Vitamin D slows down the development of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune progressive degenerative disease in which the body's defenses turn against nerve cells and destroy their myelin sheath.

Regular attacks by the immune system lead to the fact that the nervous tissue is replaced by scar tissue, which does not have the ability to conduct nerve impulses to the central nervous system, which ultimately leads to the destruction of the nervous system.

There is no cure for this disease, but systemic therapy guarantees stable remission. To regenerate the myelin layer, not only medications are needed, but also significant amounts of minerals and vitamins.

We will talk about vitamins B12, D (D3) and others - their dosage, contraindications and side effects - in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Which ones are most important?

Fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K, D) and water-soluble (B, C) are prescribed.

Fat soluble:

  1. E (tocopherol) is a strong antioxidant, ensures the elasticity of blood vessels, counteracts muscle failure, protects cell membranes from damage, and enhances erythropoiesis. Sources of the vitamin are vegetable oils.
  2. A (retinol) also has antioxidant properties, protects vision, cornea, and maintains the elasticity of cell membranes.
    Contained in chicken eggs, beef liver, butter, cod liver and other marine mammals, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, pumpkin, red peppers, spinach, peaches, sea buckthorn, rose hips, cherries, apples, sour cream, watermelon.
  3. K (phylloquinone) is a vitamin necessary for protein synthesis, which is extremely important for strengthening nervous tissue, regulates blood clotting and prevents internal bleeding. There is a lot of it in cereal grains, green leafy vegetables, avocado, pumpkin, bananas, kiwi, milk, beef, chicken eggs, soybeans, parsley, and the maximum amount is found in alfalfa.
  4. D (calciferol) is a unique vitamin that is produced by human skin under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation. Without it, phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, skeletal growth and hormone synthesis are impossible.

Water soluble:

  1. B1 (thiamine) in combination with B12 enhances the effect of the latter. Large reserves of thiamine are found in wholemeal bread, beans, cabbage, peas, carrots, spinach, soybeans, potatoes, liver, kidneys, and brain.
  2. B9 (folic acid) increases the formation of red blood cells, which is very important for anemia, and prevents seizures. Contained in yeast, wholemeal flour, green leafy vegetables, honey, legumes.
  3. B6 (pyridoxine) has a protective effect against carbon monoxide, which often provokes the development of multiple sclerosis.
    In particular, it is contained in cigarette smoke, which is why patients are not recommended to smoke. City smog and exhaust fumes can also cause the development of this disease.

    In addition, the vitamin stimulates metabolism, participates in hematopoietic processes and glucose metabolism.

  4. B12 (cyanocobalamin) prevents the development of anemia, symptoms of numbness of the limbs and unsteady gait. There is a lot of B12 in beef liver, red meat, yolk, milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  5. C (ascorbic acid) has a similar effect to pyridoxine - it neutralizes carbon monoxide. There is a lot of vitamin C in rose hips, potatoes, apples, black currants and citrus fruits.

Vitamins D and B12 have the greatest effect in counteracting MS.

Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis

Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis : what is the connection? How does a deficiency of the sun vitamin affect the development and course of Multiple Sclerosis?

The sunshine vitamin is starting to gain popularity. And I can say that he fully deserves it.

In recent years, most scientists and doctors have insisted that you should not sunbathe - you will get skin cancer. People obeyed and slathered on tons of sunscreen or hid from the sun's rays.

Nowadays, most people have a lack of Vitamin D, and skin cancer, just as it was on the rise, has remained exactly where it was.

Recently, promising research has emerged suggesting that the sunshine vitamin plays a more important role in our bodies than previously thought.

This is a normal hormonal function and the prevention of the development of malignant tumors and, as it turned out, not the last role in the development and course of autoimmune diseases. One of which is Multiple Sclerosis.

I didn’t pay attention to this disease until, as they say, the roast rooster pecked somewhere.

A very close friend of mine was diagnosed with this disease a couple of months ago. It was a shock for everyone: for family, for friends and even for acquaintances.

The doctors didn’t really explain anything to her, but simply put her on hormonal drugs. The way they treated her is, of course, a story for another post, but every time after communicating with them she called me in tears and said that life was over, she would become disabled and they would not live with this for a long time.

I am a curious person, I was sure that there were other methods besides hormones and drugs that suppress the immune system, I dug through a bunch of medical literature.

And I found the answers. And I found people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, but skillfully controlling it with the help of nutrition, vitamins and relaxation.

My friend fully follows a special regimen developed by an American doctor who himself suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and lifted himself out of a wheelchair. I recommended this regimen to her. There's nothing to lose here. Whether it works or not, time and MRI will tell.

By the way, I am asking my friend to join my blog, where she will have her own column dedicated to the natural approach to fighting MS, I think many people could highlight something new and educational for themselves.

She is currently going through a difficult period of awareness of her illness, but said that over time she will definitely share with us.

Dear, I know that you read my blog and follow all my advice and instructions. I love you very much and wish you health and strength! I'm proud of you

Imagine, she not only quit smoking, drinking alcohol, her favorite coffee, but also all grains, legumes and sugar. It's worth a lot! So, I really hope that she will find the strength and desire to help other people who also find themselves in a hopeless situation and don’t know where to go.

