Folk remedies and herbs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Due to their versatility, folk remedies can do almost anything. But completely relying on them is not always advisable. In the case of multiple sclerosis, traditional treatment methods can only stop the progression of the disease. Let's look at how multiple sclerosis is treated with folk remedies and what kind of disease it is - sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis has nothing to do with memory. Such a diagnosis indicates that normal functional tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which subsequently dies. The word "scattered" means that the disease occurs in several places, and is not grouped in one piece of the organ. All organs are susceptible to this disease, but nervous tissue primarily. Due to the universality of the disease, it can also affect people of any age: from eighteen to fifty.

Is it possible to cure the disease?

Multiple sclerosis is extremely difficult to treat, and modern medicine can only slow down the development of the disease and reduce symptoms. Complete cure occurs in isolated cases and only in the early stages.


For drug therapy, whole complexes of drugs or single drugs are used, depending on the specific case:

  • muscle relaxants (muscle relaxants: Baclofen and Mydocalm);
  • strengthening drugs to improve muscle tone and the immune system (Glycine, Nootropil, Cerebrolysin);
  • antidepressants to combat neurotic conditions (Paroxetine, Fluoxetine);
  • sedatives to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and calm the body as a whole (Valium, Phenazepam, Sibazon);
  • glucocorticosteroids to relieve inflammation and swelling (Dexamethasone, Methylprednisolone);
  • means for normalizing the functioning of the genitourinary system (Toterodine, Oxybutin, Prozerin, Galantamine);
  • anticonvulsants (Antelepsin, Finlepsin).

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of the disease. At the very early stages, therapy gives good results, and quite quickly. The course of treatment, timing and dosage are selected by the attending physician, who monitors the entire process and adjusts the therapy as necessary.

A patient with multiple sclerosis will benefit from therapeutic massage. This will improve blood circulation and speed up all processes in the problem area. Massage will relieve muscle pain, spasms and improve coordination. However, this therapy is contraindicated in osteoporosis.

Folk remedies

You can achieve good results using traditional medicine. Let's highlight the main methods:

  • Mumiyo. 5 g of mumiyo are dissolved in a glass of hot water. The solution is taken 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day. The liquid is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Propolis. Take 10 g of propolis per glass of alcohol and leave for 1 week, shaking the contents daily. After this, filter and take 30 drops of water dissolved in a glass three times a day.
  • Bee venom. In spring and summer, you need to catch bees and put them on your back between the vertebrae, forcing them to sting. This will improve blood circulation and eliminate inflammation, which will help relieve pain and swelling.
  • Delphinium. For 1 liter of vodka or alcohol take 100 g of the plant. The product is infused for 3 weeks in a dark place, the contents must be shaken every day. Course of treatment: 1) for 10 days, 15 drops three times a day; 2) 10 days, 20 drops three times a day; 3) until complete cure, 30 drops three times a day.
  • Yarrow and arnica. You need to take 1 teaspoon each of arnica and yarrow herbs and brew them in a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for 30 minutes, filtered and taken every hour by sip throughout the day.

It is also recommended to consume the following foods that help fight this disease:

  • pumpkin;
  • apples;
  • honey;
  • grapefruit;
  • beet;
  • milk;
  • radish;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumber;
  • fish;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • corn;
  • oats;
  • greens (parsley, dill, lettuce);
  • wholemeal bread.

Today, doctors are working hard in three areas to eliminate multiple sclerosis:

  • combating exacerbations;
  • prevention measures through disease-modifying therapeutics (DMTs);
  • elimination of symptoms.

Each direction copes with a certain stage of the disease. The main goal of therapy is to reduce the frequency and duration of relapses, slow down the development of the disease

It is important that the patient follows the doctor’s instructions and completes the appointments in a timely manner. If treated correctly, you can live out your allotted biological life, despite the presence of the disease.

