Critical days after a stroke
The main stages of stroke in time: acute and recovery, their features
Irina Baranova Cardiologist Higher education: Cardiologist Kuban State Medical University (Kuban State Medical University, Kuban State Medical Academy, Kuban State Medical Institute) Level
Clopixol depot: instructions for use, analogues, reviews
The pharmacological effect of the drug Clopixol, an antipsychotic drug (neuroleptic), formed from thioxanthene, exhibits a pronounced
Vitamin D for multiple sclerosis and others: dosage, necessity, features of administration
Vitamin D slows down the development of multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune progressive degenerative disease in which the body's defenses are compromised
Depression during pregnancy
Causes and characteristics of depression during pregnancy
Causes of occurrence This condition does not occur in all pregnant women. Often
Muscle tension with neurosis
Exercises for relaxation during neurosis
Causes Each of the neuroses that arise in a person is a consequence of a high concentration of stress hormones,
Glycine tablets - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Yana I probably won’t be the first to write that this glycine doesn’t help me. But this is not the best
Glycine for VSD is prescribed if the problems relate to disorders of the psychoemotional state, symptoms
Text of the book “Dyscalculia in children: prevention and correction of impairments in mastering counting activities”
Dyscalculia is a specific disorder of learning to count. It manifests itself in preschool and school age. Reasons
Sleep and nutrition schedule. How to eat to sleep well
Honey is a delicacy loved by millions of people. It is called a natural elixir that helps maintain health,
The left side of the face blew out: how to treat it - Kashelisopli
Most people have at least once experienced back pain of varying intensity and character.
Complex (chain) brain stem reflexes
Structure The brain stem is a collection of structures of the central nervous system with a length of 7 centimeters,
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