This post will talk about how Vitamin D deficiency can provoke Multiple Sclerosis and how normal levels of the sunshine vitamin can be another additional effective weapon in the fight against this disease.

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, autoimmune inflammatory disease with lesions in the brain and spinal cord. The first signs or so-called attacks most often occur at a young age and in the female half of humanity.

In Multiple Sclerosis, our immune system (T cells) begins to attack and destroy our own nerve cells, mistaking them for pathogens.

Myelin, the protective sheath of nerve fibers, comes under attack. After the first attacks, myelin is still able to restore itself, but after subsequent attacks, scars or so-called sclerosis form in its place.

At this time, this disease is considered incurable, as are all autoimmune diseases.

Basically, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs (prednisone) and toxic interferon.

Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis: what is the connection?

Scientists have long found out that the further a person lives from the equator, the more his risk of developing Multiple Sclerosis increases.

The Scandinavian countries, America, Canada and Russia have the largest number of people suffering from this disease. While, for example, in the countries of the African continent or India, MS is almost never encountered.

Also, after numerous laboratory studies, it was revealed that all people with Multiple Sclerosis have a deficiency of Vitamin D. Deficiency of which is already associated with the occurrence of cancer and other chronic diseases.

As we know, Vitamin D is a fat-soluble prohormone vitamin that is synthesized from 7-Dehydroxycholesterol under the influence of UVB rays from the sun in our skin.

Vitamin D plays an important role not only in bone formation and mineral homeostasis, but also in simulating the immune system.

Also, the sunshine vitamin affects the development and function of the central nervous system (CNS). This vitamin has the ability to suppress inflammation in the central nervous system by affecting special cells with antigens.

It affects the growth and differentiation of immunomodulatory cells, which has a positive effect on the course of autoimmune diseases.

In laboratory studies on rats in which experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (a form of Multiple Sclerosis in animals) was induced, Vitamin D3 was used as drug therapy.

In most rats, the development of the disease stopped. Those rats that were given Vitamin D for prophylactic purposes did not develop autoimmune encephalomyelitis.

Sunshine vitamin therapy has also been shown to protect myelin from damage, which has a positive effect on the course of Multiple Sclerosis.

After all this, scientists began to talk about the fact that normal, healthy levels of Vitamin D in the blood can not only prevent the development of Multiple Sclerosis, but also reduce the number and severity of symptoms and attacks.

Where can I get Vitamin D?

The simplest and most effective option is to be in the sun from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for at least 15 minutes a day, without sun protection.

You will not burn, but will only give your skin the opportunity to produce Vitamin D naturally.

Unfortunately, most of us do not live close to the equator and do not see the sun most of the time. For example, in central Russia, it is possible to get a sufficient dose of Vitamin D only in the summer months; in the remaining months, the sun does not rise high enough, which prevents UVB rays from reaching the Earth and our skin.

Vitamin D accumulates in our body, but even if you spent the whole summer outside, this supply will not be enough for you all winter. It is also very difficult to get enough of the sunshine vitamin from food.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that everyone take Vitamin D3 (D2 is absorbed very poorly) during the non-summer period or even in the summer, if you are not in the sun. This applies not only to people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis or any other autoimmune disease, but also to healthy people.

For better absorption, I always take Vitamin D3 + K2 with food containing fat (usually my smoothie with added coconut oil), 1 capsule per day at a dosage of 5000 IU.

Yes, I know that the daily dosage of Vitamin D should be 600 IU, but as practice shows, this amount is not enough, especially for people with a deficiency of this vitamin. Vitamin D toxicity is very rare and requires consistent intake of approximately 25,000 IU per day.

Vitamin D for the prevention and treatment of Multiple Sclerosis is certainly not a panacea and not the only possible remedy. But it works and it has already been proven. As I already said, healthy people will not suffer in any way from normalizing the level of Vitamin D in the blood, but will only improve their health.

To improve the course of Multiple Sclerosis, it is also necessary to follow a special autoimmune nutrition protocol and take vitamins and minerals necessary for the rapid regeneration of myelin of nerve cells and, which is very important, to be able to relax.

Did you know that Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis go “hand in hand”? * Important: Dear readers! All links to the iherb website contain my personal referral code. This means that if you follow this link and order from the iherb website or enter HPM730 when ordering in a special field (referral code), you receive a 5% discount on your entire order, I receive a small commission for this (this has absolutely no effect on the price of your order). (Visited 8 120 times, 1 visits today)


Calciferol, aka D3

This is one of the most important vitamins for MS patients . Scientists associate the number of cases of MS with the level of vitamin D. Calciferol deficiency most often leads to the development of the disease. It is produced by the human body when exposed to the sun with exposed limbs.

The number of patients with multiple sclerosis increases with distance from the equator (above the 37th parallel there are areas of stable ultraviolet deficiency). In countries where there is a lot of sun, this disease is extremely rare.