Benefits of seeds and vegetation

Such foods contribute to the health of the body and help fight disease. Flaxseed jelly, made according to a special recipe, will help cleanse your stomach and recharge your energy for the whole day. You will need to bring a glass of hot water to a boil, add 1 tbsp. lie flax seeds and cook the mixture for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain the liquid.

The fruits and leaves of Echinops have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, restore plaques in the liver and promote speedy rehabilitation after a stroke. More often they take a tincture prepared according to the classic recipe. For it, take 20 g of plant seeds, 200 ml of alcohol or vodka, mix everything and put it in a cool, dark place for three weeks.

Daily consumption of a dish made from sprouted wheat sprouts helps cleanse the intestines, restore the balance of components necessary for the body, and stabilize the functioning of the circulatory system. It is better to consume it for breakfast, every day, for three months.

Daily use of the product helps improve brain activity. It should be taken for sclerosis three times a day, 20 grams. Peel the onion, grate it on a fine grater, and squeeze out the juice. You can use a juicer if you want to get a large amount of medicine. Honey is added in equal proportions. For example, for 50 g of onion juice, you need to take 50 g of honey.

Black currant berries are very useful. It is recommended to take 1/3 glass of juice daily before meals. You can also use whole berries. Fans can add a little honey to the juice or grind the currants in a meat grinder and use it as a paste.

Herbal medicine in the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Let's consider traditional methods of treating multiple sclerosis.
Herbs that have the ability to restore the myelin sheaths of the nerves help prolong the remission of a patient diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

These are Lady's slipper, spotted orchis and Lyubka bifolia (i.e. plants of the orchid family).

Also, folk healers have recognized the Baikal skullcap as effective, as it has the ability to inhibit the development of autoimmune processes. Given the strong effect of these herbs, their dosage and regimen should be selected strictly individually.

Among the available herbs that can be bought in dried form at the pharmacy, it is worth paying attention to tansy and fireweed. These medicinal herbs are used as follows: 1-2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 12 hours (the thermos needs to be shaken periodically)

An infusion of fireweed or tansy, when used regularly, increases the resistance of the central nervous system (drink half a glass of tincture three times a day).

Chamomile infusion (pour a tablespoon of boiling water over a glass, let it brew for three hours, strain and take throughout the day) – for multiple sclerosis, this anti-inflammatory drug is used to stop the aggressive onset of the disease.

The following collection is also used: combine a teaspoon of crushed stinging nettle with the same amount of yarrow, also crushed. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of cold water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass of this decoction before bed.

Garlic oil is another popular folk recipe for combating multiple sclerosis.

Peel the head of fresh garlic, grind it to a pulp and pour in one glass of unrefined sunflower oil, leave it in the refrigerator for a day and you can eat it.

This remedy is taken as follows: mix a tablespoon of this oil with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and drink.

You need to take this mixture three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is from one month to three.

The Institute of Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) takes a comprehensive approach to the treatment of this disease, including the use of herbal medicine. Herbal infusions are selected individually, taking into account the patient’s condition.


Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease; the reasons for its development in the body are not fully understood.

With sclerosis, the human immune system begins to destroy myelin, recognizing it as a foreign substance. As a result, plaques (scars) appear in place of the myelin, which prevent the brain from receiving signals from the organs.

Some are inclined to believe that myelin destruction occurs under the influence of a pathogen that causes disorders of the immune system.

The following factors are identified as causes of sclerosis:

  • poor environmental situation in the place of residence;
  • frequent stress;
  • heredity;
  • radiation exposure;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • viruses, bacteria;
  • poisoning of the body with toxic substances (gasoline, solvents, etc.);
  • injuries (including brain);
  • surgical interventions undergone under anesthesia;
  • a type of diet in which few plant foods are consumed.

Consequences of the disease

Most often, when diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, patients remain full-fledged members of society. Disability occurs in 10% of cases.

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The sooner the disease is diagnosed and treatment begins, the greater the likelihood of leading a full life. It is easier to cope with the disease at a younger age.

