Glycine tablets - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Yana I probably won’t be the first to write that this glycine doesn’t help me. But this is not the best

Glycine for VSD is prescribed if the problems relate to disorders of the psycho-emotional state, the symptoms are identical to neuroses and panic attacks. The drug is one of several in complex therapy; it combines well with other drugs and is adequately accepted by the body. Complications are recorded extremely rarely, even with long-term use.

The duration of the course of taking Glycine is 2-3 weeks on average; you need to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, placing them in the sublingual space and without drinking water. During pregnancy, lactation and in childhood (from 3 years), the dosage is not adjusted.

How does Glycine help with VSD?

Glycine for VSD is an auxiliary drug in complex therapy that has a neurosuppressive effect. As a result:

  • sleep is normalized and stabilized;
  • mental activity is activated;
  • headaches and dizziness disappear;
  • restores the psycho-emotional background, relieves its tension;
  • stops the progression of motor overexcitation.

Glycine, taken in long courses, can act as a prophylactic agent - people who are often under stress can thus eliminate another attack of VSD or make it less pronounced.

The essence of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, as a separate disease, is not included in the International Classification of Diseases, and therefore it is considered as a complex of symptoms. The essence of VSD is the manifestation of certain symptoms due to impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which is “responsible” for the functioning of the glands, internal organs and blood vessels. That is why it has a variable clinical picture, for example, a person may be bothered by:

  • breathing disorder (shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air, etc.);
  • unbalanced blood pressure (increase/decrease);
  • pain in the heart area, rapid heartbeat;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • general loss of strength, weakness, fatigue;
  • upper/lower extremities are constantly cold to the touch;
  • increased sweating even in the cold season, in a cool room;
  • sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep);
  • trembling of the upper extremities (hand tremor);
  • dizziness, infrequent and short-term fainting.

VSD is also characterized by problems with the psycho-emotional background - a person becomes irritable, experiences anxiety and restlessness, and is always in a bad mood.

Features of glycine

The peculiarity of glycine is that it specifically affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and is able to relieve or make less intense the classic symptoms of VSD - headache, excessive sweating, surges in blood pressure, dizziness and others. This amino acid is:

  • improves, normalizes and stabilizes sleep;
  • increases the resistance of the nervous system to stress;
  • relieves unmotivated feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • activates the work of the brain, including blood circulation in the vessels.

The only thing you need to know is that the declared effect of taking Glycine can only be obtained if the therapy is carried out in long courses and in combination with other medications.

When to take the drug

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can occur in different types - cardiological, gastroenterological, respiratory and others; their classification depends on the symptoms of a particular patient. And not in all cases, taking Glycine will be justified, and in some it will turn out to be absolutely useless, which will only worsen the patient’s condition. Doctors recommend starting to take this drug if you have:

  • long-term stressful situation;
  • irritation that cannot be dealt with on your own;
  • excessive excitability;
  • a pronounced decrease in brain performance.

Glycine will help if VSD occurs against the background of a previous ischemic stroke, mental disorders, antisocial behavior of the patient, or neuroses.

The most important thing is that Glycine should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, because it is not suitable for everyone and requires precise dosage.

We recommend reading about the features of the drug Glycine Bio. From the article you will learn about the differences between the drugs Glycine and Glycine Bio, instructions for use, indications for use, side effects. And here is more information about the benefits and harms of taking Glycine.

Is it possible to cure VSD?

It is believed that it is impossible to cure VSD forever; this pathological condition sometimes manifests itself quite suddenly, when there are no apparent reasons for this. Taking Glycine helps people gradually cope with the disease, but the course must be long and fully comply with the doctor’s prescriptions - you cannot interrupt it, but you should not take 2-3 tablets at once instead of 1 to speed up recovery.

Already after the first course of Glycine, patients with VSD note that their condition has improved significantly - emotional stress has disappeared, attacks of nervousness and aggression have stopped, and their mood has normalized. Therefore, it is necessary to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia, but not only with sublingual tablets - the doctor may also prescribe other drugs with symptomatic effects.

