine does not work, but Rescue Remedy, on the contrary, is the best!


I give glycine to my child before bed. Calms down, quickly falls asleep and sleeps peacefully throughout the night.

Svetlana Mikhailovna

I have been using this drug for a long time, taking courses as prescribed by my doctor. I also use it for hypertensive crises together with capoten. This is how the emergency doctor explained it to me. An excellent drug.


I take it only during hypertensive crises along with the Capoten tablet. This is what the emergency doctors taught me. Helps very well. The heaviness in the head quickly goes away and the pressure decreases within 20 minutes.




I took the pills strictly according to the instructions for exactly 1 day. It's just awful. She walked around in a semi-fainting state. I couldn’t do anything, I was constantly drawn to the sofa. I'll lie down and go straight to sleep. The head is heavy. On the 2nd day I stopped taking it, but the consequences are still felt. By the evening I feel that it is getting a little better. I remember yesterday like some kind of nightmare. It’s good that I’m on vacation, otherwise I simply wouldn’t be able to even get off the couch in the morning.


"Glycine" is the only medicine that I take constantly, especially in stressful situations. It is inexpensive, tastes sweet (which is important for tablets that dissolve), and there are a lot of these tablets in the package. It has a very good effect on both the nervous system and the brain. At the same time it calms you down and gives you the opportunity to concentrate; the brain with them seems to sweep away all the negative aspects and do only what is needed.


A very good drug. My friends and I use it every day. Nervousness goes away, calmness is felt and tension decreases.


Excellent Russian drug!!!! Removes headaches, thoughts become clear, relieves stress. And this is after 2 days of taking the drug!!!!!! I never thought that such a cheap drug would be very effective for me!!!!


All my friends and I take glycine, we drink 2 tablets in the morning and our nerves are preserved. Glycine makes us calmer and we accept and tolerate various stresses much easier.


I save myself with Glycine during a session - my nervousness goes away instantly, one tablet is enough for me to concentrate, I usually take two at night, otherwise I just want to sleep. They don’t cause lethargy, like some medications; overall, it’s an excellent drug that tastes sweet, like candy).

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Shelf life: 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: The drug is available without a prescription.

We would like to emphasize that the above description of the medicinal product Glycine performs an informational function only! More precise instructions for use can be obtained by studying the instructions officially approved by the manufacturer. Remember - self-medication is irresponsible and unsafe for health! We strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before starting Glycine therapy.

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Side effects, interactions with other drugs, overdose

Glycine, if you adhere to the recommended dosage, in the absence of contraindications or individual intolerance to the components, in extremely rare cases causes side symptoms, which are manifested by nausea, allergies, itching, and salivation.

Glycine and alcohol

In case of overdose, disorientation in space, dizziness, foamy vomiting, muscle spasms, headaches, and tinnitus are possible.

While taking the drug Glycine, refrain from driving a vehicle or working with complex, precise mechanisms. The nootropic slightly reduces and slows down the reaction rate.

Glycine reduces the effectiveness of psychotropic, antipsychotic medications, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants.

Glycine analogs

Nootropics that have a similar degree of effectiveness also include the active substance Piracetam, Ginkgo biloba, Vitrum memory, Memoplant, Mexidol, Neurotropin, Tryptophan, Cebrilysin, Armadin.


Glycine-ozone, Glycine-bio, Glycine-canon are also found in pharmacies and pharmacy kiosks.

Before using Glycine tablets, be sure to read the instructions, read the contraindications, and follow the recommended dosage.

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