The consequences are influenced by the individual characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease. The presence of frequent and long-term improvements in the condition is an indicator of the success of treatment.

In some cases, the disease can lead to death within several years.

Sclerosis is not a contraindication to pregnancy. A woman can carry and give birth to a child. But in this case, against the backdrop of a heavy load on the body, her condition may worsen. Therefore, a woman should rest more.

General recommendations

The mechanism of development of the pathology is associated with the body’s autoimmune reaction. The immune system produces T-lymphocyte cells that destroy oligodendrocytes, the cells that form the myelin sheath. The participation of B-lymphocytes in the pathological process has been proven. There are remitting and progressive forms. Drug therapy is carried out to regulate the activity of the immune system, normalize motor function and eliminate emerging neurological syndromes.

Drug treatment is carried out taking into account the form of the disease, the nature of the course, the severity of neurological symptoms, and the presence of contraindications. The list and regimen of medications are selected individually for each patient. Complex therapy includes massage, exercise therapy, breathing exercises, physiotherapy (except for procedures based on thermal effects). Rehabilitation measures help combat disorders:

  • Increased muscle spasticity.
  • Muscular asthenia.
  • Limitation of physical activity.
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders.

Various medical devices and exercise equipment are used to correct movement disorders. Diet therapy is considered one of the effective ways to combat pathology. Dietary nutrition includes foods rich in plant fiber, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The gluten-free diet and dietary nutrition according to the Embry and Swank method are popular. Treatment of MS with folk remedies often produces a positive therapeutic effect if carried out in parallel with drug therapy.

What is senile sclerosis?

This phrase is used to describe a whole group of psychological disorders. If we consider in more detail, we will say that they are characterized by:

  • memory loss;
  • deterioration of character;
  • inability to perceive new information;
  • often hot temper, touchiness.

Often a person begins to suspect his loved ones of all mortal sins, gets close to strangers, complaining about his children. If family members do not understand that the reason for such changes is organic changes in the nervous system, a situation will arise where the elderly person will be left to his own devices. And in case of a heart attack or other problems, there is simply no one to help him.

Definition of illness

The term exists only in Russia. If you look in a medical reference book about what kind of disease this is - sclerosis, then officially such a name does not exist. In other countries, the disease is called dementia characteristic of the elderly or Alzheimer's syndrome. This characterizes weak-minded behavior in people caused by a variety of reasons. The name is due to the fact that the root cause was initially considered to be vascular atherosclerosis of the brain. The term usually means the replacement of some body tissue with connective tissue. In this case, the quality of blood vessels changes.

Senile sclerosis (dementia changes of late age)
Violations Vascular Atrophic Mixed
Kinds Cerebral atherosclerosis Pick's disease Alzheimer's with vascular lesions of the head
Alzheimer's type syndrome
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
Dementia caused by Huntington's chorea

Leave a request for selection of a boarding house

for an elderly person with sclerosis

Useful tips

  • Include physical activity in your daily schedule, the intensity of which should be agreed with your doctor. If physical activity is limited, you should go for long walks to a park or square every day.
  • Normalize sleep. To ensure healthy sleep, you need to choose a comfortable pillow, ventilate the room every evening and devote 8-9 hours to rest at night. It is better to avoid daytime sleep in case of multiple sclerosis to prevent blood stagnation in the brain tissue.
  • Protect the patient from communicating with people with negative views on life, avoid stressful situations.
  • To maintain peace of mind, set aside time for meditation every day.
  • Include in your daily menu foods that have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain and have an anti-sclerotic effect - greens, strawberries, watermelons, mushrooms, turmeric, eggs, beef, all types of nuts, fish, seaweed, seafood, fruits.
  • Increase fluid intake to 2 liters per day. Immediately after sleep, drink a glass of hot water to improve blood circulation through the brain vessels.

The described recommendations can be adjusted by the attending physician - supplemented or reduced depending on the patient’s health condition.