Watch this video about what VSD is and what to do if you are diagnosed with this:

The benefits and harms of glycine for neuroses and depression

When taking the nootropic drug glycine for depression and neurosis, you may encounter not only the benefits of the amino acid, but also harm to the psyche:

Benefits of amino acids Harm
Eliminates mental disorders, schizophrenia. Long-term use is fraught with disturbances in metabolic processes and energy metabolism, because aminoacetic acid is formed and accumulates during the decay process.
Accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers. May interfere with the absorption of certain medications - its drug interactions have not been fully studied.
Neutralizes the consequences of heart attacks and strokes. Not suitable for small children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people employed in production who require speed of reaction, attentiveness, and transport drivers.
Improves prostate function.
Relieves insomnia.
Provides increased muscle tone.
Reduces cravings for alcohol.

Side effects

Chronic use of glycine as an antidepressant may be accompanied by adverse reactions:

  • nausea, vomiting, indigestion;
  • swelling of the mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • rash, itchy skin;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • fatigue.

Glycine for VSD: how to take it

Glycine for VSD should be taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The tablet is placed in the sublingual space and remains there until completely dissolved. It is impossible to take the drug with water or other liquids, because only through this intake is it possible to achieve rapid penetration of the main active substance into the brain, bypassing the liver.

It is believed that there is no need to take more than 3 tablets of Glycine per day, because it acts on a cumulative system, and a banal overdose can occur with all the ensuing complications.

The duration of taking Glycine is determined only by the attending physician, but one course is usually 2-3 weeks, after which you should take a break for 15 days. Repeated courses are carried out only if necessary and there is pronounced positive dynamics during the first one.

For children

For children, the drug is prescribed in the same dosage as for adults, but if the patient is less than 3 years old, then it is adjusted - 1 tablet is prescribed once a day. The duration of the course of therapy remains unchanged.

Is it possible during pregnancy and lactation?

Glycine is approved for use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding; the dosage remains unchanged, but the duration of therapy can be slightly reduced - from 2-3 weeks to 7 days.

If there is an urgent need (for example, a woman develops postpartum depression or during pregnancy the symptoms of VSD have become more pronounced), then Glycine can be used daily for 1-2 months. But in this case, the dosage is slightly reduced - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Postpartum depression

Scheme if Forte

Glycine Forte has a high concentration of amino acids, and therefore the regimen for taking such a drug for VSD will be slightly different:

  • Duration of treatment is 2 weeks;
  • take 2 tablets per day (morning and evening);
  • A repeat course can be started 10 days after the end of the first.

In what cases are medications needed for neurosis?

The need to treat neurosis with medications appears when you have not worked on something in your life, have not adjusted it and are now experiencing regular stress.

Some of you may object to my statement that the drug method is an additional remedy: “I know that until I take the pill, I will not feel like a person. No amount of auto-training will help me remove stress!”

You are partly right. We’ll talk about this in the chapter “Individual characteristics of the body.”

Medicines, especially nootropics (glycine, etc.), are intended to help a patient with neurosis temporarily normalize their condition and reduce symptoms. This gives him the strength to get on the right path and get rid of the effects of stress. The only right direction is the road to health.

Take a course of medication. At the same time, normalize your life and work activities. Then the neurosis will go away from you.

Below you will find some of the medications that doctors recommend.

Will Glycine help with neurosis and panic attacks?

Glycine will help with neurosis and panic attacks, but not in all cases. The fact is that such conditions are a disruption of the autonomic nervous system, and much depends on the person’s personal perception of such problems (“I’m going to die now” or “nonsense, I can handle it”), the degree of development of panic attacks, and how often one has to be in such a state.

But doctors are unanimous: Glycine, taken in courses, will certainly reduce the intensity of neuroses and can stop panic attacks or make them barely noticeable.

You need to understand that with a growing panic attack, taking 1-2 tablets of Glycine will not have any effect - the drug works on a cumulative system, although it can become a placebo for particularly impressionable patients.

How does a panic attack occur?


The dosage of Glycine for neuroses and panic attacks remains unchanged - 2-3 tablets per day sublingually for 2-3 weeks. The fact is that the limit dose of an amino acid per day is 150 mg and you definitely shouldn’t exceed it in order to avoid an overdose and deterioration of well-being.