Vitamin D has two types:

  • D2, ergocalciferol, which enters the body with food (chanterelles, egg yolk, liver, yeast);
  • D3, cholecalciferol, which is synthesized by the epidermis.

It is the conversion of vitamin D into calcitriol that ensures phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body and, consequently, the conduction of nerve impulses.

For a healthy person, 600-1000 IU of vitamin D per day is sufficient, but for multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to take 2000-7000 IU per day.

It is useful to sunbathe every day for half an hour or at least 15 minutes: this will ensure the production of about 3000 IU of the vitamin . Tanning until the skin is slightly reddened will saturate the body with 20,000 IU. In this case, you should not use sunscreen.

Taking magnesium, calcium and vitamin D daily for one to two years, in the following proportions, helps:

  • 15 mg Mg per kg of body weight;
  • 20 mg Ca per kg body weight;
  • cod liver oil (5000 IU vitamin D) daily.

You can also take a mixture of 1 teaspoon of dolomite flour and cod oil three times a day.

A solarium is not always suitable for replenishing calciferol reserves. To produce vitamin D, a UV spectrum similar to that of the sun is required: 280-320 nm. Not all lamps have these parameters.

Possible side effects of vitamin D:

  • constipation;
  • allergy;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • headache.

Vitamin D contraindications:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • hyperphosphatemia;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • heart disease;
  • stomach and gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis.

How does cholecalciferol affect the development of MS?

The concentration of ergocalciferol affects not only the development of the child, but also the progression of multiple sclerosis. Several trials have shown that the higher the cholecalciferol level, the less often MS relapses occur. With 10 ng/ml 25-OH-vitamin D in serum, the relapse rate was reduced by 30%.

Cholecalciferol levels can predict the occurrence and severity of new lesions on MRI. Cholecalciferol content is inversely proportional to the degree of damage due to MS.

Vitamin D may reduce symptoms in MS

B12 and its dosage

Vitamin B12 deserves special mention. It is itself a component of myelin, and its deficiency causes symptoms similar to those of MS.

The best way to take B12 is considered intravenous , since more than 95% of the substance is absorbed, while when taken orally, the bioavailability of the drug is slightly more than 70%.

It should be taken 1000 mcg daily for the first week, then weekly for 6 weeks, and then monthly for six months. If you improve, you can continue to inject once every three months.

Excess vitamin B12 can cause the following side effects:

  • thrombosis;
  • allergies;
  • hives;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • heart failure.

Taking B12 is dangerous if:

  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • lactation;
  • angina pectoris;
  • varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • oncological diseases;
  • taking corticosteroid hormones;
  • treatment for tuberculosis.

What you need to know about lifestyle with multiple sclerosis:

  • what diet should be followed and why, what exercises the patient needs;
  • do they take you into the army with this diagnosis, do they give you disability;
  • what needs to be done to prevent exacerbations of the disease;
  • what is the treatment method for MS with a bone marrow transplant;
  • Are folk remedies applicable in the treatment of the disease?

Popular vitamin products

Modern pharmacology offers many effective vitamin preparations to counteract the development of this disease and reduce symptoms. The following are among the best:

  1. Trigamma is an injectable complex of B vitamins and lidocaine for local anesthesia, since the administration of B12 is often accompanied by pain. There are 5 or 10 pcs of 2 ml in a package.
  2. Vitagamma is a drug that includes B vitamins and lidocaine. Packaged in ampoules of 2 ml. Not recommended for children, pregnant women, severe bleeding or shock.
  3. Fish oil in capsules is a well-known preparation made from cod liver, which has long been available in gelatin capsules for ease of administration. This is vitamin D in its purest form. It can be taken by both adults and children. It is especially recommended for residents of areas where there is infrequently fish on the table and few sunny days a year. However, people with seafood allergies should not take it.
  4. D3 Devisol - vitamin D, dissolved in coconut oil, has no contraindications, including for age. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, fights constipation, decreased muscle tone, and skin itching. Release form: gelatin capsules. This drug is the best solution for intolerance to other vitamins and foods containing vitamin D.
  5. Aquadetrim is a water-based vitamin D preparation in drops, safe for use in children. For residents of the northern regions, deprived of sun for a long time, it is indispensable.
  6. Duovit is a multivitamin complex consisting of two tablets. The formula of red dragee includes vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B3, D3 and is developed taking into account their chemical interaction with each other and their effect on the body. Blue jelly contains the minerals calcium, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, sodium and manganese.

You cannot choose vitamin preparations for yourself.
You can get the opposite effect without knowing the intricacies of your diagnosis and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Only the attending physician can recommend them! Sometimes serious illnesses can be, if not defeated, then at least tamed with the help of simple means. No matter how dangerous multiple sclerosis can be, it can be resisted.

However, vitamins are only part of a healthy MS lifestyle . Giving up unhealthy habits, unhealthy foods, moderate physical activity, and avoiding stress will increase the duration of remission.

Vitamins, acids, ASD-2 fraction, peptides in the treatment of multiple sclerosis:

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