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Treatment method for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which brain cells are destroyed and a person begins to forget many things.

Its treatment is extremely important for a comfortable life. Most often, elderly people suffer from this disease.


Treatment of multiple sclerosis should begin with correction of nutrition and habitual lifestyle. Overheating must be avoided. When going outside on a hot summer day, you need to cover your head with a scarf, put on a cap, or simply hide under an umbrella. You cannot take a steam bath or go to the sauna. It is better to take a cool shower or bath.

The main thing is to get rid of all bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco products are strictly prohibited for consumption by people suffering from multiple sclerosis. Alcohol and tobacco destroy brain cells. The patient's memory and general condition worsens.

It is necessary to give up sweet and fatty foods. You don't need to completely eliminate such foods from your diet, but you should significantly reduce the number of servings, for example, eat chocolate once a week. For patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, a raw food diet will be of great benefit. Fruits and vegetables will become a substitute for sweets and will bring great benefits to the body.

Patients should avoid wool. There is no need to wear woolen socks, jumpers, hats, or scarves. There is no need to get rid of pets; it is simply necessary to limit communication with them.

Any tactile contact with a cat or dog can cause allergies, and as a result provoke an exacerbation of diseases. Plants that bloom intensely should not be kept in your home.

To avoid the progression of the disease, you should surround the patient with care, eliminate the factor that can provoke anxiety, and take care of the normal psychological climate in the home.

How to relieve stress at home?

With multiple sclerosis, it is important to learn how to relieve stress at home. There are several ways:

meditation is an excellent option for relieving emotional and physical stress; following an established daily routine will help avoid stressful situations, and proper rest promotes relaxation and recuperation; you need to start playing sports, you should choose the type of sports carefully, you need to consult a doctor; An alternative to physical education would be yoga or active walks in the park in the fresh air, or visiting the pool.


The disease affects people aged 18 to 50 years. The causes of the disease have not yet been studied.

A person suffering from multiple sclerosis experiences fatigue, cannot concentrate for long periods of time, and memory, speech, vision and coordination deteriorate. Exacerbations are also possible, occurring at any time, which can impair vision, the ability to move and other body functions in a short period of time.

The patient may not expect the development of multiple sclerosis for several years and attribute the ailments that arise to fatigue or stress.

The disease manifests itself gradually, destroying nerve endings, symptoms appear more and more often, which over time can become an irreversible consequence.

General instructions

If you have multiple sclerosis, you should not be overheated. You cannot soak in a hot bath; it is advisable to wash under a warm shower. Do not overuse the sun's rays. In hot sunny weather, you should try to spend more time in the shade. The menu should be dominated by products of plant origin. The disease can worsen because a person leads an inactive lifestyle. Blood should not stagnate in brain cells. If you like to sleep during the day, then you should give up this habit. For night sleep, you need to choose a high pillow (it should be equal to half the volume of your head).

Don’t forget to do basic physical exercises: we rise on our tiptoes, then sharply lower ourselves onto our heels.

This should be done every hour for 15–20 exercises.

In order not to provoke an aggravation of the situation, you need to completely protect yourself from all kinds of allergens.

An important rule that you need to remember and always follow: avoid stressful situations, smile as often as possible, believe in your own strength, and the disease will certainly recede

If you have tried all the possible methods of traditional treatment for multiple sclerosis, and they were unsuccessful, you should pay attention to the methods offered by alternative medicine. You should never “give up” in the face of any illness

You need to hope for the best and look for ways to get rid of the pathology

You should never “give up” in front of any disease. You need to hope for the best and look for ways to get rid of the pathology.

In order to achieve the best effect, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in parallel with taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

The main thing is to remember that you will not be able to quickly cope with this disease. You need to prepare yourself for quite a long treatment.

Under no circumstances should we slow down healing. The main thing is patience.

Interesting fact: every fourth person with multiple sclerosis is cured of this disease.

What needs to be done to keep your spirit cheerful and your health strong?