Achieved effect

The medicine underwent clinical trials, during which its effectiveness was proven.

According to the instructions, Glycine helps:

  • reduce psycho-emotional stress, conflict, aggressiveness, increase social adaptation;
  • improve mood;
  • make it easier to fall asleep;
  • increase mental performance;
  • reduce vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • reduce the severity of brain disorders in traumatic brain injury and ischemic stroke;
  • reduce the toxic effects of drugs and alcohol.


There are no strict contraindications to taking Glycine, but the official instructions indicate that VSD should be treated with caution with this drug if:

  • persistently low blood pressure (it is necessary to monitor its levels daily);
  • individual intolerance to aminoacetic acid.

Blood pressure should be measured daily

Description of the drug

Glycine is the simplest alphalytic amino acid found in many food sources, particularly those of protein origin.
The substance is capable of influencing metabolism in nervous tissue, as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, due to which the level of stress and anxiety decreases. Since nervous tension subsides, the patient’s cognitive abilities, due to the lack of anxiety, improve somewhat. The action of glycine is to directly influence the receptors of the glutamate class, due to which aggressiveness and conflict are reduced, and adaptive capabilities in relation to social pressure are improved. The product improves mood, normalizes sleep, and eliminates insomnia. With the help of this drug, you can treat some autonomic disorders associated with cyclical changes in the body of women during the premenstrual period, as a result of which the headache does not hurt at all, mood swings disappear, there is no tearfulness and irritability, but subject to regular course use, because one tablet at once does not solve the problem will correct. The medicine also reduces withdrawal symptoms in patients with alcoholism, removes some toxic effects associated with the use of drugs that inhibit the activity or activity of the central nervous system.

Combination with other drugs

Glycine goes well with other drugs; when treating VSD, complex therapy is required, so doctors simultaneously prescribe soothing herbal infusions, antioxidants, and nootropics. In addition, it is advisable to supplement the course of amino acid tablets with multivitamin complexes, which increases the resistance of the nervous system to stress.

We recommend reading about the benefits of Glycine Forte. From the article you will learn about the characteristics of the drug, instructions for use, side effects, differences from regular Glycine. And here is more information about what and when to choose - Tenoten or Glycine.

Glycine in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is the drug of choice in most cases, but is included in complex therapy. Taking a course of tablets helps not only reduce the intensity of symptoms, but also stop another attack of the disease.

Mechanism of action

Aminoacetic acid normalizes the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, improves blood circulation, metabolism, and is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. It has antioxidant and antitoxic properties, as well as:

  • improves the functioning of the brain and spinal cord;
  • helps cope with excessive mental stress, get rid of feelings of anxiety, psycho-emotional stress;
  • produces a sedative effect;
  • eliminates tension, irritability;
  • inhibits the production of stress hormones;
  • stops the destruction of brain cells and nerve tissues, promotes their restoration;
  • increases the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is an inhibitory mediator.

The amino acid eliminates tremors of the limbs, as well as convulsions that occur against the background of neurosis. This effect is achieved by reducing the activity of spinal cord neurons that are associated with glycine receptors. Under stress, aminoacetic acid is produced.

Watch the video about the mechanism of glycine's effect on the nervous system:

GLYCINE, instructions, description, application, side effects

The principle of action of the drug

Glycine belongs to the group of neuroactive acids that trigger presynaptic inhibition of spinal cord reflexes. The substance affects neurogenic processes that regulate vascular tone. Thanks to these properties, the drug has a positive effect on motor functions and almost all autonomic reactions. Below are the pharmacological effects of the drug:

  • improved mood;
  • reduction of psycho-emotional stress;
  • reduction in the frequency of attacks of aggression and irritability;
  • relief after hemorrhagic stroke, cerebral ischemia;
  • neutralization of the effects of toxins from the effects of medications, alcohol;
  • reduces menopausal symptoms.

After sublingual administration, the active component is quickly absorbed into the systemic circulation. Glycine penetrates the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in the main structures of the nervous system, where it exerts its therapeutic effect. Metabolism of the active component occurs in cells, where it breaks down into two components: water plus carbon dioxide. The renal system and lungs help remove metabolites from the body.

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