Treatment options

Doctors recommend hormonal support and local treatment during exacerbations. Hormones block the immune system and reduce its ability to fight, but also make a person susceptible to various diseases. This method is not a path to recovery, but only restrains symptomatic manifestations and has a detrimental effect on the liver.

Traditional medicine will be an excellent addition to traditional treatment. Natural herbal medicines have a positive effect on our body. When choosing a medicine, pay attention to the composition in order to avoid allergic reactions of the patient to certain types of herbs, if any.

How to prepare medicinal plants at home?

  1. Herbal decoction. Mix crushed rue herb (15 g), valerian roots (12 g), hawthorn flowers (20 g) and its leaves (15 g). Pour 20 g of the mixture with cold water (100 ml). Let stand for 3 hours, then boil over medium heat for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain through a sieve and use only the liquid. Take 20 ml orally with meals twice every 24 hours. Keep the remaining mixture in the refrigerator.
  2. Clover. Pour plant heads (flowers) (100 g) into a liter jar. Pour vodka into the container up to the neck and set aside in a dark place for 2 weeks. Drink 10 ml before bed every day. The duration of treatment at home is from 2 to 3 months, depending on how you feel. Then take a break for 30 days.
  3. Infusion of nettle and yarrow. Chop the yarrow leaves as finely as possible; the finished raw material should be about 10 g. Mix with the same amount of stinging nettle. For every 10 ml of mixture, 0.3 liters of water (cold) is required. Place the container in a water bath and keep it on the fire for up to 10 minutes. Take 100 ml at a time per day at night. Continue treatment at home for 2 months.
  4. Root decoction. Grind the roots of soapwort, dandelion and wheatgrass (30 g each) in a meat grinder. Combine them with chopped yarrow herb (20 g). Brew the mixture in boiled water (take 100 ml of liquid per 110 g). Use 5 tbsp. l. in the evenings for exactly a month. If necessary, repeat the course after 60 days.
  5. Larkspur reticulate. Finely chop the dried root of the plant. Pour raw materials (10 g) into boiling water (100 ml). Cover the vessel with a lid and leave the mixture for a week. Strain. Drink 20 ml of liquid 2 times a day, pre-heated. In addition, put 2 drops in your nose in the morning and before bed. Before this, the nasal passage should be cleaned. The duration of treatment is 14 days, after a month it can be continued.
  6. Propolis. Rinse the bee glue (200 g), leave in a cool place for 5 hours. Grate, pour cold water (100 ml) over the raw material. After 2 hours, after all the impurities float to the surface, drain the liquid and dry the mass. Then pour in ethyl alcohol (70% - 50 ml). Leave the product in the refrigerator for a week and use 1 tbsp as a food additive. l. 3 times a day. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of treatment can last 1–3 months.
  7. Honey with onions. Grind white onions in a blender. Separate the juice (40 ml) from the pulp using gauze. Add honey (4 tablespoons), melted over the fire. Mix the tincture and consume it 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day, 1 tsp. within a month. After 30 days, if there is no improvement, treatment can be continued.
  8. Garlic tincture. Make a paste of garlic by crushing 4 heads. Place it in a plastic jar and fill the container to the top with linseed oil. Leave the infusion in a warm place for a day. Before use, mix it with lemon juice (1:1). Take 10 ml 2 times in 24 hours. This should be done 30 minutes before meals. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies in the form of garlic tincture should be carried out for 2 months, after which it is necessary to give the body a rest for 30 days.
  9. Fill a glass container with grated garlic (350 g), pour vodka (200 ml) over the mixture. Let the mixture stand for 10 days in a dark place, stirring every day. After this time, strain through cheesecloth 3 times, leaving only the liquid. Take according to this scheme - from days 1 to 7, add 2 drops of solution to a glass of milk. Every day, increase the dose by 1 drop, bringing it to 25, and continue to use the product until the symptoms of the disease disappear. This usually takes from 3 to 6 months.
  10. Tincture for feet. Positive results can be achieved by regularly making foot baths with the following product: you need to fill a 10 liter basin with purified kerosene and water (1:1). Then you need to pour dried acacia flowers into it (take 100 g for every 1 liter). Leave the bath for 24 hours. Before lowering your legs, moisten the cloth that needs to be passed over their skin. Limbs should be kept in the infusion every day for 30 minutes until complete recovery.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of sclerosis

Onion is used for multiple sclerosis, which must be mixed with honey. The onion is grated, the juice is squeezed out, and mixed with honey. Take once a day 3 hours before meals.

Black currant is a remedy that relieves pain in the head and joints.

Propolis tincture in combination with mumiyo is also an effective treatment. This product contains fumaric acid. You need to grind 5 g of propolis, add alcohol, and put it in a dark place for a week. Then you need to drain the tincture, fill the propolis with water again, placing the jar again in a dark place. 30 drops of the product are poured into water and should be taken an hour before meals.

Garlic is a universal product that helps in the treatment of many diseases. You need to take a head of garlic, peel it, and grind it in a mortar. Then put the resulting porridge on a plate and add 2-3 tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil. It is advisable to add lemon juice. Then the resulting mixture should be put in the refrigerator for a day. Drink this drink three times a day.

Herbal tea always helps in the treatment of various diseases. Many folk remedies used for multiple sclerosis are based precisely on a mixture of various herbs. To get started, try this collection: 25 hawthorn flowers and 15 g of rue mixed with 15 g of valerian roots. Everything needs to be thoroughly mixed and poured with cold water, boiled, and stirred. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Echinops globulus is considered a good remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The fight against this disease is more effective with the help of Echinops. The seeds of the plant are poured with boiling water and infused for 3 hours. A remedy to drink in a day. The infusion should be used for two months, but carefully monitor your well-being. If your blood pressure rises, you should stop taking the drug.

Bee stinging as a method is effective and can be used to successfully treat multiple sclerosis. When bees sting, they secrete apitoxin, which has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Treatment takes place in 3 courses. The first course is 120 bee stings, after 2 weeks you need to take a second course of 120 stings. After 6 weeks the last course begins.

Hot water is a less traumatic way to treat a disease such as multiple sclerosis. You need to drink a glass of hot water every morning on an empty stomach. This remedy is suitable for the treatment of other diseases.

Two rose hips, onion peels and spruce needles are mixed, brewed with boiling water, and infused. You need to drink 3 glasses of this mixture per day. This remedy relieves attacks of weakness and helps to gain vigor.

For tinnitus and headaches, red clover is used.

You need to collect its cones-inflorescences during the time of active flowering, let them brew in a vodka solution, then take them every day on an empty stomach in the morning.

In order to cure fungal diseases that negatively affect the nervous system, it is recommended to do this: take 100 walnuts, cut them, pour honey on them. Place in a three-liter jar and stir. The jar must be tightly closed with a tin lid and buried in the ground. After 6 months, the jar is dug out and its contents are filtered through a sieve. The resulting solution is poured into containers and stored in the refrigerator. Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day (an hour after meals). In this case, the syrup must be diluted with water.

Cereals are the best way to strengthen the nervous system. The following treatment method is recommended: pour boiled milk over 100 g of oat flakes, boil these flakes in milk, add rice, wheat bran, or sweeten with honey or sugar.

To improve the condition of a patient with multiple sclerosis, you can prepare special bagels. The cooking recipe is as follows: take 0.5 kg of flour, mix with cinnamon and nutmeg (10 g in total), add 2 eggs and cloves, a little butter, nuts, 100 g of kefir, mix. You will get a thick dough. You need to carefully roll it out, make bagels or cookies using a special mold, then place everything on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake at a temperature of 180-200° C.

It is recommended to eat 2-3 bagels a day, wash them down with tea, and then the patient’s condition will begin to improve. If your bagel dough contains buckwheat flour, then they will be an excellent pressure regulator for you.

General principles of MS therapy, clinical manifestations

T cells destroy the myelin sheaths of neurons

The prevalence of the disease in our country is 30-100 cases per 100 thousand people. Most often, the pathology debuts in patients at the age of 30 years, but early onset of the disease is possible. The earliest onset of MS was recorded in a 2-year-old child.

Multiple sclerosis has its own characteristics of the course. The first manifestations of the disease may appear suddenly. Patients notice weakness in the limbs and a slight deterioration in vision. As the pathology of the brain tissue progresses, patients develop numbness in the arms or legs, loss of vision, and the development of hemiparesis, monoparesis, and total paralysis.

Specific signs of MS include:

  • weakness of the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • visual disturbances (limitation of visual fields, veil, blind spot);
  • numbness in the arms, legs, crawling sensation;
  • changes in gait, double vision, difficulty recognizing text;
  • constipation, urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • paralysis;
  • poor tactile sensitivity;
  • vestibulopathy;
  • memory impairment, irritability, depression, suicidal tendencies.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of MS suggests using glucocorticosteroid hormones (Methylprednisolone, Prednisolone). They are necessary to relieve the acute period, as well as to prevent exacerbations of the disease. In addition to glucocorticosteroids, nootropic drugs are used to improve blood flow to the brain, as well as facilitate the conduction of nerve impulses in the brain.

Long-term use of corticosteroids in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is not indicated

Interferons-beta are also actively prescribed for patients with MS. They normalize the functioning of the immune system. The main drugs in this group are: Extavia, Ronbetal.

Natalizumab (monoclonal antibodies to interleukin-2), Cladribine, Fingolimod, and human immunoglobulins in high doses (10%) for injection (Gamunex, Octagam) are actively used.

Symptoms and diagnosis

First, you should pay attention to the first symptoms of the disease:

  • constant fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • chills;
  • numbness or tingling in different parts of the body.

Further, as the disease progresses, other symptoms are observed:

  • impaired coordination and motor skills;
  • worsening reaction;
  • problems with urinary incontinence;
  • constipation;
  • speech problems;
  • breathing problems;
  • problems swallowing food;
  • severe muscle weakness.

The degree and severity of symptoms depends on the location of damage to the nervous system.
In some cases, a person may become completely immobilized or disabled. Careful examinations are necessary for an accurate diagnosis. First you need to see a doctor who will conduct a visual examination, study your medical history and listen to complaints. Further additional examinations may be prescribed:

  • immune system research;
  • biochemical tests;
  • MRI of the brain and spine (shows plaque accumulation);
  • CT scan of the brain and spine (shows areas of inflammation);
  • electromyography (to detect pathologies in the organs of vision and hearing);
  • diagnosis by an ophthalmologist (for examination for myopathy).

After all the necessary tests and studies, the doctor will make a diagnosis, on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed.

Other recipes for home use

In the collection of folk recipes there are many useful compounds for supporting the patient’s body with MS. The severity of inflammation decreases, nervous processes improve.

Garlic, lemon, oil:

  1. Squeeze out the pulp from 1 middle head.
  2. Transfer to a jar, pour 1 tbsp. unrefined oil.
  3. Keep in the cold for 1 day.
  4. Before each dose, mix 1 tsp. garlic oil and 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice.
  5. Drink 20 minutes before meals. The course lasts 90 days. After a month's break they start again.

Thanks to arachidonic acid, it helps with sclerosis. The product relieves shortness of breath and relieves vascular spasms.

Do not use for pathologies of the liver and kidneys against the background of exacerbation. The drug is contraindicated during therapy with blood thinning medications. In rare cases it leads to dermatitis.


  1. Squeeze out 1 glass of fresh juice.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. honey
  3. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  4. The course lasts 1.5-2 months.

Serves as a good protection against sclerosis thanks to allicins. Strengthens blood vessels and cleanses the body of toxins. Onion medicine is not suitable for everyone; it provokes a hypertensive attack. Do not use for serious problems of the heart, stomach, or liver.

Nuts. They are sources of natural acids and oils that have a positive effect on arterioles and capillaries. Included in Embry's diet.

Do not use for diabetes, psoriasis, or lesions of the pancreas.

Used raw or in the form of vegetable oil. Daily dose 5-7 pcs. per day, oil 1 tbsp.


  1. Almond.
  2. Cashew nuts.
  3. Walnut.
  4. Peanut.

Garlic tincture:

  1. Finely chop the cloves and place them 1/3 full in a jar.
  2. The remaining 2/3 is filled with 60% alcohol.
  3. Insist for 2 weeks in the dark.

Take after dilution -5 drops per 1 tsp. Drink on an empty stomach 3 times a day. Course 30 days. The recipe cleanses the blood and lowers blood pressure.

The tincture is contraindicated in case of kidney damage, individual intolerance, or decreased coagulability.

Mordovnik. A tincture is prepared from the seeds:

  1. For 1 tbsp. raw materials take 200 ml of vodka.
  2. Insist for 20 days in darkness and coolness.
  3. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Dilute in 50 ml of water.
  4. It is useful to rub into the spinal area.

Contraindications for use: stage 3 arterial hypertension, optic nerve pathology.

The power of herbs

The composition of medicinal herbs determines their effectiveness in the treatment of sclerosis. The following compositions give positive results :

NameHow to cookHow to useWellOperating principleSide effectsContraindications
Larkspur infusion
  • 20 g of herb is soaked in water for 10 hours;
  • boil for 5 minutes;
  • leave for 5-6 hours.
1 tbsp. 3 times a day, on an empty stomach 10-12 days
  • acts on the nervous system through alkaloids, helps with paresis and paralysis;
  • has a capillary-strengthening effect.
  • the plant is poisonous;
  • in case of overdose, convulsive syndrome, vomiting, respiratory depression, collapse.
  • pathology of blood vessels and heart;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • hypotension.
Freshly squeezed hare cabbage juiceJuice is extracted from fresh herbs using a juicer.3-5 drops every hour for 6 hours2 weeksAnalgesic and tonic effectKidney irritation
  • gout;
  • liver and kidney failure.
Tincture of red clover heads
  • 40 g of flowers are poured with 500 ml of vodka;
  • leave for 14-15 days;
  • filtered.
1 time per day 20 ml before lunch or dinner3 months
  • effective for cephalalgia, tinnitus;
  • improves the properties of vascular walls.
Exhibits anticoagulant effect
  • conditions after a stroke;
  • pregnancy.
Ginkgo biloba extract
  • grind 100 g of green leaves;
  • pour 0.5 liters of alcohol;
  • kept in the dark for 2 weeks.
20-30 drops. 3 times a day 6-8 weeksIncreases wall elasticityHypotension
  • hypocoagulation;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • heart attack
Raspberry leaf infusion
  • crushed leaves are stuffed into a 0.5 liter jar;
  • fill to the top with vodka;
  • insist for 10 days.
1 tbsp. 3 times a day 2-3 weeksImmunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effectsConstipationGout
Heather decoction
  • 1 tbsp. raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • simmer on fire for 10 minutes.
Take as tea or water7 daysRelieves inflammation, soothesRashGastritis with low acidity
Infusion of nettle and yarrow
  • mix herbs in equal proportions;
  • 1 tbsp. the mixture is poured with 0.5 liters of water.
½ tbsp. for the night 14 days
  • improves vascular tone;
  • normalizes metabolic processes.
  • rash;
  • nausea.
  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypotension.

About the treatment of multiple sclerosis with herbs, peroxide, salt, linseed oil:

Find out more about lifestyle with multiple sclerosis:

  • vitamins and physical therapy necessary for the patient;
  • prevention of exacerbations of the disease;
  • conditions for granting disability and deferment from the army.
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